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11-09-23, 09:05
Never Monger in Torrance. Just memorize that rule. There is a whole other world that excludes Torrance. You're missing nothing but a long drive by always skipping Torrance.

Torrance is the Asian capital of we know what you do there but you don't do it here because we live here. Go next door.I feel like they fucked up by stepping in wealthier areas and into the suburbs. No one gives a fuck if the demographics are a minority unless some housewife or children start asking why the neighbor gets so much traffic. Police in downtown and in the ghetto's have bigger fish to fry. Torrance? You'll get ticketed for J-walking.

11-09-23, 11:17
I feel like they fucked up by stepping in wealthier areas and into the suburbs. No one gives a fuck if the demographics are a minority unless some housewife or children start asking why the neighbor gets so much traffic. Police in downtown and in the ghetto's have bigger fish to fry. Torrance? You'll get ticketed for J-walking.Statistically, it's almost nothing. Back when marijuana was illegal everywhere, they arrested 820,000 people a year for marijuana (8. 2 million were arrested from 2001 to 2010 in the USA). Today, the USA arrests 70,000 a year for prostitution. The DOJ case involves 3 for "high end" prostitution, which is rare. So 3 people out of the 70,000 made the news. High end arrests make the news but are a drop in the bucket.

The agencies are way safer than the average person picking a girl off the streets (you can read users on this site talking about it all the time). And having a network rating really helps with both safety (LE is not the main concern, your safety and the safety of the girl is) and service. And guy who misbehaves is cut out so it doesn't happen often, and no girl has ever run off with your money or scammed me, the worst case scenario is I don't like a girl. 34 out of 35 times I'd rate the girl a 7 or higher. It's all because of the system, other places don't even come close to that.

Then there's the California factor, where it is just a misdemeanor (no you cannot lose your medical license. Not unless you were doing it with your own patient! Streetwalkers are now common in many downtown areas again because of the latest loosening of the law (they can no longer investigate someone for 'loitering' which ended up harassing some innocent women). Statistics also show they don't charge most people they arrest, and most people who are charged do not serve prison time. They are looking for rock solid cases with good evidence, or in the DOJ case someone that lured all their agents in with beautiful porn star experience women and they need to set an example. The DOJ will probably not charge their own employees. In past cases that made the news they were disciplined administratively because they don't want to lose employees. Hah!

So yes there is always some risk, but it is very low and at least we aren't using drugs.

11-09-23, 11:45
I didn't know prostitution is just a misdemeanor in Cali.

Good info. Back to mongering.

11-09-23, 12:15
Hi, I hate to to bring bad news but felt it responsible to bring some awareness to this. This morning (Nov 8) 3 brothel owners were arrested (2 in Boston, 1 in Torrance) and while the CNN article doesn't talk about it, the DOJ website confirms this is an Asian agency operating in Massachusetts and Tysons Virginia. For reasons I will describe, this may affect Socal in the future. Read here:



Some facts from their website, which all appear credible:

The two websites were bostontopten10.com and browneyesgirlsva. Blog, the first of which is already domain seized.

DOJ was tipped off starting last year in the summer of 2022. They noticed these appointments in phones they put under surveillance, and they interviewed 20 customers.

They claim some of the customers were government officials, which is credible, which would also automatically explain why the phones were under surveillance (people were using their government work phone to visit the places). Or it could have been another reason, but there is no reason to doubt this since it is a minor detail.

The three locations in question were Cambridge, Watertown, and Tysons (Virginia).

The most expensive apartment rented was $3,664, and the owners often paid by turning cash into money orders and using the money orders to pay bills and rent (pretty smart actually!

DOJ claims the price ranges from $350 to upwards of $600 per hour (Okay if true that's a bit steep but this place offered doubles so yeah that would do it).

They went out of their way to emphasize this is a high end brothel with high end customers charging (relatively) top dollar. Not sure why but they repeated variations of this many times.

The investigation is ongoing.

Some of my own observations:

Many girls who worked in Socal, when you look up their TER, often have worked in Tysons and East Coast. Often a few weeks or months before working the West Coast. So while there may be no direct affiliation at all (there probably isn't, they are probably just sharing girls between different businesses that refer each other), it means the network is exposed and DOJ has a lead to investigate completely different agencies.

The reason I post this info here is for that reason. No Socal agencies are directly affected, but they have a lead. If the different businesses are isolated like "cells" enough, it can take time and DOJ might just take the lowest hanging fruit and move on. In past investigations, they could not scratch the surface other than take down a few closely linked agencies (ex: Seattle). And here we are today with way more agencies than years ago in the last local bust. It is expensive and time consuming. Of course it helps that some of their own employees were presumably caught with the evidence on government phones. DOJ employees LOVE prostitutes if you follow the news.

I do have my suspicion that Hana in Socal is probably the leaser in other places in Socal (she is only indicted here for her role in Boston and Virginia). So there's that.

By the way, even if and when they investigate other agencies, as you can see it can take a very long time, 6-18 months, to bear fruit. They have not indicted any girls or customers but say they are still investigating. But in past cases, it is not generally a good use of investigation time to indict them unless you are running a sting and can get the evidence quick and easy (I. E. It is ten times as much work to get good evidence without a sting and it is less likely to be good enough for court).

You can read the 60 page affidavit here if you're curious. I've read many in the past and it's always fun because they have to spell all the facts out:


Very little is redacted so you can see actual text messages, addresses. One excerpt from the affidavit <the following are the DOJ officer's words, not mine:

"As depicted above, women nicknamed "Kara," "Tina" and "Mimi" were offered to.

The Customer A). I am aware that the reference above to "BB" is a term in the prostitution industry.

That refers to sex without a condom, as evidenced by the Boston Brothel Phone clarifying in its.

Subsequent text of "(BB = without CD" I am also aware that "GFE" refers to "GirlFriend.

Experience" which provides a more intimate experience and blurs the boundaries between a.

Financial transaction and a romantic relationship. Generally speaking, when hen the customers.

Arrived at the apartment unit, they did not knock; the door was opened by an Asian female inside.

Who was expecting them. ".

<End transcript .

I was enjoying reading their take on things. It *almost* sounded as if they personally visited several times to get serviced and corroborate the facts, but then again they claim to have interviewed 20 customers (including themselves? Jk).

Please do not be too alarmed. This is normal and happens every few years. It is an inherent risk. Prostitution should be legalized and already is in many countries (and parts of the USA like Nevada) but it is what it is.There is a similar article in NorCal, I strongly believe all these K-Orgs are somewhat interconnected or different branches of the K-Orgs are. I am certain most law agency are well aware of the K-ORG in apartments, but right now its not a high priority. A good friend of mine has been warning me for a couple of years that one day this whole thing will come crashing down. I highly doubt it will be local PD that will do it, as its more or less out of sight out of mind. They will go after the guy picking up a SW in the wifes SUV. More than likely there are cops who are clients of K-Orgs. If / when it does come crashing down it will be at a federal level. When it really comes down to it I doubt they care what two consenting adults, but what it really comes down to is all the money that's changing hands and they get ZERO tax revenue out of it.


Next year is an election year, so it could be a "good time" for a show of force.

11-09-23, 12:30
I feel like they fucked up by stepping in wealthier areas and into the suburbs. No one gives a fuck if the demographics are a minority unless some housewife or children start asking why the neighbor gets so much traffic. Police in downtown and in the ghetto's have bigger fish to fry. Torrance? You'll get ticketed for J-walking.There was a K house in Newport Beach in the early 2010's and the city found a way to bust them. The owner was turned to the fed / immigration and she was deported.

11-09-23, 13:00
Kbliss Thursday lineup.

Viki Iris BabyYuna Maia Juni.

11-09-23, 13:47
I strongly believe all these K-Orgs are somewhat interconnected or different branches of the K-Orgs are. I am certain most law agency are well aware of the K-ORG in apartments, but right now its not a high priority. A good friend of mine has been warning me for a couple of years that one day this whole thing will come crashing down.This is just my personal opinion based on my experience but I agree with you that it definitely feels like there is some sort of connection between some agencies but not all. Which explains why it's so much easier to get approved by a new org when one of your references just happens to be one the booker is familiar with.

From all my conversations with mongers and providers I also think these girls are not being forced into this line of work. I once hung out with one OTC and she was essentially just paying for her and her mom to live here instead of being in Korea with her abusive father. She left the industry when she married, which I presume means he can provide for her so she no longer needed to work.

Right now my worries are two fold. How much info will these 3 people who were arrested give up on LA houses. And now quickly will the DOJ drop the next hammer? Typically they have been investigating things in multiple cities for a while and when the first hammer drops, it's not long before the next one drops relatively quickly (within the next 6 months) because they don't want their investigation to go cold because the other individuals they were investigating stop their activities.

Like your friend. I've been seeing the writing on the wall that this would eventually come crashing down as it rose in popularity and volume. The DOJ doesn't go after small fish. Especially post 2020 it feels like the k girl scene has gotten bigger than ever before.

Also saw several posts on the Seattle bust. And I agree. This thing goes in cycles. Elections mean there's a push for conclusions of these investigations in case the elected official leaves their post. Plus it also looks good for reelection purposes. So between now and the end of 2024 you're going to see 2 things. Some mongers being more careful (booking less often) and others enjoying the lower demand (now you might be able to book that super popular girl that was always busy when you ask).

As for the industry and Specifically the Kgirl scene. Even if this bust has a wider ranging effect on the Asian girl scene. 18-24 months later you had another one pop up. Again just look at the Seattle example.

11-09-23, 13:59
There is a similar article in NorCal, I strongly believe all these K-Orgs are somewhat interconnected or different branches of the K-Orgs are. I am certain most law agency are well aware of the K-ORG in apartments, but right now its not a high priority. A good friend of mine has been warning me for a couple of years that one day this whole thing will come crashing down. I highly doubt it will be local PD that will do it, as its more or less out of sight out of mind. They will go after the guy picking up a SW in the wifes SUV. More than likely there are cops who are clients of K-Orgs. If / when it does come crashing down it will be at a federal level. When it really comes down to it I doubt they care what two consenting adults, but what it really comes down to is all the money that's changing hands and they get ZERO tax revenue out of it.


Next year is an election year, so it could be a "good time" for a show of force.When run like independent cells, they are much harder to bust. What I mean is that there are far more K-Orgs and AMPs than before despite enforcement.

In the Santa Clara case you linked, the workers were from South America and Mexico. Competition is a good thing because LE has to pick and choose the lowest fruit to go after and call it a day.

Ironically in Tijuana where it is 100% legal it is less safe than incall in California. People say to go TJ all the time and it has its charm and is safe as long as you stay inside the clubs and use a taxi, but if you are on the streets outside the club you are fair game for corrupt police looking to shake down tourists. Seen it with my own eyes and have known people who experienced it. So there's that.

Two quotes from the article:

"Slavery was outlawed in this country in 1865. In 2023 we will not tolerate its despicable resurgence," Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen said in a statement. " Wow does this guy have an upcoming election or does he always talk like this? The girls I personally know come and leave to work whenever they want. They decide.

"The alleged traffickers 'used the ill-gotten and laundered proceeds to further a lavish lifestyle,' prosecutors said, adding authorities seized more than $200,000 in cash and froze assets including cryptocurrency. " Okay I'm confused are they trying to discourage or promote this thing? They just said it's better than robbing the bank. Oh well.

11-09-23, 15:01

I just saw this video about life in Seoul. Now I understand better why these girls do what they do.

It's a hard knock life over there.

11-09-23, 15:54
When run like independent cells, they are much harder to bust. What I mean is that there are far more K-Orgs and AMPs than before despite enforcement.

In the Santa Clara case you linked, the workers were from South America and Mexico. Competition is a good thing because LE has to pick and choose the lowest fruit to go after and call it a day.

Ironically in Tijuana where it is 100% legal it is less safe than incall in California. People say to go TJ all the time and it has its charm and is safe as long as you stay inside the clubs and use a taxi, but if you are on the streets outside the club you are fair game for corrupt police looking to shake down tourists. Seen it with my own eyes and have known people who experienced it. So there's that.

Two quotes from the article:

"Slavery was outlawed in this country in 1865. In 2023 we will not tolerate its despicable resurgence," Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen said in a statement. " Wow does this guy have an upcoming election or does he always talk like this? The girls I personally know come and leave to work whenever they want. They decide.

"The alleged traffickers 'used the ill-gotten and laundered proceeds to further a lavish lifestyle,' prosecutors said, adding authorities seized more than $200,000 in cash and froze assets including cryptocurrency. " Okay I'm confused are they trying to discourage or promote this thing? They just said it's better than robbing the bank. Oh well.The real moral of the story is never even give your I'd or passport info to any booker. Those who do, open themselves to being a top targets.

11-09-23, 16:05
The real moral of the story is never even give your I'd or passport info to any booker. Those who do, open themselves to being a top targets.If you have enough recent network, that's enough. Their motivation is to prevent girls from getting hurt or problems and network is leagues better than the alternative for doing that. There is no such thing as no risk but this lowers the risk both ways substantially. For those without network, there's reason for this I won't go into but once you're in and good there is no reason to treat these customers different than the ones who didn't. I've used the same two agencies for 12 years. They have enough repeat customers that they don't want a new customer to spoil it all by not following common sense with the girls.

Oc Amper
11-09-23, 17:04
I feel like they fucked up by stepping in wealthier areas and into the suburbs. No one gives a fuck if the demographics are a minority unless some housewife or children start asking why the neighbor gets so much traffic. Police in downtown and in the ghetto's have bigger fish to fry. Torrance? You'll get ticketed for J-walking.Playing devils advocate, they open this kind of thing in a beaten down neighborhood, safety for the girls, the clients comes to mind. They attracted higher end clients, with very good looking ladies. Those clients are driving higher end cars, the kind one can't just leave behind in the hood.

11-09-23, 21:15
Even though the guy in Torrance got caught, I feel like we'll be ok. They have obvious hookers walking Figueroa street at 2-3 am in the morning and cops just drive by.Hookers and escorts have Gascon on there side since he said that's a crime he will not pursue. LOL.

11-09-23, 22:40
Playing devils advocate, they open this kind of thing in a beaten down neighborhood, safety for the girls, the clients comes to mind. They attracted higher end clients, with very good looking ladies. Those clients are driving higher end cars, the kind one can't just leave behind in the hood.I recently went to KT for an appointment and compares to 10 - 15 years ago, K-town right now for me consider as HOOD.

It was dirty, trash, poop, pee, rotten food, tent, needles, air smells like someone just took a dump. The whole k-town is a shit show now but still, rents are going minimum $2 k and up for a one bedroom.

11-09-23, 22:56
So after seeing a new 34 DD cup pops up all inclusive, I had to do a digging and see if it is too good to be true.

She moved from Vegasasian. Club and had 4 reviews on TER with prob 6 month of stay in Vegas, for me that's a bit of low.


Got a mixed review from the K-BBFS forum on Vegas forum, one say cute, one say nice tits, one say stocky and so so service and one said young.

Her pic on VAC https://www.vegasasian.club/sunny did not look the same as advertised in LA bookers (multiple bookers book her).

So fellas, anyone seen her today as her 1st day start? What's your take vs their reviews and in real life?

It's sad that many of D cup ladies (Iris, niya, viki, kelly, leah, Juni, June, Kona and Cindy) these days are not up to the standards as Ina and Maia.

With all time favorite Allie gone, even though she is a bit out of shape now but still fun.

I guess NNN is really going to happen, what's NNN you ask? NO NUT November, LOL.

Remember back a year or so, k-pussy thanks giving break, LOL.

With what's happening on east coast, everyone should stay alert, drive around before you park and wait in your car don't loiter / walk around looking at your phone, if you see anyone in a van or car looking suspicious, watch out.

Wearing a mask would help if they take pictures and since it is covid era, mask is normal, LOL.

Stay safe and play safe gents!!With all these k-doll busting talk, did anyone sampled Sunny?

I heard many were scared and wanted booker to delete their info and chat history, that's not going to help much just FYI, what's done is done.

Guess everyone is worried, but as someone said, it's just a misdemeanor, LOL.

11-09-23, 23:00
Hookers and escorts have Gascon on there side since he said that's a crime he will not pursue. LOL.I remember couple years back that sex workers from the industry was constantly on the news talking about their field how they want their rights too.

So what happen now? All of a sudden they want to bust them?

11-09-23, 23:21
With all these k-doll busting talk, did anyone sampled Sunny?

I heard many were scared and wanted booker to delete their info and chat history, that's not going to help much just FYI, what's done is done.

Guess everyone is worried, but as someone said, it's just a misdemeanor, LOL.Wla Sunny is rebrand of One or Won.

I guess it didn't go to well for her and had to change to 340 all in.

And if the review here can be trusted she also had a big attituded change for the better.

11-09-23, 23:45
I recently went to KT for an appointment and compares to 10 - 15 years ago, K-town right now for me consider as HOOD.

It was dirty, trash, poop, pee, rotten food, tent, needles, air smells like someone just took a dump. The whole k-town is a shit show now but still, rents are going minimum $2 k and up for a one bedroom.The funniest thing, in random conversations this year I've had three different girls tell me, without me even asking about it (I simply asked 'What do you think of San Diego' how trashy K-town was. I had a 4th tell me that last year. The most recent conversation, she says she used to work there and every year it got worse and now she refuses to work there.

Things got noticeably worse in general after Covid, on reddit I'd see videos posted of encampments and while I've seen homeless in LA for decades and recognize these places, it's clearly gotten worse. It's gotten worse in SD but I always say 'Eh, right now in SD isn't half as bad as LA 20 years ago'. Look on the bright side.

11-10-23, 00:03
Probably, she and government employees already under surveillance exposed incall locations and provided reasonable cause for more warrants. Finally, she put the finishing touch by recording Torrance man agreeing to lease apartments.

I hope owners read the affidavit and see how they can get screwed. I don't believe SoCal owners closely associated with them, if at all. They felt very amateurish.

Torrance man was probably OTC with Kgirl who convinced him to lease apartments so she could open up shops in Boston. Then Kgirl probably recruited another OTC student to help so she could expand to VA. This reminds me of the League.

We should still watch out for surveillance now. Avoid hallway with Ring camera. Trying to hide our face will only make us more suspicious to the neighbors.

You can read the 60 page affidavit here if you're curious. I've read many in the past and it's always fun because they have to spell all the facts out:


11-10-23, 00:17
Probably, she and government employees already under surveillance exposed incall locations and provided reasonable cause for more warrants. Finally, she put the finishing touch by recording Torrance man agreeing to lease apartments.

I hope owners read the affidavit and see how they can get screwed. I don't believe SoCal owners closely associated with them, if at all. They felt very amateurish.

Torrance man was probably OTC with Kgirl who convinced him to lease apartments so she could open up shops in Boston. Then Kgirl probably recruited another OTC student to help so she could expand to VA. This reminds me of the League.

We should still watch out for surveillance now. Avoid hallway with Ring camera. Trying to hide our face will only make us more suspicious to the neighbors.This thing ain't over yet! And I am saying it because there is a connection to Southern CA. So, it is here and other things are happening behind the scene.

11-10-23, 00:17
With all these k-doll busting talk, did anyone sampled Sunny?

I heard many were scared and wanted booker to delete their info and chat history, that's not going to help much just FYI, what's done is done.

Guess everyone is worried, but as someone said, it's just a misdemeanor, LOL.I'm seeing her soon will report back once I have time I bet the feds read the forums.

11-10-23, 00:23
Are you speculating? I am saying by releasing all this info, all SoCal associates with the accused will be on high alert and probably started running already. They probably nabbed all they could for now and will need to spend a lot more resources to follow the money. We will see how SoCal owners react. I did say we should be MORE aware of our surroundings.

This thing ain't over yet! And I am saying it because there is a connection to Southern CA. So, it is here and other things are happening behind the scene.

11-10-23, 00:29
I am sorry but I don't typically sample girls using pics from the CV eras. Sunny / Sun has already been identified (click here) (http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?34485-Kgirls-Rebrands&p=6671825&viewfull=1#post6671825).

With all these k-doll busting talk, did anyone sampled Sunny?...

11-10-23, 00:29
Anyone have any info on this? Aside from the site just saying 2 month vacay.


11-10-23, 00:33
Just be the charity, donate, Fk and go home. Don't try to go too deep or getting too details into this bois. It ain't good for you or your life, live simple, pay and go home.

Just my 2 cent advi, as how I roll through out the years.

This is not your life, this is just a hobby.

11-10-23, 00:49
Are you speculating? I can even guess who the Kgirl informant is and who Torrance man might have been. I am saying by releasing all this info, all known associates with them will be on high alert now. We will see but it's less likely to affect mongers. The owners will be the first to go. With so many bookers, it will take informants to point out the owners who control the money.I'll step through the affidavit:


On page 2, it says James Lee, of Torrance, California "JAMES" On Page 34, it shows his 3 California driver's licenses he used.

On page 41 it first mentions the informant "CS". It clearly states CS has been cooperating since 2020, and that in Spring 2023 she learned of a new shop planned for New Jersey by a 4th party referred to as "sister" (the affidavit clarifies this is not a literal sister LOL). That "sister" then consulted with someone in Boston. The affidavit says 'in sum and substance' that is Hana. CS asked a question on how to get a straw man to sign the lease. Hana then referred CS to James Lee. James Lee got paid $1000 a month to be a straw man leaser (apparently per apartment), plus expenses like utilities. CS then helped the DOJ place the recorded phone call to James where he explained all the details.

BTW Hana had just under a million in her bank account, so she was not in want of money but probably just helping out by referring CS. This is a cautionary tale. After her 2nd or 3rd shop and first half million, Hana should have said "go find your own straw man I have no idea what you're talking about". DOJ clarifies they needed a Korean translator for the phone call with James.

In terms of game theory, the ideal strategy is not to get too greedy. The DOJ wants to record evidence of new crimes, rather than go back in time and get just the paper work of old crimes. It's more than ten times less work. They didn't even bother apart from research on how to get the new evidence they want. So as I've said, a cell like nature is the only way to go. Want to set up a new shop, at some point you need a new straw renter. Don't use James past 2 or 3 units. The downside is you don't know they're reliable the new straw man is and they could slip up, but the reality is you do not want to be connected to a network that can be rolled.

There are some small non-Korean agencies that have no discernable network like the K-orgs. I.e. the girls they use don't show up regularly at other agencies. Harder to run but on the upside only people in SD have ever mentioned their girls, so they are doing something right. Not saying they are safe, but they don't have the problem of being connected to another agency.

Another user noted how the DOJ backhandedly said they are not prosecuting prostitution charges because that is the state's responsibility and they have no jurisdiction. The investigation is ongoing and the state is welcome to do that. The charges in this case are for pimping (enticing someone to travel for sex work), which is a serious federal offense. Prostitution varies from state to state and in California for example, it is a misdemeanor. Embarrassing but not the same. State charges more often than not are simply dropped (but not federal). The exact stat was about 60% dropped.

Each year, about .05% of prostitution acts lead to arrests, according to publicly available statistics (which at best are estimates when it comes to prostitution acts). So 1 in 2000, with the lion's share being stings. If you're on your 35th girl, you are 965 more away from hitting the halfway point, at which time you should be sweating or dead happy of a heart attack from 1000 women. The risk is always there no one is saying otherwise.

The smart thing to do for officials is to trumpet their successful cases in the media, which they do. They are just doing their job, nothing personal. Of course, if DOJ officials or secret service agents are caught up, they are "punished by HR" and interviewed for evidence, but they just don't normally prosecute their own. I've seen a lot of cases and tried hard to find one where they did. I'm sure it's happened in the last 50 years but I always look and am disappointed.

11-10-23, 00:52


11-10-23, 01:07
The affidavit was an interesting read. I only did a quick scan. I always thought cell like nature was the way to go. I was surprised how much paper trail those 3 left. Web operators, phone operators, owners, lease holders, etc, should have as minimal interaction as possible.

I'll step through the affidavit:


...So as I've said, a cell like nature is the only way to go...

11-10-23, 01:24
Your review is appreciated. You may want to see Momo K first because the other girls will still be around but she may not.

...Current list to see: Elle, baby Chu, baby Lucy, baby Cherry, Daphne, Momo K, Seol A.

List goes on but think I've already written too much. Will report back if there's interest. Thanks again.

11-10-23, 01:42
What is this, the True Crime detective channel? Let's get back to our regularly scheduled program guys. Jesus. Creampies man, just creampies!

I'll step through the affidavit:


On page 2, it says James Lee, of Torrance, California "JAMES" On Page 34, it shows his 3 California driver's licenses he used.

On page 41 it first mentions the informant "CS". It clearly states CS has been cooperating since 2020, and that in Spring 2023 she learned of a new shop planned for New Jersey by a 4th party referred to as "sister" (the affidavit clarifies this is not a literal sister LOL). That "sister" then consulted with someone in Boston. The affidavit says 'in sum and substance' that is Hana. CS asked a question on how to get a straw man to sign the lease. Hana then referred CS to James Lee. James Lee got paid $1000 a month to be a straw man leaser (apparently per apartment), plus expenses like utilities. CS then helped the DOJ place the recorded phone call to James where he explained all the details.

BTW Hana had just under a million in her bank account, so she was not in want of money but probably just helping out by referring CS. This is a cautionary tale. After her 2nd or 3rd shop and first half million, Hana should have said "go find your own straw man I have no idea what you're talking about". DOJ clarifies they needed a Korean translator for the phone call with James.

In terms of game theory, the ideal strategy is not to get too greedy. The DOJ wants to record evidence of new crimes, rather than go back in time and get just the paper work of old crimes. It's more than ten times less work. They didn't even bother apart from research on how to get the new evidence they want. So as I've said, a cell like nature is the only way to go. Want to set up a new shop, at some point you need a new straw renter. Don't use James past 2 or 3 units. The downside is you don't know they're reliable the new straw man is and they could slip up, but the reality is you do not want to be connected to a network that can be rolled.

There are some small non-Korean agencies that have no discernable network like the K-orgs. I.e. the girls they use don't show up regularly at other agencies. Harder to run but on the upside only people in SD have ever mentioned their girls, so they are doing something right. Not saying they are safe, but they don't have the problem of being connected to another agency.

Another user noted how the DOJ backhandedly said they are not prosecuting prostitution charges because that is the state's responsibility and they have no jurisdiction. The investigation is ongoing and the state is welcome to do that. The charges in this case are for pimping (enticing someone to travel for sex work), which is a serious federal offense. Prostitution varies from state to state and in California for example, it is a misdemeanor. Embarrassing but not the same. State charges more often than not are simply dropped (but not federal). The exact stat was about 60% dropped.

Each year, about .05% of prostitution acts lead to arrests, according to publicly available statistics (which at best are estimates when it comes to prostitution acts). So 1 in 2000, with the lion's share being stings. If you're on your 35th girl, you are 965 more away from hitting the halfway point, at which time you should be sweating or dead happy of a heart attack from 1000 women. The risk is always there no one is saying otherwise.

The smart thing to do for officials is to trumpet their successful cases in the media, which they do. They are just doing their job, nothing personal. Of course, if DOJ officials or secret service agents are caught up, they are "punished by HR" and interviewed for evidence, but they just don't normally prosecute their own. I've seen a lot of cases and tried hard to find one where they did. I'm sure it's happened in the last 50 years but I always look and am disappointed.

11-10-23, 05:25
So I've seen most of the well reviewed BBFS girls over the last 10 years. I've pretty much always have a good experience, using the data gathered from this board, and The Erotic site. I've almost never been disappointed using this method (I never use pics, I ignore them, they are all fake). Recently Cindy was an exception. Not the looks I expected, nor the performance. I ended up wondering if I had been bait and switched. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great, not what I expected. So. I'm curious, does the real Cindy have a fairly large tattoo on her forearm? That's the only tattoo I saw.

11-10-23, 09:08
What is this, the True Crime detective channel? Let's get back to our regularly scheduled program guys. Jesus. Creampies man, just creampies!I agree that is the prime objective, but I for one, appreciate the PSA.

11-10-23, 09:10
The affidavit was an interesting read. I only did a quick scan. I always thought cell like nature was the way to go. I was surprised how much paper trail those 3 left. Web operators, phone operators, owners, lease holders, etc, should have as minimal interaction as possible.OpSec for sure. Makes sense to me BA.

11-10-23, 11:57
What is this, the True Crime detective channel? Let's get back to our regularly scheduled program guys. Jesus. Creampies man, just creampies!Reached out to a couple bookers to get the feel for the sense of safety to continue after the bust. Generally, some of them knew of them but didn't do work with them beyond the girls making an independent move to tour but no contact was exchanged between the agencies of coordinated travel. I would speculate to say it is generally safe to monger and isn't more risky that it already is. Just remember, you are not obligated to spill the beans just because anyone approaches you asking this or that. If you're just another Joe getting some poon, you just keep it moving. But once again, don't let some girl talk you into leasing an apartment with them and have multi state deals with the businesses here cause then yeah, you may end up getting snagged. Be smart, be safe, and know your rights.

I'm on my way right now to see my atf since she's back from the OC and this Veterans Day traffic is going to be stupid bad so I'm first in line. Happy hunting boys.

11-10-23, 13:04
Kbliss Friday flesh roster.

Viki Iris BabyYuna Maia Juni.

11-10-23, 13:48
Anyone have TERs for the below girls? Trying to find more non upcharge BBFS CYA / HYAs to add to the rotation.





11-10-23, 21:29
How would they prosecute Johns without catching them red handed, exchanging money for sex. I would assume it's not illegal to see these girls for a massage even if the underlying agency is known for prostitution. And unless you're literally document exchanging money for sex, how can they show guilt beyond a reasonable doubt? Am I missing something?

11-10-23, 22:58
How would they prosecute Johns without catching them red handed, exchanging money for sex. I would assume it's not illegal to see these girls for a massage even if the underlying agency is known for prostitution. And unless you're literally document exchanging money for sex, how can they show guilt beyond a reasonable doubt? Am I missing something?That's my impression too. Ultimately, it depends on what facts LE has, and having the Devil's Advocate on retainer doesn't hurt either. But how could LE prove you actually paid for sex? For argument's sake, what if you forgot to pay before you left the apartment? What are they going to do, charge you for petty theft? Better yet, what if you're one charming ass mofo, and got some complimentary cooze? Are they going to charge you for being a killer, I mean having killer looks?

11-10-23, 23:28
What is this, the True Crime detective channel? Let's get back to our regularly scheduled program guys. Jesus. Creampies man, just creampies!From time to time we get side tracked to something else, LOL.

AND from time to time someone step up and say lets get back to cream pie!!

Cream pie it is my man!

11-10-23, 23:37
I am sorry but I don't typically sample girls using pics from the CV eras. Sunny / Sun has already been identified (click here) (http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?34485-Kgirls-Rebrands&p=6671825&viewfull=1#post6671825).God damn, you remember her pics from the CV era? Great memories!!

Which means she is at least 40 now because back at CV era, most girls are 30 or close to 30.

If they are 30 and under, they would be at soul providing before hitting their expiration date at 30+.

We do have HYA but that's mostly rare for BBFS 340 all inclusive.

Good looking out my man!

11-10-23, 23:39
I'm seeing her soon will report back once I have time I bet the feds read the forums.This is a public forum and easy to search online anyway. But make sure to keep your pants on when you see her, LOL.

You never know when will they bust into the door, I remember I had that feeling when I first started CV era seeing ladies next to SM DMV, LOL.

11-10-23, 23:44
Wla Sunny is rebrand of One or Won.

I guess it didn't go to well for her and had to change to 340 all in.

And if the review here can be trusted she also had a big attituded change for the better.Well, so far I heard nothing good or memorable about her reviews (anywhere) and knowing now that she was from the CV era, that just dropped 20 more point of my expectation.

Guess another D cup bits the dust.

11-11-23, 00:17
Was curious about baby yuna and the girl in the picture answered the door but add + 5 years, which is good instead of the usual 10. She's around late 20s.

I will start with the negative first, which wasn't a big deal to me, but might be to some. When she bends forward, you can see some loose skin on her belly that might have been from giving birth or possibly from losing a lot of weight. You won't see the loose skin when she lays down but you can see it when she is on cg. It didn't bother me all that much since it wasn't as bad as Ari's.

The positives are face matches the picture. I like her looks overall. I'd put her in the same level as Ring / Daphne in the looks department for face only. Anyway, she is an energizer bunny. I like slow and sensual but seems to love getting pounded hard instead. She was squeezing me on all 4 when I was on top of her. Intense DFK. She was trying to initiate multiple rounds but only had 1 round on me. Also, those who love deep BJ, she is the one! I know I've been calling a lot girls BJ queen but seems like a lot of them have been really good with it these days. But with her, she goes way deep enough where she can stick her tongue put to flick the jewels. Really masterful. I normally don't cim as not many can get me off from that, but I didn't try it with her as I opted to finish with creamfire. I think she can pull it off and will come back to try that next time. Just hope she sticks around around long enough as my atf is currently active.


11-11-23, 00:18
Anyone have TERs for the below girls? Trying to find more non upcharge BBFS CYA / HYAs to add to the rotation.

https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/b.yenaMy notes for Baby Yena when she debuted in March: "Headgame multi-O hand biter. ".

At the time, I thought the attached pic for Baby Cherry in the Bay provided a more accurate depiction of her.

11-11-23, 01:15
Well, so far I heard nothing good or memorable about her reviews (anywhere) and knowing now that she was from the CV era, that just dropped 20 more point of my expectation.

Guess another D cup bits the dust.A fellow big tit hunter. Yeah. It feels like its been dry for a while now.

Bastard Chorum
11-11-23, 01:21
So I've seen most of the well reviewed BBFS girls over the last 10 years. I've pretty much always have a good experience, using the data gathered from this board, and The Erotic site. I've almost never been disappointed using this method (I never use pics, I ignore them, they are all fake). Recently Cindy was an exception. Not the looks I expected, nor the performance. I ended up wondering if I had been bait and switched. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great, not what I expected. So. I'm curious, does the real Cindy have a fairly large tattoo on her forearm? That's the only tattoo I saw.If this is true, you should say which booker / agency did this as long as it doesn't affect or compromise your ability to see kgirls in the future. Or there could be multiple Cindy's available and through a series of things lost in translation you ended with that particular one?

Although you didn't specify which Cindy you wanted to see, I'm assuming it's the MILF one in WLA I recently mentioned. AFAIK, she does not have any tattoos. Unless she got one recently.

Bastard Chorum
11-11-23, 01:28
God damn, you remember her pics from the CV era? Great memories!!

Which means she is at least 40 now because back at CV era, most girls are 30 or close to 30.

If they are 30 and under, they would be at soul providing before hitting their expiration date at 30+.

We do have HYA but that's mostly rare for BBFS 340 all inclusive.

Good looking out my man!I tip my hat off to anyone that has such eidetic memory and I envy them for it. But for some, it's about categorizing and filing girls with names and pictures. I'm too lazy for that but I know a few who like to maintain a database of kgirls to refer to when the need arises.

11-11-23, 05:35
You need to enter a password to get in now.

Thankfully I have the booker's number saved so I can request the password unless they have changed their numbers? Curious to see how they're going to accept new customers.

11-11-23, 05:46
Though I don't go that much anymore, I do like to browse and read what's been going on. With the recent bust being big news around here, they seemed to have gotten spooked and made the website password protected. I know this place is quite popular so someone is going to bring this up sooner or later.

11-11-23, 06:03
Though I don't go that much anymore, I do like to browse and read what's been going on. With the recent bust being big news around here, they seemed to have gotten spooked and made the website password protected. I know this place is quite popular so someone is going to bring this up sooner or later.No coincidence at all. Good for them. If there's ever a time to play gatekeeper, this is it.

11-11-23, 06:49
Interesting. Yes, it was through M, but using the same pics as CGLA (I alternate between the two often), so I assume it was the same girl. Basic Cindy at the usual spot in WLA. M has always treated me right. One fairly large tattoo on her right forearm, but that was it. Would be a shame if M did me wrong.

If this is true, you should say which booker / agency did this as long as it doesn't affect or compromise your ability to see kgirls in the future. Or there could be multiple Cindy's available and through a series of things lost in translation you ended with that particular one?

Although you didn't specify which Cindy you wanted to see, I'm assuming it's the MILF one in WLA I recently mentioned. AFAIK, she does not have any tattoos. Unless she got one recently.

11-11-23, 06:50
Finally visited Maia after seeing her roommate Ina dozens and dozens of times.

I was a bit apprehensive going in due to peoples description of her face but it's really not bad, just like the pictures, actually a bit cuter in real life.

Overall I think Ina has a prettier face and nicer boobs, but Maia is young, small, and cute. For 340 all in, definitely worth repeating especially given the current selection.

Her room has a nice vibe and the ceiling mirror is awesome. I just hope it's mounted sturdily LOL.

11-11-23, 07:48
Was curious about baby yuna and the girl in the picture answered the door but add + 5 years, which is good instead of the usual 10. She's around late 20s.

I will start with the negative first, which wasn't a big deal to me, but might be to some. When she bends forward, you can see some loose skin on her belly that might have been from giving birth or possibly from losing a lot of weight. You won't see the loose skin when she lays down but you can see it when she is on cg. It didn't bother me all that much since it wasn't as bad as Ari's.

The positives are face matches the picture. I like her looks overall. I'd put her in the same level as Ring / Daphne in the looks department for face only. Anyway, she is an energizer bunny. I like slow and sensual but seems to love getting pounded hard instead. She was squeezing me on all 4 when I was on top of her. Intense DFK. She was trying to initiate multiple rounds but only had 1 round on me. Also, those who love deep BJ, she is the one! I know I've been calling a lot girls BJ queen but seems like a lot of them have been really good with it these days. But with her, she goes way deep enough where she can stick her tongue put to flick the jewels. Really masterful. I normally don't cim as not many can get me off from that, but I didn't try it with her as I opted to finish with creamfire. I think she can pull it off and will come back to try that next time. Just hope she sticks around around long enough as my atf is currently active.

https://kbliss.net/baby-yunaI believe this is same as Baby Yena who started with Sesang and says she's in cosmotology school. Top tier BJ but she is at least late 30's, maybe even up to early 40's. I can also tell her age by the way she speaks korean and what she talks about / reference points. Def doesn't qualify to have the "baby" moniker imo.

11-11-23, 11:56
Had to let off some steam and saw that Chu had finally made her way back to LA from OC and wants to see her after all the drama that happened this week. Caught up and got the same great service she gives every time. I'd say the service has even gotten a bit better as I asked if we could fuck a little tougher than usual and she said she didn't mind as long as I didn't spank her especially hard. Not a problem and she allowed to really let me fuck the shit out of her twice for the two time. I'm really in awe of how she keeps her money maker so tight as she's no doubt one of the top providers in SoCal and has a lot of admirers like myself. Just born lucky with a tight pussy I guess. Happy to see her home and within a 15 minute drive.

I did attempt to gossip and inquire about the recent events. She didn't even know what had happened yet so give this, the groups that do this must have some kind of divide and the information either doesn't get decimated as fast or the group on the east coast doesn't touch every crew. Either way, it was nice catching up with her again and her being in LA makes it easier to see her than getting on that god forsaken 405.

Cream Inside
11-11-23, 12:23
You need to enter a password to get in now.

Thankfully I have the booker's number saved so I can request the password unless they have changed their numbers? Curious to see how they're going to accept new customers.I'm being told that most agencies will not be accepting any new customers unless they have strong references. Anyone who was trying to get into any of these agencies might be SOL.

11-11-23, 12:26
I believe this is same as Baby Yena who started with Sesang and says she's in cosmotology school. Top tier BJ but she is at least late 30's, maybe even up to early 40's. I can also tell her age by the way she speaks korean and what she talks about / reference points. Def doesn't qualify to have the "baby" moniker imo.You maybe more right about the age. I was thinking the same because of the loose skin in her belly and her choice of music. Based on face, she could still pass for late 20's early 30's. Body, more in line with what you said, around mid-to late 30's. I'm not hyping her or anything. Those who value skills and is ok with good enough looks will like her. My atf is baby sugar so yuna / yena could leave today and I could careless about it. As a bonus to those seeking OTC, she likes whiskey. Might be open to it based on her seeming to give me hints. I would only be interested in OTC with my atf so all yours if you're lucky.

Bastard Chorum
11-11-23, 12:45
You need to enter a password to get in now.

Thankfully I have the booker's number saved so I can request the password unless they have changed their numbers? Curious to see how they're going to accept new customers.

Though I don't go that much anymore, I do like to browse and read what's been going on. With the recent bust being big news around here, they seemed to have gotten spooked and made the website password protected. I know this place is quite popular so someone is going to bring this up sooner or later.Cakdolls and a few others have done this in the past. It's an expected and realistic response from their end. On the other hand , whether it's the appropriate response is up to you.

Bastard Chorum
11-11-23, 12:48
Interesting. Yes, it was through M, but using the same pics as CGLA (I alternate between the two often), so I assume it was the same girl. Basic Cindy at the usual spot in WLA. M has always treated me right. One fairly large tattoo on her right forearm, but that was it. Would be a shame if M did me wrong.As I understand it, M is no longer the M of old. I'll keep a mental note to check if Cindy has a new tattoo the next time I see her. There's always the possibility that you did see her but she was having a rough day for whatever reason.

Bastard Chorum
11-11-23, 12:55
Had to let off some steam and saw that Chu had finally made her way back to LA from OC and wants to see her after all the drama that happened this week. Caught up and got the same great service she gives every time. I'd say the service has even gotten a bit better as I asked if we could fuck a little tougher than usual and she said she didn't mind as long as I didn't spank her especially hard. Not a problem and she allowed to really let me fuck the shit out of her twice for the two time. I'm really in awe of how she keeps her money maker so tight as she's no doubt one of the top providers in SoCal and has a lot of admirers like myself. Just born lucky with a tight pussy I guess. Happy to see her home and within a 15 minute drive.

I did attempt to gossip and inquire about the recent events. She didn't even know what had happened yet so give this, the groups that do this must have some kind of divide and the information either doesn't get decimated as fast or the group on the east coast doesn't touch every crew. Either way, it was nice catching up with her again and her being in LA makes it easier to see her than getting on that god forsaken 405.I would imagine that the bookers and owners are keeping themselves abreast of the situation. The girls may not have the English skills necessary to comprehend what had happened. In addition, it's a risky decision to trickle down such information to the working girls for fear of causing undue stress and panic or even a mass exodus.

11-11-23, 13:13
Though I don't go that much anymore, I do like to browse and read what's been going on. With the recent bust being big news around here, they seemed to have gotten spooked and made the website password protected. I know this place is quite popular so someone is going to bring this up sooner or later.I asked for the password, but booker said only giving out password to frequent customers. I guess occasional customers like myself arent worth the trouble. Wonder if this will impact their business.

I'm being told that most agencies will not be accepting any new customers unless they have strong references. Anyone who was trying to get into any of these agencies might be SOL.

LOL I'm an existing customer, and I cant even get in now.

Bastard Chorum
11-11-23, 13:15
I do want to say that for this specific agency, pardon my French, they got their shit together. From the implementation of going private then getting the English translation online (it was all originally in Korean) with that turn around time shows me at least they have the resources in the right places. Although it could be just a simple light switch for any competent website designer / coder. I'm not well versed in the online backend technicals but either way kudos to them.

Bastard Chorum
11-11-23, 13:35
I asked for the password, but booker said only giving out password to frequent customers. I guess occasional customers like myself arent worth the trouble. Wonder if this will impact their business.Oh I'm sure they will take a hit, from both restricting booking access and from mongers wanting to lay low of their own accord. It's essentially a calculated strategic loss.

11-11-23, 14:10
Though I don't go that much anymore, I do like to browse and read what's been going on. With the recent bust being big news around here, they seemed to have gotten spooked and made the website password protected. I know this place is quite popular so someone is going to bring this up sooner or later.Heard from a girl I saw last night that it was on the news cgla and two other agencies (might be ktownfans and Asiangem) I am not familiar with are going down soon.

Since they were on the news prbly there is an investigation going on now?

Let's be safe everyone.

11-11-23, 14:50
I do want to say that for this specific agency, pardon my French, they got their shit together. From the implementation of going private then getting the English translation online (it was all originally in Korean) with that turn around time shows me at least they have the resources in the right places. Although it could be just a simple light switch for any competent website designer / coder. I'm not well versed in the online backend technicals but either way kudos to them.That take 1 second on wix.com which is what they use. And if it was in Korean for most of the day yesterday. Seems like they don't have their shit together whatsoever. LOL.

11-11-23, 14:51
I'm being told that most agencies will not be accepting any new customers unless they have strong references. Anyone who was trying to get into any of these agencies might be SOL.True but this is better for us also.

11-11-23, 14:56
Just be the charity, donate, Fk and go home. Don't try to go too deep or getting too details into this bois. It ain't good for you or your life, live simple, pay and go home.

Just my 2 cent advi, as how I roll through out the years.

This is not your life, this is just a hobby.True and Totally agree.

11-11-23, 15:09
Hi, I hate to to bring bad news but felt it responsible to bring some awareness to this. This morning (Nov 8) 3 brothel owners were arrested (2 in Boston, 1 in Torrance) and while the CNN article doesn't talk about it, the DOJ website confirms this is an Asian agency operating in Massachusetts and Tysons Virginia. For reasons I will describe, this may affect Socal in the future. Read here:



Some facts from their website, which all appear credible:

The two websites were bostontopten10.com and browneyesgirlsva. Blog, the first of which is already domain seized.

DOJ was tipped off starting last year in the summer of 2022. They noticed these appointments in phones they put under surveillance, and they interviewed 20 customers.

They claim some of the customers were government officials, which is credible, which would also automatically explain why the phones were under surveillance (people were using their government work phone to visit the places). Or it could have been another reason, but there is no reason to doubt this since it is a minor detail.

The three locations in question were Cambridge, Watertown, and Tysons (Virginia).

The most expensive apartment rented was $3,664, and the owners often paid by turning cash into money orders and using the money orders to pay bills and rent (pretty smart actually!

DOJ claims the price ranges from $350 to upwards of $600 per hour (Okay if true that's a bit steep but this place offered doubles so yeah that would do it).

They went out of their way to emphasize this is a high end brothel with high end customers charging (relatively) top dollar. Not sure why but they repeated variations of this many times.

The investigation is ongoing.

Some of my own observations:

Many girls who worked in Socal, when you look up their TER, often have worked in Tysons and East Coast. Often a few weeks or months before working the West Coast. So while there may be no direct affiliation at all (there probably isn't, they are probably just sharing girls between different businesses that refer each other), it means the network is exposed and DOJ has a lead to investigate completely different agencies.

The reason I post this info here is for that reason. No Socal agencies are directly affected, but they have a lead. If the different businesses are isolated like "cells" enough, it can take time and DOJ might just take the lowest hanging fruit and move on. In past investigations, they could not scratch the surface other than take down a few closely linked agencies (ex: Seattle). And here we are today with way more agencies than years ago in the last local bust. It is expensive and time consuming. Of course it helps that some of their own employees were presumably caught with the evidence on government phones. DOJ employees LOVE prostitutes if you follow the news.

I do have my suspicion that Hana in Socal is probably the leaser in other places in Socal (she is only indicted here for her role in Boston and Virginia). So there's that.

By the way, even if and when they investigate other agencies, as you can see it can take a very long time, 6-18 months, to bear fruit. They have not indicted any girls or customers but say they are still investigating. But in past cases, it is not generally a good use of investigation time to indict them unless you are running a sting and can get the evidence quick and easy (I. E. It is ten times as much work to get good evidence without a sting and it is less likely to be good enough for court).

You can read the 60 page affidavit here if you're curious. I've read many in the past and it's always fun because they have to spell all the facts out:


Very little is redacted so you can see actual text messages, addresses. One excerpt from the affidavit <the following are the DOJ officer's words, not mine:

"As depicted above, women nicknamed "Kara," "Tina" and "Mimi" were offered to.

The Customer A). I am aware that the reference above to "BB" is a term in the prostitution industry.

That refers to sex without a condom, as evidenced by the Boston Brothel Phone clarifying in its.

Subsequent text of "(BB = without CD" I am also aware that "GFE" refers to "GirlFriend.

Experience" which provides a more intimate experience and blurs the boundaries between a.

Financial transaction and a romantic relationship. Generally speaking, when hen the customers.

Arrived at the apartment unit, they did not knock; the door was opened by an Asian female inside.

Who was expecting them. ".

<End transcript .

I was enjoying reading their take on things. It *almost* sounded as if they personally visited several times to get serviced and corroborate the facts, but then again they claim to have interviewed 20 customers (including themselves? Jk).

Please do not be too alarmed. This is normal and happens every few years. It is an inherent risk. Prostitution should be legalized and already is in many countries (and parts of the USA like Nevada) but it is what it is.Ok, I read "Hana" as our GOAT SoCal provider, but seems it's just a nickname for some dude named "Han. ".

What's the Torrance outfit they are talking about? Eco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future?

11-11-23, 15:27
Ran thru all the kgirl sites and it's not just cgla. Melos also has a password now.

11-11-23, 15:35
Heard from a girl I saw last night that it was on the news cgla and two other agencies (might be ktownfans and Asiangem) I am not familiar with are going down soon.

Since they were on the news prbly there is an investigation going on now?

Let's be safe everyone.I can't find anything. I think the news you are talking about is torrance and the other 2 on east coast that everyone has been talking about past few days.

11-11-23, 15:50
Heard from a girl I saw last night that it was on the news cgla and two other agencies (might be ktownfans and Asiangem) I am not familiar with are going down soon.

Since they were on the news prbly there is an investigation going on now?

Let's be safe everyone.Who did you hear this from? And is there a link to article?

If this is true I don't know what I will do. I love them.

11-11-23, 16:13
Kbliss Saturday slot availability.

Viki Iris BabyYuna Maia Juni.

11-11-23, 16:18
So I've seen most of the well reviewed BBFS girls over the last 10 years. I've pretty much always have a good experience, using the data gathered from this board, and The Erotic site. I've almost never been disappointed using this method (I never use pics, I ignore them, they are all fake). Recently Cindy was an exception. Not the looks I expected, nor the performance. I ended up wondering if I had been bait and switched. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great, not what I expected. So. I'm curious, does the real Cindy have a fairly large tattoo on her forearm? That's the only tattoo I saw.Had the same experience.

11-11-23, 16:47
Has anyone seen these two new ladies Abbie and Bella both C cup?

Their photo looks nice with minimal photoshop or so to say less obvious.


11-11-23, 17:00
Heard from a girl I saw last night that it was on the news cgla and two other agencies (might be ktownfans and Asiangem) I am not familiar with are going down soon.

Since they were on the news prbly there is an investigation going on now?

Let's be safe everyone.I highly doubt the police or the news would publish specific orgs that are under investigation. If they get spooked, they will go POOF! In about two seconds and disappear, disperse the girls around the country and reorganize someplace else under a new name. Are they on the radar? Perhaps.

11-11-23, 17:03
I would imagine that the bookers and owners are keeping themselves abreast of the situation. The girls may not have the English skills necessary to comprehend what had happened. In addition, it's a risky decision to trickle down such information to the working girls for fear of causing undue stress and panic or even a mass exodus.Also months ago, there were idiots posting links of news site regarding Jasmine missing directly onto this forum. I was pretty sure some bust was going to happened soon after that. I feel really bad knowing that Jasmine is missing but I'm not sure exactly how posting those links are going to help the situation. It was basically telling the whole world she was an escort by posting that. Even if she might not make it out, she doesn't want her friends to ever find out about this job.

11-11-23, 17:26
I would imagine that the bookers and owners are keeping themselves abreast of the situation. The girls may not have the English skills necessary to comprehend what had happened. In addition, it's a risky decision to trickle down such information to the working girls for fear of causing undue stress and panic or even a mass exodus.I doubt if a major bust went down, the working girls would not be the target. It would start at the top and work its way down to clients. Girls would get a pass, likely be sent back to Korea.

11-11-23, 17:49
Has anyone seen these two new ladies Abbie and Bella both C cup?

Their photo looks nice with minimal photoshop or so to say less obvious.

Thanks.Not sure which "Abby / Abbie" you're inquiring about, so I'm linking both posts.

Abby CG in WLA. If you're a spinner lover, and don't mind rock hard MM's on tight bodied frame, I recommend her. Find her at TER: 373097.

First pic is identified as Bonnie LSC from the Bay (TER: 349715).

11-11-23, 18:23
Just did a research on Allie to see if she is coming back to L. A, she is already gone from Seattle.

But interesting thing is that her TER page is also gone, did a search and those hundreds of review are no where to be found. Try it yourself, LOL.

And all known bookers I checked do not have Allie. Guess even a veteran get spooked.

Hopefully she comes back to L. A soon.

11-11-23, 18:29
I doubt if a major bust went down, the working girls would not be the target. It would start at the top and work its way down to clients. Girls would get a pass, likely be sent back to Korea.The image of LE detaining a hot young helpless girl, in some dimly lit interrogation room is straight out of a XXX scene.

11-11-23, 18:50
Just did a research on Allie to see if she is coming back to L. A, she is already gone from Seattle.

But interesting thing is that her TER page is also gone, did a search and those hundreds of review are no where to be found. Try it yourself, LOL.

And all known bookers I checked do not have Allie. Guess even a veteran get spooked.

Hopefully she comes back to L. A soon.She is here. On vacation. Regarding Tier reviews she does not understand why. I ask administrator what happened. Waiting for answer.

11-11-23, 20:21
Strange, girls aren't even that busy right now. This is just going to hurt business even more and may lead to girls leaving. I texted at 9 am asking who is available in West LA at 10 am. It was practically all of them.

I asked for the password, but booker said only giving out password to frequent customers. I guess occasional customers like myself arent worth the trouble. Wonder if this will impact their business.

LOL I'm an existing customer, and I cant even get in now.

11-11-23, 20:24
How would they prosecute Johns without catching them red handed, exchanging money for sex. I would assume it's not illegal to see these girls for a massage even if the underlying agency is known for prostitution. And unless you're literally document exchanging money for sex, how can they show guilt beyond a reasonable doubt? Am I missing something?Bumping this because I'm curious how we as clients would actually get in trouble.

11-11-23, 21:01
A short report in the midst of a meltdown. Visited Iris in West LA. BBFS. She put in good effort. Popped once to CP her. Then chatted lying down in bed. In 20 minutes, junior rose up again. She gave a long BJ. I couldn't pop twice but was almost there. I am one shot kind of guy. Kudos to her hard work.

11-11-23, 21:42
Heard from a girl I saw last night that it was on the news cgla and two other agencies (might be ktownfans and Asiangem) I am not familiar with are going down soon.

Since they were on the news prbly there is an investigation going on now?

Let's be safe everyone.CGLA under investigation makes sense because that agency had big presence.

11-11-23, 22:03
Heard from a girl I saw last night that it was on the news cgla and two other agencies (might be ktownfans and Asiangem) I am not familiar with are going down soon.

Since they were on the news prbly there is an investigation going on now?

Let's be safe everyone.The election, always brings some big bust. I read the article below and I don't think that our Senators play BB game with Korean escorts; I just don't see it. Most of the Senate is so old that even if you injected them with Viagra via their vein, they won't be able to get it up but having member of Congress, Pentagon and military officers under investigationis definitely a big possibility.


11-11-23, 22:05
I come into LA a couple times a month and the couple of times that I've used an agency I've only ever gone through CGLA. So now that they're behind a PW which based on some of the posts I probably am not "frequent" enough to get, I'm looking for an alternative booker suggestion. I've read through to forum and seen quite a few mentioned. Just looking for who you all would recommend as more reliable that I can go through another verification process with for my upcoming trips, or is there some other alternative I should just look into to get my fix?

Thanks in advance for the help.

11-11-23, 22:13
Strange, girls aren't even that busy right now. This is just going to hurt business even more and may lead to girls leaving. I texted at 9 am asking who is available in West LA at 10 am. It was practically all of them.Hahaha maybe recession is actually starting to hit.

Delayed reaction of inflation and pending layoffs.

11-11-23, 22:26
I'm curious, would you guys say that girls who charge extra for MSOG are lazy as fuck and want you to finish faster?

I see this mary girl listed at 340 bb, but charges another 40 for msog.

I'm a one nut guy, but I hate when girls pressure you to cum soon, or just give up trying to service you.

11-11-23, 22:32
Bumping this because I'm curious how we as clients would actually get in trouble.Like this.


11-11-23, 22:47
The election, always brings some big bust. I read the article below and I don't think that our Senators play BB game with Korean escorts; I just don't see it. Most of the Senate is so old that even if you injected them with Viagra via their vein, they won't be able to get it up but having member of Congress, Pentagon and military officers under investigationis definitely a big possibility.

https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/feds-bust-high-end-bothel-1234873115/I'm not a veteran monger, but I figured this happened before. Maybe a senior monger can enlight us. Like the stock market, I believe these events are cyclic. Stay safe brothers.

11-11-23, 23:19
I come into LA a couple times a month and the couple of times that I've used an agency I've only ever gone through CGLA. So now that they're behind a PW which based on some of the posts I probably am not "frequent" enough to get, I'm looking for an alternative booker suggestion. I've read through to forum and seen quite a few mentioned. Just looking for who you all would recommend as more reliable that I can go through another verification process with for my upcoming trips, or is there some other alternative I should just look into to get my fix?

Thanks in advance for the help.We don't know what metric the booker or owner is using to give away the PW. You can try asking to see what happens, maybe you'll get it.

11-11-23, 23:22
Bumping this because I'm curious how we as clients would actually get in trouble.They could make it very embarrassing for you. If they have your information from an initial "screening" they could publish your name in local news and media to embarrass you.

"Jim Smith from Torrance on Any street" is under investigation for soliciting prostitution from a high end brothel. The media exposure alone could cause enough damage even if charges never get filed. How would your family, friend, employer etc react to your name being drug through the mud for a investigation into human trafficking (that's how they will spin it).

If they can destroy your life without having to press charges, mission accomplished.

11-11-23, 23:49
They could make it very embarrassing for you. If they have your information from an initial "screening" they could publish your name in local news and media to embarrass you.

"Jim Smith from Torrance on Any street" is under investigation for soliciting prostitution from a high end brothel. The media exposure alone could cause enough damage even if charges never get filed. How would your family, friend, employer etc react to your name being drug through the mud for a investigation into human trafficking (that's how they will spin it).

If they can destroy your life without having to press charges, mission accomplished.LOL highly doubt that would happen. Guess if they were bored and wanted to just ruin some lives for fun.

11-12-23, 00:04
Just did a research on Allie to see if she is coming back to L. A, she is already gone from Seattle.

But interesting thing is that her TER page is also gone, did a search and those hundreds of review are no where to be found. Try it yourself, LOL.

And all known bookers I checked do not have Allie. Guess even a veteran get spooked.

Hopefully she comes back to L. A soon.Allie called me out of nowhere wondering if I was looking for her. Claimed another monger told her I was looking for her. I told her no. Guess I share a similar name with one of you and she forgot who she was calling. Then I'm reading all this news about a Boston booker getting caught. A lot of other bookers went dark in the DC area too and now CGLA password protected. Crazy. Of course I'll still monger on the low cause I ain't no Senator or anyone influential, but crazy what's going on. Just hope this doesn't put a kink in business out here.

For those that want to read about it and it's crazy they had a pic of a booker text.


11-12-23, 00:54
My notes for Baby Yena when she debuted in March: "Headgame multi-O hand biter. ".

At the time, I thought the attached pic for Baby Cherry in the Bay provided a more accurate depiction of her.Respectfully yena looks nowhere near as young, tight, sexy, or pretty as this pic. Amazing BJ skills but I would guess she's late 30's to early 40's.

11-12-23, 03:25
Allie called me out of nowhere wondering if I was looking for her. Claimed another monger told her I was looking for her. I told her no. Guess I share a similar name with one of you and she forgot who she was calling. Then I'm reading all this news about a Boston booker getting caught. A lot of other bookers went dark in the DC area too and now CGLA password protected. Crazy. Of course I'll still monger on the low cause I ain't no Senator or anyone influential, but crazy what's going on. Just hope this doesn't put a kink in business out here.

For those that want to read about it and it's crazy they had a pic of a booker text.

https://lamag.com/crimeinla/torrance-man-charged-sex-trafficking-ring-brothel-political-elitesIt is interesting that they are showing all the stuff they got while still investigating.

They want to show the bookers / boss what they could get and how they will get them, well, point taken, they are now spooked, LOL, and THAT it is now harder to catch them because they shared all that info to the public. Good thinking (NOT).

11-12-23, 10:15
Heard from a girl I saw last night that it was on the news cgla and two other agencies (might be ktownfans and Asiangem) I am not familiar with are going down soon.

Since they were on the news prbly there is an investigation going on now?

Let's be safe everyone.Which girl? What news story? Rumors abound. Can anyone corroborate what this poster says?

Although keeping a low profile until this dies down is not a bad idea.

11-12-23, 10:21
Hahaha maybe recession is actually starting to hit.

Delayed reaction of inflation and pending layoffs.There are still many gatekeepers nowadays and esp on top of jgirls trying to take a split of the large pizza from kgirl spots. Competition is fierce even with inflations LOL.

11-12-23, 10:23
I'm curious, would you guys say that girls who charge extra for MSOG are lazy as fuck and want you to finish faster?

I see this mary girl listed at 340 bb, but charges another 40 for msog.

I'm a one nut guy, but I hate when girls pressure you to cum soon, or just give up trying to service you.Tbh, it sounds more like the chick is heavy gps or jaded with charging msog just like how some agencies are slowly trending that direction (they used to be all inclusive with msog no charge), and was arrogant by dismissing clients that refused to pay msog or just simply asking about price menu.

11-12-23, 11:35
LOL highly doubt that would happen. Guess if they were bored and wanted to just ruin some lives for fun.That is actually their whole point, they want to ruin your life and embarrass you. Do you think they just publish the names, photos of guys they bust for fun? No, they want the world to know you pay women for sex. Just google prostitution stings and you will see they love to publish mugshots and names.

11-12-23, 11:54
That is actually their whole point, they want to ruin your life and embarrass you. Do you think they just publish the names, photos of guys they bust for fun? No, they want the world to know you pay women for sex. Just google prostitution stings and you will see they love to publish mugshots and names.LOL yea of the people they bust, was 3 this time around. Going after the hundreds of clients on the list doubt it. No bust will be there. All the govt officials and what not they claim, not likely IMO. We can just agree to disagree.

Was reading the Boston forum and they mentioned this happens to a few other orgs already. Thoes that were shut down nothing happened to clients. Maybe since they're closer to WH it gets looked at more.

11-12-23, 12:58
Kbliss Sunday fun listing.

Viki Iris BabyYuna Maia Juni.

11-12-23, 14:24
[Commercial Message deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted because it appeared to be a commercial message and/or it contained links to a commercial website. All commercial advertising must be posted at our new site, The USA Adult Classifieds http://theclassifieds.nl Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines and the Forum's FAQ for further information.

11-12-23, 14:47
Little PSA from my recent experience so that no one else gets stuck outside, when I visited Chu recently the call box was broken. Chu threw me her key fob out of her window and I had to find it on the ground and then use it on the door to get in. Actually I still couldn't figure out how to get in until someone happened to be leaving the building because it wasn't clear that you were supposed to use the fob on the callbox. Hope this can save someone some wasted time and confusion.

11-12-23, 15:26
Respectfully yena looks nowhere near as young, tight, sexy, or pretty as this pic. Amazing BJ skills but I would guess she's late 30's to early 40's.In term of overall appearance, trust me that you will be disappointed when you meet Baby Yena in person! She is the girl in photo but add 10-15 years to the age. If I had to guess, I will say that she is 38-42 age range and her body is not that great either.

Sample Man
11-12-23, 15:40
But I want to know which girl to sample now.

Any info on Joan? Hana?

Stay safe.

11-12-23, 16:56
LOL yea of the people they bust, was 3 this time around. Going after the hundreds of clients on the list doubt it. No bust will be there. All the govt officials and what not they claim, not likely IMO. We can just agree to disagree.

Was reading the Boston forum and they mentioned this happens to a few other orgs already. Thoes that were shut down nothing happened to clients. Maybe since they're closer to WH it gets looked at more.Pretty much it. What likely happened was they intimidated some mongers into snitching on themselves and those mongers gave up more information and likely turned informant.

Unless they actually catch you in a sting operation or have explicit text messages / emails (if you're dumb enough to do this, that's on you), they don't have enough information to substantiate a case. But if they intimidate you and you voluntarily give up information, then yeah they have a case. If you're not being detained, walk. If they say you're under arrest, they're full of shit, tell them you don't speak without a lawyer present.

Even giving up personally identifiable information is not enough to make a claim. They next to get one of the following: a confession, documented evidence, or to catch you in the act / solicitation.

I suspect most of those implicated gave up information out of fear and not knowing what to do.

11-12-23, 17:31
Pretty much it. What likely happened was they intimidated some mongers into snitching on themselves and those mongers gave up more information and likely turned informant.

Unless they actually catch you in a sting operation or have explicit text messages / emails (if you're dumb enough to do this, that's on you), they don't have enough information to substantiate a case. But if they intimidate you and you voluntarily give up information, then yeah they have a case. If you're not being detained, walk. If they say you're under arrest, they're full of shit, tell them you don't speak without a lawyer present.

Even giving up personally identifiable information is not enough to make a claim. They next to get one of the following: a confession, documented evidence, or to catch you in the act / solicitation.

I suspect most of those implicated gave up information out of fear and not knowing what to do.Exactly. What documented information would be enough? The standard of review is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Making an appointment is not enough, right? And I don't think the booker texts with the pricing and locations rules out that you went to chat with the girl like an actual escort or a massage or something else not illegal. I don't think even linking someone to their reviews will be enough because those can be made up and they are just role-playing a fantasy online.

11-12-23, 17:35
So, I saw Gia / Gia3. I'm 95% sure she's the same Piper / Ara from years ago back from up north. We discussed as much. Memory a little foggy and I'm not good with faces but I think was same one. For those who don't know, she's likely mid 40's, big hard bad man made bolt ons. Pretty decent DT but she doesn't take it 100% of the way. You're probably not going to be face fucking like the movies or anything. Somewhat larger lady like a mama san albeit far from fat.

Baby Chu isn't 18. She isn't 20. More like 24 or 25, at best. Bigger bones albet, nice torso but strange looking with her wide shoulders. Has that Japan girl thing with the large calfs and thighs. Youthful ish boobs. Larger butt. Hairy. Not the best hygiene. Not the best service. Not 100 lbs. More like 130-140 (she sat on me for massage. Petite spinner, she is not / definitely doesn't live up to the 'baby' moniker). Oh, and BTW, no cim.

11-12-23, 23:07
I booked Hana from Sesang in September and everything was great. I took a one month break and come back to find pw on booker sites, my fav girls gone or on vacation, and mongers brushing up on criminal defense theory. I see there was a bust but there's no way there's any actual danger right? There's no way this shitty city will dedicate any resources to this while there are homeless assaulting people every day in the streets. I guess it doesn't matter if just the threat alone is enough to scare mongers and providers, I see fewer girls and fewer reviews, so I guess everyone is laying low for a while.

I thought this was America, so I'm going to go do my patriotic duty and go suck some titties, and if I go down just know that it was an honor serving with you gentlemen.

11-13-23, 00:12
I booked Hana from Sesang in September and everything was great. I took a one month break and come back to find pw on booker sites, my fav girls gone or on vacation, and mongers brushing up on criminal defense theory. I see there was a bust but there's no way there's any actual danger right? There's no way this shitty city will dedicate any resources to this while there are homeless assaulting people every day in the streets. I guess it doesn't matter if just the threat alone is enough to scare mongers and providers, I see fewer girls and fewer reviews, so I guess everyone is laying low for a while.

I thought this was America, so I'm going to go do my patriotic duty and go suck some titties, and if I go down just know that it was an honor serving with you gentlemen.Not to mention home invasion, grand theft auto, retail robbery, street robbery, porch pirate, you name it, we have it.

If they have the money the state or the feds, spend on something that actually stop violent crimes! For god sake!

I paid 31% of my income to tax and they use it for none violent crime, SMH.

Many people losing their job due to store closure, life changing robbery left victims cripple, America has gone to shit, WHERE THE MONEY WENT?

In another hand, about the reviews, many went on vacation due to the bust and many mongers are laying low.

So yeah, its a shit show we are living in. BUT I still see my reliable ATFs so that's that.

Oc Amper
11-13-23, 01:14
LOL highly doubt that would happen. Guess if they were bored and wanted to just ruin some lives for fun.Highly doubt? More than 1 local law enforcement has published their success during prostitution stings. Full lists of names, ages and even sometimes pictures. A few local LE still do this currently, a webpage with all that info.

So, yes, these things happen.

Oc Amper
11-13-23, 01:37
[QUOTE=MiamiHeat2020;6675865]Exactly. What documented information would be enough? The standard of review is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Making an appointment is not enough, right? And I don't think the booker texts with the pricing and locations rules out that you went to chat with the girl like an actual escort or a massage or something else not illegal. I don't think even linking someone to their reviews will be enough because those can be made up and they are just role-playing a fantasy online. [ / is].

So, there are two charges that a customer might be prosecuted for, Solicitation and the act of prostitution.

Not sure how one would be prosecuted for prostitution, unless the lady implicates the customer. If after the fact, that would be much harder. Would LE need to conduct a lineup? The lady sees many customers each day, while she might recall a face, guessing she probably wouldn't unless one was a repeat customer.

Solicitation. This is easier. Both parties agree to an act for the exchange of money or goods. So, if one is sent a menu of services, or upgrades, like the text LE has, just saying yes is Solicitation. You show up at the door, then an act of furtherance, which pretty much seals the deal for the prosecutor.

11-13-23, 02:07
Exactly. What documented information would be enough? The standard of review is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Making an appointment is not enough, right? And I don't think the booker texts with the pricing and locations rules out that you went to chat with the girl like an actual escort or a massage or something else not illegal. I don't think even linking someone to their reviews will be enough because those can be made up and they are just role-playing a fantasy online. .

So, there are two charges that a customer might be prosecuted for, Solicitation and the act of prostitution.

Not sure how one would be prosecuted for prostitution, unless the lady implicates the customer. If after the fact, that would be much harder. Would LE need to conduct a lineup? The lady sees many customers each day, while she might recall a face, guessing she probably wouldn't unless one was a repeat customer.

Solicitation. This is easier. Both parties agree to an act for the exchange of money or goods. So, if one is sent a menu of services, or upgrades, like the text LE has, just saying yes is Solicitation. You show up at the door, then an act of furtherance, which pretty much seals the deal for the prosecutor.Fair point about solicitation. However- to prove a defendant solicited prostitution, the prosecutor must establish the following:

The defendant requested that another person engage in an act of prostitution.

The defendant intended to engage in an act of prostitution with the other person.

The other person received the communication containing the request.

"I was going to get a massage" "just wanted to chat" = you don't satisfy at least element 2? Hard to prove intent no? Standard of proof for a crime is beyond reasonable doubt.

11-13-23, 10:59
I booked Hana from Sesang in September and everything was great. I took a one month break and come back to find pw on booker sites, my fav girls gone or on vacation, and mongers brushing up on criminal defense theory. I see there was a bust but there's no way there's any actual danger right? There's no way this shitty city will dedicate any resources to this while there are homeless assaulting people every day in the streets. I guess it doesn't matter if just the threat alone is enough to scare mongers and providers, I see fewer girls and fewer reviews, so I guess everyone is laying low for a while.

I thought this was America, so I'm going to go do my patriotic duty and go suck some titties, and if I go down just know that it was an honor serving with you gentlemen.

Be a BRAVE PATRIOT and serve us with honor: Suck lots of titles for us. Enjoy :)

11-13-23, 11:01
I booked Hana from Sesang in September and everything was great. I took a one month break and come back to find pw on booker sites, my fav girls gone or on vacation, and mongers brushing up on criminal defense theory. I see there was a bust but there's no way there's any actual danger right? There's no way this shitty city will dedicate any resources to this while there are homeless assaulting people every day in the streets. I guess it doesn't matter if just the threat alone is enough to scare mongers and providers, I see fewer girls and fewer reviews, so I guess everyone is laying low for a while.

I thought this was America, so I'm going to go do my patriotic duty and go suck some titties, and if I go down just know that it was an honor serving with you gentlemen.You are a true American hero. Thank you *salute*.

11-13-23, 11:32
I booked Hana from Sesang in September and everything was great. I took a one month break and come back to find pw on booker sites, my fav girls gone or on vacation, and mongers brushing up on criminal defense theory. I see there was a bust but there's no way there's any actual danger right? There's no way this shitty city will dedicate any resources to this while there are homeless assaulting people every day in the streets. I guess it doesn't matter if just the threat alone is enough to scare mongers and providers, I see fewer girls and fewer reviews, so I guess everyone is laying low for a while.

I thought this was America, so I'm going to go do my patriotic duty and go suck some titties, and if I go down just know that it was an honor serving with you gentlemen.I will still serve alongside you sir; it's an honor. Just went two times this past weekend and not planning on slowing down.

11-13-23, 12:52
Kbliss Monday roster.

Viki Iris BabyYuna Maia Juni.

11-13-23, 13:38
Heard from a girl I saw last night that it was on the news cgla and two other agencies (might be ktownfans and Asiangem) I am not familiar with are going down soon.

Since they were on the news prbly there is an investigation going on now?

Let's be safe everyone.This might be the news she saw:



11-13-23, 14:36
This might be the news she saw:


https://archive.ph/0Yvf9"Shit just got real" - Marcus.

Coca Cvs
11-13-23, 14:59
This might be the news she saw:


https://archive.ph/0Yvf9Is something like this why the whole Thai agency in the oc are go?

11-13-23, 15:01
This might be the news she saw:


https://archive.ph/0Yvf9When you go big out a s big fish like CGLA, you automatically become a target and I assume that Mr. "A" was perhaps one of the former pissed off Korean client of CGLA and now he is ratting on CGLA because she pissed him off through her stupidity.

But at the end of the day, these sites should all have been password protected long time ago.

11-13-23, 16:47
New here in LA area and read reviews of phoebe! Does any one know if she is active and coming back?


11-13-23, 19:00
Fair point about solicitation. However- to prove a defendant solicited prostitution, the prosecutor must establish the following:

The defendant requested that another person engage in an act of prostitution.

The defendant intended to engage in an act of prostitution with the other person.

The other person received the communication containing the request.

"I was going to get a massage" "just wanted to chat" = you don't satisfy at least element 2? Hard to prove intent no? Standard of proof for a crime is beyond reasonable doubt.A friend of mine from high school became an attorney, and we've talked a few times about the hobby. His advice if I was ever caught up in a bust is to say:

I was just there for a massage.

That's it, nothing else, keep your mouth shut and don't answer any questions. The burden is on them. He also said don't flat out deny everything, they'll take offense to that, and will try to fuck with you.

11-13-23, 19:19

The hayul is that gibberish?

Oppa byong-shin style.

11-13-23, 20:39
A friend of mine from high school became an attorney, and we've talked a few times about the hobby. His advice if I was ever caught up in a bust is to say:

I was just there for a massage.

That's it, nothing else, keep your mouth shut and don't answer any questions. The burden is on them. He also said don't flat out deny everything, they'll take offense to that, and will try to fuck with you.Confusing.

Say it was for a massage and don't answer questions. But also don't flat out deny everything? If you say it was for a massage and they keep asking questions. Do you not answer or do you not deny answering the question?

11-13-23, 21:21

Say it was for a massage and don't answer questions. But also don't flat out deny everything? If you say it was for a massage and they keep asking questions. Do you not answer or do you not deny answering the question?They know why you were there. Don't lie to them about that, other than just saying you were there for a massage. Why were you there? Is the only question you answer. That establishes that yeah, you were there, but not for anything illicit. That shifts the burden of proof to them. Keep your mouth shut but don't be a dick about it. Answer any more questions by telling them that you're not answering any more questions.

If you're going to engage in any "illegal" activities. The very least you should do is learn your rights and have a plan for if you get popped.

11-13-23, 21:25
This might be the news she saw:


https://archive.ph/0Yvf9LOL, the article says early 20's. That's like 5%of the girls, the rest are well over.

11-13-23, 22:37
"Shit just got real" - Marcus.Is that what you meant by phrase above?


11-13-23, 23:48
Bros, lying to escape a misdemeanor can land you into a felony. I will refer you to the ACLU (https://www.aclusocal.org/en/dealing-law-enforcement).

There was a guy in Boston bust saying the same thing, to the Fed who already knew it was a house of prostitution, with text evidence showing the menu. Good luck to that guy.

What you said may work with a sting at a massage parlor, until the girl confesses you got more than a massage. Do that to a Kgirl sting like in Boston and pray they don't upgrade the charge. That can be considered an obstruction of justice (https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/criminal-defense/what-are-the-penalties-for-lying-to-a-cop/).

A friend of mine from high school became an attorney, and we've talked a few times about the hobby. His advice if I was ever caught up in a bust is to say:

I was just there for a massage.

That's it, nothing else, keep your mouth shut and don't answer any questions. The burden is on them. He also said don't flat out deny everything, they'll take offense to that, and will try to fuck with you.

11-13-23, 23:55
She had rebranded as Aran and was recently in Seattle. No clue where she goes next.

New here in LA area and read reviews of phoebe! Does any one know if she is active and coming back?


11-13-23, 23:57
Boston bust is very similar to Thai bust. Operating in multi-states with easy paper trail.

Is something like this why the whole Thai agency in the oc are go?

Coca Cvs
11-13-23, 23:58
Boston bust is very similar to Thai bust. Operating in multi-states with easy paper trail.Thanks for letting me know. I was out of the game when the Thai bust happened, and heard about it years later.

11-14-23, 00:09
Doubt there was actual investigation. Some attention seeker reported CLGA and KTF site to a Korean reporter on 11/9 right after the Boston bust was reported on 11/8. Some people must hate CLGA booker. I remember a "housewife" reported CLGA site to some housewife site as well. This smells fishy and I don't mean Kpussy.

I am shocked there is a Korean guy who doesn't know Kgirls exist in KTown. I am even more shocked this Korean guy been researching for at least 1 year and can only find 2 Kgirl sites. That same guy complained nobody does anything to Kbookers. There you have it bros.

Unless Fed has reason to investigate a multi-states trafficking / money laundering, I doubt local LE has the resource to bust Korgs. After the Seattle bust of the League, they said Seattle LE was going to teach CA LE how to bust Kgirls. That made no difference in CA.

This might be the news she saw:



11-14-23, 00:15
So is anyone booking thru the password protected sites right now?

11-14-23, 00:46
I think Sweet is back as Honey, Mini is back as Darin, and Pink is back as Noah in OC.

One last comment on this Boston bust cause Boner just wants to bone.

When they said continuing the investigation, it seems to me LE is gleefully going after high profile clients from the list. Think about it. LE spent 3 years investigate BTT and BEG while knowing all the incall locations. Their surveillance only get them "interviews" with 20 clients and a "few" other Kgirls. Couple other Korgs in the areas were not caught.

I booked Hana from Sesang in September and everything was great. I took a one month break and come back to find pw on booker sites, my fav girls gone or on vacation, and mongers brushing up on criminal defense theory. I see there was a bust but there's no way there's any actual danger right? There's no way this shitty city will dedicate any resources to this while there are homeless assaulting people every day in the streets. I guess it doesn't matter if just the threat alone is enough to scare mongers and providers, I see fewer girls and fewer reviews, so I guess everyone is laying low for a while.

I thought this was America, so I'm going to go do my patriotic duty and go suck some titties, and if I go down just know that it was an honor serving with you gentlemen.

11-14-23, 01:15
I think Sweet is back as HoneyIs Sweet honey same as Sweet?

11-14-23, 01:22
I think Sweet is back as Honey, Mini is back as Darin, and Pink is back as Noah in OC.

One last comment on this Boston bust cause Boner just wants to bone.

When they said continuing the investigation, it seems to me LE is gleefully going after high profile clients from the list. Think about it. LE spent 3 years investigate BTT and BEG while knowing all the incall locations. Their surveillance only get them "interviews" with 20 clients and a "few" other Kgirls. Couple other Korgs in the areas were not caught.https://get9irl.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=2&product_id=482

Unfortunately, looks like Honey / Sweet is tired of taking creampies and only doing GFE now.

11-14-23, 01:30

Say it was for a massage and don't answer questions. But also don't flat out deny everything? If you say it was for a massage and they keep asking questions. Do you not answer or do you not deny answering the question?I'm not a lawyer but if LAPD has you in custody there's nothing you can say that will convince them to let you go. If they let you walk away then they never had anything on you to begin with, and if they want to haul you away there's no way you can talk yourself out of that. If I were being detained I wouldn't say a damn thing except maybe "I want to talk to a lawyer". I wouldn't even say the massage line because if they can somehow prove that's a lie you just made things worse for yourself.

Remember, arresting you doesn't mean jail. They might just want to sweat you in an interrogation room for a couple of hours hoping you can turn informant.

11-14-23, 01:34
So is anyone booking thru the password protected sites right now?Yeah, bookers are still taking appointments. Text the booker and ask them for the password, like others have mentioned I have no idea what criteria they're using to let people in, but it's worth a shot. I don't partake nearly as often as some other mongers and I was still given the pw.

Oc Amper
11-14-23, 02:02
I'm not a lawyer but if LAPD has you in custody there's nothing you can say that will convince them to let you go. If they let you walk away then they never had anything on you to begin with, and if they want to haul you away there's no way you can talk yourself out of that. If I were being detained I wouldn't say a damn thing except maybe "I want to talk to a lawyer". I wouldn't even say the massage line because if they can somehow prove that's a lie you just made things worse for yourself.

Remember, arresting you doesn't mean jail. They might just want to sweat you in an interrogation room for a couple of hours hoping you can turn informant.If in custody, I would agree, there isn't a damn thing you can say or do that will result in you walking away. They are way past that point.

They are asking questions to build a case that the the can prosecute. The less you say, the less they have to work with, which is less your own attorney has to fix.

While as hard as it is to do, ask for a lawyer and say no more. Don't even talk about your favorite team.

11-14-23, 02:56
Had the pleasure of spending time with Kelly. A real doll. Pics are real, just 5-10 years ago. Good time.

11-14-23, 09:41
I think Sweet is back as Honey, Mini is back as Darin, and Pink is back as Noah in OC.

One last comment on this Boston bust cause Boner just wants to bone.

When they said continuing the investigation, it seems to me LE is gleefully going after high profile clients from the list. Think about it. LE spent 3 years investigate BTT and BEG while knowing all the incall locations. Their surveillance only get them "interviews" with 20 clients and a "few" other Kgirls. Couple other Korgs in the areas were not caught.Why do you think Honey is Sweet? Her pics look nothing like her.

11-14-23, 10:57
Had the pleasure of spending time with Kelly. A real doll. Pics are real, just 5-10 years ago. Good time.

On Kelly: I have done her 2x and she is really a good one in term of performance. One of the girl that you can say that enjoy what she is doing.

11-14-23, 12:25
We all knew in rebrand thread that Sweet rebranded as Honey. I certified her because of her sweet ass. Sweet / Honey is not same as Sweet Honey who I might have also mentioned.

Why do you think Honey is Sweet? Her pics look nothing like her.

11-14-23, 13:57
We all knew in rebrand thread that Sweet rebranded as Honey. I certified her because of her sweet ass. Sweet / Honey is not same as Sweet Honey who I might have also mentioned.Oh crikey, I never booked with Sweet but Sweet Honey also had a sweet ass. I booked her over a booker's recommendation and it probably was the best one ever.

Member #2210
11-14-23, 13:58
So is anyone booking thru the password protected sites right now?I did with Melos 2 days ago.

11-14-23, 14:23
So is anyone booking thru the password protected sites right now?I have but CGLA has not texted me back after my last appointment and I found it odd as they are typically pretty responsive. Melo's is open for biz too. Like others said, text for the password and you should get it if you have history with the agency.

I'm surprised more bookers haven't tried to stay quiet since the bust and password protect their sites. Not that it would matter now but still. I'm hoping that means most of these people presumably believe it is safe to operate regardless.

11-14-23, 14:53
I'm not a lawyer but if LAPD has you in custody there's nothing you can say that will convince them to let you go. If they let you walk away then they never had anything on you to begin with, and if they want to haul you away there's no way you can talk yourself out of that. If I were being detained I wouldn't say a damn thing except maybe "I want to talk to a lawyer". I wouldn't even say the massage line because if they can somehow prove that's a lie you just made things worse for yourself.

Remember, arresting you doesn't mean jail. They might just want to sweat you in an interrogation room for a couple of hours hoping you can turn informant.There was an old seminar thing about talking to the police. It's right there in your Miranda rights, "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. " It specifically says against you. Meaning anything you say will not be used to your benefit. Even telling the truth can get you in hot water if they just take what you say out of context. The only words I'll say are that I want to talk to a lawyer, because I'm pretty confident that I'm not smart enough to walk out of there on my own against a cop who does all this for a living.

Long story short, aside from asking for a lawyer, say nothing.

11-14-23, 14:57
Must say, with all this bad news, the long weekend for Veterans Day was spent well in a state where I felt there is simply too much going on for the Feds to care about one of many orgs. That said, I tried setting up an appointment with CGLA and I got nothing for the new password. It is what it is I suppose. Who would be a good other to replace CG's stable with? I have BG, Melo's, and SAG, but I hardly go to Oc to make use of it.

11-14-23, 15:47
Best option is to say nothing. Ask if you are under arrest or being detained and ask for a lawyer. Nothing you say can help you, only incriminate you. Even if you say or do something that can help you, in court the cops are not obliged to help you and can't testify for you.

On a side note can some one give me the password for CG website. I would text the booker but I don't plan to see anyone this week and only like contacting bookers when I'm booking.

11-14-23, 17:15
[[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted in accordance with the Forum's policy prohibiting unsubstantiated reports claiming that another person is afflicted with a Sexually Transmitted Disease, this limitation being necessary because a disturbing number of these reports are less than genuine.

STD allegations are not permitted in the forum at any time EXCEPT when substantiated by links to internet-accessible public records.

Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.

11-14-23, 17:21
Best option is to say nothing. Ask if you are under arrest or being detained and ask for a lawyer. Nothing you say can help you, only incriminate you. Even if you say or do something that can help you, in court the cops are not obliged to help you and can't testify for you.

On a side note can some one give me the password for CG website. I would text the booker but I don't plan to see anyone this week and only like contacting bookers when I'm booking.Ask them directly. For all I know you could be Mr A.

Also, they specifically said not to share with anyone so I intend to honor that; sorry bud.

11-14-23, 18:51
And that exact reason is why I stopped going to WLA also. Filthy mofos out there that don't get tested.

Either way, the GFE girls are usually hotter anyway so I guess it was a blessing in disguise. GAH DAM I miss BBFS.I tell anybody most women cheat. So doesn't matter booker or at home your catching.

Something period.

11-14-23, 18:56
There was an old seminar thing about talking to the police. It's right there in your Miranda rights, "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. " It specifically says against you. Meaning anything you say will not be used to your benefit. Even telling the truth can get you in hot water if they just take what you say out of context. The only words I'll say are that I want to talk to a lawyer, because I'm pretty confident that I'm not smart enough to walk out of there on my own against a cop who does all this for a living.

Long story short, aside from asking for a lawyer, say nothing.Yup agree. Good thing all I did was get a bareback massage meaning they used there hands on my back.

11-14-23, 19:06
I'm not a lawyer but if LAPD has you in custody there's nothing you can say that will convince them to let you go. If they let you walk away then they never had anything on you to begin withJust to clarify, unless they are arresting you or intending to arresting you (detaining you for questioning in suspicion of a specific crime) you can walk away. Here is an actual law firm about California law spelling it out:


"If a police officer attempts to stop you on a street and questions you for any reason without arresting you, or without any intention of arresting you do to probable cause, you have the right not to answer any of their questions and calmly walk away. If you are not comfortable doing that, you can always ask the police officer if you are free to go. Never run from a police officer, but if you are told you are not free to go you should request to know why you are being detained. If a police officer does have Reasonable Suspicion to suspect that you either committed a crime or were involved in some sort of criminal activity, they will be allowed to pat you down in order to determine if you have any dangerous weapons on you. However, they are not allowed to search you any further than this, and if you believe a search is too intrusive, you can clearly say that you do not consent to a search. It is important to note that even if they continue, you should never try to physically resist a police officer. ".

This is a good summary, and there are few exceptions not worth mentioning. They cannot search you without a warrant, with the exception to check for weapons. If they do, their case is gone (that is not to say the police will not break the law, just that here they have no incentive to). California has extra rules, and in practice if police arrest you, they will take you straight to booking. And that booking is done independently by different officers for legal reasons. You must be charged or the must let you go, and in practice they will charge you so they are not even going to arrest you and embarrass themselves if they aren't willing to put it in writing. Any interrogation is completely voluntary and should be done with a lawyer. Threatening to throw you in jail if you don't answer questions isn't a real leverage they have in California or most states (there are federal exceptions to this not worth mentioning). They either do or they don't. Non-police officers can threaten to do that, though (I. E. Threaten to report you police if you don't cooperate with them). But that's a whole different topic.

First hand, I have ignored police many times for minor things (neighbor complaint, for example). They did not inconvenience me. If the police have something on you, they will actually stop you. Since I knew I didn't even do anything wrong, I literally ignored them. And they were relieved, because their job was to tell a Karen they gave someone a talkin to (which they didn't).

Member #2210
11-14-23, 19:13
Which other girls, besides Leah of Melos, have 15 minute special, both here in LA and OC? I love this 15 minute special!

11-14-23, 21:45
Just to clarify, unless they are arresting you or intending to arresting you (detaining you for questioning in suspicion of a specific crime) you can walk away. Here is an actual law firm about California law spelling it out:


"If a police officer attempts to stop you on a street and questions you for any reason without arresting you, or without any intention of arresting you do to probable cause, you have the right not to answer any of their questions and calmly walk away. If you are not comfortable doing that, you can always ask the police officer if you are free to go. Never run from a police officer, but if you are told you are not free to go you should request to know why you are being detained. If a police officer does have Reasonable Suspicion to suspect that you either committed a crime or were involved in some sort of criminal activity, they will be allowed to pat you down in order to determine if you have any dangerous weapons on you. However, they are not allowed to search you any further than this, and if you believe a search is too intrusive, you can clearly say that you do not consent to a search. It is important to note that even if they continue, you should never try to physically resist a police officer. ".

This is a good summary, and there are few exceptions not worth mentioning. They cannot search you without a warrant, with the exception to check for weapons. If they do, their case is gone (that is not to say the police will not break the law, just that here they have no incentive to). California has extra rules, and in practice if police arrest you, they will take you straight to booking. And that booking is done independently by different officers for legal reasons. You must be charged or the must let you go, and in practice they will charge you so they are not even going to arrest you and embarrass themselves if they aren't willing to put it in writing. Any interrogation is completely voluntary and should be done with a lawyer. Threatening to throw you in jail if you don't answer questions isn't a real leverage they have in California or most states (there are federal exceptions to this not worth mentioning). They either do or they don't. Non-police officers can threaten to do that, though (I. E. Threaten to report you police if you don't cooperate with them). But that's a whole different topic.Wait, the cops talk to you and you ignore them and keep walking.

Couldn't they do a Terry stop-and-frisk based on their reasonably particularized suspicions being aroused by your behavior?

11-15-23, 12:56
Kbliss humpday lineup.

BabyYuna Maia Juni.

11-15-23, 16:06
I've encountered Kori in the bay area with blasts. Was in ktown for short duration and saw her again in another town was like planning a getaway vacation with your mistress (es).

Kori has a very small frame, maybe about 4"11, but with the right bolt-ons that makes her appeals like a sexy k model.

She's one of the younger models in 20's. During the sessions, she is attentative to your needs and stays very engaged throughout, her moaring is something that I will remember for a long time. Good menu and a pro-tip: train up before you go because it will be quite an exercise with her.

Treat her nice, she's a gem. As for me, looking forward to see her on another city, another day.

11-15-23, 17:48
Just saw Iris, and long story short, it was an AMAZING experience.

I'm surprised at some of the negative commentary on her body on here, because for me I thought her body was literally perfect. I know everyone has their own standards and attractions, but I guess I'm just not seeing it. To be fair, none of the comments have really said she was flat out "fat" or "chubby" or anything, but a lot of comments have said she's "big" or had extra meat or something or other. But for me, I thought her body was a 10 (at least a 9) – slim waist, big tits that are enhanced but felt as real as can be, and a good amount of booty, soft silky skin and long beautiful hair. I'm not really seeing where people are saying she has extra meat. Maybe in comparison to someone like Hana, who is very spinner thin (which is hot in its own way), but Iris is on the taller side and her body is perfectly proportional to her height. If I had to compare her to anyone, I'd say she's like a thinner version of Yoco (another taller girl with great tits and ass). I think a lot of guys here prefer the high-fashion model type spinner look (which is great with me too, I don't discriminate), but Iris is proportioned more like a Victoria Secret model. With that out of the way, a brief description of our meeting:

Iris was super fun and created a comfortable GFE vibe right from the beginning, which would quickly switch to a more PSE session later. A little chit chat while getting undressed and getting in the shower, and it felt like catching up with an old friend even though we had just met. Once you hop in the shower, though, she immediately gets a mischievous and hungry look on her face as she cleans you up really well so she can get ready to devour you. We went back to the room for an intense DFK make out session, tongues all out, hands roaming all over each other, making out like we're in the back seat after prom.

She knelt down for a skilled BBBJ. She can deep throat with the best of them, and even does that trick where she takes your cock all the way down and then sticks out her tongue to lick the bottom of your shaft and balls. Incredible feeling. I could feel the back of her throat squeeze down on the head of my cock and that pressure is just amazing. She needed a little prompting to go for the balls directly, but I think it was more because she was lost in the deep throat than anything else, because as soon as I told her to suck on those balls, she went to town on them while stroking my dick with her hand, using that deep slick spit as lube. She was down there for a while, and she probably would have gone for as long as I wanted but I just had to get a taste of the pussy, so I laid her on the bed and like a good girl she spread her legs wide open and let me eat to my heart's content. She has a beautiful smooth pussy and I would spend all day there if I could. She definitely loves DATY and will give enthusiastic moans and grind her pussy in your face to let you know when she wants you to change motion or go harder. She'd tell me later that she came while I was down there and she was grateful =).

I couldn't wait any longer so I got up and entered her mish, and the face she makes when you first enter her is so fucking hot, it made feeling her dripping went (DRIPPING wet) pussy feel even better. As I was going deeper into her and gradually going harder, she'd start licking and nibbling my neck and ears, which is a great touch and really makes it feel that much more intimate. We'd slow down, speed up, she'd cum, her body would spasm and relax, we'd switch positions, our bodies were all twisted into each other and we just wanted to swallow each other whole. When my time came I pulled out and busted on her stomach (personal preference of mine, but she'd tell me later she wanted me to cum inside). We had a few minutes at the end just to hang out and talk some more, and she's really cool chick. Probably a new ATF and will repeat many many times.

L: 9.

A: 10.

S: 9.

E. almost none.

Are: yes, forever.

11-15-23, 23:19

11-16-23, 10:17
Ktownfans.You should just text the booker for the code. They have asked us not to share to protect everyone.

11-16-23, 10:46
Ktownfans.New user with 1 post asking for the password. Should be a huge red flag, please be smart fellas.

Oc Amper
11-16-23, 11:41
First hand, I have ignored police many times for minor things (neighbor complaint, for example). They did not inconvenience me. If the police have something on you, they will actually stop you. Since I knew I didn't even do anything wrong, I literally ignored them. And they were relieved, because their job was to tell a Karen they gave someone a talkin to (which they didn't).I'll say, ignoring LE is a dangerous thing. We've seen, although mostly black people, ignoring LE and they get lit up. Just saying.

11-16-23, 12:47
Kbliss Thursday lineup.

BabyYuna Maia Juni Iris.

11-16-23, 15:33
Can anyone explain to me what the hell House Party is and why it shows a McDonalds? LOL.

11-16-23, 15:36
Just to clarify, unless they are arresting you or intending to arresting you (detaining you for questioning in suspicion of a specific crime) you can walk away. Here is an actual law firm about California law spelling it out:


"If a police officer attempts to stop you on a street and questions you for any reason without arresting you, or without any intention of arresting you do to probable cause, you have the right not to answer any of their questions and calmly walk away. If you are not comfortable doing that, you can always ask the police officer if you are free to go. Never run from a police officer, but if you are told you are not free to go you should request to know why you are being detained. If a police officer does have Reasonable Suspicion to suspect that you either committed a crime or were involved in some sort of criminal activity, they will be allowed to pat you down in order to determine if you have any dangerous weapons on you. However, they are not allowed to search you any further than this, and if you believe a search is too intrusive, you can clearly say that you do not consent to a search. It is important to note that even if they continue, you should never try to physically resist a police officer. ".

This is a good summary, and there are few exceptions not worth mentioning. They cannot search you without a warrant, with the exception to check for weapons. If they do, their case is gone (that is not to say the police will not break the law, just that here they have no incentive to). California has extra rules, and in practice if police arrest you, they will take you straight to booking. And that booking is done independently by different officers for legal reasons. You must be charged or the must let you go, and in practice they will charge you so they are not even going to arrest you and embarrass themselves if they aren't willing to put it in writing. Any interrogation is completely voluntary and should be done with a lawyer. Threatening to throw you in jail if you don't answer questions isn't a real leverage they have in California or most states (there are federal exceptions to this not worth mentioning). They either do or they don't. Non-police officers can threaten to do that, though (I. E. Threaten to report you police if you don't cooperate with them). But that's a whole different topic.

First hand, I have ignored police many times for minor things (neighbor complaint, for example). They did not inconvenience me. If the police have something on you, they will actually stop you. Since I knew I didn't even do anything wrong, I literally ignored them. And they were relieved, because their job was to tell a Karen they gave someone a talkin to (which they didn't).Reminds me of this old youtube vid. Good info here:


11-16-23, 20:54
Can anyone explain to me what the hell House Party is and why it shows a McDonalds? LOL.If I had to guess, the incall location is probably close to that McDonalds.


- https://bookergray.com/tt_mw/HouseParty/.

- https://bookergray.com/tt_mw/DopeJene/.

11-16-23, 22:02
If I had to guess, the incall location is probably close to that McDonalds.


- https://bookergray.com/tt_mw/HouseParty/.

- https://bookergray.com/tt_mw/DopeJene/.Side note, I browsed that website thru ur link and looked around. They used my short review of Baby Peach for their ad. Copied and pasted what I wrote here. Interesting, I've never used them before.

11-16-23, 22:07
My notes for Baby Yena when she debuted in March: "Headgame multi-O hand biter. ".

At the time, I thought the attached pic for Baby Cherry in the Bay provided a more accurate depiction of her.Thanks, seems like from other reviews she's on the older side. Talent pool looks to be dwindling by the day!

I mean even yesterday, Kbliss lineup on forum had 3 girls total LOL.

Asked booker about Maia's availability and she's so busy her time fills up so quick.

Ina looks to be back in the near future, but besides that idk about the current selection of no-upcharge girls.

Don't book enough with CGLA to even get a password LOL.

11-16-23, 22:56
Her pics look too familiar, 90% sure she's been here before maybe with different name.

Any of you sleuths have any leads? Much appreciated.

11-16-23, 23:33
Anyone know how delete our account here? If someone here could just remove my profile completely, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

11-16-23, 23:41
I suspect a PM to Admin2 would do it. That and RTFF rules to see if it's already covered!

Anyone know how delete our account here? If someone here could just remove my profile completely, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

11-16-23, 23:50
Just saw Iris, and long story short, it was an AMAZING experience.

I'm surprised at some of the negative commentary on her body on here, because for me I thought her body was literally perfect. I know everyone has their own standards and attractions, but I guess I'm just not seeing it. To be fair, none of the comments have really said she was flat out "fat" or "chubby" or anything, but a lot of comments have said she's "big" or had extra meat or something or other. But for me, I thought her body was a 10 (at least a 9) slim waist, big tits that are enhanced but felt as real as can be, and a good amount of booty, soft silky skin and long beautiful hair. I'm not really seeing where people are saying she has extra meat. Maybe in comparison to someone like Hana, who is very spinner thin (which is hot in its own way), but Iris is on the taller side and her body is perfectly proportional to her height. If I had to compare her to anyone, I'd say she's like a thinner version of Yoco (another taller girl with great tits and ass). I think a lot of guys here prefer the high-fashion model type spinner look (which is great with me too, I don't discriminate), but Iris is proportioned more like a Victoria Secret model. With that out of the way, a brief description of our meeting:

Iris was super fun and created a comfortable GFE vibe right from the beginning, which would quickly switch to a more PSE session later. A little chit chat while getting undressed and getting in the shower, and it felt like catching up with an old friend even though we had just met. Once you hop in the shower, though, she immediately gets a mischievous and hungry look on her face as she cleans you up really well so she can get ready to devour you. We went back to the room for an intense DFK make out session, tongues all out, hands roaming all over each other, making out like we're in the back seat after prom.

She knelt down for a skilled BBBJ. She can deep throat with the best of them, and even does that trick where she takes your cock all the way down and then sticks out her tongue to lick the bottom of your shaft and balls. Incredible feeling. I could feel the back of her throat squeeze down on the head of my cock and that pressure is just amazing. She needed a little prompting to go for the balls directly, but I think it was more because she was lost in the deep throat than anything else, because as soon as I told her to suck on those balls, she went to town on them while stroking my dick with her hand, using that deep slick spit as lube. She was down there for a while, and she probably would have gone for as long as I wanted but I just had to get a taste of the pussy, so I laid her on the bed and like a good girl she spread her legs wide open and let me eat to my heart's content. She has a beautiful smooth pussy and I would spend all day there if I could. She definitely loves DATY and will give enthusiastic moans and grind her pussy in your face to let you know when she wants you to change motion or go harder. She'd tell me later that she came while I was down there and she was grateful =).

I couldn't wait any longer so I got up and entered her mish, and the face she makes when you first enter her is so fucking hot, it made feeling her dripping went (DRIPPING wet) pussy feel even better. As I was going deeper into her and gradually going harder, she'd start licking and nibbling my neck and ears, which is a great touch and really makes it feel that much more intimate. We'd slow down, speed up, she'd cum, her body would spasm and relax, we'd switch positions, our bodies were all twisted into each other and we just wanted to swallow each other whole. When my time came I pulled out and busted on her stomach (personal preference of mine, but she'd tell me later she wanted me to cum inside). We had a few minutes at the end just to hang out and talk some more, and she's really cool chick. Probably a new ATF and will repeat many many times.

L: 9.

A: 10.

S: 9.

E. almost none.

Are: yes, forever.So about this Iris, I have been eyeing her but with other lower rating reviews, I held back to see her.

Has anyone else seen her? Many mentioned more meat on the bone or latina type or similar to Saki down stair which I thought she was on the wider side (not into it).

I'm a tit guy so her tit def got my attentions and would love to know more.

For comparison, girls (MILF) that I have met and liked the body type are Cindy and the good old Sonya from SAG ages ago, they were meaty but firm and curvy (no bear back broad shoulder), they don't look wide to me but more rounded.

So about this Iris, what is it? LOL, so curious!

11-17-23, 01:48
A couple of days ago I went online to see which of my favorite providers was available for some afternoon delight, only to find that they're all either on break or completely removed from booker sites. It seems that recent events have forced everyone who can afford it to be more cautious for the time being. Well, I wasn't going to be stopped by something like that and instead I searched these forums to see which of these new WLA girls were my type. Unsurprisingly everyone is playing it cool right now and I couldn't find good reviews for these new girls, so I rolled the dice and ended up going with Maia telling myself that I was going to listen to my inner Ghandi and post a review so any future mongers can weigh my words before they pull the trigger.

I arrive at the location and Maia greets me at the door. Previous short reviews for Maia mention her face, and I will just say that she's not ugly. She doesn't have the typical "K-pop" face, and her face is definitely flatter than other girls', but it would be a stretch to call her a butterface. Obviously this is all subjective, but just my two cents. Anyways, at the door we kiss for a little bit and then head to her room where we DFK. She undresses me and then guides me towards the bathroom for our blue toast and shower. As she walks in front of me I see for the first time her nice shapely ass. It's actually quite a cute butt, not huge obviously, but big enough and the perfect amount of firmness and jiggle. I can't resist giving it a couple of squeezes and taps and she giggles. Our shower was a pretty standard shower, and right before the end she gets on her knees for a playful BJ before we get out to dry ourselves off and head to the bedroom for the main course.

Her room is one of the first I've been in where the girl decorates it to fit her personality, and it's pretty interesting. She has a couple of display cases full of big tittied anime girls. I was a weeb in a former life and tried to start a conversation about one of her Super Sonico figures but she speaks almost no english. I think she speaks the least amount of english out of all providers I've seen so there wasn't really much conversation my whole visit. We get on the bed where I lay down and she starts a much more in depth and sloppy blowjob. I lay back to enjoy and I realize she has a mirror on the ceiling right above her bed, which I actually take full advantage of later. After a couple of minutes she gets on top and starts riding me, her pussy is surprisingly tight and I can feel her squeezing down on me. She straddles me and we make out while her hips undulate back and forth, I stop and work my way down to her nice D cups. She has cute sharp nipples and I suck on them while she caresses my head. After a while she sort of tucks her body in and lays on top of me like a bed while I thrust my hips into her. This is when the mirror comes into play, she's laying comfortably on top of me and I can see her cute heart shaped butt on the ceiling mirror. I stretch her ass open as I continue to thrust into her over and over.

I realize that I'm about to bust and we switch positions to mish. I always end on mish and I start thrusting into her as she leg locks me and kisses my neck and cheek encouraging me to finish in her. I eventually do and we kiss a little before I get off and lay next to each other. Usually at this point I chat with the girl, or she gives me a massage, or whatever it depends on the girl. Usually the girl will do something to try and get me to shoot another shot, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't (I'm not 18 anymore). Well Maia closed her eyes and just lay on her back. At first I thought this was going to lead to something, I'm not a clock watcher by any means but it had only been around 30 minutes since I got there. But it doesn't and she kind of just naps. I'm sure that if I started doing something she would have been game, but I could feel that there was no second shot coming in the next 30 minutes so I just lay down next to her. She realized this and then snuggled up next to me and went back to napping. We actually cut it quite close but at 5 minutes left I ended up waking her up to tell her I was leaving, and I think she had an appointment after that because it kind of felt like she was scrambling a little. I don't know if it was an act or if she genuinely napped for 20 minutes, but I would say consider that if you're the kind of guy who has multiple shots in him.

Overall I think that Maia is pretty and young with an ass that is definitely worth mentioning, but her service could be a little better even without mentioning the nap. If you're used to the more experienced girls you'll definitely notice the difference. Would I repeat? Probably not. She's definitely hot, but I would want to try a couple of girls out before I go back to Maia. Maybe this is a sign that I should start trying GFE or J-girls.

11-17-23, 01:55
Any suggestions for big tit providers like Allie? Enhanced is fine as long as I can grab them like soft pillows. They looked great on her build.

11-17-23, 10:26
I don't know if it was an act or if she genuinely napped for 20 minutes, but I would say consider that if you're the kind of guy who has multiple shots in him.I could imagine that she was genuinely exhausted from her insane schedule that she decided to take a power nap while on the clock. Unfortunately, you were the dude who had to pay 340 to watch her nap for nearly half the session. I feel for you, bro.

I've had it happened to me too: Luna in June or July, 2020. She was snoring at one point haha. That's when she was working her busy schedule for SexyAngels and when the rate was only at 260.

Anyway, I've seen Maia a few times and it's usually deep DFK at the door and nonstop hammering while in the bedroom, with gentle choking throughout and convulsions near the end. She's excellent at spreading eagle so I can really get in deep.

She's a sweet girl and very friendly. She's as close to a sure thing in the scene at this point, so she really had to be burnt out to fall asleep on you.

11-17-23, 11:47
I suspect a PM to Admin2 would do it. That and RTFF rules to see if it's already covered!I suspect publicly posting an unhinged personal assault on Admin2's manhood and intellect here with much profanity and racial abuse might do the trick?

11-17-23, 12:54
Kbliss Friday flesh fun.

BabyYuna Maia Juni Iris.

TD Leafs
11-17-23, 12:58
So about this Iris, I have been eyeing her but with other lower rating reviews, I held back to see her.

Has anyone else seen her? Many mentioned more meat on the bone or latina type or similar to Saki down stair which I thought she was on the wider side (not into it).

I'm a tit guy so her tit def got my attentions and would love to know more.

For comparison, girls (MILF) that I have met and liked the body type are Cindy and the good old Sonya from SAG ages ago, they were meaty but firm and curvy (no bear back broad shoulder), they don't look wide to me but more rounded.

So about this Iris, what is it? LOL, so curious!Read other reviews here and on other site. They're all very avg or below avg ratings.

You'll be disappointed if you go see her based on this one review.

11-17-23, 14:24
Anyone know how delete our account here? If someone here could just remove my profile completely, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.I asked before and they said no can do. They just "reassure" you that nobody knows who you are and so they don't feel any need to delete your account or posts.

11-18-23, 01:09
Read other reviews here and on other site. They're all very avg or below avg ratings.

You'll be disappointed if you go see her based on this one review.Thats why I was hoping some vet have seen her got some good feedback, guess NOT, LOL.

Seriously miss Allie and Sonya, love them big titis.

11-18-23, 01:11
I could imagine that she was genuinely exhausted from her insane schedule that she decided to take a power nap while on the clock. Unfortunately, you were the dude who had to pay 340 to watch her nap for nearly half the session. I feel for you, bro.

I've had it happened to me too: Luna in June or July, 2020. She was snoring at one point haha. That's when she was working her busy schedule for SexyAngels and when the rate was only at 260.

Anyway, I've seen Maia a few times and it's usually deep DFK at the door and nonstop hammering while in the bedroom, with gentle choking throughout and convulsions near the end. She's excellent at spreading eagle so I can really get in deep.

She's a sweet girl and very friendly. She's as close to a sure thing in the scene at this point, so she really had to be burnt out to fall asleep on you.Saw her countless time, never napped, always running out of time to be honest, I make my one shot lest long enough. LOL.

11-18-23, 02:28
So yeah. I saw a couple of J-Girls and got my spank worthy videos for posterity. But somebody tell me what KGirl is worth seeing these days. Prices are too high and quality is too low. I want a KGirl that fucks like a KGirl. I want them thin and pretty and young looking and willing to take my seed deep in their pussy. That used to be an easy ask. These days, it's a rare find. I feel like I might really be done with this game now.

11-18-23, 12:30
Kbliss Saturday slot availability.

BabyYuna Maia Juni Iris.

11-18-23, 12:47
Any suggestions for big tit providers like Allie? Enhanced is fine as long as I can grab them like soft pillows. They looked great on her build."The well known Niya at GKS is in the same category as Allie. Her pictures are real but she is taller and older. Great non-rushed service and very likeable. This review is accurate IMHO = https://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/detail/niya---anna-review-by-stopsign100-2525719 .

11-18-23, 13:35
So yeah. I saw a couple of J-Girls and got my spank worthy videos for posterity. But somebody tell me what KGirl is worth seeing these days. Prices are too high and quality is too low. I want a KGirl that fucks like a KGirl. I want them thin and pretty and young looking and willing to take my seed deep in their pussy. That used to be an easy ask. These days, it's a rare find. I feel like I might really be done with this game now.Q. 1: Somebody tell me what K-Girl is worth seeing these days.

Answer: None -.

Q. 2: Prices are too high and quality is too low.

Answer: Very true.

Q. 3: I want a KGirl that fucks like a KGirl.

Answer: It is a myth of the past.

Q. 4: I want them thin and pretty and young.

Answer: Read reviews from 14 years ago.

Statement 5: That used to be an easy ask. These days, it's a rare find.

It was a nicely written conclusion.

That is why I don't partake no more in the scene.

11-18-23, 14:47
Any of the ssg / kbliss girls take cim well? The one's I've seen haven't yet complained about cip but I'm looking for some headgame (and preferably Asian, since the BBBJ thread is a mixed bag of ethnicities). Thanks!

11-18-23, 14:57
I'm trying to book maia after reading all the great reviews.

Since cgla is being picky anybody know what's the screening process for kgla booker?

I've only used BG and SAG bookers and SAG doesn't verify, so I can't go thru the voucher process.

Also do bookers take vouchers from a kgirl? I know one of the girls listed on kgla and was wondering if she can vouch for me to the booker.

Fuckk I want to bang maia so bad LOL.

11-18-23, 15:57
That is why I don't partake no more in the scene.Sadly, I may be sitting it out too.

11-18-23, 17:18
Q. 1: Somebody tell me what K-Girl is worth seeing these days.

Answer: None -.

Q. 2: Prices are too high and quality is too low.

Answer: Very true.

Q. 3: I want a KGirl that fucks like a KGirl.

Answer: It is a myth of the past.

Q. 4: I want them thin and pretty and young.

Answer: Read reviews from 14 years ago.

Statement 5: That used to be an easy ask. These days, it's a rare find.

It was a nicely written conclusion.

That is why I don't partake no more in the scene.I am not disagreeing with you. I am pretty sure they were much better back then but I think nowadays its more YMMV.

I've seen some girls that had okay reviews etc and turned out to be amazing. Just all about being able to communicate.

11-19-23, 01:53
Q. 1: Somebody tell me what K-Girl is worth seeing these days.

Answer: None -.

Q. 2: Prices are too high and quality is too low.

Answer: Very true.

Q. 3: I want a KGirl that fucks like a KGirl.

Answer: It is a myth of the past.

Q. 4: I want them thin and pretty and young.

Answer: Read reviews from 14 years ago.

Statement 5: That used to be an easy ask. These days, it's a rare find.

It was a nicely written conclusion.

That is why I don't partake no more in the scene.Thats why lots mongers talked about the good'ol days about CV and when TER were true to it's reviews.

Quality indeed dropped significan amount on K-girls and their skills compare to back in CV days, I could name so many that I would book in a heart beat because they were awesome, LOL.

Anyway, sigh .

11-19-23, 12:38
Thats why lots mongers talked about the good'ol days about CV and when TER were true to it's reviews.

Quality indeed dropped significan amount on K-girls and their skills compare to back in CV days, I could name so many that I would book in a heart beat because they were awesome, LOL.

Anyway, sigh .Back in good old days, there were # of bookers that each had exclusive girls. In order to keep the $$$ coming in, the booker / boss had to be NICE to customer and bring high quality stuff. Now, a days, we have multiple bookers that book the same girls that are mediocre, low quality and over the age.

Who is allowing that to happen in a marketplace? The clients who will pay and praise the booker.

Solution: Just don't partake and they get the message. Keep playing the game with them and it wll gets worse.

11-19-23, 12:50
Kbliss Sunday funday roster.

BabyYuna Maia Juni Iris Viki.

11-19-23, 14:03
Back in good old days, there were # of bookers that each had exclusive girls. In order to keep the $$$ coming in, the booker / boss had to be NICE to customer and bring high quality stuff. Now, a days, we have multiple bookers that book the same girls that are mediocre, low quality and over the age.

Who is allowing that to happen in a marketplace? The clients who will pay and praise the booker.

Solution: Just don't partake and they get the message. Keep playing the game with them and it wll gets worse.My frequency to these agencies have slowed over the past months. I doubt my contribution makes a dent to their business, but I haven't been impressed with the talent lately. Now that the bookers have pw protection, I've been participating in no nut kgirl November coincidentally.

11-19-23, 14:24
Unfortunately, there are enough mongers that don't care or don't know any better, which is why the price increases over the past few years stuck. We used to be able to get BBFSCIP / MSOG for $280-$320, but now that's somewhere between $380-$460. Why? Because even though there were those of us that tried to boycott those agencies, it's a numbers game and there were enough mongers that the agencies still made plenty of (or at least enough) money.

Same thing with the decrease in hotness and / or service level; there were enough mongers who were fine with still seeing those girls, so the bookers can be less choosy and just get whatever girl to have a bunch in their roster, knowing that there will still be mongers who see them.

While the solution is obvious, getting enough mongers to participate in the solution is another problem unto itself.

Back in good old days, there were # of bookers that each had exclusive girls. In order to keep the $$$ coming in, the booker / boss had to be NICE to customer and bring high quality stuff. Now, a days, we have multiple bookers that book the same girls that are mediocre, low quality and over the age.

Who is allowing that to happen in a marketplace? The clients who will pay and praise the booker.

Solution: Just don't partake and they get the message. Keep playing the game with them and it wll gets worse.

11-19-23, 16:12
I'm trying to book maia after reading all the great reviews.

Since cgla is being picky anybody know what's the screening process for kgla booker?

I've only used BG and SAG bookers and SAG doesn't verify, so I can't go thru the voucher process.

Also do bookers take vouchers from a kgirl? I know one of the girls listed on kgla and was wondering if she can vouch for me to the booker.

Fuckk I want to bang maia so bad LOL.Does Maia work under any other names? Like Crystal is also Daphne, depending on which booker you use. Anybody know?

If so, Maia might be attainable through a wider array of bookers.

11-19-23, 19:47
My frequency to these agencies have slowed over the past months. I doubt my contribution makes a dent to their business, but I haven't been impressed with the talent lately. Now that the bookers have pw protection, I've been participating in no nut kgirl November coincidentally.What % of mongers do you think use the forums? Seems like there's probably a large % that don't and all discussion in the world on here won't really impact the market.

11-19-23, 23:04
Back in good old days, there were # of bookers that each had exclusive girls. In order to keep the $$$ coming in, the booker / boss had to be NICE to customer and bring high quality stuff. Now, a days, we have multiple bookers that book the same girls that are mediocre, low quality and over the age.

Who is allowing that to happen in a marketplace? The clients who will pay and praise the booker.

Solution: Just don't partake and they get the message. Keep playing the game with them and it wll gets worse.You always going to have those ballers will donate for it and brag about it, for me, they are just dumb, because bay area kept their donation down as a team, those tech boys, got to give it to them geeks.

11-19-23, 23:05
I'm trying to book maia after reading all the great reviews.

Since cgla is being picky anybody know what's the screening process for kgla booker?

I've only used BG and SAG bookers and SAG doesn't verify, so I can't go thru the voucher process.

Also do bookers take vouchers from a kgirl? I know one of the girls listed on kgla and was wondering if she can vouch for me to the booker.

Fuckk I want to bang maia so bad LOL.Right now it is very hard for any booker to get new client, all bookers I know do not take new client at all, you are out of luck.

Well, you still got indys from HX, LOL.

11-19-23, 23:46
You always going to have those ballers will donate for it and brag about it, for me, they are just dumb, because bay area kept their donation down as a team, those tech boys, got to give it to them geeks.

LOL _ Let them pay the price and then some.

11-19-23, 23:52
You always going to have those ballers will donate for it and brag about it, for me, they are just dumb, because bay area kept their donation down as a team, those tech boys, got to give it to them geeks.Yea, today is near 50% price hike compared to 5-7 years ago. Obviously doesn't stop us, but the value just isn't what it used to be. Hoeflation at all levels.

11-20-23, 02:14
Unfortunately, there are enough mongers that don't care or don't know any better, which is why the price increases over the past few years stuck. We used to be able to get BBFSCIP / MSOG for $280-$320, but now that's somewhere between $380-$460. Why? Because even though there were those of us that tried to boycott those agencies, it's a numbers game and there were enough mongers that the agencies still made plenty of (or at least enough) money.

Same thing with the decrease in hotness and / or service level; there were enough mongers who were fine with still seeing those girls, so the bookers can be less choosy and just get whatever girl to have a bunch in their roster, knowing that there will still be mongers who see them.

While the solution is obvious, getting enough mongers to participate in the solution is another problem unto itself.Part of the hotness of girls, is who is allowed to come into the US. At some point around 2017 the us started heavily scrutinizing hot younger Asian girls trying to get into the US from many countries.

The solution is kinda obvious but you may not have the time, to fly to Asian countries to bang actual HYA. Certainly if your frequently seeing Kgirls you have the funds for international flights, once you arrive the price for sex in much cheaper in many places which will offset the cost of air travel.

11-20-23, 12:35
Part of the hotness of girls, is who is allowed to come into the US. At some point around 2017 the us started heavily scrutinizing hot younger Asian girls trying to get into the US from many countries.

The solution is kinda obvious but you may not have the time, to fly to Asian countries to bang actual HYA. Certainly if your frequently seeing Kgirls you have the funds for international flights, once you arrive the price for sex in much cheaper in many places which will offset the cost of air travel.

I hate to break that bad news but we are not talking about Insta models visiting USA these days! The k-girls that are out here today, barely register as a hot civilian or a hot mom. I believe that ten years ago, the average age of visiting k-girl was 20-28 and these days, majority are in their mid 30 with curve skewed heavily on older women.

I predict that in a near future, majority can go and run for Congress or Senate because of their high age.

11-20-23, 13:01
Kbliss Monday lineup.

BabyYuna Maia Juni Iris Viki.

Dr Thanos
11-20-23, 13:05
I hate to break that bad news but we are not talking about Insta models visiting USA these days! The k-girls that are out here today, barely register as a hot civilian or a hot mom. I believe that ten years ago, the average age of visiting k-girl was 20-28 and these days, majority are in their mid 30 with curve skewed heavily on older women.

I predict that in a near future, majority can go and run for Congress or Senate because of their high age.You all do realize OF wasn't a thing back then, now it is so that's definitely a factor that skews the talent. Also the hot young ones already have visited the States and their visas are expired by now so it's either stay over here or go home. Plus they have enough business back in Korea with tourists already paying a premium.

11-20-23, 17:59
You all do realize OF wasn't a thing back then, now it is so that's definitely a factor that skews the talent. Also the hot young ones already have visited the States and their visas are expired by now so it's either stay over here or go home. Plus they have enough business back in Korea with tourists already paying a premium.What you mean by OF? What does that have to do with the talent. * means that girls would have to go public.

A lot of these Korean girls like to stay private so that no one they know can find out what they are doing; which is why most don't even use their real names or photos.

And most of the girls I've talked to prefer being in the States over Korea. (Not all but most).

11-20-23, 20:27
Serina is a very experienced pro, I let her do her routine and it was excellent. A second shot was offered but if you are a one shot guy, the post game massage was also excellent. Not my preference as far as appearance, but I think she looks better than the "typical M ajumma".Saw Serina last month, just now getting to review. Sorry for the delay guys.

Greeted me at door with big smile, cute older woman. I had no problem with her looks or her body at all.

Bathroom, blue toast, quick shower, preview BBBJ in shower, nice and slow, seems like she likes to suck cock.

Into the bedroom, She's immediately on her knees taking jr for a spin. Looking up at me the entire time like a lost little puppy but loved sucking my cock! I was debating blowing my load in her mouth but I decided against it. I slide her onto the edge of the bed and start washing my face with her pussy like a rag doll! Fuck she got so wet and was so into it! As I'm licking her clit she's yelling fuck fuck fuck until I feel her convulsing and her legs tighten around my neck as she's cumming hard!! I look up and looks like her eyes are rolling into the back of her head.

I slide up onto the bed ask for a hat and start fucking her slowly at first then increasing the pace. She starts moaning as my cock is sliding in and out, I know she's enjoying it (if not, she is a damned good actress) I feel her pussy tighten around jr as he is going in and out and feel her get wetter as she cums! Jr busts and we collapse on the bed for a rest.

Quick clean up, her massage was on point. She looks down at one moment during the massage and says I guess no round 2? I am like, what? Hahah. , of course round 2, she looked back down and was laughing my cock got hard on command.

Hat on for round 2, she mounts me for a bit but that's not going to cut it, I want to pound her doggy and smack that ass while I'm doing it. She gets on all 4, slide in jr and we are off to the races! That ass from behind is a site to be seen. We are going at it for a bit, she's moaning saying fuck fuck, I'm starting to breathe a bit heavy as I'm pounding her before I feel her cumming! She finishes cumming and I start pumping harder and she's moaning again, she looks back and says " you fuck me hard"! I love it. That was enough for me and jr blows load 2 and I smacked that ass!

We are both spent at this point and fall on the bed. Rest a minute, clean up and then I'm on my way! Another satisfied customer.

Will def see her again if she comes back.

Dr Thanos
11-20-23, 20:57
What you mean by OF? What does that have to do with the talent. * means that girls would have to go public.

A lot of these Korean girls like to stay private so that no one they know can find out what they are doing; which is why most don't even use their real names or photos.

And most of the girls I've talked to prefer being in the States over Korea. (Not all but most).It may seem like a minuscule outlier to factor, but it definitely affects the new generations of HYA / CYA wanting to get into this business when they can sell pictures and photos of themselves online.

I agree with your second point, for some it is a second life they live while traveling overseas to supplement their fun. While it may work out for some and they end up staying in the game and over here, some aren't meant for it then return home. That's why some have really short tours and never come back.

I've befriended some girls and have been introduced to their friends back in Korea and all I have to say is that they are night and day hotter than the providers over here.

11-20-23, 22:22
I've befriended some girls and have been introduced to their friends back in Korea and all I have to say is that they are night and day hotter than the providers over here.A lot of the Kmilfs here would simply be unemployed in Korea. They come here because there is zero demand in Korea for escorts over 30.

11-20-23, 23:42

Booker says real pics. Can anyone confirm?

11-21-23, 01:23
You all do realize OF wasn't a thing back then, now it is so that's definitely a factor that skews the talent. Also the hot young ones already have visited the States and their visas are expired by now so it's either stay over here or go home. Plus they have enough business back in Korea with tourists already paying a premium.Where are all the hot young Korean girls on OF? I only know like one (sunwall95) and everyone else uses Likey. My cheapass isn't willing to pay for their premium content either so I don't know if they are actually showing their own titties on there or are they just posting risque pictures.

11-21-23, 02:06

Booker says real pics. Can anyone confirm?Just FYI, most of their selfie have beauty filter, I could tell already by the eye brows. LOL.

11-21-23, 02:42
Where are all the hot young Korean girls on OF? I only know like one (sunwall95) and everyone else uses Likey. My cheapass isn't willing to pay for their premium content either so I don't know if they are actually showing their own titties on there or are they just posting risque pictures.We need BJ Models.


WhoreMaster 91
11-21-23, 08:00
Whats the password for Mels website?

11-21-23, 09:29
Whats the password for Mels website?You'll have the ask the booker themself. Like me, I don't think anyone knows who the informant is. Best to just ask and keep it under wraps for those who have the access already.

11-21-23, 12:33
A lot of the Kmilfs here would simply be unemployed in Korea. They come here because there is zero demand in Korea for escorts over 30.Yes! Anyone over age of 25 or 26 is no use in Korea. They go to Japan and Australia for short stint and when they hit age of 30+, they come to USA and become legend: USA is last bus stop for K-MILF.

11-21-23, 12:41
Kbliss Tuesday availability.

BabyYuna Maia Juni Iris Viki.

11-21-23, 14:39
Seems to be quiet here in terms of reviews and other forum related discussion. I've laid low for a bit to let the dust settle and just trying to get a pulse from my the crowd here. Heard everywhere else is thriving more or less but seems to me that K-News article really spooked everyone. Inquired about who was available to see if the crowd was still coming for appointments and the answer was "everyone available at any time. " Yikes. Hope this doesn't starve us completely from good talent.

11-21-23, 18:11
Seems to be quiet here in terms of reviews and other forum related discussion. I've laid low for a bit to let the dust settle and just trying to get a pulse from my the crowd here. Heard everywhere else is thriving more or less but seems to me that K-News article really spooked everyone. Inquired about who was available to see if the crowd was still coming for appointments and the answer was "everyone available at any time. " Yikes. Hope this doesn't starve us completely from good talent.Makes sense. Most of the orgs have gotten PW route and not accepting new people. Now would be a good time to lower the prices, if it stays slow maybe they'll be a drop. I'm just happy I have all my bases covered with orgs for Wla, Mw, Ktown, and Oc.

11-21-23, 19:09
So Sweetasian is now password protected. Any idea if their number is still the same?

11-21-23, 19:57
So Sweetasian is now password protected. Any idea if their number is still the same?Found a loophole to that LOL.


Click this and then once on the site put your mouse cursor over the la / oc or sd and it shows a blank orange list. But if you move the mouse down it shows the names still and once you click a name it shows the girls LOL.

(If you click the la / oc or sd then it takes you to the pw screen.).

11-22-23, 01:20
Makes sense. Most of the orgs have gotten PW route and not accepting new people. Now would be a good time to lower the prices, if it stays slow maybe they'll be a drop. I'm just happy I have all my bases covered with orgs for Wla, Mw, Ktown, and Oc.I think mongers / bookers are waiting to see if those bust eventually linked back to them, here is the thing, mongers travel as we all know, and ladies too, and they might have been to L. A and used bookers here too, so I think everyone just holding out to see who gets busted 1st in L. A area, LOL.

11-22-23, 08:34
I think mongers / bookers are waiting to see if those bust eventually linked back to them, here is the thing, mongers travel as we all know, and ladies too, and they might have been to L. A and used bookers here too, so I think everyone just holding out to see who gets busted 1st in L. A area, LOL.Reading it like that make me picture a game of Russian roulette at this point. The cool part that separates La from Boston and Virginia is that I figured the customer base is several times the size. Safety in numbers as long as I'm not there when they kick in a door LOL.

11-22-23, 13:26
Kbliss humpday roster.

BabyYuna Maia Juni Iris Viki.

11-22-23, 14:06
I saw all the raving reviews about Chu and finally took the plunge. Unfortunately, I did not find her to be attractive at all. I've been mongering in LA for over 10 years and I have a relatively good relationship with my bookers, so I'd like to believe that this wasn't B&S. But it's hard to believe this is the girl so many of you have been enamored by. Obviously YMMV so I digress.

P: Take 10 years off and photoshop the crap out of her. That's what those are.

L: Her dirty blonde hair, droopy eyes, and horse face was more than enough for me to change my mind about paying the bb up charge. I mean, guys. She looks like Eeyore with blonde hair and tits. Her body was mediocre at best. Decent looking tits for her age, loose stomach, and somewhat passable ass. I'm guessing she's in her late 30's or even 40's. I lowkey felt like she was entering GILF territory based on her looks.

E: Good enough.

A: Friendly and chatty, but I wasn't interested in her unfortunately.

S: Her service was fine, but nothing to write home about. BBBJ was enthusiastic, but many others can provide similar service with DT / BLS. Went through all positions and I had to settle with doggy to unload in the cover because I couldn't look at her face and be aroused.I'm sorry you fell victim to the aggressive advertising campaign / presence Chu has. I would be careful with whom you trust, especially with glowing reviews.

Speaking of aggressive advertisement campaigns, some TER members have complained to me about a spammer who tries to prop up "booker adam" on that site. Whoever that is. Be careful if you see someone not familiar to you trying to advertise him and his site and the ubiquitous loro / sunny doubles. He's probably not doing it for the love of mongers. After all, it's the same girls.

11-22-23, 18:20
I'm sorry you fell victim to the aggressive advertising campaign / presence Chu has. I would be careful with whom you trust, especially with glowing reviews.

Speaking of aggressive advertisement campaigns, some TER members have complained to me about a spammer who tries to prop up "booker adam" on that site. Whoever that is. Be careful if you see someone not familiar to you trying to advertise him and his site and the ubiquitous loro / sunny doubles. He's probably not doing it for the love of mongers. After all, it's the same girls.I fell for it too due to ter and this board. Bad service and not attractive I wouldn't even go see her at bb special.

11-22-23, 18:59
Speaking of aggressive advertisement campaigns, some TER members have complained to me about a spammer who tries to prop up "booker adam" on that site. Whoever that is. Be careful if you see someone not familiar to you trying to advertise him and his site and the ubiquitous loro / sunny doubles. He's probably not doing it for the love of mongers. After all, it's the same girls.I first came across a review mentioning Booker Adam and Chu / Ari doubles at sex141. You need to be logged in to view the review thread, because the North American side of the forum tries to be discrete to protect mongers.


The site for Booker Adam is kbeautygirls.com (https://www.kbeautygirls.com), but it's currently password protected. However, there is an archived capture of the site for the curious.


11-22-23, 19:05
I first came across a review mentioning Booker Adam and Chu / Ari doubles at sex141. You need to be logged in to view the review thread, because the North American side of the forum tries to be discrete to protect mongers.


The site for Booker Adam is kbeautygirls.com (https://www.kbeautygirls.com), but it's currently password protected. However, there is an archived capture of the site for the curious.

https://archive.li/VfLGESee, I never bought in that chu chu train fiesta, glowing review left and right, but in reality, she is like Sienna. Thought Sienna had good reviews and when to see it myself a long while back, no tits no ass with round body and dumb face with her bottom lip sticking out. Far from the photo claimed to be real, LOL fool me once!!

11-22-23, 21:49
Found a loophole to that LOL.

This inspired me to see if I could find a way around CGLA's password protection. I looked at:


Then I repeatedly reloaded the page while observing the XHR requests it was making. After experimenting with an undocumented API call (to /_api/dynamic-pages-router/v1/pages for the curious), I managed to get a JSON dump of their entire roster. I used the data to create a rentry page that's sorted by the updated date.


11-22-23, 22:59
This inspired me to see if I could find a way around CGLA's password protection. I looked at:


Then I repeatedly reloaded the page while observing the XHR requests it was making. After experimenting with an undocumented API call (to /_api/dynamic-pages-router/v1/pages for the curious), I managed to get a JSON dump of their entire roster. I used the data to create a rentry page that's sorted by the updated date.

https://rentry.org/cglaLOL legit.

11-22-23, 23:10
This inspired me to see if I could find a way around CGLA's password protection. I looked at:


Then I repeatedly reloaded the page while observing the XHR requests it was making. After experimenting with an undocumented API call (to /_api/dynamic-pages-router/v1/pages for the curious), I managed to get a JSON dump of their entire roster. I used the data to create a rentry page that's sorted by the updated date.

https://rentry.org/cglaYeah. I realized the day CGLA password protected their site that you could just click on a CGLA link here and change the name at the end of the link to see a different girls page. This is much better though.

11-22-23, 23:16
Hats off to the white hat, brother; beautiful bit of work!!

This inspired me to see if I could find a way around CGLA's password protection. I looked at:


Then I repeatedly reloaded the page while observing the XHR requests it was making. After experimenting with an undocumented API call (to /_api/dynamic-pages-router/v1/pages for the curious), I managed to get a JSON dump of their entire roster. I used the data to create a rentry page that's sorted by the updated date.


11-22-23, 23:17
This inspired me to see if I could find a way around CGLA's password protection. I looked at:


Then I repeatedly reloaded the page while observing the XHR requests it was making. After experimenting with an undocumented API call (to /_api/dynamic-pages-router/v1/pages for the curious), I managed to get a JSON dump of their entire roster. I used the data to create a rentry page that's sorted by the updated date.

https://rentry.org/cglaDamn you are good.

11-22-23, 23:37
This inspired me to see if I could find a way around CGLA's password protection. I looked at:


Then I repeatedly reloaded the page while observing the XHR requests it was making. After experimenting with an undocumented API call (to /_api/dynamic-pages-router/v1/pages for the curious), I managed to get a JSON dump of their entire roster. I used the data to create a rentry page that's sorted by the updated date.

https://rentry.org/cglaNicely done. Don't use CG but it's always good to see that I don't need them since I have access to all the ones on there. Still what I liked about cg site was that they put start dates.

11-22-23, 23:40
This inspired me to see if I could find a way around CGLA's password protection. I looked at:


Then I repeatedly reloaded the page while observing the XHR requests it was making. After experimenting with an undocumented API call (to /_api/dynamic-pages-router/v1/pages for the curious), I managed to get a JSON dump of their entire roster. I used the data to create a rentry page that's sorted by the updated date.

https://rentry.org/cglaJust be aware that not all these listed kgirls are up on CGLA anymore. You are still better off asking and receiving the pw. Having this back log means nothing if you are not a monger who was given the pw, as you probably won't be able to book for now.

11-23-23, 00:46
This inspired me to see if I could find a way around CGLA's password protection. I looked at:


Then I repeatedly reloaded the page while observing the XHR requests it was making. After experimenting with an undocumented API call (to /_api/dynamic-pages-router/v1/pages for the curious), I managed to get a JSON dump of their entire roster. I used the data to create a rentry page that's sorted by the updated date.

https://rentry.org/cglaHaha Nice! Glad I inspired you.

So this list is just every girl that ever been here?? Logged in and some of the girls aren't active.

11-23-23, 12:51
Kbliss happy thanksgiving. Meat available to be gobble gobbled between their legs.

BabyYuna Maia Juni Iris Viki.

11-23-23, 14:16
Pretty stupid to circumvent the password system and then openly advertising it, it's just going to cause the agency to be even more defensive about booking with clients.

11-23-23, 14:55
Saw Milk at GKS as a last minute replacement arising from a canceled appointment.

Milk is probably the girl in the pictures but older, softer and saggy. BBFS is offered. She tries very hard to please. Pleasant experience but I won't repeat.

Also, Cakdolls and Kdollsla have been among my favorite bookers for years. They seem to be related and have had many of the most beautiful girls. The bookers generally were very responsive. They have been cancelling appointments lately even after confirmation.

Has management changed? Does anyone know what is going on? I will continue to use them cautiously because I love their providers.

11-23-23, 17:17
If the object of these recent LE activities was to slow the business, it has probably worked. Most agencies are now password protected and I would think that most bookers business have slowed down substantially. I would not want to go and ask for a bunch of passwords from different bookers as I know that I won't be inclined to book. This is the best thing that could have happened in the sense of having bookers and girls to substantially reduce their prices.

I guess that time will tell if all these events will translate to price reduction from the girls and the booker.

11-23-23, 17:32
Nicely done. Don't use CG but it's always good to see that I don't need them since I have access to all the ones on there. Still what I liked about cg site was that they put start dates.CGLA were really good about publishing availability, but that's not info I can infer from the data I have.

Haha Nice! Glad I inspired you.

So this list is just every girl that ever been here?? Logged in and some of the girls aren't active.It's probably every girl they bothered to keep in their database. They do remove girls from time to time. Also, the last time I counted how many girls were on the CGLA home page (a few months ago), there were about 80 girls. The list I got contained 218 girls, so over half of the girls in my list are inactive. I don't know which ones though.

11-23-23, 17:58
Pretty stupid to circumvent the password system and then openly advertising it, it's just going to cause the agency to be even more defensive about booking with clients.I actually agree with you to an extent, but there's no way on this forum to publish my findings in a discreet way. It's private messages or public posts and nothing in between. Contrast that with the forums at sex141 (https://forum.sex141.com/eforum/forumdisplay.php?fid=63) where I published the same info in a thread but placed restrictions on it so that your reading access level has to be 20 or higher to see the info. It takes a little bit of work (but not too much) to get to that access level, so it does a decent job of filtering out unwanted eyes. The Bay Area (https://forum.sex141.com/eforum/forumdisplay.php?fid=64) guys over there make heavy use of this feature.

Most of you won't be able to read this:


If I would've stopped right there, I could've stayed smart, but oh well.

11-23-23, 19:58
Decided to toftt and went to try Bella earlier this week. A bit late to my review since I have been busy with the holidays. She greeted me at the door in a nice black lingerie set. She is a smaller girl with a nice perky C cups. She has a nice round ass. At the door some kissing and a hug then we went to cleanup together in the shower. In the shower she gave me a BBBJ preview with some DFK.

As we get back to the room she has me sit on the edge of the bed where she proceeds to deep throat me some more. I am surprise that she can deep throat since she is a smaller girl. She can suck dick and seems to enjoy it. She was going at it for a while. I was thinking to cum in her mouth but I wanted to fill her pussy up too. So I had her lay on the bed and I went to eat her out. She was getting into it and rubbing her clit as I was eating her out. She told me not to stop and to keep licking her so I did till she came. She was rubbing her clit telling me to hurry and fuck her hard. I get up and plunge my dick into her and man she is dripping wet. Her pussy felt so nice and good on my dick. We then change into CG and she is on top grinding and going up and down on my dick. I feel her pussy tighten on my dick and see our juices dripping down my dick as she is going up and down on me. Then she starts rubbing her clit more and more and she tells me she is going to cum. She pulls out and Squirts all over my dick and body. I was not expecting that at all. It was so hot to see that and experience it. I then move her back onto my cock and start fucking her till I cum inside. She goes and sucks my dick as she gets off she said my dick felt so good.

We lay down to rest and recharge. During that time she gives me a nuru like massage and man it felt so good with her boobs rubbing all over the back of my body. She then notices my dick starting to get hard so she has me turn over for more fun. She starts playing with my dick.

Then she has me get into 69 with her on top and she starts giving me more of that deepthroat. At the same time I couldn't help but finger her pussy and eat her out. My face was covered in her juices she was so wet. Then she tells me to fuck her more. I'm not going to say no to that. I start fucking her doggy and her ass is nice and perky. Her ass is a good size for her small body. I can't take it anymore and I am about to cum. She turns around and starts sucking me off till I cum inside her mouth.

She used up my energy I took a rest for a bit and cuddled with her. Then off to cleanup and go. I left happy. I'm looking forward to having her deepthroat my dick and have her squirt again will have to see her again. Would recommend for some squirt and deepthroat fun.

11-23-23, 20:27
If the object of these recent LE activities was to slow the business, it has probably worked. Most agencies are now password protected and I would think that most bookers business have slowed down substantially. I would not want to go and ask for a bunch of passwords from different bookers as I know that I won't be inclined to book. This is the best thing that could have happened in the sense of having bookers and girls to substantially reduce their prices.

I guess that time will tell if all these events will translate to price reduction from the girls and the booker.I don't know about you or everyone else but I've been going hard in the paint.

Saw like 12 girls at least since the initial news broke out.

11-23-23, 21:38
Decided to toftt and went to try Bella earlier this week. A bit late to my review since I have been busy with the holidays. She greeted me at the door in a nice black lingerie set. She is a smaller girl with a nice perky C cups. She has a nice round ass. At the door some kissing and a hug then we went to cleanup together in the shower. In the shower she gave me a BBBJ preview with some DFK.

As we get back to the room she has me sit on the edge of the bed where she proceeds to deep throat me some more. I am surprise that she can deep throat since she is a smaller girl. She can suck dick and seems to enjoy it. She was going at it for a while. I was thinking to cum in her mouth but I wanted to fill her pussy up too. So I had her lay on the bed and I went to eat her out. She was getting into it and rubbing her clit as I was eating her out. She told me not to stop and to keep licking her so I did till she came. She was rubbing her clit telling me to hurry and fuck her hard. I get up and plunge my dick into her and man she is dripping wet. Her pussy felt so nice and good on my dick. We then change into CG and she is on top grinding and going up and down on my dick. I feel her pussy tighten on my dick and see our juices dripping down my dick as she is going up and down on me. Then she starts rubbing her clit more and more and she tells me she is going to cum. She pulls out and Squirts all over my dick and body. I was not expecting that at all. It was so hot to see that and experience it. I then move her back onto my cock and start fucking her till I cum inside. She goes and sucks my dick as she gets off she said my dick felt so good.

We lay down to rest and recharge. During that time she gives me a nuru like massage and man it felt so good with her boobs rubbing all over the back of my body. She then notices my dick starting to get hard so she has me turn over for more fun. She starts playing with my dick.

Then she has me get into 69 with her on top and she starts giving me more of that deepthroat. At the same time I couldn't help but finger her pussy and eat her out. My face was covered in her juices she was so wet. Then she tells me to fuck her more. I'm not going to say no to that. I start fucking her doggy and her ass is nice and perky. Her ass is a good size for her small body. I can't take it anymore and I am about to cum. She turns around and starts sucking me off till I cum inside her mouth.

She used up my energy I took a rest for a bit and cuddled with her. Then off to cleanup and go. I left happy. I'm looking forward to having her deepthroat my dick and have her squirt again will have to see her again. Would recommend for some squirt and deepthroat fun.Ooo sounds like there's another service queen in Wla. How would you, compare her to Maia and Lucia?

11-23-23, 23:41
I don't know about you or everyone else but I've been going hard in the paint.

Saw like 12 girls at least since the initial news broke out.Consider yourself as an anomaly and only a few willing participants! But rather think of many one time occasional hobbyists that used to book on a whim of the moment. About 30%-435% are repeat businesses like you who do book 60% of booker business and then there are occasional hobbyists that now are either sitting on a fence or bookers are not giving them access. I had a few Kakao texts from girls that their business has slowed down. I am personally on slow down due to holiday and travel schedule but I do understand that some mongers may be cautious and some maybe fearful to book at the moment.

11-24-23, 00:05
I actually agree with you to an extent, but there's no way on this forum to publish my findings in a discreet way. It's private messages or public posts and nothing in between. Contrast that with the forums at sex141 (https://forum.sex141.com/eforum/forumdisplay.php?fid=63) where I published the same info in a thread but placed restrictions on it so that your reading access level has to be 20 or higher to see the info. It takes a little bit of work (but not too much) to get to that access level, so it does a decent job of filtering out unwanted eyes. The Bay Area (https://forum.sex141.com/eforum/forumdisplay.php?fid=64) guys over there make heavy use of this feature.

Most of you won't be able to read this:


If I would've stopped right there, I could've stayed smart, but oh well.Ahh I miss sex141 forum, that's where my mongering adventures started, thanks to that forum I discovered 141 walk ups in hongkong.

11-24-23, 00:49
If the object of these recent LE activities was to slow the business, it has probably worked. Most agencies are now password protected and I would think that most bookers business have slowed down substantially. I would not want to go and ask for a bunch of passwords from different bookers as I know that I won't be inclined to book. This is the best thing that could have happened in the sense of having bookers and girls to substantially reduce their prices.

I guess that time will tell if all these events will translate to price reduction from the girls and the booker.Hoeflation is getting out of control.