View Full Version : Penis Enlargement Techniques and Enhancements

12-02-03, 12:52
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12-10-03, 09:47
I get e-mails about these each day. There must be something to it. Does anyone know anything about them?

12-16-03, 23:23
Have try few of them, got nothing but a lost of money.
I think they are all selling placebo. but anyway still open for sugestion.

12-17-03, 01:19
Zero and Big Tom,

Would either of you fellows like to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? I own it presently and have it up for sale. Plenty of rental income from the City of New York. Reasonable price. PM me to discuss.

-Uncle Otto

12-22-03, 02:40
I don't know what do you mean, i don't see the relationship between Brooklyn Brideger and penis enlargement.
But I am intrigue, tell me more.

12-22-03, 02:51
I've got a brilliant Penis enlargement idea involving the Brooklyn Bridge- tie a bungee chord off just below the head of your dick and jump off one of the towers.....

<Kids, don't do this at home. Leave it 4 trained professional stuntmen> ;)

12-22-03, 06:24
Good one warpig,
Let me know the out come

12-26-03, 11:35
The Brooklyn Brige was sold by some con guy before. So you can sell anything if you do it right. I just saw that one of these makers is going to have a NACAR team (car no. 50). Wonder if their moter gets bigger if you put this stuff in the gas tank?

Plain Hungry
12-27-03, 03:43
Hi Boys,

several years ago, I tried an over priced electric pump, as well as a hand powered one.

The hand sucker didn't do a thing, but the powered one added maybe 3/4 inch to length. It took several weeks of dedicated, inconveniant, and noisey pumping to get there.

The 3/4" was gone rapidly after I quit the daily pumping routine.

One thing that was fun: pumping up shortly before a girl was to see me naked. The temporary size gain was impressive.

But my penis was a little desensatized.

Cyber John
12-27-03, 09:26
It's all about flooding the penis with blood in a NON-ERECT state. Basically, the pills are like mini-viagra. They get you a little more sensitive and engorged, but not hard. Once you are that way, the exercises are all variations on something called Jelqing. This involves the following:

1) Get things ready by making sure you're in a warm and comfortable environment. Get your vessels open by wrapping your penis in a hot washcloth or putting it in a hot shower. You want those tissues relaxed and ready to receive a lot of blood.

2) Stretch out your penis by grabbing it near the head and pulling on it slowly. Pull it to the right and to the left all the way each time, resting between. As you pull on it, you should feel a stretching sensation near the base. Stretch, then rest. Repeat until you feel like your penis is ready to really be exercised.

3) Make the OK sign with your fingers by touching your forefinger and thumb tips together. Lubricate both your hands and penis shaft (don't use soap, use a real lube). If you start to get an erection then slightly squeeze your penis head with your hand and this will discourage it, or simply wait for it to subside.

4) Squeeze your penis shaft as close to your scrotum as possible and pull downward with your "OK" sign hand. This will force blood into the tip and stretch the outer skin at the same time.

5) Stop when you reach the glans (head), and repeat with the other hand. Make each stroke last about three or four seconds. If you get hard, squeeze the head or put the flat of your hand on the tip and press down until you're just swollen.

6) Repeat step 2 and 3 alternating between hands and keep going for as many repetitions as you wish (start with only a few and work up to more as you get more experienced). Start with 100 reps per set, after a week or so build up. Do two to three sets at a time, and between each one do light milking and stretching exercises, or wrap your penis in something warm to promote good blood flow. Do these exercises for about 15-20 minutes a day, 4-5 days per week (as with any exercise, time off is a good thing for your body to heal).

Another useful exercise is something that I don't remember the name of but it's good for cumming hard. While you're at a traffic light or something, flex your muscles like you're trying to keep from peeing. Hold for 5-10 seconds and release. Repeat that 50 times, three sets a day. It's a lot harder than you thought, isn't it? :) Do that for a while and you will spurt for long distance.

This is important! If at ANY point it hurts, you're doing it wrong and NEED to stop. You don't want to bruise or damage anything down there. If you keep at these exercises, then after a few weeks (yes, 21 days) you should definitely notice improvement in length, girth, and in how hard you cum. Your growth will plateau in a few months, but that's ok. Let it rest for a while, and scale way back on the exercises. After resting a few months you can try again. Of course, the initial gains will always be the most impressive, but even if people call you stubby now, eventually you can get a lot bigger than they are by sticking to this (it may take years, but hey...).

So basically, with the kits you get pills that start you out full of blood and guarantee that the jelqing will feel like it's doing something (increased sensitivity) and then you use a workout that's been around for thousands of years. It can work, but for most people it won't because they will quit. It's like wanting to bench press your weight--if you don't do it regularly you won't get there.

Oh, the drugs? Go to a herbal pharmacy and look for the Men's Health section. Read the bottles, at least one will be for bedroom activities. What costs $50 when packaged as penis enlargement pills costs $20 there. They're not a bad thing, and they will make sex better for the average man. Also, while you're there you might get some Hawthorn or other drugs that help increase blood flow (HGH is good too) if you're serious about this. Ask the person at the counter for advice on the best herbs to increase blood flow--tell them that you're trying to build your muscles. ;)

If someone with a digital camera does this, post pics and let everyone see the results from day one!

Cyber John
12-28-03, 09:46
Pumps have nothing to do with length or girth. They just suck as much blood as possible into the penis, which doesn't really do anything to enlarge it. It's like working out your biceps by attaching a shop-vac to them.

One thing it might do though, it might make it difficult to get a good erection without the pump, so steer clear of them.

Blind Lust
01-10-04, 00:44
Cyber John et al,

The exercise you describe to increase velocity of ejaculation is called "kegeling," and is identical to exercise done by women who want to tone their vaginal muscles after giving birth. The pubococcygeal muscles, which are exercised as described, not only aid in increasing velocity of ejaculation, but they also aid in holding back climax. Exercises of the pelvic region should be part of every man's workout routine; too bad they don't teach us these things in high school gym class! <smiling>

Regarding penis size in general (in genital?): Do not be intimidated by the dicks you see in porno films. The average penis size is probably less than you'd expect, meaning that you're probably better endowed than you might think. The old addage, "It's not the size of the wave, it's the motion of the ocean" comes to mind here.

Finally, if your lover, be she paid with coin or committment makes fun of or berates the size of your stuff, get rid of her. She is obviously neither caring nor intelligent enough for even a cheap half-hour. Let her earn her money elsewhere.

My tuppence worth.

J Burb
01-12-04, 22:03
Something to think about:

I’m neither big nor small but agree that too much exposure to porno can certainly make an averagely endowed guy think he’s got less. If you really want to reinforce that go into a sex shop and stand next to some of those larger “actual molds”. Hey, I’d like a big old swinging horse cock as much as the next guy but mostly just to see the look on peoples faces. In reality it probably wouldn’t do much to enhance my sex life unless girls started lining up to sample it. I think most men assume most women want a big one, and certain ones might, but I assure you most women either don’t care or do not. For some it’s more of a novelty they can tell their girlfriends about than anything.

I used to think that “motion of the ocean” saying was just something guys who were insecure about the size of their penis said to themselves, but there is truth to it. It’s entirely possible to fuck a woman in such a way that she’ll thank God your prick isn’t any bigger than what it is. She may even request you ease up a little. I find it helps to frequently wipe her lube off your dick to increase friction, find the ideal angle, and a good forceful pelvic grind can be more effective in stimulating her clit during intercourse than just some big cock thrusting in and out of her. I’d also say she’ll probably take more notice in improvements from time spent honing your cunnilingus skills than time spent with your dick in a pump.

So what if she wants a big dick anyway? I once had a girlfriend who had an extra sloppy wet pussy with absolutely no grip or vaginal muscle control. If I had tried, I’m sure I could have easily fist fucked her. It was obvious a big dick in this situation would have helped and I even caught wind her x-boyfriend had one. Although our sex life was good, she did once make a subtle joke about my size. I responded by saying "If the average dick isn't enough to fill up your average hole, then obviously your hole is much bigger than average” She laughed at my comeback, but deep down I think she actually became a little self conscious about it after that. My self image remained in tact.

Some of these enlargement techniques seem interesting but hardly worth the effort for their minimal temporary gains in my opinion. Performance enhancement seems of higher benifit if at all. If anyone out there has paid for any text information (bogus or not), please post it in its entirety and save everyone else the scam. I think the only real substantial and permanent enlargement technique available today involves surgically cutting a certain ligament that attaches your penis to your pelvic bone (extends length), then injecting your cock with fat like women do to their lips (adds girth). I hear this cost $5000 and up and could render you impotent if done incorrectly.

J Burb

NYC Expat
01-13-04, 07:36
PC muscle

I would like to add while exercising your PC muscle, it’s important to continue breathing and refrain from using your stomach muscles which can easily get involved in this exercise.
Read my post dated 01-07-04 on the viagra thread.

01-15-04, 14:20
Hi guys,
I think "kegeling" is definetly working, I notice that I can hold longger after I tried kegel as much as i can remember.
But no size increase what so ever.
I agree with J Burb that the only thing that can lenghtening is through operation.
Which I have heard a lot of horror story from it ranging from impotence to disfigure penis.
Well, in my opinion, if you want big penis and you got it through operation and fail that make you impotance,
I rather stay with my tiny equipment but work.
Searching through CNN health also confirm that there is no known medicine that can lenghten or increase libido
But having said that I would also go with my ego to tried known medicine that claim to lenghten penis,
Just bought Colossal in Rite Aid, and will give you guys update in a month or so.
Or There is one other method, magic, witchcraft things like that.
I have heard from my friend who travell a lot to south east asia such as Indonesia, malaysia
have witch doctor that can help you with magic, believe it or not.
it's up to you.
but then again I just read Maxim magazine that south east asia country such as Indonesia have the smallest penis on earth.
hmmm so conflicting report don't know which one is right.
Good luck in finding out, let me know if anybody succeed it their quest of longer and bigger

01-28-04, 19:49

Please do not believe Uncle Otto. I am in fact the legal owner of the Brooklyn bridge. Having been a collector of bridges since my early twenties, I own a number of them all over the world. I would be happy to discuss any reasonable offer, just name your Bridge and I will see what I can do. I would prefer cash, but international money orders are OK…

Get a grip gentlemen (Oooppps!), apart from the PC (pubococcygeal muscle) workouts (all varriants), for which there is good medical grounding, the rest (enlargement etc..) is…. Well, just crap and frought with serious dangers.

~ Havanaman

Captain Ahab
02-05-04, 16:50
Hey Cyber John,

Thanks for the hints, I think I might well try them out! I've always been sorta interested in the whole penis-enlargement thing, just cos I think it would be cool to have a porn-star-like massive 11 inch+ schlong! :D But all the horror reports I've heard regarding surgery have put me off taking that route, especially as nobody claims that you can make really big gains with it anyway. So I've done a little research into it and from what I can figure out without paying for full access on all the sites out there is that they're all basically offering variations of the jelq exercise Cyber John presented on this page, though doubtless with some additional refinements, tips and techniques to make results come faster, take you further and justify the paying of the odd-US$50 that all such sites seem to charge for full access. Now I did find a couple of review sites which rate and rank the best of the penis-enlargement sites out there (and there are many, *many* such sites. So many you'd get lost checking them all out - I know I did.) So I thought I'd post the addresses of those two review sites here for you all:


They do both seem independent so I think they're probably reliable on their recommendations.

HOWEVER, this is the internet and I'm a firm believer that damn near everything can be found on the net for free, and I'm sure this applies to the *full* set of penis enlargement techniques too. I did find some basic descriptions of the jelq technique, pretty much matching what Cyber John's already posted up on this thread. But I'm sure the whole shebang is out there somewhere. Trouble is, I get like a 1000+ hits when I search on this one, and I dunno if it's worth plowing through them all to find the one or two that are free. So... I thought I'd ask you guys. C'mon guys, I'm sure someone here knows where to find this stuff for free. How's about passing a few good url's this way eh?


Ahab over and out.

Cyber John
02-16-04, 12:32
I have to say I like this device in concept.


Since the site exists to sell the tool, they also have a lot of information on the basic principles. In my experience playing around with the jelq technique got my hand tired quickly. Anyone else felt that way?

Border Rat
02-19-04, 15:17
Check out thundersplace.com. Everything you need is there and it is totally free. Yes, this stuff really does work.

02-20-04, 09:36
I do bodybuilding, and I've noticed a lot of fellow bbers claim their dicks have grown as a side-effect of using human growth hormone ( hgh ) for muscle enhancement purposes. Gains have varied, but 1/2 inch erect a year seems the norm. This is for people who are quite young ( 20s ), inject all year round, and at bbing dosages ( 4 iu++/day ). Doesn't seem strange, as hgh makes everything in your body except the eyes and the brain grow.

Captain Ahab
02-24-04, 18:53
Hey guys, thanks for the tips! :)

In the end I gave in and went for the pay-for-access site www.massivemember.com , which seemed the best out there from what I saw of the free-access portion of the site. However, I figure that now that I HAVE accessed one of the pay-to-view sites, I'm in a very good position to assess the quality of the material presented on the free access sites.

The www.thundersplace.com site looks promising, even though some of the links on it aren't working at the moment. It definitely looks like a valuable resource in all of this. I'll be checking that one out thoroughly I should think. Many thanks for that link Border Rat. :)

http://www.jelq-usa.com/ I have to see did not appeal to me. I don't really fancy subjecting the old fellow to the workings of a mechanical device and the other information on that site wasn't up to much compared to some of the other free-access sites out there, and even compared to the public-access portions of some of the pay-for-full-access sites out there. That having been said, the forum on that site looks like it may well have potential, so thanks for that Cyber John. Yet another valuable piece of internet information you point me towards!

Tantrik, I gotta say man, hormones, especially injectable ones (needles - *shudders*) aren't for me. But as an aside, do you know of any especially good internet resources (free access of course) for tantric sex techniques? I'm getting interested in this now and just bought Mantak Chia's book "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" which I'm having some results with. I just thought you might know of some good recommendations on this front due to your sign-in name...

OK guys, I'll keep you posted on how all this goes. I'm still keeping an eye out for a site that has all the penis enlargement techniques on it for free, at a similar standard to the pay-for-acces sites. If I don't find one soonish I'll probably see if I can transcribe the techniques contained on the massivemember site, changing them a bit to avoid copyright complications of course, and then I'll post them somewhere, either here on this forum, or on the forum on the thundersplace site, which I'll then post the relevant link for here. Though I'd really rather just find a site where this has already been done and then just tell you guys about it to spread the word (and save me the effort of transcribing the info myself; and also, hopefully, clear my e-mail inbox of all the pay-for-access sites I keep getting ads for!). But first I've got to ascertain whether all these techniques really do work very noticeably or not! So far, I've got some results but not enough to convince me that it's worth the effort really. Still I've only been at it for a couple of weeks, and all sources seem to be saying that it takes a month or three to get the real results, so I'm prepared to persevere for a while yet.

Anyway, I'll keep you all posted and thanks for all your help on this one so far guys!

Ahab over and out.

02-26-04, 03:06
Well guys a month has past since I took the colosal I bought in Rite Aid.
No apparent size changes nor do it improve anything.
So I would say the product is expensive and mighty useless.

02-27-04, 06:17
Ask for your money back!


be happy with what you have. The best thing to do is learn how to use it, and your fingers, and your tongue, and your thrust techniques and you will be a god to any woman luck enough to receive your trained attentions.

I’m not a “very big boy”, but I have learned how to best use what I have. There are literally thousands of exceptional techniques available to learn, to give you, and your chicas, some serious pleasure.

In reality women do not care about the size of it, just how it’s used.

Regular size and happy,


PS. Anyone want to buy Brooklyn bridge?

02-29-04, 12:47
I haven't seen anyone post this website:


It's basically the techniques that are on the pay-sites, but listed for free. Hope everyone can find a use for this.

Captain Ahab
03-01-04, 17:26
Thanks for that Ikarus! Yeah, that site ain't bad at all. Bu it does fall far short of what I've found on the massivemember site. For example, the http://hem.spray.se/freepe/index.html site has only one variation of the jelq technique on offer, whereas on massivemember (and I presume on most other pay-for-access sites) they list like 12 variants or something. Which is useful for hitting the penis at different angles and working out different parts of it - and so getting faster, more well balanced overall results. So yeah, the search is still on for the complete techniques on a free-access site somewhere. I'll be running through some more of the goole search results on this soon myself, see whaat I can dig up.

Meanwhile, just to let you all know, this stuff really does work! I'm a 1/2 inch longer already! :D I just wish I'd started on all this stuff earlier now.

Ahab over and out.

03-15-04, 23:14

Psst, if you want a longer penis, next time, simply let a cute female measure it for you. Rest assured it will be longer than it was when you did it yourself!!


03-15-04, 23:34
Anybody know what the three penis sizes are?

Big, bigger, and oh my gawd!!!

What is the three word definition of small?

Is it in?

Captain Ahab
03-17-04, 19:26
So about a week ago I finally found ‘em! Pretty much all the penis enlargement techniques together in one place on a free-access site (took me a while to read through it all though and confirm it was the real deal). Here’s the link:


It’s written by some Japanese dude called Oazaki and it’s got pretty much all the techniques you’ll find on the massivemember site, with a few differences here and there. It’s a thread on a magic / meditation forum, so you’ll have to skip past a few paragraphs about how having a bigger dick makes your spells stronger or some such crap (right….) but after that the material is all fairly solid. He does place more emphasis on focusing on the job at hand, so to speak, but I figure that’s just the equivalent of really concentrating on lifting the weight when working out, just in a different sort of way. Also he seems to be recommending jelqing at full erection which goes against what I’ve read in other places; but I’m currently giving his approach a try and will report back on what seems to work best. :)

Anyway, his stuff got me interested so I searched around and found this gem:


Which is Oazaki’s take on pompoir, the fine art whereby a woman can learn to milk a man’s cock through internal muscular contractions alone! I’ve been searching for that stuff for years man! You see, back in the day (late 70’s if you must know) when I was first starting out with the mongering I came across quite a few women who could do that pussy-milking thing. It’s why Thailand used to be my favourite, though Japan and Lebanon offered pretty rich pickings in this department too. Yet now, you can’t find it anywhere and when you request it from a girl or the mama-san you’re invariably met with a blank look nowadays. So I’m hoping that we can all publicise this valuable info to the working girls out there and so help to put the art and skill back into the fine profession of prostitution! After all, if you’re going to pay a girl you should be getting service better than normal eh? That’s what “professional” is all about, right?! And on that note, as I was reading through some of Oazaki’s other posts that I dug up looking for some more good bits of info, I found this beaut of a passage:

“7. By 2006/7 there will be Temples of Venus worldwide with highly skilled priests and priestesses for the sexual pleasure and education of the public.”

It’s from a whole load of predictions about what’s coming to the world. Most of them are about the end of the world (doesn’t anybody predict anything else? LOL ) but that one sounds cool. Hey, imagine if you could find trained and highly, highly skilled working girls with the sorts of talents you only *hear* about nowadays? I know it would definitely please me :D . And I’ve gotta admit, though I can’t really take most of his predictive stuff seriously, some of it does give me an eery kind of feeling when reading it, and it is all a fairly amusing read at least. I really hope he’s right on the Temples of Venus thing though! Anyway, in case you’re interested here’s the link that I got that passage from:


Me, I’m off to see if I can find a girl willing to learn those vaginal milking techniques! After all, if I’m willing to put the work in to make my dick bigger to please her, it’s only fair that she reciprocate right?

Ahab over and out.

Sex Terminator
03-18-04, 00:39
Hi everyone,

Just want to share my opinion in penis enlargement methods. I've read many articles regarding the techniques and I've even visited paysite. Finally I've come to a conclusion which is let there be more blood filled in your penis in one time then off to let your penis rest. Well, can I suggest that we first induce the erection then immediately we tighten the base of the penis to avoid the blood from escaping. Then let the blood trapped there for almost an hour until your penis begin to feel numb. Then untight the penis to let the blood return. I have tried it for a few days and I can feel a little inprovement on the length of my penis. Suggestion anybody?


03-18-04, 00:53
"Suggestion anybody?"

Are you effing kidding? Tightening the base of the penis to prevent blood from escaping for an hour until your dick goes numb?

It's hard for me to fathom the lengths (no pun intended) some guys will go to for an extra 1/4 of an inch to give a prostitute. Nothing personal, but why not just take some extra time learning to improve your sexual prowness in cunnilingus or something that will really stimulate the gal.

Almost all medical experts agree that there is no effective way to increase penis size (except perhaps surgery) and everything else is just myths and snake oil. Just like breasts come in all shapes and sizes, so do penises.

Anyway, I'm not all that big but I absolutely love sex and have never had any trouble finding repeat sex partners, pro or otherwise.


03-18-04, 02:07

It’s truly a disappointment to see that some intelligent adult males actually believe that they can enlarge their penis; or worse, think it’s necessary. I recently conducted an informal pole whose results confirm; men are far more concerned with length of penis than women.

I think a more meaningful use of ones time would be to explore the nuances of pleasing woman. My suggestion is that you spend more time understanding the female anatomy, not your own. You will not only find it more fun, but also be amazed at the reaction once they see your genuine interest in satisfaction.

For those of you that are serious about satisfying the opposite sex, instead of your own male ego, let me suggest a study conducted at the University hospital, The Netherlands. The purpose of the study was to determine the reaction of the female anatomy during coitus. This was accomplished by way of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Yes, the MRI was taken of both the male and female as they were having sex – in the machine. Conclusion, there is nothing in the depths of the vagina that offers more satisfaction that isn’t along the vaginal walls.


http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/319/7225/1596#SEC3 black and white diagrams are shown.

Lover Boy #2
03-18-04, 03:03
Sex Terminator,

Forget about it! Don't worry about the size of your dick. Your method of enlargement is dangerous and I only mention this as I fear you can lose your dick completely if you continue your experiments at enlargement. Your method is cutting off the blood supply to your "special purpose" and this can lead to the death of healthy cells and possible infection. Please don't do this, or else the hobby will only be a memory of the past for you. I am not trying to piss you off, but I sincerely worry for anyone's health who is carrying on that practice.

Sex Terminator
03-21-04, 03:32
Lover Boy #2

Ooow.. Horibble.. anyway thanks for your advice, I think I would try other methods.


03-21-04, 21:47
Stop worrying about the size of your dick. If it works and you get pleasure then that's all that should matter to you. A talented tongue will probably give your woman more pleasure than any cock no matter its size anyway. Worrying about the size of your dick (something you truly cannot change), might cause you to end up not being able to get it up from the embarassment. Trust me, we are not all 10" porn stars nor do most women want us to be.

Finally, when mongering, I don't care if a prostitute loves my cock or not. I get the pussy, she gets the money, and we are both happy.

03-23-04, 10:10
Nefarious, I agree totally! Don't fuck with Mother Nature! Especially when it comes to the source of all happiness, your manhood! If it ain't broke, don't fix it. For that matter, don't fuck with it either. No, I don't have the biggest in the world, but I do know how to use it! I know how to use my tongue too. But, when it comes to pleasuring as prostitute, hell, you are paying for it, if you get yours, that's all that matters. The only time you have to worry if a women got hers is when you are with your wife or girlfriend! Then you had better know how to please a woman.

But, if you are going out and purchasing some pussy, all that matters is that you treat the girl with respect and give her the money!

03-25-04, 17:23
Question: Why do women fake orgasms?

Answer: Because they think we care.

03-27-04, 07:09

One of my close friends is a consultant specialist in GUM. He told me that his own list of surgical penile ‘extension’ has increased by 30% in the last three years. The idea for these men is not only the potential of giving (apparently) better sex, but more importantly their psychological harmony.

We all know that size is not important in the physical pleasure sense, since we can use our tongue to make her scream and push you away… However the psychology of self acceptance is far more complex. Thus I am now changing my views on this theme. I always hated Psychiatry as a student, now its come back to haunt me!

I have, until now, full agreed with ideas such as those expressed by Nefarious and Boxcc (see my post towards the beginning of this section). However, now it occurs to me that although I am happy with what I have (and I am by no means a very big-boy), others may not be.

My specialist friend also said, and I quote, “If you pull it, it will grow”, and apparently “pills do not work”. I believe both these comments, as he is a very well respected doctor in Europe.

His comments on the various devices was less than complimentary, as he has to treat / operate on at least two men a month due to enlargement-device related injury. This included the vacuum pumps, which he said he only used for impotence patients. As part of his clinic he prescribes a set of, what he calls ‘rejuvenation exercises’ for men (both those considering surgery and otherwise) which I am in the process of getting. I will post these for general information as soon as I get them.

I take back the comments I previously made, but maintain that safety is the only consideration in all we do.

Regards, Havanaman

PS. In the final analysis, Nefarious and Boxcc are very right: if your paying for it, it makes no difference what your size is. She will still moan and show you that you did a good job.

Huggy Bear #2
04-03-04, 15:19
When he said stretch it and it will grow, was he referring to jelqing, stretching by hand, or one of those bib hanger things?

Thanks for the info!


04-10-04, 16:37
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha HA.

Dear ST,

That sounds like a real good way to lose it for EVER. If you are slow to take off whatever you are using to keep your penis engorged ( a.k.a cock ring), you can develop gangrene, then bye-bye penis.

Also, there is no way your penis can enlarge by occluding the the outflow of venous blood.

You seem to be having lots of fun, so why??

04-13-04, 14:00
Huggy Bear #2,

Without doubt, not the hangers! My man is against all forms of (what he calls) “evil devices” (each to their own…). He told me that he recommends simple pulling, from the bottom of the shaft first, then from the head. This is followed by what he called lubricated pulling. I guess it is the classic jelqing exercise he is describing, although he did not use this word.

By the way, he refused to give me any of his rejuvenation exercises as he is publishing a paper on it. I will be happy to give you details of this as soon as I know them.

Regards, Havanaman

04-13-04, 14:03

You are right. I’m no penis enlargement expert but restrictions in venous return are dangerous to say the least.

Sex Terminator: take care Bro. Using rings is Ok, no fear, and quite a pleasure: but the length of time you wear the ring is ultra important to give fresh blood (thus oxygen, nutrients etc).

Regards, Havanaman

04-13-04, 21:05
I think sex terminators suggestion of cutting of blood supply to the penis is exactly that - Sex termination!

Sex Terminator
04-15-04, 01:49
So Havanaman, what kind of the timing should you suggest in ring wearing techniques. Have you actually heard before or my case is the first?

To all: Thanks to all the bros, I truly understanding the risk of the technique I proposed earlier and I really appreciate your concern. Hopefully our continue discussion and further finetune can make this technique a breakthrough discovery. Please keep it on.


04-15-04, 14:37
Sex Terminator,

I’m not familiar with the technique however any ligature-process needs to be thought our with care. The degree of tightness is important and I would suggest that more than an 30 min (absolute max) is dangerous witout re-oxygenation.

If you are going to continue to develop this idea then you might care to consider adding the following protocol:

1. Dry pulling, followed by
2. Lubed workout
3. Gently flicking your organ left-right, up-down to re-infuse with blood, say 2 minutes.
4. Ligaturing for 30 mins
5. Back to stage #3
6. Ligature for another 30 min.
7. Back to stage #3 for 5 full minutes.

Of note is that fact that the total workout time will be longer, giving time for spiritual contemplation (seriously!). I'm told by a dear friend that doctors will be redundant soon, as people will heal themselves... I'm sure she is right and thus meditation as part of any workout will be an advantage.

Please note: I’m not an expert here, but the above looks reasonable and from a medical viewpoint, 30 min of using a ligature-ring is acceptable, specifically as this is a known prescription regimen in impotence therapy.



05-11-04, 00:21

Question: Why do women fake orgasms?

Answer: Because they think we care."

That's like the time I took my pants off and the provider started to laugh and asked "Who do you think you're gonna please with THAT?"


05-11-04, 16:23

Excellent attitude. Way to go!

Regards, Havanaman

05-15-04, 03:07
I've got nothing informational to say, as I've been lying low lately, but I can weigh in on the big question "Does size matter ?". My post is based partly on experience and partly on fragments of books I've read over the years, but I can't cite them. And it's not like I studied this question, it just came up.

The majority of women will say size doesn't matter; my own experience as a moderately big guy with a fair sampling of women over 20 years is that at least 10% of them like the feeling, and at least 25% like the appearance, though I would bet that if you're too big you reach diminishing returns (or drive a smaller percentage of women wild ?). Meanwhile natural selection requires a minimum size, about 4" to inseminate, so biologically size does not seem to matter much. However, humans have the largest penis among primates (you have to wonder about about the guy who discovered that !). The profound question is: why ?

The best theory seems to be that there is a mild selection for penis size based on the "ornament theory" of sexual selection. Accordingly, in every species certain characteristics may be selected arbitrarily, even though they confer no benefit. An obvious example is peacock feathers, which are rather burdensome but are indeed selected by females. There are many other examples as well. A male's "ornament" proves that he can waste biological resources yet still survive. It is a sign they are healthy and fit, that they grew their appendages properly and with lots of cells to spare.

So, enjoy your ornament ! And don't get too upset about this post. I'm only 40% serious. Alright, I'm outta here.

05-31-04, 08:51

I agree with what you say. I had not thought about the "ornament theory", interesting and I expect, a credible idea.

As to the importance of size, biologically speaking: well, for insemination 3” - 4” has got to be a minimum.

Where can I read more about the "ornament theory" ?

Regards, Havanaman

Arbol Solo
05-31-04, 20:28
I doubt it very much that there is any minimum size required by biology for insemination.

People used to think that if women does not get orgasm, she does not get pregnant. Turned out to be absolutely wrong.

Your main sex organ is your brain. For both sexes. Orgasm happens in brain - in the genital area it is just the result of stimulation of nerves initiated by brain.

I remember a woman who was still clothed and just some petting made her to orgasm - even her legs buckled.

I have seen plenty of them, and mine is above average (no bragging). My exwife never had an orgasm.

Many women never have an orgasm. It has not been shown that they enjoy sex any less than those who do have it. Men have single orgasm, and how long does it last? A whole 30 seconds. But men are not any less satisfied with sex than women.

So worry about your relationship - and dont worry about your size. If size of the first is robust, then most men have adequate size for the second.

06-02-04, 09:01
Snake 27, which part weren't you serious about, the part where you said that you had a monkey dick, or the part where you said that women don't like monkey dicks? lol.

I would agree with your premise on general terms. I have an average to slightly larger than average penis. (Nothing to brag about!) Anyway, I believe as long as you display confidence in yourself, and know how to use it and other sexual techniques, then women don't really care how big it is. They just want to have a satisfying sexual experience.

I dated a girl for a while who used to be married with a guy that she described as having a 'horse' dick. She said at first it was wonderful because she never felt so full before, but after the initial sense of being full wore off, she wasn't satisfied because he didn't know how to use that thing. She said that he would stick it in, work it just long enough for him to get off and she had to get hers quick or she didn't get one herself.

Now, I believe she was being honest because she said that she loved having a big dick, she just wanted to be with a skilled partner. She speculated that most women are that way. They are satisfied with your size as long as you satisfy them completely. And, I believe that to satisfy a woman completely you have to have confidence in yourself.

I would hazard a guess that most guys with small shafts don't have the most self-confidence in the world, and therefore their failure to please women derives more from the lack of self-confidence than lack of penis size. -Just an opinion!

06-02-04, 13:21

Agree with you all the way about confidence. I would also add that a lot of men have no idea when it comes to techniques. I can not explain this, but a lot of guys think that just “sticking it in" will do the job. Is this because they did not have any “girl time” at college, or just an inability to imagine what needs doing (after all it is basic human instinct and the chicas nearly always give indicators as to what they need…).

The majority of young men show public bravado, especially in the company of other young men: this I feel just fuels the “stick-it-in” methodology.

The lesson, and I think it should be taught in schools, is quite simple: air is to breathing as friction is to good sex.

In the end you are right Boxcc, size is an issue in confidence, technique is the solution. Just think gentlemen: a nice size and refined technique would make us all gods!

Regards, Havanaman

06-03-04, 11:12
I couldn't have said it better myself Havanaman! Oh, to be a GOD! At least in your own mind, and your womans!

I would hazard a guess that truly pleasing your partner and yourself while having sex is the closest that you can get to Heaven on Earth!

Dick Nasty
06-04-04, 00:14
Wassup you all? Don't think to much of increasing your dick size. You are not a porn star and if you think you have a small dick, find a tight small pussy and your dick won't feel small.

Like most of you said, you are the paying customer why do you concern about the size of your dick. Most survey also said that most women do not prefer large dicks like porn stars size. They really hurt especially when they aren't wet ( pussies). Happy pumpin' till you cum fellas!

Lets share more info what makes women cum.

06-05-04, 06:37
Dick Nasty,

Read some of the earlier reports.

The ideas you talk about are correct in so far as size and pain are concerned, however stop and think about “relative size”, and also about the psychology involved.

Are the people who want to increase their size doing it for the chicas or themselves? I would suggest its for themselves.

There are issues of confidence (well commented on by Boxcc), looks / “ornament” theory (well commented on by Snake27) etc… My own interest is from the medical / research angle.

Each to their own friend.

Regards, Havanaman

06-07-04, 14:57
Dick Nasty,

Man, we are all looking for that tight small pussy! If you find it, how about letting me know about it so I can hit that thing too before Havanaman gets his monster in her! lol.

I agree with you about the size not mattering to a paid performer, but if the man feels inadequate then will he truly enjoy the experience even if he is paying? But, saying not to worry about something and actually not worrying about something are two very different things.

In short, you are either happy with your equipment, or you are not. It's that simple.

06-08-04, 04:21


No complaints so far, but then I’ve been lucky with “tightness”.

I guess the Grand Canyon is always around the corner.
I guess the Grand Canyon is always around the corner.

Shit was that an eco while eating pussy?

Regards, Havanaman

06-09-04, 20:39
About a year ago I was considering replacing my old 15'' trinitron computer monitor with a newer & bigger model. At that time, my friend told me to get the 21'' monitor. I told him that was too big, but he replied saying 'trust me, bigger is always better'. After some serious consideration I decided for a 19'' mitsubishi CRT. I've been using this monitor for a year and it's great.

About a month ago, my computer broke down, so I went into my brother's room to use his computer (17'' monitor). And oh boy it felt so small that I couldn't stand it. Letter was too small to read! (remember, I used to have a 15'' monitor and I didn't complain at the time). So I thought similar situation applies to the girls.

06-11-04, 07:21
CanCan, Gentlemen,

I have never discussed penis size with a woman. In the interest of science I am going to have a real heart to heart about this subject with the next couple of pay for plays I do, as well as my current chica. I will report back. Clearly this will not be a scientific experiment, but will add to the body of evidence.

CanCan: In terms of just penis-vaginal sex and sexual pleasure, there is a minimum size requirement as well as technique. Unfortunately we can not say what that is, as all chicas are different. Just thinking about it, if you place a pencil in a toilet-paper-roll tube, the pencil will not touch the sides. In the vagina, the walls will surround the dick offering some frictional energy for both partners. However, a pencil dick will not: hence minimum requirements and good pelvic technique.

This situation also depends on the chicas needs. My current chica will not have vaginal penetration with me. Strange but true. She loves to take it in her mouth (BBBJ & CIM) and up the arse, but not in her pussy. She loves DATY, but no finger penetration. For her, size is not important (thank goodness!!).

Just goes to show that chicas are all different: if you satisfy them (tongue, fingers, any-body part, passion, tenderness etc) then size becomes no issue at all.

What I’m saying is that a chica going form a very big man to an average sized or even small man, but one who offers passion, tenderness etc will be satisfied, maybe more, maybe same, but not less. I have found that the secret with ANY chica is ones attitude, behaviour, thoughtfulness, tenderness and caring. Even for one night stands.

Regards, Havanaman

06-11-04, 09:05
Can Can, I like your effort on the analogy about the computer screen and penis size, but I don't think that it is quite accurate. The female vagina is designed to do many things, the two most important are sexual intercourse and birth. A vagina is a remarkable thing, (I think that is why we spend our entire life doing research on them! lol) It is designed to give pleasure during sexual intercourse. As Havanaman points out, the vagina will adjust itself to its current partner to provide frictional energy for both parties. As long as you have the minimum size requirement, then you can achieve orgasm with both parties.

That very same vagina that provided sexual pleasure can deliver a baby 9 months after the sexual bliss is over! I find it truly remarkable how resilient a vagina is. It can spit out a 10 pound baby then constrict back to original size so that you can start all over again. I speak with some experience here, I have 4 children and I notice no difference in my wife's pussy from before we were married until now.

So, personally, I think it comes down to personal preference for the woman. Some women just want big dicks! I can't help that and neither can anyone else. But, some women, don't give a damn about size, they just want a quality fuck! If you know how to please a woman, she won't give a damn about how huge or small your penis is.

This brings us back to one of my original points about penis size. It doesn't matter what your size is, if you have self-confidence then your size won't bother you. You can fuction normally and you have the ability to please women. If you lack self-confidence, then your penis can bother you and that is bound to effect how well you can fuck. I don't care who you are, if you feel that penis size is a problem for you then it will become one. That lack of confidence will make you not perform as well as you can and that will be the real reason that you don't please your woman. You won't please here because you believe that you cannot because of your size.

If you believe that you cannot do something, you are correct, you won't be able to do it, so don't waste your time trying. But, if you believe you can do something, then apply yourself and it will happen. So, instead of putting all that effort into trying to make your dick grow, when clearly that won't happen, you should put that effort into learning how to use what you have to bring maximum pleasure to your partner.

Best Regards,

06-11-04, 15:24

Thanks guys for giving great advice for those that feel their size is inapropriate.

I want to add to those thoughts. Chicas don't know your penis size until they see it/feel it. By that time it's too late since you are on top of her already. Like when you go to a night club, the girl you are going home with, does she know your penis size ? is she going home with your because of your penis size? I don't think so.

06-19-04, 12:21

You make an excellent point about the chicas not knowing your “size” in the first instance.

Thus to get them to really experience the end product we need confidence (as pointed out by Boxcc), lots of confidence. Since the chica is prepared to make this blind leap of faith in going to bed with us, there is more to the situation than the inches in ones pants…

The final analysis (ignoring pheromones, looks etc) must be technique and behaviour.

Regards, Havanaman

06-30-04, 08:41

This where you get a big one from LOL:




Troy Z
08-16-04, 19:36
Enlargement pills and jelqing is a waste of time and money.

Read this website


08-22-04, 21:04
Hello gentlemen,

This is my first time posting in this section. I have a question for you more experienced fellas. I have been dating these two girls for about the same amount of time. One Latina and the other Black. The Latina every time we are apart for a little while and we do something again her pussy is so hot and tight. But with the other girl we can go for months and it always feels the same. They both claim to be faithful. From the beginnig I really never felt the black girls pussy. I was able to insert both hands in her and clap.

08-22-04, 21:07
I never had a complex with my size until I met her. She made me feel really tiny, even though she tells me I am the perfect size for her and as long as I keep on giving her orgasams she is happy. But I have always wondered does a vagina ever shrink or what. Thanks my friends

08-22-04, 21:21
I used to body build back when I was in my late teens and into my early twenties. I used the gh, but I really never saw any change in my size. The only thing that I noticed was that I was a lot more aggressive and more confident about myself. All those hormones in you make you feel like superman. I have also tried a lot of those pills on the market that supposedly help you grow and nada, they are all fakes as far as I am concerned.

08-23-04, 18:18
Thanks RN, I will do that.

10-17-04, 02:29
Ok I'm not sure if this is the right place, but here's my question:

Does V or any other med. increase the amount of fluid released during ejaculation? Do any of them increase the force (shooting distance)?

Are there any methods or supplements that help?



10-26-04, 13:17

Your question: Does V increase the amount of fluid released during ejaculation:
Answer: No, V only helps to achieve and maintain an erection.

Do any of them increase the force (shooting distance): Not to my knowledge, but I think not, because the “shooting force” is not controlled by to the erection, but rather the PC muscles. The erection will help, of that there is no doubt.

The methods and supplements which can help increase ejaculation volume are simple: Do as many PC exercises as possible (there was a good post about these some time ago in this section). And also for high volume, you need to drink water. Simple liquid intake will increase your volume. This can be supplemented with zinc, vitamin-E and L-arginine. This will provide for a general increase in volume, however you should realise that the more you ejaculate the less comes out after the first shot.

If you want to show a particularly powerful and highly voluminous shot, then stay off sex for a few days, drink water like a fish and practice about 1000 PC exercises a day. You will shoot at the very least double your existing distance record.

Regards, Havanaman

11-02-04, 15:29
I'd like to know if there is any doctors out there who would recommend this product? Or has anyone in here any experience with that product?



11-18-04, 19:47

Having read about the ingredients I would like to ask you a question: What would be your reason for taking this product?

Regards, Havanaman

11-24-04, 19:59

There have been charlatans selling snake oil since the beginning of time. Your link is just the 21st century version of it. The game is always the same...play on our fears and insecurities or our vanities. Just as we needed a 9/11 to be sold the Patriot Act we need our fear of having a small dick to be sold the product you linked (sorry to mention politics but it seemed an apt analogy). Our own myths that we've shared in the locker room forever is that a bigger dick will please a woman more and get you laid more often but it's a falsity. Your personality, sense of humor, ability to be witty and converse well with a woman has everything to do with getting into bed with a your little lovely and I suspect very little to do with the size of your dick. I doubt very much that the woman your chatting with at a party is thinking, " He's good looking, bright, funny, well dressed and confident...but he's probably got a small dick so I'll ignore him". As long as you can still get wood acceptable for sex should be your primary concern. If you can't then there's always vitamin V. It's been a real blessing. I'm middle aged now and certainly can't get the bone that I could at 20 years old but it's firm enough...to enter woman and once there I've got a lifetime of experience so I know I can please her. Don't let these leeches sell you their worthless products. Nothing, NOTHING, will increase the size of your Johnson. And your dick is absolutely fine as it is. Havanaman asked you a very good question. "What would be your reason for taking this product"? He's a wise man and always posts intelligent, thoughtful messages. So, think about it, and don't feed the snakes!

11-27-04, 20:53
Hindsight, Thank you for your kind words. My contributions here to help others and at the same time learn from others. This is the true spirit of this forum: we can all walk away having gained something.

Jacare, you have yet to answer the question, but I must tell you that I agree with every word Hindsight has written on the subject. His examples are precise and thought provoking. From a medical viewpoint: I would urge you to consider the side effects of taking anything. From a “one man to another” point of view I would say save your money and buy your chica some flowers or something a little more special. The result of that kind of thoughtfulness will get your name in lights in the chicas thoughts. Trust me on this: I now specialise in being ULTRA thoughtful with every chica I am with (both pay for play as well as regular). Guess what, I get the very best treatment back for that… not because of the size of my average sized penis.

Regards, Havanaman

11-30-04, 02:42
You guys are so right. I wish I was a member before I bought this product (don't know if I can mention name), it is the one with the guy with the huge smile. Well I tried it for about 3 months, and nothing. Every time I called the 0perator, they would tell me to try it for another month, and that the product would take some time to reach its full potential. I was out of about 150 bucks and I'm still the same size. The only thing that had changed was my confidence, I felt more secure because I thought I was going to get bigger. From what I hear it is medically impossible to increase your penise size by just taking pills. Save your money and do what our wise collegues have suggested.

Stay safe!

12-02-04, 05:14
I saw this article (Yahoo news: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/041201/80/f7p2o.html) and thought I should point out that if the study was done anywhere on the planet, the results would be the same... Comments?

Regards, Havanaman

Germans think they're well-hung - but they're not

BERLIN (Reuters) - Most German men wear condoms of the wrong size, a condom distributor has said, after asking more than 2,500 men to measure their erect penis.

"People measure their feet when they buy shoes. Why shouldn't they measure their penises? A man would not wear children's shoes," said Jan Vinzenz Krause of Vinico, which released the study's findings on World AIDS Day.

Most condom boxes in Germany indicated size but men, due to embarrassment or vanity, rarely checked or just bought those marked "extra large", he said on Wednesday.

Vinico's survey recommended various brands to be used -- depending on the endowment of the wearer.

The study found the average erect penis size was 14.7 cm (5-3/4 inches), with 40 percent of participants reporting lengths between 12 and 15 cm (4-3/4 and 5-7/8 inches).

When compared with the condoms normally used by the participants, the results showed only 18 percent wore the right size, with nearly half squeezing into condoms that were too small and 34 percent trying to use those that were too big.

12-03-04, 19:46

I think our age gives us a perspective ( I'll speak for myself..MY AGE!..lol ) not available to younger guys. Germans want bigger dicks, Americans, young men, old men, Jacare, cujo 60 etc... Astronauts, too! During NASA's space program in the 60s and 70s our astronauts were asked to judge their penis size so they could be fitted with the appropriate spacesuit to facilitate urination during their mission. Because men are men and astronauts are astronauts I understand that many a moon walker pissed his pants for his inability to fess up to his correct penis size. So here's Neil Armstrong on the moon..." There's one small step for a man and one small step for...aw, shit. I've pissed all over my leg!"..There are myths that need dispelling and the sooner, the better. #1, it's OK to have the dick God gave you. #2, Black men do not all have monstrous dicks and the stamina of marathon runners. #3, Nothing advertised will EVER give you a larger penis. #4, believe it or not women can be just as insecure as us. How else would you explain breast augmentation, fad diets and 65 year old women wearing something tight?...It's time for we men (wemen?) to ask some fundamental questions. The first and foremost is, " Is my woman happy with the sex I provide? Does she smile and want repeat performances? Does our sex make us feel closer?"...If your answer to these questions is "yes" then save your money and take her to dinner with it..or spend it on more quality mongering..but SMILE. Your doing your job. Any questions? Just ask that expert duo, "Havanaman and Hindsight" and we'll take care of all your worries. For very little money, too!!

12-09-04, 19:15
Don't fool yourself. Size does matter, but not as much as how you treat a woman does. It must really stink to have a tiny d**k and actually believe that without surgery one can change the appendage that mother nature dealt you!

12-12-04, 18:35

Firstly, this is not a flame.

“It must really stink to have a tiny d**k and actually believe that without surgery…..”

Is that your qualified medical opinion? Can I recommend that you read the earlier posts where discussions of confidence and attitude have occurred.

Far be it for me to offer you any advice, but taking into account the feelings of brother mongers on the board may offer you greater enlightenment. Please remember that in the absence of anywhere else to go, mongers will come here looking for help.

Regards, Havanaman

01-04-05, 14:03
Gentlemen, there is one substance that has been proved to enlarge the penis and that is hgh. Widely used by bodybuilders and extremely expensive, one of the side effects is the enlargement of the penis by a few millimeters :D One of the more interesting facts however is the source of it before it started to be mass produced. It used to be removed from the joints of dead bodies.

I guess if every millimeter counts then this is for you :)

04-23-05, 18:15
Well put hindsight. I am starting to believe that our penis will always look small to us. When I look down it looks so tiny, but the other day when being with my girl she grabbed my hand and showed me how far it was in her. Now I think that maybe size is not everything. We should stop trying to worry about our size. We should be joyous that we have a working penis to where we think we have a tiny erection. Also we should be happy to be able to have sensation. I have seen on flicks where this guy comes out with a giant dong, but notice, even during sex it is never really hard. It looks like you have a soft hard on. I love my strong hard eractions and I would never want to lose that. Also I love being able to insert my entire penis into whatever girl is willing, there are guys out there who are so large that they can not even get laid. Most girls are even scared of huge dicks. One of my ex-girlfriends dated a guy with a huge dick. She said it almost reach his knee and as thick as a fist. Guys love oral, think not, not too many mouths can handle it. Start enjoying just getting it licked. She also told me that having sex with him was more of a painfull chore. He could only get the head in her. She never really enjoyed it. Felt like she was getting ripped wide open. Not the pleasurable one. She also told me that even though he had a huge shlong, he (like I said earlier) could never have a full erection. It was always soft. He never gave her an orgasm in their 2 year relationship. I gave her her first orgasm on our first try. I'll settle for my little dick. Sorry just my new revelation.

Sal Dali
05-30-05, 09:29
Gentlemen, there is one substance that has been proved to enlarge the penis and that is hgh. Widely used by bodybuilders and extremely expensive, one of the side effects is the enlargement of the penis by a few millimeters :D One of the more interesting facts however is the source of it before it started to be mass produced. It used to be removed from the joints of dead bodies.

I guess if every millimeter counts then this is for you :)This is probably true, however the small but REAL risk of prion diseases would make me very hesitant about the dead body method. HGH is available on the market, but it's pretty damn expensive.

Another thought for you guys. Consider (particularly after 40) getting your testosterone levels drawn. Don't be surprised if it might be a bit low & that hormone support for you might do wonders. Many of my male patients have benefitted considerably from this intervention.

Sal D. (MD)

Best Tx Monger
10-19-05, 10:18
I was recently told by a friend that Mountain Dew helps a Mr. Jimmy Dean grow. Do not know if there is any merit to his comment but was wondering if anyone else heard of that.?

Of course, it is minimal but then again, he may be kidding around, but it did not appear like he was.


11-25-05, 04:33
I was reading a magazine "KING" and it gives you a brief exercise to do. Basically with your thunmb and index finger pull your penis from the base and you should start to see stretch marks within a month. The person whostarted has a company and he went from 7in to 13in over his lifetime 20yrs or so. Check it out is in either Oct or Nov issue.

Mark Scott
12-02-05, 06:19
Ok, can someone answer this question: Are the male porn stars all really blessed or are they like their female stars - getting prothesis implants like silicon breasts to increase size?

04-27-06, 14:53
Porn stars ARE NOT born with huge penises. Notice that most of them have the stretch marks from stretch devices and manual stretching. I as a 5 foot tall Asian guy have stretched my penis from 4 inches to 7 and a half inches and most girls say I am big for my height and race. I took that as a compliment for all the years of hard work. Mr jimmy needs increased blood flow and teardown just like any other type of tissue or organ. Lungs are built up by swimming or holding your breath for a while. A penis is sort of a hybrid between a muscle and an organ in that you can do Kegel squeezes to move it voluntarily and that it involuntarily get erect when aroused. Many porn stars like Scot Taylor capitalize on their size to make more money but he does leave out the fact that pumping is not the ONLY method he used to get a LONGER cock but a thicker one. Pumping ONLY increased his thickness, NOT length. To increase length, the suspensory ligament MUST be stretched so more of the buried penis can come out during an erection. This is done with a downward stretch using the JES extender pointing it downward or by pulling on the head of the penis with the index finger and thumb then trapping the hand between your legs and straightening your body to an arch position. The Jelq method is another way but is more tiring and doesn't give as much force as the method I described previously.
The penis can also be stretched by stretching out the turkey neck that resulted from a circumcision. Yes, circumcision DOES make your penis smaller and LOOK smaller because you have cut away some skin needed for growth development while you grow up with your penis. You need to stretch the shaft skin for the penis to grow freely instead of being trapped by tight shaftskin in the circumcised penis. This is another reason I started with a 4 inch turkey necked curved penis. I basically started from the worst scenario being cut, Asian and short. All these things were against me having a longer cock and it took me 10 years to develop my penis. To stretch the shaftskin and the turkeyneck, you must stretch the penis upward. the JES device provides a force and counterforce for this to be possible. Just point the device upward. The force is the noose or comfort strap attached to the head of the penis. The counterforce is the base of the extender which pulls back the balls. I have had some success getting rid of the turkeyneck with this device and with my other excercise. Jelq does not provide the counterforce necessary to stretch the turkeyneck. For manual stretching, pull down the balls then tuck them between your legs to hold the balls back and down. with one hand, push the head forward with index finger and thumb facing away from you, with the other hand under the first hand with index and thumb facing toward you, grab the rest of the penis and pull. this second pulling hand will help the first pushing the head hand to create a stretch while the balls are pulled downward between your legs. You may cross your legs for tighter grasp on your balls if they slip out front. Not only does this stretch the shaftskin, but this also stretches the scrotum skin and the balls themselves. It will also make your balls longer and hang lower which creates more of an appearance of a lower hanging penis. Also, I like my long balls hitting the stomach of any lucky girl I have sex with. You can also do this exercise lying down for more leverage.

Give these excerises a try. Believe me, they work! Also, if you want thickness, you may get a pump if you are too lazy to do Jelqing but Jelqing does increase thickness but more gradually. Now that I showed you how to make it bigger, I must show you how to use it. The only downside to having a long penis is that a girl cannot get her whole mouth over your penis and if you are too long, some shorter women cannot take in the whole length of your cock. The average girl could only take in 6 and a half inches and my penis is too painful if I try to slam it in all the way where my pubes hit her pubic region. I have to start slow to size the girl up before going faster or else I end up with a bloody mess and a girl in pain. Female pormstars are trained to take larger and longer cocks but often the 9 inchers don't make it in all the way and must do as I mentioned previously.

About surgery, the enlargment surgery leaves a scar on your pubic region which must be covered with pubic hairs. Most male pornstars are shaved to show this is not done. The surgery only cut the suspensory ligament so that the shaft is freed to come forward. However, you still must stretch with devices, weights, or manual stretching to KEEP the penis forward or else during the healing process, the penis will retract and the ligament will heal in the retracted state causing your penis to be smaller! If there was a male pornstar that was artificially enhanced, you will see that pubic scar.

Just Me 69
04-27-06, 15:10
Mountain Dew?

Diet or regular?

Just Me 69
04-27-06, 15:17
Soak your johnny wonger bonger, in MIRACLE GROW, and watch the results.

Before long you will be growing the best flowers in town.

Girls will flock to your Bonger just to see the pretty colors.

Gentlemen, the G spot for women is not deep in her Vagina it is, up behind her lips, your penis has a head for a reason, the head will rub against her G spot if you work the bonger correctly.

Slid it in and work it.

John Holmes had the largest Bonger known to man, and he was dead before 40.

04-28-06, 13:29
Mountain Dew? Come on!! This is as dumb as saying that the pills make your Jimmy Dean grow. Pills are nothing but placebos that do nothing while you do their excercise program that is the component that actually DOES make the penis grow. You are just paying more money to these phoney things. Oh well, at least Mountain Dew is $1.50 a bottle instead of $150 a bottle.

Ronald Jeramy
06-02-06, 15:33

Benchseats Rock
07-31-06, 10:01
It should be mentioned that video adds roughly an inch in apparent length.
During shoots, in most (not all) cases, male actors are using a combination of V/C/L in combination with vasclar dilation injections.

Benchseats Rock

08-01-06, 18:12
John Holmes had the largest Bonger known to man, and he was dead before 40.
Huh? He did not have the largest known to man. Wasn't even close. His first wife, Sharon Gebenini, claimed it was 10 inches. His manager claimed it was 12 5/8 inches. The porn industry marketed it to be as much as 16 inches. It was also known around the porn industry that Holmes could not acheive a full erection, so the actual size couldn't be determined by analyzing old film footage.

He died of AIDS at 43.

Ron Jeremy probably would be bigger, if he didn't have the excess body weight getting in the way.

Considering the nature of the business; an actor who can perform when needed and reach orgasm on command is much more in demand than one who is just large. Don Fernando, for instance, is incredibly average, at around 6 1/2 inches. He's been in hundreds of films and many repackages of stock footage. He's real easy for directors to work with. There are many guys out there with huge penises, but the pool of male porn actors is very small; much smaller than the pool of female porn actors. This is because few men meet the other requirements for the job.

For those looking to add size, nothing beats the penis pump. Just ask this guy. (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0121051judge1.html)

Member #4186
09-30-06, 20:52
Found an interesting report on penile enlargement. Evidently, it is futile. Utterly impossible. Quote follows:


I've done some research on penis enlargement and I'm of the opinion, sorry to say, that it's not a likely proposition. You just can't do it, except with legitimate traditional Western surgical techniques such as implantation of body fat or foreign material (silicone?), and even then it's not a foolproof proposition yet.


Silicone can be placed in the sides of your penis so that it is wider. This procedure will not make your penis longer AT ALL, and will also make the glans seem disproportionately small relative to the shaft (presuming that you had regular proportions before the procedure). All the issues of breast implantation occur -- likelihood (80% of the time) of the necessity of a second procedure to correct problems, to remove damaged or infected implants, or to cure illness and remove scar tissue; chance of contamination of the bloodstream with silicone; all other risks associated with minor surgery (hospital-borne infections, less than scrupulous doctors, hospital costs, won't be covered by insurance, etc.).

Your own body fat (perhaps from belly or ass) can be implanted into your penis. Same detriments as above, with the silicone implants, plus the fact that the fat is likely to break down and redistribute itself. This redistribution -- a common occurrence with fat re-distribution -- is highly unlikely to be symmetrical. So, you get a blob over here, no blob over there, a lump down here. Angular penis! Further, the fat will be, well, FATTY, and will not become hard during erection. You'll have a wider but SOFTER penis. Mister squishy.

The human growth hormone, growth stimulants, testosterone and other muscle-enhancing drugs, etc., won't make a difference. They can stimulate more growth along your normal, genetically pre-determined, growth pattern. Hence, you could enlarge your entire body, or you could enlarge particular muscles (in combination with exercise to that part). But, the penis HAS NO MUSCULAR TISSUE. You can't "work it out." You can exercise the suspensory ligament and the muscles attached to it, but, look at an anatomy chart, those are up in your crotch where the bicycle seat hurts. And they're about the size of a dime. Working your penis with barbells, and taking creatine, won't cause your penis to swell like a bicep or a quad swells.

Pills, oils, creams:
Idiotic scams. Anyone who falls for this crap would fall for the "hypnosis can make your breasts bigger" scam as well. Call me when you've got double-Ds.

Jelqing and other massage techniques:
These will break down connective tissue to some lesser or greater degree. In the natural repair process, your body will recreate whatever existed in the first place. There is the possibility that, by continually massaging or jelqing, you can keep your penis in a perpetual state of slightly damaged "swollenness" which is probably not detrimental to its functioning. But as soon as you stop the exercise, you will lose your gains. The flesh will repair itself as best it can. The big risk is that you'll do damage, introducing scar tissue or simply preventing your organs from being able to repair themselves. Just like if you stab yourself in the arm, you'll eventually heal up (as long as you don't lose too much blood and DIE first) but you might have a scar, especially if you stab yourself deeply and then don't oversee the healing properly (suture, anti-scar cream, etc.).

Another issue is, that the massage is generally recommended to be performed under "semi-erect" condition. As far as I know, human males cannot choose to be semi-erect, and, since the biochemical stimuli for erection are only currently being understood, there's not actually any current sure-fire method for causing half of an erectile response to occur. If you get hard when you're massaging, you have to somehow "get less hard" but not "go soft." If you DON'T get hard when you're massaging, then you are not at the recommended semi-erection.

Same risks, benefits, lack of long-term permanent result, as massage. With the added issue of skin damage, because the trauma is being induced over the entire volume of the penis rather than "merely" to internal connective tissue. Some "spotting" (red blood spots -- signs of small broken capillaries at the surface of the skin) is regularly reported on many of the bulletine boards for penile enlargement, and although this is not a major medical threat, it does indicate that the suction is being applied to portions of the anatomy that cannot benefit from it, and hence is failing to do anything effective. Great, so you've sucked the blood into your skin. Do the same thing to your little finger or your ear, and it won't lead to a permanently enlarged finger or ear. It might be enlarged for as much as a week, same as with massage, but if you stop the regimen, then quite soon the gains are lost and you are back at square one. Unless you introduce scar tissue. I'll bet your head looks great with scar tissue on one ear and not on the other.

Hanging weights, pulling, stretching. None of this has any effect at all. Complicated medical-looking devices can be bought, but their purpose -- to maintain and control minute degrees of variance in traction strength and length -- in no way addresses the overriding issue, that pulling on something doesn't prevent it from springing back. Either it pulls to less than its elastic limit -- within which, it springs back to its original size -- or it pulls to more than its elastic limit -- beyond which, IT IS DAMAGED and cannot repair itself. Scar tissue again! If you succeed in causing your penis to remain pulled out for a period of time after you release the traction, it will eventually return to its original size UNLESS YOU MAINTAIN TRACTION ON IT.

Internet information:
At every single website that is dedicated to penile enlargement -- I'd recommend that you google with the word "thunder" to get some of them to come up in your search quicker! :) -- there are a lot of people who post for a while, and then disappear from the scene. The few dedicated members stick around (as is probably the case with any forum, including this one), and all of them will readily admit that they must engage in their regimen permanently. Nobody, anywhere that I looked, over six years, has ever reported succeeding in enlarging his penis to any measurable amount, and then STICKING AROUND to share his information. He sticks around because, if he STOPS doing the technique, he LOSES all the gains that he got. And he sticks around because, he HAS NOT ACCOMPLISHED permanent gains yet.

Nobody ever accomplishes permanent gains.

Maximum possible gain:
Aside from the fact that it's pretty clear (to me, at least; so far, at least) that nobody has ever permanently enlarged his penis without putting it under the knife, there's another issue. Most guys report that, even at the height of their gains and in the middle of a continual regimen of massage, or jelq, or traction, or pumping, or a combination of those, they only get as much as 10% more voluminous (that's a minimal gain, since such more visible standards as circumference and diameter are only a fraction of volume) and almost never report much length gain at all. Those who do report a gain in length report it as either (a) swollen glans (soon to retract) or (b) length gain proportional to the gain in width, and they also report it as very evanescent (that's a big word for, it goes away fast), and usually report it to be a result of a more strenuous bout of their regimen that they cannot maintain because of pain or sensation of damage. In other words, it hurts too much, or makes them fear they won't be able to use the penis, to continue, so they quit. And then (as explained) lose all their gains.

Erect versus flaccid:
Nearly everyone reports that their erect state never changes. These gains, even if temporary, are only to the flaccid penis. When it gets hard it gets to the same level as ever and no more. Thus (to me, at least) defeating the ENTIRE PURPOSE of penile enlargement, which would have been, to bone the shit out of women and have them be impressed with my manhood. Duh!

If they have something to sell, they'll tell you lies to make you buy it. In the few locations where the informant has absolutely no personal stake in convincing you that his information is actually true, I have found absolutely no corroboration that permanent, effective penile enlargement can be done. At all.

The one possible solution:
I think, if you could learn to time it properly, then you could use a combination of pumping, jelqing, and related massage (don't bother with traction!), probably as much as three hours a day, to create one of those "temporary gains" of about 10% after about two months work. Then, you would have to create a "maintenance regimen." You would devise your own regimen, based on careful observation, reducing the stimulus to once every other day, or maybe once a day, at a regular interval, and spending about an hour every episode, by which you could maintain that temporary gain permanently. Remember, that this new "maintenance regimen" would have to be a permanent fixture in your life. Missing it once or twice would mean starting the whole two month program all over.

The gain would be small. And I suspect (again, from reading reports) that the larger size of your organ would be evident only in the flaccid state. And the lifestyle of spending an hour a day pumping your cock but not ejaculating would probably cause you to be one of those people who abandons this hobby, like everyone else I've ever read about. They quit because they don't succeed, or because the maintenance of the minor gain is not worth the effort, since they had hoped for permanent, non-maintained major gain.

I don't necessarily know that any of the above is literally or necessarily true. That's just, what I've found out from carefully reading internet boards, websites, supposed "medical" reports, and a thousand other points of reference.

If you know something I don't know, I'd be delighted to hear about it. But it's my impression, right now, that there's no reason to even try penile enlargement.


End of quote.

Dude seems rather castigatory (heh, had to use that one!) about the whole empire of penis enlargement. I don't know if he's right about the idea that the gains are never permanent -- I seem to remember some people at Thunder's Lair (or whatever it's called) who reported getting about 30% in terms of diameter -- and yes they posted pictures -- by means of pumping plus massage/jelq, who then just backed off from it and rested on their laurels. Of course, this dude's point is, that those people left the forums when they figured out that the gains weren't permanent.

Your thoughts?

Benchseats Rock
10-02-06, 06:31
Ok, can someone answer this question: Are the male porn stars all really blessed or are they like their female stars - getting prothesis implants like silicon breasts to increase size?

The only blessing they've got is the ability to whip it out, get hard and fuck for an hour or so pausing under the hot lights for stills and multiple angles and after all of that, to have an orgasm - all on demand. Not to mention the extra blessing about having no qualms about performing infront of 35 or 40 people, some of whom will invariably be or become close friends and/or relatives.

Also remember that even the smallest cock in porn looks infinitely bigger when it is put in a hand that is attached to a 5' tall CCL uberwaif that weighs 100 lbs. and thinks she is a fat fucking oinker.

The porn studio standard for being able to anchor a DP is (minimum length) 4.5 inches. There is alot to be said for the camera man behind the talent, and even more to be said about the post production editor behind the camera man.

10-18-06, 22:45
Who "works" with a lot of penises (!) tells me that guys can look much bigger if:

1. They have a flat stomach (makes the erection appear bigger in comparison).

2. they shave themselves (hair masks some of the size)

3. they invert the natural tendency to have a sway back (most humans have an S-curve shape to their spine, viewed from the side; if you roll the curve out of your lower back it extends the pelvis forward and flat, thus enhancing the appearance of your penis)

05-12-07, 13:06
Been hearing ads on the radio for this cream that works in 3 to 5 seconds. They were offering a free trial so I called the 800#. From the git-go the guy was using standard sales techniques. I told him that I was sold on the free trial and to stop with the sales pitch because I wasn't buying anything. I finally got pissed off and hung up.

Has anyone tried this stuff?

Big Red50
05-18-07, 14:43
It should be mentioned that video adds roughly an inch in apparent length.

During shoots, in most (not all) cases, male actors are using a combination of V/C/L in combination with vasclar dilation injections.

Benchseats RockHey I use Vitamin V and C. I do not use vascular dilation injections, but I do drive my average size cock with my 260 lbs fat ass. When you go to drive a railroad spike you do not hit it with a tack hammer.

Big Red

Mr Nukem
07-17-07, 00:09
Hey just wondering if anyone has used Extenze.

Benchseats Rock
07-17-07, 20:48
Hey just wondering if anyone has used Extenze.

It's a scam (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Extenze+scam&btnG=Google+Search).

Mr Nukem
07-18-07, 00:46
It's a scam (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Extenze+scam&btnG=Google+Search).Does anyone know of anything that works well from personal experience?

08-04-07, 17:35
Dude seems rather castigatory (heh, had to use that one!) about the whole empire of penis enlargement. I don't know if he's right about the idea that the gains are never permanent -- I seem to remember some people at Thunder's Lair (or whatever it's called) who reported getting about 30% in terms of diameter -- and yes they posted pictures -- by means of pumping plus massage/jelq, who then just backed off from it and rested on their laurels. Of course, this dude's point is, that those people left the forums when they figured out that the gains weren't permanent.

Your thoughts?I have been Jelqing and I drink Ginseng Tea. The tea can be found pretty much anywhere but I get mine from an oriental foods store. My wife says I have gotten bigger (like she would know LOL)

When I jelq and use Ginseng I can notice that even flacid I am alot more fuller. I don't do all the exercises just the one that basically covers everything. My girlfriend squirted the last time we had sex so I think it does work.

I agree with the other comment that said a flat stomach makes you look huge. Hell, look at Tommy Lee.

PM me for info.

12-11-07, 13:44
Yohimbe works pretty good. I used it for about a month and even flaccid I noticed that along with the Jelqing my penis felt and looked fuller. Kinda like when you have cum and gone soft. The blood circulates more in the area. It does/did give me some side effects. I guess the herb didn't totally agree with me. If you decided to do it remember to monitor yourself. It does yellow the eyes after a time. I now only take 1 or 2 a week just to maintain.

I wish I could figure a way to increase the ejaculate volume. However with the Yo-him-be you'll find your sexual stamina has increased. I could go till she asks me to come on yohimbe.

12-20-07, 22:41
Yohimbe works pretty good. I used it for about a month and even flaccid I noticed that along with the Jelqing my penis felt and looked fuller. Kinda like when you have cum and gone soft. The blood circulates more in the area. It does/did give me some side effects. I guess the herb didn't totally agree with me. If you decided to do it remember to monitor yourself. It does yellow the eyes after a time. I now only take 1 or 2 a week just to maintain.

I wish I could figure a way to increase the ejaculate volume. However with the Yo-him-be you'll find your sexual stamina has increased. I could go till she asks me to come on yohimbe.To increase volume check out a product called ogoplex, it has worked for me.

I usually check google to find the best price when I need to reorder.

01-08-08, 16:22
Yohimbe works pretty good. I used it for about a month and even flaccid I noticed that along with the Jelqing my penis felt and looked fuller. Kinda like when you have cum and gone soft. The blood circulates more in the area. It does/did give me some side effects. I guess the herb didn't totally agree with me. If you decided to do it remember to monitor yourself. It does yellow the eyes after a time. I now only take 1 or 2 a week just to maintain.

I wish I could figure a way to increase the ejaculate volume. However with the Yo-him-be you'll find your sexual stamina has increased. I could go till she asks me to come on yohimbe.

Shit, if there was a way to limit the volume of ejaculate, my wife would be all over the shit!


01-24-08, 03:39

Agree with you all the way about confidence. I would also add that a lot of men have no idea when it comes to techniques. I can not explain this, but a lot of guys think that just “sticking it in" will do the job. Is this because they did not have any “girl time” at college, or just an inability to imagine what needs doing (after all it is basic human instinct and the chicas nearly always give indicators as to what they need…).

The majority of young men show public bravado, especially in the company of other young men: this I feel just fuels the “stick-it-in” methodology.

The lesson, and I think it should be taught in schools, is quite simple: air is to breathing as friction is to good sex.

In the end you are right Boxcc, size is an issue in confidence, technique is the solution. Just think gentlemen: a nice size and refined technique would make us all gods!

Regards, HavanamanWhat exactly are good techniques to sex? I've heard (and seen in porn) of various sex positions and my ex gf gave me some tips.

She told me that it's good to switch up what one is doing (how you are hitting it) from time to time. I think the problem I had during sex (besides my lack of confidence) was that I wasn't sure if I was hitting the right spots within the vagina. I know the G-spot is right by the entrance of the vagina, and on the top of the vaginal insides (assuming she is lying down) by the pubic bone.

Do you, or anyone else, care to bestow any knowledge upon my novice self, Mr Havanaman?


03-26-08, 09:52
Late last summer I had a serious heart attack. At that time I was 7 inches. Since that time i'm now 5 1/2 inches. Is that possible? What happened? Even when hard now 5 1/2 is all I can get. I've never heard of a penis actually shriking before.

03-26-08, 12:55
Late last summer I had a serious heart attack. At that time I was 7 inches. Since that time i'm now 5 1/2 inches. Is that possible? What happened? Even when hard now 5 1/2 is all I can get. I've never heard of a penis actually shriking before.

I don't think it's so much that your penis shrunk as it is that your blood flow may not be what it was prior to the heart attack. You may be taking medication that interferes with the flow of blood to the penis too. If the erection is not as strong as it used to be and it concerns you, and if you are prohibited from taking medications like viagra because of heart medication, ask your doctor to prescribe a vacuum device. No medication is required and it does not affect you adversely unless you try to pump it up to 8 inches or try to keep it pumped up for several hours.

03-26-08, 15:04
I don't think it's so much that your penis shrunk as it is that your blood flow may not be what it was prior to the heart attack. You may be taking medication that interferes with the flow of blood to the penis too. If the erection is not as strong as it used to be and it concerns you, and if you are prohibited from taking medications like viagra because of heart medication, ask your doctor to prescribe a vacuum device. No medication is required and it does not affect you adversely unless you try to pump it up to 8 inches or try to keep it pumped up for several hours.

With viagra I do get a firm erection, just a shorter one. Damn, lol.

Sarang Haeyo
03-26-08, 15:55
With viagra I do get a firm erection, just a shorter one. Damn, lol. for me yet, my schlong shrinks when I see my ex-wife.

Dude, did you put on some weight? The extra fat would make your crank appear shorter. Measure from your taint instead.

R Consultant
06-06-08, 08:22
I honestly have never heard of a pump but I do use the V-pill when I decide I want to a young guy again. I dont take any heart medication but that blood flow thing sounds like a key issue. My X-wife would be a great grudge phuck if she would let me but that will never happen.

Happy Hunting..[
QUOTE=Sarang Haeyo]for me yet, my schlong shrinks when I see my ex-wife.

Dude, did you put on some weight? The extra fat would make your crank appear shorter. Measure from your taint instead.[/QUOTE]

08-13-08, 05:50
I found these videos demonstrating how to jelq and gives a program of reps per week. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/762501/jelqing_pt_1_full_version/


09-04-08, 18:15
Is it possible to loose semen by warming up and cooling down? IF my wife and I are trying to make baby, should I stop doing penis enlargement exercises?

Inher Face
01-13-09, 13:41
I found these videos demonstrating how to jelq and gives a program of reps per week. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/762501/jelqing_pt_1_full_version/

BRI was reading about jelquing in the NR forums here: http://linkbee.com/AM63 .

I found the discussion to be pretty informative although I'm a bit squeamish to try and do it for myself.

04-09-09, 00:49
Shit, if there was a way to limit the volume of ejaculate, my wife would be all over the shit!

VanThere is, its called weed! For the most part, I'm a daily smoker and I have rather low output. If I take a break, within a couple days my volume increases dramatically. Get the towel!

So now I smoke as a service to my wife.

03-22-10, 16:11
Want to let others know to follow the instructions carefully when using penis vacuum enlargement pumps. Don't over do it and after achieving the porn star penis temporary result do not leave the rubber ring on the penile base for long durations of time. Also do not modify the device to try to achieve super sized erections. I always had very hard easy to achieve erections. A former girl friend and I started using a vacuum pump regularly. Actually too often. I was normally 6 1/2" & thick. The electric pump (with modifications to the pressure release valve by my friend) usually would result in a 10" to 11" long extemely thick penis. It was actually never hard only freakishly huge. My girl friend liked it more or less for the fun of seeing a "super cock" and it became a joke for her to try and see if she could make it larger. She laughed when I tried to penetrate her vagina. I usually couldn't. Too big and too spongy like rather than hard. We would leave the ring on some times for hours. She liked to be with me in public with a super large bulge in my pants. It became a less than serious and more of a laugh venture. It also was not in following with the instructions. The result. After a year of use I gradually achieved less spontaneous erections. Then virtually none. I have no medical conditions, don't drink or use drugs, even prescription drugs. I exercise regularly and am very fit and according to my family Doc in great shape. Viagra is only partially effective. My penis has not been 6 1/2" & hard for quite awhile now. An extensive medical & urologic work up including penile ultrasound determined that the 2 corpora and the draining vein valves from the penis were irreversibly damaged. My penis is now 2" smaller, soft as jelly and only semi hard after 100mg of Viagra. Because I'm uncircumcised my penis appears to be "hiding" in a markedly disproportionately long foreskin. Luckily I can still ejaculate. An option that I'm considering is vascular bypass grafting. The urologist suggests an inplantable penile prothesis. I would never be thinking of these options if I didn't abuse one of these devices and use it sensibly. Just passing on the info.

Stay safe

05-01-10, 13:51
Having read several posts here on penis enlargement techniques etc. I happened to wonder if any surveys have been done or any literature is out there to determine if a particular job can effect your ability to get an erection, the firmness of the erection, and your penis size. My thinking is that men who are required to be seated for many hours a day, may have some blood flow to the genital area inhibited by the pressure put on that body area from sitting, and over a period of time, years perhaps, that loss of some blood flow may cause the blood vessels to contract or harden and the penis to not get enough blood flow to fully and firmly erect? Any thoughts?

05-05-10, 13:43
Having read several posts here on penis enlargement techniques etc. I happened to wonder if any surveys have been done or any literature is out there to determine if a particular job can effect your ability to get an erection, the firmness of the erection, and your penis size. My thinking is that men who are required to be seated for many hours a day, may have some blood flow to the genital area inhibited by the pressure put on that body area from sitting, and over a period of time, years perhaps, that loss of some blood flow may cause the blood vessels to contract or harden and the penis to not get enough blood flow to fully and firmly erect? Any thoughts?Studies have been done with bicyclists. Seats have been redesigned to evoid excessive pressure on pedendal nerves and vessals which can result in E.D.

08-05-10, 20:47
Want to let others know to follow the instructions carefully when using penis vacuum enlargement pumps. Don't over do it and after achieving the porn star penis temporary result do not leave the rubber ring on the penile base for long durations of time. Also do not modify the device to try to achieve super sized erections. I always had very hard easy to achieve erections. A former girl friend and I started using a vacuum pump regularly. Actually too often. I was normally 6 1/2" & thick. The electric pump (with modifications to the pressure release valve by my friend) usually would result in a 10" to 11" long extemely thick penis. It was actually never hard only freakishly huge. My girl friend liked it more or less for the fun of seeing a "super cock" and it became a joke for her to try and see if she could make it larger. She laughed when I tried to penetrate her vagina. I usually couldn't. Too big and too spongy like rather than hard. We would leave the ring on some times for hours. She liked to be with me in public with a super large bulge in my pants. It became a less than serious and more of a laugh venture. It also was not in following with the instructions. The result. After a year of use I gradually achieved less spontaneous erections. Then virtually none. I have no medical conditions, don't drink or use drugs, even prescription drugs. I exercise regularly and am very fit and according to my family Doc in great shape. Viagra is only partially effective. My penis has not been 6 1/2" & hard for quite awhile now. An extensive medical & urologic work up including penile ultrasound determined that the 2 corpora and the draining vein valves from the penis were irreversibly damaged. My penis is now 2" smaller, soft as jelly and only semi hard after 100mg of Viagra. Because I'm uncircumcised my penis appears to be "hiding" in a markedly disproportionately long foreskin. Luckily I can still ejaculate. An option that I'm considering is vascular bypass grafting. The urologist suggests an inplantable penile prothesis. I would never be thinking of these options if I didn't abuse one of these devices and use it sensibly. Just passing on the info.

Stay safeI wonder if I have the same problem. It's very difficult for me to have an erection by just looking at a hot girl without any real sensual stroking. Even a lap dance doesn't do anything. Of course I didn't use a pump, but after several CG accidents (Mr. Happy slipped out and got crushed then became Mr. Sad), I'm curious if my corpora and veins are damaged.

01-11-12, 05:30
It ain't worth it. Just learn how to best use what you got. I am avg in lenght and girth but my thhing is oral. I lick them so good, they don't care how big I am when I start fuckin' LOL.

Whiskey Kilo

Cruising Y
01-11-12, 08:53
I just wanted to comment on a thread a few pages back that referred to Mountain Dew making you larger. This statement is somewhat correct. It may not technically add inches or girth it will help you reach all your natural potential. At least for me I think it's the caffeine that gives me a tingling horny sensation and increases my libido. Those 5+6 hour energy drinks really do it the best.

02-16-12, 23:37
I'd assume that it makes sense when you think about it like that. Lots of Caffeine=Heart pumping blood faster= (?) More blood allowed to get to the penis. I'm no biology expert though, heh. This makes me wonder about products that are even more Caffeine heavy than soda.

02-17-12, 02:30

Used to get hard with the wind! Premature ejaculation. Drunk, still hard as rock and could pound like a pornstar! Fooled around with pro hormones for bodybuilding, but stopped, post cycled, no problem. But as I got older, a serious career, high stress, noticed same probs as you guys. Tried vasodilators, natural test boosters and they work but get all flushed in the face. Just wondering, how old are you guys? Testosterone drops about 10% I think, every 10 years or so. So I'm thinking age has a lot to do with it. Let me know what you think?

06-04-12, 05:36
I am slightly smaller than average, though I would be average if I lost weight and got rid of that thick public fat pad. Anyhow, I've tried everything to enlarge the little guy, and nothing has provided lasting results. Stretching using a product called "FastSize" had the best results, but if I stopped stretching for only a few days, the gains I made (about 3/4" in about 30 days) would disappear and I'd be back to where I was.

Vacuum pumping is a very short-term solution. Your cock grows in the tube but within minutes of removing it you lose the added size which is mostly girth and not much length. To keep it longer, you need to add a cock ring to restrict flow back out of the penis. Avoid over-pumping which creates the well-known "donut" and the base of your cock. Not attractive. I once over-pumped so much that my penis bled in the tube, so that was my wake-up call and I backed off.

Surgery is the only sure thing. Injections can improve the girth, and severing the suspensory ligament can release more length.

But all of that really isn't necessary. If you want a big dick, then the next advice is not for you. If you want to be the best lover she's ever had, then you need to study the techniques that really get women off. It took me time, but I learned them. Like I said, I'm on the small size, but even at my size I only need about half of my cock to pleasure a woman because getting a woman off is all about the clit and not so much about what is beyond the vaginal opening. You've got to work your pubic bone against hers and get that clit involved, guys. If you can work it with your body, then get your fingers in there, too.

Believe me. 9 out of 10 guys don't know where to focus. They think just jamming all their meat in the box is what gets a woman off. Well that ain't the technique. There's nothing wrong with a nice, hard bang, but when you're ready to get her to pop, it's the clit that needs your attention. If you study the techniques for involving the clit while inserting the penis, you will instantly be one of her one-in-ten lovers who knows what he's doing!

You'll be top ten, baby!

Member #4675
06-25-12, 16:26
Wanted to add my story about "penis enlargment" Joined the matters of size forum, acyually met DLD in person, pm me if you want the truth on. LD, Guy is full of shit, anyways started out stretching and jelqing, My penis looked bigger after the workout but when I pulled out the ruler I was still a little over 6 inches in length, So I bought a bib hanger and started hanging weights, then the :MAX VAC, came out, loved hanging with it, started with 5 pounds worked my way up to 30 pounds.

Was also doing clamping for girth, long story short I injured my penis, and ended up going to the hospital and had a cathter put in for a week, I'm fine now, and my flaccid penis is 3 times bigger then before, but when I'm fully erect I'm No bigger then I was before, so take my advice and be carefull, and there is no way in hell you will gain 2 to 4 inches, Thats all bullshit

07-06-12, 03:35
Two years ago bought VPXL, Description on site: VPXL is 100% natural product without any known side effects that stimulates natural growth of cells of a cavernous body of penis increasing its size. All growth is permanent. Working like Soft vigra, after pills penis was hard all day. But not enough for sex. It seem to me penis is increased by a couple of days.

11-25-12, 13:01
Is it possible to loose semen by warming up and cooling down? IF my wife and I are trying to make baby, should I stop doing penis enlargement exercises?Yes, you can lower the amount of viable sperm by overheating your testicals. They recommend wearing boxers so your body can regulate them tempreture by raising and lower your testicals to keep them at optimal tempretures.

Pine Grove Pa
03-16-13, 12:22
Has anyone had the surgery? Experiences? Worth it?

Member #4675
05-05-13, 21:46
Has anyone had the surgery? Experiences? Worth it?OH boy, A good freind of mine had the surgery for length and girth, long story short, he had to have another surgery after complications to have the grafts removed.

Now he can barly get an erection, and has a million dollar law suit against the doctor, don't be stupid and trust the hackers, Do some jelqing or light "clamp exersises"

Before sex, your penis will feel a little thicker and fuller, You will never gain 1 or 2 inches permantly, I hung weights for 3 years, gained a little length.

And again a met the famous "DLD" in person, he is a liear and a cheat, he does not have a 12 inch penis, all his pictures are photo shopped / altered.

Marty Graw
05-19-13, 20:37
OH boy, A good freind of mine had the surgery for length and girth, long story short, he had to have another surgery after complications to have the grafts removed.

Now he can barly get an erection, and has a million dollar law suit against the doctor, don't be stupid and trust the hackers, Do some jelqing or light "clamp exersises"

B.This is a very common complication and if the doctor is honest with you, he will tell you that the operation will only make the penis appear larger when it is soft. It simply hangs a little lower; it does nothing for your erection. If you goal is to simply make your penis look larger when it is not hard-take a small amount of Cialis as I find that this makes my penis a little bigger when soft. Of course you trim and shave around the dick-this makes it look bigger, and the jelqing will help you get at your hardest and fullest.

06-02-13, 20:44
What is jelqing? I am new to the site. Thanks

06-07-13, 14:25
What is jelqing? I am new to the site. ThanksHttp://vimeo.com/58361700

Member #4675
06-08-13, 12:39
What is jelqing? I am new to the site. ThanksClamping trumps jelqing in my opinion, jelqing is the safest girth exersise you can do, But please do not do it when your fully erect, by some ky jelly or even vasoline.

And milk the blood from your base of the penis to the head, Ill take some pictures on how to jelq and clamp in the future.

I was hard core into penis exersises, but after 2 years I injured my self and I quit for good, want to get back into it, just scared I will injure myself again.

Short Stroke
11-26-13, 09:27
Jelqing http://vimeo.com/76019129.

There are a variety of vaccum pumps out there and if you go that route read and use caution not to over pump as you can cause damage.

11-26-14, 12:08
Reading through here I think the chances of making your cock any bigger are either dangerous or a waste of time. I think the best solution is to alter the size in your head, then you have pretty much what you want. If you blieve you are adequate, guess wht, you will be. It's all in the mind. I enjoyed your post BTW mate.

I am slightly smaller than average, though I would be average if I lost weight and got rid of that thick public fat pad. Anyhow, I've tried everything to enlarge the little guy, and nothing has provided lasting results. Stretching using a product called "FastSize" had the best results, but if I stopped stretching for only a few days, the gains I made (about 3/4" in about 30 days) would disappear and I'd be back to where I was.

Vacuum pumping is a very short-term solution. Your cock grows in the tube but within minutes of removing it you lose the added size which is mostly girth and not much length. To keep it longer, you need to add a cock ring to restrict flow back out of the penis. Avoid over-pumping which creates the well-known "donut" and the base of your cock. Not attractive. I once over-pumped so much that my penis bled in the tube, so that was my wake-up call and I backed off.

Surgery is the only sure thing. Injections can improve the girth, and severing the suspensory ligament can release more length.

But all of that really isn't necessary. If you want a big dick, then the next advice is not for you. If you want to be the best lover she's ever had, then you need to study the techniques that really get women off. It took me time, but I learned them. Like I said, I'm on the small size, but even at my size I only need about half of my cock to pleasure a woman because getting a woman off is all about the clit and not so much about what is beyond the vaginal opening. You've got to work your pubic bone against hers and get that clit involved, guys. If you can work it with your body, then get your fingers in there, too.

Believe me. 9 out of 10 guys don't know where to focus. They think just jamming all their meat in the box is what gets a woman off. Well that ain't the technique. There's nothing wrong with a nice, hard bang, but when you're ready to get her to pop, it's the clit that needs your attention. If you study the techniques for involving the clit while inserting the penis, you will instantly be one of her one-in-ten lovers who knows what he's doing!

You'll be top ten, baby!

11-26-14, 12:11
Thanks for the link, probably utter rubbish but interesting non the less.

Jelqing http://vimeo.com/76019129.

There are a variety of vaccum pumps out there and if you go that route read and use caution not to over pump as you can cause damage.

11-26-14, 12:14
News flash. If you pull on your penis it get larger! Wow I didn't know that.


12-03-14, 18:04
Clamping trumps jelqing in my opinion, jelqing is the safest girth exersise you can do, But please do not do it when your fully erect, by some ky jelly or even vasoline.

And milk the blood from your base of the penis to the head, Ill take some pictures on how to jelq and clamp in the future.

I was hard core into penis exersises, but after 2 years I injured my self and I quit for good, want to get back into it, just scared I will injure myself again.So I am curious. What where the results after 2 years? Measurable?

12-13-14, 13:43
So I am curious. What where the results after 2 years? Measurable?My former girlfriend used to pump me to between 10 and 12" with circumference filling the tube pump. My penis was very soft, limp, and the sensations where very diminished. She could actually pinch the head with out me feeling more than a gentle touch. We left the tight rubber ring on the base and used to go out for hours. My friend got a big kick out of it It became a joke.

Now I can't get erections. The hardest it get's is semi soft. The over pumping which is not reccommended by manufacturers or distributors of penis pumps and is actually mentioned as something not to do can result in damage to the valves in the penis veins. The blood in the corpora flows out in to the now valveless vein preventing an erection. Viagara and other medications increase blood supply and are noeffective in providing erections since the blood flows out to easily.

I was approaching 7 " and thick before. Had very hard erectons, many spontaneous. Now nonerect which is almost always I'm about 3 1/2" hiding inwhat is now a very long fore skin. When semi erect probable 5" or a little more with the head always covered by too much fore skin. The sensation is less than 5% of what it was in the past.

Last Thursday I was with a good looking Chnese graduate student in her late 20's who lives in the condo across from mine and "provides recreation" for select males at mutually agreed upon terms. She kept saying that my penis was very soft despite it probably being it's hardest in months. I took 100 mg Viagara and put a large rubber band aound the base to help it stay semi hard. I couldn't penetrate her or ejaculate from a bare BJ. She gave me a very, very rough hand job. The hardest she said she ever gave and was afraid she was going to permanently damage me. She actually thought that she was torturing me and kept asking me if she should stop many times. I told her no don't stop I'm starting to feel some thing. Just keep squeesing and pulling and twisting as if you wanted to break it. I came eventually.

So in short I would say that I lost moe than 2 1/2 " and cannot reccomend the inapproriate use of some penis pump devices.

03-01-15, 10:27
My former girlfriend used to pump me to between 10 and 12" with circumference filling the tube pump. My penis was very soft, limp, and the sensations where very diminished. She could actually pinch the head with out me feeling more than a gentle touch. We left the tight rubber ring on the base and used to go out for hours. My friend got a big kick out of it It became a joke.

Now I can't get erections. The hardest it get's is semi soft. The over pumping which is not reccommended by manufacturers or distributors of penis pumps and is actually mentioned as something not to do can result in damage to the valves in the penis veins. The blood in the corpora flows out in to the now valveless vein preventing an erection. Viagara and other medications increase blood supply and are noeffective in providing erections since the blood flows out to easily.

I was approaching 7 " and thick before. Had very hard erectons, many spontaneous. Now nonerect which is almost always I'm about 3 1/2" hiding inwhat is now a very long fore skin. When semi erect probable 5" or a little more with the head always covered by too much fore skin. The sensation is less than 5% of what it was in the past.

Last Thursday I was with a good looking Chnese graduate student in her late 20's who lives in the condo across from mine and "provides recreation" for select males at mutually agreed upon terms. She kept saying that my penis was very soft despite it probably being it's hardest in months. I took 100 mg Viagara and put a large rubber band aound the base to help it stay semi hard. I couldn't penetrate her or ejaculate from a bare BJ. She gave me a very, very rough hand job. The hardest she said she ever gave and was afraid she was going to permanently damage me. She actually thought that she was torturing me and kept asking me if she should stop many times. I told her no don't stop I'm starting to feel some thing. Just keep squeesing and pulling and twisting as if you wanted to break it. I came eventually.

So in short I would say that I lost moe than 2 1/2 " and cannot reccomend the inapproriate use of some penis pump devices.Did you ever go see a doctor to determine if there is actual physical damage to your tissues?

05-03-15, 18:03
Has anyone heard of the practice of stinging yourself on the dick with a bee to cause inflammation and thus increase your size -especially girth?

From what I gather, the bee venom (from honey bees) is called Apitoxin and it can be bought online, so this may be worth looking into if you desire to make your dick bigger for a special event.

07-15-15, 10:41
I got poison ivy on my package. It was three times the size. Lasted a week too.

12-28-15, 01:00
Anybody here use the bathmate? Any permanent results? How long did you use it?

01-13-16, 11:19
My neibour a coffee-addict Phil is a nice guy but he used to steal in the local grocery stores. He would just come up to a shelf, slip a grounded 8. 8 oz coffe brick into his pocket and matter-of-factly goes through the door. There is no denying that something is bulging around his pocket area when he goes by the checkout. But Phil always gets away with it. Once I dropped by in there to pick out some liquors and was watching the following scene- a women in cassual dress comes up to Phil and says that her name is Rita and she's the head of security of the supermarket chain: "Would you be so kind as to show me what is bulging around your left pocket?" Phil: Ok, but won't you accept it as an abuse? I've recently used my.

(url=https://www.hydromaxbathmate.com/?ko=40/) and I have 10 inches in girth now". Rita workes up a sweat and apologizes. Later he told me that this excuse is always working.

01-16-16, 21:30
Clamping trumps jelqing in my opinion, jelqing is the safest girth exersise you can do, But please do not do it when your fully erect, by some ky jelly or even vasoline.

And milk the blood from your base of the penis to the head, Ill take some pictures on how to jelq and clamp in the future.

I was hard core into penis exersises, but after 2 years I injured my self and I quit for good, want to get back into it, just scared I will injure myself again.Is it Painful? Results?

03-12-16, 14:14
Is it Painful? Results?Have not tried it but with my previous experience with a vacuum pump its probably safer. Be very careful with pumps.

Member #5262
08-26-16, 16:25
Anybody tried this Priapus shot? Ad on the radio claims 10-20% increase in girth. I'd pay $2 k for that! But naturally I think it's all bullshit.

10-31-16, 18:27
I have a penomet pump it works. I want to say it has made my dick bigger. More girth than length. Just don't over do it.

Those things will eventually destroy your dicks ability to have sensation.


05-19-17, 13:06
My neibour a coffee-addict Phil is a nice guy but he used to steal in the local grocery stores. He would just come up to a shelf, slip a grounded 8. 8 oz coffe brick into his pocket and matter-of-factly goes through the door. There is no denying that something is bulging around his pocket area when he goes by the checkout. But Phil always gets away with it. Once I dropped by in there to pick out some liquors and was watching the following scene- a women in cassual dress comes up to Phil and says that her name is Rita and she's the head of security of the supermarket chain: "Would you be so kind as to show me what is bulging around your left pocket?" Phil: Ok, but won't you accept it as an abuse? I've recently used my.

(url=https://www.hydromaxbathmate.com/?ko=40/) and I have 10 inches in girth now". Rita workes up a sweat and apologizes. Later he told me that this excuse is always working.Bathmate water pump is safe not like air pumps at all. Like anything in life moderation is the key just do three 5 min sessions and you will gain at least 1/2 inch to 1 inch girth.

Very good deal on them is here https://sexylittlebigthings.com/products/bathmate-hercules-penis-enlarger-crystal-clear $86.50 and free shipping normal price is around $150.

10-30-17, 05:35
I use L-argine supplements. Off course Viagra will also kick some more blood in to your penis, but I believe it is not healthy to use Viagra every day.

Alin Srq
01-15-18, 13:23
Just wondering if anyone on here had gotten a surgerical inserted penis. They have them were you inflate them sand deflate them. Just wanted to know if they work like your natural erection and how it feels during intercourse.


Humpty Dumpty
02-18-18, 01:43
Please post a link to a good working pump. Thanks.

03-16-18, 11:07
I use the a penis traction device now. Just found out that the pills I was taking didn't work and instead gave me raised blood pressure first saw this: https://www.maleedge.com/pills-and-creams and this scared me, so I went to see my doctor who said that the pills I was taking are dangerous: O.

Never tried penis pumps, and a surgical procedure seems extreme to me, but penis traction deffinently work!

04-07-18, 15:42
A question on Viagra:

I once used it when I was around 28 and my penis that night was larger than usual. I haven't used it since and my erections don't seem to get as large as that one night. Has anyone else experienced this?

Should I be concerned that I don't normally get that size difference?

My Ex at the time was the one that commented on the size.

James D 2004
06-17-18, 21:42
A question on Viagra:

I once used it when I was around 28 and my penis that night was larger than usual. I haven't used it since and my erections don't seem to get as large as that one night. Has anyone else experienced this?

Should I be concerned that I don't normally get that size difference?

My Ex at the time was the one that commented on the size.Such a coincident. After I made a woman in an MP cum twice, it dawned on me V and the other ED drugs have the same principle as pumps but work on the inside. It's a pleasure using the pills too. You can do it year on year off. I almost get compliments every time with Asian girls and a lot more from other girls than before I started using ED.

Honestly, I'm not that big. After some touch and feel with that woman, I was already rock hard when I flipped over. She saw it and said how come you got so big than your people. Then she went to wash her pussy for me to eat. When it was my turn to cum, she wouldn't let me have my choice of position. She told me to come on top of her for the missionary when she could lay down comfortably. It didn't take long for her. My constant DFK might help but she didn't seem to care about anything else.

Another Latina never complimented me. But once after I did a great job, she smiled but tried not to let my pride get carried away. She said, "you are not big, just thick!

10-02-18, 00:46
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Finger Licking
08-09-19, 02:01
The bathmate pump will definitely add some girth. Once in a while I'll do the cockring in addition to the bathmate pump.

The gains are not permanent. IMHO its like a muscle and you need to keep up with working out. I also hear guys swear by using penis traction with.

Positive results.

Only downside, if you want to call it one is my cock became less sensitive and took forever to cum. Imagine fat cock, take up almost the entire hour, and I fuck like I am angry LOL.

I am on steroids / gear too so I got the urge and endurance to go.

09-25-19, 09:28
Such a coincident. After I made a woman in an MP cum twice, it dawned on me V and the other ED drugs have the same principle as pumps but work on the inside. It's a pleasure using the pills too. You can do it year on year off. I almost get compliments every time with Asian girls and a lot more from other girls than before I started using ED.

Honestly, I'm not that big. After some touch and feel with that woman, I was already rock hard when I flipped over. She saw it and said how come you got so big than your people. Then she went to wash her pussy for me to eat. When it was my turn to cum, she wouldn't let me have my choice of position. She told me to come on top of her for the missionary when she could lay down comfortably. It didn't take long for her. My constant DFK might help but she didn't seem to care about anything else.

Another Latina never complimented me. But once after I did a great job, she smiled but tried not to let my pride get carried away. She said, "you are not big, just thick!I have had a similar experience as JD. My doc put me on Avodart several years ago for BPH. It shrunk up my genitals and reduced my cum. I always use covers and when I would pop, I would immediately go flaccid with the cover slipping off inside which worried me. Urologist gave me V and also Tramadol to prolong my erection. On V I got much harder and larger. Could hardly lie on my stomach on the shower table. Lasted longer so I could get through a face fuck BJCIM and, after a little rest and massage, FS standing up missionary with a second pop. Condom stayed on and date was happy. Still had an erection, but it went down while I was driving back home. Tramadol is now considered a narcotic so you have to have an understand GU doc. Try this if your doc thinks this is safe for you. You have to be careful if you have high blood pressure. Good luck.

09-25-19, 13:15
Just posting as a cautionary tale to others.

I pumped and was doing well. Sadly got a small "donut" when I got distracted. Didn't think much of it, since it had happened before.

The day after I hit it with. 4 of TriMix.

Had a good time, but on the way home. Bruised like no tomorrow and the donut was "full bruise" as well. Heck, the upper third of my cock is black and blue.

So yeah. I knew better, but I thought it might be an interesting experiment.

Interesting, yes. Satisfying? Not so much.

Was worried I'd have to go to the E / are, but it seems that things will clear up as the bruise goes through the rainbow over the next couple weeks.


You've been cautioned!

And yeah, I've slapped myself in the head for being stupid.

01-17-20, 10:24
Just posting as a cautionary tale to others.

I pumped and was doing well. Sadly got a small "donut" when I got distracted. Didn't think much of it, since it had happened before.

The day after I hit it with. 4 of TriMix.

Had a good time, but on the way home. Bruised like no tomorrow and the donut was "full bruise" as well. Heck, the upper third of my cock is black and blue.

So yeah. I knew better, but I thought it might be an interesting experiment.

Interesting, yes. Satisfying? Not so much.

Was worried I'd have to go to the E / are, but it seems that things will clear up as the bruise goes through the rainbow over the next couple weeks.


You've been cautioned!

And yeah, I've slapped myself in the head for being stupid.I read a lot about eating celery. Every time I do eat a little of that, I do notice some difference.

02-10-20, 00:46
I have had a similar experience as JD. My doc put me on Avodart several years ago for BPH. It shrunk up my genitals and reduced my cum. I always use covers and when I would pop, I would immediately go flaccid with the cover slipping off inside which worried me. Urologist gave me V and also Tramadol to prolong my erection. On V I got much harder and larger. Could hardly lie on my stomach on the shower table. Lasted longer so I could get through a face fuck BJCIM and, after a little rest and massage, FS standing up missionary with a second pop. Condom stayed on and date was happy. Still had an erection, but it went down while I was driving back home. Tramadol is now considered a narcotic so you have to have an understand GU doc. Try this if your doc thinks this is safe for you. You have to be careful if you have high blood pressure. Good luck.If I can go back in time I would use ED my whole life. Even if it works perfect there is nothing wrong making your performance even better.

Mikel Negro
04-08-20, 08:13
I don't know if I'm crazy, but I don't believe in "penis enlargement" stuff. You got what god gave you and that's about it.

I mean, especially when it comes to pumps and stuff like that I would be afraid that I might damage it somehow, instead. Damage the erection ability or something. I don't know.

I think we just need to learn the best way to use it and be happy about it.

04-13-20, 15:03
I don't know if I'm crazy, but I don't believe in "penis enlargement" stuff. You got what god gave you and that's about it.

I mean, especially when it comes to pumps and stuff like that I would be afraid that I might damage it somehow, instead. Damage the erection ability or something. I don't know.

I think we just need to learn the best way to use it and be happy about it.I agree with you. Be careful with pumps. Several years a go I wasn't careful with a friend who worked in an AMP. Pumped to the point that I had a pornstarpenis. Actually it was large but soft. My friend and the other girls at the AMP jokeded about it. To make a long story short I damaged the vascular supply and corpus spongiosum. My penis is about one third it's size. An erection is a semi limp one, the sensation is a tenth or less. Revascular surgery didn't work. It takes hours to ejaculate. Be very careful. If you use one follow the directions. Don't leave the band on for hours.

06-24-20, 14:25
I have had a similar experience as JD. My doc put me on Avodart several years ago for BPH. It shrunk up my genitals and reduced my cum. I always use covers and when I would pop, I would immediately go flaccid with the cover slipping off inside which worried me. Urologist gave me V and also Tramadol to prolong my erection. On V I got much harder and larger. Could hardly lie on my stomach on the shower table. Lasted longer so I could get through a face fuck BJCIM and, after a little rest and massage, FS standing up missionary with a second pop. Condom stayed on and date was happy. Still had an erection, but it went down while I was driving back home. Tramadol is now considered a narcotic so you have to have an understand GU doc. Try this if your doc thinks this is safe for you. You have to be careful if you have high blood pressure. Good luck.Can you say more about tramadol? How does it do it, what does it do?

06-25-20, 20:30
Follow these techniques to enlarge your penis in just 2 weeks.

Grip the head of your penis.

Pull your penis upward, stretching it out for about 10 seconds.

Pull your penis to the left for another 10 seconds, then to the right.

Repeat these steps once or twice a day for about 5 minutes.

08-27-20, 08:16
I have tried jelQing. . Basically milking your penis also manual stretching. . plus hanging weights from my Dick. . I've met the famous dld". In person. . in Springfield mass. Total lier. . dude is a midget with a smaLl penor. Anyways my phone is acting up. . I'm going to get a p shot. And will make a video on pornstar hub. Hoping to gain girth. Has anyone actually gotten this procedure? It's not cheap at $2000.

08-27-20, 10:44
Can you say more about tramadol? How does it do it, what does it do?Tramadol. Is a weak ass pain killer. Does not help with prematurely cumming. . Or any sexual benefits. Only reason doctors prescribe it. Is there scared to give out scripts for oxicodone. Oxycontin. Just thought I'd share cause I have first hand. Experience. Taking strong pain killers lIke Oxycontin 60 mg. Will make you last longer during sex. But a lot of times your so warm and fuzzy you can't even get an erection to begin with. . so kinda defeats the purpose.

09-30-20, 08:18
I have tried jelQing. . Basically milking your penis also manual stretching. . plus hanging weights from my Dick. . I've met the famous dld". In person. . in Springfield mass. Total lier. . dude is a midget with a smaLl penor. Anyways my phone is acting up. . I'm going to get a p shot. And will make a video on pornstar hub. Hoping to gain girth. Has anyone actually gotten this procedure? It's not cheap at $2000I have had 2 P-shots. They definitely work. My penis had shrunk with age and I decided to do something about it. You have to pump if you want it to grow and you have to be extremely careful not to overpump. The doctor provided a penis pump and a 2 inch diameter tube. In a week it became painful to use because my penis was squashed against the sides after only a week. I contacted the doctor and they sent me a 2. 25 inch diameter tube. In about 5 months I was packing it too and I am now using a 2. 5 inch diameter tube. I am almost back to the size I was before my penis started shrinking. Google Susan Braxton and follow her penis pumping guide. Since reading it I have purchased the 3. 5 inch cock and ball pump and started using it. I always stay at 5 psi or below when using it, with the penis only pump I never go above 7 psi. The extra pressure of going up to 10 psi is not worth the risk of damage.

10-04-20, 09:00
Tramadol. Is a weak ass pain killer. Does not help with prematurely cumming. . Or any sexual benefits. Only reason doctors prescribe it. Is there scared to give out scripts for oxicodone. Oxycontin. Just thought I'd share cause I have first hand. Experience. Taking strong pain killers lIke Oxycontin 60 mg. Will make you last longer during sex. But a lot of times your so warm and fuzzy you can't even get an erection to begin with. . so kinda defeats the purpose.If you look at the medical literature comparing Tramadol, Paroxetine, Sildenafil and Local Anesthesia, Tramadol come out as the best for treating premature ejaculation. Sildenafil come out best for patient satisfaction. My personal experience is similar. As the ads say "results may vary".

10-09-20, 00:20
I have had 2 P-shots. They definitely work. My penis had shrunk with age and I decided to do something about it. You have to pump if you want it to grow and you have to be extremely careful not to overpump. The doctor provided a penis pump and a 2 inch diameter tube. In a week it became painful to use because my penis was squashed against the sides after only a week. I contacted the doctor and they sent me a 2. 25 inch diameter tube. In about 5 months I was packing it too and I am now using a 2. 5 inch diameter tube. I am almost back to the size I was before my penis started shrinking. Google Susan Braxton and follow her penis pumping guide. Since reading it I have purchased the 3. 5 inch cock and ball pump and started using it. I always stay at 5 psi or below when using it, with the penis only pump I never go above 7 psi. The extra pressure of going up to 10 psi is not worth the risk of damage.I'm glad I read this, my Doc has me pumping at 10 psi. It's uncomfortable pumping at 10 psi. Almost painful. 7 psi sounds safer, I felt like it would explode at 10 psi. LOL.

10-10-20, 14:01
If you look at the medical literature comparing Tramadol, Paroxetine, Sildenafil and Local Anesthesia, Tramadol come out as the best for treating premature ejaculation. Sildenafil come out best for patient satisfaction. My personal experience is similar. As the ads say "results may vary".Result = 45 minutes of non stop penetration in different positions to a ball basting ejaculation. You will need a willing lady to take the pounding like a champ!

Do not take the recommended 3 minimum spray of stud 100. You will not feel anything. Stay at 2 spay and only on the head not the shaft.

02-08-21, 17:38
Result = 45 minutes of non stop penetration in different positions to a ball basting ejaculation. You will need a willing lady to take the pounding like a champ!

Do not take the recommended 3 minimum spray of stud 100. You will not feel anything. Stay at 2 spay and only on the head not the shaft.Didn't work for me.

02-17-21, 23:05
Anyone have penis pump brand model recommendations?

I've noticed as I hit the 50's I'm shrinking a bit. I guess age makes skin less pliable and I don't get erections as often as I used to. Which means I don't stretch out down these as much as before. I've tried stretching and lotion to keep the skin flexible but wanted to do mild pumping to help increase blood flow and maintain my normal size. Not looking to pump a lot for enlargement. Just to keep natural size.

02-18-21, 01:48
I have used this device for the long time and still using it. I'll tell you, it's not helping you to enlarge your dick but to improve a circulation of blood in the genital vessels and as a result you'll get good erection.

02-20-21, 02:53
I have used this device for the long time and still using it. I'll tell you, it's not helping you to enlarge your dick but to improve a circulation of blood in the genital vessels and as a result you'll get good erection.That's exactly what I'm looking for. Lotion and stretch the skin on the outside. Pump for blood flow on the inside. Just to keep things as they are. Age is a ***** and peninsula shrinkage is just another battle.

05-17-21, 12:31
It's lasted over a year so far. My wife says it's too big but when we have sex and I eventually get it in, she loves it. It only added girth (was 11.5 cm, now 16 cm!

Had to use over 40 mL.

It is lumpy at first but it smooths out.

Supposed to last over 3 years.

12-31-21, 01:52
If you look at the medical literature comparing Tramadol, Paroxetine, Sildenafil and Local Anesthesia, Tramadol come out as the best for treating premature ejaculation. Sildenafil come out best for patient satisfaction. My personal experience is similar. As the ads say "results may vary".Makes some sense, as I find that the better my erection, the longer I last. If I were to get that by using Viagra, well, off to the races.

01-21-22, 12:56
What is a p shot and where do you get them? Anyone try the penimaster extender? Do they work??

I have tried jelQing. . Basically milking your penis also manual stretching. . plus hanging weights from my Dick. . I've met the famous dld". In person. . in Springfield mass. Total lier. . dude is a midget with a smaLl penor. Anyways my phone is acting up. . I'm going to get a p shot. And will make a video on pornstar hub. Hoping to gain girth. Has anyone actually gotten this procedure? It's not cheap at $2000.

05-12-22, 19:43
What is a p shot and where do you get them? Anyone try the penimaster extender? Do they work??Have had the P shot. Basically; they draw your blood, spin out the plasma and then inject it into your penis, in the shaft and head. It will run you $250 unless you opt for adding stem cells, which will run you another $1500+. I've also done the shockwave aka sonic wave treatment. It will take at least 12-15 sessions at $150-$200 per, for full effect to be realized. But it is absolutely worth it. The results are better than expected. Like I'm 21 again. Rock hard and fuller and thicker than in many years. Be prepared to drop at least $4 k-$5 k.

Johnny Shakes
07-01-22, 06:37
It's Great my favourite.

James D 2004
07-01-22, 12:49
I have had a similar experience as JD. My doc put me on Avodart several years ago for BPH. It shrunk up my genitals and reduced my cum. I always use covers and when I would pop, I would immediately go flaccid with the cover slipping off inside which worried me. Urologist gave me V and also Tramadol to prolong my erection. On V I got much harder and larger. Could hardly lie on my stomach on the shower table. Lasted longer so I could get through a face fuck BJCIM and, after a little rest and massage, FS standing up missionary with a second pop. Condom stayed on and date was happy. Still had an erection, but it went down while I was driving back home. Tramadol is now considered a narcotic so you have to have an understand GU doc. Try this if your doc thinks this is safe for you. You have to be careful if you have high blood pressure. Good luck.While I am settling down with the Roman wipe routine, actually a much cheaper bee sting wipe, my new favorite made me reconsider. She is the type who looks at my cock and applies more lub again. That carries over to her BBBJ. She spits a lot as if I'm going to pound her at any moment. And she uses a bit of hand too when her mouth gets tired. I let her since it's part of the visual stimulation; she's pretty. But then there are some areas that I don't wipe to remain sensitive. I didn't last that long that day.

Dapoxetine has been working fine for me. But I just don't like the slightly upset stomach and the loss of a happy ending feeling. It's called that for a reason. I don't have suicidal thoughts for Dapo, nor do I feel sad. Just without the happy ending feeling.

Research on Tramadol seems to be a good alternative. It's a totally different class of med so the side effects of Dapo won't be there. And also, there are new classes of Dapo so maybe the side effect will be a lot milder.

So it happens that Roman has it well hidden in their website. Not Dapo, not Paroxetine but another thing of the same class. I can't even get it with my existing account. Of course, I'll try it. Next day free delivery at $2 per pill, the same as my V pills. And it's to my door, not the mailbox downhill.

07-25-22, 05:37
Tbh, I'd never thought that once I found myself here. But, you know, I want to be honest with you guys.

07-27-22, 11:40
Tbh, Id never thought that once I found myself here. But, you know, I want to be honest with you guys. So, my wife isnt actually satisfied with the size, so I have no idea what to do. Btw, IDK why she didnt tell me about it before (weve been married for 22 years). So, have you guys heard of <a href="https://www.sizesurvey.com/penis-extenders/sizegenetics.html">sizegenetics</a>? Its said its actually quite effective. Cause, you know, I dont want to take any pills at all. I guess medicine would only harm me. So, any suggestions, guys? Im really stuck. Waiting for your reply. TIAI have had 2 P-shots. They definitely work. My penis had shrunk with age and I decided to do something about it. You have to pump if you want it to grow and you have to be extremely careful not to over pump. The doctor provided a penis pump and a 2 inch diameter tube. In a week it became painful to use because my penis was squashed against the sides after only a week. I contacted the doctor and they sent me a 2. 25 inch diameter tube. In about 5 months I was packing it too and I am now using a 2. 5 inch diameter tube. I am almost back to the size I was before my penis started shrinking. Google Susan Braxton and follow her penis pumping guide. Since reading it I have purchased the 3. 5 inch cock and ball pump and started using it. I always stay at 5 psi or below when using it, with the penis only pump I never.

08-02-22, 09:43
The best way to grow a thicker dick is to jerk off several times a day. It's muscle that will grow the more you use it.

08-25-23, 16:02
I have had 2 P-shots. They definitely work. My penis had shrunk with age and I decided to do something about it. You have to pump if you want it to grow and you have to be extremely careful not to over pump. The doctor provided a penis pump and a 2 inch diameter tube. In a week it became painful to use because my penis was squashed against the sides after only a week. I contacted the doctor and they sent me a 2. 25 inch diameter tube. In about 5 months I was packing it too and I am now using a 2. 5 inch diameter tube. I am almost back to the size I was before my penis started shrinking. Google Susan Braxton and follow her penis pumping guide. Since reading it I have purchased the 3. 5 inch cock and ball pump and started using it. I always stay at 5 psi or below when using it, with the penis only pump I never.Susan Bratton her Better Lover website has some good info.

10-16-23, 07:53
Anybody have experience with Trimix?

Please DM me as I would like to have a conversation.

Thank you.

Shy Boto
12-15-23, 22:54
The best way to grow a thicker dick is to jerk off several times a day. It's muscle that will grow the more you use it.That worked for me and doing push ups help to make Jr thicker.

12-17-23, 10:37
That worked for me and doing push ups help to make Jr thicker.Get your dr to get you trimix, hard dick for hours. You can cum multiple times.

12-17-23, 10:39
Anybody have experience with Trimix?

Please DM me as I would like to have a conversation.

Thank you.Best stuff on the market.

05-26-24, 14:14
That worked for me and doing push ups help to make Jr thicker.Has your dick gotten longer?

I am very curious and interested.

Shy Boto
06-29-24, 07:40
Has your dick gotten longer?

I am very curious and interested.Yes it did.