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12-31-99, 20:00
Thread Starter

Creepy Creeper
03-15-15, 20:17
Recent post from "Haley" on FB: "I don't really like guys I'm GAY!! Men made me this way and it almost feels like each and every day I grow more and more hate and discuss for yall. Just wanted to get that off my chest before I went to sleep. ".

She should add that to her BP ad.Actually, I think this can serve as a perfectly good reminder that the women we are meeting up with are perfectly human. They have real lives, regrets, fears, hopes, just like each of you and I. Be kind to them, they deserve it. I'm not trying to guilt-trip anyone; I'm a firm believer that the agreements guys like us make with other consenting adults are perfectly ethical. That being said, I think we all burden the responsibility of being particularly kind to them. None of these ladies have come to where they are because life has been easy to them. Compassion should be your default mode of operation.

Member #4947
03-16-15, 07:52
Actually, I think this can serve as a perfectly good reminder that the women we are meeting up with are perfectly human. They have real lives, regrets, fears, hopes, just like each of you and I. Be kind to them, they deserve it. I'm not trying to guilt-trip anyone; I'm a firm believer that the agreements guys like us make with other consenting adults are perfectly ethical. That being said, I think we all burden the responsibility of being particularly kind to them. None of these ladies have come to where they are because life has been easy to them. Compassion should be your default mode of operation.Well said. I totally agree!

03-16-15, 19:28
Actually, I think this can serve as a perfectly good reminder that the women we are meeting up with are perfectly human. They have real lives, regrets, fears, hopes, just like each of you and I. Be kind to them, they deserve it. I'm not trying to guilt-trip anyone; I'm a firm believer that the agreements guys like us make with other consenting adults are perfectly ethical. That being said, I think we all burden the responsibility of being particularly kind to them. None of these ladies have come to where they are because life has been easy to them. Compassion should be your default mode of operation.I have a book store I like to take the girls too. It has mostly gays there but its fun to do some playing in front of them. But its a good hr drive to get there. You would be surprised of the things you find out about the girls and their life. Stop get them a bite to eat talk to them listen to what they have to say you become like a old friend. For me getting the story is half the fun. (everyone has a story) In turn the treat you much better. But it can be heart sickening one girl ate like she hadn't had a good meal in yrs. Just remember they have their problems and habits just like we have problems and (HABITS).

03-17-15, 01:57
Actually, I think this can serve as a perfectly good reminder that the women we are meeting up with are perfectly human. They have real lives, regrets, fears, hopes, just like each of you and I. Be kind to them, they deserve it. I'm not trying to guilt-trip anyone; I'm a firm believer that the agreements guys like us make with other consenting adults are perfectly ethical. That being said, I think we all burden the responsibility of being particularly kind to them. None of these ladies have come to where they are because life has been easy to them. Compassion should be your default mode of operation.Respect should be your default mode. Everything else you said I think is fine, but compassion is not an emotion to be just applied to someone you don't know. And you don't know them just because you got a screw or BJ from them. Respect is the only thing anyone deserves off the bat. Unless of course they start out saying I hate you guys more and more each day. No compassion there it looks like, but I'm supposed to feel compassion for her? F that.

Creepy Creeper
03-17-15, 03:35
compassion is not an emotion to be just applied to someone you don't know.Oh yes it most definitely is. I'm sorry you haven't figured this out yet.

Member #5008
03-17-15, 07:04
Recent post from "Haley" on FB: "I don't really like guys I'm GAY!! Men made me this way and it almost feels like each and every day I grow more and more hate and discuss for yall. Just wanted to get that off my chest before I went to sleep. ".

She should add that to her BP ad.Who cares. Time to move on.

03-17-15, 09:56
Respect should be your default mode. Everything else you said I think is fine, but compassion is not an emotion to be just applied to someone you don't know. And you don't know them just because you got a screw or BJ from them. Respect is the only thing anyone deserves off the bat. Unless of course they start out saying I hate you guys more and more each day. No compassion there it looks like, but I'm supposed to feel compassion for her? F that.Guys just be careful with people like that bad things can happen. She ca take her anger out on us.

03-17-15, 10:22
Oh yes it most definitely is. I'm sorry you haven't figured this out yet.And you will too one day. Keep giving that compassion to someone who's set on you as their ATM and making withdrawals by lying, cheating, stealing, and doesn't give 2 cents about you. You going to tell me that person ain't out there? Good luck.

03-17-15, 12:20
...should indeed be the default with someone you don't know. That doesn't mean it should continue once shown that it's misplaced. The former doesn't preclude the latter or vice versa.

03-17-15, 16:34
...should indeed be the default with someone you don't know. That doesn't mean it should continue once shown that it's misplaced. The former doesn't preclude the latter or vice versa.You guys are scaring me. Throwing around compassion very lightly. When you pick up streetwalkers or see a chick with the monkey on her back, you're only giving them advice and resources to help them get out of their situation, right? Cause that's compassion. When you popping girls you just met bareback then claiming how scared YOU are that you might have caught something dangerous but not if THEY might have caught something dangerous, tell me where was your compassion then? Just because you don't call a SW a disrespectful name doesn't mean your compassionate. But as was once said, we're her to exchange info about working girls, so I'll shut up.

03-17-15, 16:43
Was coming back from a trip south and saw an ad Wendy posted. She'd also posted the link to her Facebook page. The pictures on the FB page are either very old or she's really on serious drugs. She's easily aged a good 10 years since any of those pics were taken.

Still, since I was already there and had the cash and the obligatory hard-on, I figured I'd stay. Besides, the lighting was bad and I could pretend she didn't look so haggard. Ha.

The BBBJ was very good. I do enjoy a good BBBJ. Bareback was available, but fortunately I was packing and strapped up. She was neither particularly tight or loose, but I'd say she worked out pretty well. The sex was satisfactory, nothing more. I won't be going back because there are better options out there. I'd become spoiled by gals like Skyy and Liz and a couple of other high quality / low cost providers and knew I could do better. I have Wendy's info if anyone's interested.

03-17-15, 18:51
I couldn't agree more. Most of these chicks are feeding habits and playing on the fact that we're all a bunch of horn dogs. I've done my time being compassionate. I've done my time being empathetic. I've gone my time being supportive. I treat everyone with respect and I'm friendly to anyone I am with. If I was being compassionate I would simply give them the money and maybe take them to dinner and wish them a happy evening. That's what all of us would do. The fact of the matter is if they stop fucking we stop spending.

Most all of them would take the money without giving anything in return every time. They all know that they'd run out of customers long before they ran out of the habit. I haven't met a single woman out here who doesn't have some sort of a habit she is trying to feed.

Most of them have at least one kid because they were stupid at some point and got knocked up. It is so refreshing when you meet an honest girl out here that will freely admit she's seeing other guys. Most of them blow smoke up your ass and act like you are special. Let me assure you you are not special. If you were not sporting the cash you would not be getting the gash. So I think the bottom line is f* the ones that are interesting to you in some way. Clean up well and go the hell home. Save getting to know someone w* someone who is worth it.

Creepy Creeper
03-17-15, 20:42
You guys are scaring me. Throwing around compassion very lightly. When you pick up streetwalkers or see a chick with the monkey on her back, you're only giving them advice and resources to help them get out of their situation, right? Cause that's compassion. When you popping girls you just met bareback then claiming how scared YOU are that you might have caught something dangerous but not if THEY might have caught something dangerous, tell me where was your compassion then? Just because you don't call a SW a disrespectful name doesn't mean your compassionate. But as was once said, we're her to exchange info about working girls, so I'll shut up.You make some good points, but it feels like all you want to do is argue semantics. Call it compassion, call it being nice, whatever, just don't be a fucking jerk.

I never claimed to be Mother Teresa, and I reiterate that I find the agreements I make with these women to be perfectly ethical. If you don't agree, then what are you doing here? Feels like you want to give me a guilt trip, just because I dared utter the word "compassion". Might you be projecting your own feelings of guilt?

Look, I can't make the ENTIRE WORLD a better place. But I can at least not make any parts of it a worse place. Keep your judgement to yourself, all I really said is that we should be kind to these women, and if you object to that, then I just got nothing else to say to you.

03-17-15, 22:44
You make some good points, but it feels like all you want to do is argue semantics. Call it compassion, call it being nice, whatever, just don't be a fucking jerk.

I never claimed to be Mother Teresa, and I reiterate that I find the agreements I make with these women to be perfectly ethical. If you don't agree, then what are you doing here? Feels like you want to give me a guilt trip, just because I dared utter the word "compassion". Might you be projecting your own feelings of guilt?

Look, I can't make the ENTIRE WORLD a better place. But I can at least not make any parts of it a worse place. Keep your judgement to yourself, all I really said is that we should be kind to these women, and if you object to that, then I just got nothing else to say to you.Dude don't backtrack and say now because you don't understand the words coming out of your own mouth. You didn't say kindness. I specifically explained you were using the word compassion loosely. Never claimed you were mother teresa, never claimed I or anyone here was, so how you are trying to turn this around that I'm feeling guilty is beyond me.

03-18-15, 18:24
I had a long reply composed, but fuck it. Haters going to hate, small hearts going to always be small.

Creepy Creeper
03-18-15, 21:42
Dude don't backtrack and say now because you don't understand the words coming out of your own mouth. You didn't say kindness. I specifically explained you were using the word compassion loosely. Never claimed you were mother teresa, never claimed I or anyone here was, so how you are trying to turn this around that I'm feeling guilty is beyond me.So, not only are you a douche who likes to correct people on semantics, but you're uneducated. I know the damn definition of "compassion", perhaps you don't -- https://www.google.com/search?q=Compassion&rlz=1C1CHMO_enUS560US560&oq=compa&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0l4.2385j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8.

We were talking about a girl who posted on her Facebook page that she hate's men. Dudes on here started hating on her. I suggested that maybe we should show a little compassion, and yes, I was using that word correctly. I think it's highly likely that the reason she is in this line of work, AND the reason why she hates men probably stem from some very traumatic experience in her past. I obviously don't know that; some might say I'm playing arm-chair psychologist, I'd say I'm just showing compassion.

03-18-15, 21:52
So, not only are you a douche who likes to correct people on semantics, but you're uneducated. I know the damn definition of "compassion", perhaps you don't -- https://www.google.com/search?q=Compassion&rlz=1C1CHMO_enUS560US560&oq=compa&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0l4.2385j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8.

We were talking about a girl who posted on her Facebook page that she hate's men. Dudes on here started hating on her. I suggested that maybe we should show a little compassion, and yes, I was using that word correctly. I think it's highly likely that the reason she is in this line of work, AND the reason why she hates men probably stem from some very traumatic experience in her past. I obviously don't know that; some might say I'm playing arm-chair psychologist, I'd say I'm just showing compassion.Admin is going to be jumping in here and put you both on probation LOL that's what happen to me for less.

03-18-15, 22:58
So, not only are you a douche who likes to correct people on semantics, but you're uneducated. I know the damn definition of "compassion", perhaps you don't -- https://www.google.com/search?q=Compassion&rlz=1C1CHMO_enUS560US560&oq=compa&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0l4.2385j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8.

We were talking about a girl who posted on her Facebook page that she hate's men. Dudes on here started hating on her. I suggested that maybe we should show a little compassion, and yes, I was using that word correctly. I think it's highly likely that the reason she is in this line of work, AND the reason why she hates men probably stem from some very traumatic experience in her past. I obviously don't know that; some might say I'm playing arm-chair psychologist, I'd say I'm just showing compassion.Look, I'm all about being compassionate and I've got the occasional charity case I help out but this chick has serious issues. If she's that invested on hating men then maybe you should set her up with Dr. Phil.

03-19-15, 01:40
So, not only are you a douche who likes to correct people on semantics, but you're uneducated. I know the damn definition of "compassion", perhaps you don't -- https://www.google.com/search?q=Compassion&rlz=1C1CHMO_enUS560US560&oq=compa&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0l4.2385j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8.

We were talking about a girl who posted on her Facebook page that she hate's men. Dudes on here started hating on her. I suggested that maybe we should show a little compassion, and yes, I was using that word correctly. I think it's highly likely that the reason she is in this line of work, AND the reason why she hates men probably stem from some very traumatic experience in her past. I obviously don't know that; some might say I'm playing arm-chair psychologist, I'd say I'm just showing compassion.Unbelievable. No, you are not showing compassion. You've got sympathy, maybe understanding. But not a damn bit of compassion because you haven't done a damn thing to help her. To the link you posted, this was in the definition. "Compassion is really the act of going out of your way to help physical, spiritual, or emotional hurts or pains of another. " Compassion is a strong ass thing and I tried, obviously futilely, to debate that it shouldn't be the default emotion when you don't know these girls yet. And I would have respected your difference of opinion. But that went out the window when you decided you were so much smarter and sorry I hadn't figured it out yet. You go that route and I just have to throw your words right back at you.

You're so compassionate but you'll say how some of the bitches are just dumb. Where's the default compassion? You're compassionate but yet you raw dog a girl and then worry if you might die of AIDS. There you have it. Mr Compassion 2015.

03-19-15, 06:44
What would be compassionate is if you all would start your own thread and get the fuck off the Backpage thread.

Member #5008
03-19-15, 07:11
What would be compassionate is if you all would start your own thread and get the fuck off the Backpage thread.Lets get back on track here!

03-19-15, 10:16
What would be compassionate is if you all would start your own thread and get the fuck off the Backpage thread.You asked, we listened, and here it is.


03-19-15, 10:41
You asked, we listened, and here it is.

A2Thanks A2! Since you liked my suggestion, may I have a 2nd star? LOL!

Only Guys that have contributed to the South American Hookers at Risk Relief Fund get a second star.

It's a great cause, we offer vocational training to young ladies just starting in the business. Your donations pay for the stipends they earn while attending classes.

Make your checks payable to SAHaRRF


03-19-15, 18:20
Thanks A2! Since you liked my suggestion, may I have a 2nd star? LOL!Fuck, is that all you need to do to get your own thread? LOL.

Still Looking
03-20-15, 13:48
I just read the entire thread. Someone please give me some acid to pour in my eyes. LOL.

Creepy Creeper
03-22-15, 23:14
Haha, some of why'all are some heartless motherfuckers. Go fuck yourselves. Literally, tear off your tiny little dicks and shove them up your own asses.

04-05-15, 17:36
I've been checking out this site http://www.eroticmonkey.com/#erotic Costs nothing but the info for the Richmond area or anything south of DC, for that matter, is non.

Existent. Well, except for a post in NNews and our friend Lynn, who seems to be everywhere. How do we turn this in to an asset?

04-05-15, 22:14
I've been checking out this site http://www.eroticmonkey.com/#erotic Costs nothing but the info for the Richmond area or anything south of DC, for that matter, is non.

Existent. Well, except for a post in NNews and our friend Lynn, who seems to be everywhere. How do we turn this in to an asset?Rebecca / mischief well worth the trip. She is near 64 and 264 at the beach.

04-07-15, 01:44
Rebecca / mischief well worth the trip. She is near 64 and 264 at the beach.Literally. I had to watch each step I made the place was a mess. Luckily I'm not screwing the mess so I agree she's worth the price.

09-18-15, 17:25
I work I got to a life, I don't get on here every day of my life, now I just got cussed out, because I wasnt on yesterday to give a guy Cherry number, she ask me not to give it out, must be a sad life you live. You know who you are. I'm usally nice guy give out info. To people I know or trust. So becareful who you give out info to. Hve a nice day mongers.

Hound I81
09-23-15, 15:24
Hope this is the correct thread for this dilemma:

Been with gf for a few years now, about a year ago she moved into my house. Three months ago, found out that she was a utr escort for the previous 6 months. She said she was only with a couple of guys but none of her stories added up. Don't know why, but gave her another chance. Now she comes home with new things and no receipts, disappears for blocks of time during the day, takes trips she can't afford, spends more then she makes and now went away overnight but has nothing to prove she was where she says she was. I think she is still seeing some "johns". Am I over reacting?

If she is, I guess it's what I get for playing?


09-23-15, 17:27
Hope this is the correct thread for this dilemma:

Been with gf for a few years now, about a year ago she moved into my house. Three months ago, found out that she was a utr escort for the previous 6 months. She said she was only with a couple of guys but none of her stories added up. Don't know why, but gave her another chance. Now she comes home with new things and no receipts, disappears for blocks of time during the day, takes trips she can't afford, spends more then she makes and now went away overnight but has nothing to prove she was where she says she was. I think she is still seeing some "johns". Am I over reacting?

If she is, I guess it's what I get for playing?

Hound.You are not over reacting. You either accept it and do your own playing, or kick her whoring ass out.

Hound I81
09-23-15, 17:46
That is the question.

You are not over reacting. You either accept it and do your own playing, or kick her whoring ass out.

Cephlapod Love
09-24-15, 08:37
If she is, I guess it's what I get for playing?

Hound.Yes, it is. Don't be one of those double standard guys. One who thinks it is OK to play on the side then gets all upset if the SO does the same thing.

Give yer head a shake! Yer getting, for free, what must be some very good P*ssy that other mongers are paying for! Good for you!

But if the relationship is to last, you will need open and honest communications between the two of you. Sit down and have a non-accusatory conversation with her and share your feelings.

Oh, and since she has money, she should be paying HALF of the expenses: rent, electric, water, cable, food, etc. Maybe even buying you a few toys along the way too!

Good luck!

Hound I81
09-24-15, 08:48
Thanks for the messages and posts. Everyone has been in agreement that she's an escort. She was not able to produce one thing from her overnight trip that showed where she was. After the last time, I told her if she stepped out again it would be over. Now I just need to man up, or except the fact that I'm dating an escort.

Now, back to mongering.

09-24-15, 11:31
Yes, it is. Don't be one of those double standard guys. One who thinks it is OK to play on the side then gets all upset if the SO does the same thing.

Give yer head a shake! Yer getting, for free, what must be some very good P*ssy that other mongers are paying for! Good for you!

But if the relationship is to last, you will need open and honest communications between the two of you. Sit down and have a non-accusatory conversation with her and share your feelings.

Oh, and since she has money, she should be paying HALF of the expenses: rent, electric, water, cable, food, etc. Maybe even buying you a few toys along the way too!

Good luck!Be careful about this girl in your house. Who knows what guys she is Mongering with. You don't want people coming around your space.

CL gives good advice, but I believe strongly in the double standard and would not tolerate my homie stepping out. It just is what it is.

09-24-15, 12:00
Thanks for the messages and posts. Everyone has been in agreement that she's an escort. She was not able to produce one thing from her overnight trip that showed where she was. After the last time, I told her if she stepped out again it would be over. Now I just need to man up, or except the fact that I'm dating an escort.

Now, back to mongering.You don't have to tell, but if you are not banging her, she is not using you. You are letting her use you. But if you are banging her, I for one would like to know how you manage that. !


Hound I81
09-24-15, 16:49
Yes we are banging- have been not often enough though- she always has an excuse. In hindsight, that is probably a good thing. Didn't even consider that she would have someone in my house. That is messed up. Her kids stay here every other week. Once a liar always a liar. I just need to tell her to pack her shit.


You don't have to tell, but if you are not banging her, she is not using you. You are letting her use you. But if you are banging her, I for one would like to know how you manage that. !


Hound I81
09-25-15, 08:59
Her lies are so good I almost believe them.

I know everyone is in agreement that there's enough circumstantial evidence to "convict" her of being an escort, but I needed to find more proof. I went back to her vacation and then her overnight date and added up all the cash that she must of spent. Looked at her bank account and there were not enough cash withdrawals to cover over the thousand plus dollars she must of spent. She has to be working on the side for cash.

When I caught her a few months ago doing this I knew a few people in town knew about it and had to be laughing at me behind my back. I live in a small town and rumors and gossip like this spread through like wildfire. When I'm out now I notice a second glance and then whispers Makes me think that this news is already running through the town. All it takes is one person to say something that says something. I would really hate to be known as the guy who's live in GF is also the towns escort.

Hopefully some of these warning signs will help someone else.


09-25-15, 12:12
Her lies are so good I almost believe them.

I know everyone is in agreement that there's enough circumstantial evidence to "convict" her of being an escort, but I needed to find more proof. I went back to her vacation and then her overnight date and added up all the cash that she must of spent. Looked at her bank account and there were not enough cash withdrawals to cover over the thousand plus dollars she must of spent. She has to be working on the side for cash.

When I caught her a few months ago doing this I knew a few people in town knew about it and had to be laughing at me behind my back. I live in a small town and rumors and gossip like this spread through like wildfire. When I'm out now I notice a second glance and then whispers Makes me think that this news is already running through the town. All it takes is one person to say something that says something. I would really hate to be known as the guy who's live in GF is also the towns escort.

Hopefully some of these warning signs will help someone else.

Hound.This is what SOs do to catch us. Why don't you search the escort / CL / BP ads and see if you can find her. Get a friend to approach her and set up a sting. Unless she is seeing a friend from work who is giving her $ . Do you want to spend $ on a PI to follow her? Since the trust is gone anyway cut her loose.

Hound I81
09-25-15, 19:58
She found her JOHN's via SA. That is where she was listed. No point in hiring a PI- I know what she is.

I know someone in town will be / has been talking.

This is what SOs do to catch us. Why don't you search the escort / CL / BP ads and see if you can find her. Get a friend to approach her and set up a sting. Unless she is seeing a friend from work who is giving her $ . Do you want to spend $ on a PI to follow her? Since the trust is gone anyway cut her loose.

Hound I81
09-27-15, 19:01
Have been thinking all this through. I have no plans and never had plans to marry her. She obviously is someone you wouldn't marry knowing her history. My family hasn't ever respected her either- not that I have told them this info. She cooks, cleans my house, and pays half the bills and half my mortgage. For now, I will leave it as is. When people in town start talking I can pretend I didn't know and dump her or once I find something else dump her. With this new info I have I can just threaten to release her secret and make her do what I want. Maybe I will start having her pay my entire mortgage too.

Now all I need to do is block her from my mind during her off / no kid week. This week coming up will be her "working girl" week. Maybe I can do it? This relationship is only temporary now anyways.


Hound I81
10-01-15, 08:52
[Deleted by Admin]

I told you to give this shit a rest.

If you start this up again I'll ban you again, and again, and again.

Take it somewhere else.


10-02-15, 08:40
Stupid question I know-but do many of my fellow mongers carry Smith & Wesson security along when on the prowl? I started years ago when I was working in a shitty part of town (Whitcomb Court) would rather have it & not need it.

11-03-15, 12:03
Tis better to have it if needed than to need it and not have it. Does that answer your question?

Cephlapod Love
02-27-16, 00:18
Buy Apple at $12 a share.

What woman isn't suspicious?

A friend can clue in any SO about anything in Monger world. This site, SA, escort sites.

Breaking Bad ruined burner phones for so many people.LOL! Well I guess you didn't like my response nor the one provided by FredMoore. Shoot maybe you don't even like me? LOL!

But I am scratching my head wondering why you bothered asking for advice

Anyone see any flaws?

when it seems like you have all of the answers and all you did was argue with that which was provided?

Did you want advice or just wanted affirmation that your logic was flawless and you are the smartest dude around?

I'm just sayin'

07-04-16, 18:31
Yes, she is good, she is hot. She gave me a BBBJ two days ago, I have not felt any discomfort. Might be because she is new to this and doesn't like the taste of rubber, so she does BBBJ.

It is a NO, No; we all know that. I feel very bad not to tell her the day we met and can not go back to see her this few days to tell her myself. A girl is easier to be infected by HIV than.

Boy in giving BBBJ.

So, please any one who likes to go see her; be sure to tell her do CBJ. She is a such nice girl; I just don't feel like to see her take any risk.

Removing some of the extra text, I thought what he said was pretty clear. "She is the second girl I met who provides BBBBJ. I didn't ask het to use cover for everything when we met. Any one go to see her Please ask her to provide CBJ, not BBBJ".

Hopefully he'll post clarification himself, but it sounds like he's a white knight hung up on her risking offering BBBJ, nothing to do with BBFS. In my visit with her, I was so turned on that I skipped a BJ so I can't comment on that, and I put the condom I'd brought on before CFS without any prompting for her, but she didn't seem like a girl desperate enough to offer BBFS. In my experience girls that desperate won't spring for a nicer hotel like she was in. No hygiene issues or delays in getting her room number after I parked either.I'm asking because I don't want to take action without more opinions. I could not for the life of me imagine a reason I would actually encourage guys to tell a chick to stop doing BBBJ's and here we have two guys doing it.

Are there other guys out there, that didn't register an account in the last three months, saying the same thing?

Seems odd to me


07-05-16, 20:14
undressed and I now see why she does car dates because we can't see everything abd we are looking for Uncle. She tracks on her hands, her arms and feet. She starts with head and I play with her kitty and it started to smell. She then tells me about the bump on her kitty and I went super soft and got grossed out. I went to bathroom to pee and decided not to stay. I said I was sorry but something came up. I gave her half the donation and she was ok with it and left.

When I get home I realize she stole 400 out of my wallet and my plastic. WTF? When I go back to confront her She was gone.
You paid after the fact and when you take your wallet out, you don't notice it's light 400 and all the plastic? You mean she left enough cash there so not only could you pay her half, but not notice that much was missing?

Todays Nooner
07-06-16, 07:32
So is that 180 for hh and 280 for an hour? Just checking, thanks!Wow. . . That's 1 hour with Lexii vs. 4-5 QV's from a Lisa, Dawn, or Shelli. . . Hmmmm.

07-06-16, 10:29
You paid after the fact and when you take your wallet out, you don't notice it's light 400 and all the plastic? You mean she left enough cash there so not only could you pay her half, but not notice that much was missing?She wanted to see the cash and have it out in plain view. So I put the cash on the table that was ment for her. Gave her half. And left. Put the extra cash in my pocket because I was trying to get out of there.

Richmond Photo
07-06-16, 12:38
Wow. . . That's 1 hour with Lexii vs. 4-5 QV's from a Lisa, Dawn, or Shelli. . . Hmmmm.But the old die heart "loving" mongers feel the need to educate her to raise her price and showing their escorting game knowledge. It always happens like this. Girls started out cheap as they look at the BP rate and go with that. Then she had a few calls and all those men said," You are so beautiful, I will pay more that that". I will show you how to make more. Etc etc.

I can name a few members here who do that each and every time. You can actually read it from their writings. Once they have the girls, you can forget the low prices ever again.

07-06-16, 13:39
But the old die heart "loving" mongers feel the need to educate her to raise her price and showing their escorting game knowledge. It always happens like this. Girls started out cheap as they look at the BP rate and go with that. Then she had a few calls and all those men said," You are so beautiful, I will pay more that that". I will show you how to make more. Etc etc.

I can name a few members here who do that each and every time. You can actually read it from their writings. Once they have the girls, you can forget the low prices ever again.I've seen 7-9 girls so far and I agree with your assessment. Too many "white knights" out there. The first two or three girls kept telling me there are guys who try to date them or get them out of the game, offering all this money or acting like they are some big shot. Who trying to date these girls?? Some are really nice but we met under certain circumstances. Not sure why guys try and do too much. I guess those are the guys who are struggling to pull kitty in general. I do it for the no strings thing.

07-06-16, 15:45
But the old die heart "loving" mongers feel the need to educate her to raise her price and showing their escorting game knowledge. It always happens like this. Girls started out cheap as they look at the BP rate and go with that. Then she had a few calls and all those men said," You are so beautiful, I will pay more that that". I will show you how to make more. Etc etc.

I can name a few members here who do that each and every time. You can actually read it from their writings. Once they have the girls, you can forget the low prices ever again.They must think they are going to get a 'special discount' from the gal or something. We all know its a game, but jeez, don't make it harder on other guys to play too.

Member #5074
07-30-16, 07:29
I think what she was meant to convey was that her Goal Is 5 large ones. I don't know if she is just that new to this or not. She did say she was hoping to get the 500 from one guy buy it seems she realized later in the day that wasn't going to happen. I offered her much less than 5 and she agreed, but I wasn't able to meet her because she has been slow responding to my texts. I'm still waiting to see if wants to meet or not. I kinna figured maybe she fell asleep or someone else beat me to the punch and maybe she got the whole 5 bens that she needs.

I'm a sucker for huge natural tits so I'm still interested, so I'm waiting to see what happens.She told me she needed 1100 for rent in 15 days. She was on her cycle so couldn't do pussy but everything else was available at a reduced rate. If you like that type of body I think she's the real deal. She is new at this also.

07-30-16, 10:46
She is indeed a sexy MILF. She asked me not to share details, but here are a couple general things that potential clients should know. She is attractive, very tall, about 5'9" and thick, very statuesque, Amazonian. She can host in a very safe, very easy to reach location (though a bit remote, if you're north of the James). She seems to LOVE to play (attitude = 10+) and I most definitely will repeat. No need to PM me for details; that's all I'm willing to say.Saw her this week and I agree with everything that was said. Great experience and will definitely be going back.

07-30-16, 10:52
Want to know why these girls will always have the upperhand? Because mongers fall in love. Its that simple. Fall in love and overpay and runs it up for everyone else. Falls in love and scares the girl away. Its a business first and foremost. I saw someone last night and she doesn't want to be reviewed but she said some monger got really upset she wouldn't quit working and he wanted her to be all his. What makes it worst is he identified as himself to her as a SM on here. I was shocked. I'm not saying we can't be friendly, I know I'm somewhat friends with the girls I see. They text asking about my day and etc. But at the end of the day, they aren't doing all that if they didn't need money. I know that LOL. Bottom line, they don't love us. And I damn sure don't love these hoes LOL.

Rant over.

As always, be safe.

Richmond Photo
07-30-16, 12:56
Want to know why these girls will always have the upperhand? Because mongers fall in love. Its that simple. Fall in love and overpay and runs it up for everyone else. Falls in love and scares the girl away. Its a business first and foremost. I saw someone last night and she doesn't want to be reviewed but she said some monger got really upset she wouldn't quit working and he wanted her to be all his. What makes it worst is he identified as himself to her as a SM on here. I was shocked. I'm not saying we can't be friendly, I know I'm somewhat friends with the girls I see. They text asking about my day and etc. But at the end of the day, they aren't doing all that if they didn't need money. I know that LOL. Bottom line, they don't love us. And I damn sure don't love these hoes LOL.

Rant over.

As always, be safe.And that's the different between a pimp and monger. A Pimp makes the girl love him, but a monger falls in love with the girl. The girl tries to please the pimp while the girl tries to rob the johns to feed the pimp. These girl do

So, do you want to be a sheep who someone look at you as a sucker or victim or a wolf that the girl falls in love with? That's why most of those new girls raise their prices after they met several mongers. Because these guys try to please the girls and the cycle goes on and on.

Check out Sarah of Chester is a prime example of cases like this.

07-30-16, 12:57
Want to know why these girls will always have the upperhand? Because mongers fall in love. Its that simple. Fall in love and overpay and runs it up for everyone else. Falls in love and scares the girl away. Its a business first and foremost. I saw someone last night and she doesn't want to be reviewed but she said some monger got really upset she wouldn't quit working and he wanted her to be all his. What makes it worst is he identified as himself to her as a SM on here. I was shocked. I'm not saying we can't be friendly, I know I'm somewhat friends with the girls I see. They text asking about my day and etc. But at the end of the day, they aren't doing all that if they didn't need money. I know that LOL. Bottom line, they don't love us. And I damn sure don't love these hoes LOL.

Rant over.

As always, be safe.I understand what you becsayin, I know a girl, that some dude, wanted her to quit, and start working for him, he was going to be hervpimp, make her sell drugs, really harassed the crap out of her, said her bf was a crack head, I mer her bf, and noway waz he a crack head, just didn't like what she was doing, told him to chill, she was the diff between a cool room, or a sweaty night in the car.

So yea, I see where some guys come from.

Seven Iron
07-30-16, 13:11
But I doubt that happened to her honestly. If she did a car date, how did the guy get her out of his car? And why was she stranded at Wawa with her car? Kinda weird circumstances imo.I'm just going to call her haley. Look, I am very remiss to talk about any of this crap, especially since I am going to take her side. I already know there are guys who will accuse me of schilling for the "HO". And these are guys I recently asked for info on other providers. So I already know I will never get any of that info, Oh F. Ing Well. But right is right. I saw Haley shortly after the events that Fixter described. And I have to tell ya, I also believe her. She told me that it was nobody on this board that did her that way, but a person she had met on Craigslist. She told me the guy gave her an envelope with the $$ supposedly inside the envelope. She trusted that the $$ was in there, got out of that guys car, went to hers, and then discovered that she got screwed. Look, I believe this speaks to her character and innocence more than anything else. Hell, she still trusts people. She is still, Maybe not now, unjaded. I know we are all used to dealing with pro's who have been out on the streets for awhile, and it would be natural for us to put every provider is that box. But in her case, and I might be wrong here, I believe she is still just that inexperienced. All of this is just my humble F. Ing opinion of course.

07-30-16, 13:16
Want to know why these girls will always have the upperhand? Because mongers fall in love. Its that simple. Fall in love and overpay and runs it up for everyone else. Falls in love and scares the girl away. Its a business first and foremost. I saw someone last night and she doesn't want to be reviewed but she said some monger got really upset she wouldn't quit working and he wanted her to be all his. What makes it worst is he identified as himself to her as a SM on here. I was shocked. I'm not saying we can't be friendly, I know I'm somewhat friends with the girls I see. They text asking about my day and etc. But at the end of the day, they aren't doing all that if they didn't need money. I know that LOL. Bottom line, they don't love us. And I damn sure don't love these hoes LOL.

Rant over.

As always, be safe.Right on all your observations. I know, cause I fell once and learned a costly lesson. Had a ten year relationship with the girl, so I was fool enough to think things were different with us. Was not the case. Live and learn.

07-30-16, 13:56
I'm just going to call her haley. Look, I am very remiss to talk about any of this crap, especially since I am going to take her side. I already know there are guys who will accuse me of schilling for the "HO". And these are guys I recently asked for info on other providers. So I already know I will never get any of that info, Oh F. Ing Well. But right is right. I saw Haley shortly after the events that Fixter described. And I have to tell ya, I also believe her. She told me that it was nobody on this board that did her that way, but a person she had met on Craigslist. She told me the guy gave her an envelope with the $$ supposedly inside the envelope. She trusted that the $$ was in there, got out of that guys car, went to hers, and then discovered that she got screwed. Look, I believe this speaks to her character and innocence more than anything else. Hell, she still trusts people. She is still, Maybe not now, unjaded. I know we are all used to dealing with pro's who have been out on the streets for awhile, and it would be natural for us to put every provider is that box. But in her case, and I might be wrong here, I believe she is still just that inexperienced. All of this is just my humble F. Ing opinion of course.I have concur, I was with her last night for quite some time, and either she is telling the truth, or is an academy award winner, she does trust wayvto much, we talk at length, on how to avoid this again, told her she had to learn to be a bit of a ***** at times, so,if any of you see her for the first time, and she comes across as a little bit too business, you are welcome, LOL, having said that, I spent almost 3 hours with her, and I don't think I enjoyed that time better with anyone else, a complete sweetheart, no,I'm not in love with her, She just wants to be treated with a little respect, show that, and she is all yours. Clean, does not do drugs, shecwill discuss this with you in private, bf does not like what she is doing, and is not a crack head. So, as YMMV, if you treat her right, it will go along way.

07-30-16, 19:11
I have concur, I was with her last night for quite some time, and either she is telling the truth, or is an academy award winner, she does trust wayvto much, we talk at length, on how to avoid this again, told her she had to learn to be a bit of a ***** at times, so,if any of you see her for the first time, and she comes across as a little bit too business, you are welcome, LOL, having said that, I spent almost 3 hours with her, and I don't think I enjoyed that time better with anyone else, a complete sweetheart, no,I'm not in love with her, She just wants to be treated with a little respect, show that, and she is all yours. Clean, does not do drugs, shecwill discuss this with you in private, bf does not like what she is doing, and is not a crack head. So, as YMMV, if you treat her right, it will go along way.This has been quit the interesting story, as I read here more than post. There must some redeeming quality to this young lady, to see so many posters come to her defense. Is she a SW, escort, or BP advertiser? Genuine people in this biz are in short supply. I'd love to learn more about her if any of you would care to post or send me a PM. Thanks.

07-30-16, 21:12
I have concur, I was with her last night for quite some time, and either she is telling the truth, or is an academy award winner, she does trust wayvto much, we talk at length, on how to avoid this again, told her she had to learn to be a bit of a ***** at times, so,if any of you see her for the first time, and she comes across as a little bit too business, you are welcome, LOL, having said that, I spent almost 3 hours with her, and I don't think I enjoyed that time better with anyone else, a complete sweetheart, no,I'm not in love with her, She just wants to be treated with a little respect, show that, and she is all yours. Clean, does not do drugs, shecwill discuss this with you in private, bf does not like what she is doing, and is not a crack head. So, as YMMV, if you treat her right, it will go along way.Problem occurs when you do treat them with respect and don't hassle on prices, visit multiple times and send her others to help out. And then to only learn she is trashing you like she trashed others after it all. LOL. Then she cries "respect me" .

She's just like every other girl in the game. Nothing super special. She's has followers that think she's great. Then she has people that don't let the bs slide and call a spade a spade LOL.

Member #5414
07-31-16, 00:42
Some of you guys are definitely catching feelings. You honestly believe her and her boyfriend aren't users? So where does the money go? Why is he letting her fuck other guys? You guys should know better by now haha.

07-31-16, 01:20
Some of you guys are definitely catching feelings. You honestly believe her and her boyfriend aren't users? So where does the money go? Why is he letting her fuck other guys? You guys should know better by now haha.For the record, I have never, will never fall for a working girl, but for some of you to trash them in this way, is wrong, if you don't like the service provided, say so and move on. None of your business if a monger lkes what they are getting from a particular provider. We all have favorites, and we all have those that we don't like.

As for that asshole who wants a particular girl to be his *****, work for him, and sell your drugs, look else where, bringing a girl to your place, with a kid in the house is a real good way to get cps come knock on your door.

Yes, I know who you are.

If you don't like her, move on.

07-31-16, 02:15
For the record, I have never, will never fall for a working girl, but for some of you to trash them in this way, is wrong, if you don't like the service provided, say so and move on. None of your business if a monger lkes what they are getting from a particular provider. We all have favorites, and we all have those that we don't like.

As for that asshole who wants a particular girl to be his *****, work for him, and sell your drugs, look else where, bringing a girl to your place, with a kid in the house is a real good way to get cps come knock on your door.

Yes, I know who you are.

If you don't like her, move on.Pretty wild claims your throwing around for someone who clearly wasn't there LOL. Let me guess, she told you everything? And she never lies. And remember I can look at a PM you sent me where you even question her. It's ok bud. You fell hard LOL.

08-01-16, 01:45
I'm asking because I don't want to take action without more opinions. I could not for the life of me imagine a reason I would actually encourage guys to tell a chick to stop doing BBBJ's and here we have two guys doing it.

Are there other guys out there, that didn't register an account in the last three months, saying the same thing?

Seems odd to me

A2I wasn't encouraging anyone to do that. I was just trying to clarify what CC456 said, because it seemed Ltnric had read it to mean the girl was offering BBFS when in fact CC456's talk of uncovered action was only about BBBJ, not BBFS. And also to say that from my experience with the girl, I didn't think it likely that she'd do BBFS.

08-04-16, 09:30
Pretty wild claims your throwing around for someone who clearly wasn't there LOL. Let me guess, she told you everything? And she never lies. And remember I can look at a PM you sent me where you even question her. It's ok bud. You fell hard LOL.And here I thought I was the only one that ever fell for a w* LOL! I freely admit I fell hard for one a couple years back. We moved in together and she promised me Faithfully that she wasn't seeing guys anymore. Worst part was I believed it. Your dick will make you do stupid things sometimes. All in all it was the lowest point of my life. Glad it's over and at least now I am wiser and can spot the signs much earlier. Fortunately nothing like that has come up sense. It's all business to these women. They don't place any importance on relationships. They will tell you how much they love you and what good parents they are and how smart they are but in the end they are all a bunch of narcissistic ******. Oh well. Good luck to any of you guys out there who think your story will end differently than mine.

08-04-16, 10:47
And here I thought I was the only one that ever fell for a w* LOL! I freely admit I fell hard for one a couple years back. We moved in together and she promised me Faithfully that she wasn't seeing guys anymore. Worst part was I believed it. Your dick will make you do stupid things sometimes. All in all it was the lowest point of my life. Glad it's over and at least now I am wiser and can spot the signs much earlier. Fortunately nothing like that has come up sense. It's all business to these women. They don't place any importance on relationships. They will tell you how much they love you and what good parents they are and how smart they are but in the end they are all a bunch of narcissistic ******. Oh well. Good luck to any of you guys out there who think your story will end differently than mine.I can see where it is easy to fall, sometimes a girl know just how to pull your trigger, but no, I have never fallen for a working girl, could have, but my travels won't allow it, too many other girls in too many cities to play with, yes, when I find one I like, I try to stay with her, keeps things simple. I get better service, and often times reduced rates, as long as I treat them with a certain amount of respect. It has worked for me many times, and still does.

08-04-16, 16:49
She told me she needed 1100 for rent in 15 days. She was on her cycle so couldn't do pussy but everything else was available at a reduced rate. If you like that type of body I think she's the real deal. She is new at this also.Sounds like to me she needs a cheaper place to rent.

08-04-16, 20:11
But one time in band camp.

08-04-16, 22:52
And here I thought I was the only one that ever fell for a w* LOL! I freely admit I fell hard for one a couple years back. We moved in together and she promised me Faithfully that she wasn't seeing guys anymore. Worst part was I believed it. Your dick will make you do stupid things sometimes. All in all it was the lowest point of my life. Glad it's over and at least now I am wiser and can spot the signs much earlier. Fortunately nothing like that has come up sense. It's all business to these women. They don't place any importance on relationships. They will tell you how much they love you and what good parents they are and how smart they are but in the end they are all a bunch of narcissistic ******. Oh well. Good luck to any of you guys out there who think your story will end differently than mine.We have all fell for the lies and games. I don't look down on anyone. Where the lines get crossed is when someone acts like they were there when a dream is taken place. Especially when several members agree a provider is a proven liar.

Maybe I'm plain but the wildest I do is greek. So services can't get but so much better imo. I find wild claims to be amusing. But that's just me. As always be safe.

08-05-16, 04:11
I find it odd, that someone would call out another monger, on a general statement, never once identifying him, only mentioning a particular incident, with an unnamed provider, taking offense to that incident, claiming one was not there, seems maybe that individual read too much into my post, or, heaven forbid, it actually happened. Making the claim that all providers lie, oh yes they do, but to trash a provider, simply because she won't service you anymore, or give you the same service you got last time, is,IMHO, just wrong.

It would seem, the more a monger defends himself, and continues to contact someone through PM, there may be some truth to the matter. Furthermore, although having 2 monger names is probably not against the rules, it seems somewhat shady to do so.

What are you hiding, running from, I do not know or care.

Please take note, I have not, in any way identify anyone on here this is a general statement, concerning no one monger, or provider.

Thank you,

I'm out.

08-05-16, 11:58
I wasn't encouraging anyone to do that. I was just trying to clarify what CC456 said, because it seemed Ltnric had read it to mean the girl was offering BBFS when in fact CC456's talk of uncovered action was only about BBBJ, not BBFS. And also to say that from my experience with the girl, I didn't think it likely that she'd do BBFS.If BBFS is what you want, you can get it. Offer to pay more, or just come off as a decent guy and you'll be riding bareback in no time. These chicks aren't doing this because of their abundance of good judgment. Just my opinion.

08-05-16, 13:28
I find it odd, that someone would call out another monger, on a general statement, never once identifying him, only mentioning a particular incident, with an unnamed provider, taking offense to that incident, claiming one was not there, seems maybe that individual read too much into my post, or, heaven forbid, it actually happened. Making the claim that all providers lie, oh yes they do, but to trash a provider, simply because she won't service you anymore, or give you the same service you got last time, is,IMHO, just wrong.

It would seem, the more a monger defends himself, and continues to contact someone through PM, there may be some truth to the matter. Furthermore, although having 2 monger names is probably not against the rules, it seems somewhat shady to do so.

What are you hiding, running from, I do not know or care.

Please take note, I have not, in any way identify anyone on here this is a general statement, concerning no one monger, or provider.

Thank you,

I'm out.I was talking in broad generalities. But you directed your post towards me then cowerd your way out of it at the end. You accused me having multiple names and that was already disproven.

As to your provider friend, I never trashed her services. Others did. I said I don't deal with people that trash me to others. I don't think anyone would want to help anyone that talks smack behind their back.

As to me being upset about not seeing her anymore, idc about that either LOL. Why drive an hour and 15 min round trip when I can see 4 providers within a 5 mile radius of me?

You keep claiming you know what she and other johns discuss while she is with them. And constantly defending her saying other mongers are lying on her. What does that tell you?

You enjoy her company, great. Spend everything you got on her and her bf. I'm glad you found a provider / couple you trust and are comfortable with. I've meet several members off here and they know I don't lie or attempt to start trouble. I've even offered to meet you and figure out the issue you have and you get all tommy toughnuts and cry about don't pm you or make contact.

As I said in the pm before, if your going to act like a female then expect to treated like a female.

As always, be safe.

Member #5074
09-17-16, 16:38
I am afraid you will have to stand in line buddy. I haven't got mine yet I should have a bunch coming. I lost count. I was her human atm once. She needed it i gave it.

In this hobby you know you will never get your advance back. What have you been smoking?Syd is out of the business. She's clean and working and has a new life. She wants to be left alone. Just cherish the memories and move on. Please don't pm me pleading for her number. LOL.

Richmond Photo
09-17-16, 19:57
Syd is out of the business. She's clean and working and has a new life. She wants to be left alone. Just cherish the memories and move on. Please don't pm me pleading for her number. LOL. i personally dont care if Syd is in business or out of business. If you remember well I have not once asked you for her number. Please read all our pms. You told me you have it and I said if I am on her to do list she will call me. No one is "pleading " for her number especially not me. Plenty of girls out there. I think you are hallucinating or confusing me with someone else. I do not chase after hookers. They chase after me.

Read back to see yourself clear. To be clear she is just another pretty girl who suck my dick no more and no less.

I like the girl she gave a hell if a bj thats all it is. I didnt lose any sleep that she didnt call.

I sent the girl lots of money and got nothing in return, i did not go after her or call her once. She always called me. Ask her. I only make the first call. They will have to do the rest if they need $. I can fuck an ugly one as much as i can a pretty one. I did that because i wanted to and i knew i wont get anything in return.

She is not my girl she is everyones girl.

Member #5074
09-17-16, 21:14
i personally dont care if Syd is in business or out of business. If you remember well I have not once asked you for her number. Please read all our pms. You told me you have it and I said if I am on her to do list she will call me. No one is "pleading " for her number especially not me. Plenty of girls out there. I think you are hallucinating or confusing me with someone else. I do not chase after hookers. They chase after me.

Read back to see yourself clear. To be clear she is just another pretty girl who suck my dick no more and no less.

I like the girl she gave a hell if a bj thats all it is. I didnt lose any sleep that she didnt call.

I sent the girl lots of money and got nothing in return, i did not go after her or call her once. She always called me. Ask her. I only make the first call. They will have to do the rest if they need $. I can fuck an ugly one as much as i can a pretty one. I did that because i wanted to and i knew i wont get anything in return.

She is not my girl she is everyones girl.You misunderstand. My post was to everyone. Not directed at you. She is trying to start a new life. Let's not ruin it.

Richmond Fotog
09-18-16, 06:14
Good for her. Personally, I got tired of that one name clogging up 3 forums with mostly stupid and immature comments about her. I distinctly remember A2 making a public post that she was not to be put in the forums again.

Syd is out of the business. She's clean and working and has a new life. She wants to be left alone. Just cherish the memories and move on. Please don't pm me pleading for her number. LOL.

You misunderstand. My post was to everyone. Not directed at you. She is trying to start a new life. Let's not ruin it.

Member #5841
09-22-16, 11:47
Danger! It's a woman.

For some of the types of women we commonly get the pleasure of meeting it's drugs, bail money, legal fees and court fines. Most likely spent back to a man who is their boyfriend, pimp and even drug dealer.

09-29-16, 10:22
I don't even know if I'm allowed to vent to my fellow bretheren on this site without having to have a convo with big bro first. Or maybe I should say fye only. Idk. I'm kinda bummed. Didn't even think I said anything remotely bad. And without the copy of what was posted. Idk. Think ill stay on the quiet end for a while. Because I'm not too found of somebody talking anything less than respecfully to me. And the moment you include even the slightest intrusion I kinda lose respect for us having gentleman caliber conversations in the future. Always kind of a dick. This will probably get deleted too. I guess that's the game. I really don't want a weak sauce response from the mods or whatever bullshits going down. Just venting. Damn. Can a ninja do that without a problem with the man. Irritating as all get out. But I wonder if this is a somewhat safe place to vent. Feel free to read and moderate. But again. Where's safe? Don't really want an answer. Just very bummed with this. Fuck can't even say anything without thinking if sum B. A. and. Is going to be a meanie today. LOL. Fuck it I guess.

10-22-16, 13:34
So we can't as grown men argue in the one forum we can even discuss our thoughts: but this guy can post the same exact message in 40 boards in 40 minutes in 40 cities. NO PROBLEM. C'Mon. Son. Stop tryin to put me in the trick bag and deal with this. No pm message. I said what it is. Til it aint what it is. Don't do it. I'm telling you its them boys. They getting shifty. I'm about to do as some cats requested and start my own little blog of my stuff and post there. Because this ACTIVE SENIOR MEMBERS, mongers website is very unsettling. This guy has a majority, vast majority of spam like posts. No reviews. Not one. Seriously, but I have had entire post dissapear. Admin monitor so heavily its crazy. Yeah. Passin hoes might turn into Passin Knowledge. Coming soon. LOL.

10-24-16, 07:22
I'm having the same issue. You post an opinion or a thought and it gets removed and tagged argumentative. Senior members have no ability to give advice, ask questions, or point out inconsistencies of new memebers for our own safety to see if what they are saying is legit. Especially new members who have 30 posts and not one single review. This site used to have purpose, and just like you I have kept quiet and sent PMs to some fellow mongers and exchanged information on new providers. I'm not going to publicly place a review anymore, to get bombarded by new memebers so they can mess up a good thing. When new members say things like I saw ten providers this week and won't review a provider because they have been reviewed here 200 times, and the member has no reviews of a provider they have found on their own defeats the whole purpose of this site. I'm not arguing or being argumentative, I am stating a valid opinion other senior members share and are having trouble comprehending.

So we can't as grown men argue in the one forum we can even discuss our thoughts: but this guy can post the same exact message in 40 boards in 40 minutes in 40 cities. NO PROBLEM. C'Mon. Son. Stop tryin to put me in the trick bag and deal with this. No pm message. I said what it is. Til it aint what it is. Don't do it. I'm telling you its them boys. They getting shifty. I'm about to do as some cats requested and start my own little blog of my stuff and post there. Because this ACTIVE SENIOR MEMBERS, mongers website is very unsettling. This guy has a majority, vast majority of spam like posts. No reviews. Not one. Seriously, but I have had entire post dissapear. Admin monitor so heavily its crazy. Yeah. Passin hoes might turn into Passin Knowledge. Coming soon. LOL.

10-24-16, 22:52
I honestly thought it was just me. I appreciate the honesty broski.

I'm having the same issue. You post an opinion or a thought and it gets removed and tagged argumentative. Senior members have no ability to give advice, ask questions, or point out inconsistencies of new memebers for our own safety to see if what they are saying is legit. Especially new members who have 30 posts and not one single review. This site used to have purpose, and just like you I have kept quiet and sent PMs to some fellow mongers and exchanged information on new providers. I'm not going to publicly place a review anymore, to get bombarded by new memebers so they can mess up a good thing. When new members say things like I saw ten providers this week and won't review a provider because they have been reviewed here 200 times, and the member has no reviews of a provider they have found on their own defeats the whole purpose of this site. I'm not arguing or being argumentative, I am stating a valid opinion other senior members share and are having trouble comprehending.

10-25-16, 02:10
What I've found is that a lot of these site mods are heavy handed. Which kills the spirit of open discussions and / or calling out fluffy posters.

So I kinda stopped posting contrarian positions and just lurk around.

Also, I've slowed down on the BP hunting due to risk of being busted (or getting that "sixth sense) plus some of my reliable providers not being in town anymore.

All in all, I would like to join the "Passin Knowledge" club and learn a few new maneuvers. LOL.

So we can't as grown men argue in the one forum we can even discuss our thoughts: but this guy can post the same exact message in 40 boards in 40 minutes in 40 cities. NO PROBLEM. C'Mon. Son. Stop tryin to put me in the trick bag and deal with this. No pm message. I said what it is. Til it aint what it is. Don't do it. I'm telling you its them boys. They getting shifty. I'm about to do as some cats requested and start my own little blog of my stuff and post there. Because this ACTIVE SENIOR MEMBERS, mongers website is very unsettling. This guy has a majority, vast majority of spam like posts. No reviews. Not one. Seriously, but I have had entire post dissapear. Admin monitor so heavily its crazy. Yeah. Passin hoes might turn into Passin Knowledge. Coming soon. LOL.

10-25-16, 11:12
So we can't as grown men argue in the one forum we can even discuss our thoughts: but this guy can post the same exact message in 40 boards in 40 minutes in 40 cities. NO PROBLEM. C'Mon. Son. Stop tryin to put me in the trick bag and deal with this. No pm message. I said what it is. Til it aint what it is. Don't do it. I'm telling you its them boys. They getting shifty. I'm about to do as some cats requested and start my own little blog of my stuff and post there. Because this ACTIVE SENIOR MEMBERS, mongers website is very unsettling. This guy has a majority, vast majority of spam like posts. No reviews. Not one. Seriously, but I have had entire post dissapear. Admin monitor so heavily its crazy. Yeah. Passin hoes might turn into Passin Knowledge. Coming soon. LOL.Here's the thing. I give you guys a thread you can do that kind of stuff in. It was argumentative, that is against the rules, it doesn't make me 'heavy handed" it makes me doing my job. None of the posts I just put here were reviews about backpage advertisers, they were you guys complaining about me. I honestly don't give a shit if you want to complain about me, you are not getting a cherry there, but I also honestly believe that the vast majority of guys who click on the "Backpage Advertiser Reviews" thread are looking to read reviews about chicks.

As to the spammer, you might notice his shit is gone as well. Your acting as if we allow that.

So, keep the stupid shit on the stupid shit thread, keep the reviews on the review threads and you'll never hear from me again. Think about how happy that will make you.


Cephlapod Love
10-25-16, 12:02
You post an opinion or a thought and it gets removed and tagged argumentative. Senior members have no ability to give advice, ask questions, or point out inconsistencies of new memebers .


Look dudes as a Sr. Member I post what I want. But let me tell you that it took me a while to figure out how to post without getting cross-wise with Admin here. (Oh and some kindness from Admin as well!) So in many cases STYLE counts!

The point is that attacking others in the open forums never works as the dude attacked feels he has to respond or defend himself and he attacks back, then it starts a big flame war on the threads that no one wants to see. But hey, now Admin has various threads where attacks are allowed. (this being one) So when I need to vent on some dude, or think he's the north end of a south bound mule, I go to one of those threads and give him a piece of my mind! It is allowed there and so I am never censored.

So in the open forums one needs to learn some "style" as to not appear argumentative or offensive. It isn't censorship, rather civility! And yeah, let me tell you, I was on the verge of getting moderation or worse a few times, until I manned up and learned to adapt my style and send the "unregulated" version to the appropriate "fight" threads. Wasn't easy to do, but was able to manage.

But IF one feels like they HAVE THE RIGHT to post whatever they want to post in any place they wish, they are dead wrong. While the Internet IS a great place to have open conversation, it isn't the public square (where free speech is protected), but space provided by a business. As such, this space belongs to the Admin and as such he is free to write his own rules and set standards. So come to USASG and learn, share and when you want to vent, find the appropriate thread and blast away! Or one can be a little pussy boy and act like a 5-year old kid and take his ball and go home! LOL! Real men, like the Marines, step up to the plate and ADAPT!

Which one are you?

OK, blast away!

Cephlapod Love
10-26-16, 13:02
Then today's your lucky day because there is an FAQ entry customized just for folks like you: http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?15100-Sugarbaby-Thread-Highlights-Index-and-FAQ&p=2619514&viewfull=1#post2619514.

It takes so much less effort to just not read that which doesn't interest you than it does to publicly cry about its existence.Jeez dude! A little over sensitive and projecting? Nothing in the post of mine was personally directed, just wanted to make sure I didn't get a replay of what has been said.

But hey, thinking about it, now that you posted. If one feels they were targeted by such, when they weren't, then perhaps it is time to take a look in the mirror?

Constructive criticism as it were.

Oh and perhaps the below post might help elucidate the appropriate method and place for airing one's grievances?

I'm just sayin'.

Sugar on!

Richmond Photo
11-01-16, 20:35
She agreed beforehand to rough throat action, and he paid extra for it. Paying $1 for a car date is above and beyond the norm, and he didn't even try to pay her less because of the puke.

It's what she agreed to, and he wasn't "forcing" anything onto her. She just had an off night and kept getting sick, although she said she's usually OK with what he did.

If he was jamming into some girl's throat who hadn't agreed to it, I'd join in the criticism, but he asked about and paid extra, and she was willing but unable that night.I have always look up to you as the doyen in our fourm. Now you begain to talk like Donald Trump. No one is really enjoying being rough handled as much as being grab by the pussy. Just because people need money and are willing to take a punch doesnt mean you have to kick the shit out of them. Given that you can, have the power to strong arm people, and you being a "star".

I hope by replying in this manner A2 is not going to put me in the shit list. Just expressing my 2 cents. Not an intention for argument.

I was not going to visit this girl as she is not my type. Hopefully she can easily handle my 5" with ease then now that we talk about it when i go. I aint doing a car date for one bill nonetheless.

11-09-16, 14:03
Jeez dude! A little over sensitive and projecting? Nothing in the post of mine was personally directed, just wanted to make sure I didn't get a replay of what has been said.
But hey, thinking about it, now that you posted. If one feels they were targeted by such, when they weren't, then perhaps it is time to take a look in the mirror?
Constructive criticism as it were.
Oh and perhaps the below post might help elucidate the appropriate method and place for airing one's grievances?
I'm just sayin'.
Sugar on!So I only today saw this (by accident because it was right next to the only thread I read, and I just happened to see my name referenced in a post near the top). Just pointing that out so that you know I generally won't see anything that's written anywhere but the sugar thread, particularly a time wasting thread that's dedicated to being a safe zone for shit stirring.

Why would you make the assumption I felt targeted? I didn't think I was the subject of your complaining, I'm just offering help to complainers that have an easy solution to their first world problems that they continually choose to overlook. The sugaring thread needs less whining, not more. I think you're the one that shouldn't have taken it all so personally. To answer your question (which is a fairly pristine kettle black example if you think about it. LOL). No I wasn't being over-sensitive, I'm just trying to do as much as I can to keep the primary sugar thread informative.

If someone doesn't want to read something (just like I don't want to read this thread and arrived purely by accident), don't READ IT, it's common sense. And if that person regularly posts shit you don't want to read, put them in ignore mode. Just don't ***** about the length of people's posts or that the contents do not strike your fancy. Especially since I still have multiple PMs from you begging me to write elaborate details on my sugaring techniques. It's hypocritical to ask for elaborate posts when you want them and then complain about them when you don't.

And no it's not appropriate to air grievances in a completely different thread and assume the person will read it. So if you respond here, just know I click threads accidentally about once every 6 months so it's unlikely I'll see it unless the rare combination of events that happened today happens again. And obviously it doesn't warrant being put back into the sugaring thread.

Cephlapod Love
11-09-16, 18:14
If someone doesn't want to read something (just like I don't want to read this thread and arrived purely by accident), don't READ IT, it's common sense. And if that person regularly posts shit you don't want to read, put them in ignore mode. Just don't ***** about the length of people's posts or that the contents do not strike your fancy. .Why are you saying that? Trying to put words in my mouth? I never said anything of the sort. You are projecting again. Transferring your values and views on to others. Seems to be a pattern with you! Kinda sad and B_O_R_I_N_G!

Especially since I still have multiple PMs from you begging me to write elaborate details on my sugaring techniques. It's hypocritical to ask for elaborate posts when you want them and then complain about them when you don't.LOL! Got to love your rhetoric. So now in the JZLizard lexicon "a polite request" is "begging?" Got to love how you take PM stuff an air it in public when it suits your needs! Oh and two I guess does qualify as "multiple?" LOL! You just can't help but attack and put others down can you? Jeez. Look dude, your posts are VERBOSE. I know because I suffer the same "disease. " But apparently that strikes a cord with you enough that you felt the need to strike back at me? Too bad you didn't take it as constructive and be like the Marines: adjust & adapt. If you friends won't tell you your fly is open, then who will? Sigh.

Yes, it IS true I have asked you to elaborate on your Sugaring techniques as it relates to "game" as that is something that would be useful to a larger audience. But every time I do so I get some reply that is obfuscation, or whining that it all has been posted before. In my experience, those who truly know something are able to describe it in a way that my grandmother could understand. Those who are full of hot air, dance around the topic and never get specific: only generalities. Never have you provided anything actionable and concrete, just generalities and baloney.

And no it's not appropriate to air grievances in a completely different thread and assume the person will read it. So if you respond here, just know I click threads accidentally about once every 6 months so it's unlikely I'll see it unless the rare combination of events that happened today happens again. And obviously it doesn't warrant being put back into the sugaring thread.Oh, so you are against airing grievances are you? It IS in appropriate to air grievances in the threads as per the Mod- his site, his rules! So if not there and not here, where? Sure looks like one just doesn't want any criticism? Hmmm. Perhaps one might be better suited living under Putin's regime? No need to worry about opposing views, just eliminate them! Sigh.

Now let's see what long winded twisting of my words comes back?

Richmond Photo
12-02-16, 18:29
Man I am tired of all the posts about those three Ashley chicks. I had a dream with one some time back and would not repeat on my worse day. Have seen the pussy pics that were posted and they just can not be unseen. Not meant to criticize just bored with recent discussions. Anybody out there fucking a chick not discussed lately?That will solve your problem. There is no need to unseen some thing.

Forum is about talking and more talking. Just something to talk about. Don't like it get the fuck out. No one is pointing a gun to your head and force you to come in.

Fuck if I hate it that much I just fucking block everyone and anyone. I and the other hand want to read more about the 3 ashleys and others. The more I know the better it is for me.

Cephlapod Love
01-22-17, 21:13
That's why cash is king.Wow! REALLY?

F! Sheet! I never knew that! WOW! That is what I love about these boards, always some swinging d*ck willing to jump in with a truly profound statement! Doesn't provide any help-.

If you have nothing to add, just state the obvious!

Oh, I know, when caught, fall back on "I was just kidding!" Yeah, that's the ticket! Jeez.

02-01-17, 12:46
Is this really necessary, not trying to be an ass here but is it all that productive? To see the same post in ALL categories?

02-12-17, 15:16
I find it truly amazing, how someone with just a few posts, is an expert. If somebody wants to be decent to a provider, what's it to you, if someone wants to try and get one off the street, what's it to you, if someone wants to overoay,/ tip, what's it to you? I ask this, cause, if it's MY money, who are you to tell me, or anyone else for that matter, how to spend it. None of YOUR business. Although I am full of suggestions right now, I'm not going to go down that road.

Make a report, and stop acting like you are the final authority.

03-27-17, 00:59
That whole shit with Taryn really put me in a funk. Like I hate that we subject ourselves to those kinds of chick. I'm going to have to write a book or something on who to get the much better fruit from the same trees. Because the fact that that was even one to fight over, or clammer to get the attention of is fucking despicable. Seriously. While I've been away it's been much better chick coming left and right. And I come back to that? Smh. We got to do better. So here's my resolution. If it's not a Shannon (the one in the pink pic below) or tamara, or any of the young model types. I'm pretty much going to pass. Like there has to be a bar. Some sort of standards. If she has a beat up face, cracked out body, scars, terrible addictions, etc. I will pass on that. Pun intended. Shout out to scorpio, BG, a few other cats I have passed a few with. Because I keep trying to bring you guys to the light. But if we stay in the dark with these hobgoblins. We going to think it's OK. I'm not being funny when I say this. But a rap group recently left Richmond and made a point to say our richmond women are ugly. Incorrect. We just keep fucking the ugly ones. I'm out. Can't and won't do it anymore. I'll still get a nut from a fatty here and there just like anybody. But to be posting and making all this commotion about a chick that you would clown your friends for even buying a sandwich is stupid. NO MORE. The buck stops here. I get so many messages on how to get chix. I'm charging for the help now. Because I'm not helping you get a bugga wolf. That's free. I'm changing the lane of this forum for the better and I'm dragging yall with me. Like it or not.

I've been with well over 3000 women. Don't believe me if you want. Thats your problem. I have proof. And when I figure out how to make a website for vets that's encrypted heavily I'll post all of my conquest through the years. I just don't want to go the Cuba dave route. Since its local chix and easily identifiable chick. But it's coming. I've gotten too many request for the info in this smooth talking brain to not help my fellow man. But only if he is willing to keep his dick in cutie pies only. Because like I said. I'm pissed the fuck off I went to see Taryn. Pissed. The Fuck. Off. Like I've never contemplated jackin off so much in my life. But now it's going to be a second past time before I go to these types ever again!

And yes. I love the support I get here. And the following of veterans and rookies alike. But I feel alone in this. Yeah imma get emotional real quick. I want a wife. But only if she's a super sexy ex **** who is going through dick withdrawals. LOL. Until then. I'm focused on business and making money and fucking often. I've asked for a battle buddy for a while to help with this process. But can't get a steady running mate to save my life. Mostly because I'm a rare breed of guy and I see that. Hell no I'm not tall, overly attractive or any of that. But I'm decent looking, still in my early 30's, and understand its bros before hos, and money before honey. I got to get the info and experiences I've had out of my head so others can follow and transcend my level. Then we can go back to the way its supposed to be. These chick think they are god's gift because we as men are too chicken shit to tell them otherwise for fear of not getting a nut. I say fuck your nut. Say your piece now so your sons may fuck like animals without having to succumb to the bs in order to get it.

I'm all over the place. I know. Probably because I've been sober for a few weeks and need a damn drink. But I had to stay sober to make sure this life was for me. Fucking a different chick 2 x a day for 15 years will take a toll on ya. And I still firmly believe in marriage but until then. I want 2 perfect 10's a day until I die. Who's with me. Who will take the pledge to only chase the Dimes. Smut out the 9's, and leave anything less than an 8 behind? Yep, I'm dropping bars. LOL.

Yall don't even know how often I save up my coins and go to another city for 1 hour just to fuck a smutty dime. It's so much better than the crap around here. Hell I won't say who. But I had a sm shoot me some real scratch to go to iowa to fuck my dream girl for him. That's the life. We got to be willing to explore. If you have kids and a wife. I understand you can't. But you can jack off until something amazing comes along. Take small trips to newport news, dc, charlottesville, raleigh, the pussy is out there. I'm not even making the kind of money I use to make and still will gas up the car and drive to norfolk after checking out a craigslist post up there. Hop on tagged and browse 100 miles in every direction. When BP was great I would search every. Look at cheap flights and head on out to get what I wanted. I implore you to do the same. We should be taking it to the next step.

And for christ sake. Stop barebacking these fucking hoes. Period. UNLESS you would eat the box, suck toes, toss her salad and all. You probably should wear a rubber. I don't want any of us to die. Period. I hate to be the voice of reason. But I feel if no one else. Then me! I'm venting, ranting, all kinds of shit. But fuck. It is what it is til it ain't!

Also. If you're a rookie and you have less than 50 -100 post of quality material and you message me for any reason. I don't give a damn what it is. I'm blocking you. Get your fucking stripes up. Pun intended. Come back when you make the effort. Its LEO everywhere and I'm sick of having to pretend it's not. I'm not paranoid. I'm self assured. If you ain't put the work in. Talking to me won't work out. I don't know how to turn a square into a mack. I'm not a mack. I just use the resources available to all of us. I say the same lines to every chick, use the same pic, etc. We all see craigslist daily. I've already written post of what I look for. So if you're not fucking once a week, and posting. You got a lot of work to do. Because keeping it to yourself on this forum, without having a few stars by your name is silly. NO ONE would give a damn what I had to say if they hadn't vetted my post and found me to be true of heart with what I say. I've been gone for so long. But I need this forum. Or something similar. If I leave, I'll make my own board just for me and charge cats to see the show. Because to be honest. I want to write and post pic and the how to guide of every single chick I fuck. But that's a lot of work for little reward. The only reward is I will have a log to look at when I'm older. But truth be told. It'll be a million pages long and the memory is way better then anything I could write. But I do it for yall. As yall do it for me. We got to all put our leg work in and feel safe and secure doing it.

Fuck it. I'm done venting and talking shit. Don't mind me if I just shut the hell up and randomly post a screenshot of a craigslist post with no details. You'll know it means I conquered and it was real. It'll have to be after the post is deleted due to so many times I give good info and it's like some cats go out the way to be lame and fuck it up. SMH. I don't know. I guess I'll just see how things go.

OH and random. But there was a post a while back in the BP section. I can't find it. But somebody was talking about this thick ass white girl and how her pix were fake and blah blah. If somebody finds that post I will post the video of me fucking the holy dog shit out of her. I wanted so badly to say something. But post like that one are the reason I'm skeptical. Cats speak before knowing because a chick is too good looking or thick for them to believe exists. Well let me just say. That 19 yr old snowbunny was the best most obedient ass I've had in awhile. Spent all of 40 $ on lunches over a month span. And was fucking her from day one for free. I'm going to put the video up once I can find the post from here to link it to. So I can say ha ha. You missed out. You got to go for the gold if you want the platinum! I think I have well over 9 videos with her. And then she got out the game. So I don't feel bad for the cats that missed out. I feel bad for guys influenced by the nay sayers post discouraging them from the belief in unicorns. LOL. Or at least a thick ass horse with a cone on her head. .

03-28-17, 14:15
That whole shit with Taryn really put me in a funk. Like I hate that we subject ourselves to those kinds of chick. I'm going to have to write a book or something on who to get the much better fruit from the same trees. Because the fact that that was even one to fight over, or clammer to get the attention of is fucking despicable. Seriously. While I've been away it's been much better chick coming left and right. And I come back to that? Smh. We got to do better. So here's my resolution. If it's not a Shannon (the one in the pink pic below) or tamara, or any of the young model types. I'm pretty much going to pass. Like there has to be a bar. Some sort of standards. If she has a beat up face, cracked out body, scars, terrible addictions, etc. I will pass on that. Pun intended. Shout out to scorpio, BG, a few other cats I have passed a few with. Because I keep trying to bring you guys to the light. But if we stay in the dark with these hobgoblins. We going to think it's OK. I'm not being funny when I say this. But a rap group recently left Richmond and made a point to say our richmond women are ugly. Incorrect. We just keep fucking the ugly ones. I'm out. Can't and won't do it anymore. I'll still get a nut from a fatty here and there just like anybody. But to be posting and making all this commotion about a chick that you would clown your friends for even buying a sandwich is stupid. NO MORE. The buck stops here. I get so many messages on how to get chix. I'm charging for the help now. Because I'm not helping you get a bugga wolf. That's free. I'm changing the lane of this forum for the better and I'm dragging yall with me. Like it or not.

I've been with well over 3000 women. Don't believe me if you want. Thats your problem. I have proof. And when I figure out how to make a website for vets that's encrypted heavily I'll post all of my conquest through the years. I just don't want to go the Cuba dave route. Since its local chix and easily identifiable chick. But it's coming. I've gotten too many request for the info in this smooth talking brain to not help my fellow man. But only if he is willing to keep his dick in cutie pies only...Tell us how you really feel LOL. I'm shocked you don't like Taryn as much as you do. I was trying to see her because of all the reviews but after reading yours, I and quite a few others backed out and quit trying. I do understand your frustration. I'm also in my early 30's and I've found out that most guys rave about a girl because she touched his dick LOL. I've been disappointed plenty in the past by a so called knockout by peoples account and when I see them its by far less than stellar. Shoot me a PM if you like, I think we see things almost eye to eye.

Member #6049
03-28-17, 21:14
Tell us how you really feel LOL. I'm shocked you don't like Taryn as much as you do. I was trying to see her because of all the reviews but after reading yours, I and quite a few others backed out and quit trying. I do understand your frustration. I'm also in my early 30's and I've found out that most guys rave about a girl because she touched his dick LOL. I've been disappointed plenty in the past by a so called knockout by peoples account and when I see them its by far less than stellar. Shoot me a PM if you like, I think we see things almost eye to eye.I think a big issue is that some of these guys are all about "spinners" and other skinny women. The slimmer the better to them, even if she's on the needle, meth, or smoking rock. They're just all about that look. I'm hesitant to fuck with any woman who I suspect does anything harder than weed.

And I'm with PassinHoes. Smashing any of these hoes raw is crazy! I'm always shocked when I read those reports. That's just straight-up playing Russian Roulette with your dick and your health. And the "creampie" stories really take the cake, no pun intended.

Oh yeah, if you're ever in the DC area, got some extra cash and just want to smash a bad *****, then check out Hazel:



She's in that 200 HH /300 HR range, and you can certainly get more bang for your buck at that price, but damn she's sexy as fuck to me. I'm strongly debating myself about whether I should drop that kind of money on a visit.

04-11-17, 14:56
I think a big issue is that some of these guys are all about "spinners" and other skinny women. The slimmer the better to them, even if she's on the needle, meth, or smoking rock. They're just all about that look. I'm hesitant to fuck with any woman who I suspect does anything harder than weed.

And I'm with PassinHoes. Smashing any of these hoes raw is crazy! I'm always shocked when I read those reports. That's just straight-up playing Russian Roulette with your dick and your health. And the "creampie" stories really take the cake, no pun intended.

Oh yeah, if you're ever in the DC area, got some extra cash and just want to smash a bad *****, then check out Hazel:



She's in that 200 HH /300 HR range, and you can certainly get more bang for your buck at that price, but damn she's sexy as fuck to me. I'm strongly debating myself about whether I should drop that kind of money on a visit.Mr. Swang,

Did you ever visit Zienna?

Member #6049
04-18-17, 22:52
Mr. Swang,

Did you ever visit Zienna?Sorry, I'm just now seeing this post. I haven't seen Zienna recently. I saw her her twice last year. I know that body is second to none, just like Hazel, but both of them are in that upper-tier no-GFE range where I know I can get more bang for the buck elsewhere.

08-12-17, 12:43
It's official lost my ATF Baby because of one of you brothers dumb fucking mistake. If we even remotely share another SB information, please do not reveal the source unless otherwise advised!

Tried to get the baby back for almost a month tried to repair the damage but did not work and she is off the bowl. I do not mind sharing some information with others when I am managing more then one at a time. I will be more careful from now on.

Just so we all follow a common sense standards even if it is not mentioned not to reveal the source it should be understood by all, fucking common sense!!


Why are some of you "SD's" so quick to become drama queens? The ONLY shortage in the "sugar bowl" is guys who can afford to play. Your "baby" is wrapping your testicles around her fingers and you are telling the entire world she is doing it. Somebody told my spoiled little hooker something she didn't like now I have to grovel to get myself back in my hookers good graces so I can pay her to have sex again.

This shit is simple, if your "baby" isn't sucking your cock, drop that "baby" and let her pay her own rent and go to the next one on the list.

Fuck, why do you guys make this so fucking complicated? STOP BEGGING! Shit like this is literally ruining commercial sex.

Yeah, this is in blue.


10-05-17, 12:48
Question. I made my own website that I like to post my own vids and unfiltered help. Is a one time membership fee reasonable?

10-07-17, 05:00
This is an open suggestion for admin. I was going to send this via PM but thought it might be better to put this in general community.

When I post that I have found new talent I get about 30 requests for digits. When a regular member contacts me for digits I review their forum posts and based on their contributions to the board will determine whether or not I answer them. I have found many screen names who's posts are, "sounds like fun, LOL". "What time of day did you see her?" "I prefer not to go to hotels". Etc, etc, etc,. These are non posts. These types of posts add zero value information, yet it counts as a post. A perfect example of non posts comes from, Minez380. (I apologize to Minez380 for pulling him into this). He has posted nothing yet but has six posts.

If Admin could add a thread called "comment, question" thread and take these non posts and place them under a new thread and stipe away their post count numbers it would be helpful as it would quickly separate the contributors from the lurkers.

Another suggestion would be a spam inbox. That is for regular members who pm me. It would be very easy for admin to filter pm's into two categories, senior v regular.

This is not to punish regular members. It is to enhance senior members experience who contribute, introduce, and share value with other mongers who are like minded individules. Thank you for posting my rant and non post!

Lone Wolf
10-07-17, 12:15
This is an open suggestion for admin. I was going to send this via PM but thought it might be better to put this in general community.

When I post that I have found new talent I get about 30 requests for digits. When a regular member contacts me for digits I review their forum posts and based on their contributions to the board will determine whether or not I answer them. I have found many screen names who's posts are, "sounds like fun, LOL". "What time of day did you see her?" "I prefer not to go to hotels". Etc, etc, etc,. These are non posts. These types of posts add zero value information, yet it counts as a post. A perfect example of non posts comes from, Minez380. (I apologize to Minez380 for pulling him into this). He has posted nothing yet but has six posts.

If Admin could add a thread called "comment, question" thread and take these non posts and place them under a new thread and stipe away their post count numbers it would be helpful as it would quickly separate the contributors from the lurkers.

Another suggestion would be a spam inbox. That is for regular members who pm me. It would be very easy for admin to filter pm's into two categories, senior v regular.

This is not to punish regular members. It is to enhance senior members experience who contribute, introduce, and share value with other mongers who are like minded individules. Thank you for posting my rant and non post!The idea is very good but I have seen a couple of SM's that got that status from either length of time on the forum or secondly from the amount of non posts that they have made. I like you're idea but how do we filter those that have senior status from those means??

10-08-17, 00:12
This is an open suggestion for admin. I was going to send this via PM but thought it might be better to put this in general community.

When I post that I have found new talent I get about 30 requests for digits. When a regular member contacts me for digits I review their forum posts and based on their contributions to the board will determine whether or not I answer them. I have found many screen names who's posts are, "sounds like fun, LOL". "What time of day did you see her?" "I prefer not to go to hotels". Etc, etc, etc,. These are non posts. These types of posts add zero value information, yet it counts as a post. A perfect example of non posts comes from, Minez380. (I apologize to Minez380 for pulling him into this). He has posted nothing yet but has six posts.

If Admin could add a thread called "comment, question" thread and take these non posts and place them under a new thread and stipe away their post count numbers it would be helpful as it would quickly separate the contributors from the lurkers.

Another suggestion would be a spam inbox. That is for regular members who pm me. It would be very easy for admin to filter pm's into two categories, senior v regular.

This is not to punish regular members. It is to enhance senior members experience who contribute, introduce, and share value with other mongers who are like minded individules. Thank you for posting my rant and non post!Apology accepted and no hard feelings. I do have a question, though. What's with the lack of helpful posts in the Richmond sections? The information here is so lacking I started looking in nearby states in hope of finding girls who travel here and, in those forums, there are helpful descriptions of time spent with ladies along with those ladies' ads or other contact information. Here, it's all hush-hush and secretive. If this keeps up, this site will only be useful to me when I travel. The only sort of helpful thing I've seen was warning me away from watermelon, but since I wouldn't try her without confirming she's real anyway, that's the same effect as posting nothing.

10-08-17, 09:55
This is an open suggestion for admin. I was going to send this via PM but thought it might be better to put this in general community.

When I post that I have found new talent I get about 30 requests for digits. When a regular member contacts me for digits I review their forum posts and based on their contributions to the board will determine whether or not I answer them. I have found many screen names who's posts are, "sounds like fun, LOL". "What time of day did you see her?" "I prefer not to go to hotels". Etc, etc, etc,. These are non posts. These types of posts add zero value information, yet it counts as a post. A perfect example of non posts comes from, Minez380. (I apologize to Minez380 for pulling him into this). He has posted nothing yet but has six posts.

If Admin could add a thread called "comment, question" thread and take these non posts and place them under a new thread and stipe away their post count numbers it would be helpful as it would quickly separate the contributors from the lurkers.

Another suggestion would be a spam inbox. That is for regular members who pm me. It would be very easy for admin to filter pm's into two categories, senior v regular.

This is not to punish regular members. It is to enhance senior members experience who contribute, introduce, and share value with other mongers who are like minded individules. Thank you for posting my rant and non post!1. Don't call people out on the forum unless you are in a fight thread.

2. Your idea will never work because people post were they do and there are too many of you guys for us to re categorize your posts. That's why YOU have the ability to put anybody you want (sadly except me) on your ignore list. If seeing Minez380's posts causes you such pain than solve the problem. Actually I solved that one for you. He's on your ignore list and you won't see anymore of his posts. See how easy that was?

You're welcome.


07-07-18, 16:10
Read the fucking rules.

A2Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

07-08-18, 16:46
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?Since you asked my mom died last year. I guess the answer is not anymore.


07-24-18, 10:13
Saw Brittany / London at her place on chamberlayne she was skiddish of the police so we did the deed in the car and she kept rushing me after I released and dropped her off I noticed her wallet in my car with what I just gave her and a little more. Oh well win win.Dude, that's cold, even for a monger. She probably thinks you ripped her off, and if you knew where she was staying, she's not wrong.

07-24-18, 10:19
Saw Brittany / London at her place on chamberlayne she was skiddish of the police so we did the deed in the car and she kept rushing me after I released and dropped her off I noticed her wallet in my car with what I just gave her and a little more. Oh well win win.Let's see. You have 6 posts on this board and brag about stealing a girl's wallet which she left in your car. I don't know about others, but I certainly wouldn't trust anything you say based upon the fact that you are a thief.

07-24-18, 10:59
Saw Brittany / London at her place on chamberlayne she was skiddish of the police so we did the deed in the car and she kept rushing me after I released and dropped her off I noticed her wallet in my car with what I just gave her and a little more. Oh well win win.Most of these girls are just trying to survive and you are bragging about taking that away from her.

Not good at all.

07-24-18, 13:08
We boycott girls if they pull this shit, and I'm inclined to treat you the same way. At least they have a disease to justify their bad behavior. You're just a dick, and will not be getting any info from me. I'm guessing some other mongers here feel the same way.

Get robbed and hobby elsewhere.


Saw Brittany / London at her place on chamberlayne she was skiddish of the police so we did the deed in the car and she kept rushing me after I released and dropped her off I noticed her wallet in my car with what I just gave her and a little more. Oh well win win.

07-25-18, 01:31
We boycott girls if they pull this shit, and I'm inclined to treat you the same way. At least they have a disease to justify their bad behavior. You're just a dick, and will not be getting any info from me. I'm guessing some other mongers here feel the same way.

Get robbed and hobby elsewhere.

JDBoy.Yeah nobody here is going to go back to a known drug house waving a wallet around searching for her an hour later when I noticed the wallet in my side door. I see the damn girl every Sunday same place but I never go inside that place. You want to blacklist me for being safe go ahead I need none of you guys information really I'm well established stablewise.

07-25-18, 15:48
Funny how your tone changed from 'guess who got some action and some free cash!' to, 'it was unsafe to return it' after you got called out. It was clear you were bragging about it ripping her off and have no intent on getting it back to her despite 'seeing her every Sunday'. The title of your post was 'No Refunds' and you called it a win win with no mention of trying to make her whole.

Glad you have a good stable, because most of the SM's on here won't share information with a guy that likes to rip girls off.

Yeah nobody here is going to go back to a known drug house waving a wallet around searching for her an hour later when I noticed the wallet in my side door. I see the damn girl every Sunday same place but I never go inside that place. You want to blacklist me for being safe go ahead I need none of you guys information really I'm well established stablewise.

07-25-18, 15:58
Funny how your tone changed from 'guess who got some action and some free cash!' to, 'it was unsafe to return it' after you got called out. It was clear you were bragging about it ripping her off and have no intent on getting it back to her despite 'seeing her every Sunday'. The title of your post was 'No Refunds' and you called it a win win with no mention of trying to make her whole.

Glad you have a good stable, because most of the SM's on here won't share information with a guy that likes to rip girls off.Naw you just have no clue who you are talking to or what you are talking about. I've shared with you plenty in the past on my account I no longer have my credentials for but if you are on this white night bullshit I'll keep all my future finds away from you LOL.

07-25-18, 22:32
...but if you are on this white night bullshit I'll keep all my future finds away from you LOL.It doesn't take a white night to call out a guy who brags about keeping a girl's wallet. You could have kept your mouth shut. You could have returned it the next time you see her. Instead, you bragged about it here like we were going to give you a high five. Give the wallet back or don't, that's your choice. But I'm not going to keep silent while you brag about it.

07-26-18, 02:29
Or I can just post my experience and you can read it or not. You want to be on some captain save a hoe bullshit that's on you.

Cavalier Hoo
07-26-18, 05:55
Or were you just as much of a d!(k back then as well?

Naw you just have no clue who you are talking to or what you are talking about. I've shared with you plenty in the past on my account I no longer have my credentials for but if you are on this white night bullshit I'll keep all my future finds away from you LOL.

Member #5795
07-26-18, 06:42
I'm at WAWAs down by rte-1 and Azalea, and I see Shelia. A regular WSW on Chamberlayne with a NY / NJ accent, and she asks me for a ride down to her room at the Richmond Notell. So I said sure since I had dreamt about her previously and somewhat knew her. Didn't have time for anything else but to drop her off. This was just my boy scout deed for the day.

I drop her off on a side street away from Chamberlayne (right near that bus stop bench). Not because I did anything wrong, but I didn't want anyone to think I did something wrong. She gets out, and I head for Chamberlayne. As soon as I get on Chamberlayne, the blue lights turn on and come behind me. They were sitting at the new BK across from the hotel and saw her exit my car. Two cars pull me over, with a 3rd that showed up a little later (did they call for a 3rd backup? Basically asked me why she was in my car, and that I could be in trouble for even having her in my car since she was "known". Kept me there about 15-20 minutes and finally let me go. Thank goodness. It's bad enough when that happens and you've done something wrong, but worse when you're innocent and nobody believes you. I wouldn't of believed the story I was telling them just because it sounded like that innocent sob story you tell to get out of trouble, except this time it was true.

So in short, be careful in your dreams & nightmares when picking up OR dropping off, even if you're just being nice and giving a ride or chatting to them.Lucky you weren't in Henrico or you would be in jail for sex trafficking. If the girl is a known prostitute and you drive her to buy her food or anything it's considered sex trafficking now. I know this for a fact from a lawyer I know. Be careful.

07-26-18, 07:17
Or were you just as much of a d!(k back then as well?I no longer have access to the credentials for the account. You white nights are just letting me know who not to share the upcoming Henrico vacation releases I know are coming up with LOL.

07-26-18, 09:32
It doesn't take a white night to call out a guy who brags about keeping a girl's wallet. You could have kept your mouth shut. You could have returned it the next time you see her. Instead, you bragged about it here like we were going to give you a high five. Give the wallet back or don't, that's your choice. But I'm not going to keep silent while you brag about it.I think not only should you give it back, with all the money that was in it, but just a little extra for being a dick.

07-26-18, 12:59
13 posts, I had to move 13 of them to this thread. Yes, he's an asshole. It probably didn't even happen, he most likely made it up just to get you guys all stirred up. Thanks for encouraging him to do it in the future.

If you don't want to end up back on moderation I suggest you learn to use this fight thread for stupid shit like this.


07-30-18, 23:57
I think not only should you give it back, with all the money that was in it, but just a little extra for being a dick.I think you should eat a sack of dicks.

Richmond Photo
10-30-18, 14:48
So I ended meeting up with the reco of my UTR. After talking and texting for 3 days she made the trip to RVA. She said she's staying at the house she sitting for about 2 weeks.

Met her late Friday night. Had low but high expectations. Low being the fact I have been disappointed in the past. So I wasn't expecting much. High from our convos and what was told to me by a few members.

After meeting her my jaw dropped. She was actually better than the pics. Better than my expectations and super fun to hang out with. I ended up staying with her from Friday night to this morning when I left for work at 8 am.

She was a freak at the restaurant. We fucked in the bathroom. Freak in the car, she gave road head. And freak at 2 am where we got freaky in a graveyard. All were spontaneous. I blew my load at least 6 or 7 times and only once I made the first move.

I left 1400 on dresser as I was leaving. She ran out and kissed me goodbye and slipped 400 back in my pocket. I was thoroughly impressed.

She entered my top 3 girls and I'm def going to repeat as much as I can while she's here.

She did say she maybe interested in meeting a few friends. She doesn't do Greek but loved when I stuck my thumb there. She will go BB after a few meetings. We went BB the last 3 times. And she's not cheap.

If you don't have anything to trade That's a solid 8, don't bother. For the people that think they should be given free Intel, don't bother. I'm giving it out to a few. She's not looking to work that much while she's here according to her.

Hope everyone had a great weekend like I did LOL.Is it 1400 or I have I misread it? That's a lot of money for a fuck.

10-30-18, 14:57
Is it 1400 or I have I misread it? That's a lot of money for a fuck.Sometimes you just have to pay what you feel. It can go both ways.

Cavalier Hoo
10-30-18, 16:42
He basically excluded 95% of the posters on this board with his qualifications on who he will share with.

Is it 1400 or I have I misread it? That's a lot of money for a fuck.

10-30-18, 22:52
He basically excluded 95% of the posters on this board with his qualifications on who he will share with.95% of the board doesn't have anything of trade value? 95% of the board demand BB and Greek?

As to the 1000 I gave, for 3 days worth? I feel like I ripped her off tbh. I go to the casino and lose 3 k playing craps LOL.

10-31-18, 08:21
95% of the board doesn't have anything of trade value? 95% of the board demand BB and Greek?

As to the 1000 I gave, for 3 days worth? I feel like I ripped her off tbh. I go to the casino and lose 3 k playing craps LOL.I give you a lot of credit for sharing. I don't know I would have been so charitable with a find like her.

As to what you paid for what you got, you got the mongering bargain of the year, IMO.

Not only the sex, but if you enjoyed each other's company, which had to be the case to spend the weekend together, that can be almost as great as the fun stuff.

Let the mongers that don't get it stick to the. 2 BBBJ from streetwalkers with sores on their faces & bodies.

The lack of mongers willing to pay a resonable price to play with top, goodlooking talent is what has made Richmond a wasteland.

I'm in Raleigh on business this week and you can pick literally from many legit providers at reasonable rates. I guess it's all what your looking for, am comfortable with & can afford.

10-31-18, 13:53
95% of the board doesn't have anything of trade value? 95% of the board demand BB and Greek?

As to the 1000 I gave, for 3 days worth? I feel like I ripped her off tbh. I go to the casino and lose 3 k playing craps LOL.1000/7 loads. Not bad!

10-31-18, 14:36
While I don't require trades, it's reasonable for others to. A man has to have a code. I think most of the negative feedback is about the cash you laid out. Just because someone is seeing a provider that's out of most mongers' budget doesn't mean he shouldn't report. There are several guys here willing to put out a few more bucks for a truly top notch provider. And a grand for a day and a half with 7-8 nuts sounds like a pretty good deal based on her looks, reported attitude, and skills.

Stay Safe and Happy Hunting.


95% of the board doesn't have anything of trade value? 95% of the board demand BB and Greek?

As to the 1000 I gave, for 3 days worth? I feel like I ripped her off tbh. I go to the casino and lose 3 k playing craps LOL.

10-31-18, 23:24
My intent is not to drive up prices for anyone. The people I have traded with can vouch that I ask what the going rate is and try to stick to that so I don't screw over anyone. However if a stone cold 8 in real life (not in SW scale or BP scale or escort scale) decides to play and she has incredible skills, I will give whatever I feel fit. She is a UTR that is seen by very few people and she's from NOVA where prices are nearly triple and the selection is by far better. I'm not running around giving every girl 300 when I know she will do it for 40.

Sorry for any confusion. Hope that helps.

11-01-18, 06:56
While I don't require trades, it's reasonable for others to. A man has to have a code. I think most of the negative feedback is about the cash you laid out. Just because someone is seeing a provider that's out of most mongers' budget doesn't mean he shouldn't report. There are several guys here willing to put out a few more bucks for a truly top notch provider. And a grand for a day and a half with 7-8 nuts sounds like a pretty good deal based on her looks, reported attitude, and skills.

Stay Safe and Happy Hunting.

JDBoy.Good Point.

Friday Night to Monday morning is well over two days. So say at least 56 hours for a grand.

Guys do you not realize that's eighteen bucks an hour?

So all you mongers giving toothless crack hoes, with sores all over their face and bodies .2 for 10 minutes of head are the ones over paying.

Nutted 6 or 7 times (3 BB) but the coffee was unlimited. Not to mention if you've never had great sex, fallen asleep curled up with a woman that hot, then woke up with morning wood and the perfect place to park it, that's priceless IMO.

I asked for her number but I realize so did a ton of dudes.

How about it Stuck, I got your back Bro!

11-01-18, 08:26
My intent is not to drive up prices for anyone. The people I have traded with can vouch that I ask what the going rate is and try to stick to that so I don't screw over anyone. However if a stone cold 8 in real life (not in SW scale or BP scale or escort scale) decides to play and she has incredible skills, I will give whatever I feel fit. She is a UTR that is seen by very few people and she's from NOVA where prices are nearly triple and the selection is by far better. I'm not running around giving every girl 300 when I know she will do it for 40.

Sorry for any confusion. Hope that helps.You got a hell of a deal, there are a lot of people here that can't throw down real money so they'll finger wag those that can. It's as simple as this, if you can't afford it don't judge those of us that can, at the end of the day you got a hell of a weekend and they didn't. Imo it says a lot about her character that she gave you $$ back, not many would even consider doing so since they overvalue themselves so much. If she's still around and you're willing to share I'd like the info, I'm not a senior so I understand if not.

11-01-18, 11:09
If you want to post a criticism of what another monger has done then bring it to the stupid shit thread because this site is about sharing info. If he paid more than you would than don't fuck the chicks he's fucking. This guy dumped a shit load of spooge in this chick and his CPO was lower than what most of you guys are paying.

Please don't make me do this again or the whistle will be blowing and there will be guys spending time in the sin bin.


PS to the guys who weren't being dicks, I still have to move your posts here because if I leave them on the review thread the price police will continue to attack.

11-25-18, 10:49
Someone on the Sugarbowl tab posted a while ago about not having an avenue to talk about his SB to anyone.

I think a lot of guys are missing an opportunity to get stuff off their chests or stick out their chests proudly when you have developed a strong bond with a provider or SB. I have recently lost my long term SB / mistress / Guma (Italian for mistress) & was more than a little upset.

I had a on deck batter / SB that I have been seeing for almost as long (two years plus) that I discussed my main SB with many times, especially when we had periods of not seeing each other for weeks because of the distance between us and both having live in SOs.

Also four escorts I am close to that we text even though two are in Cali & travel here just a few times a year. The key is to not give up your identity by telling them too much. Think about it, who else can you talk to about stuff like this? This board helps but my PT SB gave me dead nuts on advise because, no offense guys, she has a female mind and a vag!

I told a boss several years ago to go fuck himself. He wanted to fire me but since I was the #1 producer for the company in North America, the President told me he knew the guy was a dick and they were sending me to a shrink just to satisfy his worthless ass.

If you went to college, you know which major had the most fucked up people in it? Yup, psychology majors. The guy I saw was no exception.

I treat my special friends just like that, special. In return I get a lot back. Many things that aren't normally on the menu, someone to text & sometimes sext when I'm on the road and a very valuable FWB & way better sex because we have established a true connection.

Anyone else fucking their therapist? LOL.


02-22-19, 13:49
WOW Bob, Really! $30 an hour?

What a stunad. He should have just.

Got a "private sisboombaa" from one of the hot Patriots cheerleaders.


02-22-19, 14:52
There's no doubt, this is a great negative object lesson. Anyone here can screw this up, and if you're not on your guard, you will get bitten in the butt. What worries me was the surveillance in the parlor he went to. A virtue of a more 'private' venue you get in the sugar bowl.

02-22-19, 22:06
Everyday my phone wakes up from snooze, saying that a particular girl is typing in Snapchat. I never get a resultant message. I have can't figure out if that girl is typing something meant for me and 1. Simply does not push the send button. Or 2. Wants to wake up my phone, by typing, not push the send button, and therefore ghost me to see if I'm awake and active. Or 3. Is typing something that she will send to somebody else and not me and my phone is merely telling me that she is awake and online. Or 4. Has typed something intended for me and chickens out and doesn't push send. Anyone know if it could be all or some of the above? Thanks Bob.

02-25-19, 09:23
This weekend, the ol lady decides she wants to install 360 on my phone, as she has done on hers, and her mom and sister. She claims we can track each other without having to call. Actually, that can be a benefit as I am on the road almost daily, and she has a long commute. But you know where I'm going with this. What do I do about hobby visits? If I turn off the app, she can see that. I wonder if this is coincidental with the big news in FL this weekend too. She hates RK and was glad he was busted. I acted dumb. Admin, chime in too, I like your input.

02-25-19, 11:15
This weekend, the ol lady decides she wants to install 360 on my phone, as she has done on hers, and her mom and sister. She claims we can track each other without having to call. Actually, that can be a benefit as I am on the road almost daily, and she has a long commute. But you know where I'm going with this. What do I do about hobby visits? If I turn off the app, she can see that. I wonder if this is coincidental with the big news in FL this weekend too. She hates RK and was glad he was busted. I acted dumb. Admin, chime in too, I like your input.1. Take your balls out of her purse.

2. leave your main phone at the last site you worked at, do your mongering with a burner phone and have the calls forwarded from your main phone to your burner. Then once done, go back and pick your main phone up and unforward the calls. This way it appears that you are physcally at one location but can still answer your phone if your wife calls.

3. Take your balls out of her purse.

1 & 3 couldn't resist.


02-25-19, 14:54
1. Take your balls out of her purse.

2. leave your main phone at the last site you worked at, do your mongering with a burner phone and have the calls forwarded from your main phone to your burner. Then once done, go back and pick your main phone up and unforward the calls. This way it appears that you are physcally at one location but can still answer your phone if your wife calls.

3. Take your balls out of her purse.

1 & 3 couldn't resist.

www.wikihow.com/forward-your-cell-phone1, Doesn't work that way, I own the purse and everything else.

2. Doesn't work for my situation, but I use burners. I'm not concerned about calling. It is real time tracking.

3. Doesn't work that way. I own the purse and everything else. Could not resist. But thanks though.

02-25-19, 16:16
1, Doesn't work that way, I own the purse and everything else.

2. Doesn't work for my situation, but I use burners. I'm not concerned about calling. It is real time tracking.

3. Doesn't work that way. I own the purse and everything else. Could not resist. But thanks though."Just breaking balls".

02-25-19, 21:11
1. Take your balls out of her purse.

2. leave your main phone at the last site you worked at, do your mongering with a burner phone and have the calls forwarded from your main phone to your burner. Then once done, go back and pick your main phone up and unforward the calls. This way it appears that you are physcally at one location but can still answer your phone if your wife calls.

3. Take your balls out of her purse.

1 & 3 couldn't resist.


1, Doesn't work that way, I own the purse and everything else.

2. Doesn't work for my situation, but I use burners. I'm not concerned about calling. It is real time tracking.

3. Doesn't work that way. I own the purse and everything else. Could not resist. But thanks though.With respect, if you can't tell her "no," who owns the purse is pretty irrelevant. She owns your balls. I danced around this issue for a while. We both got a location app in order to keep track of the kids. She kept nagging me to activate for my phone so she could track me. After procrastinating as long as I could, I had to flat out tell her no. She asked what I could have to hide. I told her that the app was fine for tracking kids, but I wasn't a kid and didn't need mommy to watch me. Deleted app entirely (my kids aren't that hard to track anyway) and check phone periodically (before each expedition, if I remember).

My pants feel a little more snug with my balls tucked back in, but it's worth it!

02-26-19, 08:54
With respect, if you can't tell her "no," who owns the purse is pretty irrelevant. She owns your balls. I danced around this issue for a while. We both got a location app in order to keep track of the kids. She kept nagging me to activate for my phone so she could track me. After procrastinating as long as I could, I had to flat out tell her no. She asked what I could have to hide. I told her that the app was fine for tracking kids, but I wasn't a kid and didn't need mommy to watch me. Deleted app entirely (my kids aren't that hard to track anyway) and check phone periodically (before each expedition, if I remember).

My pants feel a little more snug with my balls tucked back in, but it's worth it!Good points. I did see that the app does put a drain on the battery. So I will uninstall it, tell her that. If she does not like that reason, I will use your message. It is my phone I use for work, so it must be with me. As I'm typing this, I had a thought. If enroute to a hobby place, I can just turn off phone and say that it must have died. Unballsy, I know. Just an option.

02-26-19, 08:55
"Just breaking balls".I should have taken it that way, I do a lot of that too. Apologies.

02-27-19, 15:00
Good points. I did see that the app does put a drain on the battery. So I will uninstall it, tell her that. If she does not like that reason, I will use your message. It is my phone I use for work, so it must be with me. As I'm typing this, I had a thought. If en route to a hobby place, I can just turn off phone and say that it must have died. Unballsy, I know. Just an option.OK, I have broken balls enough for this week. Here is another suggestion for a reason which may actually be useful for you. I had planned to use it if the direct approach wasn't enough.

Tell your wife that you are concerned about loss of privacy online, and that however runs the tracking app could share your data or store and share it later, in ways that you can't fully envision but don't like. This line of reasoning is easier if one or both of the following is true (I) you have history of distrust of social media and protecting your privacy (definitely true for me); and / or you have political views or hobbies (aside from mongering) that could be used to your detriment. For example, if you are Trump supporter in Bernie Sanders country, or vice versa, or if shooting is your favorite hobby and you live in an anti-gun area. Use whatever potentially unpopular traits or views you might have, and weave it into a vague "don't trust the tech giants" sort of thing.

Good luck, and whatever you do, keep putting it where your wife doesn't want it to go!

08-28-19, 08:32
"Let me choke, slap, spit on, and generally destroy her. " - mommy issues anyone?While I don't personally derive any pleasure from choking / slapping (and spitting is an outright turnoff), you might be surprised at how many girls in the 18-22 range want this, or at least various forms of rough sex. I think Internet porn culture has conditioned them to believe that only sex with extremes is exciting.

If an SD does it because they have a craving or fetish for humiliating women, then yeah there is likely an underlying psychological cause, but when the girl wants it then I see it as making the overall sexual experience better, because rough sex turns her on.

Although, I would advise anyone to make sure its what she wants first, and finding that out I think is more of a learned skill or intuition than directly asking her how rough she wants it. Some girls want it rough, some girls want it slow and sensual. When you can read what they want without forcing them to spell it out, it often leads to very good things. What a rush it is for a guy in his fifties to hear a 23 year old wants to be his girlfriend with no allowance required!

08-28-19, 10:08
"Let me choke, slap, spit on, and generally destroy her. " - mommy issues anyone?Since that is 6 pages back I see you have been looking at my post history. Glad you're enjoying my reviews.

08-28-19, 11:22
Since that is 6 pages back I see you have been looking at my post history. Glad you're enjoying my reviews.Certainly appreciate your insight and experiences with SBs, just wondering what's behind your need to repeatedly mention how big your dick is and how you like to "destroy" young girls.

08-28-19, 11:25
Certainly appreciate your insight and experiences with SBs, just wondering what's behind your need to repeatedly mention how big your dick is and how you like to "destroy" young girls.1) that's the kind of sex she and I were into (her profile states she's "kinky" and into "RP and BDSM") and

2) she excitedly agreed to anal before we met but chickened out when she saw my tool. You may not have that problem but other members will.

I suggest you stop attacking members who have contributed far more to this forum than you. Guys like you are the reason senior contributing members are often reluctant to share information and advice.

You're posting on a forum where we discuss prostitutes, do you really think you have any standing to criticize members for what they do with other consenting adults?

I bet you are one of the white knights who goes and mentions this forum and it's reviews to the escorts and hookers. And that's what they are, despite you referring to them as "young girls"

08-28-19, 14:31
While I don't personally derive any pleasure from choking / slapping (and spitting is an outright turnoff), you might be surprised at how many girls in the 18-22 range want this, or at least various forms of rough sex. I think Internet porn culture has conditioned them to believe that only sex with extremes is exciting.I continue to be surprised at the fucked up shit some SBs are into. It's definitely because of porn.

Choking is the least of it.

But I have to admit I was surprised the first time a SB asked me to choke her, and how hard she wanted to be choked.

08-28-19, 18:56
While I don't personally derive any pleasure from choking / slapping (and spitting is an outright turnoff), you might be surprised at how many girls in the 18-22 range want this, or at least various forms of rough sex. I think Internet porn culture has conditioned them to believe that only sex with extremes is exciting.

Although, I would advise anyone to make sure its what she wants first, and finding that out I think is more of a learned skill or intuition than directly asking her how rough she wants it. I think you are right about internet porn stretching boundaries for lots of girls. I for one am glad of it! As far as figuring out what they like, I have noticed a high percentage of the young girls on SA like it rough, and like a dominant male. I think it flows from the daddy issues that are often discussed on here. It's not rocket science to figure out. Just do the usual "mainstream" acts that are a little rough and see how they respond. Slap their ass while you are dogging them. Even if they don't like it, it's not going to freak them out. Grab a handful of their hair and pull so that they have to arch their back. If this turns up their temperature level then you know you have a live one and can escalate.

On Sunday afternoon, I was dogging a nice 22 yo Asian spinner for the first time. I grabbed her upper arms from behind and lifted her head and shoulders off the bed (its another good sign that she had put her shoulders and face down on the bed, instead of staying on her hands and knees, without me having to push her down). She responded by putting her hands behind her back and crossing her wrists. This allows me to grab both wrists with one of my hands, leaving the other one free to choke her or whatever. I interpreted that as a surrender. That turned out to be the correct interpretation and things just got more and more interesting.

A lot of these girls are so submissive they will tie themselves up while you are taking your pants off!

08-28-19, 21:50
That's the kind of sex she and I were into (her profile states she's "kinky" and into "RP and BDSM") and.

2) she excitedly agreed to anal before we met but chickened out when she saw my tool. You may not have that problem but other members will.

I suggest you stop attacking members who have contributed far more to this forum than you. Guys like you are the reason senior contributing members are often reluctant to share information and advice.

You're posting on a forum where we discuss prostitutes, do you really think you have any standing to criticize members for what they do with other consenting adults?

I bet you are one of the white knights who goes and mentions this forum and it's reviews to the escorts and hookers. And that's what they are, despite you referring to them as "young girls".

First off, this is a SB thread, not an escort thread. If you need to know the difference, a SB is someone that has an arrangement that may or may not involve sex, among other things as well, and an escort is someone who has sex with anyone that has the money they request. Secondly, he didn't criticize your behavior, he questioned your penchant for constantly bragging. However I will happily add my opinion that anyone that enjoys slapping, spitting on and humiliating a woman has major f ing issues and should leave this thread to the civilized mongers.

08-28-19, 23:03
First off, this is a SB thread, not an escort thread. If you need to know the difference, a SB is someone that has an arrangement that may or may not involve sex, among other things as well, and an escort is someone who has sex with anyone that has the money they request.Brother they're one in the same. Nobody on this thread is looking for an arrangement without sex, half the posts (including yours) are alerting the rest of the thread about which SBs are looking for platonic arrangements. This particular Sb showed up at my hotel looking for kinky sex in exchange for money. You can call her what you want, the dictionary would call her a *****.

You didn't seem have a problem with my review of Alex given that you posted asking me and then PM'd me about her details. But I guess you've changed your mind and decided I have "major f*cking issues."

08-29-19, 13:09
Brother they're one in the same. Nobody on this thread is looking for an arrangement without sex, half the posts (including yours) are alerting the rest of the thread about which SBs are looking for platonic arrangements. This particular Sb showed up at my hotel looking for kinky sex in exchange for money. You can call her what you want, the dictionary would call her a *****.

You didn't seem have a problem with my review of Alex given that you posted asking me and then PM'd me about her details. But I guess you've changed your mind and decided I have "major f*cking issues."Perhaps you should let us know exactly how big your dick is so we know what her anal limitations are. Any girls who show up for me asking to be spit on and slapped I will certainly refer to you because I don't want them LOL.

08-31-19, 15:25
I think you are right about internet porn stretching boundaries for lots of girls. I for one am glad of it! As far as figuring out what they like, I have noticed a high percentage of the young girls on SA like it rough, and like a dominant male. I think it flows from the daddy issues that are often discussed on here. It's not rocket science to figure out. Just do the usual "mainstream" acts that are a little rough and see how they respond. Slap their ass while you are dogging them. Even if they don't like it, it's not going to freak them out. Grab a handful of their hair and pull so that they have to arch their back. If this turns up their temperature level then you know you have a live one and can escalate.

On Sunday afternoon, I was dogging a nice 22 yo Asian spinner for the first time. I grabbed her upper arms from behind and lifted her head and shoulders off the bed (its another good sign that she had put her shoulders and face down on the bed, instead of staying on her hands and knees, without me having to push her down). She responded by putting her hands behind her back and crossing her wrists. This allows me to grab both wrists with one of my hands, leaving the other one free to choke her or whatever. I interpreted that as a surrender. That turned out to be the correct interpretation and things just got more and more interesting.

A lot of these girls are so submissive they will tie themselves up while you are taking your pants off!I remember the first time I realized how fucked up millennials can be.

I was with a 22 why / o SB I met on SA. I asked her what she liked while we were fucking. She said it was complicated, and that she wanted to be choked while doing anal.

I complied.

She kept telling me to choke her harder.

Like, really hard.

So hard that I could see my mugshot if I closed my eyes. I was at the edge of being afraid for her and me.

But she loved it. And asked for it again and again.

08-31-19, 20:02
First off, this is an escort thread. Hey, man, fixed it for you.

09-20-19, 00:37
Anyone got any antibiotics that they want to get rid of?

09-27-19, 13:35
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.

09-27-19, 13:47
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.I sure hope you can narrow it down and out this sick fuck!

09-27-19, 13:48
I sure hope you can narrow it down and out this sick fuck!I'll 2nd that. Disgusting.

Geechie Dan
09-27-19, 13:52
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.Sorry this happened to the young lady. I honestly don't know what to say beyond that. My personal opinion is the person should be outted and banned, but not my call.

09-27-19, 14:02
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.Gone and beaten.

09-27-19, 14:07
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.We need to find out who he is. There is no place in this world for a sick MF like that. Wish I knew who he was.

09-27-19, 15:24
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.I hope you do find out who it is. That's some sick shit. How would that idiot feel if someone said some shit like that to their child's mother. I found out the hard way last year that it's some fowl fuckers in this forum when I posted about a girl and gave her info out and someone attempted some weird shit with her. She changed her number and I have not heard from her since. Them idiots don't realise that they are tarnishing our name and the forum with clown shit.

09-27-19, 15:31
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.I don't know why anyone would ask that, that is so far from what anyone should do, I hope he gets the message from all the negative talk and just goes away, we don't need that kind of person on here.

09-27-19, 15:41
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.Fuck, I'm sorry this happened. I hope you can pinpoint who it was.

09-27-19, 16:08
Gone and beaten.I'll second the beating part. Lowest form of man on the planet.

09-27-19, 16:29
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.Hope you find out who it is and expose them.

09-27-19, 18:00
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.This is so far below the ideals of nearly all of us here at the board! No one, I mean no one should even think of such a rhing! What a D bag and a pervert! We should do anything and everything to get this asshole banned from the board!

09-27-19, 18:21
Totally Agree!

This is so far below the ideals of nearly all of us here at the board! No one, I mean no one should even think of such a rhing! What a D bag and a pervert! We should do anything and everything to get this asshole banned from the board!

09-27-19, 18:55
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.Jesus. I'm very much a "your kink is your business" kind of guy but goddamn.

09-27-19, 18:58
We need to find out who he is. There is no place in this world for a sick MF like that. Wish I knew who he was.Seriously this sick MF needs to be narrowed down and beaten.

09-27-19, 20:00
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.So sorry to hear that happened, that is beyond sick. And yes it hurts everyone on the board. I'm sure you are really upset as you should be and as we all are. Sooner or later someone has to figure out who this jerk is and I would be happy to get in line to assist in the beatings. As in anything else hope she doesn't judge all of us on the acts of one or two but we need to weed out people like that for sure. Totally unacceptable and demented for sure.

09-27-19, 23:40
The outpouring of support shown on this board by the membership has helped a great deal in repairing the damage done this morning by one of our members. I have bitched enough and I am both surprised and overwhelmed with you guys. I can't thank you enough. I copied all your comments and sent them to her and she is grateful for the support. Thanks again.

Be safe and have fun.

09-28-19, 06:29
So sorry to hear that happened, that is beyond sick. And yes it hurts everyone on the board. I'm sure you are really upset as you should be and as we all are. Sooner or later someone has to figure out who this jerk is and I would be happy to get in line to assist in the beatings. As in anything else hope she doesn't judge all of us on the acts of one or two but we need to weed out people like that for sure. Totally unacceptable and demented for sure.I am speechless, how can anyone want to do that sick shit to a newborn! This MF-er needs to be locked up, but beaten first. That just screams pediphile, which is disgusting and there is no place on this earth of that.

09-28-19, 07:19
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.I think castration is in order for this twisted pedo. She is such sweet woman and to do that is. I'm speechless. I hope he is found and reported in some way because to be that bold and sick means it wasn't his first time.

09-28-19, 07:50
So sorry to hear that happened, that is beyond sick. And yes it hurts everyone on the board. I'm sure you are really upset as you should be and as we all are. Sooner or later someone has to figure out who this jerk is and I would be happy to get in line to assist in the beatings. As in anything else hope she doesn't judge all of us on the acts of one or two but we need to weed out people like that for sure. Totally unacceptable and demented for sure.This is one sick fuck. I hope he can be identified so he can get what's coming to him.

09-28-19, 15:42
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.So did you get any info? Any description of pedo? Just lay them out here.

Did she look what kind car? Anything? Just lay them out here.

09-28-19, 20:36
I am going to unload here and if the moderator wants to can me, so be it. I am not sure I want to associate with the likes of some of the people I have recommended to my UTR with a newborn. Today one of you made an appointment, showed up and offered her a $ to lick here 3 week old baby. She was so upset she could hardly talk to me after he left. I don't know who this ped is but I am going to find out.

This is conduct way below the ideals of this board, I am so enraged I can hardly write. This is unacceptable conduct for anybody, whoever you are you have tarnished the value of this board, I will have a hard time referring any more "mongers" to my friends.I just moved it to this thread. Chicks with newborns are pretty crazy, it probably didn't happen anywhere near like it was relayed to you. Just think about it a second, some senior member who has never posted anything about being a pedo just ups and offers some chick 100 bucks to lick the baby when he coulda done it for free if he woulda just paid her some attention and told her the baby was adorable? New mothers are forever throwing their babies at anybody who will hold them.

I'm not seeing it.

If it did though somebody should cut his balls off. No space on this forum for pedos.


Old Salt 93
10-21-19, 10:35
C'Mon now guys. The limit is 100 messages. What is so difficult about keeping it under that number? Especially if you are PM'ing someone asking for info. I'm happy to share and have never held info hostage or demanded a trade. Can't speak for everyone, but when you PM a member asking for info, you need to make sure you have room to get the reply.

Done ranting, please return to mongering 😀.

02-19-20, 20:28
I'm posting on this thread since it has nothing to do with sex.

Lisa had a roommate that passed away unexpectedly and asked if I would post seeking donations to cover a funeral service. She's given me the info of where to make donations.

Told her not to really expect anything but I would post nonetheless.

02-21-20, 15:20
Hope. Just wow.

Like admin said lie or not. Its an eye opener.

Be careful of witch hunts, but true let them burn.

03-06-20, 03:42
Why does it matter if she's exclusive? As long as you're playing safe and she treats you right when you're together, it shouldn't matter. Considering you're seeing two others, it seems like an unfair exchange. Unless you're willing to up the allowance, expect that she'll have 1-2 other SD's to support her. I guess your options are to either move on, up your allowance, or get over the fact that she's not exclusive. Good luck.

I currently have three SB's in rotation. Regardless, I continue to work the site for new ones. I have been seeing my most recent addition since last Fall. We see each other once or twice a week. She has a very tight schedule and lots of medical issues. She has a slight butterface but makes up for it with a very tight body and lots of enthusiasm during sex. I thought we were exclusive on her side but apparently not. I disconnected with her on Seeking when we started seeing each other. Recently, she started messaging me on the site and yesterday she favorited my profile. It seems she forgot who I was on there. Maybe she is looking to upgrade her allowance. Though I think I have been generous. If I say nothing, she may eventually figure it out in which case the situation could become more explosive. Any thoughts on how I should handle this?


03-06-20, 14:51
I don't care whether she is exclusive or not. I've told her it is not going to upset me if she is dating outside our arrangement. She is the one acting as if she is exclusive. If she figures out that she is hitting me up on the site, she will know that I know that she has been pretending and she is caught out. How do you think she would react in that situation?


Why does it matter if she's exclusive? As long as you're playing safe and she treats you right when you're together, it shouldn't matter. Considering you're seeing two others, it seems like an unfair exchange. Unless you're willing to up the allowance, expect that she'll have 1-2 other SD's to support her. I guess your options are to either move on, up your allowance, or get over the fact that she's not exclusive. Good luck.

03-06-20, 19:59
I don't care whether she is exclusive or not. I've told her it is not going to upset me if she is dating outside our arrangement. She is the one acting as if she is exclusive. If she figures out that she is hitting me up on the site, she will know that I know that she has been pretending and she is caught out. How do you think she would react in that situation?

Bam.In your original post, you mentioned exclusivity, and how you should deal with it. In general, a SD should not continuously check up on a SB. It's unhealthy, counter-productive, and doesn't produce a healthy SD-SB relationship. I'd suggest blocking her, and just enjoying the time you have together. If a future SB brings up exclusivity, just tell her to be realistic, that everyone is an adult, and they have the freedom to do what they want, when they want.

03-18-20, 09:23
With this Corona virus going around and a lot of us laying low for now, we'll probably be hitting the porn LOL. Was wondering who is everyone's favorite pornstar (s).

My list.

Ebony Ayes.

Jada Fire.

Vanessa Blue.

Luxury Amore.


Kim Eternity. My all time favorite!

03-20-20, 00:06
Yall still trying to go to a parlor and the cases has doubled in matter of days. Getting that handy ain't that damn important. We as a country will never learn. Play your part in not spreading this crap and put your extra curricular activities on hold.

It sucks, yeah I know. But spend that free time with your family.

03-20-20, 07:59
Yall still trying to go to a parlor and the cases has doubled in matter of days. Getting that handy ain't that damn important. We as a country will never learn. Play your part in not spreading this crap and put your extra curricular activities on hold.

It sucks, yeah I know. But spend that free time with your family.Going to a AMP is probably not the worst thing you can do. How about staying out of the grocery store to buy toilet paper you don't need. If the AMP is clean and sanitized your no gonna get it from there. The news media has blown this up way more than it should be. Fear is a powerful tool. Stay away from crowds and Wash your hands. Its a flu not the walking fucking dead. If your a senior you should take extra precautions but if your in decent health just be cautious.

03-20-20, 13:51
Going to a AMP is probably not the worst thing you can do. How about staying out of the grocery store to buy toilet paper you don't need. If the AMP is clean and sanitized your no gonna get it from there. The news media has blown this up way more than it should be. Fear is a powerful tool. Stay away from crowds and Wash your hands. Its a flu not the walking fucking dead. If your a senior you should take extra precautions but if your in decent health just be cautious.AMP are clean and sanitized? Are you fucking joking? And it is now well know that this chink flu affects all ages.

03-20-20, 14:13
Going to a AMP is probably not the worst thing you can do. How about staying out of the grocery store to buy toilet paper you don't need. If the AMP is clean and sanitized your no gonna get it from there. The news media has blown this up way more than it should be. Fear is a powerful tool. Stay away from crowds and Wash your hands. Its a flu not the walking fucking dead. If your a senior you should take extra precautions but if your in decent health just be cautious.Its killing 1 person every 30 minutes in Italy, yes they are an older society but still insane to think that this is just the flu. Look at the accounts of young people that are going thru this, or have recovered and tell me its just the flu, we're probably all going to be like CA and NY soon enough anyway, get a bunch of beer and liquor and chill out till this blows over.

Stay safe!

03-20-20, 14:45
AMP are clean and sanitized? Are you fucking joking? And it is now well know that this chink flu affects all ages.Its the flu it no more no less. In not a fuckin chinck flu its all over the world. Do know how many die from the flu every year? Like I said wash your hands like you shouldve been doing anyway. Your going to catch it regardless. Healthy people will havr no problem but elderly will suffer like every other fuckin flu.

03-20-20, 15:03
Its killing 1 person every 30 minutes in Italy, yes they are an older society but still insane to think that this is just the flu. Look at the accounts of young people that are going thru this, or have recovered and tell me its just the flu, we're probably all going to be like CA and NY soon enough anyway, get a bunch of beer and liquor and chill out till this blows over.

Stay safe!Its the flu just a different strain. But whatever panic will ensue because of lack of facts.

03-20-20, 20:04
Its the flu it no more no less. In not a fuckin chinck flu its all over the world. Do know how many die from the flu every year? Like I said wash your hands like you shouldve been doing anyway. Your going to catch it regardless. Healthy people will havr no problem but elderly will suffer like every other fuckin flu.0. 1% of people that get the flu die. Between 2 and 5% of people that get COVID-19 die. 20- to 50-fold higher death rate!!

03-20-20, 23:28
Its killing 1 person every 30 minutes in Italy, yes they are an older society but still insane to think that this is just the flu. Look at the accounts of young people that are going thru this, or have recovered and tell me its just the flu, we're probably all going to be like CA and NY soon enough anyway, get a bunch of beer and liquor and chill out till this blows over.

Stay safe!In November 2019 while Covid was getting in shape in Wuhan for it's world tour there was a study released in about why Italy has more seasonal flu deaths than the rest of the EU.

The study period was flu season (five months) over 2014,15, 16,17. Over that time Italy had 5,200,000 cases of flu resulting in 68000 deaths.


Let me say that again, over four years Italy averaged 1. 25 MILLION cases resulting in 17,500 deaths which disproportionately effected the elderly and nobody gave a shit, nobody at all. That number of deaths over a 5 month period is one every 15 minutes. This is two months in and there are 4000 deaths. Each death is a tragedy to somebody I don't meant to say it isn't and I get it that we have to flatten the curve to help as many people recover as possible but so far I'm not seeing a 12 monkey scenario. The panic is being manufactured.


03-21-20, 17:13
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted to remove references to Transvestites/Transsexuals/SheMales. As provided in the Forum's Posting Guideline, members may not discuss Transvestites/Transsexuals/SheMales. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thanks!

03-27-20, 10:41
I don't know about you guys but my desire for strange pussy has dwindled tremendously. I believe a lot of us fall into the demographic who could be severely affected by this bug. What precautions are you all taking if you're still seeing ladies?

Todays Nooner
03-27-20, 18:44
I don't know about you guys but my desire for strange pussy has dwindled tremendously. I believe a lot of us fall into the demographic who could be severely affected by this bug. What precautions are you all taking if you're still seeing ladies?If you can't stay socially distant, minimize risk by not hugging or kissing, stay with a BJ starter and Doggie finish. Try not to touch surfaces while you are there and use hand sanitizer once you get back to the car. Go home, clothes right to the laundry, and you into the shower.

03-27-20, 20:54
If you can't stay socially distant, minimize risk by not hugging or kissing, stay with a BJ starter and Doggie finish. Try not to touch surfaces while you are there and use hand sanitizer once you get back to the car. Go home, clothes right to the laundry, and you into the shower.You are no more susceptible of catching the virus than any other place. I work retail grocery and I come in contact with thousands of people everyday coughing sneezing. Wash your hands don't touch your eyes or nose and that alone reduces yiur chance.

03-27-20, 21:24
Using my big head and taking a break from the game til things turn around, yes it's hard but it's the smart thing to do right now.

I don't know about you guys but my desire for strange pussy has dwindled tremendously. I believe a lot of us fall into the demographic who could be severely affected by this bug. What precautions are you all taking if you're still seeing ladies?

03-28-20, 08:03
When I've used those on-line test ordering sites, I've always used a debit gift card. The key is to register your card with a zip code. They've always accepted that. My government name then never gets referenced at all for testing.Never thought of this, but makes sense since you don't have to show ID at the health diagnostics site to give the samples, just verify that the name on the tubes is you. Thus, you can use whatever alias you want.

10-04-20, 01:04
You really think guys that gov haven't figured out the vpn thing? Its as stupid as dial *69 or whatver fluck number was to block your I'd number in the past, vpn gives you the idea of security your IP address and location is always is attached to your vpn is like change the number of your house nobody cares and whom you going to trick with that? "

As of yesterday mobile does not work either.

I downloaded the Tor Browser and it allows connectivity to STG. Need to accept the warning.

I checked, and using Tor I am anonymous.

That's all I got.

Otherwise everything else involves major changes such as creating a tunnel to hide the VPN traffic and I am not willing to fool with.

Just search google for all that if you want to go that far. It is used to avoid governmental eyes..

10-04-20, 10:22
You really think guys that gov haven't figured out the vpn thing? Its as stupid as dial *69 or whatver fluck number was to block your I'd number in the past, vpn gives you the idea of security your IP address and location is always is attached to your vpn is like change the number of your house nobody cares and whom you going to trick with that? "

.I put it in the stupid shit thread because you have no understanding how VPN's and subpoenas work. If you're DPR and you're running silk road then maybe the FBI trades some favors and gets the NSA to look into the data base of NORD but what do they find? Nothing because Nord has their servers in Panama because Panama has no data retention laws, the NSA guys know that and would tell the FBI sure, we can do it but there's nothing there. Then, they could spend a few million dollars to subpoena a trace on your account with Nord which would lead them to your ISP in the states then the could spend a couple hundred thousand more on a subpoena for that, which would then lead them to your home. If you're DPR that could be worth it to them but you're not, you're a monger who's worse crime is a misdemeanor, when they cops knock your lawyer says "yes, my client admits he likes reading about prostitutes. Can we go now?" Since every first year law student knows reading about hookers isn't against the law exactly which DA is going to authorize a few millions bucks to hear you say, "yeah reading about hookers is my thing."


10-04-20, 13:30
You didn't get my point, it's exactly what I said gov can track vpn using their secret weapon but they won't use the weapon just to find a guy that looking to fuck with little lisa without her wife finds out gov only uses the tool when there is a real tread if vpn is soo good how we know where are their servers? Have you ask yourself what parts of the world this country doesn't has control Europe is our bitchh Mexico central and South America are our back yard they do whatever we said just take look Brazil Colombia and those who doesn't obey like Venezuela and Peru we just fucked their economy and their life/

I put it in the stupid shit thread because you have no understanding how VPN's and subpoenas work. If you're DPR and you're running silk road then maybe the FBI trades some favors and gets the NSA to look into the data base of NORD but what do they find? Nothing because Nord has their servers in Panama because Panama has no data retention laws, the NSA guys know that and would tell the FBI sure, we can do it but there's nothing there. Then, they could spend a few million dollars to subpoena a trace on your account with Nord which would lead them to your ISP in the states then the could spend a couple hundred thousand more on a subpoena for that, which would then lead them to your home. If you're DPR that could be worth it to them but you're not, you're a monger who's worse crime is a misdemeanor, when they cops knock your lawyer says "yes, my client admits he likes reading about prostitutes. Can we go now?" Since every first year law student knows reading about hookers isn't against the law exactly which DA is going to authorize a few millions bucks to hear you say, "yeah reading about hookers is my thing."


10-05-20, 09:41
You didn't get my point, it's exactly what I said gov can track vpn using their secret weapon but they won't use the weapon just to find a guy that looking to fuck with little lisa without her wife finds out gov only uses the tool when there is a real tread if vpn is soo good how we know where are their servers? Have you ask yourself what parts of the world this country doesn't has control Europe is our bitchh Mexico central and South America are our back yard they do whatever we said just take look Brazil Colombia and those who doesn't obey like Venezuela and Peru we just fucked their economy and their life/Federal agencies don't give a fuck about us. Localities don't have the resources to clock all the websites. Now they may browse them see where the action is going then do a raid or 2 but to think they gunna see you post some bravado bullshit about some 40 $ Crackhoe is ridiculous. I'd be more worried about the handler or stickup kids robbing or killing you. Just me 2 cents for what it's worth.

02-06-21, 23:09
Met up with a good and reliable friend tonight. Hadn't seen her in a few weeks but Kate certainly showed me what I been missing out. We met up where I usually find her and went to our usual spot. Great date although she nodded off a few times on me. Made me feel creepy for a min, but hey who am I kidding? I kept on stroking the consent was already made. Besides her streets was pretty dry Friday night.Hey well that sure was some great information. Post your stories somewhere else.

02-06-21, 23:53
Hey well that sure was some great information. Post your stories somewhere else.Didn't know I needed your full stamp of approval. Point me in the right direction of where to post my story. And I will take my great information there. Thanks.

02-07-21, 10:25
Didn't know I needed your full stamp of approval. Point me in the right direction of where to post my story. And I will take my great information there. Thanks.You don't. I thought this was a place to share information.

The USASexGuide Forum is a FREE forum for the exchange of information between men who are looking for sex with women.

02-07-21, 11:15
You don't. I thought this was a place to share information.

The USASexGuide Forum is a FREE forum for the exchange of information between men who are looking for sex with women.Well stop acting like you don't know Kate, where she usually hangs out at, and what alley she likes to go behind. Backseat cardate half and half. You know the deal. What else do I need to post for your approval? Do you want make and model of my car? Plates, type of protection used. You want to know what we were wearing?

02-07-21, 13:54
Well stop acting like you don't know Kate, where she usually hangs out at, and what alley she likes to go behind. Backseat cardate half and half. You know the deal. What else do I need to post for your approval? Do you want make and model of my car? Plates, type of protection used. You want to know what we were wearing?Like your story. No I don't know KATE. I don't give shit about what you drive. We come here for for information. And if a good story goes along with the information than that's great. Don't assume everyone knows what you talking about. I didn't mean for you to get your panties in wad.

02-08-21, 17:50
Even the cryptic responses we have grown accustomed to on the massage board offer more than what was provided here. And there's a lot between what you posted and personal identifying info such as plates.

Well stop acting like you don't know Kate, where she usually hangs out at, and what alley she likes to go behind. Backseat cardate half and half. You know the deal. What else do I need to post for your approval? Do you want make and model of my car? Plates, type of protection used. You want to know what we were wearing?

02-08-21, 18:30
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it appeared to be a public effort to discourage members from posting information. If you have a concern about information posted by another member, then please contact them privately by PM. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.

03-29-21, 19:43
I want to call some dudes out on here for their bull shit post. But the mods are going to block me again. Reading some of these post on various boards over the last few days / weeks. I think its a lot of fake stories going on. Some of yall exaggerating some services you claim to be getting. Am I the only one thinking this? If I am wrong, shame on me. But I've gotten services from some well reviewed girls that aren't on the regular menu, and I'm sure others have as well. Usually it because we have built a good report with each other. And I don't need to go run tell it. But hey, to each its own.

03-29-21, 21:43
I want to call some dudes out on here for their bull shit post. But the mods are going to block me again. Reading some of these post on various boards over the last few days / weeks. I think its a lot of fake stories going on. Some of yall exaggerating some services you claim to be getting. Am I the only one thinking this? If I am wrong, shame on me. But I've gotten services from some well reviewed girls that aren't on the regular menu, and I'm sure others have as well. Usually it because we have built a good report with each other. And I don't need to go run tell it. But hey, to each its own.I'm not disagreeing at all with ya; glad you mentioned; it but its the internet. Sometimes you have take what you read divide by 2 and go from there, its a crap shoot! Just sayin'.

04-07-21, 12:15
This developing story on Gaetz is not good news for anyone on SA. Reports pretty much spell it out that some of the girls came from there. This kind of attention is not good for the site.

04-07-21, 21:08
This developing story on Gaetz is not good news for anyone on SA. Reports pretty much spell it out that some of the girls came from there. This kind of attention is not good for the site.This will not bode well for the hookers-that-don't-think-they're-hookers site.

04-08-21, 23:30
This will not bode well for the hookers-that-don't-think-they're-hookers site.This hostility. Is it really directed at the females? Perhaps johns-that-don't-think-they're-johns is more accurate?

04-09-21, 19:58
This hostility. Is it really directed at the females? Perhaps johns-that-don't-think-they're-johns is more accurate?Why not both? I recognize that you have fully immersed yourself in the fantasy that these girls are somehow special, and it's not transactional. So yeah. I'd say you probably fit the self-identified category you just posited.

To be clear: I don't have "hostility" towards any of the females or johns. I have a clear-eyed view of what's going on and, yes. I do have a certain amount of contempt for some johns-that-don't-think-they're-johns.

04-17-21, 10:12
So I decided to take GF out for dinner to make up for a fuck up. But just in case things didn't recover I decided to scope out some after action. So I have my computer open on a page and this website and run to bathroom and in walks GF. Luckily she came straight to the bathroom and didn't look at my computer, not sure what I would have said. So dodged that bullet just to get struck by another. So now we are in my ride, which I leave the glove compartment locked, but I needed to put the insurance form in there. Low and behold I unlock, open it and grab my bag with documents and she looks inside and BAM burner phone. I quickly mention how its been in there so long I had forgot about it and how I found it and figured I would use it as a spare and just need to take it to Verizon to move my current phone to that phone. Then I go back to yea I had forgot it was in here, probably completely dead now, not even sure if they can unlock it, might just drop it off at a recycle center. I then close the door and change the topic to a knife I had in there and how I need to throw it away before I get stopped by the cops and they see it.

After these too issues and the streets being non existent for me, either a lack of talent and the talent out there like Gigi I can never find. Then ad most of the working girls either charge what I make in a week or I'm not into them. Where are the Zoe Saldanas, Isla Fishers, Shanola Hamptons? I'm no Brad Pitt, but If they are charging the rates I've seen lately I expect them to be in the quality of the aforementioned ladies. I mean either they are buttaface or avg face but 20 lbs overweight.

Rant done.

04-17-21, 13:25
So I decided to take GF out for dinner to make up for a fuck up. But just in case things didn't recover I decided to scope out some after action. So I have my computer open on a page and this website and run to bathroom and in walks GF. Luckily she came straight to the bathroom and didn't look at my computer, not sure what I would have said. So dodged that bullet just to get struck by another. So now we are in my ride, which I leave the glove compartment locked, but I needed to put the insurance form in there. Low and behold I unlock, open it and grab my bag with documents and she looks inside and BAM burner phone. I quickly mention how its been in there so long I had forgot about it and how I found it and figured I would use it as a spare and just need to take it to Verizon to move my current phone to that phone. Then I go back to yea I had forgot it was in here, probably completely dead now, not even sure if they can unlock it, might just drop it off at a recycle center. I then close the door and change the topic to a knife I had in there and how I need to throw it away before I get stopped by the cops and they see it.

After these too issues and the streets being non existent for me, either a lack of talent and the talent out there like Gigi I can never find. Then ad most of the working girls either charge what I make in a week or I'm not into them. Where are the Zoe Saldanas, Isla Fishers, Shanola Hamptons? I'm no Brad Pitt, but If they are charging the rates I've seen lately I expect them to be in the quality of the aforementioned ladies. I mean either they are buttaface or avg face but 20 lbs overweight.

Rant done.Whenever power goes out and returns, computer resumes where it was. See where I'm going? One being while looking through various sites for possible date, power goes out. I was sweating bullets hoping power would be restored while I am there. Had to hang around several hours, but got to it in time. Whew!

04-17-21, 15:02
Whenever power goes out and returns, computer resumes where it was. See where I'm going? One being while looking through various sites for possible date, power goes out. I was sweating bullets hoping power would be restored while I am there. Had to hang around several hours, but got to it in time. Whew!You should start using private mode (or, incognito mode depending on what you use) in your browser. If you've got this site open in a private / incognito browser tab and the computer shuts down unexpectedly it will open back up to a blank browser window.

Absolute life saver.

04-17-21, 18:34
Whenever power goes out and returns, computer resumes where it was. See where I'm going? One being while looking through various sites for possible date, power goes out. I was sweating bullets hoping power would be restored while I am there. Had to hang around several hours, but got to it in time. Whew!But don't you have to log on in order to get to your desktop? If not you need to change that setting. I would never ever use my computer at home to do this with a SO floating around. As far as burner phone in glovebox I had a spot just under driver side dash there was a ledge that it fit into just always had to remember to shut it off. Be safe be secure always double check try not to get to comfortable that's when you get caught. Once I got caught doing anything I was a horrible liar and she could tell right away.

04-17-21, 21:49
So I decided to take GF out for dinner to make up for a fuck up. But just in case things didn't recover I decided to scope out some after action. So I have my computer open on a page and this website and run to bathroom and in walks GF. Luckily she came straight to the bathroom and didn't look at my computer, not sure what I would have said. So dodged that bullet just to get struck by another. So now we are in my ride, which I leave the glove compartment locked, but I needed to put the insurance form in there. Low and behold I unlock, open it and grab my bag with documents and she looks inside and BAM burner phone. I quickly mention how its been in there so long I had forgot about it and how I found it and figured I would use it as a spare and just need to take it to Verizon to move my current phone to that phone. Then I go back to yea I had forgot it was in here, probably completely dead now, not even sure if they can unlock it, might just drop it off at a recycle center. I then close the door and change the topic to a knife I had in there and how I need to throw it away before I get stopped by the cops and they see it.

After these too issues and the streets being non existent for me, either a lack of talent and the talent out there like Gigi I can never find. Then ad most of the working girls either charge what I make in a week or I'm not into them. Where are the Zoe Saldanas, Isla Fishers, Shanola Hamptons? I'm no Brad Pitt, but If they are charging the rates I've seen lately I expect them to be in the quality of the aforementioned ladies. I mean either they are buttaface or avg face but 20 lbs overweight.

Rant done.

Whenever power goes out and returns, computer resumes where it was. See where I'm going? One being while looking through various sites for possible date, power goes out. I was sweating bullets hoping power would be restored while I am there. Had to hang around several hours, but got to it in time. Whew!

You should start using private mode (or, incognito mode depending on what you use) in your browser. If you've got this site open in a private / incognito browser tab and the computer shuts down unexpectedly it will open back up to a blank browser window.

Absolute life saver.Your computer should never boot back up to anything but a login screen. You fellows need to start hitting Win+L (windows machine) every fucking time you stand up and go to the kitchen or bathroom. Hopefully, you have a login that only you know. There's a lot of options for locking your Mac if that's what you use. Enable BitLocker or FileVault depending on which OS you use.

I could throw my computer into the street and sleep like a baby that no one can access anything on it. I'm, of course, assuming that I'm not up against a three-letter agency.

04-18-21, 12:41
Your computer should never boot back up to anything but a login screen. You fellows need to start hitting Win+L (windows machine) every fucking time you stand up and go to the kitchen or bathroom. Hopefully, you have a login that only you know. There's a lot of options for locking your Mac if that's what you use. Enable BitLocker or FileVault depending on which OS you use.

I could throw my computer into the street and sleep like a baby that no one can access anything on it. I'm, of course, assuming that I'm not up against a three-letter agency.I have a special browsers I used for this e. G. Epic and Tor. And they are not locked to taskbar or a short cut, I have to search for them. And if she did find them I have the links not in my favorites but in a locked folder on the tab. Computer is password protected, but I guess with some time she could figure it out, but even then my normal browser has nothing but usual crap (news, sports, movies, etc). Also, those aforementioned browsers don't save history.

As far as my car phukup, I know better and actually have a hidden compartment under dash. But I usually only place it there when I am going out, but since all my favs are gone and I haven't seen that phone since Christmas and now the number is probably invalid.

With technology it's less likely the SW scene will go back like it was 90-2000's. Oh how I miss the days of that single mom just trying to make ends meet rather than the drug infected zombies who will quickly rob you, have you robbed or go unprotected for the cost of bottom shelf whiskey. I remember going out right before school started just to find the mothers who needed that extra cash to buy little Johnny a new backpack. When they might take you back to their apt / home and it wasn't full of drug paraphernalia or some sketchy guy who looks like the same person you see on the Most Wanted list seating on the couch. Guess I'm sounding like that old man talking "back in my day we walked 5 miles to school in the snow". Think I will just seat back and live vicariously thru you all. Well I still have the AMPs.

04-19-21, 08:25
Your computer should never boot back up to anything but a login screen. You fellows need to start hitting Win+L (windows machine) every fucking time you stand up and go to the kitchen or bathroom. Hopefully, you have a login that only you know. There's a lot of options for locking your Mac if that's what you use. Enable BitLocker or FileVault depending on which OS you use.

I could throw my computer into the street and sleep like a baby that no one can access anything on it. I'm, of course, assuming that I'm not up against a three-letter agency.Not as smart on this stuff as you guys.

04-19-21, 08:29
But don't you have to log on in order to get to your desktop? If not you need to change that setting. I would never ever use my computer at home to do this with a SO floating around. As far as burner phone in glovebox I had a spot just under driver side dash there was a ledge that it fit into just always had to remember to shut it off. Be safe be secure always double check try not to get to comfortable that's when you get caught. Once I got caught doing anything I was a horrible liar and she could tell right away.Don't have to logon. If screen is off, it opens back to where I was. Regardless if I was doing private browsing. That's as much as I I know about this stuff. She has her own but uses it too from time to time.

04-19-21, 08:30
You should start using private mode (or, incognito mode depending on what you use) in your browser. If you've got this site open in a private / incognito browser tab and the computer shuts down unexpectedly it will open back up to a blank browser window.

Absolute life saver.Use private mode, but opens back to whatever I was on.

04-19-21, 08:39
Don't have to logon. If screen is off, it opens back to where I was. Regardless if I was doing private browsing. That's as much as I I know about this stuff. She has her own but uses it too from time to time.I know very little also but hopefully friends here can give some good tips to help you. Stay safe.

04-19-21, 09:31
So, becoming a regular member or senior member is all based on how many posts you've contributed? What's to stop someone from going to a random city (or several) asking questions just like this one and racking up 'member posts', I know people can look at your contribution history, but a quick glance beside the name won't share that information.

What about Venue Contributor stars / levels? Is that for financially supporting the site? Just a query, thanks.

04-19-21, 09:49
So, becoming a regular member or senior member is all based on how many posts you've contributed? What's to stop someone from going to a random city (or several) asking questions just like this one and racking up 'member posts', I know people can look at your contribution history, but a quick glance beside the name won't share that information.

What about Venue Contributor stars / levels? Is that for financially supporting the site? Just a query, thanks.It's not about number of posts it's about time. If you notice number of post of seniors varies from very few to some who have hundreds. To get trust see somebody post about your experience and do that few times and we tend to open up to regular posters. As far as contributor need to take that up with the powers that be. As always be safe have fun.

04-19-21, 22:14
So, becoming a regular member or senior member is all based on how many posts you've contributed? What's to stop someone from going to a random city (or several) asking questions just like this one and racking up 'member posts', I know people can look at your contribution history, but a quick glance beside the name won't share that information.

What about Venue Contributor stars / levels? Is that for financially supporting the site? Just a query, thanks.When anyone sends me an inbox, I look them up before responding. If they aren't sharing reliable and new info, I just delete their message. Doesn't matter if they are a regular or senior member. Depends on what they being to the table. Also, if anyone asks for info, they should expect to be sharing information something else. It's just common courtesy as far as I'm concerned. I've spent a ton of time and donations building who I know and I learned a long time ago to be careful who you share with. I'm other words, don't come at me empty handed.

Old Salt 93
04-20-21, 09:39
It's not about number of posts it's about time. If you notice number of post of seniors varies from very few to some who have hundreds. To get trust see somebody post about your experience and do that few times and we tend to open up to regular posters. As far as contributor need to take that up with the powers that be. As always be safe have fun.It's number of posts, plus time, plus not engaging in dumbassery that gets the attention of the admin.


That said, solid contributions will get you credibility faster than big numbers of posts.

04-20-21, 12:45
It's number of posts, plus time, plus not engaging in dumbassery that gets the attention of the admin.


That said, solid contributions will get you credibility faster than big numbers of posts.I had not yet seen that; thank you for the link and the explanation. Be Safe, and Have fun.

05-07-21, 10:49
Sorry all, I couldn't find a link to chat directly to the Richmond admin.

I have twice been put in time out by the admin in Wilmington, NC.

Both times I posted replies to newbies that had several posts asking for info in all there posts without contributing anything. So I get punished? All I did was call them out & tell them how it works. Go see escorts that are already reviewed or TOFTT & see a new one not reviewed. Post reviews. Then you will get back ten fold.

The first time was like 60 or 90 days. Basically I could do everything on the site but all my posts had to be reviewed, then they went up on the board after a delay.

The last time was sometime last year. It was supposed to terminate around the first of 2021 but never did. I guess the admin in Wilmington is partial to newbies that contribute dick to the community vs a Senior member with over 400 posts, many sharing.

Info on both escorts & Sugar Babies?

If you could help me off of double secret probation it would be much appreciated.


05-07-21, 17:44
Sorry all, I couldn't find a link to chat directly to the Richmond admin.

I have twice been put in time out by the admin in Wilmington, NC.

Both times I posted replies to newbies that had several posts asking for info in all there posts without contributing anything. So I get punished? All I did was call them out & tell them how it works. Go see escorts that are already reviewed or TOFTT & see a new one not reviewed. Post reviews. Then you will get back ten fold.

The first time was like 60 or 90 days. Basically I could do everything on the site but all my posts had to be reviewed, then they went up on the board after a delay.

The last time was sometime last year. It was supposed to terminate around the first of 2021 but never did. I guess the admin in Wilmington is partial to newbies that contribute dick to the community vs a Senior member with over 400 posts, many sharing.

Info on both escorts & Sugar Babies?

If you could help me off of double secret probation it would be much appreciated.

DoggieFan.Amen brother. I don't call out obvious bs anymore. Seems lot of fake reviews and sus newbies. Stay safe.

05-09-21, 17:34
Sorry all, I couldn't find a link to chat directly to the Richmond admin.

I have twice been put in time out by the admin in Wilmington, NC.

Both times I posted replies to newbies that had several posts asking for info in all there posts without contributing anything. So I get punished? All I did was call them out & tell them how it works. Go see escorts that are already reviewed or TOFTT & see a new one not reviewed. Post reviews. Then you will get back ten fold.

The first time was like 60 or 90 days. Basically I could do everything on the site but all my posts had to be reviewed, then they went up on the board after a delay.

The last time was sometime last year. It was supposed to terminate around the first of 2021 but never did. I guess the admin in Wilmington is partial to newbies that contribute dick to the community vs a Senior member with over 400 posts, many sharing.

Info on both escorts & Sugar Babies?

If you could help me off of double secret probation it would be much appreciated.

DoggieFan.No you didn't get "punished" even though you are acting like a child, you're not on "double secret probation" you're on moderation. You're on moderation because on several occasions you decided to shit all over the TOS and run off new members by being a dick to them. You have no idea how this forum works from an economic standpoint and you denigrate the very people who the sponsors need to keep paying the bills.
There are three things this forum needs to continue to be economically viable, we need content creators, content consumers and advertisers. None are more important than the other, I know you as a content creator think "well if I didn't write then nobody would come" you make a good point but if the advertisers didn't give us money the servers don't get paid and you don't have anyplace to write, the advertisers don't care about content the advertisers care about eyeballs and content consumers (the people you denigrate as "lurkers") outnumber the creators by 20-1 or more so without them the advertisers go and then without the advertisers the servers don't get paid and then where do you get to be a dick?

The reason your not off of moderation is you still think what you did was ok and if we didn't check your posts then you would be doing it again. One guy like you can easily cost me 1000 new content creators a year because they see you calling out guys who don't conform to your imaginary rules and they immediately think "fuck this, too many assholes" and leave. The fact that you couldn't handle this like an adult and approach me with a PM and not take it to the forum in general tells me everything I need to know about never taking you off of moderation.

FYI there are no forum specific moderators that can make decisions regarding your account, forum specific moderators are guys who start blogs, they can remove posts but they can't apply infractions.

Let me spell something out to you very clearly, new guys can ask all the fucking questions they want, they don't ever have to write a review to post a question, if you check the TOS you will find that there is no, none, zero rule regarding asking questions but again if you RTFR's you will see that not once but two fucking times we made the effort to tell you that you can't be a dick to people, and it's right at the top

No Flaming: Please do not post any messages that harass, insult, belittle, threaten or flame another member.

No Trolling: Please do not post any topic that disrupts the peace and harmony of this board. Don't create meaningless threads with the sole purpose of starting a dispute.

So no we aren't prioritizing noobs over senior members when we are doing is preventing you from being able to shit all over the terms of service you agreed to when you joined.

Here's another little something, I don't give a fuck if you don't like it. Had you PM'ed me like a grown up we could have had a conversation about this instead you decided to be a dick and try and talk to us like we are some fucking idiots or something, do it again and I shit you not you will be breaking in a new user. Because you may think 400 posts gives you equity but while you provide content you also have probably cost me a hundred members that may have grown to be great seniors by being a dick.

Glad we could have this little chat, I think I cleared up a lot of your questions.

Amen brother. I don't call out obvious bs anymore. Seems lot of fake reviews and sus newbies. Stay safe.Thanks, now start using the report post button and I'll look at those reviews you think are fake and if I agree I'll delete them and the account that made them.


05-10-21, 15:05
[BLUE]No you didn't get "punished" even though you are acting like a child, you're not on "double secret probation" you're on moderation. You're on moderation because on several occasions you decided to shit all over the TOS and run off new members by being a dick to them. You have no idea how this forum works from an economic standpoint and you denigrate the very people who the sponsors need to keep paying the bills.
There are three things this forum needs to continue to be economically viable, we need content creators, content consumers and advertisers. None are more important than the other, I know you as a content creator think "well if I didn't write then nobody would come" you make a good point but if the advertisers didn't give us money the servers don't get paid and you don't have anyplace to write, the advertisers don't care about content the advertisers care about eyeballs and content consumers (the people you denigrate as "lurkers") outnumber the creators by 20-1 or more so without them the advertisers go and then without the advertisers the servers don't get paid and then where do you get to be a dick?

The reason your not off of moderation is you still think what you did was ok and if we didn't check your posts then you would be doing it again. One guy like you can easily cost me 1000 new content creators a year because they see you calling out guys who don't conform to your imaginary rules and they immediately think "fuck this, too many assholes" and leave. The fact that you couldn't handle this like an adult and approach me with a PM and not take it to the forum in general tells me everything I need to know about never taking you off of moderation.

FYI there are no forum specific moderators that can make decisions regarding your account, forum specific moderators are guys who start blogs, they can remove posts but they can't apply infractions.

Let me spell something out to you very clearly, new guys can ask all the fucking questions they want, they don't ever have to write a review to post a question, if you check the TOS you will find that there is no, none, zero rule regarding asking questions but again if you RTFR's you will see that not once but two fucking times we made the effort to tell you that you can't be a dick to people, and it's right at the topI think the info you laid out in this reply about creators, consumers and advertisers is very helpful in understanding how the Forum works. You ought to "boil it down" not identifying it by anyone, and post on your main intro page for all to see.

05-12-21, 23:51
I think the info you laid out in this reply about creators, consumers and advertisers is very helpful in understanding how the Forum works. You ought to "boil it down" not identifying it by anyone, and post on your main intro page for all to see.I think most people understand it because it's not unique to us, all interactive forums have the same kinds of ratio. Don't get me wrong, I'd love it if everybody who came to the forum posted reviews but that will never happen.

Here are the numbers.

This month we are averaging about half a million unique visits per day. Sounds like a lot but about 25% are bots so that takes us down to 375,000 people who visited the site.

Yesterday we had 1664 posts put up (about average) so you can see consumers clearly outnumber the content creators. The advertisers don't care, they only care about eyeballs, they pay for eyeballs so without lurkers we die. End of.

To you idiots who say "all they care about is money" not really, I like money as much as any of the idiots who say that but I'm also a pretty serious monger, I'm fortunate to do something I like. I just get pissed off with these fucking blowhards who have no fucking idea what they are talking about shooting off their fucking mouths running off new guys who don't conform to their made up fucking rules. You know their old ladies don't let them get a pack of smokes without asking for the money. However they do provide us with job security.


05-19-21, 13:26
I heard Amanda is leaving in some shed in the woods. I only bring it up because somebody on here said he fucked her and my first thought was "did she bath and if so where". Now I was told this back in December and her situation might have changed, or at least I hope so. I know we see them as bodies to stick our pricks in on demand, but I still have some human decency. Not saying anything is wrong with the monger who fucks her, you do what you do with your cock is none of my business, but I can't even get a hummer if there body odor is ranc.

05-19-21, 17:14
I kind of disagree here.

Feel that content creators are primary. Without content there are no eyeballers or advertisers, they're here Only because there is content.

Not saying that eyeballers and advertisers aren't important, they are but they cannot be at the same level as content creators.

Perfect analogy. Disney versus Netflix and why Netflix has to spend zillions to create content.

Just my 0. 02.

05-20-21, 23:50
I kind of disagree here.

Feel that content creators are primary. Without content there are no eyeballers or advertisers, they're here Only because there is content.

Not saying that eyeballers and advertisers aren't important, they are but they cannot be at the same level as content creators.

Perfect analogy. Disney versus Netflix and why Netflix has to spend zillions to create content.

Just my 0. 02.Are you actually trying to tell the person who owns / runs this site that he is wrong about what is most important to him? That's like trying to tell someone "no, you really do like carrots. Listen to me, I know".

05-21-21, 14:57
Texted 3rd today, the said they are closed for a while. Also got a message about Julie from 3rd that I think sounded vindictive and BS. Can discuss over PM.

05-21-21, 15:45
Texted 3rd today, the said they are closed for a while. Also got a message about Julie from 3rd that I think sounded vindictive and BS. Can discuss over PM.I received that same text saying horrible things about Julie. I think that they're trying to ruin her reputation with lies. I don't believe any of it!!

05-21-21, 16:11
I received that same text saying horrible things about Julie. I think that they're trying to ruin her reputation with lies. I don't believe any of it!!Pimp, Strip Club Owner, Massage Palor Owner, or Brothel Owner probably aren't stellar people.

Think I'm going to align on the side of the worker 99.99% of the time.

05-21-21, 17:00
I received that same text saying horrible things about Julie. I think that they're trying to ruin her reputation with lies. I don't believe any of it!!Screenshot the tx and post it.

05-21-21, 17:01
Pimp, Strip Club Owner, Massage Palor Owner, or Brothel Owner probably aren't stellar people.

Think I'm going to align on the side of the worker 99.99% of the time.Tadbit judgemental isn't it?

05-21-21, 17:59
Are you actually trying to tell the person who owns / runs this site that he is wrong about what is most important to him? That's like trying to tell someone "no, you really do like carrots. Listen to me, I know".I'm giving my opinion on what I think is primary.

I think its preferable for people to think for themselves and have a discussion.

What are you trying here. Discussion or argument?

05-21-21, 20:49
Screenshot the tx and post it.I've deleted them already but I'm sure he will tell you the same things If you text.

05-21-21, 22:41
I received that same text saying horrible things about Julie. I think that they're trying to ruin her reputation with lies. I don't believe any of it!!Come on guys. We know Julie. Not going to buy in to this silly BS. We need to stand behind her. Or at least try!