View Full Version : Politics, Recipes, Car care, and all things not pussy related.

01-12-16, 07:38
Here ya go. Have at it.

01-10-17, 01:37
We have to stick together and share any other free sites these girls will move to, me personally I only used BP, they did not censor the women for man section so they may move there and or goto CL. Hope we all keep each other posted.I thought this is supposed to be a free country. Guess not. The ladies simply moved to the dating section. This censorship only happened on the American locations. It was not applied to any other country. Who would have thought that the Russian and Chinese would have more freedom on Backpage than Americans?

01-10-17, 14:21
Gut feeling tells me it's because of the incoming Trump administration.

I guess the Pussy Grabber-In-Chief and his Russian cronies gets to grope any woman they want. But the rest of us normal mongers have to sit at home with PornHub.

Sounds fair I guess?

01-10-17, 14:54
Liberal filth drool on Obama's dick.

01-11-17, 10:23
Gut feeling tells me it's because of the incoming Trump administration.

I guess the Pussy Grabber-In-Chief and his Russian cronies gets to grope any woman they want. But the rest of us normal mongers have to sit at home with PornHub.

Sounds fair I guess?I think I found a snowflake. LOL.

Monaco GP
01-11-17, 15:14
I think I found a snowflake. LOL.LOL.

Backpage has been under attack since 2010 after Craigslist capitulated. Remind me; In 2010 who was president and who controlled both houses of congress? Looking forward to 16 years of everything being Trump's fault. Two terms and an additional two terms of a whining, feckless successor.

01-11-17, 21:21
Backpage has been under attack since 2010 after Craigslist capitulated. Remind me; In 2010 who was president and who controlled both houses of congress? Looking forward to 16 years of everything being Trump's fault. Two terms and an additional two terms of a whining, feckless successor.Ah yes. Just like every filthy stinkin' Repuke who kept saying "don't blame Dubya" for the Great Recession and missing WMD's. How many of those same Repukes are going to say "don't blame Obama" once Chumpie gets sworn in? That's tardo logic at it's finest.

Horrible Deplorables fool themselves into thinking they have a functioning brain once in a while, but then realize it's just a fart bubble that gurgled up into their sinus cavity LOL.

Monaco GP
01-11-17, 23:19
Sponge Bob Square Pants is as much to blame for shutting down CL 7 years ago and BP 3 days ago as any leader not yet sworn in nor with a single cabinet position confirmed.

It's the oldest profession in the world. You can't stop it any more than you can stop the internet. BP was a significant improvement over the censors at CL and the next solution will be better than BP.

We can all start by staying calm and directing the girls to advertise here.

01-12-17, 06:01
There is enough political bull shit on other sites.

Let's keep this site to its purpose, helping each other get safely laid.


01-12-17, 09:26
Gut feeling tells me it's because of the incoming Trump administration.
Notging to do with Trump, nothing to do with Obama, this moralfaggotry is born and bred by priests and the sheep that follow them, all of them screetching "won't someone please think of the children!

The same assholes that think their darling little timmy or suzzy won't figure out what's between their legs if they ban everything they don't like.

Religion, the only communicable mental illness, has a huge hand in this.

That being said, anyone know of any providers with a bun in the oven? I tried calling the gitl in why-town but her number was dead.

01-12-17, 10:17
Here ya go. Have at it.I like the name of this thread

01-12-17, 16:01
Yeah. This crap needs to be kept in it's own little box. As far as the moderation of this thread goes?? Not me brother! You can have it! Or give it to someone else! I don't want anything resembling your job of riding herd on this congregation of miscreants, malcontents, and perverts! Lololol.

I like the name of this thread

01-18-17, 11:47
Ah yes. Just like every filthy stinkin' Repuke who kept saying "don't blame Dubya" for the Great Recession and missing WMD's. How many of those same Repukes are going to say "don't blame Obama" once Chumpie gets sworn in? That's tardo logic at it's finest.

Horrible Deplorables fool themselves into thinking they have a functioning brain once in a while, but then realize it's just a fart bubble that gurgled up into their sinus cavity LOL.Triggered much?

Talons Up
01-18-17, 14:52
I like the name of this threadName makes no sense. Everything is pussy related.

01-21-17, 00:00

Monaco GP
07-12-18, 08:44
Every noob monger knows mileage in Columbus sucks. Her lawyer is claiming politically motivated. No dude, Franklin County is a liberal enclave, no touching allowed.


07-13-18, 02:00
Every noob monger knows mileage in Columbus sucks. Her lawyer is claiming politically motivated. No dude, Franklin County is a liberal enclave, no touching allowed.


Not to turn this political but you really think liberals are the ones that are against prostitution? Last I checked they were being blamed for the “eroding of family values.” Whatever that means.

Member #5838
07-13-18, 07:14
Not to turn this political but you really think liberals are the ones that are against prostitution? Last I checked they were being blamed for the eroding of family values. Whatever that means.

I think that liberal feminists and ultra conservatives hate the thought of men getting sex on demand equally if for different reasons.

Monaco GP
07-13-18, 09:30
Not to turn this political but you really think liberals are the ones that are against prostitution? Last I checked they were being blamed for the eroding of family values. Whatever that means.

Feminist bull dykes are the reason one of the only areas in OH where the regulations are enforced is the very left leaning Franklin County

I think that liberal feminists and ultra conservatives hate the thought of men getting sex on demand equally if for different reasons.

Exactly. May have been bible thumper that pushed the law but feminists also supported it and are the only ones demanding enforcement.

07-13-18, 10:28
I think that liberal feminists and ultra conservatives hate the thought of men getting sex on demand equally if for different reasons.

Oh the irony. Women have always been able to get sex on demand. Fat, old, ugly, short, tall, it doesn't matter. Any woman can get laid at any time. But we as men have a much stronger biological need for sex and yet short of paying for it we are left with little options if we are not ultra handsome, have tons of money or know how to spit game.

07-13-18, 12:01
I love the name of this thread

11-23-19, 14:10
Look at STG. That's not a cheap site to manage and operate. There is no advertising. There are no fees. Just where do you think the money is coming from to support that site? Public donations? It's one of two things (maybe both): they are running scams to pay for the site or it's government operated.At the very top of the STG website it explains new people being employed to help combat spam. Prior to this banner STG had banners encouraging reporting of spam to help eliminate it. At the bottom of every ad is a button to click to report ads as spam or other violations. STG indicates no where that they support spam so claiming they rely on spam to finance their site would be a wrong inclination and a wrong summation. Not sure of the reason for negative comments for someone trying to help end spam ads on STG. STG is becoming a collection of fake ads and ads to draw and set up clients to be robbed. I would think we want to encourage people to help make STG better.

11-23-19, 22:34
At the very top of the STG website it explains new people being employed to help combat spam. Prior to this banner STG had banners encouraging reporting of spam to help eliminate it. At the bottom of every ad is a button to click to report ads as spam or other violations. STG indicates no where that they support spam so claiming they rely on spam to finance their site would be a wrong inclination and a wrong summation. Not sure of the reason for negative comments for someone trying to help end spam ads on STG. STG is becoming a collection of fake ads and ads to draw and set up clients to be robbed. I would think we want to encourage people to help make STG better.With all due respect, I believe you are misinterpreting my post. I am in complete agreement that the scam ads are ripping people off and in some cases set-ups. But, I also want you to consider what you said. The banner says they have a new person in training to clear spam and that until they are up to par there may be even more spam. That suggests there is only one person for the job. One person for the entire span of STG. Is that person a volunteer? If not, where is that money coming from?

I've reported ads in the past only to find them remain. This, supposedly, while they had someone trained, according to the banner. Maybe we should help the new guy out by reporting more. I'm all for that.

02-05-20, 12:30
Years ago, there was a television show called "To Tell the Truth" where a contestant would hear several people tell a story and the contestant would have to pick the person who was telling the truth. I believe Bill Cullen was the M. C. of this show. Well my friend, I can tell you this: that I have had the opportunity to visit Jewel several times and as recently as today, and while she might take it up the ass, which in and of itself is dangerous because if she gets a tear of the membrane that separates her vagina from her rectum she will develop a recto-vaginal fistula and forever leak shit through her vagina, she would never take it up the ass BB.

For those of you that have seen Jewell recently, please be advised that she finally was able to get rid of the "squatters" that literally tore up her house because of their disgusting habits, and Jewel is doing a complete make-over of her house to get it cleaned up and throw away the squatters' trash. One of the squatters ran away and one of the squatters was hauled away by the local police. Having seen Jewel today, obviously she has been relieved of a lot of stress, and is now much more calm and relaxed as she provides a sensual, and a sexual experience for those of you that she believes deserve it, whether it be for a quick drop your load and run, or a more casual loving experience. She willingly provides the services as listed in her ad, but then again, if you are perceived to be a bad boy, discretion will be the better part of her valor. If you are pleasing for her to be with, then you, like I, will be pleased when you leave. BTW, I did advise Jewel, as I have advised others that "taking it up the ass is potentially a dangerous act to do less one gets a tear from a large penis and then is willing to shit through their vagina for the rest of their lives. When this happens to women in African tribes, they stink so bad that they are excluded from their village to go live in the jungle alone, where they eventually attract and then get eaten by a jungle carnivore.LMAO, you guys are a hoot.

KD is a solid contributor to this board, and has provided numerous valuable reviews. We are both BBFS specialists, so sometimes I will take a flyer on a girl he has reviewed, and I'm sure vice versa. Never have ran into a situation where any of his reviews have been anything other than SPOT on.

I know it may hurt your feelings to know one of your favorite providers is taking it up the a $$ BB.

Just had a similar debate on the Cleveland boards as well. ALL of them offer these services. Just because they don't offer them to YOU does not mean they arent offering them to others.

I have experienced this exact same situation DOZENS of times, and provided screenshots of my conversations with the provider to prove it to another "hopeless romantic" monger who couldn't come to terms with the fact that his favorite girl was taking creampies from others.

How about we keep on topic, and appreciate the valuable information provided by veteran mongers, rather than try and "call them out" because your feelings are hurt?

Finally, I got to LMAO at your "advice" given to the provider. That may be part of your problem sir, thinking the provider cares in the slightest about your "safety advice, and rules of the game".

For the last time.

Providers will tell you whatever they think you want to hear.

Providers will LIE to you, to feed your ego.

Providers will swear they "don't do that". When they just did with the monger before you.

Believing a provider's BS in this game, is an easy way to "fall in love". And end up with an empty bank account quickly.

02-05-20, 15:03
LMAO, you guys are a hoot.

KD is a solid contributor to this board, and has provided numerous valuable reviews. We are both BBFS specialists, so sometimes I will take a flyer on a girl he has reviewed, and I'm sure vice versa. Never have ran into a situation where any of his reviews have been anything other than SPOT on.

I know it may hurt your feelings to know one of your favorite providers is taking it up the a $$ BB.

Just had a similar debate on the Cleveland boards as well. ALL of them offer these services. Just because they don't offer them to YOU does not mean they arent offering them to others.

I have experienced this exact same situation DOZENS of times, and provided screenshots of my conversations with the provider to prove it to another "hopeless romantic" monger who couldn't come to terms with the fact that his favorite girl was taking creampies from others.

How about we keep on topic, and appreciate the valuable information provided by veteran mongers, rather than try and "call them out" because your feelings are hurt?

Finally, I got to LMAO at your "advice" given to the provider. That may be part of your problem sir, thinking the provider cares in the slightest about your "safety advice, and rules of the game"..Wow! That was poetry.

02-05-20, 19:36
Wow! That was poetry.Thanks, LOL. Sometimes you have to "check" other mongers when you see the obvious signs of being in denial, and falling in love. With a hooker. For God's sake. Every time it's the same script too:

Usually starts with a story about "getting to know a provider on a more personal level".

Translation- Frequent visitor, so the provider lays the BS on a bit thicker, to make the aforementioned monger feel special.

Then usually the denial comes into play. "I know for a 100% certain fact that XYZ would NEVER do those awful things. I know this because I have visited her 4 times, and she complimented my shirt once".

Then, finally, the self righteous stuff starts. "This other monger is obviously a LIAR!! This provider is SO above doing BB anal. Again, I have seen her 4 x, and she complimented my shirt. So I KNOW she would never do such awful, disgusting things". "I have advised XYZ provider of the dangers of anal tearing, and pussy shitting for the rest of her life. I KNOW she takes my advice seriously".

Myself, and other veteran mongers just shake our heads. Another hopeless romantic, being milked dry at 120 a pop for covered dates. He could be getting creampie sessions for. 8 instead. It's a shame.

02-06-20, 01:52
LMAO, you guys are a hoot.

KD is a solid contributor to this board, and has provided numerous valuable reviews. We are both BBFS specialists, so sometimes I will take a flyer on a girl he has reviewed, and I'm sure vice versa. Never have ran into a situation where any of his reviews have been anything other than SPOT on.

I know it may hurt your feelings to know one of your favorite providers is taking it up the a $$ BB.

Just had a similar debate on the Cleveland boards as well. ALL of them offer these services. Just because they don't offer them to YOU does not mean they arent offering them to others.Thank you. Slutsmasher. Like you, I consider myself to be a BB specialist! This was not my first time dropping inside of her and I know I wasn't the first or the hundreth. I have enjoyed both entrances and left my love in both over the past few years. I used to meet her at Steve's when she lived there. Any seniors will remember this.

None of my reviews are false and I use only senior reviews to try out different flavors in the Akron / Canton area.

02-06-20, 09:46
Thanks, LOL. Sometimes you have to "check" other mongers when you see the obvious signs of being in denial, and falling in love. With a hooker. For God's sake. Every time it's the same script too:

Usually starts with a story about "getting to know a provider on a more personal level".

Translation- Frequent visitor, so the provider lays the BS on a bit thicker, to make the aforementioned monger feel special.

Then usually the denial comes into play. "I know for a 100% certain fact that XYZ would NEVER do those awful things. I know this because I have visited her 4 times, and she complimented my shirt once".

Then, finally, the self righteous stuff starts. "This other monger is obviously a LIAR!! This provider is SO above doing BB anal. Again, I have seen her 4 x, and she complimented my shirt. So I KNOW she would never do such awful, disgusting things". "I have advised XYZ provider of the dangers of anal tearing, and pussy shitting for the rest of her life. I KNOW she takes my advice seriously".

Myself, and other veteran mongers just shake our heads. Another hopeless romantic, being milked dry at 120 a pop for covered dates. He could be getting creampie sessions for. 8 instead. It's a shame.Seems you are smugly conflating the so called "debate." We weren't discussing the issue of falling in love with providers, we were discussing the merits of swimming in the vd pool. When you go bb, you go bb with all of a girl's bb customers. To make matters worse, these girls are junkies. Are you saying everything is easily curable Dr. SS?

02-06-20, 10:06
LMAO, you guys are a hoot.

KD is a solid contributor to this board, and has provided numerous valuable reviews. We are both BBFS specialists, so sometimes I will take a flyer on a girl he has reviewed, and I'm sure vice versa. Never have ran into a situation where any of his reviews have been anything other than SPOT on.

I know it may hurt your feelings to know one of your favorite providers is taking it up the a $$ BB.

Just had a similar debate on the Cleveland boards as well. ALL of them offer these services. Just because they don't offer them to YOU does not mean they arent offering them to others.

I have experienced this exact same situation DOZENS of times, and provided screenshots of my conversations with the provider to prove it to another "hopeless romantic" monger who couldn't come to terms with the fact that his favorite girl was taking creampies from others.

How about we keep on topic, and appreciate the valuable information provided by veteran mongers, rather than try and "call them out" because your feelings are hurt?

Finally, I got to LMAO at your "advice" given to the provider. That may be part of your problem sir, thinking the provider cares in the slightest about your "safety advice, and rules of the game".

For the last time.

Providers will tell you whatever they think you want to hear.

Providers will LIE to you, to feed your ego.

Providers will swear they "don't do that". When they just did with the monger before you.

Believing a provider's BS in this game, is an easy way to "fall in love". And end up with an empty bank account quickly.Not judging you guys, to each their own but you couldn't pay me enough to BB any of the escorts on STG kittys let alone their Shitbox. That extra lube maybe the previous mongers load and I don't want to be part of that genetic material cocktail. Stay safe.

Cleve Loser
02-06-20, 21:08
Not judging you guys, to each their own but you couldn't pay me enough to BB any of the escorts on STG kittys let alone their Shitbox. That extra lube maybe the previous mongers load and I don't want to be part of that genetic material cocktail. Stay safe.LOL I go BB in the pink every time. Literally. Every single STG girl has gone bare with me over the last 2 years since I got back into it. I just do it and its never discussed. None of them care at all. They proly prefer it bc guys cum way faster most likely.

But going bare in the butt? Hell fuckin no that is about the dumbest sht I've ever heard. Look up HIV stats ffs.

02-07-20, 10:51
LOL I go BB in the pink every time. Literally. Every single STG girl has gone bare with me over the last 2 years since I got back into it. I just do it and its never discussed. None of them care at all. They proly prefer it bc guys cum way faster most likely.

But going bare in the butt? Hell fuckin no that is about the dumbest sht I've ever heard. Look up HIV stats ffs.I'm just impressed you've banged every single STG girl in just two years! LOL.

Jimmy 5
02-07-20, 11:52
LOL I go BB in the pink every time. Literally. Every single STG girl has gone bare with me over the last 2 years since I got back into it. I just do it and its never discussed. None of them care at all. They proly prefer it bc guys cum way faster most likely.

But going bare in the butt? Hell fuckin no that is about the dumbest sht I've ever heard. Look up HIV stats ffs.Anal is definitely a good way to contract HIV, not a fun way to go. Also anal is comparable to sticking ones "Dick" in a septic tank! However not being judgemental, each to his own.

02-07-20, 12:09
LOL I go BB in the pink every time. Literally. Every single STG girl has gone bare with me over the last 2 years since I got back into it. I just do it and its never discussed. None of them care at all. They proly prefer it bc guys cum way faster most likely.

But going bare in the butt? Hell fuckin no that is about the dumbest sht I've ever heard. Look up HIV stats ffs.Genuinely curious, you aren't worried about that from doing BB in the pink? Isn't it just as risky for that? (The Dr is not a medical Dr).

02-07-20, 12:13
Anal is definitely a good way to contract HIV, not a fun way to go. Also anal is comparable to sticking ones "Dick" in a septic tank! However not being judgemental, each to his own.Any BB is risky. I love to BB. Prefer it. However statically the person receiving anal is at the higher risk due to possible tears in the anus which allow transfer from fluids to occur. With STG playmates you never know when they last prepared appropriately for anal after their last go round. I think the risk is generally higher with STG as well, do to most of their lifestyles. I think this is why I prefer AMP to STG. The ladies there always seem to have way more health control in place and less drug habits then STG playmates.

BB is always a risk. But damn it feels great!

02-07-20, 12:14
Seems you are smugly conflating the so called "debate." We weren't discussing the issue of falling in love with providers, we were discussing the merits of swimming in the vd pool. When you go bb, you go bb with all of a girl's bb customers. To make matters worse, these girls are junkies. Are you saying everything is easily curable Dr. SS?I said we had a "similair" debate on the Cleveland board's.

You are a CFS guy, so our debate was over why you care what other mongers do, if you are CFS every time.

I did notice you like to go with BBBJ's though. I would argue you can catch anything with a BBBJ, that you can with BBFS. However, I guarantee every provider has had 10 x as many raw dicks in their mouth, compared to their vagina. What makes you think the 30 uncovered mouth wieners, are better than the 4-5 uncovered vagina wieners, Dr LR?

02-07-20, 12:14
Anal is definitely a good way to contract HIV, not a fun way to go. Also anal is comparable to sticking ones "Dick" in a septic tank! However not being judgemental, each to his own.You guys do realize that just because you may go BB vaginal but not anal, you're still being exposed to any activate that provider may have had anally with recent clients that may have done BB anal. Only chance any of us has is to always cover. Don't want to get too off track regarding this sites purpose of providing useful posts about dates. We are not the CDC. Lets (myself included) stay focused.

02-07-20, 12:37
I said we had a "similair" debate on the Cleveland board's.

You are a CFS guy, so our debate was over why you care what other mongers do, if you are CFS every time.

I did notice you like to go with BBBJ's though. I would argue you can catch anything with a BBBJ, that you can with BBFS. However, I guarantee every provider has had 10 x as many raw dicks in their mouth, compared to their vagina. What makes you think the 30 uncovered mouth wieners, are better than the 4-5 uncovered vagina wieners, Dr LR?I think people care because they are human beings and would rather not see STD's spread around. It's called decency. I think we can agree to waive our concern in your regard!

The New England Journal of Medicine is my source for information to determine my safety. Even though you play a doctor on these boards I will stick to their advice.

02-07-20, 17:01
Seems you are smugly conflating the so called "debate." We weren't discussing the issue of falling in love with providers, we were discussing the merits of swimming in the vd pool. When you go bb, you go bb with all of a girl's bb customers. To make matters worse, these girls are junkies. Are you saying everything is easily curable Dr. SS?Oh has it been 4 months already? Seems that's around the time frame the good ole bandwidth wasting argument over BB comes up.

You are a CFS guy, so our debate was over why you care what other mongers do, if you are CFS every time.I'm with SS. If you adamant "never BB'ers" do CFS every time, why do you care what everyone else does with their personally owned penii? To the point of lashing insults EVERY TIME the argument inevitably pokes its head out? It gets old. I don't bb every time with every provider but I have done it on many occasions. Let's let me do what I want with my purple helmeted warrior of love, and you do what you want with yours and just review providers.

02-07-20, 18:25
I think people care because they are human beings and would rather not see STD's spread around. It's called decency. I think we can agree to waive our concern in your regard!

The New England Journal of Medicine is my source for information to determine my safety. Even though you play a doctor on these boards I will stick to their advice.On the contrary. You play the Dr, and "internet diagnose" people on a regular basis. I simply correct your misguided, and incorrect assumptions.

Enjoy your medicine journal, I have some creampies to pass out.

02-07-20, 18:37
On the contrary. You play the Dr, and "internet diagnose" people on a regular basis. I simply correct your misguided, and incorrect assumptions.

Enjoy your medicine journal, I have some creampies to pass out.Laughed at "Creampies to pass out".

02-08-20, 00:15
On the contrary. You play the Dr, and "internet diagnose" people on a regular basis. I simply correct your misguided, and incorrect assumptions.

Enjoy your medicine journal, I have some creampies to pass out.I am the person who educates himself before engaging in activities while demonstrating decency to other people. . You are not. It is that simple.

Cleve Loser
02-08-20, 05:40
I'm just impressed you've banged every single STG girl in just two years! LOL.LOL.

Ok ya to clarify its only been like 6 girls. And I def go for a certain eh demographic. See yall want drug free but I prefer it. I know they will provide bc they are desperate. Now I don't take advantage and proly pay too much often but hey creampies are life.

LOL again.

02-08-20, 12:03
Thanks, LOL. Sometimes you have to "check" other mongersNo, you never ever do, never, not even once. The forum isn't about you bloviating about being a master monger, it's about pussy.

If you kick off stupidity like this on a review thread again I'm putting you back on moderation and your posts will have to be reviewed before they go live.


Note, this post is in blue, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you.

02-08-20, 16:58
SS: Watch your P's and Q's. You don't want to be put on moderation like me. It's not a happy place to be.

02-21-20, 20:09
Anybody know what temp is needed to pour concrete in a new garage floor? Contractor telling me it is too cold for it to cure. Thanks.

You can do it at any temp above freezing but I wouldn't pour below 40.

If the contractor hasn't been paid yet then he's probably telling the truth, if you paid before getting the work done then he's probably shinning you on.


05-06-20, 09:40
The only way to truly effect these women from over priced services or thinking they run the show is to effect their dope money! We all know that despite what they try to tell you they ALL USE. (3) days with zero money would. Send a huge message!!

Here is the message. You are the ho who needs us we don't need your ho ass at all.


What do you guys think??Good idea or no?I think you guys are a bunch of pigs. Most of you would be lucky to even get laid in real life.

You want some girl to suck your nasty dick for $20. Guys like y'all that treat these girls like trash are the reason most of these girls got on drugs anyways.

If you are tired of the dope girls, pick your game up and spend some real Jack on a clean girl on SA.

Oh that's right, your broke ass only has $40 to spend.

What you don't understand is if YOUR appearance was better, and you had enough personality to communicate like a human to these girls, you COULD bang them for their $40 fix, I know because I get too. I get drastically reduced rates all the time, especially on my second visit.

05-07-20, 15:41
I think you guys are a bunch of pigs. Most of you would be lucky to even get laid in real life.

You want some girl to suck your nasty dick for $20. Guys like y'all that treat these girls like trash are the reason most of these girls got on drugs anyways.

If you are tired of the dope girls, pick your game up and spend some real Jack on a clean girl on SA.

Oh that's right, your broke ass only has $40 to spend.

What you don't understand is if YOUR appearance was better, and you had enough personality to communicate like a human to these girls, you COULD bang them for their $40 fix, I know because I get too. I get drastically reduced rates all the time, especially on my second visit.First off aslinger I have zero problem being called a pig. I fuck hookers just like you do LOL. However the big difference is I know what they are. They are all junkie trashy WG who. Would (and in some cases have) blow their own dad for dope. Take Rebecca aka Jen who fucks her step father for dope. Or Sasha aka Krista who is full of sores and marks all over her body. (See the videos of them all sucking me off online on either xhamster "johnbgood1113" or "trashyhoes" on pornhub. These nasty sluts want their dope well cum and get it. I have literally made some bring their own belt with them so I can WHIP them while they scream and leave welts. Then so they can get their dope I have them suck you til I shoot my load down their throats. Every single ho is the same. Every one they just want dope money. Kristy yep she swallowed Courtney swallowed Cheyenne swallowed Jessica aka Jade the meth ho who claims to have had cancer. Nope she had meth. Lots and lots of meth and plucked her hair out of her head one a time!! She used to actually have hair!! To thine own self be true LOL I fucked ALL of her friends. Including Shelby aka Anna who now only provides the dope to Jess aka Jade.

Yes aslinger a pig for sure! Oh and no thanks on the 40 I'll pay 100 every time they take it on their asses good for it.

07-10-20, 10:27
So last night we in summit county were moved from the governors level 2 severity for COVID to level 3, which means masks will be mandated in all indoor venues. This should be a plus for the income of all the butter-faced dancers in akron!

07-10-20, 10:30
So last night we in summit county were moved from the governors level 2 severity for COVID to level 3, which means masks will be mandated in all indoor venues. This should be a plus for the income of all the butter-faced dancers in akron!I wonder if that's due to all of the protesters / rioters from the last few weeks. Seems like we were doing good until then.

07-10-20, 11:12
I wonder if that's due to all of the protesters / rioters from the last few weeks. Seems like we were doing good until then.That's a definite possibility, however it's also important to account for the fact that we began mandatory testing by the national guard on all old folks homes employees in the last few weeks too. With increased numbers of tests your going to have increased numbers of positive people. Its important to note that the hospitals are not seeing any surge in people in the ER etc. I think its mostly media driven frenzy bullshit to be honest. The virus has mutated (as all viruses do) to be less harmful to its host so it can survive longer and spread itself more widely.

07-10-20, 17:06
I wonder if that's due to all of the protesters / rioters from the last few weeks. Seems like we were doing good until then.It wasn't. Those were over a month ago. Incubation period for the virus is two weeks. If the surge had happened 2-4 weeks ago, then sure. But it's happening now, meaning it's more likely community spread.

07-11-20, 03:40
It wasn't. Those were over a month ago. Incubation period for the virus is two weeks. If the surge had happened 2-4 weeks ago, then sure. But it's happening now, meaning it's more likely community spread.Yeah, community spread from the protesters (carriers) to family members.

07-11-20, 05:50
Yeah, community spread from the protesters (carriers) to family members.Math to protestor family members is same as protestors.

It's nothing to do with the protests, too late of a surge.

07-11-20, 05:59
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the subject was not related to the purpose of this Forum, which is as follows:

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex.

Put that stupidity on the stupid shit threads.


07-11-20, 06:43
Math to protestor family members is same as protestors.

It's nothing to do with the protests, too late of a surge.There are carriers only that don't exhibit the symptoms, but they can still pass it on to those that exhibit the symptoms. They are incubators that keep the virus alive and reproducing. Those that don't exhibit the symptoms could still be passing it on to others even as of today. Time means nothing. If the two weeks time were true, then the virus would have died 2 weeks after it was 1st detected in China.

07-11-20, 07:46
Math to protestor family members is same as protestors.

It's nothing to do with the protests, too late of a surge.Correct it has nothing to do with the protesters. If you follow tik tok and other social media you'll find that they are all taking precautions and are the opposite of how corporate media is presenting them as.

If you want to point the finger then look at those who are refusing to wear the masks. Look at the police in a lot of the videos. Look at those who freakout when asked to wear the masks because they feel it infringes on their freedom.

I have been going out during the shut down but I'm essential worker and I take precautions. I've been boosting my immunity system especially with Vitamin D. Make sure I'm drinking plenty of fluids. Other than that go out and enjoy and be creative in having some fun.

07-11-20, 09:12
There are carriers only that don't exhibit the symptoms, but they can still pass it on to those that exhibit the symptoms.There is no evidence that asymptomatic carriers can spread the flu. Its "supposed" they "might" spread it. It "might" be spread by drinking corona beer. Just like aids, our government is lying to us.

07-11-20, 14:19
If the two weeks time were true, then the virus would have died 2 weeks after it was 1st detected in China.Yeah that's not how pandemics work.

07-11-20, 14:29
Math to protestor family members is same as protestors.

It's nothing to do with the protests, too late of a surge.The spike in cases happened EXACTLY 10 days after the protests. The same fucking people what were shaming people for two months to "just stay home" came out and gathered in HUGE TIGHTLY PACKED, crowds and they are saying that had nothing to do with the cases?

Is wokeness a vaccine?

This is as big a piece of bullshit as Texas hospitals over run with cases. Texas has 85,000 staffed beds and 8,000 hospitalizations was supposed to make the system fail. In the ICS in Houston 12% were covid and in Austin 10% and it was those cases that were making the system fail?

Please keep this stupidity off the review threads.


07-11-20, 15:20
The spike in cases happened EXACTLY 10 days after the protests. The same fucking people what were shaming people for two months to "just stay home" came out and gathered in HUGE TIGHTLY PACKED, crowds and they are saying that had nothing to do with the cases?
This. Gen Z that bitched about making sure everyone stayed home and never left and pay out the ass for home grocery delivery and all that completely forgot about it because they found something new to ***** about. We have the "social distancing" rules (supposedly) for a reason. The masks are only supposed to be somewhat effective. So dry-humping the people next to you and screaming at the top of your lungs as long as you had a mask on did nothing to slow the spread of anything.

07-12-20, 14:54
The spike in cases happened EXACTLY 10 days after the protests. The same fucking people what were shaming people for two months to "just stay home" came out and gathered in HUGE TIGHTLY PACKED, crowds and they are saying that had nothing to do with the cases.Yeah that's not true. NYC had some of the biggest protests and numbers there are down. It would be easier to say that staying home is too hard for you instead of doing the mental gymnastics of "well if they did it, it's okay if I do it. ".

07-12-20, 14:57
This. Gen Z that bitched about making sure everyone stayed home and never left and pay out the ass for home grocery delivery and all that completely forgot about it because they found something new to ***** about. We have the "social distancing" rules (supposedly) for a reason. The masks are only supposed to be somewhat effective. So dry-humping the people next to you and screaming at the top of your lungs as long as you had a mask on did nothing to slow the spread of anything.Also incorrect. Masks are VERY effective. How about asking your doctor instead of getting information from social media? JHU actually traced exposure from protests. Found that you're way more likely to get it from your local bar.

07-12-20, 17:23
Also incorrect. Masks are VERY effective. How about asking your doctor instead of getting information from social media? JHU actually traced exposure from protests. Found that you're way more likely to get it from your local bar.Ya know, this virus is a weird bug. It seems to obey county lines and affect each situation differently. Packed like sardines at a protest wearing a mask, you're fine. But for some reason when you wear it at a store or bar where you actually "social distance", you're way more likely to get it.

I don't have social media to get any information from. And considering doctors can't agree on anything, nor can the CDC, do you think your source is any better than mine?

It would be easier to say that staying home is too hard for you instead of doing the mental gymnastics of "well if they did it, it's okay if I do it. ".I don't know what you do for a living but I know I can't stay home. I've got a job to do that can't be done at home. And groceries to buy that I won't pay $25 for delivery and tip. So congratulations on being able to hole up at home for the next year or two but most people can't and won't. A 97% to 99.75% (CDC) cure rate shouldn't be scarier to people than the 650 k that die of heart disease. Everyone still lining up in their masks for McDonald's.

07-12-20, 18:49
Also incorrect. Masks are VERY effective. How about asking your doctor instead of getting information from social media? JHU actually traced exposure from protests. Found that you're way more likely to get it from your local bar.N95 masks are somewhat effective, as long as you don't reuse them, and don't touch the surface with your hands. The cheap cloth masks that people are wearing are not effective at keeping YOU from getting the virus. However, if you have the virus and are wearing a mask, you are less likely to infect OTHERs. Also, I see people sliding the cloth masks down and up while wearing them. The virus can survive for 24 hours on surfaces, and if you touch it to adjust it, and then touch your mouth or nose, you can infect yourself from the surface contact. Also, I see people reusing masks (hanging them on their rear view mirror). If they touch them when reusing them, again, they can pick up the virus from the surface of the mask.

07-12-20, 19:51
Also incorrect. Masks are VERY effective. How about asking your doctor instead of getting information from social media? JHU actually traced exposure from protests. Found that you're way more likely to get it from your local bar.Less than a quarter of 1% of the population that contracts the virus will die from it. That's pretty good odds! I work in the pharma field and deal and talk to doctors all the time. One of my contacts at Clev Clinic who is an infectious disease specialist told me that over 95 percent of the population that contracts the virus will never know without being tested. The other 5% will feel sick mild to severe and most of the severe cases are in people with compromised immune systems and underlying medical issues. Wear a mask, don't wear a mask. It don't matter. Touch this, touch that and your mask is useless.

Let's call this election year bullshit what it is. The dems want the economy to go to shit prior to November election. The reason infections are on the rise is because there are millions of tests being done. Someone reading this post has had the virus and doesn't know it, because he hasn't been tested. Do you guys realize the more cases reported in a locality the more goverment money they can get! It bullshit and all drunken by the almighty dollar!

07-13-20, 05:46
I don't know what you do for a living but I know I can't stay home. I've got a job to do that can't be done at home. And groceries to buy that I won't pay $25 for delivery and tip. So congratulations on being able to hole up at home for the next year or two but most people can't and won't. A 97% to 99.75% (CDC) cure rate shouldn't be scarier to people than the 650 k that die of heart disease. Everyone still lining up in their masks for McDonald's. Internal Medicine Physician at your local mega-hospital. But please, do tell me more.

07-13-20, 05:52
Less than a quarter of 1% of the population that contracts the virus will die from it. That's pretty good odds! I work in the pharma field and deal and talk to doctors all the time. One of my contacts at Clev Clinic who is an infectious disease specialist told me that over 95 percent of the population that contracts the virus will never know without being tested. The other 5% will feel sick mild to severe and most of the severe cases are in people with compromised immune systems and underlying medical issues. Wear a mask, don't wear a mask. It don't matter. Touch this, touch that and your mask is useless.

Let's call this election year bullshit what it is. The dems want the economy to go to shit prior to November election. The reason infections are on the rise is because there are millions of tests being done. Someone reading this post has had the virus and doesn't know it, because he hasn't been tested. Do you guys realize the more cases reported in a locality the more goverment money they can get! It bullshit and all drunken by the almighty dollar!It's weird to think that my colleagues would be giving out such terrible advice, but I digress.

Due to the broken healthcare system we have in this country, most of my patients don't know about their underlying conditions until we tell them. Most patients who have it didn't know about their underlying conditions until we tell them. These so-called underlying conditions don't need to be severe, and millions have them. I'd venture to say that most of the guys posting on this forum have at least 1 or 2, if not more, underlying conditions that make them high-risk. That's not even counting their age.

The economy had already gone to shit without any supposed interference from dems, but that's a staple of a republican presidency, isn't it? Anyways, lets stick to facts instead of dumbass conspiracies about more government money for more cases. None of that is true.

07-13-20, 05:55
N95 masks are somewhat effective, as long as you don't reuse them, and don't touch the surface with your hands. The cheap cloth masks that people are wearing are not effective at keeping YOU from getting the virus. However, if you have the virus and are wearing a mask, you are less likely to infect OTHERs. Also, I see people sliding the cloth masks down and up while wearing them. The virus can survive for 24 hours on surfaces, and if you touch it to adjust it, and then touch your mouth or nose, you can infect yourself from the surface contact. Also, I see people reusing masks (hanging them on their rear view mirror). If they touch them when reusing them, again, they can pick up the virus from the surface of the mask.This is correct and good information. A lot of people are incorrectly using their masks, that's not a secret. And the primary purpose of non-medical masks is to prevent others from you, which is why it's important that everyone (correctly) wears one. Like anything else, the masks are only effective if used properly.

07-13-20, 06:02
A 97% to 99.75% (CDC) cure rate shouldn't be scarier to people than the 650 k that die of heart disease. Everyone still lining up in their masks for McDonald's.Got to comment on this because this is a false equivalence. People are going to die anyways from heart disease and it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. And a little bit crazy to think that you think that up to a 3% death rate is no big deal; that's over 9 million deaths. And of those cured, many more that are going to have permanent complications from Covid. Most of whom will be working age-adults. Want to talk about long-term economic ramifications? Consider millions who can't afford medical care who all of a sudden will need it for the rest of their lives.

Again, downplay it if you want if the rules are too hard for you to follow, but chill with the terrible information. You're not a professional.

07-13-20, 07:56
It's weird to think that my colleagues would be giving out such terrible advice, but I digress.

Due to the broken healthcare system we have in this country, most of my patients don't know about their underlying conditions until we tell them. Most patients who have it didn't know about their underlying conditions until we tell them. These so-called underlying conditions don't need to be severe, and millions have them. I'd venture to say that most of the guys posting on this forum have at least 1 or 2, if not more, underlying conditions that make them high-risk. That's not even counting their age.

The economy had already gone to shit without any supposed interference from dems, but that's a staple of a republican presidency, isn't it? Anyways, lets stick to facts instead of dumbass conspiracies about more government money for more cases. None of that is true.Right down party lines. Sorry. No way do I believe a virus is the fault of one party or the other.

07-13-20, 12:41
Right down party lines. Sorry. No way do I believe a virus is the fault of one party or the other.Where did I say it was? But it was one person from a specific party, in the highest office, that downplayed the severity of it and still continues to do so. Like it or not, the topic of masks, and the virus itself, have been politicized months ago.

07-13-20, 12:48
Where did I say it was? But it was one person from a specific party, in the highest office, that downplayed the severity of it and still continues to do so. Like it or not, the topic of masks, and the virus itself, have been politicized months ago.Based on the fact that blacks are dying more than whites, it's obvious the racist republicans invented the virus to attack coloured people.

07-13-20, 15:13
Wear the mask, don't wear the mask. Wear gloves, don't wear gloves. Don't pick your nose, pick your nose. Nobody knows. Take my advice; just relax, don't stress out, don't watch the news. Wear a mask in indoor public places, wash your hands and DON'T FREAK OUT! Go on with your life and be happy.

07-13-20, 18:54
Where did I say it was? But it was one person from a specific party, in the highest office, that downplayed the severity of it and still continues to do so. Like it or not, the topic of masks, and the virus itself, have been politicized months ago.Oh, please just stop. This is nonsense. That: "one person" is the best we've had in the history of the USA. If you think the "other person" is better, go live in what's left of CHAZ. I'm sure you can find a burned out building to "protest" in.

07-13-20, 22:35
That: "one person" is the best we've had in the history of the USA.Imagine someone actually believing that a known fraud, draft dodger and failed businessman was actually "the best. ".

And people wonder why the GOP wants to defund the Dept of Education.

07-13-20, 22:36
Wear the mask, don't wear the mask. Wear gloves, don't wear gloves. Don't pick your nose, pick your nose. Nobody knows. Take my advice; just relax, don't stress out, don't watch the news. Wear a mask in indoor public places, wash your hands and DON'T FREAK OUT! Go on with your life and be happy.This is good advice, particularly the mask part. Unfortunately for many, it's too hard to wear a mask because "MUH FREEDOM. " The irony of it all is absolutely incredible.

07-14-20, 08:46
Imagine someone actually believing that a known fraud, draft dodger and failed businessman was actually "the best. ".

And people wonder why the GOP wants to defund the Dept of Education.If he is a failure, then I'd like to fail even half well as he has.

He has accomplished an amazing number of things in spite of having almost all of the mainstream media against him, and the democrats wasting three years of falsely accusing him of a ridiculous list of things which they concocted and spread, knowing they were false.

He has built hundreds of miles of border wall. He revamped the tax code, which was a factor in making the US economy grow at a historically fast pace, resulting in millions of jobs added. African American unemployment reached record lows. He has appointed many conservative judges. He defeated the head of ISIS. He has renegotiated the unfavorable NAFTA treaty. Withdrew from the unfavorable TPP.

He is standing up to China, a country with horrible human rights abuses. He cleared roadblocks for the Keystone XL pipeline. US oil production has achieved its highest level in American history. Imposed new sanctions on Iran. Held historic summits with North Korea. Banned Chinese apps which were spying on US citizens, and banned sales of US Technology to Chinese firms which were using them for military purposes.

He established a national council for retraining American workers, and authorization more than $1 Billion dollars for that purpose. He has many more accomplishments that I won't bother to list, because clearly he has been very effective in spite of having no support from the democrats. You may not agree with his policies, but you can't say he hasn't been effective in implementing those of his supporters.

07-14-20, 09:05
Got to comment on this because this is a false equivalence. People are going to die anyways from heart disease and it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. And a little bit crazy to think that you think that up to a 3% death rate is no big deal; that's over 9 million deaths. And of those cured, many more that are going to have permanent complications from Covid. Most of whom will be working age-adults. Want to talk about long-term economic ramifications? Consider millions who can't afford medical care who all of a sudden will need it for the rest of their lives.

Again, downplay it if you want if the rules are too hard for you to follow, but chill with the terrible information. You're not a professional.
Okay, normally I won't get into the off topic discussions but I had to wade into this one. Sir your 3% fatality rate is a farce. I am medical professional (MD Internal Medicine as well) and I can tell you that as of this posting the CDC reported fatality rate is .65% not the 3% you erroneously reference and then extrapolate a potential death count from above. I'm not even going to list the numerous statistical flaws in the methodology you used to throw out that bogus number. Please leave the propagandizing to the media and the politicians. Now I know it is fun to blame someone for this BS but let's be honest. Did you really expect our government or any government to respond effectively to this crisis? If your reply is yes then I'm sorry for you, but I have to break the news to you. Government can't solve all your problems. However, the huge sums of money they have thrown at us in the hospital is nice isn't it? Now if you want to heap blame on the president (who is an easy target) that's your prerogative but again let's be honest, the data the President had to make decisions from was flawed and limited at best in the beginning. He acted on the advice he received from our healthcare professional colleagues in the government (the precious Dr. Fauci included, who initially came out against masks). Close the borders open the borders it didn't matter what we did in an economy our size this thing was coming to our shores eventually. That didn't matter though because the criticism came for closing the borders then after it became obvious that it was the right call the criticism became that we didn't respond quickly enough. Give me a break! The stated goal was to flatten the curve and prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed. I was doing rounds this morning in the ER and it looked relatively calm to me. Not sure what your experience is but from my chair we have flattened the curve -mission accomplished. Now if you want to talk about where the politicians have moved the goalposts to then tell me what is the stated goal? To prevent further death? -well we both know that isn't an option. Let's be honest here about the topic and not spin it to fit a political agenda which is the most odious thing I think anyone could do regarding this situation. As a nation we have to come together and show each other some grace regarding the extraordinary situations we are facing. Throwing shade in a smug cavalier manner will not help anyone.

07-14-20, 11:10
Did you really expect our government or any government to respond effectively to this crisis? Korea, Germany, Japan. Basically all of the EU, actually. You know, developed nations with competent leadership. Hell even China has done better.

Also, LOL at the myth of that windfall of money. Appreciate you exposing yourself as a fraud. Us physicians actually sit and laugh at that nonsense of, "let's label it as a covid death so we get more money. ".

Next time you want to pretend, don't use fox news talking points to guide you.

07-14-20, 13:12
Okay, normally I won't get into the off topic discussions but I had to wade into this one. Sir your 3% fatality rate is a farce. I am medical professional (MD Internal Medicine as well) and I can tell you that as of this posting the CDC reported fatality rate is .65% not the 3% you erroneously reference and then extrapolate a potential death count from above. I'm not even going to list the numerous statistical flaws in the methodology you used to throw out that bogus number. Please leave the propagandizing to the media and the politicians. Now I know it is fun to blame someone for this BS but let's be honest. Did you really expect our government or any government to respond effectively to this crisis? If your reply is yes then I'm sorry for you, but I have to break the news to you. Government can't solve all your problems. However, the huge sums of money they have thrown at us in the hospital is nice isn't it? Now if you want to heap blame on the president (who is an easy target) that's your prerogative but again let's be honest, the data the President had to make decisions from was flawed and limited at best in the beginning. He acted on the advice he received from our healthcare professional colleagues in the government (the precious Dr. Fauci included, who initially came out against masks). Close the borders open the borders it didn't matter what we did in an economy our size this thing was coming to our shores eventually. That didn't matter though because the criticism came for closing the borders then after it became obvious that it was the right call the criticism became that we didn't respond quickly enough. Give me a break! The stated goal was to flatten the curve and prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed. I was doing rounds this morning in the ER and it looked relatively calm to me. Not sure what your experience is but from my chair we have flattened the curve -mission accomplished. Now if you want to talk about where the politicians have moved the goalposts to then tell me what is the stated goal? To prevent further death? -well we both know that isn't an option..Hi,

So as an Internal Medicine Physicians- let me ask you a questions about sexual encounters. This is a site for hobbyist like myself. Many of who are married as well. Like myself, and we enjoy meeting with Providers and / or going to AMP (Warren and Austintown have the best). Since COVID many of us have stopped. Period. However. Four months into this thing and many of us are going crazy without any action. In you opinion. Is there any way to get back into this safely? What about oral sex. Can you get it COVID if you are getting a BB BJ? What about going down on a woman. Can you get it this way? Appreciate your input. No one is holding you responsible for any info you share. It's strictly "off the record" - thanks much.

07-14-20, 14:32
Korea, Germany, Japan. Basically all of the EU, actually. You know, developed nations with competent leadership. Hell even China has done better.

Also, LOL at the myth of that windfall of money. Appreciate you exposing yourself as a fraud. Us physicians actually sit and laugh at that nonsense of, "let's label it as a covid death so we get more money. ".

Next time you want to pretend, don't use fox news talking points to guide you.Actually Captain Dr. Informed, as you know or should know if you are who you claim to be, we are being reimbursed $19,000 per covid case via Medicare and $39,000 if a ventilator is involved. Given the costs involved (which aren't out of the ordinary) this seems to be a nice payday. Also not sure what hospitals you are working out of but I know for a fact that ours has been granted a seven figure grant from CMS related to COVID in addition to being eligible for PPP loans. In regard to your comment about the other nations doing better than us I call BS BS BS! First, they aren't testing as widely as we are to my knowledge. A colleague I spoke with yesterday, who is an infectious disease expert in Riga, Latvia told me that their government estimate is that they have tested less than 25% of the likely cases due to lack of reagent. He said it is like this all across the EU (mind you this is coming from a source on the ground over there -where are you getting your hot air?). Finally if you believe that all governments are reporting true and accurate numbers (China) then I have a bridge for you to buy. Also as a doctor you have been asked to sign off on death certificates correct? Tell me does anything strike you as strange about the heavy thumb on the scale in favor of declaring a death due to this thing? I get it -more infections and more deaths equal more funding, but this is just plain wrong. I know it has made me angry because I have been forced to contribute to a number that is artificially inflated, which is giving a false impression of the actual situation on the ground here. I'm glad you and your buddies are laughing at it as if it isn't occurring because if you are who you claim to be you know damn well it is. Also if you will recall back to basic statistics (which I presume you took in undergrad -you did go to college to become a MD right?) when you increase the sample size you should expect the positive case number to rise as well, you have to put it into a context that makes for an accurate comparison. Since you decided to bloviate on this topic, I'll indulge you with some numbers to chew on -your buddies at the EU have higher COVID fatalities per 1 million population than we here in the Unites States do. The US confirmed case fatality rate as of today is 3.95%, Germany 4.56%, Japan 4.49%, China 5.54%, actually the only one you list with a better confirmed case fatality rate is South Korea at 2. 14%(but please remember they closed their borders early and absolutely -something that was unpopular in the US), also please note these are the confirmed case fatality numbers which are different from the CDC .65% overall fatality number. Korea and Japan. Do I think they have controlled it better, sure -because they have more control over their populations given that they enjoy fewer freedoms than our Constitution guarantees our citizens or their culture confers more respect for authority than ours has to their Governments. The bottom line is that no government can stop this thing, only the people can though through the choices they make. Perhaps if more people trusted the Government they would be more willing to take its guidance as gospel. However since the government has consistently used it size and power to spy on its citizens, attempt to strip away the liberties guaranteed them, and even weaponize its intelligence apparatus against itself (party vs. party) are you at all surprised that it lacks the moral authority to convince the majority of the people that it is telling us the truth this time? We will continue to have these polarization issues as long as we give our political support to the guys on the fringes, what ever happened to governing from the middle? I'll tell you in case you don't know -the extremists bullied the members of their parties until they towed the party line so to speak and then they made enough noise that said party's leadership (both sides) started choosing people who appealed to their fringes and starting calling the fringe elements the base. They are not -they are far outnumbered by the people in the middle, it's high time we stopped acting in such a partisan manner and respected the other side's viewpoint. There are more things we agree on and could move forward instead of stagnating while we draw a line in the sand trying to get some fringe element's pet policies enacted. Most of us don't care about the buzz issues that much, we care about the issues that actually touch our lives. Take another long swig of the cool aide then go ahead and ramble back some irrelevant opinions to me that you present completely devoid of facts and supporting evidence. But since I am sensing you are just looking for an argument and apparently have a need to seem right in front of an audience of strangers, I'm sure you will come back with some other form of skulduggery. Oh and as an aside -I don't watch faux news and none of my points were lifted from or verified there. I actually do my research to find out what is true as opposed to taking the words from some talking heads mouth as gospel. I know its tough but sometimes the truth hurts.

07-14-20, 16:58

So as an Internal Medicine Physicians- let me ask you a questions about sexual encounters. This is a site for hobbyist like myself. Many of who are married as well. Like myself, and we enjoy meeting with Providers and / or going to AMP (Warren and Austintown have the best). Since COVID many of us have stopped. Period. However. Four months into this thing and many of us are going crazy without any action. In you opinion. Is there any way to get back into this safely? What about oral sex. Can you get it COVID if you are getting a BB BJ? What about going down on a woman. Can you get it this way? Appreciate your input. No one is holding you responsible for any info you share. It's strictly "off the record" - thanks much.I'm sorry to say there is no 100% safe way to enjoy the hobby with COVID (although as you know there is no 100% safe way to enjoy the hobby period). All I can tell you is that the best you can do right now is abstain if your worried about your health (underlying conditions or not). Even the 6 foot social distancing is really a farce as studies have proven the droplets have spread as far as 24 feet in the enclosed cabin of a jet liner. Masks are primarily worn to prevent you from spreading it to others when you are out, but this isn't really effective either. It sucks but right now its really a crap shoot, best advise is stay away from gatherings.

Dixon Cider
07-14-20, 18:36
Actually Captain Dr. Informed, as you know or should know if you are who you claim to be, we are being reimbursed $19,000 per covid case via Medicare and $39,000 if a ventilator is involved. Given the costs involved (which aren't out of the ordinary) this seems to be a nice payday. Also not sure what hospitals you are working out of but I know for a fact that ours has been granted a seven figure grant from CMS related to COVID in addition to being eligible for PPP loans. In regard to your comment about the other nations doing better than us I call BS BS BS! First, they aren't testing as widely as we are to my knowledge. A colleague I spoke with yesterday, who is an infectious disease expert in Riga, Latvia told me that their government estimate is that they have tested less than 25% of the likely cases due to lack of reagent. He said it is like this all across the EU (mind you this is coming from a source on the ground over there -where are you getting your hot air?). Finally if you believe that all governments are reporting true and accurate numbers (China) then I have a bridge for you to buy. Also as a doctor you have been asked to sign off on death certificates correct? Tell me does anything strike you as strange about the heavy thumb on the scale in favor of declaring a death due to this thing? I get it -more infections and more deaths equal more funding, but this is just plain wrong. I know it has made me angry because I have been forced to contribute to a number that is artificially inflated, which is giving a false impression of the actual situation on the ground here. I'm glad you and your buddies are laughing at it as if it isn't occurring because if you are who you claim to be you know damn well it is. Also if you will recall back to basic statistics (which I presume you took in undergrad -you did go to college to become a MD right?) when you increase the sample size you should expect the positive case number to rise as well, you have to put it into a context that makes for an accurate comparison. Since you decided to bloviate on this topic, I'll indulge you with some numbers to chew on -your buddies at the EU have higher COVID fatalities per 1 million population than we here in the Unites States do. The US confirmed case fatality rate as of today is 3.95%, Germany 4.56%, Japan 4.49%, China 5.54%, actually the only one you list with a better confirmed case fatality rate is South Korea at 2. 14%(but please remember they closed their borders early and absolutely -something that was unpopular in the US), also please note these are the confirmed case fatality numbers which are different from the CDC .65% overall fatality number. Korea and Japan. Do I think they have controlled it better, sure -because they have more control over their populations given that they enjoy fewer freedoms than our Constitution guarantees our citizens or their culture confers more respect for authority than ours has to their Governments. The bottom line is that no government can stop this thing, only the people can though through the choices they make. Perhaps if more people trusted the Government they would be more willing to take its guidance as gospel. However since the government has consistently used it size and power to spy on its citizens, attempt to strip away the liberties guaranteed them, and even weaponize its intelligence apparatus against itself (party vs. party) are you at all surprised that it lacks the moral authority to convince the majority of the people that it is telling us the truth this time? We will continue to have these polarization issues as long as we give our political support to the guys on the fringes, what ever happened to governing from the middle? I'll tell you in case you don't know -the extremists bullied the members of their parties until they towed the party line so to speak and then they made enough noise that said party's leadership (both sides) started choosing people who appealed to their fringes and starting calling the fringe elements the base. They are not -they are far outnumbered by the people in the middle, it's high time we stopped acting in such a partisan manner and respected the other side's viewpoint. There are more things we agree on and could move forward instead of stagnating while we draw a line in the sand trying to get some fringe element's pet policies enacted. Most of us don't care about the buzz issues that much, we care about the issues that actually touch our lives. Take another long swig of the cool aide then go ahead and ramble back some irrelevant opinions to me that you present completely devoid of facts and supporting evidence. But since I am sensing you are just looking for an argument and apparently have a need to seem right in front of an audience of strangers, I'm sure you will come back with some other form of skulduggery. Oh and as an aside -I don't watch faux news and none of my points were lifted from or verified there. I actually do my research to find out what is true as opposed to taking the words from some talking heads mouth as gospel. I know its tough but sometimes the truth hurts.Thanks for posting your intelligent response!

Me Tigger
07-15-20, 11:33
Actually Captain Dr. Informed, as you know or should know if you are who you claim to be, we are being reimbursed $19,000 per covid case via Medicare and $39,000 if a ventilator is involved. Given the costs involved (which aren't out of the ordinary) this seems to be a nice payday. Also not sure what hospitals you are working out of but I know for a fact that ours has been granted a seven figure grant from CMS related to COVID in addition to being eligible for PPP loans. In regard to your comment about the other nations doing better than us I call BS BS BS! First, they aren't testing as widely as we are to my knowledge. A colleague I spoke with yesterday, who is an infectious disease expert in Riga, Latvia told me that their government estimate is that they have tested less than 25% of the likely cases due to lack of reagent. He said it is like this all across the EU (mind you this is coming from a source on the ground over there -where are you getting your hot air?). Finally if you believe that all governments are reporting true and accurate numbers (China) then I have a bridge for you to buy. Also as a doctor you have been asked to sign off on death certificates correct? Tell me does anything strike you as strange about the heavy thumb on the scale in favor of declaring a death due to this thing? I get it -more infections and more deaths equal more funding, but this is just plain wrong. I know it has made me angry because I have been forced to contribute to a number that is artificially inflated, which is giving a false impression of the actual situation on the ground here. I'm glad you and your buddies are laughing at it as if it isn't occurring because if you are who you claim to be you know damn well it is. Also if you will recall back to basic statistics (which I presume you took in undergrad -you did go to college to become a MD right?) when you increase the sample size you should expect the positive case number to rise as well, you have to put it into a context that makes for an accurate comparison. Since you decided to bloviate on this topic, I'll indulge you with some numbers to chew on -your buddies at the EU have higher COVID fatalities per 1 million population than we here in the Unites States do. The US confirmed case fatality rate as of today is 3.95%, Germany 4.56%, Japan 4.49%, China 5.54%, actually the only one you list with a better confirmed case fatality rate is South Korea at 2. 14%(but please remember they closed their borders early and absolutely -something that was unpopular in the US), also please note these are the confirmed case fatality numbers which are different from the CDC .65% overall fatality number. Korea and Japan. Do I think they have controlled it better, sure -because they have more control over their populations given that they enjoy fewer freedoms than our Constitution guarantees our citizens or their culture confers more respect for authority than ours has to their Governments. The bottom line is that no government can stop this thing, only the people can though through the choices they make. Perhaps if more people trusted the Government they would be more willing to take its guidance as gospel. However since the government has consistently used it size and power to spy on its citizens, attempt to strip away the liberties guaranteed them, and even weaponize its intelligence apparatus against itself (party vs. party) are you at all surprised that it lacks the moral authority to convince the majority of the people that it is telling us the truth this time? We will continue to have these polarization issues as long as we give our political support to the guys on the fringes, what ever happened to governing from the middle? I'll tell you in case you don't know -the extremists bullied the members of their parties until they towed the party line so to speak and then they made enough noise that said party's leadership (both sides) started choosing people who appealed to their fringes and starting calling the fringe elements the base. They are not -they are far outnumbered by the people in the middle, it's high time we stopped acting in such a partisan manner and respected the other side's viewpoint. There are more things we agree on and could move forward instead of stagnating while we draw a line in the sand trying to get some fringe element's pet policies enacted. Most of us don't care about the buzz issues that much, we care about the issues that actually touch our lives. Take another long swig of the cool aide then go ahead and ramble back some irrelevant opinions to me that you present completely devoid of facts and supporting evidence. But since I am sensing you are just looking for an argument and apparently have a need to seem right in front of an audience of strangers, I'm sure you will come back with some other form of skulduggery. Oh and as an aside -I don't watch faux news and none of my points were lifted from or verified there. I actually do my research to find out what is true as opposed to taking the words from some talking heads mouth as gospel. I know its tough but sometimes the truth hurts.Let me first say in general I agree with you. Please site sources for your numbers. For example, go here:


As of today the data was compiled and updated July 10th for the week ending July 4th. Why was it compiled on the 10th for stuff that happened up to the 4th? There is an entire section explaining how cities, counties, and states report the data in a standard timely manner. Go here:


Basically some places are faster or slower than others reporting data.

Figures lie and liars figure. Direct quote from the above website.

"Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 6. 9% during week 26 to 5. 5% during week 27, representing the eleventh consecutive week during which a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC has been recorded. The percentage is currently below the epidemic threshold but will likely change as additional death certificates for deaths during recent weeks are processed. " I don't see your 3. 9% number?

To me the way I figure it (that makes me a liar) it doesn't matter that pneumonia & influenza are grouped in with the numbers. The overall trend for 11 weeks is that less people were dying that had some concoction of the disease up to July 4th. My guess is the next two reports will show the death rate skyrocket again because all the non mask wearing, knuckle dragging, uneducated radical Trump supporters going to the rallies, going to the beaches, barbecuing with family and possibly friends, shooting off fireworks in their hood, confronting peaceful masked protesters, etc.

It is totally amazing all the negative publicity. The top story is always the total number of infections (and it's going up) and the total number of deaths (and it's going up)! Yeah, so what? If 6. 9% of the people died in week 26 what happened to the remaining 93.1% of the people? And if 5. 5% of the people died in week 27 what happened to the remaining 94.5% of the people? Why not report the exciting news about the 93.1% and 94.5%?

I have yet to read a comprehensive explanation on other countries and how they report their data as compared to the USA. Can anyone direct me to the respective government websites for the EU, Germany, Japan, China, South Korea? Oh yeah, Johns Hopkins corona site. Yeah, they state "the Hopkins team synthesizes data from WHO and four additional sources: CDC, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, China's National Health Commission, and ncov. Dxy. Cn, an independent data source maintained by Chinese physicians. " Been there, done that. No matter how you slice and dice it even in the "worst" reporting country (Yemen with a 28.3% death rate) 71.7% are left over from the reported death rates.


And again I ask why isn't someone reporting on that remaining 71.7%? What is happening to those 71.7%? I mean that 71.7% is way more than the 28.3% that are dying. The more I write and think about this the more scared I get. No one is talking about the big percentage number left over, it must be bad, really bad, really, really bad. You should be shitting in your pants because here in the USA that number is 94.5% as of July 10th. That's a way bigger number than Yemen. No one is telling us about it. I'm sure it's Trump holding the media hostage so they won't tell us the real truth. This is why I don't fly. They only show the crashes but they never mention what happens to all the planes that don't crash. And the luckiest people in the world are the ones that get dragged off the plane before it takes off. Kicking and screaming they just had their life saved and they don't realize it. They don't even thank the people that took them off the plane. Man, talk about winning the life lottery.

Anyhow, please site your source otherwise it's all bullshit. And if your 3. 95% death rate in the US is correct you better research and find out what happened to the 96.05% that were left over. LOL.


Taint Smasher
07-15-20, 12:33
I heard a very compelling speaker who said that Biden and his son brought covid from China to kill black people. They have a cure and will whip it out after Biden wins the election. Then it will be revealed that Biden is a lizard person and will have to abdicate his position as king of America and his VP will become president. The speaker didn't yet know who will be his VP except that it won't be Ruth Bader Ginsberg because she is actually already deceased. Very informative speaker.

07-15-20, 14:32
Let me first say in general I agree with you. Please site sources for your numbers. For example, go here:


As of today the data was compiled and updated July 10th for the week ending July 4th. Why was it compiled on the 10th for stuff that happened up to the 4th? There is an entire section explaining how cities, counties, and states report the data in a standard timely manner. Go here:


Basically some places are faster or slower than others reporting data.

Figures lie and liars figure. Direct quote from the above website.

"Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 6. 9% during week 26 to 5. 5% during week 27, representing the eleventh consecutive week during which a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC has been recorded. The percentage is currently below the epidemic threshold but will likely change as additional death certificates for deaths during recent weeks are processed. " I don't see your 3. 9% number?

To me the way I figure it (that makes me a liar) it doesn't matter that pneumonia & influenza are grouped in with the numbers. The overall trend for 11 weeks is that less people were dying that had some concoction of the disease up to July 4th. My guess is the next two reports will show the death rate skyrocket again because all the non mask wearing, knuckle dragging, uneducated radical Trump supporters going to the rallies, going to the beaches, barbecuing with family and possibly friends, shooting off fireworks in their hood, confronting peaceful masked protesters, etc.

It is totally amazing all the negative publicity. The top story is always the total number of infections (and it's going up) and the total number of deaths (and it's going up)! Yeah, so what? If 6. 9% of the people died in week 26 what happened to the remaining 93.1% of the people? And if 5. 5% of the people died in week 27 what happened to the remaining 94.5% of the people? Why not report the exciting news about the 93.1% and 94.5%?

I have yet to read a comprehensive explanation on other countries and how they report their data as compared to the USA. Can anyone direct me to the respective government websites for the EU, Germany, Japan, China, South Korea? Oh yeah, Johns Hopkins corona site. Yeah, they state "the Hopkins team synthesizes data from WHO and four additional sources: CDC, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, China's National Health Commission, and ncov. Dxy. Cn, an independent data source maintained by Chinese physicians. " Been there, done that. No matter how you slice and dice it even in the "worst" reporting country (Yemen with a 28.3% death rate) 71.7% are left over from the reported death rates.


And again I ask why isn't someone reporting on that remaining 71.7%? What is happening to those 71.7%? I mean that 71.7% is way more than the 28.3% that are dying. The more I write and think about this the more scared I get. No one is talking about the big percentage number left over, it must be bad, really bad, really, really bad. You should be shitting in your pants because here in the USA that number is 94.5% as of July 10th. That's a way bigger number than Yemen. No one is telling us about it. I'm sure it's Trump holding the media hostage so they won't tell us the real truth. This is why I don't fly. They only show the crashes but they never mention what happens to all the planes that don't crash. And the luckiest people in the world are the ones that get dragged off the plane before it takes off. Kicking and screaming they just had their life saved and they don't realize it. They don't even thank the people that took them off the plane. Man, talk about winning the life lottery.

Anyhow, please site your source otherwise it's all bullshit. And if your 3. 95% death rate in the US is correct you better research and find out what happened to the 96.05% that were left over. LOL.


You are absolutely correct on citing sources and I apologize. I garnered the data I used for my post from the RCP news aggregator site (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/coronavirus/). They are aggregating the data (as specified on their site) from:

1. World Health Organization.

2. Centers for Disease Control.

3. European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

4. National Health Commission of the Peoples Republic of China.

5. DXY DX Doctor (China again -although this is supposedly less central government controlled if such a thing exists in China).

6. Johns Hopkins University.

The reason I chose the aggregated numbers was due to the variance in reporting methods from one organization to another, my logic was that in the aggregate form the data should reveal more true trends and hopefully do a better job of eliminating statistical error. I tend to try and get my news from aggregator sites like this because there is no source for "unspun" facts in the media these days IMHO. I like the fact that aggregators present information from sites with opposing viewpoints and then I can read both views, assume they are both lying, and try to find the truth which I assume to be somewhere in the middle. As to your question about the 96.05% that are left over I am now assuming they are on this board reading this thread. -Dawg.

Me Tigger
07-15-20, 15:28

You are absolutely correct on citing sources and I apologize. I garnered the data I used for my post from the RCP news aggregator site (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/coronavirus/). They are aggregating the data (as specified on their site) from:

1. World Health Organization.

2. Centers for Disease Control.

3. European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

4. National Health Commission of the Peoples Republic of China.

5. DXY DX Doctor (China again -although this is supposedly less central government controlled if such a thing exists in China).

6. Johns Hopkins University.

The reason I chose the aggregated numbers was due to the variance in reporting methods from one organization to another, my logic was that in the aggregate form the data should reveal more true trends and hopefully do a better job of eliminating statistical error. I tend to try and get my news from aggregator sites like this because there is no source for "unspun" facts in the media these days IMHO. I like the fact that aggregators present information from sites with opposing viewpoints and then I can read both views, assume they are both lying, and try to find the truth which I assume to be somewhere in the middle. As to your question about the 96.05% that are left over I am now assuming they are on this board reading this thread. -Dawg.Thanks! I like your idea that aggregating could help clear up variance in reporting methods. Be aware that it can also skew the true values depending on the methods used. First thing that popped out at me is the missing time frame for the data they are presenting. Second is the missing line item for Yemen. Yemen just does not exist in the data set presented. I guess "those" deaths don't matter, or they skew the desired results in the wrong direction or it's just a simple programming error. But that's just it, the devil is in the details. Not picking a fight just listing my observations. The data presented here for the most part correspond to data I see elsewhere.

Can anyone explain the value of presenting deaths in the form of xxx per 1 million population? It just forces you to go search for the best population number of a country and calculate the total number of deaths when in reality we just need the total number of deaths.

I don't know if I can trust your assumption about the remaining 96.05%. Alien abduction, Bermuda Triangle and men in black (scratch that, people in dark attire) seem like a more reasonable outcome. Come on man, you want me to believe dare I say blasphemously, they are alive, and they are reading this board? This virus is a killer man. More people are getting it and more people are dying every day. On that I have to call you out on bullshit! They are alive, HA.

Thanks for the info, like I said before, in general I agree with you.


Me Tigger
07-15-20, 15:34
Hey anyone want to get in the RBG pool? Or will Disney animatronics keep her going for a few more years?

$10 on July 18th, 8:13 pm. I wish her all the best and a speedy recovery but sadly the reaper waits for no one.


07-15-20, 16:20
Hey anyone want to get in the RBG pool? Or will Disney animatronics keep her going for a few more years?

$10 on July 18th, 8:13 pm. I wish her all the best and a speedy recovery but sadly the reaper waits for no one.

Tig.Tig, are you taking over under bets on RBG and if so I'd normally be ready to plunk a few bucks down but as you pointed out earlier in the thread the other 95.05% (me included) are actually dead. Hmm as I was typing this it occurred to me that COVID could well be the zombie disease network tv has been preparing us all for these past years. Maybe they are all dead and we just didn't notice because they are walking around looting, burning and protesting.

09-30-20, 08:30
A guy is brought before the judge's bench. He is on trial for paying a prostitute for sex.

"How do you plead?" the judge asks the defendant.

"Not guilty, Your Honor. ".

Showing him a videotape of the alleged act, the prosecutor responds, "How can you possibly convince this court of your innocence, if we have the sex act, plus your subsequent payment to the alleged prostitute right here on tape?

"Nothing could be easier," says the defendant. "I'll admit to the court that although I wasn't engaged in an act of prostitution, I was committing another crime. Gambling. But I am not charged with that. ".

"Gambling?" responds the prosecutor. "How so?

"Well, you see," answers the defendant, "I went up to the young lady earlier that night as she was working in a topless bar. I said to her, 'I'll bet you $200 that you don't get to have sex with me tonight. '.

"That videotape you have is just footage of me losing the bet and the woman winning!

12-09-20, 10:20
Seriously. What's the point in placing such an ad? I often wonder if they are not the result of a white knight being jilted, as the case with Randy and Ashley. Most realize that a majority of the providers are indeed strung out. That's pretty much a given. So, reading such an ad leaves the reader thinking to themselves, "And?" Or, "What's your point?


As a side note, I have to say the two body photos are rather inviting. Maybe that's the intention? Maybe it's not intended as a put-down at all. If intended to ruin business—I'm not sure it's going to work.

12-09-20, 16:58
Seriously. What's the point in placing such an ad? I often wonder if they are not the result of a white knight being jilted, as the case with Randy and Ashley. Most realize that a majority of the providers are indeed strung out. That's pretty much a given. So, reading such an ad leaves the reader thinking to themselves, "And?" Or, "What's your point?


As a side note, I have to say the two body photos are rather inviting. Maybe that's the intention? Maybe it's not intended as a put-down at all. If intended to ruin businessI'm not sure it's going to work.https://akron-canton.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/latin/sweet-jess-check-me-out-lets-f/309291396075

They all seem to revolve around someone that has reviewed and video them.

12-09-20, 19:59

They all seem to revolve around someone that has reviewed and video them.I saw the Jess ad just after posting. They may not have reviewed them. And, the video grabs could be from online. The postings were also pretty much at the same time at two something in the morning. Obviously not happy about something, but I can't see how he would gain or they lose.

12-09-20, 20:56
Seriously. What's the point in placing such an ad? I often wonder if they are not the result of a white knight being jilted, as the case with Randy and Ashley. Most realize that a majority of the providers are indeed strung out. That's pretty much a given. So, reading such an ad leaves the reader thinking to themselves, "And?" Or, "What's your point?


As a side note, I have to say the two body photos are rather inviting. Maybe that's the intention? Maybe it's not intended as a put-down at all. If intended to ruin business I'm not sure it's going to work.No. I was not putting Bonnie down simply helping her in her quest to. Find Good D. I know a ton of mongers love those tiny little titties and if she took the urge and showed you guys would get in line to see her. She will ride you reverse cowgirl bb too. Bonnie was a fun time indeed. Yes of course she is a strung out girl but this is what sje does and clearly has lost everything in her life in order to pursue this goal so yes check out that body then give her a call!!

12-09-20, 21:44
I saw the Jess ad just after posting. They may not have reviewed them. And, the video grabs could be from online. The postings were also pretty much at the same time at two something in the morning. Obviously not happy about something, but I can't see how he would gain or they lose.The dude has an account on here. "JohnBgoode113" or something like that. He's all over the Akron / canton boards and some Cleveland basically saying how much he hates these women and they deserve what he's doing to them for doing what they're doing. He specifically hates Becca in Akron for some reason.

12-10-20, 18:38
[Personal Name deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted to remove the Real Personal Name of a private individual. Posting anyone's real personal name is a grave violation of their privacy and an event that justifies an immediate banning of the perpetrator.

Please do not post anyone's actual personal name in the Forum. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thanks!

12-11-20, 12:51
The dude has an account on here. "JohnBgoode113" or something like that. He's all over the Akron / canton boards and some Cleveland basically saying how much he hates these women and they deserve what he's doing to them for doing what they're doing. He specifically hates Becca in Akron for some reason.If you got questions then see the video comments. My name is tattooed on "Beccas" left hand! I bought the ink while she was an extended visitor on Sherman Street. "Becc" as you say. Has way too many issues to list here. She has thousands of negative reviews on theeroticreview actually under the same name! Sooo Jason apparently it is not just me that "becca" will rob or steal from so she can get a fix? Feel free to. Google or go to the erotic review and see for yourself. I know everything about her right down to the things she does with her own dad. SMH dope is a crazy monkey huh? As for the others I do believe I have addressed Randy's like you Jason. These girls all deserve it. I even got a video saved of good ole Sunshine who yes Sunshine Does rob people. She lies well duh. Her and her dude thought they would do the same to me but after seeing my strapped on peacemaker wouldn't you know Sunshine and her dude backed off I took my money and left peacefully. Jess. Oh sweet little toothless jess. She wanted 150 to take a spin that was faster than the roater at Geauga Lake! I think she put in in her mouth took 3 links and expected it to be over. Blast time. Yes. Each of these nasty or con artist hoe that thinks they are wiser is not only. Blasted online I place ads for these hoes across the entire country so their phone rings nonstop!! They think they got a date until ohhh dude is in Texas haha. Nope sure don't feel. Sorry for 'Becca" you clearly either have no idea what you are talking about or you are her defender. Well if so enjoy the enormous abscesses from her severe fall off the wagon! LOL lately Cleveland area has much better hoes. Thanks.


04-09-21, 13:16
In light of the scarcity of quality providers, dancers, and masseuses I am curious what got you into this hobby. No personal details just some insight to what makes all of us tick. I'll go first:

Going back to circa 1997 or 1998 the beacon journal used to blatantly post ads for escorts. As I was shopping the want-ads for my first car I often detoured to that column and at some point my curiosity got the best of me. Never had a problem getting laid, but there was something about this. Also around the same time, a couple buddies and me stopped at the old Lisa's Cabaret where I sexy little brunette who went by Ice made it very clear that she would fuck in the back room area. My young self was so shocked I font even remember how I responded. Although I made several visits back to see her over the summer. I think it was at that point everything snowballed LOL.

04-10-21, 09:39
In light of the scarcity of quality providers, dancers, and masseuses I am curious what got you into this hobby. No personal details just some insight to what makes all of us tick. I'll go first:

Going back to circa 1997 or 1998 the beacon journal used to blatantly post ads for escorts. As I was shopping the want-ads for my first car I often detoured to that column and at some point my curiosity got the best of me. Never had a problem getting laid, but there was something about this. Also around the same time, a couple buddies and me stopped at the old Lisa's Cabaret where I sexy little brunette who went by Ice made it very clear that she would fuck in the back room area. My young self was so shocked I font even remember how I responded. Although I made several visits back to see her over the summer. I think it was at that point everything snowballed LOL.I probably started dipping my toes into the hobby about 5 years after you did. I stick mostly to the clubs. The only girls who's ads I've used are ones I've seen also as dancers. Started after going up to the Canadian clubs at Niagara Falls. My friend was mentioning places around akron. Until this point I had always believed the no sex in the champagne room theory. Well I guess that might still be more true because none of these places have anything close to champagne room. Think 1245 was the first place he took me to. He also told me about Lisa's. I went on my own to check it out. I remember seeing ice there as well. Although she wasn't the first chick there that I fucked it was some black chick who I only remember seeing once. I also wish this board was around because I do remember paying $300 for that and I would never pay that now. But you live and you learn. Lisa's was the top of ***** houses in akron. I don't even think lusty comes as close because every now and then you find a girl at lusty that doesn't do anything. Of course I remember that brazenness is what got Lisa's shutdown. Really easy for the cops when the girl outright asks if you want to fuck.

04-11-21, 19:10
Why does this site keep going down lately?

04-13-21, 17:00
Why does this site keep going down lately?I myself was wondering if it was just my device or the whole site.

04-13-21, 17:39
In light of the scarcity of quality providers, dancers, and masseuses I am curious what got you into this hobby. No personal details just some insight to what makes all of us tick. I'll go first:

Going back to circa 1997 or 1998 the beacon journal used to blatantly post ads for escorts. As I was shopping the want-ads for my first car I often detoured to that column and at some point my curiosity got the best of me. Never had a problem getting laid, but there was something about this. Also around the same time, a couple buddies and me stopped at the old Lisa's Cabaret where I sexy little brunette who went by Ice made it very clear that she would fuck in the back room area. My young self was so shocked I font even remember how I responded. Although I made several visits back to see her over the summer. I think it was at that point everything snowballed LOL.I had just turned 19 when I stumbled in to it while I was on a date with an extremely attractive older professional businesswoman who worked a white collar office job. Were hanging out and all of a sudden she says hey if you do this we can do this. So I did. We became FWBs after that. When I wanted to stop seeing her she blackmailed me and told me to come to her business and pay her for closure or else she was going to get me in legal trouble. Me being 19 and stupid I went and I got to her office she locked the door and pulled out a weapon and said F me or else. So we did. She said if I ever didn't want to see her there would be consequences. I then left and changed my number and moved out of the state that this occurred in. Never heard from her again, apparently she is married now. But this definitely taught me the lesson to never get too close to anyone and definitely gave me streetsmarts that would benefit me for many years to come that resulted in many great nights after that awful day of my life flashing before my eyes. As always be safe brothers!

04-13-21, 21:31
I was taken to a strip club by friends years ago. 20 yrs ago or so. The circus in Cleveland. Normal experience where all us young guys made it rain $1's. All the girls were hot back then and actually liked being there to strip. Fun times. Alcohol and naked ladies playing on stage. Well then I remember going to dreamers way back when and had my first dancer rub my cock through my shorts. Then next time I go, dancer reaching up my shorts and giving me a hand job at the bar. I'm hooked. Then I start going to the VIP rooms. Some girls would grind a lot. Some girls gave hand jobs, some blow jobs and some rode my cock. Also have gotten blowjobs right at the bar in some places. It was a game for me to get what I could depending where I went. I found going during the middle of the week during an early afternoon was best for fun. So then eventually I start the massage scene. I went to ThatsHott in Canton. The massage center. And other places like that. Also made trips to Warren and got my cock rocked out there. Some girls gave legit massages and I would even go back to them. Others would do hand Jobs. Some blow jobs. Some would fuck. All good. Then I would find the girls advertising for massage but I don't remember the massage part. Like the canton girl Staci from a few years ago or hands on heather. . Found a few good hot fucks that way. Now it's like meh. As time went on, drugs became bigger and bigger in the picture. So I stayed away from that as best as one could. I'll stop in strip clubs or go get a massage every once and a while now looking for that unicorn but right now they aren't to be found. Jasmine was a good time at ogd and Bree was fun there too. I'm sure I'll find the next lucky contestant soon enough but until then my stimulus check can burn a hole in my pocket. I'll share when I find something good worth mentioning.

I had just turned 19 when I stumbled in to it while I was on a date with an extremely attractive older professional businesswoman who worked a white collar office job. Were hanging out and all of a sudden she says hey if you do this we can do this. So I did. We became FWBs after that. When I wanted to stop seeing her she blackmailed me and told me to come to her business and pay her for closure or else she was going to get me in legal trouble. Me being 19 and stupid I went and I got to her office she locked the door and pulled out a weapon and said F me or else. So we did. She said if I ever didn't want to see her there would be consequences. I then left and changed my number and moved out of the state that this occurred in. Never heard from her again, apparently she is married now. But this definitely taught me the lesson to never get too close to anyone and definitely gave me streetsmarts that would benefit me for many years to come that resulted in many great nights after that awful day of my life flashing before my eyes. As always be safe brothers!

04-13-21, 23:17
I had just turned 19 when I stumbled in to it while I was on a date with an extremely attractive older professional businesswoman who worked a white collar office job. Were hanging out and all of a sudden she says hey if you do this we can do this. So I did. We became FWBs after that. When I wanted to stop seeing her she blackmailed me and told me to come to her business and pay her for closure or else she was going to get me in legal trouble. Me being 19 and stupid I went and I got to her office she locked the door and pulled out a weapon and said F me or else. So we did. She said if I ever didn't want to see her there would be consequences. I then left and changed my number and moved out of the state that this occurred in. Never heard from her again, apparently she is married now. But this definitely taught me the lesson to never get too close to anyone and definitely gave me streetsmarts that would benefit me for many years to come that resulted in many great nights after that awful day of my life flashing before my eyes. As always be safe brothers!My interest in the hobby was first piqued around 2009, upon hearing my local morning radio DJs talk about these sexually explicit ads on Craigslist. I looked it up and couldn't believe that such a thing was so easily available from the comfort of my laptop. At the time, I was too shy to actually reach out to any those providers, but it definitely got me thinking. Cut to 2013, after I'd moved to Pittsburgh when I made my first visit to an AMP around the corner from my apartment. I started frequenting AMPs which eventually lead to escorts, strip clubs, brothels, etc. I'm afraid to calculate just how much I've spent in this hobby, but it's definitely bought me some very good times. As well as some regrettable ones.

04-17-21, 15:33
Damn, I'm old and chubby!! I started in collage in 83. A guy I worked with lived behind Touch of Class. He took me there one night and I was hooked. I was never the best looking guy, but I learned if you could make a girl laugh and feel comfortable, there was a good time to be had. Back then, the clubs were packed on a Friday after work and pretty steady throughout the week. Weed was the only drug, not like now. I "dated" more than my fair share of dancers and bartenders. I've known some really good people over the years as well. I'll try and keep up with you youngins! See you out and about. Have fun and party safe.

05-04-21, 21:36
Clearing your cache only works if you are using an old school, spindle hard drive. Most computers these days and pretty well all smartphones use solid state drives and memory; all data written to a SSD is recoverable, even if it's encrypted. It just takes longer if it's encrypted, but is all there.

The only thing you're really doing by clearing your cache is making it so an SO can't easily track what you're doing or have done.I mean seriously are you honestly talking g about encrypted? Lmao over fucking a hooker? If you killed the hoe I understand but no judge is going to spend thousands of dollars and time over a minor misdemeanor crime IF convicted lmao Jesus. You guys who are paranoid that bad I got the absolute solution. Stop calling WG.

05-05-21, 09:50
I mean seriously are you honestly talking g about encrypted? Lmao over fucking a hooker? If you killed the hoe I understand but no judge is going to spend thousands of dollars and time over a minor misdemeanor crime IF convicted lmao Jesus. You guys who are paranoid that bad I got the absolute solution. Stop calling WG.I was making a point that the data is on SSD's permanently and that your only real protection for a time would be encryption. But, it's cool. You know stuff and over-react to a simple post.

05-06-21, 17:30
I was making a point that the data is on SSD's permanently and that your only real protection for a time would be encryption. But, it's cool. You know stuff and over-react to a simple post.I'm not Francis or Sgt. I'm not paranoid at all.

05-07-21, 18:27
I think the main problem that most of you guys have is a fear of your wives finding out what you're doing.

07-09-21, 01:58
Who said anything about her riping off anyone you either have first hand knowledge or you are making up a story. She has never rip me off so what's the moral to your story. LOL 😆.

Stay Safe.

BIG.The moral is if you don't try to out hustle the dope boys you won't lose your teeth. I thought was pretty clear idk. LOL as for first hand knowledge yes. I do. I have corrected the behaviour of several WGs.

07-09-21, 10:22
The moral is if you don't try to out hustle the dope boys you won't lose your teeth. I thought was pretty clear idk. LOL as for first hand knowledge yes. I do. I have corrected the behaviour of several WGs.Dam John Boy it taken you 3 months to respond? You must be a really slowwwww thinker. ROFLMAO.

Stay Safe.


07-10-21, 13:54
Dam John Boy it taken you 3 months to respond? You must be a really slowwwww thinker. ROFLMAO.

Stay Safe.

Big.I don't normally even open. This streetwalker stuff as it's a waste. Are you upset because you are black or something? Chill boy.

07-10-21, 21:56
I don't normally even open. This streetwalker stuff as it's a waste. Are you upset because you are black or something? Chill boy.Yes I'm a Stud unlike you who disrespect women on here and the escort page. I've never seen you write a positive review on any of the girls on here. And if SW is a waste then how come you have first hand knowledge. Which I think you don't.

Stay Safe.


Jimmy 5
07-11-21, 09:15
Yes I'm a Stud unlike you who disrespect women on here and the escort page. I've never seen you write a positive review on any of the girls on here. And if SW is a waste then how come you have first hand knowledge. Which I think you don't.

Stay Safe.

Big.Good for you Big. This guy, JohnB, has become a PIA on various sites. He is missing the point of these forums. They are here to share POSITIVE and informative information and not trash others or disrespect the providers. If this guy is so unhappy with the hobby he should move on and not waste our time and Forum space. Stay safe everyone and keep the fun in our hobby.


07-11-21, 09:31
Good for you Big. This guy, JohnB, has become a PIA on various sites. He is missing the point of these forums. They are here to share POSITIVE and informative information and not trash others or disrespect the providers. If this guy is so unhappy with the hobby he should move on and not waste our time and Forum space. Stay safe everyone and keep the fun in our hobby.

Jimmy:LOL seriously Jimmy you need meds so. You are not one to talk. You can defend this big black. Pimp all you want it only makes you sound retarded. Clearly you are a liberal that wants to pick and choose what you read as informative. Telling you where a sting recently happened where a girl is still running tricks out of is quite informative. Saying that you are in a hobby which is human trafficking makes you sound stupid. Ever single one of us is breaking the law so don't take some ridiculous high road.

07-11-21, 09:39
Yes I'm a Stud unlike you who disrespect women on here and the escort page. I've never seen you write a positive review on any of the girls on here. And if SW is a waste then how come you have first hand knowledge. Which I think you don't.

Stay Safe.

Big.Do you think you are respecting a woman when you pick her up to shove your dick in her mouth so that she can get high? That is like the pot calling the kettle black isn't it? Lmao.

07-22-21, 07:48
Do you think you are respecting a woman when you pick her up to shove your dick in her mouth so that she can get high? That is like the pot calling the kettle black isn't it? Lmao.Hey John first of all I'm not black or a pimp. I have never shove my dick down any women's throat. They are mostly on their knees sucking on my big cock. Maybe you should get your facts straight. And another thing stop talking crap to Jimmy. He's got good taste by agreeing with me. See John boy I've been doing this hobby for over 40 years.

And believe me JB my experiences out weights your experience any day. ROFLMAO get a real life dude.


Jimmy 5
07-22-21, 09:12
LOL seriously Jimmy you need meds so. You are not one to talk. You can defend this big black. Pimp all you want it only makes you sound retarded. Clearly you are a liberal that wants to pick and choose what you read as informative. Telling you where a sting recently happened where a girl is still running tricks out of is quite informative. Saying that you are in a hobby which is human trafficking makes you sound stupid. Ever single one of us is breaking the law so don't take some ridiculous high road.Well shame on me!


07-22-21, 11:20
Well shame on me!

Jimmy:Just wanted to say I for one am proud to be a liberal, republicans are destroying this country.

07-22-21, 12:03
Just wanted to say I for one am proud to be a liberal, republicans are destroying this country.Liberal and a Browns fan? Unfortunate life choices. I guess in your case, mongering is not a "hobby" but rather a necessity. That's OK though, we all have our "issues", No judgement here.

07-22-21, 12:06
Unfortunately, people on both sides are destroying this country. Its most of the politicians that no longer care about WE the people. They are out for their own greed, and their own part of the pie.

07-22-21, 14:27
Just wanted to say I for one am proud to be a liberal, republicans are destroying this country.I think it's the other way around. Open borders, Liberal cities being over run with crime not to mention that there is no equal justice under the law between Democrats vs Republicans.

What happened on Jan 6 was definitely wrong, but the Democrats are spewing propaganda about it being an armed insurrection. There where no weapons. Where is the justice for all the destruction antifa and BLM has created last year. You don't hear a word. Stop getting your info from CNN, MSDNC, and all the other left wing news. The last 4 years has been nothing but Trump bashing and lies through the so-called liberal news.

The facts have been proven on that. The Russian collusion is just one of the BS we had to endure during Trumps Presidency.

07-22-21, 14:38
Just wanted to say I for one am proud to be a liberal, republicans are destroying this country.Look around to what's happing to this country since sleepy Joe has taken over. Open borders. Gas prices up at least $1.25 a gallon, Inflation, Trying to pack the Supreme court etc.

Look what has been happing to the Liberal run cities. Crime up the wazoo. Not to mention all the destruction that happened last year with anfifa and BLM.

Give me a break.

07-23-21, 04:49
Just wanted to say I for one am proud to be a liberal, republicans are destroying this country.Can you explain how Republicans are destroying the country?

07-23-21, 08:29
Look around to what's happing to this country since sleepy Joe has taken over. Open borders. Gas prices up at least $1.25 a gallon, Inflation, Trying to pack the Supreme court etc.

Look what has been happing to the Liberal run cities. Crime up the wazoo. Not to mention all the destruction that happened last year with anfifa and BLM.

Give me a break.Liberal = marxist.

07-23-21, 09:38
Look around to what's happing to this country since sleepy Joe has taken over. Open borders. Gas prices up at least $1.25 a gallon, Inflation, Trying to pack the Supreme court etc.

Look what has been happing to the Liberal run cities. Crime up the wazoo. Not to mention all the destruction that happened last year with anfifa and BLM.

Give me a break.First of all, America the beautiful was founded by who my dear Sir? Immigrants. And you and yours are living here today because your ancestors were what my dear Sir? Guess. And from where I sit most immigrants I know are law abiding hard working individuals who want nothing more than a better life, while the real threat to our way of life, and the FBI and Justice Department agree, is white supremacy not immigrants.

Next lets cover inflation my dear Sir. Inflation today is a monetary consequence of the drastic increase in money supply caused by government hand outs (which Trump was all for by the way). Google it, since I'm fairly confident your not familiar with m1 m2 and m3 effects on interest rates within a country.

And on crime, yeah is bad but it hardly started in the last six months and one party is trying to keep ozzies from crazies and the other party seem fine with it. So spare me your verbal spew of ignorance and try to absorb a bit of certitude and better yourself. My dear Sir.

07-23-21, 09:43
Can you explain how Republicans are destroying the country?I could but I know it it would be like explaining physics to a two year old. Its just good to know there are more people in this country that feel the way I do than people like you.

07-23-21, 10:35
Look around to what's happing to this country since sleepy Joe has taken over. Open borders. Gas prices up at least $1.25 a gallon, Inflation, Trying to pack the Supreme court etc.

Look what has been happing to the Liberal run cities. Crime up the wazoo. Not to mention all the destruction that happened last year with anfifa and BLM.

Give me a break.Yep. And not only do we have to pay for people that don't belong here to come into this country and live off our dollars, we also have to pay into the system that causes the funding for cops to arrest adult men for seeking adult women. Only good side of that is with the crime skyrocketing the way it is they probably will become so overwhelmed within the next few years that they won't have the funds to run as many stings in a few years. Only minimal positive out of a whole bunch of negatives. I realize half the reason i do this hobby is because it pisses me off so bad when they run john stings and try to "dissuade men from seeking women." ill lay low for a while and stick with my FWBs then i see that shit in the news and it makes me go and do it just to shove the middle finger in their face. we are adults, and our taxes keep those pigs employed, what we do with adult women is none of their business

07-23-21, 11:38
I could but I know it it would be like explaining physics to a two year old. Its just good to know there are more people in this country that feel the way I do than people like you.A simple no would have worked. You didn't answer shit! You just parroted the liberal media's talking points. White supremacy? Really? I'm sure you probably trust what Google tells you too.

Cleve Loser
07-23-21, 12:57
Liberal = marxist.Right that's why the liberal Dems destroy anything remotely socialist. The fact is that the Dems and Repubs are much more similar to each other than marxist / socialist party and thus always side with corporate interests over the citizens.

07-23-21, 16:18
I could but I know it it would be like explaining physics to a two year old. Its just good to know there are more people in this country that feel the way I do than people like you.Predictable response from someone incapable of answering the question asked.

07-23-21, 16:25
A simple no would have worked. You didn't answer shit! You just parroted the liberal media's talking points. White supremacy? Really? I'm sure you probably trust what Google tells you too.Do you know what google is?

07-24-21, 11:31
FAnd from where I sit most immigrants I know are law abiding.Not a single illegal immigrant is law abiding.

07-24-21, 14:41
Not a single illegal immigrant is law abiding.I second your opinion.

Websters definition.


\ I-712;lē-gəl \.

: not allowed by the laws or rules.

He was arrested for illegal activities.

The team made an illegal play.

Cleve Loser
07-25-21, 11:54
Not a single illegal immigrant is law abiding.Perhaps we could concentrate them in temporary barrack style living conditions where they provide cheap labor. In fact, lets do that with anyone deemed undesirable.

07-25-21, 12:28
Let this sink in to anyone who supports illegals, we are looked at as bigger pieces of shit for wanting to meet a woman, then these people who are coming in here and getting free food and healthcare on our dime while we have to pay for our own and theirs. Again, let that sink in.

Cleve Loser
07-25-21, 12:39
Let this sink in to anyone who supports illegals, we are looked at as bigger pieces of shit for wanting to meet a woman, then these people who are coming in here and getting free food and healthcare on our dime while we have to pay for our own and theirs. Again, let that sink in.You're telling me "illegals" get free health care while Americans don't? Lock them up, lock them up.

07-25-21, 12:51
You're telling me "illegals" get free health care while Americans don't? Lock them up, lock them up.They absolutely do, and you're right, they should be all locked up. Research it. Its bullshit. Although you may have to get through several "fact checked" articles to find the truth.

07-25-21, 13:18
You're telling me "illegals" get free health care while Americans don't? Lock them up, lock them up.Yup. Illegals are enrolled in our welfare programs, which means food stamps, housing subsidies, and absolute 100% free medical. For American citizens who are not on welfare, the average cost of health insurance can exceed $1000 a month.

Cleve Loser
07-25-21, 13:21
Hmm, maybe we should give everyone health care? Nah, I would prefer to throw the women and children in certain concentrated areas while the lucky Americans pay thousands a month for shitty health care.

07-25-21, 13:36
Yup. Illegals are enrolled in our welfare programs, which means food stamps, housing subsidies, and absolute 100% free medical. For American citizens who are not on welfare, the average cost of health insurance can exceed $1000 a month.Indeed that's why I dropped about 2 grand on shit that makes me happy as well as the hobby this summer and completed my bucket list. Old school cash only. F them pigs! Why should we obey a stupid archaic statute when they are literally giving away our money more and more every day? We don't know how long it will be until Joe and his girlfriend destroy what's left of the economy and were all broke, get some pussy while we can. Myself and many of my brethren on this board are essentially living what's left of the American dream, we have it better then 99 percent of dudes trapped in dead end marriages, etc. And we have it better then the poor bastards who don't know about this board. Aside from finding Jesus stumbling upon this board was the greatest thing to ever happen to me during my time on this earth. LOL.

Cleve Loser
07-25-21, 13:51
Indeed that's why I dropped about 2 grand on shit that makes me happy as well as the hobby this summer and completed my bucket list. Old school cash only. F them pigs! Why should we obey a stupid archaic statute when they are literally giving away our money more and more every day? We don't know how long it will be until Joe and his girlfriend destroy what's left of the economy and were all broke, get some pussy while we can. Myself and many of my brethren on this board are essentially living what's left of the American dream, we have it better then 99 percent of dudes trapped in dead end marriages, etc. And we have it better then the poor bastards who don't know about this board. Aside from finding Jesus stumbling upon this board was the greatest thing to ever happen to me during my time on this earth. LOL.

So health care and 180 $/ month in food money per "illegal" is going to destroy our country? Damn that sucks. Must be a lot of money. Much prefer it goes to wars in some random middle eastern country, tax cuts for billionaires, and hand outs for Bezos, Musk and the rest.

actually I proly dont gotta worry, I am sure Biden will enrich the same companies and rich elites that Trump did. what does Carlin say? its a big club and we aint in it. so to be serious for a second, I dont begrudge a few crumbs going to the underclasses.

07-25-21, 17:04
So health care and 180 $/ month in food money per "illegal" is going to destroy our country? Damn that sucks. Must be a lot of money. Much prefer it goes to wars in some random middle eastern country, tax cuts for billionaires, and hand outs for Bezos, Musk and the rest.

actually I proly dont gotta worry, I am sure Biden will enrich the same companies and rich elites that Trump did. what does Carlin say? its a big club and we aint in it. so to be serious for a second, I dont begrudge a few crumbs going to the underclasses.I used to get EBT myself, I am not against it for our citizens, just "illegals". You're right its a big club and we aint in it. But you're correct, both of those things are problems. Yost, Trump, Biden, all of them are fucking broads as we speak with no penalty they just don't want us to be doing it. They probably would read these boards and think to themselves "damn, if they werent commoners I'm sure these guys would be hilarious to have a beer with. " They want us to be toeing the line and being good sheep. Carlin said the greatest line of all time. "selling is legal, fucking is legal. So why isn't selling fucking legal?" But regardless of what is more of an issue I don't think anyone will disagree that its ridiculous that meeting an adult woman constitutes a more frowned upon offense then coming into this country illegally. When you boil it down to the bones that's exactly what this country is coming to. Think about it.


07-29-23, 11:22
OK, so I read a little of this last conversation, 1 page.

What we have to remember is that we are all sheep as far as government and corporations go. Sheep. Sheep to be shorn of our wool, (money,) and our young used as cannon fodder for the enrichment of the elite. Also, every attempt is made to corral us into pens, for example health insurance. I have been involved deeply in that mafia recently, I have tons of bills and "explanation of benefits" statements that proves this. In many cases, the bill was huge for some service, a recent example was for a cardiovascular consult. The bill was for $400.00. That's what the bill would be if I didn't have insurance. Because I am insured under a PPO at the moment, the bill was discounted by $323.32. The insurance company paid $76.68. Does everyone get that? And I have many, many bills like that. The insurance company didn't pay $400.00. They got a discount which as an individual we can't get, of like 80% of the bill. If I wasn't insured I would be expected to pay the $400.00 and hounded by bill collectors if I didn't.

I could write more but I'm going to get timed out.


Member #2862
07-29-23, 22:26
OK, so I read a little of this last conversation, 1 page.

What we have to remember is that we are all sheep as far as government and corporations go. Sheep. Sheep to be shorn of our wool, (money,) and our young used as cannon fodder for the enrichment of the elite. Also, every attempt is made to corral us into pens, for example health insurance. I have been involved deeply in that mafia recently, I have tons of bills and "explanation of benefits" statements that proves this. In many cases, the bill was huge for some service, a recent example was for a cardiovascular consult. The bill was for $400.00. That's what the bill would be if I didn't have insurance. Because I am insured under a PPO at the moment, the bill was discounted by $323.32. The insurance company paid $76.68. Does everyone get that? And I have many, many bills like that. The insurance company didn't pay $400.00. They got a discount which as an individual we can't get, of like 80% of the bill. If I wasn't insured I would be expected to pay the $400.00 and hounded by bill collectors if I didn't.

I could write more but I'm going to get timed out.

Cheech.The price the insurance company pays is probably what was the actual cost of the service. My brother was life flighted to cleveland and the bill was 25 k. The insurance covered because he had paid deductible and paid like 5 k. Probably close to the actual cost.

07-30-23, 16:22
What's all your thoughts on when to buy a certified pre-owned luxury car like a Cadilliac Ct5? I'm', going want a second car wait until September, or December? Looking for best price, Is leasing to buy any good?

04-07-24, 00:18
After a disappointing dream with Sophia rose Friday morning. Britney came over today for a early evening frolic started out with daty, then BBBJ which turned into a T bag 69 that was so Fn hot, went to k9 ,Cg, rcg, back to daty, made some hot videos, went to mis pile driver, pulled out vibrating cock ring did some more BBBJ set a few records and pretty much was one of the best cardio 's I've had in awhile. And for the record she didn't get fired from lustys either. Any way if you don't have her # and want it HMU. She is better than any old warn out talent here lately. The few of yall that have listened to me review and got her number have all reach out and thanked me. So if your tired of stg ect I would give her a call frfr!She's quite the butterface.

04-07-24, 07:02
She's quite the butterface.No, PARKAY!

Steel Penguin
04-07-24, 09:43
After a disappointing dream with Sophia rose Friday morning. Britney came over today for a early evening frolic started out with daty, then BBBJ which turned into a T bag 69 that was so Fn hot, went to k9 ,Cg, rcg, back to daty, made some hot videos, went to mis pile driver, pulled out vibrating cock ring did some more BBBJ set a few records and pretty much was one of the best cardio 's I've had in awhile. And for the record she didn't get fired from lustys either. Any way if you don't have her # and want it HMU. She is better than any old warn out talent here lately. The few of yall that have listened to me review and got her number have all reach out and thanked me. So if your tired of stg ect I would give her a call frfr!When you both getting married?

Steel Penguin
04-07-24, 09:44
She's quite the butterface.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn5P224Rou8&pp=ygUgZHVkZSBsb29rcyBsaWtlIGEgbGFkeSBhZXJvc21pdGg%3D

04-07-24, 11:24
She's quite the butterface.Seconded. Looks like a dude almost.

04-07-24, 11:39
She's quite the butterface.No more butter than those 40 + old hoe's yall be posting as all time favorites! Face down ass up it looks sweeter than butter!

04-07-24, 13:38
How many should it be then?More than what you have. Just a quick glance at your 31 posts and I only see 3 that provided information that is useful. You became a senior by asking questions instead of providing useful information showing that you would be a helpful member of these forums.

Mojo Rising
04-07-24, 15:55
More than what you have. Just a quick glance at your 31 posts and I only see 3 that provided information that is useful. You became a senior by asking questions instead of providing useful information showing that you would be a helpful member of these forums.OMG. Let it rest! Some of you on here are too butt tight! It's not like the guy is being a troll. Some people are more comfortable than others and any contribution should be considered a bonus. Who cares what your status is? Just post when you want and don't post when you don't want to.

Service announcement over. Now back to our televised program.

Steel Penguin
04-07-24, 23:47
No more butter than those 40 + old hoe's yall be posting as all time favorites! Face down ass up it looks sweeter than butter!When you lovebirds do get married will the reception be at the courtesy inn? Burger King can cater for the wedding. Vamp can be your photographer.

04-09-24, 12:34
When you lovebirds do get married will the reception be at the courtesy inn? Burger King can cater for the wedding. Vamp can be your photographer.But a stand in as her Daddy and Best Man for MrWonderful. Maybe I can read them their rites while I'm at it.

05-05-24, 14:01
Many of you have seen her through me, and some were before me. Crystal is a very nice woman. She is in a very safe location with no drama, does not do hard drugs, just weed. She has a great body for being 45. Her only rules are no kissing, be clean and be respectful. But her number one rule is no bare full service. She is getting real sick of guys agreeing to that then wanting it when they get there, or thinking they will get it after a few dates. Guys, it's not going to happen.

She uses me to screen guys, so if you don't feel comfortable with that, please move on. I don't think I've steered anyone wrong, and she appreciates me weeding out some of the assholes. She lives just north of 76 off route 8.

Guys, she is a great time and would really like some regulars if possible. Shoot me a message if you are interested and we can chat offline with all the details.Pretty sure this guy just jerks off to talking to guys. Keeps going on and on about what your going to do to her it's legit creepy.

Tonto Monger
05-05-24, 15:30
Pretty sure this guy just jerks off to talking to guys. Keeps going on and on about what your going to do to her it's legit creepy.I concur, my experience set my spidey-sense tingling. First, he wouldn't reply directly to my pm, he wanted my cell phone so we could take the convo offline. Why is that necessary? One reason I can think of is it puts a conversation into a discoverable record. Secondly, it links my forum handle to another data point, no thanks. Lastly, Even if the guy is legit, , I don't like dealing with handler's of any type. All I want is contact info so that I can deal directly with someone. Unless and until more than one senior I trust can vouch for the guy, I'll pass on the opportunities.

05-05-24, 16:33
I concur, my experience set my spidey-sense tingling. First, he wouldn't reply directly to my pm, he wanted my cell phone so we could take the convo offline. Why is that necessary? One reason I can think of is it puts a conversation into a discoverable record. Secondly, it links my forum handle to another data point, no thanks. Lastly, Even if the guy is legit, , I don't like dealing with handler's of any type. All I want is contact info so that I can deal directly with someone. Unless and until more than one senior I trust can vouch for the guy, I'll pass on the opportunities.For what it's worth I vouch for Neon. Whether or not you trust me as a senior is up to you. Went through the same process with Neon to meet Crystal. Of course my cell is my burner so IDGAF. We had some small talk, he laid down her ground rules to make sure everyone was on the same level ahead of time, then he gave me her number and told her my "name" and number so she would know I had the all clear. Doing this all via text rather than forum DM is a lot quicker and he includes some pictures.

Crystal's in her 40's but has a nice body and she genuinely seems like a nice woman (from the convos we've had on text and in person). Her incall is basement and was nice enough. She takes care of herself and her surrounding (the place was as clean as a basement will be). She took good care of me and will absolutely repeat when I make it back out Akron-way.

05-05-24, 18:12
Pretty sure this guy just jerks off to talking to guys. Keeps going on and on about what your going to do to her it's legit creepy.Both Neon and Crystal are absolutely legit.

05-05-24, 19:24
For what it's worth I vouch for Neon. Whether or not you trust me as a senior is up to you. Went through the same process with Neon to meet Crystal. Of course my cell is my burner so IDGAF. We had some small talk, he laid down her ground rules to make sure everyone was on the same level ahead of time, then he gave me her number and told her my "name" and number so she would know I had the all clear. Doing this all via text rather than forum DM is a lot quicker and he includes some pictures.

Crystal's in her 40's but has a nice body and she genuinely seems like a nice woman (from the convos we've had on text and in person). Her incall is basement and was nice enough. She takes care of herself and her surrounding (the place was as clean as a basement will be). She took good care of me and will absolutely repeat when I make it back out Akron-way.These guys have no idea what they are missing. Many seniors have already vouched. If you don't like the process move on. It's for her safety. She isn't some crackhead off the street. Many guys have been very happy. If you just want to treat her like meat, then move on. She is a very nice woman trying to get by, and she has had 4 guys cancel on her in 5 days!

05-06-24, 01:18
Guys, so here is the process. I've been doing this with her for over a year. Being called out on this review board is uncalled for. If you don't like the process just move on and keep your stupid thoughts to yourself.

If you respond. I will give you my number to text. We will chat about all your expectations and wants including money. We will talk about everything you are looking for just to make sure she is good with it. I have many pics. I'll give you all the information about her and answer any questions that you have.

She wants me to do this for her because she doesn't have time to weed through all the bullshit and explain herself hundreds of times just to have guys cancel on her. I can tell right off the bat what kind of person someone is just by how they text. We are really good friends and I care about her well being. This is how it works and all the guys I've sent her way have been nothing but nice and respectful and I thank them all for that.

Once we talk, you just text her with the number you texted me with, she does a quick check with me to make sure I talked with you, I give her some details, then you guys plan whatever you want with her for your meets. I'm not part of that at all. She just calls me the gatekeeper.

I understand the hesitancy, but she is completely clean and safe and doesn't have time for games that I'm finding out a lot of guys do with these women.

I could probably get dozens of guys to vouche for me and her on here if I wanted, but she doesn’t want a lot of attention in here because she doesn’t advertise and really doesn’t want a bunch of random texts from strangers that don’t talk to me first.

05-06-24, 11:05
I concur, my experience set my spidey-sense tingling. First, he wouldn't reply directly to my pm, he wanted my cell phone so we could take the convo offline. Why is that necessary? One reason I can think of is it puts a conversation into a discoverable record. Secondly, it links my forum handle to another data point, no thanks. Lastly, Even if the guy is legit, , I don't like dealing with handler's of any type. All I want is contact info so that I can deal directly with someone. Unless and until more than one senior I trust can vouch for the guy, I'll pass on the opportunities.Exactly this.

Guys, so here is the process. I've been doing this with her for over a year. Being called out on this review board is uncalled for. If you don't like the process just move on and keep your stupid thoughts to yourself.

If you respond. I will give you my number to text. We will chat about all your expectations and wants including money. We will talk about everything you are looking for just to make sure she is good with it. I have many pics. I'll give you all the information about her and answer any questions that you have.

She wants me to do this for her because she doesn't have time to weed through all the bullshit and explain herself hundreds of times just to have guys cancel on her. I can tell right off the bat what kind of person someone is just by how they text. We are really good friends and I care about her well being. This is how it works and all the guys I've sent her way have been nothing but nice and respectful and I thank them all for that.

Once we talk, you just text her with the number you texted me with, she does a quick check with me to make sure I talked with you, I give her some details, then you guys plan whatever you want with her for your meets. I'm not part of that at all. She just calls me the gatekeeper..No one wants to talk to some random dude "to be vouched" for some random chick with a bunch of restrictions.

It's just not worth it. There are plenty of women out there without the bullshit.

05-06-24, 16:16
In my PM:


You guys are funny. She is probably the best around. I've got about 50 guys from this site that I text that have seen her. She has no restrictions at all except bare full service. She is one of a kind on here with no drama. That's why I keep her close this way and she wants me to help. But no biggie to me. I've gotten so many messages saying how smart this is to keep the assholes away. So your loss.

05-06-24, 21:30
For what it's worth I vouch for Neon. Whether or not you trust me as a senior is up to you. Went through the same process with Neon to meet Crystal. Of course my cell is my burner so IDGAF. We had some small talk, he laid down her ground rules to make sure everyone was on the same level ahead of time, then he gave me her number and told her my "name" and number so she would know I had the all clear. Doing this all via text rather than forum DM is a lot quicker and he includes some pictures.

Crystal's in her 40's but has a nice body and she genuinely seems like a nice woman (from the convos we've had on text and in person). Her incall is basement and was nice enough. She takes care of herself and her surrounding (the place was as clean as a basement will be). She took good care of me and will absolutely repeat when I make it back out Akron-way.The entire time I was talking to him I just got the feeling he was getting off on the whole thing. Whether it was sexually by him imagining everything or if somehow the world's smallest bit of power got to his head idk. The whole thing was weird I tried to play nice at first and answer his questions but once he started wanting me to go into detail I bailed. Hes just a weirdo. And the pics he showed of her she isn't even worth the hassle.

05-06-24, 22:14
OMG, give it a rest! If you don't like the process, don't comment. I've been helping guys for over a year with no issues until you 2. I'm attaching the photos I sent to Cubbies, you guys tell me if you think she isn't worth it. Everyone has different tastes. If you do, send me a message and you will have a great time. If not, move on to the next girl. It's that simple. There is no point in trying to talk bad about someone that is trying to help others and has helped many in the past, just because you don't like the process. Especially coming from a senior that has already had seniors vouching for the process. I'm done commenting on this because it's so stupid trying to put down one of your own just trying to help.

05-07-24, 09:50
OMG, give it a rest! If you don't like the process, don't comment. I've been helping guys for over a year with no issues until you 2. I'm attaching the photos I sent to Cubbies, you guys tell me if you think she isn't worth it. Everyone has different tastes. If you do, send me a message and you will have a great time. If not, move on to the next girl. It's that simple. There is no point in trying to talk bad about someone that is trying to help others and has helped many in the past, just because you don't like the process. Especially coming from a senior that has already had seniors vouching for the process. I'm done commenting on this because it's so stupid trying to put down one of your own just trying to help.It's because you're trying to play the role of a pimp.

It's cringe and unsettling.

05-07-24, 10:35
2 posts and both claiming Crissy runs with the money?

She has her own place. Where is she going to run to? She's a great woman, my only complaint is she doesn't allow DATY, but the BBBJ is amazing and she is cute. Totally worth it compared to most girls in Akron. Her only habit when I saw her was a Amazon Prime habit. Her place was clean and set up for the right 'mood', but she had a lot of deliveries. Quite a few boxes around.I don't know how long ago it was that you saw her but when I recently saw her she was tweaking all over the place. The BBBJ is just ok. It would've been better if she didn't have to stop multiple times to randomly talk about something stupid because she was high.

Tonto Monger
05-08-24, 00:23
It's because you're trying to play the role of a pimp.

It's cringe and unsettling.Exactly. At first I was suspicious that Neon might be a LEO, and then it's the pimp want to be that is off putting. I have no doubt that Crystal is an awesome person and she would be great to meet. I just don't want to share my business with a guy I don't know. Not trying to offend or be offensive, I just think in this hobby, privacy and discretion are paramount for everyone's safety.

No hard feelings Neon.


05-08-24, 17:20
I just hope Neon realizes the risk he's taking and is being compensated accordingly. 10-12 or so years ago there was a member here who took it upon himself to advertise and set-up meetings between us (forum members) and random street walkers he encountered. He claimed he wasn't making money from it and I don't know if he was even getting free pussy. Anyway, as he was putting his phone # out there as the contact guy, it wasn't 3 months until his name and picture were in the paper announcing his arrest for promoting prostitution or whatever the legal term for pimping is. He never came back to this site under the same user name.

Tonto Monger
05-08-24, 21:07
I just hope Neon realizes the risk he's taking and is being compensated accordingly. 10-12 or so years ago there was a member here who took it upon himself to advertise and set-up meetings between us (forum members) and random street walkers he encountered. He claimed he wasn't making money from it and I don't know if he was even getting free pussy. Anyway, as he was putting his phone # out there as the contact guy, it wasn't 3 months until his name and picture were in the paper announcing his arrest for promoting prostitution or whatever the legal term for pimping is. He never came back to this site under the same user name.SullivantGuy down in C-Bus. Went to prison if I recall correctly.

05-08-24, 22:04
I just hope Neon realizes the risk he's taking and is being compensated accordingly. 10-12 or so years ago there was a member here who took it upon himself to advertise and set-up meetings between us (forum members) and random street walkers he encountered. He claimed he wasn't making money from it and I don't know if he was even getting free pussy. Anyway, as he was putting his phone # out there as the contact guy, it wasn't 3 months until his name and picture were in the paper announcing his arrest for promoting prostitution or whatever the legal term for pimping is. He never came back to this site under the same user name.Hey guys, all points well taken. I was just trying to make it easier and quicker. It's not my real phone, but I understand the risk now. I think I will change it up and just talk through the webpage now. Is it safer to discuss through the private chat? I could just have you give her your screen name on this so she could talk to me to make sure?

I absolutely don't get anything for this. She is just a really good friend that I help out, but hearing the discussions, I understand now.

Steel Penguin
05-09-24, 06:56
SullivantGuy down in C-Bus. Went to prison if I recall correctly.Yeah, because he committed disgusting crimes. Neon doing what hes doing still isn't smart, but this situation isn't even remotely in the same phone book. Read up on the Sullivantguy case, he is not one of us.

05-09-24, 08:36
SullivantGuy down in C-Bus. Went to prison if I recall correctly.No, this was a guy in Akron I'm talking about.

05-09-24, 10:23
Hey guys, all points well taken. I was just trying to make it easier and quicker.The only thing that is quick and easy is, "Hey I have a UTR. Seniors PM for number. " Anything else is outside the scope of both this board and the hobby in general.

That's it. No giving up usernames, no research or background checks. A couple chicks know my username, which I dislike for a couple reasons. I guess that can't be prevented when PM'ing for numbers, but courtesy is either "don't do it" or "if you PM me, I'm going to do it, so be forewarned".

If this chick is so cautious, she's either a) in the wrong game or b) needs to be doing this work herself or c) you're long con LEO.

If you want to do a background check, you can look at our user posts and glean information from that.

Also, I didn't even think of the criminal charges angle. I guess I won't be posting on behalf of girls any longer.

06-16-24, 22:49
Okay so I just read about 30 pages of this thread and I saw absolutely nothing about FS, BBBJ, or any ITC action so I guess imma pass on Akron. Yawn.

06-17-24, 06:04
So, what's the odds this place closed down before 2024, due to no business?

I talked to friend of mine. He went to Danielles dolls and the dancer (she was the only one he saw there) wanted $40 a song!! LOL. This is Akron not Las Vegas.

06-17-24, 12:50
Okay so I just read about 30 pages of this thread and I saw absolutely nothing about FS, BBBJ, or any ITC action so I guess imma pass on Akron. Yawn.You're not going to hurt my feelings. I've gotten BBFS in the bar from more than one, I've had many BBBJ at the bar ad well as in the VIP. The fewer guys competing for the slots, the better for us.

06-17-24, 22:57
Okay so I just read about 30 pages of this thread and I saw absolutely nothing about FS, BBBJ, or any ITC action so I guess imma pass on Akron. Yawn.Then you're illiterate and won't be missed.

06-18-24, 17:41
Then you're illiterate and won't be missed.LOL, this was almost exactly what I was going to lost earlier. I barely read the strip club thread but when I do it's littered with info about VIP BBBJ and FS.