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04-10-02, 04:37
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Jerry P
04-21-02, 21:22
Hey Guys,
A friend of mine is asking if he can go with me to one of the Oriental spas namely "Tokyo Health Spa" since I have never been there myself perhaps one of you can let me know if the trip will be worth it. He is looking for Full Service & Pricing.

04-22-02, 11:56
Would suggest checking the archives for reviews of Rainbow instead.
Or check in The Big Doogie.net in the public areas
FS at Rainbow is about $200 including $60 intro

04-23-02, 19:34
I would also go to Rainbow. There are more girls working there at any given time.

Over the weekend I saw Tina at Rainbow. Total was $200 for "everything". Session was good, but I have had better at this place.

04-25-02, 00:11
Someone a few weeks back asked about Court Street on the West side of the river. The good news is that there were at mid-afternoon at least 3 SW in a 3-4 block area just North of State street. The bad news was that it looked like the revenge of the alien space monsters. I didn't think the 1-10 scale allowed for minus numbers but you'll need them here. Is it different at night, or when there is not a full moon?

04-26-02, 00:29
Hey I would not go to the Tokyo Spa, it is in a seedy section of town comapred to Rainbow, the girls are less attractive and they have been known to pickpockets.
Tryout Rainbow or take a road trip.
If you need further suggestions just ask.

04-27-02, 00:11
Does anyone know of a good place to get a room for a couple hours in Rockford or nearby area? Need a spot to meet with a special lady on a regualar basis, so cost is also a factor. Thanks for any help.

04-28-02, 21:25
I don't get it.
I went to rainbow about 2 years ago and was meet at the door by a gang of fucking dogs. Asked to put all my belongings in a locker and then go back to the massage room. I think I took an unassisted shower, and didn't get any extras. But the ladies floating around were hot!

Tokyo on the other hand is and has always been consistent. Not the hottest, but the massage and atmosphere are no nonesense.

Somebody is lying!

You would think rainbow is the only spa in rockford, there are FIVE!

Guess i'm going to have to plan a new recon mission!

04-29-02, 22:22
Yeah I hear you Asianluvr!
I visited Rainbow twice in May of 2000 and had exactly the same experiences as you.
But, I've read so many great posts since then that I think they must have changed there M.O. shortly after.
Anyway, I'd like to make another go at it if I get out that way again in the future.

05-04-02, 13:47
Just found this discussion board. Have been out of town for a couple of years and was wondering if anyone still is in contact with Kitten, probably about 31-32 y.o. used to live with her brother in different motel rooms. Brother was cool about it. Another one am looking for is Penny, a 35+ y.o.. Both were pretty nice and for a c-note an hour (always went well over that if you were ice to them) and as often as you could go at it. Kitten would take you to her room, Penny would not. TIA

05-06-02, 02:51
Well troops, the results of the recon mission seem to indicate that there does indeed exist heaven on earth.

Rainbow Spa was on par with my NUMEROUS experiences in the lovely city of San Francisco where AMPs are as numerous as bodegas.

I had such a good fucking time that I'm not even going to name names(then again ask for sara or mimi because you mother fuckers will start bitchin and trying to hate on me). I had two exquisite 5'1 - 5'3, less than 110lb. , beauties back to back at my first stop which was Rainbow. It appears that they have tapped into the Californian pipeline of AMP employees. This gentlemen means that there is no bullshit. Have your donation ready and be specific and adult about it. These women are jaded and big girls, despite the angelic, innocence that beckons naivete. Fortunately they can still deliver a GFE once things get started.

I then made my way down the road(literally, a few blocks west of Rainbow behind Shooters), to Sun Health Spa. ***** at the front door didn't want to let me see who was working so I left. You will notice the parking directly in front of the spa is completely barren. Anyway take that as a hint fellas.

Now to my tried and true rest haven Tokyo Health Spa. They two have imported California girls. I had the cutest, smallest, tightest piece of ass I have ever had. She had EXCELLENNT pussy control and was able to keep up with me making my cock swell. Back and forth we go I expand(don't get me wrong, very slight LOL) and she squeezes. Fast forwarding -> - > -> once we start fucking her pussy kinda freezes, lol, she was coming and getting scared cause we're at the fifteen minute mark(yes I never take my TAG off!) and she has already tried holding my dick while I'm fucking her and asked me to cum, but after my previous activities earlier tonight its on. SO her on top, me on top, standing, her on the edge of the table, doggiestyle, doggiestyle with her flat, she blurts out something in Japanese(A clue for you guys cause she is tri-lingual) and I stop. She tells me she wants me to be happy and jerks me off. SHE IS FUCKING GREAT at everything she does because the hand job was awesome, as well as her blurring display when I had her rub her clit while we fucked.

To see this little thing up on the table squatting jerking you off will blow your mind, she takes up no fucking space it was really wierd. But she's strong as hell and so damn cute.

Three wonderful pieces of ass for little more than the maximum daily withdrawel allowance from your local ATM. I got a discount for the second girl at Rainbow cause I'm so hot, the other lady saw me as I was stepping into the shower and came in to put towels away while I was getting dried off and started flirting. So after I finished with the first she asked me if I needed more massage and I said yeah. PRESTO, buy one second half off!

Now the bad part ... I'm not going back cause quite honestly these chicks are too damn small. 6'2 205 lbs. 6% bodyfat and black shouldn't be banging little asian girls. My GF is Korean about 5'3 125lbs. and well trained after all these years. The last girl at Rainbow couldn't even show me to the door because she's in the other bathroom bleeding. The thing about it is she's taking the fucking and trying not to show it. I asked if she was ok and she's lyin.

Anyway I say all this shit to say, I stand corrected on the situation at Rainbow. IT IS GREAT for illinois! Tokyo has upgraded in the few weeks since last ime I went always a winner.

I'm retiring no more recon, you guys have fun.

FYI sw were out and about, but old white crack hoes and one slender but ever so slightly cross-eyed sister all on 7th.

Member #4943
05-08-02, 11:07
went to kelly's the area is really shady even during the day, there were about 4 girls working @ the time. All were about 6-7 in looks, Ice can speak french very well. Anyone know how exclusive is?

05-15-02, 22:32
I get to Rockford 2 or 3 times a year, and I always have a great time. The girls in the strip joints are no better than average in looks, but a lot of them are willing to do business. I've even had a dancer fuck me in a booth during a private dance for $40(unfortunately, that club is gone now). I've been able to do business with a decent looking bartender who I got drunk, and there are plenty of SWs and massage parlors. I've had good luck at Chantilly Lace, getting whatever service I asked for without a lot of extra in tips.
The SWs do business pretty openly on 7th St., even though there is always LE around. There's also a bar on 7th across from a strip club (sorry, I don't remember the name of either of them, but it's the only strip joint on 7th now) that always has a few girls working there. In fact, I don't think I've ever run into a girl there who wasn't working. It's a town where there's always plenty of pussy around for a few bucks.

05-19-02, 00:47
Can anyone tell me the names of any kinky girls at any of the MPs? I could use a night out, and I'd like to make it worthwhile.

05-19-02, 21:17
Went to Exclusive last week and saw Haily. Very nice set on her, but the bottom is a bit big. Had a good time, ansd all is to be had, but it is a little pricy for just a hj (120)

06-03-02, 10:11
i cruised the rockford area thursday night from 10:30 till midnight. a few good looking black girls out there. two of them were in white tennis outfits. looked like these two had pimps, and could have been ****. any experiences with them? also there are always pick-up trucks cruising the area and a ford bronco as well. are these guys le? i wanted to pick up one of these girls really bad, however given the trucks cruising around and that they may be **** i couldn’t do it. any hints or suggestions?

06-03-02, 17:20
Seekpetite: Sounds like you found the Williams sisters on their way back from a tennis championship!

Did you go over to Court Street, just across (west of) the river? I had been there before and the action was "all white" but not "alright" with some very bad looking people over there.

Any LE I've seen in Rockford has been marked cars or bikes. I'm no expert though. Chicago I believe does have a white bronco and a lots of vans, so it is a good suspicion.

Nick Illinois
06-09-02, 14:16
Has anybody seen or heard from Zoe over at the Paradise Lounge lately? She offered me take-out twice, but we haven't been able to make a connection yet. I just wanted to make sure she was still there. It has been awhile since I have been there.

Rockford, from my experience, is one of the easier places in the state to get take-out.


Jerry P
07-01-02, 21:38
Hey Guys,
Me & a friend are going to Rockford next week I'm leaning towards Tokyo Oriental Health Spa. For those in the know just how much do I need to bring for "Full Service" I'm thinking that $150- should do me fine for an hour. But would like your opinion if your able so I'm not cut short.
By the way several reports are saying that most can be had for beween $150 & $200 how accurate are they?


07-02-02, 18:51
I've been to all the AMP's in Rockford. The girls change frequently enough that it's hard to give a good rating from one day to the next. Tokyo is not in the best part of town but it is well lit around it. The going rate in RFD is $60 house fee and $140 for FS for $200 total.

If you want to spend less, there is a lot of SW action just a few blocks west on either 8th or 7th. Not the most beautiful ladies but, willing and cheap.

Jerry P
07-06-02, 21:03
Well Guys,
All I have to say is if I did'nt have bad luck I'd have no luck at all!
I went to Rainbow this afternoon & saw Tina with every intention of having full service - well things did'nt work out that way for me. First off they only gave me a half hour $40 then Tina comes into the room & I get my table shower which was a new experiance. Then back to the room for some haggling on services, I offer $100 for FS which she "No" then $120 she said "No" then $140 she said "No" then I said then "How Much" no answer. She breaks the silence by saying "Only Hand Job Today O.K." then I said "why" her reply is "Only 1/2 hr" then she says "$100 O.K." I reluctantly agree which by my expression shows disappointment then she tells me "you come back tomorrow I give you everything O.K."
This being my first time in an Asiain parlor I only had bits & pieces to work from. Now comes the meat & potatos part - she sets down to do the dirty deed, come to find out she has only one speed "FAST" well my johny is pretty hard but try as I might no relief - I can't come she gets tired every few min. she is looking at the clock 30 mins go by still no relief - finally we call it quits - I'm upset at this point having been through all that & still no relief. She claims that I had several orgasims I have only one word for that "Bullshit". Having spent $140 I could have went to Belvidere for $85- for what I got there. Chances are I won't be going back there any time soon.
Can any of you guys tell me how the SW's are in Rockford & which ones to avoid. My Pussy money is very limited I'm unable to spend $200 a load just to get my rocks off, which in my book is very pricey. I'm willing to try anything once so if your able give me some details on the street scene I would be gratful.

07-07-02, 15:46
I picked up a dishwater blonde yesterday (at the Stop and Shop between 6th and 7th ave). Nice body (8) but only a 4 for her face. She wanted $30 for french, so I offered $20 with a $10 tip if it was good. And it was veryy good. The best deep throat I've ever had and she loved the secret sauce. She even licked her fingers clean.

My advice on sw action is to find one that looks down, not strung out (or flying). The depressed ones are usually desperate for work but this is all they can get (I've seen guys pimping their wives). Treat them nice and they will treat you nice. Spend $40 - $50 on a motel, let her use the shower and treat her with respect and it will pay off in a big way. A very nice time for about $100 is very possible.

07-07-02, 17:00
Jerry p
I have posted this on other boards;
I hope it helps you.

here is a little light reading for you.

When they ask you to flip over, offer to give them a massage.
This has never failed to win me extra points, extra attention, extra time, and often is a nice move into DATY or other activities.

07-07-02, 17:13
I dont know what to tell you about rainbow...I have been going there for over a year now and have had an excellent time on each visit with all the extras I wanted. The reason you had to dump your stuff in a locker is because you opted for the 1/2 hour session ($40 cover) instead of the hour ($60 cover). If you get the ohur you have your own room, and a great table shower (which will usually get you some h/j and asian action on the table right there). The girls are the hot, and they all try their best to please you. I have been to the other spas and such in Rickford and found this one was the best. Exlusive and Chantilly lace are noce also...but it is hard to "get down" on a small loveseat. I gave up doing that after high school, and prefer more comfortable "seating" for my play time. I would give Rianbow another try...it is well worth it.

07-08-02, 11:22

Good Rockford (and Waukegan) info and good advice. I think spending a little more, as you seem to, on a room makes a lot of sense.

Being nice, certainly gets nice in return. I've had a few offers of virtually unlimited cups of coffee for the session, simply by being a decent person. Besides, who wants a SW that smells, etc. If she's on the street for anytime, she'll smell like a cat food factory.

Hose her down first!

Any contact info on the dishwater blonde? Something reliable in that area would be nice.

07-08-02, 16:44
Have been a regular at Rainbow for years. Have also tried Tokyo and have had mixed results. I guess it always bothers me that the walls never go to the ceiling and people in the hall can hear what you are doing in the room. The massage tables are also less stable than at Rainbow.

For kicks, I thought I would try the Exclusive a couple of weeks ago. They seemed expensive to me. It was $60 for like 30-40 mins. and when I got into the room with the girl, she wanted another $160. I brought $200 total so offered her $140 and we went at it but it was more mechanical than I am used to at Tokyo and the girl said that I would enjoy it more when I bring more $$ next time. I wasn't really sure if I wanted another 'next time'. Anyway, I didn't like it anywhere near as much as Rainbow or Tokyo for that matter.

Last time in town, I tried Chantilly Lace (sp?) and the rate was $60 for 40 mins. Probably 8 very pretty ladys to choose from. I thought, OK. When I got into the room though, the girl told me only self service. She would get naked, etc. but I could not touch her and she would not touch me. VERY DISAPPOINTED! Here was this naked 19yo with perfects tits and I couldn't touch her. Man it was frustrating. I did give her a $20 tip when I left but wasn't happy about it.

Next time I will stick with Rainbow unless someone has a suggestion for CL or Exclusive to enjoy myself more I would be ever grateful. Otherwise, stay clear of either place.

There is another MP nearby called Gypsy. Anyone with experience there?

07-09-02, 10:48
HHH, no solid contact info just a name (Stephanie). She said she was an out of work plumbers assistant with no credentials so the streets were her way of paying the rent. No cell or pager yet. I'll defintely pass it on if I get one.

As for CL, Exclusive, kellys, etc. I've found that if a girl doesn't provide the services you're looking for offer her $10 or $20 to send in someone else. I've done this twice and it's worked out well. She gets a couple of bucks and you get what you want.

Jerry P
07-09-02, 22:14
Hey Guys,
Thanks for your input & advice! I don't know how you feel about it but paying $200 or more for a piece of ass is awfully expensive, considering I only make about 26K a yr. My pussy budget only allows me about $150 - $200 per mo. if that! So when I run into these type of situations I'm fucked for another month until cash allows me to go hunting again.

These girls make considerable more income then me and for little less then time then it takes to bake a cake their pulling down at least $100 to $150 per customer. Only trouble is I really don't have any other vices other then fucking.

Again thanks

07-14-02, 17:10
Jessica at Kellys is also a wild ride.

Jerry P
07-30-02, 00:20
Hey Mr Charming,
While I understand your not wanting to try Montana, the girls who lined-up @ Kelly's all seemed like it was a real drag being there where as the mature Montana had a real smile on her face and was at least by appearances sake enjoyed being there. That more then anything else motivated me to choose her over the others.
I did'nt want another episode like I had at Rainbow "Oh I don't do that sort of thing" or "Oh that will be an extra $150- for F.S." Screw that noise!!!!!!
It's my firm belief that if "YOU Choose This Profession You need to give customers what they WANT" PERIOD no if and's or but's and at a reasonable cost!!!

No one should have to pay Premium prices for Sub-Standard service no matter what profession they are in......

Since moving out to the Rockford area I have found some "Real Hot Spots" but these too can become Lukewarm at times! IMHO it depends on the girl who you have & Timing. Timing being the more important element in the equation.

In answer to your question about wheather all the other girls provide the same service? "Big Question - Tuff Answer"
Check it out and report back!!

07-30-02, 18:31
Jerry P..there is a knock-out brunette at Exclusive that is super to look at and had a great body. Unfortunately I cannot remember her name, but she has long dark hair and is very big on top. Also try Haily and victoria at Exclusive. Haily is huge on top, but has a bit of a butt and belly. Victoria is gig on top (both are natural) but not as bog as Haily, and has a tighter body. She does an awesome 2 girl action complete with the strap on dildo (for each other) . Both are blond and I would say Victoria is mid 30's and Haily is mid to late 20's. Both are a lot of fun and the prices are the same as Brooke and all do f/s.

Dawn at Chantilly Lace across the street is also very nice and is the same price as Brooke. Sometimes it is worth going across the street rather than take what is left over if you know what I mean. :-)

08-06-02, 18:07
I go to both Geisha house and the Rising Sun in downtown Madison, and I agree that Geisha house is better. As a matter of fact I saw Nina this weekend, and she is my favorite there. $120 will get you a massage and cbj for a 1/2 hour. Some girls will do f/s if you get the hour appointment ( I think it is another $70) , but not all. All will do cbj for the $120. It is close to an hour to get to both of these places from Rockford depending on traffic. They usually have about 5-6 girls working at anytime.

08-08-02, 10:16
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Strider
would like to know where the industrial areas a few blocks south of there might be. thanks

08-08-02, 20:02
The industrial area is about 6 blocks south of Broadway on 7th. Sometimes a few girls hang out on 8th too.

Was in town last Sunday. Went cruising 7th street. Pretty dead until last trip around spotted very good looking black girl. Picked her up and went to motel on 11th st. Said her name was Star and she was 39. Maybe but, had much better body than most 20 year olds. 1/2 and 1/2 for $70 and I got her off orally as well. Said she was going back to Rock Island on Monday. Hope she comes back soon. Best SW I've had in RFD in a very long time.

08-09-02, 21:13
I was down in Rockford earlier this week. I was planning on having a few beers at one of the dance clubs, and then going to Chantilly Lace or Executive. Well, one of the dancers seemed to be enjoying herself quite a bit, and appreciated that I had tipped her for her dances on stage. I got a private dance from her, and after a few minutes she asked if she could pull my hard on out. She gave me a bbbj without asking for a penny extra. I gave her a nice tip anyway. I'll leave out the name of the bar to avoid them getting into trouble, but it sure was nice. Some of the clubs have some nice girls who are willing to do take out or eat in. I always have a great time when I get down there.

09-11-02, 23:30
HHH has also cruised Rockford a few times lately with mixed results, but some promise.

Met the lovely Stephanie, a ballet dancer (OK, it's Goose me, not Swan Lake, but what do you want for $25) and did a so so in car BBBJ for $25. Steph "ducked" the money shot at the end, which left me doing a testimonial for McDonalds napkins - - not real pleased at that. Steph ain't bad to look at, and did good oral work until almost the very end.

Rock seems feast or famine. One trip saw absolutely nothing, another time me a OK one in a motel parking lot (the Inn Town) and afterwards saw 3 on 7th that were better.

After the Stephanie adventure, 2 others came out. No raving beauties, but fully acceptable. None of the side streets around 5th etc. had any strollers, where I'd seen them a few months back.

Will someone e-mail me at hoehoehoe01@hotmail.com with the industrial directions. Appreciate it.

09-20-02, 17:10
Originally posted by realfun
My take on Rockford AMPs is basically that they're all worth checking out, there's good/bad in all of them. Rainbow consistently has the hottest youngest, but occasionally the service isn't the best - some really hot girls rely on looks alone for repeat customers. Most are at least decent. Candy is a hottie with excellent service, I haven't seen her there lately. Menah is another one of my faves, she has big round eyes and a cheeky butt; a bit more reserved than Candy but very personable. Mimi is OK, but a little strange, keep an eye on her; she'll do anything you tell her to but lacks sincerity/enthusiasm. There are at least two other girls there recently that I know nothing about.

Right now Tokyo has two older ladies, Connie and Sarah. Sarah's been there before; big boned and big chest but not too bad or saggy, probably over 40. Expect sensational relaxed service from this seasoned pro. Connie is 40ish also, but her body is tighter than many 20yo's. Petite. Kinda shy, but if you're patient with her and let her control the session you will be rewarded with fantastic service.

I only know of one girl currently at Royal, Mimi. Her face is average. Her body is decent enough, but her legs are short and thick. Hourglass figure and cheeky butt. Great smile. During the event, her expression and her face seem more attractive. If you're a wham-bam kinda guy hung up on looks or advanced techniques, pass on Mimi. However, she is one of my all time favorites based on her ability to read a man and respond to his desires. There's something about the way she moves and interacts that makes her one of the most feminine, erotic, sensual women I've ever met under any circumstances.

Most of the time most AMPs will provide fs on first visit if you know how to act. However, a variety of factors may make this difficult (mgt may be getting rumors of a sting, the girl is having an off day, maybe the last customer made them skittish, etc). I've seen and heard many references to a supposed policy at Rainbow: first vist hj, second bj, third fs. Of course most don't have to go through that routine. If you personally get caught up in that routine you have two choices: get pissed and storm out because you know others got fs on a first visit, thereby hurting your chances on subsequent visits; or, roll with it and get fs on your next visit.

Now I wonder if someone can help me. I got stuck in a rut of tipping $140 at Rainbow, and some have indicated that fs can be gotten for less. The problem is that I have a nickname and a card there, and they write down the tip amount, so now they expect that much from me every time. Anyone have any ideas on how to get that lowered? For a while I was getting away with only tipping $120. I pick a girl who knows me, I tip at the last possible moment when she's not in the room by putting the tip on the table ($120) and keep her distracted until the end. She'd be trusting of me and let it ride. After a while they all started getting wise, checking the tip before hand and insisting on more. I even walked once, but the next time they still insisted on $140.

One last question in this lengthy post: how many AMPs are operational now? I know of only three now that Sun has closed. Thanks for your help.

I've gotten my best FS experience ever at an AMP at Rainbow with Candy and I gave her $100 for the tip. She even helped me dress and gave me full kisses afterwards. I am certainly not that great looking but apparently she was very comfortable with me.

That was my FIRST time at Rainbow and here's how you beat the card/tipping system: Do your research on the WSG about the girl you want to see at Rainbow. Where's she from (NYC for Candy), if she likes to kiss (cheek first) and hug right away, etc. When you see the Rainbow receptionist go in there like you've lived there for years. When they ask for your "card name" , grimmace a little bit and say that you've honestly forgotten your "secret name" but you sure can't forget Candy! Ask her politely to fill out a new card for you. She will start to explain their "discount" system of four 60 minute visits, get the fifth one "free". Gently chime in a say, "yes, I know, get the fifth one free. Sorry about losing my card" This will convince them you are a regular, but a regular with NO history and negotiable tipping! Be relaxed and play along like you've been with the girl (in this case, Candy!) a number of times. Hug and kiss her, ask her if she's been back to NYC? What she liked best about NY? All this will help prompt her to go straight to the sweet stuff with a minimum of hestiation and a polite question from her that's "It's OK? right?" After the fun is over pull out $100 tip out of your pocket (Do NOT carry your wallet into this place but carry the room fee ($60/hr or $40 for 1/2 hr ... Candy is WORTH the HOUR and she GIVES it) in one pocket and the tip in the other, nothing else! Candy will quietly complain that she wants at least $40 more in tips but will generally understand if you explain that's all you had to spend, and she was worth every moment. Flattery helps as well as showing your empty pockets. YMMV of course, depending on how busy Rainbow is, slow nights makes for lower expectations for tips. On the way out the receptionist will ask you to make up a new "card name" and jot it down in Korean along with your basic meeting details. Once you set the rate you can use your new card name selling the fact that visiting the girl often for less of a tip is better than not being able to see her at all. Make her believe that you are just a po'boy. Good luck.

09-22-02, 23:39
It may help if they know you, its a ymmv thing. If you ask who's working they never volunteer names, they ask you who you know, so its best to just immediately ask for a name. Most times they will tell you whether or not she's working. If they seem vague, its probably because the girl isn't working but they don't want to say that because then you might not come.

You'll find out quickly that they don't like long phone conversations, so just get to the point. They'll tell you the hours they're open and yes or no about a specific girl; prices (house fees only, of course) and directions there. Any other questions about the girls (how many, ages, descriptions, etc.) will be met with non-answers.

Paradise has at least two girls right now. One of them is Coco who previously worked at Tokyo. She's 40ish, very slender except for a saggy tummy. Perfunctory, professional service, slightly insincere, almost desperately eager to please. Some guys might like that. She was pressuring hard to make Paradise the only AMP I go to. Its only been open about three months.

09-28-02, 17:39
Where is Sun Spa? I may have been wrong about it being closed for a while. About a month ago I was on State St about 1 mi west of Rainbow when I saw a sign for Sun Spa, it sure looked closed to me. After y'all told me it was open I drove by there again a couple days ago and it still looked closed. When I called Sun Spa they gave me an address of 4215 E. St, (which comes up on Mapquest as 4215 Easy St way on the south side).

All she could give me for directions was "its right by the bowling place and karate place, you know where that is? Just go to the bowling place with big parking lot, you can't miss it." What the?????

A friend of mine told me that Rainbow has a new girl named Mona: slender, pretty and gives outstanding service. I believe Menah is still there, she's one of my all time favorites.

ynot, thanks for informing me about Paradise's alternative to Coco, I'll have to give her a try.

09-28-02, 20:59

Sun is located at 4215 E. State St. in Rockford. You probably went to the right place. They are in a mini-strip shopping center a little west of Rainbow on the south side of the street. I think there is a Radio Shack in the same building. Sun is on the lower level on the west side of the building. I walked right by it the first time I tried to find it so don't feel bad.

09-28-02, 22:24
They have a sign on the marquee out on the street, but on the building itself there's nothing to indicate Sun Spa. I saw the typical blacked-out windows, but no kind of sign on, above, or near the door. Also on the blacked out windows was a big sign that said "FOR RENT," which threw me off.

I debated whether or not to get out of my car and check the door but saw all those indications that there was nothing there. I guess I could've gone in. Oh, well.

Thanks, ynot. Despite your lukewarm assessment, maybe one day when I'm feeling adventurous I'll give it a try.

09-29-02, 01:16
I have been out of town lately, and with the board being down, I never posted my experience at Royal. This was back in mid August, so it probably has no bearing on what is happening today. Went to Executive in Belvedere first, but all of the reccommended girls were taken, and nothing else suited me, so I headed back on the road.

had the $20.00 of coupon from the Chicago Sun-Times, so I stopped at Royal.
Was greeted like family by the friendly mamasan. Taken to a room with a bed in it, not a massage table. Had a wonderful table shower by my massuese who was 5', 110 lbs, cute and about 25. good english. wore a matching top and bottom, the bottom being some kind of wrap so that when ever she bent over, I got to sneak a look at her bush.

decent massage, lots of teasing fingers in all the right areas. when i flipped over, she asked if I wanted extras. we negotiated a topless HJ/CBJ that ended with her laying next to me and letting me kiss her and suck her tits while she finished me with her hand. Right at the end she started licking and whispering in my ear which sent me over the edge. All told it was a very good experience. $100 or $120.

09-29-02, 09:08
Originally posted by Snake00

When is the best time to get some Candy? I was thinking about going on a weekend day...but wasn't sure if Rainbow is busy then. I am in the western burbs so it is a bit of a drive for me, and with all the good things I have heard I want to be sure to get an unrushed hour with Candy. Could you also give me a description of her, so when I see her I will know it is her.


I was at the Rainbow on a Tuesday night about 8 pm and it was absolutely dead at the place. One of the reasons no doubt that Candy was eventually satisfied with the $100 tip. I would suggest any weekend evening between 8-9 pm would work well.

Candy stands about 5' 4", fine straight hair halfway past her shoulders, average build (but gorgeous body!!). Likes to use a little glitter on her eyes. If she will let you kiss her on the cheek and give her a huge hug (and she is very receptive to both) on the way to the room, I would say you have the real deal.

09-30-02, 22:16
Friday night I called Rainbow to see if Candy was working. I was told she was on vacation. When I have been told this about other girls in the past, “vacation” was a euphemism for gone for good:( I hope this is not the case with Candy. Has anyone seen her recently?

Went down the road to check out Paradise. Was asked if I was a new customer and was offered $40/hour special. Saw Jennifer got everything for $140 after being turned down @120. Jennifer had an average body (her big nips were nice) and typical attitude for an AMP girl. She spoke good French with translator.

10-01-02, 03:33
Used to be the easiest way to identify Candy was her hair. It was dyed light brown with blonde streaks, now Menah has a similar 'do. Candy is very tan and wears makeup like porn stars or Pamela Anderson Lee, you know full hot-pink lips outlined with a darker color, lots of mascara, etc. Personally I'm not a big fan of that style but I will say that Candy looks great no matter what.

Menah has a softer, cuter look, her eyes are more big and round, more of a sweet look. Earlier some guys were all agreeing that Candy's looks are "just smokin'!" and while I agree I'd be just as happy with Candy or Menah, going by looks and/or service. My humble opinion, to each his own.

True, "vacation" usually indicates gone for good, but that's not always the case. Rainbow's Tina was "on vacation" for a few weeks, then returned; Menah has been reported as "on vacation" for a week or even a month on a few occasions. Sarah at Tokyo, gone for months and returned; Coco from Tokyo was gone for months and is now at Paradise; Ruby from Rainbow resurfaced as Oyee at Tokyo and is reportedly in Chicago, she was one of the hottest looking girls I've ever seen at an AMP, but her attitude sucked.

Sometimes, if you develop a rapport with one of the girls, she will tell you if someone else will/won't return. This is a very hit-or-miss thing, I'd say timing of the question is paramount to getting a straight answer; after all, you are asking her about a competitor. Never hurts to try.

Hopefully Candy does return, her service and attitude were outstanding.

10-03-02, 14:55
As a first time visit to rainbow do you have any tips...I was hoping to hook up with Candy, but since she is MIA I would love a description on Menah...how is the body and service. I am not sure I want "everything" maybe just a bj...is that possible?


10-04-02, 04:33
Its possible to get whatever level of service you want, massage only, hj, bj, fs. Every return customer there has a card they keep on file with your nickname on it. So when they drill you at the door, here's the deal. You've been there a couple of times a few months ago, you never had a card made. You usually go right at closing time (when they are less likely to make a card, of course, they just want to get you out of there). One of the girls you saw was Jenny, long dark hair and couldn't speak english very well, the other was Tina, slender, flat chest, better english. Jenny's been gone about a year, Tina's been gone about 2 months.

Many korean girls got that no-curve long slender body, short legs, flat chest (or implants) and no ass. Not Menah. She's not voluptuous or chubby, but she's got curves. Great legs, not loooong legs but they are shapely, topped off by a cheeky butt. Narrow waist, flat tummy, no flab, yet not a hard six-pack, soft and shapely. Her boobs are small but perfectly shaped, perky and high on her chest. Cute round face with large round eyes.

I think changing her hair to match the wild and model-gorgeous Candy was an attempt (either deliberate or subconcious) to shake her naturally "sweet and innocent" look and try to achieve the mature, hot and wild appeal that is seen on 900-number sex talk commercials. Treat her like she's a ravishing heathen instead of a sweet kid and she'll ravish you like a heathen.

Her english ain't so great so keep the conversation simple. Somewhere on this board (if not in Rockford, then another northern IL city section) someone had posted a link to a site that gives advice on how to do an amp. Even if you're an old pro at amps, there's probably something to learn there.

Here's the best advice for getting service on your first visit. Try to negotiate the tip at the earliest point possible, but follow her lead. Speak softly and don't use explicit terms, use sign language as much as possible. Say "last time here I got..." and then gesture to indicate a hand job, then say "and she say today I can get..." and point to your mouth, somehow gesture to indicate bj. When you're saying "she say today I can get" you're referring to Tina, the girl you saw on your last (ficticious) visit there. Offer $40, she'll say $80 etc. On a good day a guy can get fs first time in but sometimes they just won't. The way its supposed to work is first time massage only, next time hj, next time bj, next time fs but I doubt anyone ends up going all four visits to get first fs.

On your way out make sure they make a card for you. Be ready with a nickname. They will also write down what you tipped and will expect that amount on subsequent visits. Therefor I advise being a tough negotiator, you're setting a precedent you're going to have to live with. I would even advise being fully mentally prepared to walk out of there if you don't like the price. You have a right to getting your house fee back, which will be easier if you haven't already gotten the shower, sauna, and 10 minutes of massage. Negotiate early, negotiate tough.

Don't worry about walking out. Other amps are usually 20-40 bucks less than Rainbow. They can get away with charging a bit more because they consistently staff the hottest girls. Think with the right head. Be in the right frame of mind before you walk in because Menah can be real hard to turn down once you're with her.

10-05-02, 21:37
Hey Guys, first post this board, I had some extra money while on a little vacation , so i thought I would check out Rockford, first time ever there. Coming from Indiana thought I would try some of the good info from this place. My first stop was Kellys there were three not very good looking ladies there. I went for half and half got an hour with one, I think i could have got better off the street. checked out brandys three good lookin girls but I wasnt sure I could get what I wanted threre (FS). had a drink at the strip club across Broadway. Next went down to sun spa, lady ask me to come back in 40 min. so I had a drink at state street club I think its called. went back to sun and got a nice hj from a 30 somethink asian , checked out exclusive next ok girls. Then S.L. across 7th street better women there didnt know if they would go for fs there so back to exclusive half and half with an Italian looking lady there, good time. had to get some sleep (and reload :) ) Next morning back to exclusive for one more, picked a short girl 4'10" blond, fucked her silly!!! lol Great City. sorry so long. I wanted to go to Rainbow but forgot :(

10-06-02, 21:02
SW report. I've been in RFD three times over the past few weeks. Always go to 7th St area. Usually slim pickings but lately I've gotten very lucky. First, met Tina on 7th. thin, looked OK in the dark. Took her to motel. Way too thin, too business like. BBBJ for $50. Too much Cruised around and met two girls, Ruby and Margo. Ruby was a 20 something thin Hispanic girl and Margo a pudgy 20 ish girl. Ruby was very cute. I didn't have much time so we went to a parking lot where Ruby gave me a BBBJ while Margo was loudly encouraging her from my back seat. great experience I would definitely look for these two again, especially if I have enough time for a motel.

A week later again on 7th met Kim. 40ish slender blonde (but, very cute and well taken care of body. After buying her some wine we went back to her place that she shared with an older women. Older women went to her bedroom and Kim and I got our clothes off in the living room. For $50 she bave me some BBBj then I ate her until she came so hard I thought she would crack my head between her thighs and then we had sex. Talk about a GFE! Can't wait to see her again.

Overall, recently very good looking and available SW even though the girls told me that LE has been out in force. I did not see any more LE than usual.

Rockford definitely has the best SW anywhere!

Jerry P
10-06-02, 23:33
Hey badbob,
Great Job man!!

Can you give us the day of the week & the time that you picked up these gals. I would like to make sure I can take advantage the next time they are out and about making their rounds.

10-07-02, 00:07
I forget is rainbow located on state st. ? how far from sun spa, and what is the best strip club in town ? Thanks , happy hunting :)

10-07-02, 18:41
to Jerry P: I met these ladies between 7:30 pm and 9:00 pm. It was on a Tuesday and a wednesday night. I have had luck in Rockford on any day including Sunday afternoon.

Happy Hunting!

Jerry P
10-07-02, 22:09
Hey badbob,
I've made the rounds in RFD on Sat. eve., Fri eve. without any luck if all else fails I go into the shops ie. Exclusive, & Kelly's, and Brandy's all have had girls do FS.
I'm wanting a little change of pace besides the girls in the shops are all "Time Conscious" Are you done yet? Did you Cum? Are you ready to explode?

I'm someone who likes to take his time, if you know what I mean.

Again I appreicate your info.

10-08-02, 19:24
Is Rockford "The Amsterdam of the midwest" or what? Thats just how I felt on my first visit.

Jerry P
10-09-02, 21:58
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to give you a report on my latest adventure in Rockford - Wow what a dosey! Well first off I really did'nt want a hand job so I did'nt go to Belvidere but instead opted for some street action taking badbob's advice I went on 7th drove around for about 50min's before picking up a woman who I suspected was probly drunk. Went back to her place - a real dive off State the Inn Town. After some haggling we agree
$55 for half & half we no sooner get things going, she starts freaking out saying her pimp boyfirend does not want her to fuck anyone only blow them. She starts putting her clothes on & I get pissed having shelled out over $50 for perhaps 10mins of playtime.
Well I take matters into my own hands I approch her pimp by the name of Stephen belive or not he's cool he tells me he will take care of the situation. We go downstairs into another ladies room where I meet Linda she pretty laid back & no slurred speach so I say O.K. he asks for $15 as a finders fee (Free Enterprise at it's best) what was I going to say NO & run the risk getting sliced and diced. After that me & Linda are going
over pricing and we settle on $60 for half & half. As I'm getting into the foreplay she asks me if I mind if she gets high. I say no problem but ask what she uses and the reply is "does it really matter" i'm thinking Pot perhaps a line of Coke nope "Crack" it really freaked me out big time, and scared me too wondering if that shit would effect me in some way. It was with great apprehension that I continued remembering of course that just 30min's before I shelled out money and not getting relief I was'nt going to be stiffed twice in one night!!
Needless to say I hurried up my business with her A.S.A.P. I did manage to get her phone# as well as the room# for those interested I will provide it if you request it. I must tell you guys this was my first experiance with street action, my usual routine are the shops & boutiques in town. My better judgement tells me I should stick with what I know rather then break new ground. But I do like to try different things now and then.
Until next time.

10-11-02, 12:56
Realfun, do you have a pic of your card?
Would it be worth it to "create" one for easier admission?

10-14-02, 03:52
Bam - They keep the card there. They write your nickname on it and file it. When you return you tell your name and they find your card. You gotta pick a name that's somewhat unique, not just "John."

Its imperative that you are as tough a negotiator as you can be on your first visit. Before entering the building, have your mind made up that you are completely and wholeheartedly prepared to walk out of there, go down the street and pay $20-$60 dollars less for the exact same service from a girl who's half as attractive at a different AMP. Reason: on that card they also write down the amount that you tip. Except for your name they write everything in Korean so who really knows what else they write on there. Once you tip a certain amount you're marked for life. I'm telling you, if you don't GO IN there with the will to walk you'll get stung. Those girls are hot enough and its their game on their turf. Think with the wrong head and you'll be overpaying on every visit after that.

Taglet - I think Rainbow is only slightly overrated. The girls there are consistently the hottest, but sometimes they rely more on their looks for repeat business. For some guys this is OK. I'd rather have a "6" who rocks and totally gets into it than a "10" who's doing her job very well. Many of the providers at the AMPs that compete with Rainbow really get involved with the session. They open up and let their true personalities show, and get really involved with the session. I like making women cum.

If you ever make the trip to Rockford again I highly recommend Royal. For a while they were (and maybe still are) getting girls fresh off the boat, their first spa job was at Royal. Young, fresh, eager, tight, unjaded, and horny. They could say about five words in English, but understood none. Nineteen, wet and energetic. About once every two months they'd have one for 4-6 weeks, so it was a hit-or-miss thing.

10-14-02, 12:08
Friday night SW report. Arrived in 7th St area about 9:30 pm. Looked prety dead except all the LE cruising the area. Not one to be detered, I spied a slender Black girl ( Mary) on 7th. Picked her up and went to the Saucer on 11th. $50 for 1/2 and 1/2 plus $15 for the room. OK looking about a 6. Half way through we heard cars pulling up out side and she and I both were afraid it was LE. We quick pulled our clothes on and looked outside and saw it was just more customers coming in. Mood was ruined so I took her back to 7th and dropped her off. Not ready to go in I kept cruising (as were the LE) and was rewarded. I spied a young white girl with blonde hair in a pony tail. I picked her up and we went to a motel further out on 11th st. She had just come to Rockford from Chicago where she said she worked for an escort service. She had been busted for (gasp!) prostitution and wanted to come home to Rockford to work. She wasn't drunk, on drugs and could carry on a conversation. 22, nice body and friendly. Not at all typical 7th st SW. She wanted me to give her a french lesson and actually went in and washed up! then gave me 1/2 and 1/2 for $100 much over usual going rate but, well worth it. She told me it had been very dead due to increased LE in area.

Stopped at a strip club on Broadway for a beer and a little rest. I was ready to go home and went for one last cruise on 7th. Couldn't believe my luck. Spotted Ashley a Black girl I dated before. She has the nicest ass and legs of any girl I've ever seen. Natually, I stopped and we went to the Saucer. She is also clean and can carry on a conversation. She makes you feel comfortable very easily. She too complained about lack of business from the LE in the area and the white girls coming from Chicago and Milwaukee. She said it was hard to make money under these conditions. You've got to love girls that have business sense! Ashley's a 6 to 7 in the face with a 9 or 10 body. She's one of my to or three favorite SW's I've ever met. I paid her too much ($100) but, she took her time and we had a great time. Perfect way to top off a very successful evening.

The last three trips to Rockford have been extremely good. Good looking girls, good prices and reasonable quantity. If you don't get freaked by all the LE this is a great time to be on the hunt in Rockford!

10-14-02, 13:24
For various reasons, I think the Royal sounds like the best place for me. I have been to the Tokyo and think I got over-charged, and the Rainbow's card routine does not sound like it would do me much good, since I won't get theire often and so I'd like good service the first time. Can anyone tell me where the Royal is - I cannot find any mention of its address/location? Thanks.

10-14-02, 17:50
I was in Rockford Last weekend with a friend from Phoenix. We go every year. He had a (6) at the lingerie place I canr remember which, the one closer to themain drag. He rated the the intercourse a 5 cost him the time plus a 100 tip, +60 extra tip (Yeah he totally overpaid)

I waited and then we went to Chantilly Lace, the nice one kiddie corner to the other lingerie place, the one with the lingerie in the front end and girls who are upstairs. OMG this was awesome. I went last year and it was OK< now its like WOW, cute girls, ALL with GREAT attitudes. HJ for 20 mins (40 room 40 tip) Do the girls do more? Last year one did, one didnt. I will be coming back soon.

If anyone wants or does carpool, once i get to know you, I wouldn't mind pitching in for gas and driving up. I want to so see her again. Her name was (dixie) and she was a raven haired brunette, maybe 20, a cups, nice trimmed bush. I played and sucked on her tits and a lil finger action, and she was into her work i will tell you, soft moans, eye contact, OMFG. It was heaven.

I apologize i can't remember the exact names of the places, if i heard em again i would...

Anyone know of any action near Joliet?


10-14-02, 19:52
I can happily reccomend Royal spa after two visits. Very young talent. very accomidating. Good English from both so conversation was not a problem. The location is on the Route 20 bypass or highway south of the city on the way to Freeport if heading West. I think it is the State Street exit, but don't hold me to that. i know it is approximately 7 miles after i get off of I-90. There is a coupon in the sports section of the Chicago Sun-Times. It is in a converted gas station. No kidding. Looks like an old Shell station by the looks of the architectre. Now there is a whole different kind of pumping going on. (sorry, had to go there)

10-14-02, 21:32
Royal Spa is at 4103 S. Main St. in Rockford. Coming from Chicago, you can take 90 W to 39 S. Take 39 to 20 W. Take the IL 2/Main St. N exit. You'll see it on your left as you get onto Main St. You'll have to go up to the stop light and turn left, I believe it's Iroquois Ave. Then you'll have to turn left again behind what I remember as a Mobil station. Then I think you have to follow that till it dead ends on another street which you'll again turn left on which should take you to the Royal. You'll have to use the rear entrance. It's been a while since I've been there so I might not be exactly right about everything. Nonetheless, it's a little tricky to get to, but well worth it.

10-15-02, 04:54
ynot-great directions. I'd only add making a distinction between Business Hwy 20/State St. and State Hwy 20/I-39.

One day before I knew my way around Rockford I asked for directions at a McDonalds near Tokyo for the best way to Rainbow. Not wanting to name the business, I asked how to get back onto I-90 by way of Hwy 20. I didn't think to say State St or Business Hwy 20.

I was given directions to Main St to State Hwy 20/I-39 (which would take me to I90). Just before the entrance ramp I saw a sign that said Fuji Spa. I had done extensive internet/phonebook searches for AMPs in Rockford and only knew about Rainbow and Tokyo, I'd never heard of Fuji before. It was open after 10PM, a good sign. Anyways, I passed the entrance ramp, turned around and went in and then met one of my all time favorite providers on her first day working in that spa. Earlier that day she was cleaning the sauna room and accidentally bumped her bare ass against some hot metal plating. She had a nice blister forming but bravely did a great job. Fuji later changed the name to Royal. To this day you will see a wooden grating surrounding the hot-rocks-box in the dry sauna.

The point of the story is that there are two Hwy 20s in/around Rockford. Business Hwy 20 is State St, the long main drag that runs east/west connecting I90 and the mall areas to the downtown and beyond.

Running along the southern edge of the city is State Highway 20 running adjacent with I-39. To get to Royal take I-39 then exit at Main St. While you are on Main St you can see the front face of Royal Spa set probably less than 50 feet from Main St, and it has a Main St address, yet you'll see that you can't pull into their lot directly off Main St.

From there do what ynot says. Trying to explain it makes it sound more complicated than it actually is. Each little side street you take is a block or less long and Royal is just BARELY out of view as you make the turns. I figured it out easy on my first try. Once you get to the intersection of I39 and Main St. you've got it no prob. Just get a map from mapquest.com for the intersection of I-39 and Main St.

Anyways, Fuji was real dead at that time and often there was only one girl working. Matter of fact I think I can safely say that girl was my absolute all time fave after 20 yrs doing this. She went by Lily at the time. If anyone ever sees a 35ish short thin girl with a round burn scar on her left butt cheek let me know where I can find her.

Does anyone have names, details or recommendations for who exactly to see at Royal?

Finally a note to EastSideBob: don't rule out Rainbow. There's only a slight chance you won't get fs first time, and you should definitely get it the second. First time you'll at least get a hj. I recommend taking the 1/2hr for $40 and tip $20-$40 for the hj, and look at it as an $80 investment in your future there. Also, there are a few purposes for the card. First it lets them know you've definitely been there before (hence authorizing you for fs); it tells them how much of a tip to expect (this also protects you from having to negotiate from scratch every single time); and the big bonus is that after paying the house for 4 each 1 hour sessions, number 5 is free. You pay no house fee, but of course you still tip. That's $60 off, not a bad deal. I usually tip $140-$120 + $60 house fee = $180-$200. On my "free" day I only need to take $140. Some have reported getting fs for $100 even.

Royal gives good directions, and their hours fluctuate a bit since they're kind of far from the action. Best to call first. 815-962-0522.

Tokyo 815-962-7353
Rainbow 815-395-9101

10-15-02, 11:05
Chantilly Lace is across the street (kiddy Corner) from Exclusive. That is right at the corner of State St and 7th. It has been a while since I was at Brandy's, but I think if you follow 7th south to broadway, and turn left. Brandy's will be on your left hand side a couple of blocks down. Watch out for SW stings along 7th. Usually plenty of SW, but often times it is LE.

If you go to Chantilly in the evening/Night, ask for Dawn. Cute, and very friendly. F/S usually can be had on first visit. Depends on how comfortable the girl is with you. I have never not gotten it on first visit.

You are correct, These Lingerie boutiques are American girls, in varying shapes and sizes. If you do not see someone you like when you enter, then, go elsewhere, or come back later.

10-15-02, 11:14
thanks for the quick message.

hey, can you tell me what the system is like at those places? do you walk in, like at the exclusive, and see the 'full stable of girls' you have to choose from and basically pick one? i was kind of hoping that's how it is. i gotta say, at the exclusive, i was a bit disappointed by the quality of looks with the girls. and out of nervousness, i picked a girl that wasn't in the best shape, but was real straight forward and ready to do anything.

also, any tips on how to go about getting FS the first time at brandy's or chantilly lace? any 'to do's or not do's'?

it's a long drive for me up to rockford, so i'd like things to work out if you know what i mean.

thanks again!

10-15-02, 11:38

System works the same as Exclusive. You walk in, they bring all the girls out who are available. You select, go into the private room. She asks the usual questions, have you been here before, etc... then she will either name her prices, or ask what you ar looking for. You must answer what and for how much. As previously stated, most girls will offer HJ, BJ or FS. prices are $40-60 for HJ, $80.00 for BJ and $100.00-140.00 for FS

You get naked, she gets naked, and whoopee!!!

The only "don't" is to say you have never been there before. You are always better off to say it was a while ago, and some girls name, or you do not remember her name. Try to "act like you have been there before" If you have been to exclusive, it is the same type of experience at Brandy's and Chantilly.

10-15-02, 11:51
thanks. do you think that brandy's or chantilly has nicer looking girls? as i said, at the exclusive, it was pretty slim pickins. obviously beauty's in the eye of the beholder. but just curious. i've heard a number of guys say that chantilly has more 8's and 9's and that exclusive, as i was a witness to, has a number of 5's.

also, what are the rooms like at chantilly/brandy's? at exclusive it was like a tiny closet, with a nasty old couch. not that it didn't do the trick, but just curious. exclusive didn't necessarily seem sanitary at all.

thanks again.

10-15-02, 17:13
Hey guys
I called Rainbow a couple times looking for Candy...was told both times she is "on vacation" Is there someone else that at rainbow that is in Candy's league in terms of looks and performance. Advice is , as always, appreciated.


10-15-02, 17:46

If you did not know which door you walked into, you would not be able to tell by the rooms. All the lingerie places rooms are pretty much the same. Small, couch, some have a sink, but that's it. About the only hope for sanitary in any of them is to pray that the sheet over the couch had been changed after lthe last customer :)

The quality of girls varies drastically from place to place, day to day, and hour to hour. I have walked into Chantilly, and seen nothing but 4-5, and then the next time I go, see nothing but 8-9. Same for Exclusive and others. Remeber also that they could have a couple 10's working there, but some lucky "stiff" got to them before you came in. I would say that it's probably 50/50 on guys opinion on who has better looking girls. The most beautiful girl (model type)I ever saw in lingerie shop was at Exclusive. But her session was only OK. Next time I went, the girls there were all weak looking.

The most energetic (best session) was with a very cute, but not "perfect" girl, at Chantilly.

Remeber, many times (most I would say) Good looks/body doesn't lead to best session. The Plain Jane (7 rated) girls are always the best bet.

Now go and have some fun, and report back to us your conquests!!

10-15-02, 21:06
Dittos to Dawn at Chantilly Lace. Very cute, nice slim bod, probably a strong 8 if not a 9. Told me she was getting implants to improve on her B-cups, something I told her she didn't need because she looked great as-is. Ended up with her my second time there. Wanted her the first time but another guy beat me to her. Ended up with a girl named Toni, probably a 6 or 7. Good times with both. Ended up at Chantilly Lace after originally going to Executive. Was disappointed with the selection. All looked a little too sleazy for my high moral standards ;).

10-16-02, 02:44
Snake, about Rainbow's alternatives to the vacationing(?) Candy...

Mona is just about as hot, depending on tastes. As I've explained before, Candy's style is that modern-porn-vid look: long thick hair with streaks, perfect deep all-over tan, shiny-smooth skin, fat lips with glossy hot pink lipstick outlined with a slightly darker color, heavy mascara. She looks like she's trying to be an Asian Pamela Lee, and she gets pretty close.

Mona wears normal make up, and is very pretty. Lighter natural skin tone and long black hair. Candy is short with a wide curvy figure (tight, no fat) while Mona is more tall and slender, but Mona has bigger jugs. Her service is at least on par with Candy's.

A friend of mine who isn't all that attractive, a little overweight and a bit new to amps and shy told me that Mona was extremely flattering, warm, sincere, enthusiastic and fun. She really went all out for him. I saw him go in the room with her and she was all over him. He said she treated him like a king and was totally upbeat and into it.

Menah is very cute but not as aggressive. She won't disappoint, but just more laid back. She's actually one of my faves, a real doll.

10-16-02, 10:04
Thanks for the info...is there a recommended time to go. I live a ways away and I was thinking maybe like a weekend morning/early afternoon. Is that resonable?

10-16-02, 10:29
Can you tell me a bit more about dawn. blonde or brunette? in shape? and more importantly, what kind of service did you get with her? FS first time? was it your first stop in with her? Just curious.

I completely agree with you on the Exclusive. I may give them another shot and at least walk in. Maybe they rotate the girls and I'll, um, get lucky so to speak.

Although, it seems like there are more favorable posts on Chantilly.

Sorry for so many questions...but research is key.

10-16-02, 16:59
well after reading the virtues of these lingerie shops in rockford, i decided to take a little road trip this morning. when i venture up that way i usually just go to executive in belvidere for a hj. rarely have i ever gotten anything more. but one time........
anyway, i managed to find my way to executive. easy on street parking and walked in. i was all prepared to run through the gamut of advice that's been posted below about who and what i saw before. there were five ladies sitting on the couch. all busty with nice cleavage being aired. i choce one on nothing much more than an "eeny meeny minee moe" basis. no one asked a thing other than did i have anyone special in mind. i just followed my chosen lady to a small room with a loveseat. she stated rather than asked if i had been there before. "sure, last winter, but i can't remember who i saw. short with nice natural boobs" she laughed and said that could be about two thirds of the girls. ha ha ha
she arranged the lube and the condoms and told me to get comfy. when she came back, she dropped her clothes and asked what i wanted. i told her last time i got fs for 100. she says she usually charges 150. we settled on 120. this on top of the 60 door fee. very nice lady. around thirty. maybe. great natural 38D's/ let me fondle her for a while than she did cbj then climbed aboard to ride my pogo. she directed me when to rub her harder and we both went off about the same time. nice conversation after.

all in all, another reason that i lived up in that neck of the woods. however, i guess if i did, i'd never get any work done.

a girl at executive in belv, as she was stroking me one day, told me she used to work at one of the other places and all four of them were basically the same. she said the girls in the evening shifts tend to have more of a drug problem than the girls during the day. said LE never bothers them. the owners are all good friends with all the LE and she used to have two judges as regulars.

who'd have thought that rockford could be so progressive???

maybe i should move........

10-16-02, 17:23
For what it's worth:

i noticed in this mornings Chicago Sun-times sports section that there are ads for several of Rockford Spas. Some with coupons, some without. All had phone numbers and addresses. So if you are looking for info, but don't want to use the yellow pages, try thhe Sun-Times.

Also, since there is so much AMP talk latley, I will publish this link again:

A wonderful must read for all AMP newbies.
I only wish I had read it before the first time I went to and AMP.
That time I was so nervous, I think I came when she said, "Turn over,"

10-16-02, 21:10
Happygardener, was that during the table shower or did you at least make it to the massage room? lol

Snake - I'm fairly certain that the slowest times for most AMPs is Tue-Thu from opening, usually around 9am until about 4pm. Then its busy until around 11pm, and slow until close. Some places occasionally get a lunch rush 11am-1pm, that's hit or miss.

Monday can occasionally be busy because some family men can't get away during the weekend, and supposedly being at work is their first excuse in 2-3 days to be out. Some Fridays are very busy, some are very dead. Obviously that's tied in with alternating bi-weekly paydays, but good luck guessing which it will be.

Saturday day is slow/steady. If you go too early after a busy Friday the girls aren't awake yet; I'd say 11am-1pm is good.

Sunday is generally slow all day. Sometimes that leads to great programs because a girl is bored/eager; sometimes they hope it stays dead and enjoy one slow day, considering they usually work 10-30 days straight. Tokyo or Paradise usually only have one or two girls working anyways, avoid on Sunday because there's a 50/50 chance she doesn't want to work. At Rainbow however if one girl wants to skip a program she'll pass it on to a girl who really wants it.

Again the consistent best bet is Tue, Wed, Thu opening time til 4 or 5pm; then after 10pm. However, going real close to closing time on any night isn't really recommended. Usually Fri before noon is OK too; because guys relying on a pay day to be able to afford a visit probably won't be there before noon, anyways.

Have fun.

Jerry P
10-16-02, 23:06
Hey Guys,

I wanted to know has anyone seen any good street action lately. The reason I asked is because last week's adventure while a little touch & go - I did get satisfaction!!

I would prefer a girl who is not a crack-head or who has a pimp. However the sex was not that bad, I'd rate it a 6 on a scale of 10.

Any info would helpful.

10-17-02, 04:03
Thanks for that link. I've been going to AMPs for years but a couple weeks ago I saw that webpage for the first time and learned quite a bit from it. I even reviewed it again tonight. Whether your a newbie or if you've been at it for a while there's valuable info there.

10-17-02, 18:47
Just wondered guys, but ponder this. I don't know how concerned with personal saftey everyone is, but what is the STD rate for AMPs and worse yet a SW? I mean I am sure some of you have wives and g/f and passing something to them has to be a concern? That is one of the things holding me back, that would be a hard one to explain for sure, plus my goal her is to have some fun, not get someone sick. Just wondered what the more experienced players had to say on the subject.


10-18-02, 03:24
Nice pic of Haley. Its funny how those shoes actually do match the rest of the outfit.

10-18-02, 10:18
good question about the STD thing. basically, even though i'm new to this, i'd offer you some simple advice...wear a condom. it'll be interesting to see what the other 'playas' think, but for my money, put a rubber on. i hear a number of guys say they've eaten chicks at amps; as much as i may want to, i personally would be really leary of that...you're eating the twelve other fuckers that came in, so to speak, before you. not to get too graphic but it's true. all in all, the rush of going to these chicks is definitely worth the money, but i don't think it's worth the risk to you, or your lady back home, if you have one. get off, don't get stupid.

i personally, would be leary too of makin' out with a lot of these chicks. (i haven't done that with them; kept it to straight sex stuff) sure, it isn't so romantic, but is this really about romance? i think not.

what do the rest of you guys think? fess up.

10-18-02, 15:55
Hey Fly, Does Haley work outsite the EXEC?
I can be reached via bammbamm1@virgilio.it

10-18-02, 17:33
glad to see you agree with me on 'suiting up in a condom' happy gardener. i gotta say though, the stats on SW sharing needles/HIV are pretty high as far as i've read...i wouldn't recommend playing that russian roulette without a condom. that's pretty scary shit.

better safe than sorry is probably a good motto.

have a great weekend lads.

10-18-02, 23:20
Bammbamm - I do not know if Haley "works" outside the Exclusive. But I do know this - she speaks french (with a tongue stud induced lisp), russian and FS, she has HUGE tits, and she shaves the strip. And she has no problem allowing your lotion to be applied to her chest.

As far as the condom issue - my take is one of safety above all else. No glove, no love. And be aware that condoms will not prevent the spread of herpes or crabs. So bangin' that strange may cost you more than the $$ in your wallet, especially when it is a streetwalker.

Be safe.

Member #2944
10-18-02, 23:25
Just think, a working girl who has nothing to lose will gladly sleep with you without a condom. As for the CBJ/BBBJ thing, wow, that's a hard one. I have a hard time blowing my wad with a CBJ.

Just fyi - the CDC runs a 24 hour toll STD/HIV hotline. It's 100% anonymous and you can ask any question you want.


About 7 years ago I had the biggest of scares. I used to see this hot little latina up in uptown for BBBJ's. I may have fucked her a few times, but with condoms.

I didn't hear from her for like 2 years and then I read about her body being found in a lake in Indiana or something like that, with her name listed. (she actually went by her real name.) It listed that she was HIV positive. I went numb, and the thought of your own mortality is really sobering. Of course, I got tested. Take Happy G's recommendation. Go to the county health clinic and get a free test. It's not even a blood test anymore, they swab your mouth and you go back in a day or two and get the results.

10-19-02, 11:33
After a so-so session at the Executive in Belvidere left me wanting for more, I went to Chantilly Lace, hoping to see Dawn. Unfortunately, she wasn't working and the other girl I had before, Toni, didn't work there anymore. Saw a bunch of faces I hadn't seen before. Chose a slim redhead. She grimaced and told me she only had time for a 20 minute session, not enough time for me. Ended up with Nicki, a girl who I had seen there before but had never been with. Went back to the room. She told me she didn't do full service. Would go up to french, which honestly has never done much for me, esp. with a raincoat. Ended up with a long handshake while I let my fingers do the walking. Nicki is a pretty girl, half black, half Italian. Good shape for a girl with three kids. Had a nice time. A little disappointed, though. She told me that not everyone there does full service. Except for Dawn, I can't make any guarantees. Moral to the story is if you go to Chantilly, you'll typically find a 7 or 8 which by itself might make it worth your trip, considering what's out there. However, fs is hit or miss. If you find someone who does what you want, you may want to call ahead to make sure she's working before you make the trip.

10-19-02, 23:04
Rae at Chantilly Lace is fun. Nice rack, very pretty, shapely legs. Played "couch twister" with her the last time. Great HJ ...was told all was available for the right price ($120 extra).

Victoria at Exclusive can be fun as well, but can also be mechanical at times. My last time with her was very rushed. But she has nice rack, great legs and a perfect ass. Fucked her from behind for $100.

Lisa at Brandy's has long legs but small tits. Tight ass and says she will spread those slim thighs for $120. Got a CBJ for $60.

And I still like russian from Haley at the Exclusive. Those big ol' juggs just swallow you right up. And she seems to enjoy having cum on them.

10-21-02, 12:48
I've used Rainbow on several occasions...Found them by mistake while looking for another spa on State Street a few years ago.

I've dropped in to window shop at Brandy's and Chatilly, but never stayed. Could use reccommendations as who is best to see.

FS at Rainbow will run around #120-140 tip. I always get the hour. Girls seem to change alot, never had the same one twice but have always had hot babe, never dissapointing in the looks area.

Last time had FS from hot 5'7' 120# girl with short hair. Sucked me sans condom, fucked her front and back and came on her tits and face for finish. She also sat in the sauna with me to "warm up" at start and we got into the mood as I rubbed my cock in her hair and on her neck and face while getting to know each other.

I hope nothing has changed there for a while...usually get what I want.

10-21-02, 18:02
Saw Nicki at chantilly lace this weekend. Actually, saw her after I chose a 19 year old european girl...forgot her name, but she was young and hot. upon getting into the room and talking about what i wanted...she told me she didn't do any kind of sex. she was very young, shy, and seemingly new to this. frustrated since i drove a ways, i offered her 10 bucks to go quietly send in someone that would do something. she sent in a short redish haired girl; also forgot her name. she had a nice rack and gave a decent BJ.
Went to lunch and after awhile figured why not stop by the Exclusive (Executive?) and walked in to what I considered a bunch of old ladies. Now mind you, I'm young, but one was actually doing needle point for christ's sake! Told them I may come back, and I went back over to Chantilly. All five girls came back and sort of laughed at me, as I'd just been there not long before. I chose 'Nicki', half black half latino girl. she was much more fun than the other but told me she 'never does penetration'. so we settled on her stripping completely (nice body even though she has three kids) and had a nice set of tits and totally shaved pussy. We sat on the couch and pretty much just stroked each other and talked...she was nice and seemed to be getting into what I was doing to her, as she stopped and got some lubricant, put it on her and spread her legs for me to start up again. She gave a much better Bj than the other girl. She was very sweet. All in all, you just have to find a girl there that might go farther. The quality, in my opinion, of the girls blows away the girls across the street. I can't speak for the quality at Brandy's. Anyone know enough about Brandy's girls, love to hear.

10-22-02, 15:49
ok so in the last couple of days i've seen a few posts about chantilly and exclusive. i wrote last week about my experience at exclusive. did i just randomly get lucky on my first visit??
i happened to pick victoria almost randomly as for this old fart, any of those ladies looked just fine to me. i mean they weren't all 19 yr old cheerleaders but they sure didn't look like dogs either. with victoria there was no muss no fuss. fs was assumed. it was nice also.
do the majority of the ladies not do fs?

apparently, there is a rev that says the majority at chantilly do not do fs either. is that been other's experience?

what about the other two places in town? brandy's and kelly's??

a girl i knew at executive in belv who used to work at one of those places. she said they were all the same and fs avail at all. she felt that chantilly had the nicest though.

any other thoughts or insights??

much thanks for the info


10-22-02, 21:12
I have gotten FS at all four in Rockford, even Chantilly Lace. The deal with CL is that none of the girls there want the others to know they will spread 'em.

Just be nice and flash the cash. Not a ***** there that will turn down a wad of greenbacks.

Had Victoria at the Exclusive as well. Great ass! Too mechanical for me, though. But looks great in a mini skirt!

Here is my rating of the four Rockford "boutiques:

1. Exclusive - mostly rough, slightly "mature" women. FS available from all. Experiences may vary from GFE to "what ...oh ...you're done?"
2. Chantilly Lace - teenie boppers. Hung up on the "glamour" side of this hobby. Prick Teasers (but can be bought...) and is expensive compared to the other three places. Young and pretty, but cold as well.
3. Kellys - crack ***** heaven. They will empty your balls between hitting the pipe. Any position, but absolutely no imteraction at all. They will just bend over and take it. You may even have to tell them when you are done.
4. Brandy's - Biker chick central. Tatoo to teeth ratio is generally one to one. FS is available from all of them. No GFE here. They fuck so many in a day they could care less. Just cum and get out - make room for the next.

YMMV - be safe (and cover up!!!)

10-23-02, 10:21
Man am I jealous...i thought I had a good repoir with vicki, and totally thought i'd get FS, but she wouldn't; said she never did. Shit! Either you're lucky or she just didn't want to do it with me. Nicely done, and by the way, how was it? Didn't you say a bit 'mechanical?' That's how the short red haired girl with the big tits was during BJ...very mechanical, unperfected. Vicky was much better. She could suck start a leaf blower. Gotta say, like I said, being not much older than them, I really dig that place. Maybe what I did wrong was not show them the FS wad of cash...I only had out 80, which I know is only enough for BJ...probably should've pulled out 140 and waved that around. The first girl that said she didn't do anything was, in my opinion, the hottest, fittest and sexiest little thing I've ever seen at a place like this.

Better luck next time for me, is what I'm thinking.

By the way, Flye...thanks for the rating of the 4 places. Which one do you like best and why? I wouldn't mind trying Kellys or Brandys but after seeing the little hotties at Chantilly, I'm afraid I'll be disappointed. Of course, I could just walk in and check 'em out and leave if I didn't like; like I did at Exclusive. And also, who did you get FS from at Chantilly? The girls told me Dawn does (I've read that here) but she works nights; they said almost all the girls do at nights...it's harder for me to get there at night. Is that when you got FS?

10-23-02, 10:53
I know I will get shit for this, but of the four, I have had the most consistent luck at the Exclusive. Any girl there will give up the snatch for $100. They may demand more initially, but lay the money out, say that's all you have, and they will bend over. No, they are not "drop dead" gorgeous, but in the end, pink is pink. And isn't that what this is all about? Getting a little pink?

I admit that the girls at CL are hotter, but I am tired of the head games ("I'm so pretty ...you just sit there and fantasize...if you're lucky I might jack you off ...tease, tease, tease ...").

At the Exclusive, I have gotten FS from Taylor, Victoria, Haley, Brooke and Kara. At Brandy's from Lisa and at Kelly's from Jessica. The CL FS was from a girl who no longer works there.

10-23-02, 13:03
I agree about the rush. Getting some "strange" from a girl who would not even look your way outside the place is a trip.

Try Rae at CL. Nights (7pm - close) on Monday and tuesday, or days on Thurs and Fri. Be nice and let her be her "bubbly" self. Tell her how pretty she is. Don't beat around the bush. When she asks what you want, say something like "..the pleasure of fucking you" or something like that. Make her feel comfortable and she will slide that shaved snatch right over your dick in a minute.

Worked for me - $120 + the session fee.

Jerry P
10-23-02, 14:18
Hey Guys,

I would agree with taglet & flye, the four places mentioned are pretty right on as far as what you can expect from the ladies if FS is what you want. I had brooke @ Exclusive, had Montania @ Kelly's, had Angelia @ Brandy's. all were O.K. but Angelia was the best hands down with Enthusiasm. Mostly for technique and variety of positions.

Do any of you guys have any hot leads as far as SW's. I'm wanting to change directions for a bit, or any motels where any action could be had.


10-23-02, 14:41
Thanks Flye and Jerry,

Does anyone know anyone at chantilly that works days that'll do FS for sure? As I said, evenings kind of suck for me, even though it sounds like that's when those places really get going.

And Flye, I read your description about the type of chicks at the four places, do the other two places, Brandy's and Kelly's have any young hotties like Chantilly, or are they all pretty wasted/rough around the edges looking?

Just curious.

10-24-02, 19:49
If you MUST have f/s, you're better off not going to CL. You're pretty much guaranteed f/s at the other three, but CL does usually have the best looking girls. The four lingerie shops are pretty close together, Exclusive and CL at 7th & State, Brandy's & Kelly's at 7th and Broadway, it's easy to browse them all before making a selection.

10-26-02, 15:44
Just had a bad experience at CL Thursday night. Decided to go with Britney AND Natalie for a threesome after Nicki told me how wild they could be. Britney has a nice tight bod, short hair, glasses, face about a 6 or 7. Natalie is cute enough, long blond hair, bod not quite as tight, maybe a 6. Britney was quick enough to tell me that she didn't have sex. A little later, Natalie told me that she had a "no penetration" rule. Decided to make the best of the situation. Had a good enough time considering the lack of menu choices. The girls seemed to enjoy my company. After our session, the girls were told that the session had gone too long and that either they would have to pay for it out of their own money or I would have to pay for the time that they went over. I told them that I wasn't exactly paying attention to the time and that I figured that the girls were since that is part of their job. Dawn told me that I was right and that it was the girls' responsibility. I also told them, truthfully, that I had spent all the money that I had brought in. They said that was fine and I walked out. Will probably not go there again. Word to the wise - always bring in just the amount of money that you plan to spend so they can't lay the guilt trip on you and get away with it.

Jerry P
10-27-02, 21:53
Hey Guys,
Just giving you guys an update on my latest adventure. Hooked up with Linda (The Crackhead) over at the Inn Town Motel tonight $10 for visitor fee, $50 for the humping & bumping. She seems concerned about time which pissed me off a little. I asked if she had a friend so we could do a threesome which is something I've never done but it would be interesting to find out.
Afterward she gave me a kiss which I thought was a nice touch.

Let me know if any of you guys has a regular that's reliable & halfway decent looking.

10-28-02, 13:04
Sounds like a crack head. Never willing to spend 5-10 minutes giving unrushed service, but always willing to spend 5-10 seconds kissing you as if she did enjoy giving unrushed service.

10-28-02, 15:06
Hey Guys
Wanted to have some fun this weekend...anyone know what the selection at Rainbow looks like these days...or would like to recommend another fine establishment, please do.


10-29-02, 04:49
Paradise: Coco - 42ish, slender shape but saggy tummy, med firm tits ok face, very hard worker, almost comes accross as too desperate for you to want to come back. Also Deeza (that's what it sounded like to me) is 26ish and a bit firmer, no fat, ok face, nothing special but will go all the way. Coco says they're getting a new younger girl soon. Call ahead. I've got to say this: I find Paradise very accomodating if you have requests out of the normal routine. For example, if you want to stay in the sauna longer, or want to pick a different girl, etc. Some places are almost bossy and very restrictive and don't like to do anything at all if it strays even a tiny bit from the normal routine.

Tokyo has a couple girls that are mid 30s to 40ish. New to me. They look pretty good for their age. Younger one has a body that, well, nothings wrong with it, but its just not anything special. No fat, but no curves, not nasty but not sexy. Can't remember names. The other one I saw in hallway is 40ish but better looking. Long dark hair, long slender legs. I wanted her but she was just going in with another customer.

At Royal avoid Gina. I only got a look at her and wasn't impressed. Tried to chat with her while I waited for a different girl. Not real pretty, not real bright. There was a Sandy with larger bulbous tits, firm and only a tiny bit saggy but kinda in a good way. She may have left. Call ahead, she's worth a try. English isn't so good, but knows body language VERY well. If she's not already gone she will be soon.

Sorry no info on Rainbow, I'm boycotting them for a while for personal reasons. They rubbed me the wrong way more than once. Its not even worth going into here, its a personal thing that I doubt would affect any other customers. But I feel its more of a management thing and has nothing to do with the service the girls provide. Long story short I'm catching a wierd vibe there lately and not feeling very welcome. Its all just a minor misunderstanding that will blow over. But if you go, let us know how it went.

10-29-02, 10:08
Snake00, if you go to Rainbow, ask for Mona. By far one of the best table showers I've ever had. She is fun and likes what she does. I've seen her three times and each got better. I just hope she will be their next time I go. The girls change their fast.

10-29-02, 22:33
I went to Royal last week and saw Anna. She was cute with nice breasts and decent cbj. Quoted me $200 for FS and said no way... $140 max. Asian was pretty good and all in all I would say I was happy with my first Rockford experience.

I drove by the other shops downtown but didn't see anything particularly good. Went into CL and there were 3 girls 'posing'... if these are the good looking girls working the places in downtown I will stick to the AMP scene.

Happy hunting.

10-30-02, 02:58
I forgot about Mona. I posted about her a while ago. A friend of mine saw her and described the whole thing, it sounded awesome. My friend is very new to AMPs, and even the hobby in general. Very shy, doesn't know how to play the game to get the girl to give her best performance, etc. Previously I also mentioned that he's a bit short, a bit overweight etc.

Despite all this, Mona gave him some of the best service you can ever hope to get at an AMP. That night my session with Menah rocked (as usual, me and her really click every time I see her). But the way he raved about Mona I think he had a better session than me.

I did get a look at her and she is very attractive. More lean than curvy but very nice. I didn't want to mention her in my post because a) it was already getting long; b) I hadn't personally been with Mona, and; c) I wasn't sure if she was still working there.

Of all the Rockford AMP girls that I know of (either personally or from reports) I'd say there's a good chance that she's the best thing going right now. Catch her while you can.

10-30-02, 10:33
One more thing I liked about Mona, she keeps her eyes open and likes to watch herself in the mirror. The bad part is I have to drive 1.5 hours to get their so I usually use the local AMP's around Downers Grove. Just an FYI, once they get to know you at the Green Spa, most anything can be had. I tried the place in Oakbrook yesterday (see Mt. Prospect forum) and it was very worth while.

10-30-02, 12:12
I was thinking about going this weekend sometime...does Mona work weekends? Any advice on the best time to catch her?


10-30-02, 22:03
I know you asked romey, but here's what I know. Girls usually work several days in a row, and its usually difficult to know their schedule very far in advance. There's always a VERY strong possibility that whoever you talk to on the phone will tell you whatever you want to hear, just to get you in there. However if you call the day before or the day of there's a greater chance that they'll be straight up with you. So call one or no more than two days prior.

Example: Q: "will Mona be there a week from Monday?" A: "Yes, she'll be here you come in for massage, ok?"
Then come Mon you get there and they tell you "she on vacation."
Call the night before and if she's on vacation they'll be honest.

Best times is always the slowest times. As early in the day as possible. Avoid late nights, esp on weekends. Sun night might be dead, traffic-wise, but sometimes the girls are pretty worn out from the weekend, too.

She's older (40ish) but she is fantastic and she's back at Tokyo. I can almost guarantee that she enjoys giving oral (covered) more than you enjoy getting it, and that ain't no lie. Her name is Connie. There still might be two Connies, so ask for the one that's been on vacation and just got back.

11-01-02, 09:46
Snake, I have seem Mona during the week as well as on Saturday. I think realfun answered it best.

11-02-02, 00:05
Shooting out to Rockford next Friday 11/08/02 with my buddy Gorb (Mike)
Any idea on where if there will be any street action. Should we hang at the Inn for a bit? I’m thinking of hitting the Paradise Lounge on Broadway for a while and getting some lappers. I need a little help on where to go. I want to show my pal a good time.

11-02-02, 00:34
If you want great lap dances, try the Hideaway on State Street, downtown. It's about a block past the Surf. The rooms are very private and most of the dancers will let you grab quite a bit. The last time I was there one of them gave me a blow job during the second dance. She didn't even ask for a tip before she did it (I gave her a nice one anyway - I like to encourage that kind of behavior). I think it's by far the best strip club in town when it comes to private dances. I'm not saying that you're likely to find a dancer that friendly, but on most nights you can find some who will let you have some fun. The Paridise usually doesn't have as many dancers, and they don't have the privacy to really do crazy stuff.

11-11-02, 08:57
Hey Guys
I was going to take a long drive out to Rainbow, but called first to be safe..and Mona is on "vacation" She said there where new girls there....figures right when I was ready to make the trip! So any news on the new crew?


11-11-02, 11:03
I live about an hour away from Rockford in the NW burbs of chicago. If you live in this area as well and you are more into the MP than the SW than I suggest filling up the tank and heading to ol Rockford...

Over the past few months I have made trips to Executive, Kelly's, Tokyo, and Rainbow. I will post each one of these one by one starting with Executive (Exclusive). I get the 2 confused but I am referring to the one in Rockford not Belvidere.

Went to Exec in Rockford on a sunny saturday afternoon and got the usual lineup when I walked in. The selection room was heavy so I tried to find the smallest one possibe. Forgot her name, may have been haley. On the way to the room I saw an amazing chick but by then it was to late. It was my first time there and I had no problem getting the menu presented to me when we go to the room. No problem getting any extra for $120. All in all service was good but I found the girl so unattractive bodywise (to my personal taste) that I left unsatisfied though I will go back due to the ease of service.

ended up going to Kelly's right afterwards...


11-11-02, 15:24
And what was your experience like at Kelly's?
Curious. Judging by most postings, the selection at the Exclusive isn't as good. And I've read good things about Kelly's.

11-12-02, 10:17
...went on over to Kelly's

I found the selection slimmer in both the number of and size of the girls. I picked a bottle blonde with a huge rack. Had a great time with her for the 30 min. She told me that I reminded her of her current fiance so she extended the time for 15min just so we could finish so I actually had 45min for the price of 30. Very accomodating. On the way to the room I did again see another that I had rather have had but that is for next time I suppose.

about a week later I went to Tokyo Spa.....to be continued in another post...

11-12-02, 15:39
Where is Kelly's...phone number? Address? Who to see? When to go? FS? BJ?

Any info is good info

11-13-02, 21:50
I did try rainbow one time and I had the best experience I have ever had extras wise.

I had Tina. She was 10+ body wise. Stacked Korean and all natural. 6 in the face but 10++ body. Very Very playful during the table shower as well. One drawback though. During the massage...which was great as well...she kept pushing me into political conversation. She says that she has never massgaed or met an african american before and she played 20 questions with me. She was asking why ALL blacks in the US are uneducated crimminals. I asked 'ALL' and she verified that yes 'ALL' because that is all she see on the news. Myslef I am an engineer and all 5 of my brothers and sisters are engineers as well (I followed in the family business so to speak) so I could not agree to 100% of what she is saying. I stated to her that all of the Koreans, like herself, that I have ever met have all been prostitutes in massage parlors (crimminals so to speak) but that does not mean that I think that all Korean women are ******. She kept pushing though. I had extras with her pretty easy. she blew me 2x and we had atleast 4 different postions. she did not quit until I had finished. I gave her 130 for her trouble. Incredible find she was. I called back a few weeks later but she was gone. I wanted to finish our conversation plus finish that 10++ ass one more time but she was "on vacation" I was told.

alas...happy hunting


11-14-02, 03:49

Although I don't know you that well yet, I was wondering if you'd want to have an e-mail conversation about Tina's obsession with her topic of conversation. BTW, I've had a few insightful conversations with AMP providers. Contact me at bijinspoge@yahoo.com.

11-21-02, 08:58
I'll be heading to Rockford on Monday and since Mona is "on vacation" anyone have a recommendation on who to see. I realy liked her!

11-22-02, 03:48
romey, wish I could help more. Usually, at any given time I've at least laid eyes on 80% of the girls available in Rockfords AMPs but I just haven't been there too much lately. But all I can add is to once again rave about Tokyo's Connie (see my 10/31 post). I think there's only one Connie there now. Despite her age, her body is tighter and smoother than many girls half her age. Petite, firm and very enthusiastic.

11-22-02, 10:01
realfun, I have been to Tokyo, but not for some time. I'll more than likely stick with Rainbow as I've always had good luck and get the free massage after my forth visit. It's just every now and then (twice for me) that you find one that just really does it for you. Makes you want to go back everyday. Mine have been Mona and Mimi. The hunt continues.

11-22-02, 22:22
romey, are you talking about the Mimi that was there 2-5 months ago? Slender, energetic, not great english, puts the 'X' in 'EXTREMELY' accomodating, and just a tiny bit flakey (in a good way)? If so, she was a trip, very refreshing to meet someone just a little bit different. I suspect her eccentricities went against the grain there. After she left, if I brought up her name to one of the other girls she'd give me a disgruntled look and utter something not-nice-sounding in Korean.

Unfortunately, I never got with Mona. I saw her go to a room with my friend once, she was gorgeous and simply rocked his world.

I can understand why not many guys were overly enthused with Menah, she was just a little too shy and laid back. But the chemistry was right with me and her, and I was able to draw her out and we rocked eachother's worlds. And I was a total sucker for those big round eyes.

I called Royal and found out there's a Mimi there now, but I haven't seen her. There was a Mimi there 4-5 months ago. So I wonder if its the same Mimi as before; or possibly (not likely) Rainbow's Mimi now moved to Royal; or someone totally new.

Looks like its time for someone to TOFTT.

11-22-02, 22:42
Its been almost 2 years since I have Rockford where I used to go to Tokyo and see a girl named Ruby, of course she is long gone now. Which spa is the best right now (In your opinion). I will be out there in a couple weeks and would like to make the most of it.

11-23-02, 10:34
realfun, I think it's the same one. The timing is right and it's the only Mimi I’ve known there. Man she was hot. One time after some serious DATY she flipped around gave me a great cbj and then F***ed the shit out me and even left the room with her cloths off. Came back and gave me another 10 minutes of massage. That type of experience is what keeps me going back to the AMP's

11-23-02, 22:21
Went to Rainbow last week and it will be the last time for me. I have been going to rainbow for quite a while and have always had a great time. The girls were pretty, massage ansd shower are great, and the extras were always available. Them last 3 times I went there have been very bad, with the most recent one the worst. The first two times the girls kept on trying to upsell me BIG TIME. I always opt for a massage and h/j (fear of bringing home an STD to the SO and having my business cut off !! ). I unserstand the girls trying to make some more cah...but lately they have been getting out of hand. THe second girl started ragging me when I told her I only wanted a h/j because I took an hour appointment instead of a 1/2 hour. It seems I am "wasting her time" by paying for an hour massage and only tipping her for a h/j...even though that is all I wanted. Everyone who goes there knows the the full hour is the way to go for a great massage, and table shower. This pissed me off, and I let her know it. finally she settled down, and I tried to enjoy the reast of the fun...but it was not the same. The last time was the straw that broke the camels back. I saw Lilly and she started the usual upselling. First off she wanted $80 for the h/j...then it was another $20 for her to be nude..then another $20 if I wanted to play with her tits, and another $20 if I wanted to suck them. So basically she expected me to pay for f/s andf only get a h/j. I kept on telling her no, and she was trying to talk me into it. She finally got the hint when I put the wallet away and started to get dressed. Lilly tried to lower her proces a bit, but by that point I had enough of rainbow's upselling and kept on getting dressed. Needless to say Lilly was not happy, and even less so when I explained what happened to mamasan on the way out. That was really too bad since that used to be my favorite amp around. I guess I will stick to Exec.

11-24-02, 01:52
tencan, what a drag. You never expect 0-for-3 in that place. You did the right thing by walking out. That will get the girl in more hot water than most guys realize. I've said earlier that if you are even beginning to get bad service, don't get hot-headed and argue. Just shrug like you don't give a damn and go for your clothes.

This should change, usually you can go for months without having a bad experience there. Everyone always raves how Rainbow always has the youngest and hottest. And while this is true, look what can happen with the service. I'd rather be certain about getting cheerful, enthusiastic fs for $100/$120 and little to no haggling, with a 6 or 7; than pay $120/$140 to take the chance that I'll be fighting with a 9 or 10.

Thanks for updating the team, sorry you had to be the victim. I'm going to Rockford soon, I'll go somewhere else. Hopefully my report can return the favor.

A main reason to go for the hour at Rainbow is that the shorter program doesn't count towards getting the free one.

romey-about Mimi. Her walking out of the room naked is the flakey kinda shit I think mgt didn't like. You know how they escort you around, well I went to wiz and when I came out of the bathroom she was nowhere to be found. I wandered around for 5 min, went back to the bathroom, back to my room, wandered around again, and eventually had to yell for her. The other girls were pissed. However when she performed Asian on me she definitely wasn't delicate about it: she had her whole face pressed up against me, mouth wide open and totally going to town for at least 5 minutes. She put the "-eak" in "freak."

11-25-02, 03:04
Things are looking much better at Sun. Went there last night for the first time in many months. My last time was pretty disappointing. Last night when I went, I thought that I was in for another disappointment. Had an older lady, probably the mamasan, give me my shower so I figured that she'd also be giving me my massage. When I got back to the room, she said "the girl will be in shortly." What a relief! A few minutes later, a young girl with a nice bod and a face at least a 7 came in to give me my massage. The massage itself was very nice, and, in the end, got some very nice and unexpected extras. When I was leaving, I found out her name was Moon. That's right, when you go to Sun, ask for Moon :D.

11-26-02, 17:37
Went to Rainbow Monday and saw Michelle. They only had two girls working so they gave me 45 minutes for $50 and still marked my card. As with all the girls there she was very nice looking but somewhat quite. Gave a very nice shower and a nice soft massage. Very soft hands. Gave a good cbj. It's amazing how the get the condom on, and when I wanted to change positions she said it was now my turn. Seemed to enjoy daty. Toward the end she started to talk dirty to me, which help bring everything to a nice end.

11-26-02, 20:14
Originally posted by romey
Went to Rainbow Monday and saw Michelle. They only had two girls working so they gave me 45 minutes for $50 and still marked my card. As with all the girls there she was very nice looking but somewhat quite. Gave a very nice shower and a nice soft massage. Very soft hands. Gave a good cbj. It's amazing how the get the condom on, and when I wanted to change positions she said it was now my turn. Seemed to enjoy daty. Toward the end she started to talk dirty to me, which help bring everything to a nice end.

I must say that Michelle is one of the best there. Coco wasn't bad and Judy, well Judy... Daydreaming, sorry. Anyway, Rainbow has been packed lately. Anybody know some good times to hit that place.

11-27-02, 11:29
Seldon69, I always try to get to any massage place within the first hour they open whenever posssible. I like the girls fresh, and it's less busy.

11-27-02, 21:09
It doesn't wear out, LOL. Fresh hmmmmmmm. Clark

Jerry P
11-27-02, 23:03
Hey Guys,
All this talk about AMP's does anyone have any current info. regarding street action. I know that the weather is getting nasty but, still these girls have got to make a living or at least feed their habit??? Any info. would be appreciated.

11-29-02, 17:56
Hey All,

I have been in the Rockford area on Saturdays lately and I wanted to know where the best street action is. In particular, around midnight or so. Thanks!

11-30-02, 07:33
ynot, I went to Sun, got with Moon, and ended up seeing stars!! For some reason we didn't click right away but it all came out all right.

If you like a girl that's very skinny but still shaped right, check out Mimi at Paradise. She is completely rail thin, but not in a nasty/anorexic/unnatural way. Long slender neck, no fat, narrow shoulders and hips, long slender legs, yet all her body parts still look like about the right shape for someone that thin. I hope this makes sense. The only part that looked a bit odd was her ass. The entire thing could fit in the palm of your hand. Ok face, typical service.

I'm not a big fan of skinny, but for me it was really cool being with someone that's very different from the norm yet still attractive. One catch, she speaks no English.

11-30-02, 23:57
Thinking of take a trip to Rockford tomorrow for the AMP experience. LE closed down my neighborhood AMP last week in Bourbon A.
Any recommendations?
willysp@direcway.com if you'd rather backchannel

12-04-02, 20:10
Little scared,
does anyone know the chances of getting any bad STD's by having condom,vaginal sex with these AMP chicks? And while I'm asking, having an uncovered blowjob from one of them?

Starting to really feel afraid that this 'hobby' could be very dangerous.

12-04-02, 20:33
This hobby is full of risks, from LE to STD's to worse. Some hobbiests prefer SW's with the higher risk to MP's and hand jobs only. Each of us decides the amount of risk we are willing to take. My suggestion to you is if you are worried about your current level of risk is to take it down a notch and go to a MP that offers just a hand job. That is just about the lowest risk that this hobby has. After a while you might again go farther up the scale. The risk of catching anything more than crabs from protected sex is close to non existant. BBBJ - the risk is higher but is mutch lower than BBFS. Lower for the pitcher than the catcher.

12-07-02, 04:30
Anyone out there ever interested in trying to make the girl cum? Or is that just not a priority? Obviously I'm talking more about MPs and escorts and not so much SWs.

Does anyone go to extra effort to please her, how often do you succeed? Got any tips on getting her to get into it for her own pleasure?

12-07-02, 06:07
Realfun, are you kidding? I always try to make the lady enjoy herself via manual stimualtion on my behalf. I have often wanted to do more but common sense always gets the better of me no matter how nice or clean the lady may seem to be. I have often fingered a fashion show girl or SW but nothing more for obvious reasons.

Now I've never had the GFE in a MP so I can't speak truthfully on every level. I've heard some good stories and if I found myself in the wrong situation I may be compelled to go the extra mile. Common sense always tells me not to though. I may be wrong on that account but that is what common sense tells me. I like to give pleasure as much as anyone but it is risky.

I know I would never give a SW or MP worker oral if I know realfun, Bukake,Bubba, taglet, WillySp, Chester or any other hobbyist had just been beating on her hole. Nothing personal but I don't know any of you or any of the other clients she may have had last month, last week, yesterday, or ealier today before me. Nothing personal I just don't want to be licking your guys clean off my date.

My motto has always beeen: If you won't stick it bb don't lick it. I always choose my fingers to the talking and the walking.

Those are just my feelings. Remember I have a wife and kids to take care of so I cannot affort to be bring any surprises home. Each hobbyist has to make his own decisions. That is why some many of us say: "Play hard and play safe!" I can't tell you how to live your life but it's probably good advice.

Hump hard and dump safe!

12-07-02, 14:58
I think the fellow means Squirting. I have been with 5 squirters. 3 of which I got to be with there 1st time. It is a RUSH. It blows them away. The other 2 do it often and just enjoy but the 1st timers are exciting. They have to have seen you on a somewhat regular basis to be comfortable. It usually is clear and oder free, NOT Golden. Golden is Piss. Some to cum creamy but mine have been clear. They just lose it, on me.

I plan on being in the Rockford area this week. I blieve I will see Lonna. She has a 150 special for the hour. Any comments or suggestions? Clark

12-07-02, 17:31
koguy98, good point. I didn't think of it in that way. I've been with one girl who did that with me. It was in college and the only time it happened was through vaginal intercourse. I know I didn't do anything special, it just happened. The first time it happened I thought she pissed on me while I was pounding her. You are right though, it is a rush to get a girl off that hard.

I understand that there has to be a comfort level on the lady's behalf for this to happen. What do you do to put the lady over the edge and "get the dyke to burst" sort a speak. Is it through oral, vaginal, anal, finger, what? how? Share your wisdsom and expertise PLEASE!

I would love to be able to put a lady over the edge again like that. One other thing: The ladies you get off like that, do they give any discounts or special service based upon the fact that they know they are going to have as much fun as you? If not, they should.

Looking forward to your response! Happy holidays and everyone take care.

12-08-02, 22:20
Just to throw in my 2 cents, I have only had one provider do this, but am involved with a woman that I have to change the sheets afterwards. I get her going by massaging the G spot and my palm once we get there it just goes from there. The other woman I met on the internet and it was moving in circles with my fingers. I know that Anal Ashley is one provider who claims this but $$$$$ is a little steep for me.
I agree that this is great when it happens. I don't know of any providers right now that do this, the one that did is no longer working.
If you want more details backchannel willysp@direcway.com

12-09-02, 09:38
Xtoic Nadia squirts. It is quite the rush. She usually has a special the will include fs for 200 or less. I've seen her many times and she is great.

12-09-02, 09:49
romey do you have contact info for Xtoic Nadia?

12-10-02, 10:29
WillySP, Check out TBD Chicago board for her specials. Xotic_Nadia@yahoo.com

12-11-02, 22:23
Thanks romey, I have been having trouble getting on the board here and found her site through TBD

12-12-02, 02:20
Anyone been to Rainbow lately? I went there about 2 months ago now i think and had a good hj finish. Just wondering if Candy is back from vacation. I missed her last time but saw her in the back. DAMN! She's hot as hell.

12-13-02, 22:50
but isn't that what makes the hobby exciting, (risk, like living on the edge) the hunt and chase LE presents possible unknown STD's it's all there in our combat zones or call them strolls whatever and the sexual pleasure and after awhile you look forward to it and fear it less like a warrior and sometimes i feel i'm getting to old for the hobby (slowing down a little) it's also fast paced.

you also have mentioned BBFS this i hear is quite common for regular clients of high level escorts these providers are professional and do protect themselves with certain types of female condoms and other things so the risk isn't as great as you might think but as far as SW's BBBJ is quite common and the rest of the service is usually covered but if everyone uses a condom on them i would think they also would be STD free ( just my humble opinion )..

yes i love it when a girl cums, some unrushed relaxed escorts do get off on regular clients this i think is normal cause some of them like sex too but it seems to be connected to the $$$ also taking the money seems to excite them some way, i was seeing one escort for awhile who could get up on top of me and cum before i did,,,, as far as SW's some enjoy giving BJ's and getting you up and off but i don't really know if they get off even if you play with them it seems to be a time thing ( some are in a rush to get it over with and move on) just my 2 cents worth.

hope all of you hobbyists enjoy the upcoming holidays and be careful i'm usually on the wisconsin boards cause i didn't have much time to travel lately

12-14-02, 01:32
When I lived in San Francisco, there was an AMP I visited regularly. I always choose a woman named Yoko. She was the perfect GFE. I was one of the few clients that could actually make her cum. She would just about let me tip her nothing on the days when I was light on cash, but just had to see her. She certainly didn't watch the clock while I was there either! When I was able I did tip her pretty nicely. I even went back to visit last time I was in town and she still rememberd me. I guess I made an impression. Yeah, if you make the woman cum, that's an awsome bonus.

12-15-02, 01:57
Good day gentlemen. I don't believe I've ever had the honor of posting on the Rockford board. I've read up quite a bit on the lingere bougiques. As you are probably all aware we really don't have anything like that in Chicago.

I was hoping you all could give me some pointers on what it is like at said establishments. Are they like fashion shows with private shows in back? Are they actual lingere boutiques? What is the deal here. Sounds like a given that there is service at almost every one of these establishments. I am very interested in paying my first visit but would like some more info. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Jerry P
12-15-02, 02:34
Hey Schtick,
Sorry to break the news to you but you've posted to the Rockford board just this month on the 7th, scroll down for yourself and check it out! Sounds to me like your working for LE! What do you think guys!!!!!!
Schtick I'd also use a dictionary, your spelling leaves a lot to be desired.
Also if you did your homework, by checking past reports you would find that certain establishments offer certain services which others do not.
All we want know is the names, how much, when, where, and any code words or body language which will enable us to achieve our objective. You might ask what our prime objective is: PUSSY-PUSSY-PUSSY!!!!!!!

I hope that helps.

12-15-02, 03:45
Jerry P,

What does the P stand for? Perfect? Panzy?

You're right. My mistake. I did post twice back on the 7th. However those posts were general commentary. I don't track every post, especially when it is general conversation. Like I said I was doing my homework and thought I would throw my two cents in. Punctuation and grammar ok for you so far?

I understand your LE concerns and I wish there were some way to assure you that I am nothing more than an ordinary joe enjoying the hobby. All I was looking for was how the lingere boutiques work. For example, does it work like a MP where you pay your door fee up front. Do you get to select your lady or do they lead to a room and then direct a lady to attend to my needs? Or is like an actual lingere store? General info, thats all I'm looking for. I already know which establishment I plan to patronize. Sorry if I offended you!

If you go back through the "other areas", "chicago", "lombard" boards, etc you'll find that I have made plenty of meaninful contributions. All you have to is post on one of those boards and ask, or look back. However you choose. You will find I am nothing more than a hobbyist.

Also, sorry if my spelling was not perfect. I know how difficult it is for a jackass like you to determine what exactly it was I meant or what it was I asking about!

Happy holidays. Hump hard and dump safe!

12-15-02, 10:16
an actual answer to Schtick's question:

They are technically boutiques which sell lingerie, but they are really whorehouses. When you arrive and say you want a "show", all the girls will come out to the lobby and you choose one. You then pay the session price at the cashier's counter (around $60 per hour). The girl takes you to a room which has a couch, a sink, one wall of full length mirrors, and a dressing screen. The girl tells you to "get as comfortable as you like" while she goes behind the screen and puts on one of the outfits to "model" for you. While she is changing, you get naked. At this point she knows you're not a cop, and will discuss tipping and available extras. Full service is always available at Brandy's Kelly's and Exclusive. Some gals at Chantilly Lace only offer HJ.

Member #4242
12-15-02, 10:56
Jerry P's post prompted me to post this. Jerry, right where you read the name of the poster, it tells you how many posts the poster has posted and Schtick has posted lot more than you (maybe not in Rockford sections, but even in Rockford section by his name it tells you that he has posted more than you in the forum).

Now about htis paranoia about LE.
Yes I am aware that one of the boards got busted by a sting, but guys that board blatantly was an advertisement board for independents which the LE does not know easily where they are.

Re, Strip clubs, Lingerie Boutiques, AMPs, and SWs, LE knows who and where they are, and perhaps they partake in enough services and a cut to allow them to remain open.

While some LE may occasionally read this board, but not to find where an AMp is or what iti is doing on or where a street walker is. Over the years, Ihave read these comments about being careful of LE on this board, as long as independent service providers are not blatantly advertising here, I don't think we have anything to worry about LE here.

How many of you think LE does not know what is going on at Peking SPA or Pete and Mabels in SW Indiana?


12-15-02, 14:49
Well said Desi. Schtick is the consemate hobbyist. Sorry about the spelling Jerry. If you are that into spelling go join a fucking spelling be.

12-16-02, 00:56
Thanks lads! Glad to know I have the respect of some of you. It truly means alot to me!

I understand Jerry P's concern but Bukake and I are working on a wife for escort swap. Thanks for stepping up. I truly know I have some friends out there, even though I don't know all of you all that well yet.

Take care and thanks again for the support!

Special thanks to Jonny. You provided the exact info I was looking for. Actually went above and beyond. Thanks pal, if I can do anything for you or provide any info regarding the south side let me know via the board or at schtick750@hotmail.com. Take care!

12-16-02, 01:21

Avoid Rainbow like the plague! I feel it is my duty to warn my fellow hobbyists before disaster happens. It is better to be safe than sorry. I went to Rainbow and when I was finished with my session I noticed a lady writing down my license plate number. When she saw me she hurried back into her car. Shockingly she was an undercover cop getting back into her unmarked patrol car. She had police liscense plates. I went back to Rainbow foolishly and there were two 2 cop cars outside the building. I saw mamasam taken into the swat car and an unknown older white male. Most likely a customer. If this place isn't busted and the doors are still open. Take PRECAUTIONS who knows whose watching. And you never know if mamasam made deal with cops to arrest Johns. You have been warned and massage at your own risk! You ask me no suckie suckie is worth getting my name in the newspaper for solicitation to prostitution and ruining my good name. Good luck guys and be careful!

12-16-02, 11:07
Bukake - didn't you mean "spelling bee" ?



12-16-02, 17:48
liebermann, can you tell me what day that was, and an address I can backchannel you at? I got a story I'd rather not post here.

Don't worry everyone else, its not juicy or about important info that would help anyone out, I just don't want it out in public. If any other heavy posters here are curious you can ask me to backchannel you, too.

anyone who wants can backchannel me at mmwtrip@yahoo.com

I will say this, though. When I was there a few days ago the girl was so overly cautious that I grabbed my tip off the table before we even got started. On my way out I very tactfully told the manager on duty that the girl was very nice and that I really like Rainbow and there are no hard feelings and that I'll be back later. I got my house fee returned and went elsewhere.

12-16-02, 22:58

Drop me an email at liebermann@phantomemail.com


12-16-02, 23:53
I was at Rainbow last weekend. You got me a little nervous pal. backchannel me your story if you don't mind. I am concerned that my name and license are gonna appear in the paper

Jerry P
12-17-02, 03:59
Hey Schtick,
I did'nt mean to bust your hump but, hey- saying that you have posted for the first time on the Rockford board got my Antenna up big time! I do realize you've posted here before, however you can never be too careful where this hobby is concerned. Especially when you hear people like Liebermann talking about Rainbow!
I believe I can safely say that when someone who posts regularly suddenly changes their tune - something is fishy in Denmark. Perhaps in your case I over reacted and jumped the gun however, how would you feel if I started posting saying this was my first time in the Chicago board (which by the way I've posted 3x in the Chicago section) and someone remembered my past postings.
As for the spelling issue I due apologize, it was mean spirited and I was wrong. I have received valuable info. in this forum which I have used on a number of occasions, and I will continue to use this forum as a resource for my hobby. I do not wish to cause any hard feelings or prejudices with the guys who use this site for that purpose.


12-17-02, 09:53
Can anyone else confirm that Rainbow was busted? Man that would suck big time. It's one of my ATF places to go. Also realfun can you back channel me with your story. romeyjames@hotmail.com.

12-17-02, 17:52
Jerry P,

Let's let by gones be by gones. No hard feelings, I probably over reacted too. Glad we can put things behind us and focus on the job at hand, pussy!

Take care all.

12-23-02, 12:13
I'm thinking of making a trip to Rainbow on Friday. Any word on the LE situation. Any recommendations. I haven't bee there for a while.

12-24-02, 04:01
Posters on another board are claiming that there never was any LE there and that after that weekend one of them had a session with Jenny: looks and service were both great. Take this info for what its worth, I'm not sure what to believe. Can liebermann or anyone else provide any clarification? Thanks.

Remember, you gotta be caught with your hand in the cookie jar (so to speak). If you're worried about the license plate thing, park a couple blocks away. I think its EXTREMELY unlikely that they would use one of the girls to set guys up, for a few major reasons. Play safe, but remember...

To play safe, YOU GOTTA PLAY!

12-24-02, 14:01

Although Rainbow has the nicest facilities around, my best experiences in the area lately have been with Mimi at Paradise and Moon at Sun. Rainbow seems to be hit and miss with a lot of attitude.

Good luck and have fun!

12-26-02, 13:31
ynot, Where is Paradise located? If only that was the Mimi from Rainbow...oh well, I've always had good luck with Mimi's. If you don't mind please back channel me with all details about Mimi and her session. romeyjames@hotmail.com

12-27-02, 06:01
ynot, you stuck on Mimi, too, huh? I guess you like 'em skinny. She's one of my current faves. Sometimes chemistry just isn't there on a first visit, but I thought she was worth a second try. She was well worth it, and its been kick-ass ever since.

She's about as thin as a girl can be and still have a kickin' bod. Think of a runway model shape, shrunk down from 6'1" to about 5'1". I'd be surprised if she's over 95#. Don't let that little frame fool you, that girl will WORK.

Skip the small talk, her english ain't so good.

btw, Paradise is also on State, on the same side of the street as Rainbow, about a mile east (if you leave Rainbow and take a left on State St, going towards the freeway, its on the left). Its set back in a strip mall near an Enterprise car rental. On State St. look for a Walgreens, a First USA bank and a Mobil station. The cross street is phelps, and Paradise's address is on Phelps. Call for directions, hours and to make sure the girl you want is working. 815-381-1010.

Mimi and I skip the massage and spend all the time on the main event. Recently I went to Paradise when I wasn't even that horny, and to be quite honest, 80% of the reason I went was because my back's bothering me and I really wanted a good massage. I expected to have to tell Mimi to give me a good massage (that would've been a first). But when I got there I was told she's on vacation. Don't worry, they swore she'll return. Anyways, one girl was busy and the only one available was Lucky. She ain't all that hot. Kinda stocky, even in the face, not too cute and has a gut. But I was kinda in a hurry, and I was there, and she was really selling herself, and I figured I wanted a good massage, anyways. OK enough excuses. Turns out she's one of the most energetic and enthusiastic providers I've ever seen. Two days later and my back still actually feels better. Its hard to get past her looks, but the service she provides actually makes a guy want to see her again.

At first I didn't feel too lucky to get stuck with Lucky but my back feels lucky today; and, lucky for me, Mr. Happy ain't to picky once he gets lucky, even if its with Lucky.

True about Rainbow being hit-or-miss with the attitude. Try Jenny, she's a "hit." Small (yet nice) chest, great everywhere else, including intelligence, attitude, sense of humor and English. I'll be seing her again.

12-28-02, 18:00
IMPORTANT MESSAGE, I usually not leave messages, only read them for info since I typicaly go the clubs only. But I thought it would be good to warn everyone of a blonde female in a green jeep with usmc on the side. She and her girlfriend pulled up to my vehicle and asked if I wanted to party! and that I should follow then to their place. I did and once we pulled into the parking lot, her freind left herj jeep and I was asked to get in. Stupidly I did and she asked if I was a cop. I said no, and she then demaned to see ID. Next thing I know she has my wallet, my money, and she is honking the horn. I see this black guy step out from an apt. and I just ask for my wallet back because I do not want any trouble. Well next I find a cop to report the situation, and I am almost arrested for soliciting a prostitue. I state that She nor I mentioned sex or money, and that I was just asked If I wanted tp Party!. So to wrap this up, the girl gets away with my money and I come really close to be arrested. MAN want a fucked up day this has been!!!!

Jerry P
12-29-02, 02:54
Hey liberty70,
Just out of curiosity did this cop that you found was he fairly close by the apartment that you spoke of. If so he might be part of the same group, basicly shaking down people for money then using the excuse that you were offering money for sex. There are a lot of bad cops out there trust me there's more then you might think.

I'm sorry to give you the bad news it certainly gives me no pleasure seeing someone ripped off like that. But at least you shared with us your story so that the rest of us are aware these bastards are out there doing this to unsupecting guys who just want to have fun with ladies.


12-30-02, 16:12
MIMI @ Paradise is Great! Seen her 3 x's! It's a total GFE! She's fun and knows how to work that petite frame! Can't speak a lick of English but who cares I'm not there to chit chat. Anyone ever seen the mamasam Coco? She's hot for an older lady and real friendly. I'm thinking of seeing her besides Mimi. Is it a good choice? Thanks for any replys about Coco.

12-31-02, 17:11

It has been about a month ago since your purported sighting of Rainbow's Mamasan being arrested. Yet, there has been recent reviews on H/H, TBD, and WSG by known posters. Still you insists that YOU personally witness the bust. At what point are you going retract your claim and capitulate on the fact that you have fabricated the event for your personal agenda?

As the liar that you are, you claimed that you have been a regular @Rainbow since 4 years ago. You must have forgotten the fact that you have back channeled me from one of the boards inquiring about services, rates and such about the time of your first posting on Rainbow in May of this year. Here is your email addy from my address book: liebermann@phantomemail.com. NO, I didn't copy this from WSG board!

This is what I think happened: You have been banned from Rainbow for your behaviour and now seeking a vandetta. Even if you were to witness a bust @Rainbow, why do you specifically issue a warning against going to Rainbow as oppose to all the spas within the locality? IF there were a bust, do you think LE will only target ONE spa? (e.g. Belvidere circa 1999, C'est Le Vie/Executive) AND if the FEDs was involved, do ya think they will form a task force just to probe ONE.. AND with your brother terrorists running around the country this Holiday season, do ya really think the FBI can afford to expend their resources on ONE spa?

IF the purported bust was done by the local LE, then they would have contacted the local news medias for maximum bang for their buck and it would be in all the news, as with their weekly sting of streetwalkers. AND if it was a covert sting operation, do ya think that they will carry it out in the open for the like of you to blab it all over the boards?

Posting such as yours compromises the credibilty of the board. It feeds on the fears and paranoia of the readers, hence the cry wolf sensibilty will do more harm than good. Seek help for your failing eyesight; your self admited paranoia; and your chronic lying. I would not waste a Viagra on you!

12-31-02, 17:18
With the recent proliferation of spas, it is only natural that some will gravitate to one as oppose to the others. Competition is healthy within the context of fair play. That is, whoever offered the best service for the best price will succeed. Much of the complaint on Rainbow by credible posters such as "Tencan" and others are legitimate and waranted. Then again, which spa is perfect in every which way? If they don't shape up, we will vote with our feet to seek solace elsewhere. BUT to deliberately spread untruths is neither fairplay nor the American way.

If a task force were to be formed, it will be done with the purpose of eradicating all the spas within a locality. After all they all operate under the same MO. For another reason, the manpower and expense involved in such an undertaking could not be justified for just ONE bust. AND if one should fall, the domino theory will follow with the others. Take heed; with a new Mayor and a new police chief, the future of Rockford spas is very tentative. If we are to support the continuation of these establishment, it behooves us to be more discreet in our postings.

Having said that, here is Daytripper's recent trip report:

Mimi is back @ RO spa! will see her tonight!, Jessica: pretty but detached; Nana: rushed
Pepi@ RA is young and very hot! Jenny take second place and Yoko: adequate
Lee@SUN one and only. Moon on VACATION. Mamasan do everything but extras
Lucky@PA Service 8, Looks 6 not my type; Koko Service 7; Looks 8 answer phone during session, tacky!Mimi is on vacation as of my last visit on 12/28. Libby is lying again if he claimed he saw her since then.
Connie@PE best of two there. Older: great massage! after all she is a certified Physical Therapist, shy and unexperienced in other areas. No to DATY. Sarah, chunky working girl!

Play safe and Happy New Year!

01-01-03, 06:39
Coco's service in the massage room is pretty similar to her service at the door: overly enthusiastic yet lacking perception and intamacy. Not to sound too mushy, but what I like about Mimi and other quality ladies is that they are so focused on your pleasure that they try to read the customer and adjust the service to his needs. Mimi doesn't understand English, but she does understand the global language of s_x. Coco's not even listening. On the upside, she's got so many years experience that if you just kick back and let the ol' pro go to work, she'll drain you dry. Just so you know, she looks much better in clothes. I'll agree, for her age she's still got it going on: slender legs and hips, full firm breasts, not bad in the face.

But when the dress comes off you'll see: no curves at the waist, its a straight shot from underarm to hips; saggy tummy and no ass; and then those slender legs that look OK in a mini-skirt look like two sticks poking out of a cylinder-body.

The Mimi experience was interactive with a young, horny, vivacious, fun-loving, perceptive, spontaneous kid. The Coco experience is best if your feeling kinda lazy and more into just kickin' back and letting a master technician work her magic. I don't know if I'll ever go for it again (I've been with her twice) but I'll never regret having done it.

So what's new at Rainbow?

01-01-03, 23:40
your post in very good in warning hobbyists but this dose happen mostly to new comers i know it happened to me when i first started the hobby it dose seem two girls are always double trouble if you don't know them and another thing new comers usually let the girls leed them around after some experience you get you should be more on guard for this and not let them leed you on always have a place that you can take them and always try to leed them and tell them what you want and you don't have to mention money i'm quite sure they will bring that up sooner or later

01-02-03, 04:14
The only point I disagree with about Lieberman is what was said about informing the press. Rockford generally prefers to pretend publicly that there is no SW or spa action there; I have witnessed SW and john busts that didn't make the papers. (one of them was a really close call; squads and vans surrounded a john right in front of me and I had a SW in the car on the way to a parking spot!)

01-02-03, 19:53
I cruised Rockford from around 91 to 97 and became very familiar with the sex worker scene. Probably shouldn't get into this but the amp's and lingerie shops will never get busted in Rockford unless they stop delivering their monthly briefcases to a certain Rockford attorney. Their connections run deep within Rockford city government AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL. Brandy's and the place down the street were, and may still be for all I know, owned by the same two black guys. After I was busted in a street sting, I knew I needed a savvy lawyer to get me off and I figured who would know better than these guys. I waltzed in and after laughing their asses off at me, they gave me the name of a junior associate at a prominent local law firm. I called him up and the guy was like, who sent you?... oh, no problem. Just fork over 1500 bucks and it's taken care of. I did and man he wasn't kidding it was taken care of. I pleaded not guilty and at the subsequent court date, NO ONE from the Rockford PD showed up. Case dismissed. The whole thing was gone, even the arrest record. Out of shear gratitude I brought some party materials to Brandy's and partied with the owners and a couple of the girls. After a couple of months, they told me how the whole thing is set up. The amount of cash that is passing hands is un-f***ing-believable. And what makes it precious is that it's not the cops who are on the take, it's the city goverment. The SW stings are, as in most places, strictly for show during elections and when public pressure is on. I think the cops might have a bad attitude because they know what's going on as well.

01-02-03, 20:56
Originally posted by liebermann
MIMI @ Paradise is Great! Seen her 3 x's! It's a total GFE! She's fun and knows how to work that petite frame! Can't speak a lick of English but who cares I'm not there to chit chat. Anyone ever seen the mamasam Coco? She's hot for an older lady and real friendly. I'm thinking of seeing her besides Mimi. Is it a good choice? Thanks for any replys about Coco.


Would you please enlighten the board with these curious observation of mine:

Though you claimed to be a sole witness of a bust @Rainbow, and admitedly are paranoid of patronizing that establishement, (Ref: Wisc. Night- Rock City Buxx 12/27)- even though other known posters has posted on their visit since then w/o any hassles, what prevent your paranoia from visiting Paradise spa a mere TWO BLOCKS away from Rainbow? Is there a magic spell ala Harry Potter that enshrined Paradise Spa and renders it sacred from LE?

And the inquiring mind wants to know why you endorse so strongly on Mimi, when she is probably already back in Korea eating Kimchi by now? And the two there now is in no way provide the same experience. Disclaimer: Daytripper never encountered Mimi, BUT by the glowing reviews of other posters, neither Lucky nor Coco, by personal experience, approaches the sensuality described of Mimi. Lucky: Good massage skill, quite proficient in the lingo, the spoken lingo that is. But she is built like she can do good farm work! Coco: the only memorable thing about her, is that her laughter is more like cackles.

You seem to be on top of things when it comes to Rainbow, you took great pain and effort in registering on this board specifically to post a warning on them. AND YET curiously-(purposely?) behind the times about Paradise which you claimed to have spend a great deal of time recently. Your promoting of one and attempt at bankrupting the other smell somewhat fishy to me. Daytripper usually like things that smell fishy! ROFLMAO

You deliberately mislead people then, and atempt to again mislead them now. That piece about Coco, a not so clever atempt to throw off the scent.

NO VIAGRA FOR YOU LIBBY! (Daytripper like J. Seinfeld)

01-03-03, 15:24
Originally posted by Strider
The only point I disagree with about Lieberman is what was said about informing the press. Rockford generally prefers to pretend publicly that there is no SW or spa action there; I have witnessed SW and john busts that didn't make the papers. (one of them was a really close call; squads and vans surrounded a john right in front of me and I had a SW in the car on the way to a parking spot!) Actually the RRSTAR have faithfully report all stings but not on a daily basis:


Jerry P
01-03-03, 16:12
Hey bigguyray,
I knew it had to be something like that, how else can such a business who caters to our kind not go unnoticed. It is not possible, thanks for sharing your story now I know how & where I can get help if I'm caught in a sting here in Rockford.

Is'nt it amazing here is a relatively large city Rockford who has seen the value in the sex scene, cashing in Big Time & our good friend Mayor Daily in Chicago is trying as hard as he can to squelch this very thing. Just imagine all the dollars that would roll into chicago if these businesses were to operate freely within Chicago.

It goes back to what I said before, Daily can't see the forest for the trees where this matter is concerned.


01-04-03, 03:36
Daytripper - Anyone who wants to read about my posts in response to Daytrippers requests you can read them at wisconsinnights.com under the rock city buzz forum.

Liberty70 - Thanks for sharing your experience. Where did this girl in the Jeep approach you? Was it on Broadway Ave.? I've heard about young girls approaching men in cars for fun. Everytime I drive by there I get girls looking at me but no action ever happened. I hope your next experience is more enjoyable.

Bigguyray - Thanks for the info. and your right about Daley. He is corrupt on so many other issues in Chicago. But an Angel in the sex scene.

Any new sexy pussycats at Executive or Chantilly?

01-04-03, 05:58
Liebermann, your silence is deafening. Bigguyray, check me on this since you seem to know what's up. I think there's lots of reasons to be skeptical of Liebermann's post. Like, what does a SWAT vehicle look like, and why the hell would there be one at an AMP? Why would an unmarked police vehicle have police plates? Why would a cop who's already been seen decide to "run" back to the car, as if she can now suddenly hide her presence?

Here's where I want BGR's help: I appreciate everyone else's skepticism, but I also am very careful about second guessing what and why LE would conduct busts in a certain way. No way would I dispute BigGuyRay's assertions that in general there's not likely gonna be pressure to conduct busts. However, we can never really be sure what's all up behind the scenes. What if the govt guy that continues to make sure that AMPs aren't a priority gets burned buying shitty coke from a guy that's friends with the owners of Rainbow, or that for months a small group of EXTREMELY determined do-gooders that live near Rainbow have made that business a big priority; or what if Rainbow mgt isn't satisfied hauling in wheelbarrels of cash and get involved in heavy duty laundering, etc. Or if LE does ever decide to crack down and decide to hit all of them in a three day period, but then there's a huge legal snafu that arises during the first bust, which puts all subsequent busts on hold, which would make the first bust look like an isolated pinpoint target.

I mean, the amount of variables are endless and I wouldn't want to second guess or try to predict the future. Anything can go down in any way for any reason. Unlikely things happen and surprise people. So, while we express skepticism over Liebermann's stories, lets not get too carried away. I believe its always possible that right at the moment of truth I may hear the DING-DONG of the front door followed by hearing the mamasan screaming and seeing the provider scramble off the table and snatch the cover off me and throw a towel over me, and have the door fly open to see a badge. One thing I got going for me is I'm pretty sure I can make it shrink faster than I can make it grow.

Bottom line, I believe that a bust can always come any way, at any time. But the assertion that any AMP would ever, for any reason, use their girls to try to hook guys into a reverse sting is so completely ludicrous it would be laughable if it weren't so fuckin' pathetic.

Disclaimer: I got no reason to make any implication that any legit AMP or spa would be involved in any type of illegal or scandalous activity at all. All my "what ifs" are complete fiction out of my imagination, only created to illustrate a point.

Daytripper: who is Connie @PE, what's PE? Did you have a session with Pepi@RA? I like her looks but what's her attitude/service? Jenny@RA is gone, Yoko, Pepi and a new girl are there now. After your visit w/ Mimi@ RO please report on any girls you see in passing, I think RO overall has the widest extremes of "hit-or-miss" with looks. The worst looking girls I've seen at AMPs have all been at Royal, but then the best three I've ever seen have also been at Royal, not Rainbow. Anyone who's skeptical I'll tell you the stories if you backchannel me, this post is way too long already. Also, Daytripper, plz backchannel me anyways at mmwtrip@yahoo.com.

And remember fellas, to play safe...

So get out there, be careful, toftt, have 'realfun' and when you report back, puh-leeez remember to 'keep it real.' Share the wealth, spread it around.

01-04-03, 20:46
To the Rockford Board Vets:

IS it safe to go to Rainbow or should I go somewhere else this week. I am gonna be out there Tue and Wed for work. If not Rainbow where do you recomend.

01-05-03, 08:09
Daytripper - I stand corrected on the RRStar thing - I guess I don't read it fully as I should.

In regards to the LE / community activist thing - a couple of months ago, I was cruising the 7th / Broadway area and was followed by some guy in a green compact wagon. He followed me as I left the neighborhood as far as 11th and south, then turned around. I hooked back, hoping I had lost him, but he was parked on 11th south of Broadway again. He didn't follow me again, but I was spooked so I left. There was no evidence of LE anywhere around, squads, vans, bikes, anything, so I figure it was a civilian doing his duty for the community.

BTW, there is a very prominent community / peace activist that is frequently trying to close down the bars in that neighborhood because they are magnets for crime. I have never heard him say a word about the lingerie shops and MP's. Perhaps he is picking his battles carefully for political reasons already mentioned in this forum.

01-05-03, 12:44
Bukake, if you've been following the posts here it should be clear that the opinion of the majority here is that its safe. Lets assume that Liebermann's Christmas fantasy production of "The Nutcracker Sting" went down just the way he said. You should know by now the least likely way to get busted is a reverse sting in a parlor/spa/AMP. However, it was pointed out to us recently that someone knew of a lingerie shop bust where, after clearing out employees, they put female undercover cops in to pose as providers and nabbed a few johns. I don't doubt the story but my gut tells me that they're on legally shakey ground to take over the interior of private property and using it in that way; none the less, they did it. This should remind us to never totally let our guard down. Now you gotta ask yourself: how likely are they to do that at an AMP? So lets suppose they go the extra mile and scrounge up a few asian undercover cops who have a real or fake Korean accent. Even still, chances are that you'll sense something different or off while you begin proceedings. You seem like the kind of guy with a few street instincts and I think you'd be able to pick up on something seeming not quite right. Consider how unlikely it is that any manager/mamasan that you recognize would be able to play it straight as they work with LE in a reverse sting and welcome you in, find your card, take your money, etc. That's just NOT going to happen. That means one more female Korean undercover cop. So like I've said before the most likely way you'd ever get busted is when tab A is inserted in slot B when the fuzz comes charging through the front door. Worst case scenario you've got about 15 seconds to swallow the jimmy and look shocked that your theraputic accupressure treatment was interrupted just as she was unblocking the flow of chi to your liver.

Any concerns you have about being watched or having your picture or license plate # posted anywhere in a community attempt to 'out' and shame johns: you take that chance every time you hobby anywhere, any time. For that problem, here's a dicey proposition. I say its dicey only if its overused by too many hobbyists. Park a short distance away, wear a hat and glasses and an old coat that you normally hate and only wear it there. Obviously this tactic only somewhat reduces your chances of being identified, but it makes the observer/recorder have to work a little harder. It can backfire if everyone does it because the surrounding businesses will begin to dislike having another buisness's customers using thier lot. So change your pattern around a little. Also, stake out the parking lot for a short while yourself, to see if you see anyone else acting suspicious.

Enough people have posted here that they've had no problems there ever since. I've personally been there three times and can personally recommend Pepi and Yoko. I didn't catch the other new girls name, but Jenny is gone.

01-06-03, 16:13
OK, my last 2 cents.

It's my belief that any sex business in Rockford is eminently safe from LE. Rockford PD has never taken a serious look at the sex shops. Up until now, MP and lingerie shop (wish there was an abbreviation for that) stings and busts happen in Rockford when the owners don't want/are slow to pay or go beyond the implied boundaries of conducting this kind of business, plain and simple.

A few years back, The Exclusive was busted and closed. There were some pretty crazy things happening there at the time, most included drugs and someone must of gotten fed up. None of the regular customers were arrested. And in relatively short time doors were open for business again.

Of course, as someone who used to frequent the many clubs of Cicero from the late seventies until they were closed I've learned that good things don't last forever.

Liebermann sure sounds like LE but he may just be a wacked out lurker/hobbyist wannabe. In fact, I'll bet he's one of the community activists/bible thumpers on his own little investigation. Who knows, maybe someone got an independent LE agency involved.

The fascinating thing about the city's involvement with this is that it's not just one or two people involved and they are all at the HIGHEST LEVEL. They are the most conservative, straight-laced types you will ever meet and they never partake. That's the part that I don't get. If it was me I'd tell them to keep half their cash and send over a new girl to work under my desk every week, but that's me I guess. This has been going on for such a long time that they must pass it on like some sort of legacy from elected official to elected official. The only constant that I know of is the law firm that handles the transactions. Enough said.

01-07-03, 07:23
Bukake, looks like Rainbow is your best bet right now. I'm hoping someone can help fill in the gaps. My fave at Sun, Moon, apparently is gone and I don't know about her replacement, Lee.

Tokyo has three girls: Gina is big-boned, not fat, decent curvy figure with maybe 4-5 extra pounds, cute enough, good english, fantastic fun attitude and great service, very down to earth; Coco is a bit more shy and reserved, a tad cuter and thinner, smaller chest, still fun enough, both are around 28-29; supposedly 40ish Connie is back on the schedule, she is petite and has a solid, tight body and cute enough face, gives very enthusiastic service, highly recommended to anyone who does AMPs at all.

Royal has three girls: Mimi, ok face, nice upper body but short legs, excellent service in a soft, feminine, gfe kinda way; Bobbi isn't very attractive, kinda stocky, seems friendly, don't know about her service; Sunny is probably really 35 if you look really close and know secrets to guessing age accurately, but she could pass for ten years younger, cutest one there right now, short thin girl with curvy petite frame and cheeky butt, its hard for me to evaluate her service because I didn't give her a chance to "service" me, when we met we just were all over eachother and got right into the main event, if you like a girl that gets in the mood easily and really enjoys her work ALOT, then she's the one for you.

I haven't been to Paradise since Mimi's replacement arrived. I do know Lucky: if you're not too picky with looks and want a girl to really bust her butt workin' you over good and givin' you the time of your life, I can tell you that Lucky is no slouch. But she ain't too easy on the eyes.

As far as I know, Rainbow has Yoko: cute enough to work at Rainbow, good worker, if a little too shy and unsure of herself, but I worked the whole session trying to draw her out of her shell and the effort paid off, she's very down to earth and sweet. Pepi is extremely pretty, I think she looked kinda thin, haven't had her service yet.

My current #1 girl: Sunny at Royal, I like the "real deal" type of service and I'm not too picky on skills. All I did was put my hands on her and she was squirming.

For skills/attitude: Gina is my favorite; not superior technique but she's not shy about doing her job; she's good at reading people and detecting your mood etc., kind of an 'old pro' attitude in a relatively young girl.

For gfe and sweet, soft feminity: Mimi at Royal and Yoko at Rainbow, with Yoko being just a bit cuter.

For looks alone, definitely Pepi at Rainbow. Though I can't vouch for her service, I can say that the Rainbow rarely disappoints, my guess is that she's worth taking one for the team.

01-07-03, 15:22
Hey Fellas...

I have been lurking here for a long time. I thought it was about time I posted a report.

All reports here about Pepi's beauty are absolutely on target. She is a girl that would be easy to fall for. Massage is only so-so but the extras are the best I have had (but expensive). I hope she will still be there next time I go back.. what a sweet girl.

What is the going rate for cbj? I just paid $100 at rainbow (worth it @ 2x the price). She offered "bumpy" (her words) at the same price but I do not do fs anymore. I planned on spending only $80 for cbj but the girl and the service (both xxx star quality)were extra special.

Interesting enough, someone mentioned the girl walking out naked after their session.. happened to me too, but I think it was because I was the last one there... all the girls were running around naked, chatting and taking showers and stuff.

Just as an afterthought, does anyone know if the Candy everyone used to talk about here is the same one that used to work at Spa-100 in Wisconsin? I ask because someone mentioned that she looked like an Asian Pamela Anderson... good description.

An interesting story about Spa-100. I had my first ever AMP experience there about 4 or 5 years ago I guess. I wish I had known about this board at that time! I was so nervous! Anyway, the mamasan could see I was shaking and told me to relax, place money on the table for better service. I had no idea... so I left $30. Hehe.. Candy walks in, takes the cash and scoffs! I did not know what to think. Anyway, she comes back a moment later all smiles, hugs, and "honey this... honey that". Time went on, shower, massage. She starts to give me a handshake goodbye but I am so nervous I cannot finish. She motions for me to get up then places her index finger to her lips for me to be quiet and freely offers fs. I could not believe it... fs for $30 tip! Actually, in retrospect, it was a smart move on the mamasans part, I spent a lot of cash there until they closed the place.

Those were the days..

btw - This is likely coincidence and it did not worry me... but LE was CLOSE on my tail as soon as I left Rainbows parking lot until I got to the toll-way. Folks, please keep your eyes open and let us all know if this is a trend or just happenstance.

Thanks, until next time!

01-07-03, 15:47
Rockford regulars,

What's the going rate at the AMPs in this area: door price and standard tip for services?

realfun, great info--thanks.


Jerry P
01-08-03, 01:11
Hey Guys,
Have any of you guys run across any white SW's who were not 40+ & crackhead looking. If so please enlighten me on some general info. while I do enjoy the shops in town. I've already sampled 5 so far, however I prefer to not be be rushed!!! I lose my woody when I'm constantly reminded of how much time is left to finish the job.
I had someone who I was going to for a time but she moved out of the motel where she was staying. It was great for $50 I got FS and all the time I needed to get to the top!!! I found her thru a pimp I met at the 7/11 on 7th st. but would prefer someone younger, she was about 45yrs & a crackhead to boot. But she was consistant with FS.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


01-08-03, 04:16
Yyxx- 40-60 for the house, 100-140 tip for fs. Rainbow is usually 20-40 more than everywhere else; but after you have had 5 $60 sessions, you get a free session, (free meaning no house fee but you still must tip usual amount) so it kinda evens out.

01-08-03, 19:55

Just tried Genie at Rainbow. Awsome! She was cute and gave me a wonderful massage. She even allowed DATY which some of the other girls don't allow.

01-10-03, 16:27
Does anyone know if any of the AMP's have a "soapy" massage like the kind that is so popular in Bangkok?

I am talking about the kind where you lay on a rubber mat and the girl soaps you up real good... then she lies down next to you and slides up and down and all over with all parts of her body.
I would love to find this somewhere within the Milwaukee/Madison/Rockford/Chicago square.

Also, does anyone know of any other good AMP's worth checking out within this area (excluding the rockford spa's).

Lastly, do any of the AMP's have a cross-eyed employee? I know this is a strange request, but humor me and reply if you have any knowledge of this.

01-13-03, 04:17
So we have a first hand report on all three Rainbow girls: Yoko, Pepi and Genie, all recommended. At Tokyo, Gina and Coco, both recommended (is Connie back?). At Royal, Mimi (recommended) and Bobbi (not recommended), do they have a third girl there now? At Sun there's Lee, no report on her, is she still the only one? Paradise has Lucky (to each his own) and another unknown girl (and of course Coco).

Lets get out there and fill in the blanks.

01-18-03, 05:08
Connie is back at Tokyo, one of the few providers over 35 I could ever give my highest recommendation to. Paradise still has Lucky and now Bebe - big shoulders, huge rack and a bit better looking than Lucky but her attitude was so-so; ymmv w/ her.

Jerry P
01-18-03, 17:30
Hey guys,
I went cruising last night looking for street action and got ripped-off, A word to the wise tiree or tyrone as he calls himself, & stephen both guys are not to be trusted. I was straight and upfront with these guys and they took advantage so it is my professional opinion - don't do business with these two black guys. As for the Whor** I was with she was'nt worth $10 let alone the $40 I paid her, besides which never did get relief. Dark brown hair on the heavy side, mostly a crackhead, dresses like a crackhead too. If you don't cum in like 5min's she done with you!!! Not only that but she has no people skills what so ever - no wonder she needs a pimp! I did not get a name but let's face it would she really even give her real name anyway.

All in all I was out $90 with last nights adventure - my pussy budget is all but gone for the next month or two. Looks like I'm going to have to stick with the shops, My personal favorites are Kelly's & Brandy's both times got girls who knew what it takes to please a man and have repeat customers.

Only problem I hate to wait that long to fund my hobby, I'll have to work on becoming more patient with myself.


01-19-03, 11:47
JerryP: Good helpful post to others. I've been there. My general thought is that you'd be better to burn your money than to enlist or accept help from guys on the street who'll promise to fix you up with some little hoe. At least the fire would keep youwarm.

This is a VERY good way to get robbed or worse. Never works, you always loose.


01-19-03, 14:42
greetings: Rockford hobbyists
i am planning a road trip soon and want to get things lined up, do the Rockford MP's have web sites or just listed in the phone book which ones have extras and freaky looking black girls
how is the SW scene is it safe from LE at this time and do they have any good motels around the stroll areas

any information would be helpful,,,,,, a Milwaukee hobbyist

01-19-03, 20:58
Jerry P and anyone else who partake of the SW's.
Even though I've moved and been gone for about two years this advice I was given by several SW's. These SW's I visited as a regular. Maybe some of you may remember them, Bobbi and Kitten. Bobbi ran with Sterling, watch out for him he is a scammer bigtime. Now for the advice. If you see a SW walking with one or two males more often than not there is a high probability that you will get ripped off. Seh may run with your money or worse. Also if you see two SW's walking or standing together be very careful. There was a period of time where this was as set-up and a few guys were stabbed. Generally unless you know the SW don't pick her up unless she is walking or standing alone. During my time in Rockford thank to these two helpful ladies I was ripped off only a few times and only the cash and dash. Be wary most SW's work alone for a reason.

Jerry P
01-20-03, 12:18
Hey HoeHoeHoe, & Bubba,
Thank You for your advice - I'm going to lay low for awhile at least until the weather gets better before looking again at SW's. If time and money permit I will go to the shops in town, a bit pricey for my budget, but like you said much safer!

As for enlisting the help of others in search of SW - "No way Jose" I've learned my lesson the hard way, so from now on I will just look for the lone gal.

If any of you guys run across a SW who performs well let me know.

And by the way Thanks again guys I really appreciate all your advice!!

01-21-03, 19:45
Found myself back in Rockford last Saturday. After reading all the hype about Rainbow, and since I'm totally in love with asian women, decided to give it a go for the first time. To make a long story short - had Genie who was very pretty, thin with medium length, straight hair. Since I was running short on time, I got the half hour which included a decent shower and 10-15 minutes of a so-so massage. Paid 40 house plus $ for CBJ and DATY. She tried ever so hard to be interested in me and nice but you could tell that she wanted to finish me and be out of there ASAP. They have two little dogs in there that didn't like me I guess and kept yipping at me. That was kind of annoying. When I left I saw a girl laying down behind the screen at the front desk. She had wavy hair that had reddish streaks in it. She looked hot and I'd love to give her a try. Does anyone know her name? All in all a good experience but I don't know if it lived up to the hype.

01-21-03, 22:46

I haven't come across many people who have a great experience when they do the 1/2 hr. program. There isn't enough time for the girl to feel comfortable with you or whatever. Anyway, before you pass any judgement, do the full hour. Otherwise it is like comparing apples with oranges.

01-22-03, 06:50
Bigguyray, unfortunatley you drew the worst one on your first visit. Just a bad break. The good news is that the experience you did have is likely the worst you will ever experience there. Its never worse than what you described. Even though you only paid for 30 min, you shoudn't have been rushed, that was wrong, its only a $20 difference and the girl shoulda just sucked it up and provided great service even if you went overtime. Also, Genie is a bit saggy; not fat, but not firm, either. My one experience with Genie was that she seemed kinda mechanical; good skills, but she didn't have her heart in it, no personality.

The girl you saw (with streaks in her hair) was Pepi. She's one of the prettiest faces I've seen in there. Ask for her if you go again. Great technical skills, but equally important is that her personality really shines through. She is an upbeat, funny, nutty, aggressive, untamed extrovert. She's the 'life of the party' type, not to be missed. She's thin yet somewhat curvy and her breasts are very small but pretty, nicely shaped and sensitive.

The other girl there is Yoko. Also pretty, but in a plain and sweet way. She's not as thin as Pepi, but not at all fat; firm and curvy with large, NATURAL, perky, nicely shaped tits and a fantastic cheeky ass (most Korean girls are a little light in the caboose). She's a bit more shy and reserved but its a very endearing quality on her. She's very nice and sincere, not at all fake, decent skills, very accomodating.

I don't think either Yoko or Pepi will allow DATY, but ymmv.

A couple reasons to consider making the $20 leap is that you have a card kept with your unique nickname, and its stamped every time you go for the hour. After 4 $60 visits, on your 5th you don't have to pay the house fee. Also the way I look at it: the first 30 min costs you $40, the second 30 min costs $20 more. Also, sometimes, to save time and apply it to the session, I show up VERY freshly showered and convince the girl to let me skip that part. They're usually OK with that.

I still got to rave about Connie at Tokyo: 40, but tight, hot and as eager as they come. If you do AMPs, don't miss her. BTW, despite her age, she's very new to the biz; she's not a 20 year vet.

01-22-03, 19:37
Thanks realfun and Mrcharming for the info. BTW, I think my post reads a little more negatively than I intended. It was a better-than-most experience. I'm pretty sure I spent more than 30 minutes in there and she did write my nickname down on a card. I agree with your physical description of Genie although her looks and body are way better than what I'm used to - Kings, Ace, Lanes etc. I definitely want to give Pepi a try and the same with Connie at Tokyo on your recommendation.

01-23-03, 02:18
Hi all,

Visited Rockford on my way to Chicago a couple Fridays ago and on my way back on following Sunday. Went to Royal both days. Had Mimi both days. I can say that she is very appealing. Nice body, good rack, long hair (pulled back in a pony tail the first time, which I like), friendly and fun. Went for an hour each time. First time, very busy, lots of cars in the lot. Seemed like there were two mamasans. One gave me a so-so table shower while Mimi finished up with her customer. Got a great massage. Lots of touching both ways. Good topless, hand release. Very satisfying. Gave her $40 even though she wanted $60 (all I brought with me). I thought $40 was the going rate for hand finish. Things were much better on Sunday. I think I was the only customer at the time. Mimi recalled me from Friday. She gave me a lengthy enjoyable table shower then a very good long massage, again with lots of mutual touching. I had set $80 on the table this time and asked for a bj. She said something about "2 more". I may have misheard, but I didn't understand if I need to have 2 more visits or if she was suggesting that I was agian low on funds. Got a great topless hand release, but felt that a bj for $80 is not out of the question. Either way, the massage was worth every penny I spent. Great experience overall. highly recomended. Anyone who can shed some light on why I didn't get what I wanted please share. Thanks. Also, I am going to Milw. on Feb. 11th (posted this on the Milw board already with no replys so far) and would appreciate anyone who can give me contact numbers for some providers. I would really like the sw pricing without having to cruise and pick one up. There must be some SWs who are working from home due to the cold weather. Hook me up! Post here or backchannel me at bostonpride33@hotmail.com

01-23-03, 04:05
BGR, I also didn't want to come accross as too harsh on Genie, many guys may have a great time with her; and yes, the least appealing girl at Rainbow is usually standard or best at other AMPs. By no means is Genie a dog, things just didn't click with me and her, ymmv.

Boston, congrats on hooking up with Mimi. She doesn't have a real "hottie" look going, but she is cute enough. She has been a big draw for repeat business for Royal, based entirely on her gentle, passionate, gfe-type service. After about 3 visits with her I was trying to convince the mamasan that there's something special about that girl; mamasan just let it go in one ear and out the other. I persisted, and mamasan just said "yeah, yeah, I know..." and to me she seemed to be acting as if she didn't catch my drift, saying, "yeah, every customer say that..." I'm like, "no, really, you don't understand," at that point mamasan squared off with me, grabbed both my arms and looked me straight in the eye, smiled and said, "Yes, I believe you. I know. Every customer say the same thing. She favorite girl here. Thank you..."

Anyways, I believe most likely she was trying to get 2 more $20 bills from you, not telling you that you won't get oral for 2 more visits. I'm actually kinda surprised, she's usually not the type to pressure for high prices, and in there you should be able to get fs for $120. I wouldn't even know the going rates for oral alone (I always go for fs) but if fs is $120 I'd assume oral is $100 or less.

I hate to think of her as a ball buster, and I hate to give the following advice, but that's what this site is for. Next time you go there try to reserve enough time to visit a second spa after you stop at Royal. If oral is all you want, walk in with only $100 on you, hide $20 of it. As before, offer $80 for oral; bargain hard, threaten to leave, etc. Then its up to you if you want to cough up that last $20. If she continues to insist on more than $100, then leave. Get all your money back including the house fee and go somewhere else. If you're not mentally prepared to seriously walk out of there (like, if Royal is the only AMP open, or if you don't have enough time to go somewhere else and start all over) then you'll end up thinking with the wrong head.

Not to sound like a broken record with Tokyo's Connie, but if oral is all you need then she might be your best choice, anyways. That woman is a nympho that seriously, sincerely loves sucking cock. Best advice for anyone that sees her is to just lay there and let her take over. Don't try to guide or control the session. Just keep your mouth shut and lay there.

01-24-03, 01:09
Thanks for the reply realfun. I appreciate the input. Connie is on my list for my next trip. Is $80 going to cut it for oral with her? That's all I go for anyway.

01-27-03, 13:15
On Friday night, I stopped by Chantilly Lace for a session with my ATF Dawn, and was told she no longer works there. Anybody got any info as to where she went or what she is doing?

I just saw her a few weeks ago out there.




Chicago Bob
01-27-03, 13:34
I saw Nikki at CL about a week ago and had a great 1 hr session with her. I opted for the 1 hr session because it was only $15 more. She gave me an awesome HJ towards the beginning of our session and we spent most of the rest of the hour talking and exploring each other's bodies. With 15 min to go, she went down on me and began a CBJ that I'll never forget! I was planning on seeing Dawn next...this news that she's gone is not good! Those of you who have been to CL...is there anyone else worth seeing there other than Nikki or Dawn for a nice CBJ? There were some other girls there that night...but no one drop dead gorgeous like Dawn. Please let me know! Thanks guys!

01-27-03, 15:36
Hi my name is Hayley I am a friend of Dawn's she is at Exclusive. I also work with her. Hope I helped you

Jerry P
01-29-03, 02:03
Hey Hayley,
What are your hours and can you give us a little bio on yourself, i.e. what your specialty is?


01-29-03, 03:27

A few posts below, you suggest walking out of the AMP and getting the house fee back if you can't strike a deal in the backroom. I always assumed I'd have to eat the house fee if this happened. Has anybody had any luck with this?

Embarassing story - my very first visit to an AMP was to one of the jack shacks on 64 in the west suburbs several years ago. After paying the $80 house fee, the chick wanted another $100 to let me whack off to her. I didn't have any more money, and she insisted I couldn't get my money back, but admittedly I didn't press too hard. I was a newbie and I just left....

But I have maintained my hatred for the jack shacks ever since!


01-29-03, 06:25
A minor clarification: AMP is "Asian Massage Parlor" which is different than any other kind of american massage parlor, ling.shop or jack shack.

No need to be embarassed I'm sure there are more pathetic beginner horror stories out there. The main lesson to learn is to negotiate clearly and early. Two factors are going against you in an american type establishment: 1) mgt in an american-style place takes less responsibility for a customer's experience. Once you pay the house for use of their facility, they have a "hands-off" attitude about what happens between you and the girl behind closed doors; 2) you're more likely to encounter an attitude by girls and mgt alike that's closer to "hustler" mentality. If they sense that you're a nervous newbie, they'll refuse to refund anything. After all, what are you gonna do, go to the cops? No fuckin' way, after all, what are you gonna tell the cops, that she wouldn't let you [censored]? However, if they sense that you're an older, harder, experienced tough customer they are more willing to consider doing what's truly fair in the given situation.

Point being: they're not into doing what's fair just because its the right thing to do, or even to protect their image, its more dependent on the customer.

Again, these are generalizations, and you may see similarites and differences crossing over between the two types of places. AMP mgt is more responsible for the overall satisfaction of the customer. They take responsibility for more aspects of the session than I'm sure even seasoned AMP vets realize. If anyone is interested, backchannel me. I personally believe integrity is more highly valued in Korean culture; at least, it seems pretty evident that the importance of personal and professional integrity doesn't go away just because the business is (allegedly) in the realm of "shady." In our culture, honorable legit businesses value integrity, but in gray and black market dealings things are more of a power game.

Point being: at an AMP, they are more willing to do whatever is fair. If you've gotten the table shower, and sat in the sauna and drank a soda, and got a good start on the massage and then you finally try to negotiate extras but decide to leave, you probably won't get a full refund.

Actually, just recently I was at an AMP and paid the house fee, then I showered myself (my request, for pracitcal reasons). As soon as the girl came into the room we haggled and couldn't come to an agreement. I told her I'd go somewhere else. I didn't even have to ask, she refunded the tip and entire house fee. I think part of it is also that they would rather lose a few dollars to protect their pride and integrity and wash their hands of you; like, if they don't like you, they don't want your money. At an american place, the "street" attitudes come in: you never give up ground gained; the point of pride is that giving a refund is admitting you were wrong; etc.

If you have to ask for your money back at an american place, just be quick and abrupt about it, as if it should be obvious that under the circumstances a refund is in order. Stay very calm and don't sound like you're upset by the situation. Avoid the blame game - don't give it, don't take it but yet don't get overly defensive. Hint that you'll be back and look forward to having a better time. Do not let them force you out the door, look shocked and shy away if someone tries to touch you in an attempt to get you to leave. The last thing they want is for another customer to walk through the door while they're pissed and yelling and shoving a well-mannered good-natured customer out the door. If they absolutely refuse to refund you, as a last resort your only option may be to at least ask for house credit on your next visit, its up to you if you ever use it; if you plan to use it, try to get some kind written pass or something (one of their business cards, with "free visit" on it, signed, whatever). Use it very soon.

As if this post isn't long enough already...anyways, much of this has a lot to do with why I prefer AMPs over american places. In addition, at an american place if you pay the entry fee and then don't tip and get no extras, you end up getting absolutely nothing of value. And the entry fee is usually higher, too. $80 at the door, no tip, no nothing. At an AMP you can pay $40 at the door and if you don't tip and get no extras at least you get a sweet table shower, a sauna, a massage and a coke. And the massage will most likely kick ass; if not, well, I can guarantee that the worst AMP massage is better than the best american-provider massage. I've actually gone to an AMP and done just that program: no tip no service but still very worthwhile.

Lastly, if you do have to ask for a refund at an AMP: don't 'act' calm, but 'be' calm. Don't sweat it. They are very fair minded. Be respectful. Tell them the honest reason you want a refund. But, don't say you want a refund because of how the girl looks, make something up like you just got paged and you have to leave.

01-29-03, 12:28
Hayley-Thanks for the info on Dawn. Just for that, I will ask for you next time I am there. Any friend of Dawn's has got to be pretty cool. Hey, do you two do 2 girl sessions, (dreaming, wishing, hoping.....)

01-30-03, 15:00
Jerry P I have blondishbrown hair, bigboobs, and a hour-glass figure but I am not the only pretty girl though, we have alot of beautiful women working at Exclusive Lingerie.

01-30-03, 17:32

I work at Exclusive across the street from CL, and I also happen to be one of Dawn's best friends. Everyone does not look sleazy and is back over here!

01-31-03, 14:08
Bigguyray, I would like tocorrect you, I work at Exclusive. 12 years ago there was a girl working here that the PD was looking for so a big scene was made at theshop no one wasarrested but that girl. And ifdrugs were everhere our boss would fired someo

Chicago Bob
01-31-03, 15:37

What is dawn up to? Will she be moving to another establishment? I'm really kicking myself for not choosing her when I was at CL last... :-( Is there ANY way to get a session with her? Thanks!

(and see you soon at exclusive!)


01-31-03, 16:01

Dawn is working at Exclusive with me, but right now she is on vacation & will be back on Mon.


02-02-03, 01:06
While Yoko is on vacation there are two new girls there, I only saw one of them in passing and didn't get her name. She's petite and very cute, has anyone seen her?

BTW, to Bigguyray: those two little yap dogs there are annoying and I think they bark at everyone...its not just you.

02-02-03, 15:04
A quick question - any one know what's up with the Hideaway? Last few times I've been there, there were not any girls worth getting a lap dance from. Seems like the quality of girls has declined. It use to be my favorite club.

02-02-03, 19:56
Hello, I am new to the board. I want to try the Exclusive
and have a session with Hayley. When is the best time?
Day or Evening?

02-03-03, 14:49

Hello this is Hayley the best time to see me is during the day.

Thank You,


Member #4943
02-04-03, 11:35

i would love to see you. your description of yourself is fantastic. i love woman that look like you. if i come in, am i guaranteed your undivided attention? i would love to get to know you better. please let me know. thanks...

02-04-03, 15:15

I don't know when you were here last, but we are very sanitary. We have gotten new sinks and couches recently. I sanitize my room after every customer. We do have a very good selection of beautiful women.

02-04-03, 20:49

Thank you for correcting me. Was it really 12 years ago? I didn't think I was THAT OLD! Oh well, at least all my parts are still working. And I didn't mean to imply that drug use is accepted at your establishment. My experience was that drugs, and shenanigans of any kind, were strongly discouraged by threat of being fired. I had some great times at the exclusive.

Were you working there when that girl was arrested?


02-04-03, 23:39
I'm fairly new to the board - great board, I just recently found it. I've been to the exclusive many times. One of my favorite girls there is Deven. She is a bit over weight, but does a real good job (great cbj). Big breasts, which is a huge bonus.

I want to try an AMP, but not sure which one. I live out of town and didn't know about them until reading previous posts. Thinking about Rainbow, but a little worried about the whole card thing and how much I can get on my first visit. Anyone got advice on which one I should try?

02-05-03, 00:34

No I was not working at Exclusive at the time, but I did meet that girl before. I have only been in the business for two years. I just don't want the guys to get the wrong idea about Exclusive.


02-06-03, 20:37
Going to be in rockford early next week and have been going to CL everytime I am up there. I usually see Nicole or Michelle for the fullshow! I have a great time. I was just wondering if anyone has beeen to CL and other places and how does CL rate? should I be going some where else, and who should I see? Please let me know.

02-07-03, 01:21
Is this working??

02-07-03, 12:51

This is Hayley I think you have me mixed up with someone else
my customers never complain about my body considering I have a DDD chest , I have alot of repeat customers. So maybe you should get the name right next time.


02-08-03, 18:35

Do you know if any of the girls at Exclusive do any spanking scenes with customers? If so who? and do they really enjoy it. I'm open to other suggestions of places if anyone knows.


02-09-03, 04:51
Oh, man! Who says women don't have good memories? Hayley - my comment about Exclusive was said tongue-in-cheek. Please don't take offense. And that comment was almost four months ago! Jeez, I had to go back about a dozen pages just to see what I had said. Again, no offense intended. Please accept my apologies.

02-09-03, 23:45
Does anyone know if any of the girls in the Rockford amp's or lingerie boutiques speak Greek? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

02-10-03, 02:38
alfalfa - about the current line-up at AMPs go back to 1/7/03. What I posted there is still fairly current. Scan through everything since then for updates. Here's what I know about names at AMPs now: Rainbow: Pepi, Genie, two new girls (don't know names or service) one is tall and just OK looking, the other is short, petite and very cute. Royal: Mimi is the only one I know. Tokyo: still Connie, Gina and Coco. Paradise: Lucky, unknown new girl, and mamasan Coco still gives massages (go back a page or two from 1/7/03 for comments on her, basically, she's do-able). Don't know about Sun.

Any AMP will be hit-or-miss for fs on a first visit. Your chances are slightly lower at Rainbow than other places, they are about 10% more cautious/smart. However, why be worried about the card? Its works for your benefit. I hope you know they don't want your real name? Make up a unique nickname. No matter what, in a way you ARE guaranteed "fs" at Rainbow on your first visit: if not "full service," then that card promises "future satisfaction."

To get fs in any AMP, much will depend on your experience, confidence and knowing how to score in an AMP. Of course there are never any guarantees anywhere for a first visit. There's an upside and a downside to going to AMPs that are either loose or cautious. Whenever I'm new to any mp I don't get my hopes up too much, I just go with the flow and am confident that, whatever does/doesn't happen, this first visit is an investment in the future. There's no point in ruling a place out forever because one visit may be a let down.

Looks like a good time to repost this web address:


Its a good basic review of AMP procedures. Enjoy!

02-10-03, 15:50

Before you assume that everybody is old at Exclusive I am in my early 20's and I crochet. I am a beautiful woman. Crocheting is a hobby for the girls to do while they're bored.


02-11-03, 18:55

what days do you work?

02-12-03, 03:37

02-12-03, 04:11

02-12-03, 12:39
Hi Hayley,

If you get a minute, can you e-mail me at

I have a question to ask, and was looking for some info.



02-12-03, 14:05
First thanks for the compliment. I think I know but I'm not exactly sure who you are, but quite familiar anyways.


02-12-03, 14:08
Yes alot of the girls do the spanking thing at Exclusive.


02-12-03, 16:52
I was at Exclusive on Friday...and saw Dawn, who was absolutely great in everything. I even came back to exclusive an hour later for round two!

Hayley, if you read this, let Dawn know how much I enjoyed our time together...tell her I am from Milwaukee...maybe that will help jog her memory.

Enjoy Exclusive guys...can't go wrong!!

02-12-03, 19:21

Do you have your picture online anywhere? Could you let me know what you look like?

02-12-03, 21:09
Thanks to realfun for his previous advice and tips re: AMPs. I took the plunge and went to Rainbow for my first AMP experience this afternoon. It was outstanding. I will, without a doubt, be going back soon. I think the girl's name was Koko (sp?). She was young, pretty, nice body with curves and good size breasts - maybe a C - cup. From earlier posts, I know there is a girl named Yoko there, but this girl sounded like she said "Koko" when I asked her name. I even asked twice so I could report back. She said she has only been there 10 days and will be around for two more months.

Anyway, FS on my first visit was not much of a problem. When I got there, I told them that it had been a while since my last visit - I gave them a fictitious name - they couldn't find the card - and I got a new one at the end of the session. The massage was great, as was the body shampoo. I just took the advice of previous posts and let her lead the way. When she flipped me over and asked what I like, I asked if I could get 'everything' - no problem. Next thing I know she's on the table with me. Great cbj (w oral ball action) - several different positions. Great experience. It blows away the lingere shops that I'm use to. For not much more money, you get far better services (body shampoo, a great massage and sauna included)

Any one who hasn't gone to an AMP yet, needs to go. I can't wait to go back.

02-12-03, 23:02

My pictures are on the internet, but they make me look bigger than what I actually am. That's what my customers have said. My hair isno longer blonde it looks better now. The pictures on yahoo groups bustyhaley


02-14-03, 05:27
Would you guys think I'm a pussy if I told you I shed a tear over alfalfa's last post? You would? OK, then I didn't. But I am proud. FS on the first visit. I'm sure you got the name right, Yoko is NOT there now and Koko is a common AMP name. My only questions are what's her height, and did you see any other girls there?

Last time I was there the girls were Pepi, Genie and two new girls, one about 5'2"-5'4" and the other 5'6" or more. Both were nice looking, and I'm wondering which one you saw.

Massage - $40; hj - $40; cbj - $40 more; "everything" - $60 more; total - $180............................................

..................standing there while they "look for your card".......priceless!

02-15-03, 12:37
realfun - Koko is around 5'6" in height. Not sure of her age (20s?). nice body - thin, but not overly skinny. She has a nice shape. Perky breasts, tight body. what i liked about her was the enthusiasm during playtime (probably acting, but hell - I like acting). I saw one other girl when I first got there, she was helping mamasan "look for my card". I was hoping she would give the massage (maybe next time). I don't know her name. She was about the same height as Koko, but thin with a flatter chest. She wore some some brightly colored, sparkly, slutty eye makeup. She seemed upbeat - maybe it was the brighter clothes. Koko wore no noticable makeup and she had bigger cheek bones than this girl. I can also confirm Pepi is there. When I was leaving, I heard mamasan call her from another room. I didn't see who responded to mamasan, so I don't know who Pepi is. Maybe the girl I described?

Any one with recent info on Royal? I read some old posts saying they were getting some "young eager off the boat girls" Is this still the case?

02-16-03, 12:26
Originally posted by Nick Illinois
I visited the Hideaway Saturday and was approached by a non-dancing, cute little blond by the name of Kendra. She said she was "collecting money for the poor" and was collecting tips by pulling her jeans out and allowing you to tip. I gave her a $5 and she was all over me after that. She offered a "private party" for $100, but I got a sudden phone call from a friend and had to bolt too quickly. Still, just thought I would let you know. I was looking at some old posts and saw this. I know who he is referring to. Kendra use to work at the Hideaway. She is very cute, thin, short blond hair, small chest. She is about 5'5" or 5'6". She is around 25 - 26 yrs old, but could pass for younger. She's attractive and sexy.

When Kendra worked at the Hideaway, I would get a couple lap dances from her every time I saw her. As she got comfortable w/ me, I could get a hj w/ the lap dance (not to completion , just a warm up to lingere shops). Any way, I saw her at Hideaway a few months ago, I hadn't seen her in a while. She was wearing street clothes - not working. She started talking to me and offered the same mentioned "private party". I, of course took her up on it. She told me she had been fired from Hideaway and was giving lap dances out of her house. I got the impression she was fired for allowing too much with her lap dances - mgt was worried about the liquor license. So back to her house we go for the "private party" - which for me, consisted of nude lap dance, hj w/ lotion and short bbbj ( I don't think bj is part of the package, ymmv - as I said, I've known her a while so there was a comfort level. She seemed reluctant at first, but did when I asked) All around, a good time - good gfe w/ a hot girl. A lot of mutual touching, kissing, prodding. We played for about an hour (maybe longer) for $100. I don't know about other extras. I had no raincoat (she didn't produce one) and I didn't offer any more $.