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08-08-24, 23:23
Is screening safe? I'm hesitant to give out so much personal info. I understand it's a two way street but I cannot afford having my information out there as many people know me and it's too huge a risk.

Are there any agencies that don't require you to give out everything short of SSN?There is a long way around that is harder but solves this. Some agencies will take HX network. I saw 2 independent providers to get my first ratings, then used that to get into one kgirl agency, then used the network from that to get into the tougher to screen kgirl agency. Now it's easy because a new agency can log in and see I've used 2 or 3 other kgirl agencies for 11+ years. I've used HX 13 years total. Obviously if I ever had a problem I'd get a safety rating on my network, so this also means I've used it those 13 years without a single problem. Since I have a perfect score, and in the same way I only see girls with a perfect score.

A few of my posts on HX:




There are a few more but others have written about the topic too, in particular buying an online Walmart gift card, getting the code by e-mail, and using it on HX to unlock the ability to send messages. As I said, this is actually the hard way. The easy way is to just give them your info. But since I know others in the same situation, I've written this out.

All in all, I've screened 4 agencies this way, with the 5th being because I used an affiliated booker in another city (i.e. same agency group but different city), and with the 6th being because I knew the girl and booked her through her new booker. Some agencies however really want your info so you just have to play by their rules. But I prefer to pass on that. Each person has to make their own call on this.

08-09-24, 08:41
TOFFT on the duo with a report. I just got done seeing Dallas after my earlier session with Nora. Both are pretty hot and skew younger, especially Nora. Dunno if I have the scratch to do the duo but its nice to live vicariously every now and again.Is Nora the one with the big scar on her belly?

08-09-24, 11:48
Is screening safe? I'm hesitant to give out so much personal info. I understand it's a two way street but I cannot afford having my information out there as many people know me and it's too huge a risk.No, it's not safe to give out your PII. If you care about your job, your wife (or SO), your kids, your civvie friends, then don't take that risk. Every agency will tell you they don't keep your info on file. That's a lie. They always keep it. They know, if they ever get busted, they can give the cops your info, and the info of all their other known clients, in order to reduce their own sentence. That exact scenario has happened many times in the past. The bust in Tyson's Corner, Virginia, is just the latest example.

There are many other ways to get through the door without giving up your PII. They just require a little bit more work. Some of them have been written about in this forum over time. Keep searching old posts. I've never given up my info and I never will. Too risky.

By the way, if you're not already, it's also a good idea to use a VPN to encrypt your internet activity and a burner phone to communicate with the bookers. As I always say: If the cops really want to find you, they will. But there's no reason to make it easy for them!

08-09-24, 11:52
Kbliss Friday activity partners.

Kate Lovely Kona Kimberly Elly Ina Esther.

Gangnam Diane and Stella.

08-09-24, 12:13
No, it's not safe to give out your PII. If you care about your job, your wife (or SO), your kids, your civvie friends, then don't take that risk. Every agency will tell you they don't keep your info on file. That's a lie. They always keep it. They know, if they ever get busted, they can give the cops your info, and the info of all their other known clients, in order to reduce their own sentence. That exact scenario has happened many times in the past. The bust in Tyson's Corner, Virginia, is just the latest example.

There are many other ways to get through the door without giving up your PII. They just require a little bit more work. Some of them have been written about in this forum over time. Keep searching old posts. I've never given up my info and I never will. Too risky.

By the way, if you're not already, it's also a good idea to use a VPN to encrypt your internet activity and a burner phone to communicate with the bookers. As I always say: If the cops really want to find you, they will. But there's no reason to make it easy for them!Are burner phones even a burner if you keep it anywhere inside your home and use it more than once? I'm actually curious LOL.

08-09-24, 16:09
No, it's not safe to give out your PII. If you care about your job, your wife (or SO), your kids, your civvie friends, then don't take that risk. Every agency will tell you they don't keep your info on file. That's a lie. They always keep it. They know, if they ever get busted, they can give the cops your info, and the info of all their other known clients, in order to reduce their own sentence. That exact scenario has happened many times in the past. The bust in Tyson's Corner, Virginia, is just the latest example.The affidavit spells it out. Investigators had the place on surveillance and even noticed that government employees were customers. It turns out they were using government issued phones, so they seized them without even a warrant. You can seen screenshots in the affidavit below. They had all this info before they made any arrest. That's why when they passed their evidence to state officials, there were so few people. 20 plus customers. Rather than thousands. They had this list before the first arrest was even made. You can read it yourself here:


Note that the feds are interested in trafficking, i.e. transporting women and money over state lines. The initial charges were wire fraud. The feds had a press conference saying they cannot prosecute prostitution, it's not illegal federally. What they did was hand over their evidence to state officials, who could according to each states' laws. The state has used that evidence but is in no position to offer any plea deal for federal crimes. Nor would the feds give any lenience to federal crimes for non-federal crimes. They're separate cases run in parallel.

Just to be clear, all of this is public info and the court process is public. No plea has been given and in past cases like this it is unlikely. The feds already have everything they want. The state cases otoh are different and remains to be seen. It's unlikely they are using a "collection of id photos", that would be dismissed for lack of evidence and not be taken seriously by prosecutors or the judge. Rather they are probably telling the truth and using evidence from surveillance. It remains to be seen if even that is enough, most state and city cases don't make it to trial as they are going to pick the strongest cases to bring to trial.

08-09-24, 16:17
Is Nora the one with the big scar on her belly?She does. Not super terrible tbh but yes, most likely from a C-section I suspect.

08-09-24, 16:19
The affidavit spells it out. Investigators had the place on surveillance and even noticed that government employees were customers. It turns out they were using government issued phones, so they seized them without even a warrant. You can seen screenshots in the affidavit below. They had all this info before they made any arrest. That's why when they passed their evidence to state officials, there were so few people. 20 plus customers. Rather than thousands. They had this list before the first arrest was even made. You can read it yourself here:


Note that the feds are interested in trafficking, i.e. transporting women and money over state lines. The initial charges were wire fraud. The feds had a press conference saying they cannot prosecute prostitution, it's not illegal federally. What they did was hand over their evidence to state officials, who could according to each states' laws. The state has used that evidence but is in no position to offer any plea deal for federal crimes. Nor would the feds give any lenience to federal crimes for non-federal crimes. They're separate cases run in parallel.

Just to be clear, all of this is public info and the court process is public. No plea has been given and in past cases like this it is unlikely. The feds already have everything they want. The state cases otoh are different and remains to be seen. It's unlikely they are using a "collection of id photos", that would be quickly dismissed for lack of evidence and not be taken seriously by prosecutors or the judge. Rather they are probably telling the truth and using evidence from surveillance.Yikes. Well, what's done is done I guess. I long have resigned that I would be rolling the dice with this sort of stuff. All in all, If I found out an employee or colleague of mine caught a case for soliciting one of these fine ladies, I wouldn't give two shits. Crazy they care about this sort of stuff when there are actual criminals out there.

08-09-24, 16:31
Yikes. Well, what's done is done I guess. I long have resigned that I would be rolling the dice with this sort of stuff. All in all, If I found out an employee or colleague of mine caught a case for soliciting one of these fine ladies, I wouldn't give two shits. Crazy they care about this sort of stuff when there are actual criminals out there.The case all started from an informant years ago. A SW granted a visa in exchange for cooperation, rather than be deported (there is a special anti-trafficking law that allows for exactly this exemption). The feds want to win cases, so they had her ask around her past contacts and eventually got a lead. The crucial point about the lead is it crossed state lines, because it turned into a wire fraud case since that was much easier to prove.The feds do not investigate prostitution, it's not their jurisdiction and not illegal federally. They don't win or get any credit for that. They are interested in inter-state trafficking and related crimes like wire fraud.

State and city officials don't have that kind of time and resources. In California the law's actually gotten more lenient which is why you see more streetwalkers than before. It was an important change because previous anti-loitering laws were repealed because police were harassing innocent women just for standing around dressed nicely - a civil rights issue. Prostitution is also a misdemeanor in CA compared to a felony in many states on the East coast. And as you can see from my posts in the COI thread, in some cities they just don't care so SW gravitate there. Most of the strip clubs in COI are non-stop fuck fests in the VIP, have been for decades. The police do raids on clubs for drugs and weapons rather than that. They could hardly be bothered about people having fun, there are actual emergencies going on in the city.

In general it is going to be local PD that handles it rather than state, so it is going to vary a lot from city to city. There is also no cooperation between cities unless the state steps in for some reason. Like drugs, they are only looking at a drop in the bucket anyways. That's why they hold press conferences and move on after.

08-09-24, 17:46
Nali is definitely not Daisy unless Daisy lost 30 pounds and came back. Nali is a spinner and thin. Daisy was short and chunky.I dunno about 30 lbs, but yes she did the opposite of what OG Dana did regarding her weight. And no, this IG influencer is not her, but might as well be.

IG: insta_tatata_ta.

08-09-24, 17:47
The affidavit spells it out. Investigators had the place on surveillance and even noticed that government employees were customers. It turns out they were using government issued phones, so they seized them without even a warrant. You can seen screenshots in the affidavit below. They had all this info before they made any arrest. That's why when they passed their evidence to state officials, there were so few people. 20 plus customers. Rather than thousands. They had this list before the first arrest was even made. You can read it yourself here:


Note that the feds are interested in trafficking, i.e. transporting women and money over state lines. The initial charges were wire fraud. The feds had a press conference saying they cannot prosecute prostitution, it's not illegal federally. What they did was hand over their evidence to state officials, who could according to each states' laws. The state has used that evidence but is in no position to offer any plea deal for federal crimes. Nor would the feds give any lenience to federal crimes for non-federal crimes. They're separate cases run in parallel.

Just to be clear, all of this is public info and the court process is public. No plea has been given and in past cases like this it is unlikely. The feds already have everything they want. The state cases otoh are different and remains to be seen..The case at the state level is still on going and has not closed yet. There is quite significant damage to many peoples already. They initially planed to do public hearing and more than twenty peoples might need to show up on court. Those peoples who are facing public hearing hired lawyers and fight for it, now I heard that the court has postponed the case and we still don't know what's the final decisions.

08-09-24, 18:01
Are burner phones even a burner if you keep it anywhere inside your home and use it more than once? I'm actually curious LOL.I guess it matters your purpose. For many people the SO is a higher priority than anything. I have always said LE is not even the top 3 dangers for a lot of people.

I don't have a lot of reasons but relatives borrow my phone and PC freely so I wrote an electronics guide for those taking pictures and videos (ex. jgirls):


It will only help for casual (but common) use cases. I show my coworkers things on my phone all the time. I have no problem not slipping up ever, but they have!

TD Leafs
08-09-24, 18:23
Nali is definitely not Daisy unless Daisy lost 30 pounds and came back. Nali is a spinner and thin. Daisy was short and chunky.When Daisy came back she lost quite bit weight and I would def call her spinner.

Even when Daisy first started, I would never call Daisy chunky.

08-09-24, 19:09
Are burner phones even a burner if you keep it anywhere inside your home and use it more than once? I'm actually curious LOL.Nothing provides 100% protection. Not even condoms. LOL! Burner phones can be traced, and even triangulated against your real phone, in order to locate you — IF somebody with the resources, the smarts, and the desire really wants to track you down. But the way I see it, a burner phone is just one more hurdle that the cops (or anyone else) would need to jump over before they can determine your real identity. I like having some type of barrier (even an imperfect one) between me and my real life. No agency or booker can ever threaten me in any way, because all they have is a throw-away phone number.

Keep in mind, I'm not married, so I don't have to worry about the wife finding my burner phone (ala Breaking Bad, when Walter White got nailed by his wife). That's not a concern for me, so I keep it at home. If I was married, I would keep it in a locked drawer in my office, or a locked safe box in my car, or a locked safe in my locked storage unit.

As for your PII being used against you by the cops, I'll bet a free k-girl session that that is exactly what will happen in the Tyson's Corner investigation, once the state and local cases play out. They already have everything they need to do it. We already know the customer names have been compromised. It's just a matter of time before they are used as bargaining chips. And, yes, it has played out that way in many other cases over the years. Uncle LEO loves to follow the same playbook because it's so easy.

The fact is, the authorities do care about more than just cross-state human trafficking. These days, our "woke" DAs believe that the working girls are the true victims, and their male customers are the actual criminals who are exploiting these poor, helpless women. That was the whole basis of the infamous 2016 Seattle bust. That theory is also widely believed throughout the USA And Europe. According to them, we are the bad guys.

So, again, my advice is, if you want to protect yourself, there are steps you can take. They aren't fool proof, but they are better than nothing. The more you have to lose, the more you should consider at least trying to obscure your real identity. There are many guys today who regret not doing it, because they got exposed. I know some of them personally and I've tried to learn from their mistakes.

On the other hand, if you're not married, no kids, self-employed, etc, and you just don't care about the threat of being publicly exposed someday, then you don't need to bother with any of this stuff. And I envy your lifestyle!

08-09-24, 19:16
I wrote an electronics guide for those taking pictures and videos...

http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?31932-Asian-Providers&p=6978391#post6978391.That's actually very helpful! Hadn't read it before. Good stuff.

08-09-24, 20:04
Is it harder for non-Koreans to get into Sesang?

08-09-24, 20:19
Is it harder for non-Koreans to get into Sesang?Doubt it. All they care about is green. I am a non-Korean and I had no trouble getting in. Just gave a few references. Pretty fly, for a white guy?

08-09-24, 20:43
When Daisy came back she lost quite bit weight and I would def call her spinner.

Even when Daisy first started, I would never call Daisy chunky.

Agreed. To say she was chunky is a bit harsh. Whereas Nali wanting to conceal her rebrand from Daisy/Joah is not. Some girls rebrand because of poor reputations. Whereas others do it because dudes blur the line between simp and stalker.

Using fake pics as Joah -and now as Nali- cannot circumvent the efforts of a determined hobbyist with too much time on their hands, and a desire to help others make informed decisions.

08-09-24, 21:46
Agreed. To say she was chunky is a bit harsh. Whereas Nali wanting to conceal her rebrand from Daisy/Joah is not. Some girls rebrand because of poor reputations. Whereas others do it because dudes blur the line between simp and stalker.

Using fake pics as Joah -and now as Nali- cannot circumvent the efforts of a determined hobbyist with too much time on their hands, and a desire to help others make informed decisions.Lot of lonely incel men out here fam. It's all about pumping and dumping. Go outside and find a normal chick if you want cuddles and shii.

08-09-24, 22:10
Some girls rebrand because of poor reputations.I know one girl who can't get hired anymore due to bad reputation. Her TER has tanked and sums it up, she asks her customers for drugs and does a half-ass job now. Talks a lot during and after sessions. Just going through the motions with service.

She had many years of good reviews but she's just over this job. Burned out but not quite willing to quit. Tried other SW but couldn't cut it. If she came back she'd have to rebrand. Maybe East Coast where they don't know her.

08-10-24, 01:53
I Her TER has tanked and sums it up, she asks her customers for drugsr.You would be very surprised on how many active girls right now sniff out of the little vial!

I know of 6 girls who do it currently and it gets them through there appts they've told me!

08-10-24, 02:02
Has anyone tried either one? Was interested in them solo or together. Their names are hard to search about.

08-10-24, 11:09
Is it harder for non-Koreans to get into Sesang?Asian here & I still had difficulty getting in. Still not vetted by them.

08-10-24, 13:11
Kbliss Saturday selection.

Kate Lovely Kona Kimberly Elly Ina Esther.

Gangnam Diane and Stella.

08-10-24, 14:01
As they say, this did not age well.I don't remember guys talking about Daisy being in the bay as Joah. I'm not saying that it wasn't discussed. I just don't remember it.

08-10-24, 15:03
Has anyone tried either one? Was interested in them solo or together. Their names are hard to search about.I think Aym is formerly Queen / Vivian / Jenny. Was curious about her too.

08-10-24, 15:05
I don't remember guys talking about Daisy being in the bay as Joah. I'm not saying that it wasn't discussed. I just don't remember it.It didn't help that she used fake pics when she made the switch. As Joah, she was selective about disclosing her rebrand, limiting her reveal to *maybe* a few regulars that don't hobby in, or give two shits about the LA scene. Their disdain for this market when compared to their own is well-documented.

08-10-24, 16:03
Agreed. To say she was chunky is a bit harsh. Whereas Nali wanting to conceal her rebrand from Daisy/Joah is not. Some girls rebrand because of poor reputations. Whereas others do it because dudes blur the line between simp and stalker.

Using fake pics as Joah -and now as Nali- cannot circumvent the efforts of a determined hobbyist with too much time on their hands, and a desire to help others make informed decisions.Def not chunky and I do remember her being fairly good service.

Lately I've been hearing gossip with some of the ladies I see OTC and it can have things to do with bad blood between the house owners or other girls with boyfriends trying to tank their reputations on TER as well. The stalker part I think while valid, usually comes in the form of a girl flying the coop and then bouncing to another state with a whole new identity.

A provider whom shall not be named who I absolutely adored stopped coming to LA because some dude would show up unannounced after-hours and plead his case to marry her. The texts were alarming. She didn't want to call police so she left and has no plans to return.

08-10-24, 16:35
girls with boyfriends trying to tank their reputations on TER as well.This happens quite often while on tour where less than a handful of providers are hosting in the same town. Also, someone with stalker vibes will slander the good name of a provider as they move around on their tour locations.

It's in her kiss. As someone who has experienced a couple decades of clubs and parties you can always tell who has been a snorting during the kiss because of the post nasal drip. Yuck!

08-10-24, 18:39
You would be very surprised on how many active girls right now sniff out of the little vial!

I know of 6 girls who do it currently and it gets them through there appts they've told me!Haha my former ATF LKS Lucy and I used to do a shit ton of sniff before, during, and after sex.

Sadly she is taking time off who knows when she will be back.

Hopefully she will make a pit stop in LA when she decides to return. Her cousin Candygirl Hyunji (LKS Niay) is working in LA right now.

08-10-24, 21:40
Def not chunky and I do remember her being fairly good service.

Lately I've been hearing gossip with some of the ladies I see OTC and it can have things to do with bad blood between the house owners or other girls with boyfriends trying to tank their reputations on TER as well. The stalker part I think while valid, usually comes in the form of a girl flying the coop and then bouncing to another state with a whole new identity.

A provider whom shall not be named who I absolutely adored stopped coming to LA because some dude would show up unannounced after-hours and plead his case to marry her. The texts were alarming. She didn't want to call police so she left and has no plans to return.As we say on valorant. Bigggg yikesssss.

08-10-24, 23:24
Is it harder for non-Koreans to get into Sesang?Sessang booker is just stupid and dumb as door bell! I expect that this will get lots of people riled up here but FACTS are FACTS.

08-10-24, 23:30
She cut her teeth earning simps in SD and OC alike. And now this tall and leggy Eurasian tall is taking her talents to the main stage in SoCal. Lots of reviews on the SD and OC threads. Also Ms. Dallas (TER: 384255).Dallas is worth fucking! She is very chill.

08-11-24, 00:11
Haha my former ATF LKS Lucy and I used to do a shit ton of sniff before, during, and after sex.

Sadly she is taking time off who knows when she will be back.

Hopefully she will make a pit stop in LA when she decides to return. Her cousin Candygirl Hyunji (LKS Niay) is working in LA right now.I think I might be too young what is sniff? Is that like old school name for coco?

08-11-24, 00:12
Sessang booker is just stupid and dumb as door bell! I expect that this will get lots of people riled up here but FACTS are FACTS.I kinda agree if you compare to other bookers. I had to make a different number because they banned me for canceling LOL. Only used them twice tho for lucy and arin no need to go back again because both were mid and joah from reports from the bois is that besides being hot her service is mid as well.

Resilient John
08-11-24, 00:28
It didn't help that she used fake pics when she made the switch. As Joah, she was selective about disclosing her rebrand, limiting her reveal to *maybe* a few regulars that don't hobby in, or give two shits about the LA scene. Their disdain for this market when compared to their own is well-documented.Hah! If what you're saying is true, I need to buy my mentor a beer and praise his instincts and eyesight. I get some girls need / want to rebrand for whatever reason but if they get popular enough, there's only one way that bag full of cats is going to end up.

Resilient John
08-11-24, 00:32
Is it harder for non-Koreans to get into Sesang?I think she's just hard to get into in general, no matter how you slice that ethnicity cake.

08-11-24, 01:25
Anyone tried double D Esther yet? Are photos even close?

Resilient John
08-11-24, 01:39
Dallas is worth fucking! She is very chill.So a word of caution for those that choose to listen (or read in this case): prominent c-section scar and mediocre service IMO. Her moans were so fake and regular in frequency, I had to look around the room to make sure there wasn't a turntable lying around. She's part Filipina, I guess there could be some Spanish blood in there somewhere to claim the European ancestry.

08-11-24, 01:46
I am reaching the point that I can finally afford to dabble into this expensive realm of hobbying. BG website says that first timers says I have to have 411, hx, or pd before getting verified, is this true? How hard is it to be included? Does other bookers have such requirements too? Is there a work around like bookings from c-orgs?

08-11-24, 10:02
I am reaching the point that I can finally afford to dabble into this expensive realm of hobbying. BG website says that first timers says I have to have 411, hx, or pd before getting verified, is this true? How hard is it to be included? Does other bookers have such requirements too? Is there a work around like bookings from c-orgs?I've verified with P411 with k-org bookers. I just reached out to them from the P411 site. They got back to me pretty quick. I do have a lot of "okays" on there, though, so that could make a difference.

08-11-24, 12:31
Kbliss Sunday fun.

Kate Lovely Kona Kimberly Elly Ina Esther.

Gangnam Diane and Stella.

08-11-24, 12:51
I think I might be too young what is sniff? Is that like old school name for coco?Yes and other drugs that I will not name LOL.

Like others have mentioned these k girls do shit of ton drugs to keep them going throughout the day / week.

08-11-24, 14:40
Yes and other drugs that I will not name LOL.

Like others have mentioned these k girls do shit of ton drugs to keep them going throughout the day / week.What the heck I haven't done the Coco since I was in college I'd be hella down to do sum with a Kgirl tho hahaha. I remember it was always a struggle to get hard tho.

08-11-24, 18:00
So a word of caution for those that choose to listen (or read in this case): prominent c-section scar and mediocre service IMO. Her moans were so fake and regular in frequency, I had to look around the room to make sure there wasn't a turntable lying around. She's part Filipina, I guess there could be some Spanish blood in there somewhere to claim the European ancestry.Yep her only hype is that she's hot but I heard from fellow bros who saw her that she's a horrible lay and not worth it. She's for the hya hunters who only care about looks.

08-11-24, 19:10
So a word of caution for those that choose to listen (or read in this case): prominent c-section scar and mediocre service IMO. Her moans were so fake and regular in frequency, I had to look around the room to make sure there wasn't a turntable lying around. She's part Filipina, I guess there could be some Spanish blood in there somewhere to claim the European ancestry.Yes! And you can add smoker breath to it but then again, she is one of the better one for LA as majority of girls in LA are way over agree of 40. Dallas's tits are really nice though.

08-11-24, 19:14
I kinda agree if you compare to other bookers. I had to make a different number because they banned me for canceling LOL. Only used them twice tho for Lucy and Arin no need to go back again because both were mid and joah from reports from the bois is that besides being hot her service is mid as well.Yah. The idiot booker has one exclusive mediocre girl name Lucy and she is dubbed as Superstar because too many dudes here fluff the booker. I fucked Lucy once and she was an average look but then again, I know knives will come out for me for stating the obvious facts. LOL.

08-11-24, 19:20
I think Aym is formerly Queen / Vivian / Jenny.If the pics is the same girl using then yes, that's the girl you're thinking. But didn't she lowered her price and went with BB flat or special rate a few month ago in wla? On Candygirl it shows she's upcharging rn.

08-11-24, 20:32
Yah. The idiot booker has one exclusive mediocre girl name Lucy and she is dubbed as Superstar because too many dudes here fluff the booker. I fucked Lucy once and she was an average look but then again, I know knives will come out for me for stating the obvious facts. LOL.LOL haters love to hate. Make sure to post with Joseman too agreeing with yourself. Or pull out the OG username while you are at it. FYI the movie quotes out your identity. Lucy is a service star with a nice body and I'm sure most of NorCal and LA will agree. Not my taste because she is way too short. I wouldn't repeat because of her size but she will work three pops out of you with enthusiasm. I have doubts you have seen her because the last time we spoke about Sesang you told me she wouldn't let you in because other bookers told her you were blocked. I still have our own text exchange as well as the one with the booker that I sent you too. I have never had an issue with her since Lavixen days. She has even warned me against fat / ugly girls. I'm cool with you bro in private but public hateful comments like these make me come out of forum retirement. I will call people out when they discourage mongers not to do business with good orgs who bring good girls and keep price inclusive. Most of the stars that have left their agency had resorted to upcharge and their service has tanked. They seem to scramble around for a few week and fizzle out of the industry. I'm thankful for what they have booked for in LA.

08-11-24, 20:38
Yes and other drugs that I will not name LOL.

Like others have mentioned these k girls do shit of ton drugs to keep them going throughout the day / week.I've heard these rumors and have sort of slowed down my kgirl monger. This being one of the reasons. I met a girl in ktown who was clearly high on something stronger. I hope this isn't a trend. I think I enjoyed kgirls because of the well done aftermarket parts and the cleanliness of their industry. I've been enjoying other venues for now. I think we need a fresh new dump of girls to root out the nasty habits the current pool has seemed to have formed. Possible that I was just nieve but it didn't seem to be a common trend before. OG La mongers can chime in if this is common. I feel like in the Bay Area when I first started mongering, I didn't encounter much of this.

08-11-24, 20:46
I don't remember guys talking about Daisy being in the bay as Joah. I'm not saying that it wasn't discussed. I just don't remember it.That user who kept discussing Daisy was a known NorCal stalker for another kgirl. He changed his username after I called him out in private chat. If you look at the original post that sttuntcock references and see that other user's post history, you will see what I'm talking about. It's obvious. Many NorCal bros know because that certain young kgirl was openly sharing his LinkedIn with mongers because he was trying to harm her. Noticed how he disappeared after a certain young kgirl also disappeared from LA. I think he has a sick plan to take down any younger kgirl trying to work but after he fucks them. That skinny kgirl claiming UCLA lawyer and dj was also one of his victims in NorCal a few years ago.

08-11-24, 20:56
The case all started from an informant years ago. A SW granted a visa in exchange for cooperation, rather than be deported (there is a special anti-trafficking law that allows for exactly this exemption)..What you wrote is all that mongers need to realize. If you snitch or become a rat, this is what will happen. This is what happened in Boston, it says it in the affidavit. They had a snitch aka CI that tricked the org into helping them find a co-signer. Then so happens the co-signer was fucking around with the IRS and not paying his taxes using multiple businesses and even took Covid relief loans. That will definitely get fed eyes if using a business to front and evade taxes. Next, they got mongers involved with the case because it really was a small time case and the media caught wind because of the tag lines they used to make the case bigger than it was. 2-3 Koreans running independent girls turned into spy hookers getting info out of government officials. Of course they had to pretend to bring down those mongers LOL. All those BTT hoes are still working today. No one was a spy.

Seattle happened the same way. It all started with a kgirl snitched who are still working today. Then the co-signer was a drug dealer with a record and they leveraged into admitting he was co-signing apartments for Korean hoes. Bros come on. Do not cosign for their work pad, and don't snitch. Everyone will remain safe.

08-11-24, 21:07
What you wrote is all that mongers need to realize. If you snitch or become a rat, this is what will happen. This is what happened in Boston, it says it in the affidavit. They had a snitch aka CI that tricked the org into helping them find a co-signer. Then so happens the co-signer was fucking around with the IRS and not paying his taxes using multiple businesses and even took Covid relief loans. That will definitely get fed eyes if using a business to front and evade taxes. Next, they got mongers involved with the case because it really was a small time case and the media caught wind because of the tag lines they used to make the case bigger than it was. 2-3 Koreans running independent girls turned into spy hookers getting info out of government officials. Of course they had to pretend to bring down those mongers LOL. All those BTT hoes are still working today. No one was a spy.

Seattle happened the same way. It all started with a kgirl snitched who are still working today. Then the co-signer was a drug dealer with a record and they leveraged into admitting he was co-signing apartments for Korean hoes. Bros come on. Do not cosign for their work pad, and don't snitch. Everyone will remain safe.Hold up a k girl snitched out an entire org and is still working.

How is she not blacklisted and walking around like nothing happened? WTF.

08-11-24, 21:40
LOL haters love to hate. Make sure to post with Joseman too agreeing with yourself. Or pull out the OG username while you are at it. FYI the movie quotes out your identity. Lucy is a service star with a nice body and I'm sure most of NorCal and LA will agree. Not my taste because she is way too short. I wouldn't repeat because of her size but she will work three pops out of you with enthusiasm. I have doubts you have seen her because the last time we spoke about Sesang you told me she wouldn't let you in because other bookers told her you were blocked. I still have our own text exchange as well as the one with the booker that I sent you too. I have never had an issue with her since Lavixen days. She has even warned me against fat / ugly girls. I'm cool with you bro in private but public hateful comments like these make me come out of forum retirement. I will call people out when they discourage mongers not to do business with good orgs who bring good girls and keep price inclusive. Most of the stars that have left their agency had resorted to upcharge and their service has tanked. They seem to scramble around for a few week and fizzle out of the industry. I'm thankful for what they have booked for in LA.Yah homie took it a bit too far lmao. I don't use them because Lucy and Arin while sure were decent looking their service sucks. Which has been a pretty common theme with the chicks they get. Then again I'm an outlier when it comes to this so I have to stick to service queens.

08-11-24, 22:27
Who else doing hardcore stuffs besides LKS Lucy (https://loveksweetie.com/lucy)? Let's call them out so we can drive them out of SoCal before LE gets to us. I have seen many different Kgirls over the years and never noticed but I am not a party guy either. I usually see new FOB girls. It would be strange if they have access to it being new in town. I understand some customers want to bring girls to the dark side but they might not get to these girls before The Boner. Even Glow / Tomi / Pink who people said doing the stuff didn't seem high to me. Quirky fun, but not high. None of the girls I saw seemed high.

Yes and other drugs that I will not name LOL.

Like others have mentioned these k girls do shit of ton drugs to keep them going throughout the day / week.

08-11-24, 23:02
I am curious which great provider left LA and if or why she got no hype.

I usually smirk whenever I see reviews of Kgirls in other cities. I hope they don't come back with new names and fake pics. Being a pump and dump type, I don't understand why simp and stalk Kgirls. With all the white knights around, how come nobody can shield these Kgirls? We can't protect them 24/7 but at least we could help a bit.

Def not chunky and I do remember her being fairly good service.

Lately I've been hearing gossip with some of the ladies I see OTC and it can have things to do with bad blood between the house owners or other girls with boyfriends trying to tank their reputations on TER as well. The stalker part I think while valid, usually comes in the form of a girl flying the coop and then bouncing to another state with a whole new identity.

A provider whom shall not be named who I absolutely adored stopped coming to LA because some dude would show up unannounced after-hours and plead his case to marry her. The texts were alarming. She didn't want to call police so she left and has no plans to return.

08-11-24, 23:20
The Boner had certified them separately before in the Hot Young Asians thread. I might have posted Tiny's real pics when she had different names like Capri / Miriena / Joy or something. She had very round face but looked quite cute the first time I saw her. Aym / Jennie / etc uses same real P.S. Pics on CandyGirlLA since couple years ago. She got work done on her face. I don't know how they look now.

Has anyone tried either one? Was interested in them solo or together. Their names are hard to search about.

08-11-24, 23:22
LOL haters love to hate. Make sure to post with Joseman too agreeing with yourself. Or pull out the OG username while you are at it. FYI the movie quotes out your identity. Lucy is a service star with a nice body and I'm sure most of NorCal and LA will agree. Not my taste because she is way too short. I wouldn't repeat because of her size but she will work three pops out of you with enthusiasm. I have doubts you have seen her because the last time we spoke about Sesang you told me she wouldn't let you in because other bookers told her you were blocked. I still have our own text exchange as well as the one with the booker that I sent you too. I have never had an issue with her since Lavixen days. She has even warned me against fat / ugly girls. I'm cool with you bro in private but public hateful comments like these make me come out of forum retirement. I will call people out when they discourage mongers not to do business with good orgs who bring good girls and keep price inclusive. Most of the stars that have left their agency had resorted to upcharge and their service has tanked. They seem to scramble around for a few week and fizzle out of the industry. I'm thankful for what they have booked for in LA.He's probably one of the simps that got blocked lmao. Probably a stalker too. That's why I'm glad Sesang is strict with new clients. And I'd have to agree, a lot of the time when they go up charge their service tanks.

Never understood why there are so many simps here. Like theres so many girls out there, these girls are here for business.

08-12-24, 01:14
He's probably one of the simps that got blocked lmao. Probably a stalker too. That's why I'm glad Sesang is strict with new clients. And I'd have to agree, a lot of the time when they go up charge their service tanks.

Never understood why there are so many simps here. Like theres so many girls out there, these girls are here for business.Incels. Many people on here can't get laid without paying.

08-12-24, 01:24
LOL haters love to hate. ... I will call people out when they discourage mongers not to do business with good orgs who bring good girls and keep price inclusive.Indeed. When a moron like that dude starts bashing a good k-org, it's almost always some form of projection. He's difficult to work with, so he calls the booker difficult to work with. He's flaky, so he calls the booker flaky. He's the a-hole, so he calls the booker an a-hole. It's so obvious, you just have to laugh at him.

It doesn't surprise me that he would also bash Lucy. She's a sexy little spinner, highly skilled, and a lot of fun. She probably wants nothing to do with this guy, which is why he chooses to trash her. We've seen this movie so many times before with so many other a-hole mongers. It might be why some of the sweetest k-girls won't work in LA. Too many idiots here who ruin it for everyone else. Pathetic.

08-12-24, 03:20
I've verified with P411 with k-org bookers. I just reached out to them from the P411 site. They got back to me pretty quick. I do have a lot of "okays" on there, though, so that could make a difference.Is it the same process for all bookers like nana k?

08-12-24, 11:48
Kbliss Monday roundup.

Kate Lovely Kona Kimberly Elly Ina Esther.

Gangnam Diane and Stella.

TD Leafs
08-12-24, 13:12
What's up with GangNam Grils?

They seemed to have all new / hot girls few mts ago then all of sudden they don't have anybody?

Seem like booker is working for some other agency now.

08-12-24, 17:29
Many people on here can't get laid without paying.And I've been saying many hoes on here ain't worth paying for. Couple threads back guys were talking about Cami at 400/ hr, she's at best $200 all access in Itaewon hooker hill ten years ago. July 2024 the most review LA kgirl Arina have a 7. 6 meta on TER right now. Just had a weekend visit she's totally burned out. Her pussy and asshole is all stretched no grip, still got that fugly face along with a new idgaf my legs are wide open just fk me attitude. Perhaps next time fellow mongers would kindly practice prudence instead of DEI pity hiring kgirls with neurological disorder. .

P.S. We all agree to ignore Hana was on meth most of the time right, I mean no way you could tell she had dilated pupils since she wore dark colored contacts.

08-12-24, 18:37
I came across this picture and I swear I've seen this exact same picture on one of the agencies' page.

Can someone tell me which girl this was and which agency did she sign under?

08-12-24, 20:06
And I've been saying many hoes on here ain't worth paying for. Couple threads back guys were talking about Cami at 400/ hr, she's at best $200 all access in Itaewon hooker hill ten years ago. July 2024 the most review LA kgirl Arina have a 7. 6 meta on TER right now. Just had a weekend visit she's totally burned out. Her pussy and asshole is all stretched no grip, still got that fugly face along with a new idgaf my legs are wide open just fk me attitude. Perhaps next time fellow mongers would kindly practice prudence instead of DEI pity hiring kgirls with neurological disorder. .

P.S. We all agree to ignore Hana was on meth most of the time right, I mean no way you could tell she had dilated pupils since she wore dark colored contacts.Comparing someone with someone in Korea 10 years ago is a useless comparison. Also "Worth" is relative to what mongers can afford and what they think is of value to them. You criticize other mongers but you could have read the reviews of Arina to know she probably isn't "worth" it.

08-12-24, 20:24
And I've been saying many hoes on here ain't worth paying for. Couple threads back guys were talking about Cami at 400/ hr, she's at best $200 all access in Itaewon hooker hill ten years ago. July 2024 the most review LA kgirl Arina have a 7. 6 meta on TER right now. Just had a weekend visit she's totally burned out. Her pussy and asshole is all stretched no grip, still got that fugly face along with a new idgaf my legs are wide open just fk me attitude. Perhaps next time fellow mongers would kindly practice prudence instead of DEI pity hiring kgirls with neurological disorder. .

P.S. We all agree to ignore Hana was on meth most of the time right, I mean no way you could tell she had dilated pupils since she wore dark colored contacts.I always thought she was on snow. But at least she was professional about it, never caught her lacking.

08-12-24, 20:27
What's up with GangNam Grils?

They seemed to have all new / hot girls few mts ago then all of sudden they don't have anybody?

Seem like booker is working for some other agency now.Gangnam girls prob same booker as kbliss but all in 350. They usually go quiet after Dana leaves. But when she returns they will be back.

08-12-24, 21:21
Saw La Sera in Vegas. Her body is unchanged from the old Playa Vista days. Face older but still Kobe Tai beautiful. Amazing personality. Funny, friendly and smart. Great businesswoman! Says guys drive and fly up from LA to see her! Strong minded and independent. Turns down mind bending offers. She is in my Pantheon along with Moli, Meagan, Shannon, Asia, Cami and Stella.

08-12-24, 22:10
What's up with GangNam Grils?

They seemed to have all new / hot girls few mts ago then all of sudden they don't have anybody?

Seem like booker is working for some other agency now.Agree, do not know what is going on? Dana and Annie took few trips to somewhere and now they all gone!?how is the new girl Diane? Please tell me that she is good!


08-13-24, 01:51
Saw La Sera in Vegas. Her body is unchanged from the old Playa Vista days. Face older but still Kobe Tai beautiful. Amazing personality. Funny, friendly and smart. Great businesswoman! Says guys drive and fly up from LA to see her! Strong minded and independent. Turns down mind bending offers. She is in my Pantheon along with Moli, Meagan, Shannon, Asia, Cami and Stella.Recently went to Vegas for a 1 1/2 day adventure and saw her as well.

Have been seeing her for many many years!

08-13-24, 11:44
Kbliss Tuesday availability.

Kate Lovely Kona Kimberly Elly Esther.

Gangnam Diane and Stella.

TD Leafs
08-13-24, 14:33
Saw La Sera in Vegas. Her body is unchanged from the old Playa Vista days. Face older but still Kobe Tai beautiful. Amazing personality. Funny, friendly and smart. Great businesswoman! Says guys drive and fly up from LA to see her! Strong minded and independent. Turns down mind bending offers. She is in my Pantheon along with Moli, Meagan, Shannon, Asia, Cami and Stella.Damn what happened with her business?? I thought she was retiring once she started her business. Thought Sera was very smart with her money.

Sometimes I feel for them. Many girls are not good with $$ they make. How long has Asia been working?, she's got a bad back, lazy ass bf, family in Korea. Just can't save money.

Smart ones like Rozel and Meagan get married and start family.

There should be new Forum. "Where are they now" LOL.

08-13-24, 18:15
LA Sera needs money. Wasn't prudent with her $$.

Wait Asia has a long-term boyfriend that is lazy & makes no $$; LOL that's why Asia is working 15+ yrs. Just leave him LOL.

My ATF Rozel / Megan where are they now?

Damn what happened with her business?? I thought she was retiring once she started her business. Thought Sera was very smart with her money.

Sometimes I feel for them. Many girls are not good with $$ they make. How long has Asia been working?, she's got a bad back, lazy ass bf, family in Korea. Just can't save money.

Smart ones like Rozel and Meagan get married and start family.

There should be new Forum. "Where are they now" LOL.

08-13-24, 20:05
Never had a problem with Sesang booker. Surprised someone would say Lucy and Nali don't have good service. Pretty much top tier service for me and younger than some of the upcharge girls. Don't get why older MILFs upcharge. But if they got enough people to pay, more power to them.

Indeed. When a moron like that dude starts bashing a good k-org, it's almost always some form of projection. He's difficult to work with, so he calls the booker difficult to work with. He's flaky, so he calls the booker flaky. He's the a-hole, so he calls the booker an a-hole. It's so obvious, you just have to laugh at him.

It doesn't surprise me that he would also bash Lucy. She's a sexy little spinner, highly skilled, and a lot of fun. She probably wants nothing to do with this guy, which is why he chooses to trash her. We've seen this movie so many times before with so many other a-hole mongers. It might be why some of the sweetest k-girls won't work in LA. Too many idiots here who ruin it for everyone else. Pathetic.

08-13-24, 20:51
Never had a problem with Sesang booker. Surprised someone would say Lucy and Nali don't have good service. Pretty much top tier service for me and younger than some of the upcharge girls. Don't get why older MILFs upcharge. But if they got enough people to pay, more power to them.Many of us have different tiers for service my friend. I never saw Joah / Nali whatever you want to call her but I saw Arin and lucy and they didn't live up to my standards service wise. So I never repeated and my bois who also have similar service standards as me told me Joah / Nali has worse service than Lucy sooo pass from me.

08-13-24, 21:48
LA Sera needs money. Wasn't prudent with her $$.

Wait Asia has a long-term boyfriend that is lazy & makes no $$; LOL that's why Asia is working 15+ yrs. Just leave him LOL.

My ATF Rozel / Megan where are they now?Think that's a perfect example of how if you're a gigantic chad women don't care if you're broke LOL.

08-14-24, 00:43
LA Sera needs money. Wasn't prudent with her $$.

Wait Asia has a long-term boyfriend that is lazy & makes no $$; LOL that's why Asia is working 15+ yrs. Just leave him LOL.

My ATF Rozel / Megan where are they now?Yes, LA Sera need $ she doesn't "save" Very Well!

Also, I still text Rozel now and than and when she needs some fast cash she will send text to her most trusted clients!

Meagan comes back off and on and I bet ya she'll comeback just before Christmas.

08-14-24, 11:31
LA Sera needs money. Wasn't prudent with her $$.

Wait Asia has a long-term boyfriend that is lazy & makes no $$; LOL that's why Asia is working 15+ yrs. Just leave him LOL.

My ATF Rozel / Megan where are they now?Aww the famous Megan the best of the best a true super star big tits, hot face and super service queen the perfect mix specifically built for sex from the golden era of this hobby I wish she would come back and train some of the amateurs on what real service is about.

08-14-24, 11:48
Kbliss humpday hoedown.

Kate Lovely Kona Kimberly Elly Esther Ina.

Gangnam Stella and Diane.

08-14-24, 14:03
Lisa. E Cup.


S. Vivian. F Cup.


esther - DD cup

08-14-24, 14:57
Lisa. E Cup.


S. Vivian. F Cup.


esther - DD cup
https://bookergray.com/la/Esther2/?sca=WLAFirst 2 are raincoat only.

Esther had bad reviews on TER which is shocking since new kgirls usually get 2 fake reviews first and then the real ones come in but Esther first 2 reviews are saying she's subpar.

08-14-24, 17:00
My interest is piqued with the recent talk about her. Which of her pics resembles her most now? Level of P.S.?


Does she have those swollen lip filler lips that most girls seem to get?

08-14-24, 19:02
My interest is piqued with the recent talk about her. Which of her pics resembles her most now? Level of P.S.?


Does she have those swollen lip filler lips that most girls seem to get?She is heavily P.S.'d and you probably won't recognize her from her pics, just saying. Has a wider / rounder face structure and her ass could use some lifting. But she gives one hell of a session and has wider hips which are fun to slap and hold onto in doggy.

08-14-24, 19:25
Looks like she went down to bb special.


So how's her service? She get nice and creamy or wut.

Justn Beaver
08-14-24, 19:36
Who else doing hardcore stuffs besides LKS Lucy (https://loveksweetie.com/lucy)? Let's call them out so we can drive them out of SoCal before LE gets to us. I have seen many different Kgirls over the years and never noticed but I am not a party guy either. I usually see new FOB girls. It would be strange if they have access to it being new in town. I understand some customers want to bring girls to the dark side but they might not get to these girls before The Boner. Even Glow / Tomi / Pink who people said doing the stuff didn't seem high to me. Quirky fun, but not high. None of the girls I saw seemed high.That is a tough battle because some of the bookers and their boyfriends are into the vices of life as well.

08-14-24, 21:03
Looks like she went down to bb special.


So how's her service? She get nice and creamy or wut.If she's Jaine from OC rebranded to NoRA. She has pretty korean face. She gives a great BBBJ. She makes gargle sounds with that great BBBJ. She was on her knees and couldn't stop staring at her heart shaped ass. We did 69 and She came. Kitty was nice and wet. She got on top and rode me hard. Flip to doggy, went at it for couple minutes and came in her. Couldn't hold no more. She has a great ass but flat chested with long dark ripples. Now if that's her new BBFS price and will definitely head to LA to see her again. She's pretty vocal and she has Latina thick body (her thighs curvy waist were you grab her when going hard doggystyle.

08-14-24, 21:13
My interest is piqued with the recent talk about her. Which of her pics resembles her most now? Level of P.S.?


Does she have those swollen lip filler lips that most girls seem to get?It's her in all the pictures. The ones with least amount of P.S. Are the new pictures she took where she's in white lingerie. What you see is what you're going to get in those she didn't even P.S. Her booty LOL.

08-14-24, 22:06
Damn what happened with her business?? I thought she was retiring once she started her business. Thought Sera was very smart with her money.

Sometimes I feel for them. Many girls are not good with $$ they make. How long has Asia been working?, she's got a bad back, lazy ass bf, family in Korea. Just can't save money.

Smart ones like Rozel and Meagan get married and start family.

There should be new Forum. "Where are they now" LOL.Sometimes I do feel bad because there is no light at the end of the tunnel for these girls. A cycle of drugs, debt, and bad habits.

I'm trying to captain save a hoe Baby Arin. I'll take care of her and she probably have money saved up as well.

If I end up losing my job and we both go broke I can start my own k org and make her work again LOL.

08-15-24, 06:57
Yes, LA Sera need $ she doesn't "save" Very Well!

Also, I still text Rozel now and than and when she needs some fast cash she will send text to her most trusted clients!

Meagan comes back off and on and I bet ya she'll comeback just before Christmas.Rozel can have my number if she is reading this and wants more fast cash.

08-15-24, 10:42
Rozel can have my number if she is reading this and wants more fast cash.I can go by Rozel if fast cash is involved.

So. What do I do?

08-15-24, 11:16
Rozel can have my number if she is reading this and wants more fast cash.He is right Megan is on / off. She was actually secretly working in NorCal at one point. She def got on the really curby end. Wasn't bad but she was curvier than before. For tit lovers, those melons are a dream come true.

08-15-24, 11:17
Sometimes I do feel bad because there is no light at the end of the tunnel for these girls. A cycle of drugs, debt, and bad habits.

I'm trying to captain save a hoe Baby Arin. I'll take care of her and she probably have money saved up as well.

If I end up losing my job and we both go broke I can start my own k org and make her work again LOL.Good luck my brother. Her resume goes back 6 years in NorCal. Some norcal bros know who she was when she first started working. She has at least another 15 years left to work. It’s the cash job trap and it’s too good to give it up. Nothing beats cold hard cash and the illicit industry

08-15-24, 11:56
Kbliss Thursday lineup.

Kona Kimberly Esther Tanya.

Gangnam Diane and Stella.

TD Leafs
08-15-24, 12:49
I can go by Rozel if fast cash is involved.

So. What do I do?Trust me bros, you don't want to see Rozel, she has changed so much, you'll feel sorry if you see how she looks now.

Also BS if anyone says she still sees them. , she has another life now.

08-15-24, 15:22
Good news for all the frequent flyer horndogs. Michelle has established her VIP loyalty program. Book through Michelle and visit 5 times, on the 6th visit to a girl there's a $50 discount.

08-15-24, 15:31
Sometimes I do feel bad because there is no light at the end of the tunnel for these girls. A cycle of drugs, debt, and bad habits.

I'm trying to captain save a hoe Baby Arin. I'll take care of her and she probably have money saved up as well.

If I end up losing my job and we both go broke I can start my own k org and make her work again LOL.Don't waste your time bro. These girls do not want to be saved. Theres millions of civie girls out there. And besides, it's no different from the average american anyway. Most don't invest or save for retirement.

08-15-24, 18:10
Trust me bros, you don't want to see Rozel, she has changed so much, you'll feel sorry if you see how she looks now.

Also BS if anyone says she still sees them. , she has another life now.How bad has she gotten? I saw her when she was working officially back in the day and I found her to be run of the mill in terms of service. From my poor recollection of her, the only thing I saw in her "exotic" looks of being an eurasian which wasn't my thing at all. Rumors at the time said she was giving up BB but it was one of those YMMV situations where it didn't happen to me. On top of that, she seemed to have coped up an attitude during my one and only session that she was a one and done for me. Maybe I just don't understand the hype with this one.

08-15-24, 18:58
Who has the best service on your rotation? Arin was above average for me on service. Erica is just average, got the job done but didn't seem really into it.

Many of us have different tiers for service my friend. I never saw Joah / Nali whatever you want to call her but I saw Arin and lucy and they didn't live up to my standards service wise. So I never repeated and my bois who also have similar service standards as me told me Joah / Nali has worse service than Lucy sooo pass from me.

08-15-24, 19:18
Yes, LA Sera need $ she doesn't "save" Very Well!

Also, I still text Rozel now and than and when she needs some fast cash she will send text to her most trusted clients!One girl told me she had no money. A TER review of her a few days later shows up, written at that time period, saying she was showing off all her new purchases. So sure she "has no money" but that's because she just went on a shopping spree until she had none. So she wants money, not needs it.

When I show up, she tells me she needs money to pay a bill. So I say fine, let me take video today (no face) and I'll pay you extra. She must have really had bills because she let me. That's half of why I can't name her.

A month later she told me she was going East Coast. When I asked where, I looked it up and she was staying at a Casino. She gambles. So she has enough money to fly and gamble!

She once let slip that she had a big regular who would give her $3000 at a time. So I gather when she needs money, it's because her big regular cut her off. She actually self harmed several times, it's fucked up that between my visits I can see new injuries. She is not mentally well. I cannot help her.

Before I saw this progression I wanted to be Captain save a ho. And I knew I was a simp, but I am not a $3000 at a time simp. Let this be a warning to others how big a simp some of these girls are looking for.

So please keep that in mind when a girl says she "has no money" and "needs money now". It doesn't matter if it's true! As far as I can tell, every single thing she told me really was true. And it's still BS.

Resilient John
08-15-24, 19:39
Good news for all the frequent flyer horndogs. Michelle has established her VIP loyalty program. Book through Michelle and visit 5 times, on the 6th visit to a girl there's a $50 discount.A couple of places are doing this. I smell desperation and a stir in the force between bookers and owners.

08-15-24, 20:06
One girl told me she had no money. A TER review of her a few days later shows up, written at that time period, saying she was showing off all her new purchases. So sure she "has no money" but that's because she just went on a shopping spree until she had none. So she wants money, not needs it.

When I show up, she tells me she needs money to pay a bill. So I say fine, let me take video today (no face) and I'll pay you extra. She must have really had bills because she let me. That's half of why I can't name her.

A month later she told me she was going East Coast. When I asked where, I looked it up and she was staying at a Casino. She gambles. So she has enough money to fly and gamble!

She once let slip that she had a big regular who would give her $3000 at a time. So I gather when she needs money, it's because her big regular cut her off. She actually self harmed several times, it's fucked up that between my visits I can see new injuries. She is not mentally well. I cannot help her.

Before I saw this progression I wanted to be Captain save a ho. And I knew I was a simp, but I am not a $3000 at a time simp. Let this be a warning to others how big a simp some of these girls are looking for.

So please keep that in mind when a girl says she "has no money" and "needs money now". It doesn't matter if it's true! As far as I can tell, every single thing she told me really was true. And it's still BS.I might know who you're talking about because there was a girl a couple years back I saw once in a while who told me about a customer that would drop thousands on her and also she mentioned once she needed money. Something about her mom getting scammed. If that was her way of asking me to help her, I gave my sympathies but I wasn't biting, so she didn't bring it up again. I suppose this probably isn't that uncommon of a strategy so it might be someone else entirely. Another one straight up asked me how much money I had. It was in a joking context, claiming she wanted to marry me, but still a little off-putting. Either way, it definitely reaffirms to me that it's best practice to keep as much distance as possible. I sometimes wonder how much the average monger is revealing about them self. Maybe I'm on the more paranoid side, but several providers have commented that I don't talk much, whereas I think I chat a decent amount but just never much about my personal life. Regardless, chatting is usually enjoyable enough, but it's not really what I'm there for.

08-15-24, 20:44
Indeed. I know a non-upcharge girl who told me she has a regular that gives her $1,500-$2,000 each time he sees her for about two hours. That boggles my mind. She's cool and all, but why overpay by so much? Makes no sense to me. And this girl has ZERO intention of going out with this guy, and she swears he has no intentions of a relationship with her, but. Paying 5 x - 8 x more than you need to. That is just nuts.

If anything, as I've written before, go the other way. If you want even just a casual "friends with benefits" type situation, don't overpay to get that, since then you're not really getting what you think you're getting. Let the girl offer you freebies / discounts / extras, and then you know she actually likes you to some degree. But only if you want that kind of thing. Otherwise, just pay the regular fee, and get out.

Before I saw this progression I wanted to be Captain save a ho. And I knew I was a simp, but I am not a $3000 at a time simp. Let this be a warning to others how big a simp some of these girls are looking for.

So please keep that in mind when a girl says she "has no money" and "needs money now". It doesn't matter if it's true! As far as I can tell, every single thing she told me really was true. And it's still BS.

08-15-24, 21:25
I might know who you're talking about because there was a girl a couple years back I saw once in a while who told me about a customer that would drop thousands on her and also she mentioned once she needed money. Something about her mom getting scammed. If that was her way of asking me to help her, I gave my sympathies but I wasn't biting, so she didn't bring it up again. I suppose this probably isn't that uncommon of a strategy so it might be someone else entirely. Another one straight up asked me how much money I had. It was in a joking context, claiming she wanted to marry me, but still a little off-putting. Either way, it definitely reaffirms to me that it's best practice to keep as much distance as possible. I sometimes wonder how much the average monger is revealing about them self. Maybe I'm on the more paranoid side, but several providers have commented that I don't talk much, whereas I think I chat a decent amount but just never much about my personal life. Regardless, chatting is usually enjoyable enough, but it's not really what I'm there for.LOL every guy goes through the phase bro. But with more experience, we all know it's all about money. I never understood high rollers. Like why would you pay 5 x the price. I can understand if you tip a benji but damn. And same here, I get told I don't talk much either. But I just keep my personal life separate. Never get too close to a girl. And #2 don't get their kakao.

08-15-24, 21:35
One girl told me she had no money. A TER review of her a few days later shows up, written at that time period, saying she was showing off all her new purchases. So sure she "has no money" but that's because she just went on a shopping spree until she had none. So she wants money, not needs it.

When I show up, she tells me she needs money to pay a bill. So I say fine, let me take video today (no face) and I'll pay you extra. She must have really had bills because she let me. That's half of why I can't name her.

A month later she told me she was going East Coast. When I asked where, I looked it up and she was staying at a Casino. She gambles. So she has enough money to fly and gamble!

She once let slip that she had a big regular who would give her $3000 at a time. So I gather when she needs money, it's because her big regular cut her off. She actually self harmed several times, it's fucked up that between my visits I can see new injuries. She is not mentally well. I cannot help her.

Before I saw this progression I wanted to be Captain save a ho. And I knew I was a simp, but I am not a $3000 at a time simp. Let this be a warning to others how big a simp some of these girls are looking for.

So please keep that in mind when a girl says she "has no money" and "needs money now". It doesn't matter if it's true! As far as I can tell, every single thing she told me really was true. And it's still BS.I saw a girl in OC last year and she straight up asked me if I had a lot of money when we were just chatting. She was just blunt about it.

08-15-24, 22:10
Indeed. I know a non-upcharge girl who told me she has a regular that gives her $1,500-$2,000 each time he sees her for about two hours. That boggles my mind. She's cool and all, but why overpay by so much? Makes no sense to me. And this girl has ZERO intention of going out with this guy, and she swears he has no intentions of a relationship with her, but. Paying 5 x - 8 x more than you need to. That is just nuts.

If anything, as I've written before, go the other way. If you want even just a casual "friends with benefits" type situation, don't overpay to get that, since then you're not really getting what you think you're getting. Let the girl offer you freebies / discounts / extras, and then you know she actually likes you to some degree. But only if you want that kind of thing. Otherwise, just pay the regular fee, and get out.That's just plain pathetic. I truly wonder how lonely and incel some of yall are LOL. Like the kbliss and gangnam dude it's all about pumping and dumpin and never tipping more than the base rate.

Never forget that.

1. These girls are Korean all they care about is money and flexing their brand shii.

2. They will not date you no matter how much money you throw at them. They will just talk shit and say how pathetic you are once you leave.

3. Why would you want to date a cum dumpster go outside learn to walk to women.

08-15-24, 22:18
I saw a girl in OC last year and she straight up asked me if I had a lot of money when we were just chatting. She was just blunt about it.You should see how many of the chicks faces light up when I tell them I'm in tech. They proceed to then look at me with lit up eyes and I'm like bish enough yapping and shove my cock down your throat. I remember one upcharge chick straight up asked me if I wasn't going to tip her more after already doing the bb upcharge. I literally laughed in her face and said no and told her to go shower me. Her face was priceless guess she's not used to hearing no. Never saw her again these 304's are lethal. I can see how mongers without a spine get taken advantage of tho.

08-15-24, 22:40
Who has the best service on your rotation? Arin was above average for me on service. Erica is just average, got the job done but didn't seem really into it.If you don't care about looks or age then Jiyoung and Maya are nasty little freaks that are down for whatever. Lovely is also pretty good with her dsl. If you care about looks with above average service then your best bet is Ina. Jiyoung has a pretty accurate review on the Asian review thread if you want to go check it out.

My rotation right now honestly is just.

1. Maya.

2. Jiyoung.

I've been meaning to take Kate and Nora for a spin but my girl staying with me rn so and I haven't had the chance to get away recently and also even if I got away rn I'd be shooting blanks lmao.

08-15-24, 22:42
If she's Jaine from OC rebranded to NoRA. She has pretty korean face. She gives a great BBBJ. She makes gargle sounds with that great BBBJ. She was on her knees and couldn't stop staring at her heart shaped ass. We did 69 and She came. Kitty was nice and wet. She got on top and rode me hard. Flip to doggy, went at it for couple minutes and came in her. Couldn't hold no more. She has a great ass but flat chested with long dark ripples. Now if that's her new BBFS price and will definitely head to LA to see her again. She's pretty vocal and she has Latina thick body (her thighs curvy waist were you grab her when going hard doggystyle.Gargle sound on BJ, heart shaped ass, nice and wet, vocal, and thicc? Sold! Now I just need to find out if she can take mag.

08-15-24, 22:52

Alright so who is this baddie anyone try her yet. Def real pics because her face is messed up, but that Pic of her in doggy be speaking to me.

08-16-24, 00:23
I know this is a k-girl forum, but was wondering if anyone has seen her yet.

08-16-24, 02:35
So please keep that in mind when a girl says she "has no money" and "needs money now". It doesn't matter if it's true! As far as I can tell, every single thing she told me really was true. And it's still BS.I think anyone saying they haven't at least had a cord struck with at least one kgirl they got close to is lying. I've been there and it's intoxicating. The sex is great at the beginning, the affection may even be real. However past the glamour, beautiful bodies, and simple charm is someone in a non-neurotypical head space. These girls and their problem may be very real. I believe it when this girl says she doesn't have rent money or she's short for this and that. That's the believability of the "truth. " There's truth mixed in with the lie so that it comes off as authentic. However, just know this. Every kgirl, even the slow ones, make more than the average American which by global standards, is astronomical.

I won't say to ignore your heart because no one could've talked me out of paying for this girl's rent and food for months but some lessons are best learned the hard way. It wasn't you, it was just a good story. Learn, live, and creampie. Still treat them as you would anyone else but know that past the fake tits and slimy creampies, is a shit ton of trauma and mental health issues. If you can accept that, go for it. Maybe it's a happily ever after. If I were a betting man, I would say welcome to the club, and Jiyoung is great value. Enjoy the weekend boys.

08-16-24, 02:43
So I just got back from my NYC week long business trip and with the summer heat, every women in Manhattan were as sluty as they can be, I was so fucking turned on.

So when I came back yesterday, I made up my mine to see Minji after reading some 50/50 reviews. There is no ATF at the moment and with Leah and Monica all gone, I decided to try something new.

Book J told me that its been very slow across all girls, so I ask since many were available, who would she suggest, she said Minji and Maya.

I know booker J is honest and been my trusted booker, so I ask what's the difference between Maya to Minji, she said maya small boob but good service and older then Minji.

Minji in another hand, much younger and bigger boob, but shy.

So I made up my mine to see Minji since I'm a boob guy and plus she is younger.

So anyway, below is my honest review:

Face: she is the type of girl that you would see clubbing in itaewon that fresh out of college. I read someone here refer her face to a fobby asian actress and she is no where close to that person. When I saw her, I think she is at the same level of Ina or even higher because she is more of a natrual beauty with youngness any sexy almond fuck me face. Ina is all plastic up like a fuck doll face. Don't get me wrong about fuck doll face, everyone loves it. Just that Minji is on the sexy side with almost no plastic I would say.

Body: super slim comparable to Remi / zina like TOAS but smaller C tits, nice coke bottle ratio with a nice ass to grab, way better then Remi, thin long legs and not an ounce of fat, nice long black hair. Smooth skin.

Attitude: Shy college girl type and reserved, fairly similar to remi but she do smile a lot and speak some english and mandarin. Not much of a talker which I like because I'm not there to chitchat.

Service: Not sure how horney I was but her BBBJ was tight, I felt I was in her pussy instead of mouth, I was like wow, it's been a while for that feeling. On to DATY, very responsive with high and low, breath in and breath out when she is about to cum. Started with Mish on the edge of the bed with me standing on the floor after DATY, her pussy is fucking tight and grippy, I was so fucking loving it. I heard someone said she pre-lube before the session so I told the booker to let her know not to lube because I'm going to DATY. During each position, she would grab your arms or waist to pull you in with a rhythm while you thrust, I was loving it with her genuine moaning and pleasure. Doggy was a highlight because she got that apple bottom ass hour glass look.

Quick shower and head out right on the dot for an hour of fun, seriously I would see her again.

Overall, I think her highlight is her youth, beauty and sultry look with decent service and tight pussy. She is above par but not top end. Here in LA we have either very pretty with GPS syndrome or ajumah with legend service. Minji is no service queen but nor GPS. I would put her beauty on Erica level of look but service better then Erica.

As always, YMMV as I can tell she pick and chose to show her true self to client, that's why I see 50/50 reviews. I think I was lucky that got the better of her then worst. HA!


08-16-24, 02:57
Gents, I have met girls said no money or girls show off what they got and how much they have, it's all just for show and their strategies to hook you either or whatever reason.

I'm in this game for so long that sees them come and go, I have never once gave them any money to hangout with them. I have dated a few and we were truly 50/50 like this time I pay for the dinner, next time she would pay and go to place she like. I would say I was lucky and they truly just want to hangout with me on a side OTC romance (go to places while off), LOL.

It's always going to be surface level, because if you dive too deep, you will drawn. Never believe they don't have money or they have a lot. Either way is that they want your money too, LOL. But I know how these game play so I kept my distance and kept it casual and the smart ones will sense it and if they are genuinely want to hang out, they would not ask stupid question for me to buy them shit or go to a shopping mall for "hangout" or her sick grandma or family member. Once either of those words comes out of their mouth, I will make reasonable excuse unable to help or just acknowledge but not offering any help with that sympathy trap.

It is always possible to hangout with them and get some freebies, but yall got to be smart about it, good luck.

08-16-24, 03:42
So I just got back from my NYC week long business trip and with the summer heat, every women in Manhattan were as sluty as they can be, I was so fucking turned on.

So when I came back yesterday, I made up my mine to see Minji after reading some 50/50 reviews. There is no ATF at the moment and with Leah and Monica all gone, I decided to try something new.

Book J told me that its been very slow across all girls, so I ask since many were available, who would she suggest, she said Minji and Maya.

I know booker J is honest and been my trusted booker, so I ask what's the difference between Maya to Minji, she said maya small boob but good service and older then Minji.

Minji in another hand, much younger and bigger boob, but shy.

So I made up my mine to see Minji since I'm a boob guy and plus she is younger.

So anyway, below is my honest review:

Face: she is the type of girl that you would see clubbing in itaewon that fresh out of college. I read someone here refer her face to a fobby asian actress and she is no where close to that person. When I saw her, I think she is at the same level of Ina or even higher because she is more of a natrual beauty with youngness any sexy almond fuck me face. Ina is all plastic up like a fuck doll face. Don't get me wrong about fuck doll face, everyone loves it. Just that Minji is on the sexy side with almost no plastic I would say.

Body: super slim comparable to Remi / zina like TOAS but smaller C tits, nice coke bottle ratio with a nice ass to grab, way better then Remi, thin long legs and not an ounce of fat, nice long black hair. Smooth skin.

Attitude: Shy college girl type and reserved, fairly similar to remi but she do smile a lot and speak some english and mandarin. Not much of a talker which I like because I'm not there to chitchat.

Service: Not sure how horney I was but her BBBJ was tight, I felt I was in her pussy instead of mouth, I was like wow, it's been a while for that feeling. On to DATY, very responsive with high and low, breath in and breath out when she is about to cum. Started with Mish on the edge of the bed with me standing on the floor after DATY, her pussy is fucking tight and grippy, I was so fucking loving it. I heard someone said she pre-lube before the session so I told the booker to let her know not to lube because I'm going to DATY. During each position, she would grab your arms or waist to pull you in with a rhythm while you thrust, I was loving it with her genuine moaning and pleasure. Doggy was a highlight because she got that apple bottom ass hour glass look.

Quick shower and head out right on the dot for an hour of fun, seriously I would see her again.

Overall, I think her highlight is her youth, beauty and sultry look with decent service and tight pussy. She is above par but not top end. Here in LA we have either very pretty with GPS syndrome or ajumah with legend service. Minji is no service queen but nor GPS. I would put her beauty on Erica level of look but service better then Erica.

As always, YMMV as I can tell she pick and chose to show her true self to client, that's why I see 50/50 reviews. I think I was lucky that got the better of her then worst. HA!

https://myalbum.com/album/5Za9VJVTHw6F/Wow, I have to check her out now, thanks for the review.

08-16-24, 12:03
Michelle has her harem harlots waiting and available today. Don't forget about the repeat program discount and she's also offering a bday discount.

Ann Jeni Yami Kona, Tanya scarlet, Maya, Kimberly, minji, Esther Stella WLA (non-upcharge).

Six, nine, roya. Sooji, iroi, tiny, Joo, moon, carina, tammy, niya, holly, peony, sofi, kori, masera, Nancy, Jessi Ktown.

Boa, Sienna yuha peach Nora, Nana, asa, Betty, Arina, Emma in MW.

Cici, sugar, roa Downtown (non-upcharge).

08-16-24, 12:05
Kbliss Friday listing.

Kona Kimberly Esther Tanya Ann Ina.

Gangnam Diane and Stella.

08-16-24, 15:45
So I just got back from my NYC week long business trip and with the summer heat, every women in Manhattan were as sluty as they can be, I was so fucking turned on.

So when I came back yesterday, I made up my mine to see Minji after reading some 50/50 reviews. There is no ATF at the moment and with Leah and Monica all gone, I decided to try something new.

Book J told me that its been very slow across all girls, so I ask since many were available, who would she suggest, she said Minji and Maya.

I know booker J is honest and been my trusted booker, so I ask what's the difference between Maya to Minji, she said maya small boob but good service and older then Minji.

Minji in another hand, much younger and bigger boob, but shy.

So I made up my mine to see Minji since I'm a boob guy and plus she is younger.

So anyway, below is my honest review:

Face: she is the type of girl that you would see clubbing in itaewon that fresh out of college. I read someone here refer her face to a fobby asian actress and she is no where close to that person. When I saw her, I think she is at the same level of Ina or even higher because she is more of a natrual beauty with youngness any sexy almond fuck me face. Ina is all plastic up like a fuck doll face. Don't get me wrong about fuck doll face, everyone loves it. Just that Minji is on the sexy side with almost no plastic I would say.

Body: super slim comparable to Remi / zina like TOAS but smaller C tits, nice coke bottle ratio with a nice ass to grab, way better then Remi, thin long legs and not an ounce of fat, nice long black hair. Smooth skin.

Attitude: Shy college girl type and reserved, fairly similar to remi but she do smile a lot and speak some english and mandarin. Not much of a talker which I like because I'm not there to chitchat.

Service: Not sure how horney I was but her BBBJ was tight, I felt I was in her pussy instead of mouth, I was like wow, it's been a while for that feeling. On to DATY, very responsive with high and low, breath in and breath out when she is about to cum. Started with Mish on the edge of the bed with me standing on the floor after DATY, her pussy is fucking tight and grippy, I was so fucking loving it. I heard someone said she pre-lube before the session so I told the booker to let her know not to lube because I'm going to DATY. During each position, she would grab your arms or waist to pull you in with a rhythm while you thrust, I was loving it with her genuine moaning and pleasure. Doggy was a highlight because she got that apple bottom ass hour glass look.

Quick shower and head out right on the dot for an hour of fun, seriously I would see her again.

Overall, I think her highlight is her youth, beauty and sultry look with decent service and tight pussy. She is above par but not top end. Here in LA we have either very pretty with GPS syndrome or ajumah with legend service. Minji is no service queen but nor GPS. I would put her beauty on Erica level of look but service better then Erica.

As always, YMMV as I can tell she pick and chose to show her true self to client, that's why I see 50/50 reviews. I think I was lucky that got the better of her then worst. HA!

https://myalbum.com/album/5Za9VJVTHw6F/Jung Ho-yeon wears little to no eye makeup in most of the pics you'll find online. I think Minji looks similar to this pic of her as Minji had a good amount of eye makeup when I saw her, which contributes to the hot/sultry look:


Like I said, most dudes will find her hot. She just isn't my type. If you like Ina's face, you'll likely like Minji too. Doesn't look the same but gives off the same vibes if that makes sense.

08-16-24, 16:51
Looks like Jennie is back as Ann with all inclusive rate again on CG. Still using the same pics with diff name smh.

08-16-24, 21:15
So I just got back from my NYC week long business trip and with the summer heat, every women in Manhattan were as sluty as they can be, I was so fucking turned on.

So when I came back yesterday, I made up my mine to see Minji after reading some 50/50 reviews. There is no ATF at the moment and with Leah and Monica all gone, I decided to try something new.

Book J told me that its been very slow across all girls, so I ask since many were available, who would she suggest, she said Minji and Maya.

I know booker J is honest and been my trusted booker, so I ask what's the difference between Maya to Minji, she said maya small boob but good service and older then Minji.

Minji in another hand, much younger and bigger boob, but shy.

So I made up my mine to see Minji since I'm a boob guy and plus she is younger.

So anyway, below is my honest review:

Face: she is the type of girl that you would see clubbing in itaewon that fresh out of college. I read someone here refer her face to a fobby asian actress and she is no where close to that person. When I saw her, I think she is at the same level of Ina or even higher because she is more of a natrual beauty with youngness any sexy almond fuck me face. Ina is all plastic up like a fuck doll face. Don't get me wrong about fuck doll face, everyone loves it. Just that Minji is on the sexy side with almost no plastic I would say.

Body: super slim comparable to Remi / zina like TOAS but smaller C tits, nice coke bottle ratio with a nice ass to grab, way better then Remi, thin long legs and not an ounce of fat, nice long black hair. Smooth skin.

Attitude: Shy college girl type and reserved, fairly similar to remi but she do smile a lot and speak some english and mandarin. Not much of a talker which I like because I'm not there to chitchat.

Service: Not sure how horney I was but her BBBJ was tight, I felt I was in her pussy instead of mouth, I was like wow, it's been a while for that feeling. On to DATY, very responsive with high and low, breath in and breath out when she is about to cum. Started with Mish on the edge of the bed with me standing on the floor after DATY, her pussy is fucking tight and grippy, I was so fucking loving it. I heard someone said she pre-lube before the session so I told the booker to let her know not to lube because I'm going to DATY. During each position, she would grab your arms or waist to pull you in with a rhythm while you thrust, I was loving it with her genuine moaning and pleasure. Doggy was a highlight because she got that apple bottom ass hour glass look.

Quick shower and head out right on the dot for an hour of fun, seriously I would see her again.

Overall, I think her highlight is her youth, beauty and sultry look with decent service and tight pussy. She is above par but not top end. Here in LA we have either very pretty with GPS syndrome or ajumah with legend service. Minji is no service queen but nor GPS. I would put her beauty on Erica level of look but service better then Erica.

As always, YMMV as I can tell she pick and chose to show her true self to client, that's why I see 50/50 reviews. I think I was lucky that got the better of her then worst. HA!

https://myalbum.com/album/5Za9VJVTHw6F/Okay gents, I found a 90% look a like JAV star, her name is "Rei Kamiki".

Once I saw this JAV star, I think of Minji right the way, face and body is totally identical! Just saying.

08-16-24, 21:20
Michelle has her harem harlots waiting and available today. Don't forget about the repeat program discount and she's also offering a bday discount.

Ann Jeni Yami Kona, Tanya scarlet, Maya, Kimberly, minji, Esther Stella WLA (non-upcharge).

Six, nine, roya. Sooji, iroi, tiny, Joo, moon, carina, tammy, niya, holly, peony, sofi, kori, masera, Nancy, Jessi Ktown.

Boa, Sienna yuha peach Nora, Nana, asa, Betty, Arina, Emma in MW.

Cici, sugar, roa Downtown (non-upcharge).Did I just read Repeat program and B-day discount?! Seriously?! I'm so fucking IN!!

Link to the booker please and she is booking for all those girls? Holy cow!
Should have booked Minji from her!! god damn!

08-16-24, 21:23
Jung Ho-yeon wears little to no eye makeup in most of the pics you'll find online. I think Minji looks similar to this pic of her as Minji had a good amount of eye makeup when I saw her, which contributes to the hot/sultry look:


Like I said, most dudes will find her hot. She just isn't my type. If you like Ina's face, you'll likely like Minji too. Doesn't look the same but gives off the same vibes if that makes sense.Rei Kamiki is like a copy of Minji, I'm going to repeat on her for now, tight pussy and sexy face with beautiful and youthful body, what more can I ask. I stopped seeing Ina after her 3rd boob job that messed up. I used to love Ina's boob that hangs and soft. Now it was just firm and honestly smaller then before with messed up scar.

08-16-24, 22:39
Did I just read Repeat program and B-day discount?! Seriously?! I'm so fucking IN!!

Link to the booker please and she is booking for all those girls? Holy cow!
Should have booked Minji from her!! god damn!Isn't booker m just the kgla booker. Or it could be marie from AV.

Does booking thru MKG count for that? I'd love to get some discounts.

08-16-24, 22:41
JIYOON looks really good as well. Anyone had the pleasure? Are the photos pretty presentative?

08-16-24, 23:10

Alright so who is this baddie anyone try her yet. Def real pics because her face is messed up, but that Pic of her in doggy be speaking to me.I saw her when I used to live in Bay Area. She goes by Vanessa at SPM https://seoulplaymates.ch/vanessa.

I found her pictures more attractive than in real life. She is THICC in a good way meaty booty, soft MM tits, and squirts (tasted good, no bitterness). She was not aggressive and let me lead the session. Round 2 is where she shined, she pulled out a vibrator this girl is a freaky hoe man. I had a great time of course its YMMV and may be different for someone else.

08-17-24, 08:44
Good luck my brother. Her resume goes back 6 years in NorCal. Some norcal bros know who she was when she first started working. She has at least another 15 years left to work. Its the cash job trap and its too good to give it up. Nothing beats cold hard cash and the illicit industryWish she would come back and work LA again. She is a true HYA.

08-17-24, 08:44
Did I just read Repeat program and B-day discount?! Seriously?! I'm so fucking IN!!

Link to the booker please and she is booking for all those girls? Holy cow!
Should have booked Minji from her!! god damn!Vote with your money guys. Since you can reach almost all the same girls through all the bookers, it makes sense to go with the one giving the discounts.

08-17-24, 11:42
Booker Michelle.

Ann, jeni, yami, kona, tanya, scarlet, jiyoung, maya, kimberly, minji, esther, scaret, stella WLA (all non upcharge).

Six, nine, roya. Sooji, iroi, tiny, Joo, moon, carina, tammy, niya, holly, peony, sofi, kori, masera, nancy, Jessi Ktown.

Boa, Sienna yuha peach Nora, Nana, asa, Betty, , Arina, emma in MW.

Cici, sugar, roa Downtown (no upcharge).

08-17-24, 12:07
Kbliss Saturday selection. Anyone know anything about Tanya, pics look nice and slutty.

Kona Kimberly Esther Tanya Ann Ina.

Gangnam Diane and Stella.

08-17-24, 12:23
Vote with your money guys. Since you can reach almost all the same girls through all the bookers, it makes sense to go with the one giving the discounts.Last I knew TopAngels has the same loyalty program too. This year I didn't use my frequent flier mileage but the times I did definitely gave me an extra pep in my step like I just got VIP.

08-17-24, 13:57
I saw her when I used to live in Bay Area. She goes by Vanessa at SPM https://seoulplaymates.ch/vanessa.

I found her pictures more attractive than in real life. She is THICC in a good way meaty booty, soft MM tits, and squirts (tasted good, no bitterness). She was not aggressive and let me lead the session. Round 2 is where she shined, she pulled out a vibrator this girl is a freaky hoe man. I had a great time of course its YMMV and may be different for someone else.Well I know who I'm going to go see now. Thanks boss.

08-17-24, 14:51
Isn't booker m just the kgla booker. Or it could be marie from AV.

Does booking thru MKG count for that? I'd love to get some discounts.Naw M is michelle and kgla is jane if I remember correctly. They definitely not the same person.

08-17-24, 15:12
Booker Michelle.

Ann, jeni, yami, kona, tanya, scarlet, jiyoung, maya, kimberly, minji, esther, scaret, stella WLA (all non upcharge).

Six, nine, roya. Sooji, iroi, tiny, Joo, moon, carina, tammy, niya, holly, peony, sofi, kori, masera, nancy, Jessi Ktown.

Boa, Sienna yuha peach Nora, Nana, asa, Betty, , Arina, emma in MW.

Cici, sugar, roa Downtown (no upcharge).Don't see Jessi listed on ktown. Well I guess I'll get verified and ask about her.

08-17-24, 15:40
Isn't booker m just the kgla booker. Or it could be marie from AV.

Does booking thru MKG count for that? I'd love to get some discounts.M was the notorious exclusive booker a long time ago. J is newer but both books almost same roster of girls.

08-17-24, 15:52
Who's booker Michelle and link please? Thanks.

Booker Michelle.

Ann, jeni, yami, kona, tanya, scarlet, jiyoung, maya, kimberly, minji, esther, scaret, stella WLA (all non upcharge).

Six, nine, roya. Sooji, iroi, tiny, Joo, moon, carina, tammy, niya, holly, peony, sofi, kori, masera, nancy, Jessi Ktown.

Boa, Sienna yuha peach Nora, Nana, asa, Betty, , Arina, emma in MW.

Cici, sugar, roa Downtown (no upcharge).

08-17-24, 16:26
Michelle's site. I'm pretty the bulk of all horndogs here have dealt with her and sampled the meat at her market.


08-17-24, 18:06
Does anyone know a good provider in the Valley?

08-18-24, 00:08
I was disappointed to hear that Lovely was gone, so went to see Kona on Fri morning based on M's rec. Overall, excellent service. DFK from the get-go, and was excellent PSE for those interested. She was tiny and needed to go slow at first, but was def magnum approved. English not so much, so had to work around that. Otherwise, was very happy with the session. Not sure I'd repeat asap, but had a rewarding time regardless.

Thinking about seeing Maya or Minji next. My bday is coming up so I want to use that M discount LOL.

Stay safe and have fun why'all. This forum is a blessing.

08-18-24, 08:49
Saw Nora and had a great time. Upon entry, her pretty face was smiley, happy to see me, and looked good in a silk man's shirt that provided access but covered her goodies. I naturally grabbed her, and we DFKs at the door as I groped her full round beautiful bubble butt and firm shapely legs. I knew I would spend alot of time in doggie and other rearview activities. Long story short, good time lots of Os and mine included. I will return. Her rates dropped, and she is a real deal now for bargain shoppers and those just looking for sweet naughty hottie.

08-18-24, 12:12
Kbliss Sunday fun.

Kona Kimberly Esther Tanya Ann Ina.

Gangnam Diane and Stella.

08-18-24, 18:23
Saw Nora and had a great time. Upon entry, her pretty face was smiley, happy to see me, and looked good in a silk man's shirt that provided access but covered her goodies. I naturally grabbed her, and we DFKs at the door as I groped her full round beautiful bubble butt and firm shapely legs. I knew I would spend alot of time in doggie and other rearview activities. Long story short, good time lots of Os and mine included. I will return. Her rates dropped, and she is a real deal now for bargain shoppers and those just looking for sweet naughty hottie.Can't decide between Jessi or Masera. Does Masera get nice and creamy or nah?

08-19-24, 00:15
I know that a lot of us are waiting eagerly for Mari / Namiko to return to LA. She is the only Japanese girl of whom I know who provides bb service for 3 benjis and a grant. And in my opinion she is a service Queen. I firmly believe that every time I did the deed with her, she would genuinely get wet and orgasms. I relieved in my mind how her sweet juices were all over my rock hard dick, fuck I'm getting hard just thinking about those heavenly moments with Namiko. Anyway I googled Mari / Namiko and the first results show her TER reviews so I clicked on it and see TER reviews from this August 2024 and it also shows that she is in Las Vegas with Candygirl, so I clicked on the candygirl website and I see her photos. I don't know how the ter reviews work, but there are reviews all the way to February 2024. I thought she was supposed to be in Japan? Because the last time I saw her, she told me she was supposed to be coming back to LA in October. But I had also read here that sometimes the girls don't have a say in where the agency is going to send her. I apologize because now I'm just complaining. I just hope she can comeback again, so I can enjoy eating and fucking her and this time taking the video option.

08-19-24, 01:27
I know that a lot of us are waiting eagerly for Mari / Namiko to return to LA. She is the only Japanese girl of whom I know who provides bb service for 3 benjis and a grant. And in my opinion she is a service Queen. I firmly believe that every time I did the deed with her, she would genuinely get wet and orgasms. I relieved in my mind how her sweet juices were all over my rock hard dick, fuck I'm getting hard just thinking about those heavenly moments with Namiko. Anyway I googled Mari / Namiko and the first results show her TER reviews so I clicked on it and see TER reviews from this August 2024 and it also shows that she is in Las Vegas with Candygirl, so I clicked on the candygirl website and I see her photos. I don't know how the ter reviews work, but there are reviews all the way to February 2024. I thought she was supposed to be in Japan? Because the last time I saw her, she told me she was supposed to be coming back to LA in October. But I had also read here that sometimes the girls don't have a say in where the agency is going to send her. I apologize because now I'm just complaining. I just hope she can comeback again, so I can enjoy eating and fucking her and this time taking the video option.I wanted to see her last time she was here but I've had horrible experience with jgirls they're even worse than kgirls at taking dick.

Might try her if she ever comes back because I heard she has a nice ass.

08-19-24, 01:36
I know that a lot of us are waiting eagerly for Mari / Namiko to return to LA. She is the only Japanese girl of whom I know who provides bb service for 3 benjis and a grant. And in my opinion she is a service Queen...I just hope she can comeback again, so I can enjoy eating and fucking her and this time taking the video option.I hope I can clear some details up. Mari / Namiko went Japan around April. Sounds like she's back in LV. TER sometimes keeps an old ad, so she might not be at CG. Notice she is not on their directory.

Her last tour was Seattle, OC, SD, LV, LA so give it some time, maybe she will be in LA in October like she said. February was Seattle (Bellevue).

Keep in mind she was no face for video last tour. One of us in SD gave her a mask so I filmed her with mask. But she lost the mask later so maybe policy has changed, ymmv. Great attitude and service, treat her well.

My meta-review of Mari combining all reviews:


This is Nakadashi69's the guy who promised to marry Mari so she can stay longer (so we can cuck him?):

Nakadashi69's review actually got posted by the booker to the Seattle agency's website!

Finally, if you are taking video see my 6 guides about jgirl video:

Some of you may remember a year ago as the guy who could identify any JAV girl. Well, now I am a JAV porn star. You can too.

I will throw in this bonus guide on getting one blowjob after the other in Japan:

I once booked the same girl three times in a row and she gave me a funny smile before sucking me off the third time that morning.

08-19-24, 02:38
How bad has she gotten? I saw her when she was working officially back in the day and I found her to be run of the mill in terms of service. From my poor recollection of her, the only thing I saw in her "exotic" looks of being an eurasian which wasn't my thing at all. Rumors at the time said she was giving up BB but it was one of those YMMV situations where it didn't happen to me. On top of that, she seemed to have coped up an attitude during my one and only session that she was a one and done for me. Maybe I just don't understand the hype with this one.I want to know what Rozel looks like now too. How bad is it?

I remember she had clown features and her eyes were kinda close together.

She came back for a short week in downtown LA, and she was one of my worst sessions, like she was phoning it in with her routine. Kissed me like you kiss your mom or child. Just a peck. Not sexy at all.

I wonder, if I had been rough with her, if she would have been more submissive and used more tongue.

08-19-24, 05:24
Pics not real and not really representative, but Baby I is young and good looking GND. Good english skill because she is a college student. She seems to have zero plastic surgery which is rare for kgirls. Smooth white skin and tight petite body. Easy CIP.

08-19-24, 12:19
Is the Melos site down. Was wondering if anyone else can access?

08-19-24, 14:09
Starts this week, no upcharge and seems to have a good menu and being a possible service queen. She looks to be a veteran from some place, possibly the bay area? I'm just fishing for info to see if anyone here would recognize her.


08-19-24, 16:13
Starts this week, no upcharge and seems to have a good menu and being a possible service queen. She looks to be a veteran from some place, possibly the bay area? I'm just fishing for info to see if anyone here would recognize her.

https://get9irl.com/NoraSo we going to have two girls in LA with the same name or is it the nora we already got here LOL.

08-19-24, 17:08
Is the Melos site down. Was wondering if anyone else can access?Been down for the past few days or so, maybe longer. You can always use this link to check if its just you: https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/.

08-19-24, 22:11
Gents, Lena is finally in L. A have anyone seen her while she was in OC care to chime in what was she like?

I haven't been feeding on big tits for a long time after Jiyoung, it's been disappointing that most Ds now days are like somewhat Cs.

But FWIW, I will see Lena soon since I have been waiting but I had a high hope for her look and performance. LOL.

08-19-24, 22:21
Gents, Lena is finally in L. A have anyone seen her while she was in OC care to chime in what was she like?

I haven't been feeding on big tits for a long time after Jiyoung, it's been disappointing that most Ds now days are like somewhat Cs.

But FWIW, I will see Lena soon since I have been waiting but I had a high hope for her look and performance. LOL.I've seen her multiple times when she was in the OC. My preference is service over looks but there has to be some balance between these two. She's a service queen with no upcharge, spinner sized with a pleasing & pleasant attitude. Anytime I requested something, she was more than happy to accommodate. It looks like people are starting to notice that she's great value because she's not as easy to book on the fly as much as when I used to see her some months back. She has my seal of approval.

08-19-24, 22:31
I've seen her multiple times when she was in the OC. My preference is service over looks but there has to be some balance between these two. She's a service queen with no upcharge, spinner sized with a pleasing & pleasant attitude. Anytime I requested something, she was more than happy to accommodate. It looks like people are starting to notice that she's great value because she's not as easy to book on the fly as much as when I used to see her some months back. She has my seal of approval.Thanks for your input, much appreciated my brother!

08-19-24, 23:07
Gents, Lena is finally in L. A have anyone seen her while she was in OC care to chime in what was she like?

I haven't been feeding on big tits for a long time after Jiyoung, it's been disappointing that most Ds now days are like somewhat Cs.

But FWIW, I will see Lena soon since I have been waiting but I had a high hope for her look and performance. LOL.Lena is great, I saw her last month. You can check out my previous post / review about her in OC. I am bad with boobs size so I just guessing D? Service queens for sure. FIV friendly. She like DATY. Very easy to get wet. Her juices dripping when she lifts up after CG is something I'll never forget, sheesshhh.

08-20-24, 00:11
Thinking about seeing Maya tomorrow. For those who've seen her, would you recommend? Thank you!

08-20-24, 01:02
I wanted to see her last time she was here but I've had horrible experience with jgirls they're even worse than kgirls at taking dick.

Might try her if she ever comes back because I heard she has a nice ass.You are completely right Sir Asianasseater, I had also seen other J girls and didn't even bother to remember their names. The J providers that I saw rank from ok to mediocre service and not to mention it was always an extra benji if you wanted to hit it raw. But Mari / Namiko, she is for me a service queen and enjoying that pussy raw for almost the same amount as the flat rate kgirls is in my humble opinion a great deal. Worth every cent. And she definitely has more ass than any of the Jgirls that I saw before.

08-20-24, 01:21
Thinking about seeing Maya tomorrow. For those who've seen her, would you recommend? Thank you!Best girl for wla rn. Not including the new additions but for the chicks that been here for a bit she's by far the best. 6/10 face 20/10 service. Get ready to walk out with wobbly legs.

Resilient John
08-20-24, 02:07
Gents, Lena is finally in L. A have anyone seen her while she was in OC care to chime in what was she like?

I haven't been feeding on big tits for a long time after Jiyoung, it's been disappointing that most Ds now days are like somewhat Cs.

But FWIW, I will see Lena soon since I have been waiting but I had a high hope for her look and performance. LOL.Pictures are pretty accurate with the usual P.S. MILF with large tits D tits at least with fairly obvious scaring, butt implants too IMO. Service queen-ish. She was a bit transactional with me.

08-20-24, 02:47
I have seen a fair amount of kgirls now and I would like to thank all you gentlemen, who had written reviews. All of the reviews have helped me choose the providers, I'm about to write about. I will start with Ina, she is in my opinion another service queen. She resembles closely to her photos. Maybe just a touch up of photoshop, but she is indeed fair skin with long blonde or bleached hair. Her face again in my opinion is very pretty, she may have lip fillers but I'm not sure, since a lot of reviewers have written about her plastic surgery, but if she has fillers, her lips feel natural when kissing her and not rubbery. Now her boobs are definitely MM since the scars under them are clearly visible but fake boobs don't make less horny. I haven't put that much attention to her ass, but it does give cushion when I have her in doggy. Her BJ is sloppy and I guess she can deep throat, but I'm not sure since I am barely over 4. 5 inches. But she does swallow all of my dick which feels great. She has also let me fuckface her but not in like in a savage way. Some kgirls would stop immediately when trying that shit, but Ina is cool with taking a good time my hard dick in her throat. She enjoys getting her pussy eaten and her hygiene is very good, no fishy odor. She really enjoys or pretendes with great acting fucking with me, one time her AC wasn't working or wasn't on, so she started sweating but she kept bouncing on my jr and I know for a fact that some providers do not like sweating when fucking or the monger sweating too. She lets me fuck her on all the positions that I want or that she wants. She always tries to get 2 shots out of me, but I'm a one shot guy. Even though she tries her hardest and best to get jr up again. Anyway I get all of this for a flat rate of 3 benjis and 2 jacksons.

08-20-24, 10:19
Booker M has 2 new girls listed. Perhaps some of you all will recognize the pics Darmy and Diana.


08-20-24, 12:02
Kbliss rollcall. Does anyone have input on Tanya?

Kona Kimberly Esther Tanya Ann Ina.

Gangnam Diane and Stella.

08-20-24, 12:04
Booker M has 2 new girls listed. Perhaps some of you all will recognize the pics Darmy and Diana.

https://myalbum.com/album/oyZLAAdX2wqS/She went by LKS Chaeyoung in the Bay Area. She is a no repeat for me. Taller than average Eurasian kgirl (Russia / Korean). She is on the older side her face did not do it for me. Session was average at best, she was going through the motions. She said was only here for 2 months before going back home to Korea. I guess she lied and went to LA instead to escort.

If she can't make it at 280 in the Bay Area I have no idea how she will survive in LA.

08-20-24, 16:24
I have seen a fair amount of kgirls now and I would like to thank all you gentlemen, who had written reviews. All of the reviews have helped me choose the providers, I'm about to write about. I will start with Ina, she is in my opinion another service queen. She resembles closely to her photos. Maybe just a touch up of photoshop, but she is indeed fair skin with long blonde or bleached hair. Her face again in my opinion is very pretty, she may have lip fillers but I'm not sure, since a lot of reviewers have written about her plastic surgery, but if she has fillers, her lips feel natural when kissing her and not rubbery. Now her boobs are definitely MM since the scars under them are clearly visible but fake boobs don't make less horny. I haven't put that much attention to her ass, but it does give cushion when I have her in doggy. Her BJ is sloppy and I guess she can deep throat, but I'm not sure since I am barely over 4. 5 inches. But she does swallow all of my dick which feels great. She has also let me fuckface her but not in like in a savage way. Some kgirls would stop immediately when trying that shit, but Ina is cool with taking a good time my hard dick in her throat. She enjoys getting her pussy eaten and her hygiene is very good, no fishy odor. She really enjoys or pretendes with great acting fucking with me, one time her AC wasn't working or wasn't on, so she started sweating but she kept bouncing on my jr and I know for a fact that some providers do not like sweating when fucking or the monger sweating too. She lets me fuck her on all the positions that I want or that she wants. She always tries to get 2 shots out of me, but I'm a one shot guy. Even though she tries her hardest and best to get jr up again. Anyway I get all of this for a flat rate of 3 benjis and 2 jacksons.I like this review. Very honest and straight to the point.

08-20-24, 16:39
I have seen a fair amount of kgirls now and I would like to thank all you gentlemen, who had written reviews. All of the reviews have helped me choose the providers, I'm about to write about. I will start with Ina, she is in my opinion another service queen. She resembles closely to her photos. Maybe just a touch up of photoshop, but she is indeed fair skin with long blonde or bleached hair. Her face again in my opinion is very pretty, she may have lip fillers but I'm not sure, since a lot of reviewers have written about her plastic surgery, but if she has fillers, her lips feel natural when kissing her and not rubbery. Now her boobs are definitely MM since the scars under them are clearly visible but fake boobs don't make less horny. I haven't put that much attention to her ass, but it does give cushion when I have her in doggy. Her BJ is sloppy and I guess she can deep throat, but I'm not sure since I am barely over 4. 5 inches. But she does swallow all of my dick which feels great. She has also let me fuckface her but not in like in a savage way. Some kgirls would stop immediately when trying that shit, but Ina is cool with taking a good time my hard dick in her throat. She enjoys getting her pussy eaten and her hygiene is very good, no fishy odor. She really enjoys or pretendes with great acting fucking with me, one time her AC wasn't working or wasn't on, so she started sweating but she kept bouncing on my jr and I know for a fact that some providers do not like sweating when fucking or the monger sweating too. She lets me fuck her on all the positions that I want or that she wants. She always tries to get 2 shots out of me, but I'm a one shot guy. Even though she tries her hardest and best to get jr up again. Anyway I get all of this for a flat rate of 3 benjis and 2 jacksons.This is a solid honest review I wish more reviews where people say she swallowed them whole mentioned how big they were. Takes balls to admit your size on here. Respect dawg.

08-20-24, 16:40
She went by LKS Chaeyoung in the Bay Area. She is a no repeat for me. Taller than average Eurasian kgirl (Russia / Korean). She is on the older side her face did not do it for me. Session was average at best, she was going through the motions. She said was only here for 2 months before going back home to Korea. I guess she lied and went to LA instead to escort.

If she can't make it at 280 in the Bay Area I have no idea how she will survive in LA.Don't worry once she fails here she will go east to a city where there aren't many kgirls and start upcharging LOL.

08-20-24, 16:49
Pictures are pretty accurate with the usual P.S. MILF with large tits D tits at least with fairly obvious scaring, butt implants too IMO. Service queen-ish. She was a bit transactional with me.Going to see her tomorrow hopefully she let's me blow her back out since apparently she has a nice big round juicy fake booty. Fingers crossed she doesn't run or clench up.

08-20-24, 19:28
I decided to see Lucy thanks again to reviews, and now after the fourth time I buried my cock deep down in her pussy, I decided to write a review. Before going into details I want to make clear that I'm only writing reports about girls that I have seen at least three times. Ina is one of them. Check my review about Ina. I have seen other providers like Kona, Terra, Jiyoung, Ella, Chu. But it was only one time for me no repeat because I either go an ok experience or there was no chemistry between me and them. I will probably write a short review about each, trying to explain why I didn't repeat with them.

It is Superstar Lucy turn. After I read a review about her service, I knew I had to book her to confirm how good was her service. She is exclusively booked through Sesanggirls and I have seen some reviews, that says that the agency is hard to work with, but that hasn't been my case, but also everyone has different experiences. I will try my best to describe her. Lucy is fair skin, her hair is a brunette color and falls almost all the way down to her ass. Her face is not as pretty as Ina's, I would say she is a 7 in the face department while Ina's face is a 9, but that's my personal preference. She is a petite girl, maybe 5'1 or less. She probably weighs around 100 lb, maybe more maybe less, but for me she in a healthy weight. Some mongers might consider her skinny. Her body is attractive, and her boobs are also nice and she has a small but cute ass. I'm not sure about her age but she may be pushing into the 40's. But if that's the case she is definitely a hot MILF. Again this is my personal opinion. Lucy is for me also a service queen. She dfk until I'm satisfied, her bbj is with a lot of saliva and a lot of love and eye contact. I ask her to spit on my hard dick and make it sloppy and she happily obliged. She enjoyed getting her pussy eaten by me, we 69 until I couldn't wait anymore and I was rock hard ready to go balls deep into her juicy pussy. We started fucking, she riding me as a cow girl with a lot of dfk and she kept bouncing on my dick until I told her to get into doggy mode and here she let grab her hair and pulled it a little bit while I was ramming that sweet pussy, I know that some kgirls do not like their hair being pulled, but Lucy was down for it. But please those who will see Lucy in the future, don't be an asshole to her and violently pull her hair. Be considerate and remember that she is trying to give you great service, but that doesn't mean we take advantage of her. Now resuming my time with her, I love finishing in missionary position, so I told Lucy to lay down and put both her legs up on my shoulders and entered her while kissing her, and the good thing about being a guy with an average dick size, is that you can go deep down into her pussy without worrying you will hurt her. My first thrusts were slow but as I came closer and closer to come, I fucking hammer that pussy until I came deep down in her sweet and juicy pussy. I laid over her almost out of breath and she never tried to push me away, until I was ready to pull out my jr out of her pussy. She also tried to get 2 shots out of me like Ina, but my jr is only capable of 1 round. She lay next to me and she is a talkative girl, telling me that she like to drink and party. Our time is ending, so she give a quick shower and we said to each other "see you soon". She is the same flat rate as Ina, 3 benjis and 2 jacksons for an hour of pleasure And I have seen her 4 times now.

TD Leafs
08-20-24, 19:32

Pretty easy to book afternoon Wla. Real pics with some P.S. As usual. Lena has nice smooth soft body, very curvy, nice man made boobs, shapely ass (idk someone said fake but I can't tell), some boob scars.

Soft dfk and BBBJ, also rimming. Not aggressive but gentle service with some massage in between. After massage Lena was able to get me up hard with BBBJ no problem. Nice view during doggy, probably mid to late 30's.

Wouldn't make into regular rotation but I wouldn't mind repeat. And def recom for MILF lovers.

08-20-24, 21:00
I have been hearing that some bookers are claiming that they are a team to steal bookings. From my understanding they are independent and while they share girls, they are truly independent. Have you heard from a booker that they are a team with another booker?

08-20-24, 21:00

Pretty easy to book afternoon Wla. Real pics with some P.S. As usual. Lena has nice smooth soft body, very curvy, nice man made boobs, shapely ass (idk someone said fake but I can't tell), some boob scars.

Soft dfk and BBBJ, also rimming. Not aggressive but gentle service with some massage in between. After massage Lena was able to get me up hard with BBBJ no problem. Nice view during doggy, probably mid to late 30's.

Wouldn't make into regular rotation but I wouldn't mind repeat. And def recom for MILF lovers.I agree with everything you have said. She is very friendly. Tries hard to please. Her pictures which are on many sites (GKS, Candygirl, Booker Grey and M) are totally accurate but possibly dated by 5 years. Sawtelle now has many good value providers and a couple of legends. I would score her as an 8 in looks and 8. 5 for service and personality.

08-20-24, 21:13
I have been hearing that some bookers are claiming that they are a team to steal bookings. From my understanding they are independent and while they share girls, they are truly independent. Have you heard from a booker that they are a team with another booker?Nope and I personally don't care either. As long as I can creampie a kgirl whenever I want whatever shady stuff goes on behind the scenes I honestly don't care. Just pump and dump.

08-20-24, 21:17
I agree with everything you have said. She is very friendly. Tries hard to please. Her pictures which are on many sites (GKS, Candygirl, Booker Grey and M) are totally accurate but possibly dated by 5 years. Sawtelle now has many good value providers and a couple of legends. I would score her as an 8 in looks and 8. 5 for service and personality.All this hype hope she's not a disappointment!

08-20-24, 23:33
JIYOON looks really good as well. Anyone had the pleasure? Are the photos pretty presentative?Not representative. Skinny, natural chest and GND average. Attitude was ok; a little awkward but I was her third white boy so there was that. Did not want attention on herself; just serviced me. Had a good time but she is business like. BBBJ was on point and she could have gotten me off. I like her ass; medium size and good bounce in Doggy. BBFS available but did not partake. Some English so can somewhat communicate. Needed app assistance but we did alright. Would not repeat but did not have a bad experience. If you speak Korean, I think you would do better than I did.


08-21-24, 00:28
Not representative. Skinny, natural chest and GND average. Attitude was ok; a little awkward but I was her third white boy so there was that. Did not want attention on herself; just serviced me. Had a good time but she is business like. BBBJ was on point and she could have gotten me off. I like her ass; medium size and good bounce in Doggy. BBFS available but did not partake. Some English so can somewhat communicate. Needed app assistance but we did alright. Would not repeat but did not have a bad experience. If you speak Korean, I think you would do better than I did.

Twist.I usually go for the "nature" looking ones. Her look caught my attention. But, dang her service sounds suppar. That's really unfortunate.

Resilient John
08-21-24, 00:47
I decided to see Lucy thanks again to reviews, and now after the fourth time I buried my cock deep down in her pussy, I decided to write a review. Before going into details I want to make clear that I'm only writing reports about girls that I have seen at least three times. Ina is one of them. Check my review about Ina. I have seen other providers like Kona, Terra, Jiyoung, Ella, Chu. But it was only one time for me no repeat because I either go an ok experience or there was no chemistry between me and them. I will probably write a short review about each, trying to explain why I didn't repeat with them.

It is Superstar Lucy turn. After I read a review about her service, I knew I had to book her to confirm how good was her service. She is exclusively booked through Sesanggirls and I have seen some reviews, that says that the agency is hard to work with, but that hasn't been my case, but also everyone has different experiences. I will try my best to describe her. Lucy is fair skin, her hair is a brunette color and falls almost all the way down to her ass. Her face is not as pretty as Ina's, I would say she is a 7 in the face department while Ina's face is a 9, but that's my personal preference. She is a petite girl, maybe 5'1 or less. She probably weighs around 100 lb, maybe more maybe less, but for me she in a healthy weight. Some mongers might consider her skinny. Her body is attractive, and her boobs are also nice and she has a small but cute ass. I'm not sure about her age but she may be pushing into the 40's. But if that's the case she is definitely a hot MILF. Again this is my personal opinion. Lucy is for me also a service queen. She dfk until I'm satisfied, her bbj is with a lot of saliva and a lot of love and eye contact. I ask her to spit on my hard dick and make it sloppy and she happily obliged. She enjoyed getting her pussy eaten by me, we 69 until I couldn't wait anymore and I was rock hard ready to go balls deep into her juicy pussy. We started fucking, she riding me as a cow girl with a lot of dfk and she kept bouncing on my dick until I told her to get into doggy mode and here she let grab her hair and pulled it a little bit while I was ramming that sweet pussy, I know that some kgirls do not like their hair being pulled, but Lucy was down for it. But please those who will see Lucy in the future, don't be an asshole to her and violently pull her hair. Be considerate and remember that she is trying to give you great service, but that doesn't mean we take advantage of her. Now resuming my time with her, I love finishing in missionary position, so I told Lucy to lay down and put both her legs up on my shoulders and entered her while kissing her, and the good thing about being a guy with an average dick size, is that you can go deep down into her pussy without worrying you will hurt her.Appreciate the detailed reviews. But just a suggestion, if you can, try to break it it up into multiple paragraphs. One jumbo paragraph, at least for me, is a head ache trying to keep track of where I am in that wall of text.

08-21-24, 02:54
So I followed up with booker J and asked how was Lena's 1st day, she said all great feedback and many loved it.

With many here that have seen her in OC, I have to take my chance since I have been waiting to see her in LA.

Let's just say she is my new ATF now and wow those tits! Truly D cup soft tits all the way and nice giggly ass and plumped!!

Let me share the detail below in all it's categories shall we?

Face: as many have said, the pix are 100% her with minimal photoshop or none at all, she was exactly what I expected, I rate 8+ as I can't see any visible work done nor heavy make up. She is a natural beauty. Oval almond shape, cute cheeks and smooth skin. If you ask, I would call her HOT Aunty, LOL.

Body: Build like a sexy fuck doll yours truly. Solid D cup and soft, scar like Ina's but way lighter that you can barley see. Nice waist to ass ratio and coke bottle body, nice plump ass and soft. For who ever said she got a butt job, just FYI I can't feel it no matter how hard I grab it and in any angle, I would said she DO NOT have a butt job, just nice meaty and soft. White and soft skin like perfectly aged win, or egg tofu?

Service: big smile at the door and DFK right at entry with hands on my dick. Got in the room and I said I showed at home right before, and she saw I shaved clean, so therefore the fun begging with DFK mutual foundling, sucking her tits, awesome Russian that made my jr disappear, LOL, BBBJ was nice and deep till her nose touching my belly, she is a pro at foreplay. Now I took my turn to DATY and she was very responsive that came one time. On to the main course, her pussy is tight and grippy, I felt like I was being pulled in, LOL. Starting with edge bed mish to side doggy to doggy on floor to doggy on bed to cow girl to froggy to more cow girl to doggy to cow girl to mish and last position I shoot deep inside doggy style seeing them tits bouncing from the mirror and her moaning of pleasure. She can surely fuck and froggy was the highlight and reminded me of Allie's squat fuck that nothing touches you but only her pussy, YES Lena did that, it was sensational! All the feeling goes to my dick in her pussy while she goes up and down froggying. Also, she sucked me dry after I pull out and laid down, I closed my eye for a bit and all of a sudden I felt her mouth and tongue on my dick, it was fucking great!

Attitude: GFE to PSE to Wongbi mama style (Korea emperor treatment) the true full service till I walk out the door.

She reminded me a lot from Allie and Nicole, both service queen with above decent look to good look (to me), as always YMMV so y'all don't nag about it.

Overall she is my new ATF until another promising D cup service queen shows up, beautiful face, banging coke bottle body with big tits and plump ass, what more can you ask for? 20 something with GPS? NO THANKS! I stepped away from trophy fuck a long time ago, waste of money walking home feeling empty when I though she was hot, but she can't fuck, LOL.


08-21-24, 09:25
I have been hearing that some bookers are claiming that they are a team to steal bookings. From my understanding they are independent and while they share girls, they are truly independent. Have you heard from a booker that they are a team with another booker?I mean, I always assumed there were bookers who are friends. Some of them have been doing this at least a few years and with verification being a thing, they probably get familiar after awhile. Whatever they choose to do is their business. As long as it doesn't affect me getting what I paid for, it's all gravy.

08-21-24, 11:16
Booker M aka Michelle has another newly listed item by the name of Sumatra.


And thanks to Savant for identifying Darmy as a rebrand from norcal.

08-21-24, 12:01
Kbliss humpday harlot.

Diana Kimberly Esther Ann Ina Sumatra.

Gangnam Diane and Stella.

08-21-24, 12:15
Theres a lotta new baddies out lately.

Here's my upcoming to do list. If anyone has any feedback lmk. I know some are in the search history already but not too much info.

Baby Kendal. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/baby-kendal

Lena. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/lena

Elena / ellena. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/ellena

Sugar. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/sugar

Erica2. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/erica2

Sumatra. https://kbliss.net/sumatra

Diana. https://kbliss.net/diana

08-21-24, 13:16
I have been hearing that some bookers are claiming that they are a team to steal bookings. From my understanding they are independent and while they share girls, they are truly independent. Have you heard from a booker that they are a team with another booker?While that is just a rumor, I always look at the incentives. Girls having multiple bookers was not always a thing. Once it was introduced, bookers became indirect competitors of each other. In this situation, each booker is motivated to market and advertise girls and the one that markets best gets a bigger share of business. So an honest booker succeeds by making websites and good customer service. But another way is to be less honest, whether being loose at screening or even conspiring with other bookers. I will not list some of the dishonest options available so as not to give people ideas. But they all hurt everybody. Bookers, girls, mongers.

I deal a lot with exclusive bookers, meaning an an agency with one booker and several girls, no other bookers. They are strict with screening, protect the girls, and can be rude and quick to ban if you do something they don't like even if it doesn't affect safety.

When I started dealing with non-exclusive bookers, they were overly polite and very easy to screen. A new agency in SD had three bookers. Basically if you want to use HX you had to go one booker, or if you were already in their network from using them in OC. But everyone else gravitated to another booker because he was easy to work with. There is a 3rd booker that nobody even mentions, but basically they are best if you are already using them from LA (their main base is LA). Since all three bookers get plenty of OC or LA business, they are not too concerned if they miss out a little on the market share in SD.

However, you can see the business does not get split very evenly, with one booker getting a lot of business and a 3rd booker getting very little. As long as the 3rd booker gets plenty of LA business, he has no serious interest in stirring up trouble with any tactics to steal business. Not worth pissing people off for such a tiny market. But imagine if the 3rd booker had only SD. He would surely try something, or quit.

So it is a delicate balance here. People don't want to fight because somebody always knows someone who knows them. But if desperate enough, they might. It works if everyone gets enough.

08-21-24, 14:34
I don't know if it's all the photoshopping, but a lot of those photos look familiar to me. I wonder if they are rebrands?

Theres a lotta new baddies out lately.

Here's my upcoming to do list. If anyone has any feedback lmk. I know some are in the search history already but not too much info.

Baby Kendal. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/baby-kendal

Lena. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/lena

Elena / ellena. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/ellena

Sugar. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/sugar

Erica2. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/erica2

Sumatra. https://kbliss.net/sumatra

Diana. https://kbliss.net/diana

08-21-24, 15:31
Theres a lotta new baddies out lately.

Here's my upcoming to do list. If anyone has any feedback lmk. I know some are in the search history already but not too much info.

Baby Kendal. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/baby-kendal

Lena. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/lena

Elena / ellena. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/ellena

Sugar. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/sugar

Erica2. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/erica2I posted on Erica2 in the OC HYA thread. I recommend if you're looking for a slim petite very submissive GFE, and you can appreciate a SEA facial aesthetic. The pic I posted is pretty accurate. Tight box. Wet. Can't pound tho, mags look elsewhere. Great value at 320 bb.

08-21-24, 16:19
Pepsi let me know she's back in town, so I made some excuses at work and stepped out to go see her. Fantastic time as always, and she delivers in spades. Walked hand in hand once I got in the door, then straight to the bedroom as I had showered at the hotel before heading over. Sometimes you get the soft demure Pepsi, and sometimes you get sex machine Pepsi. I love both! Today was sex machine Pepsi, and went straight for my cock and buried her face in my crotch, alternating between sucking my shaft and licking my balls. Got really hard right away, and flipped her over for doggie, and buried my cock in her pussy and started working it back and forth. I couldn't help it and just started pounding her pussy until she slipped off and lay down on her back. Entered her again and started slowly again and kept it slow until I unloaded a few days' worth of cum in her pussy. I love that she doesn't immediately run off to shower like some other providers do. We chatted for a little bit, and then I had to get back to work, so we hit the shower, and then I was off.

Website says she's in town until the end of the month, so treat her nice and go see her!


08-21-24, 16:41
So I followed up with booker J and asked how was Lena's 1st day, she said all great feedback and many loved it.

With many here that have seen her in OC, I have to take my chance since I have been waiting to see her in LA.

Let's just say she is my new ATF now and wow those tits! Truly D cup soft tits all the way and nice giggly ass and plumped!!

Let me share the detail below in all it's categories shall we?

Face: as many have said, the pix are 100% her with minimal photoshop or none at all, she was exactly what I expected, I rate 8+ as I can't see any visible work done nor heavy make up. She is a natural beauty. Oval almond shape, cute cheeks and smooth skin. If you ask, I would call her HOT Aunty, LOL.

Body: Build like a sexy fuck doll yours truly. Solid D cup and soft, scar like Ina's but way lighter that you can barley see. Nice waist to ass ratio and coke bottle body, nice plump ass and soft. For who ever said she got a butt job, just FYI I can't feel it no matter how hard I grab it and in any angle, I would said she DO NOT have a butt job, just nice meaty and soft. White and soft skin like perfectly aged win, or egg tofu?.Can vouch for Lena she's got my stamp of approval as well. Best body if you want some meat but tight meat curvvyy as hell she even has slight abs showing in mish. Good sloppy BJ I didn't get the bellybutton treatment but she could swallow about half of me and not toothy at all so most of y'all will get swallowed whole. I'd give her face a 7/10 she's pretty hot for being a mid 40's kmilf. Mag approved as well if you ease into it. She did start running a bit once I unleashed my full power near the end but I held her in place and absolutely blew her back out and she took it like a champ.

If you're a service guy won't be disappointed and if you're into looks she's the best looking mid 40's kmilf in wla rn.

Also her ass isn't fake she just stays in shape.

08-21-24, 17:26
Was told a new HYA was on the way to LA maybe a week ago so I asked them to let me know their debut when she was ready. As promised, the bookers let me know Eespa was ready and waiting so I nabbed an early appointment with her. Ngl, I know Cali has seemed a little dry but the recent influx of talent like Minji, Dallas, and Nora has me thinking things must be good for them. That said, Eespa might be the new binge for the foreseeable future.

Pics: Obviously P.S.'d but to a minor degree to make her skin tone glow. The pics of her short blonde hair with the bob is what you should expect.


Looks: HYA for sure and she's mid to late 20's at best. I would say her and Minji are about the same age bracket. She's not exactly a spinner since she's still 5'2 or so but her body is tight. Not an ounce of fat to be found minus the little in there tiny ass. C cups for the sizing up top and an overall bombshell. Very attractive overall and has Father Time on her side.

English: Near zero. I could speak to her in part with what I would say outside of service related terms but I stuck to the translator.

Attitude: She's young and she's fresh so she's all for it. I love new girls in this phase of their tenure. Eespa had a lot of energy and displayed a good amount of aegyo while not getting her fucked in half. Early service queen mode and I hope she keeps it up.

Service: She is really new to this so I would say her service is probably on par with someone like Minji when she first debuted. Its obviously she's not a virgin since well her job one, and two she can suck dick really well. Deepthroat wasn't down to the base but it was not for the lack of trying. Someone like AssEater just needs to get in there and open it up a little wider for the rest of us LOL. With that in mind, I had no trouble getting 6 inches in. She's extremely petite so the visuals were nice and her ass was perfect for her size with an easy grip around the waist for some rougher poundage. I tried to show her something new by getting her in a position to crab walk for those familiar with how that looks, so I could upshot into her with the mirror facing towards us. She was a little surprised but hopefully sessions like these get her used to being creative in using her body for continued creampies for the bros. She massaged me decently afterward while we took turns using Papago on her phone. Kiss goodbye and it was a wrap.

Expense: $420.

Repeat: For sure. I am actually excited to see how she does going forward and seeing how she polishes her service.

08-21-24, 18:11
Theres a lotta new baddies out lately.

Here's my upcoming to do list. If anyone has any feedback lmk. I know some are in the search history already but not too much info.

Sugar. https://www.candygirlla.com/portfolio-1/sugar

Sumatra. https://kbliss.net/sumatraThere is a minor discussion in the OC HYA thread about Sugar. Sumatra is a tiny thing with big breast and warms up to give good service. I already have my ATF but if I get back to LA this year I am eyeing these luscious looking ladies.





On a side note my ATF sent me a selfie today that she looked so incredible wearing her new designer necklace and with her hair pulled up revealing her cute little ears all bare. I wanted to complete the ensemble with a matching pair of earrings. So to match her necklace with a new pair of earrings would cost $6 k. Hmm, I though what if they were used and I found many for under 1 k. Is it just me or is the designer jewelry market a complete scam?

08-21-24, 20:49
On a side note my ATF sent me a selfie today that she looked so incredible wearing her new designer necklace and with her hair pulled up revealing her cute little ears all bare. I wanted to complete the ensemble with a matching pair of earrings. So to match her necklace with a new pair of earrings would cost $6 k. Hmm, I though what if they were used and I found many for under 1 k. Is it just me or is the designer jewelry market a complete scam?Cubic zirconium sparkles the same as Diamond, so it is functionally better for jewelry. Diamond exists solely to show off, its price is inflated by hoarding. But its price keeps dropping due to price pressure from synthetic.

Designer jewelry is no different. Take $500 of material, put in $500 of labor and sell it for $2500 (that is the typical margin for branded jewelry like Tiffany's, 60% net profit). But remember, the purpose of it is to show off. As long as it is exclusive (branded), then it will show off how much money you can waste. It is no different than setting $5000 on fire and putting it into a bottle for her to have. The jewelry aspect merely allows her to wear it and show of what you did for her.

Try selling diamond back to another dealer. They won't even give you half (the average is 40% meaning you lose more than half). Think about that. Imagine if someone sold you $1000 of gold but would only pay $400 for it. Well that's diamond.

If you just wanted something pretty you would have gone with cubic zirconium which costs almost nothing. Hard but not as hard as diamond but with normal use like other jewelry (I. E. Not every day) it lasts a lifetime.

08-21-24, 21:06
Cubic zirconium sparkles the same as Diamond, so it is functionally better for jewelry. Diamond exists solely to show off, its price is inflated by hoarding. But its price keeps dropping due to price pressure from synthetic.

Designer jewelry is no different. Take $500 of material, put in $500 of labor and sell it for $2500 (that is the typical margin for branded jewelry like Tiffany's, 60% net profit). But remember, the purpose of it is to show off. As long as it is exclusive (branded), then it will show off how much money you can waste. It is no different than setting $5000 on fire and putting it into a bottle for her to have. The jewelry aspect merely allows her to wear it and show of what you did for her.

Try selling diamond back to another dealer. They won't even give you half (the average is 40% meaning you lose more than half). Think about that. Imagine if someone sold you $1000 of gold but would only pay $400 for it. Well that's diamond.

If you just wanted something pretty you would have gone with cubic zirconium which costs almost nothing. Hard but not as hard as diamond but with normal use like other jewelry (I. E. Not every day) it lasts a lifetime.Don't get CZ; it's easy to spot / identify as fake even without using a loupe. If anything, get lab-grown. They're identical to natural diamonds in every way (chemically, physically, and optically); they're just artificially grown. And it's significantly cheaper.

08-21-24, 21:17
There is a minor discussion in the OC HYA thread about Sugar. Sumatra is a tiny thing with big breast and warms up to give good service. I already have my ATF but if I get back to LA this year I am eyeing these luscious looking ladies.





On a side note my ATF sent me a selfie today that she looked so incredible wearing her new designer necklace and with her hair pulled up revealing her cute little ears all bare. I wanted to complete the ensemble with a matching pair of earrings. So to match her necklace with a new pair of earrings would cost $6 k. Hmm, I though what if they were used and I found many for under 1 k. Is it just me or is the designer jewelry market a complete scam?Would you repeat with Sumatra? Are those pics real?

08-21-24, 22:01
There is a minor discussion in the OC HYA thread about Sugar. Sumatra is a tiny thing with big breast and warms up to give good service. I already have my ATF but if I get back to LA this year I am eyeing these luscious looking ladies.





On a side note my ATF sent me a selfie today that she looked so incredible wearing her new designer necklace and with her hair pulled up revealing her cute little ears all bare. I wanted to complete the ensemble with a matching pair of earrings. So to match her necklace with a new pair of earrings would cost $6 k. Hmm, I though what if they were used and I found many for under 1 k. Is it just me or is the designer jewelry market a complete scam?I'm sure your ATF sent selfies to 10 other mongers expecting free gifts. I hope you are buying the earrings for yourself and not her. This is simp overload bro.

08-21-24, 22:21
Is the Melos site down. Was wondering if anyone else can access?It looks like they're back.

- https://www.melosplayground.com/.

- https://www.humaniplex.com/profiles/Thaiteaman.

- TER (https://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/newreviewsList.asp?Phone=213-929-3105).

08-21-24, 22:29
Saw that Kim is using someone else's pics from their socials, but someone lmk if she is any good.

There is a minor discussion in the OC HYA thread about Sugar. Sumatra is a tiny thing with big breast and warms up to give good service. I already have my ATF but if I get back to LA this year I am eyeing these luscious looking ladies.





On a side note my ATF sent me a selfie today that she looked so incredible wearing her new designer necklace and with her hair pulled up revealing her cute little ears all bare. I wanted to complete the ensemble with a matching pair of earrings. So to match her necklace with a new pair of earrings would cost $6 k. Hmm, I though what if they were used and I found many for under 1 k. Is it just me or is the designer jewelry market a complete scam?

08-22-24, 08:56
I'm traveling to town next week, and wanted to meet Yoco, but unfortunately by not being from the area seems like I won't have references to meet her or a network in HX. Kind of feel like one of those kids trying to get a job with no experience, and all the jobs require them 10 years of experience LOL. If anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciated, if not going to have to hit the AMP scene possibly.

08-22-24, 10:51

Booker M selections.

08-22-24, 11:21
Pepsi let me know she's back in town, so I made some excuses at work and stepped out to go see her. Fantastic time as always, and she delivers in spades. Walked hand in hand once I got in the door, then straight to the bedroom as I had showered at the hotel before heading over. Sometimes you get the soft demure Pepsi, and sometimes you get sex machine Pepsi. I love both! Today was sex machine Pepsi, and went straight for my cock and buried her face in my crotch, alternating between sucking my shaft and licking my balls. Got really hard right away, and flipped her over for doggie, and buried my cock in her pussy and started working it back and forth. I couldn't help it and just started pounding her pussy until she slipped off and lay down on her back. Entered her again and started slowly again and kept it slow until I unloaded a few days' worth of cum in her pussy. I love that she doesn't immediately run off to shower like some other providers do. We chatted for a little bit, and then I had to get back to work, so we hit the shower, and then I was off.

Website says she's in town until the end of the month, so treat her nice and go see her!

https://www.pepsiandboba.com/My last visit with her she was definitely the sex machine Pepsi. She basically used my clothes as soft restraints and then had her way with me. She was in charge and on top the whole time, and the only time she didn't make eye contact was when she had junior in her mouth. She was definitely at the top of her game and I left a happy camper. Can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

08-22-24, 11:47
Would you repeat with Sumatra? Are those pics real?If the opportunity arises I want to do a doubles with 2 spinner girls under 5'. The pictures are fairly accurate with some filtering to soften her features.

I'm sure your ATF sent selfies to 10 other mongers expecting free gifts. I hope you are buying the earrings for yourself and not her. This is simp overload bro.I usually suppress my impulses. LOL. Just a thought that actually ended up being productive since I might want to start buying up supply if designer jewelry for a collection. I also have no problem given a gift to an ATF out of appreciation and she should be retiring in two months so we'll meet in Korea. To me life ain't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing. But I don't pay for friends.

08-22-24, 11:51
These upcharge girls are getting ridiculous.

Hari is GFE only but is at least charging what has been the standard rate for the past couple years; 320 for one hour CFS and 40 upcharge for MSOG. Rindy is the same but offers BBFS for 100 upcharge.

Jiyoon is upping it more at 340 for one hour CFS with an upcharge of 40 for MSOG and 100 for BBFS. Kim is GFE only and ups it even more to 350 for one hour CFS and then a 50 upcharge for MSOG!

There is a minor discussion in the OC HYA thread about Sugar. Sumatra is a tiny thing with big breast and warms up to give good service. I already have my ATF but if I get back to LA this year I am eyeing these luscious looking ladies.





08-22-24, 12:09
I'm traveling to town next week, and wanted to meet Yoco, but unfortunately by not being from the area seems like I won't have references to meet her or a network in HX. Kind of feel like one of those kids trying to get a job with no experience, and all the jobs require them 10 years of experience LOL. If anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciated, if not going to have to hit the AMP scene possibly.I wouldn't recommend Yoco in the first place, so you may be dodging a bullet. Not sure why people rave about her so much. She's old, not hot at all, and def not Japanese.

08-22-24, 12:16
I wouldn't recommend Yoco in the first place, so you may be dodging a bullet. Not sure why people rave about her so much. She's old, not hot at all, and def not Japanese.Simp, people rave about her because she is a service queen who knows how to treat a man with a coke bottle body, not a skinny waif without skills.

08-22-24, 12:22
Would you repeat with Sumatra? Are those pics real?I did a look under the hood in reviewing her pictures and I just want to report that they have been glamorized. The most representative one is where she is kneeling on the black chair and looking at the camera. I did a selfie side-by-side with that picture and it is pretty close to what you'll see.

08-22-24, 12:39
I was eyeing out Kimberly last week when she got freshly posted. A poster here said she went by VELA in the Bay Area under the agency LSC. She has mixed reviews, some liked her and others thought she was distant and business like. The service didn't seem to be there and her looks didn't seem to make up for it. She's on the other side I'd: 392919.Was she confirmed to be Vela at LSC in NoCal?

08-22-24, 13:25

My understanding is that all the Kbliss girls are non-upcharge for 340. Out of the current lineup on their website, I've only seen Ina, who is great. For those of you that have seen the other girls from Kbliss, whom would you rank as the top must-see girls? Or any other non-upcharge girls from other agencies you recommend? I'm looking to do a trip to LA soon and want to get my lineup ready to make the appointments. Thanks in advance for any advice!

08-22-24, 15:26
Was told a new HYA was on the way to LA maybe a week ago so I asked them to let me know their debut when she was ready. As promised, the bookers let me know Eespa was ready and waiting so I nabbed an early appointment with her. Ngl, I know Cali has seemed a little dry but the recent influx of talent like Minji, Dallas, and Nora has me thinking things must be good for them. That said, Eespa might be the new binge for the foreseeable future.

Pics: Obviously P.S.'d but to a minor degree to make her skin tone glow. The pics of her short blonde hair with the bob is what you should expect.


Looks: HYA for sure and she's mid to late 20's at best. I would say her and Minji are about the same age bracket. She's not exactly a spinner since she's still 5'2 or so but her body is tight. Not an ounce of fat to be found minus the little in there tiny ass. C cups for the sizing up top and an overall bombshell. Very attractive overall and has Father Time on her side.

English: Near zero. I could speak to her in part with what I would say outside of service related terms but I stuck to the translator.

Attitude: She's young and she's fresh so she's all for it. I love new girls in this phase of their tenure. Eespa had a lot of energy and displayed a good amount of aegyo while not getting her fucked in half. Early service queen mode and I hope she keeps it up.

Service: She is really new to this so I would say her service is probably on par with someone like Minji when she first debuted. Its obviously she's not a virgin since well her job one, and two she can suck dick really well. Deepthroat wasn't down to the base but it was not for the lack of trying. Someone like AssEater just needs to get in there and open it up a little wider for the rest of us LOL. With that in mind, I had no trouble getting 6 inches in. She's extremely petite so the visuals were nice and her ass was perfect for her size with an easy grip around the waist for some rougher poundage. I tried to show her something new by getting her in a position to crab walk for those familiar with how that looks, so I could upshot into her with the mirror facing towards us. She was a little surprised but hopefully sessions like these get her used to being creative in using her body for continued creampies for the bros. She massaged me decently afterward while we took turns using Papago on her phone. Kiss goodbye and it was a wrap.

Expense: $420.

Repeat: For sure. I am actually excited to see how she does going forward and seeing how she polishes her service.Just went and saw her for a quick 30 since the rapid visits have put me on the budget for a bit. HYA for sure though a little fresh. It'll be interesting to see if she improves since her looks are already where they need to be for an upcharge girl.

08-22-24, 16:53
I wouldn't recommend Yoco in the first place, so you may be dodging a bullet. Not sure why people rave about her so much. She's old, not hot at all, and def not Japanese.People don't go see yoco for looks. People see her for her outstanding service. If she offered raw she would be an atf for me but doesn't seem like she ever will so I only saw her once.

08-22-24, 17:06
Kbliss Thursday roster. Dana is back on duty today.

Sumatra Diana Kimberly Ann Ina.

08-22-24, 17:15
To all forum horndogs. Just wanted to notify everyone that Booker M aka Michelle does not work in conjunction with other bookers. She is not affiliated with anyone else and does not have a secondary booker / sister working for her. Michelle has stated that her repeat customer discount and bday discount only applies when you book through her. For those that us that have long time customers with her, she definitely appreciates our business and does her best to work with her clients in making the bookings happen so we can inseminate those lovely coin slots to our deviant heart's content.

08-22-24, 18:35
These upcharge girls are getting ridiculous.

Hari is GFE only but is at least charging what has been the standard rate for the past couple years; 320 for one hour CFS and 40 upcharge for MSOG. Rindy is the same but offers BBFS for 100 upcharge.

Jiyoon is upping it more at 340 for one hour CFS with an upcharge of 40 for MSOG and 100 for BBFS. Kim is GFE only and ups it even more to 350 for one hour CFS and then a 50 upcharge for MSOG!Your post is food for thought. It is a tough economy and the ho market is showinfmg signs of softening that should separate the wheat from the chaff. There is a discussion in the LA-HYA about Miya's house opening the doors more easily. I am like you and have refused to return there after one day speaking to her over the phone when she cackled like Kamala about raising her rates. Little did I know it foreshadowed an even more ominous trend which we live in today with sky high prices.

It used to be that a "K-date" was equivalent to a nice real date such as taking a fair lady out for Shashimi and soju and getting a happy ending for $250. At today's upcharged prices I can get two dinner dates or if I want to be sly drive her up the PCH to El Matador in order to find a secluded spot for some sand beach sex while the only pitfall would be accidentally staring at a naked guys' bare bunghole on the way to the cave.

I looked again at the Hari pictures and if you look at the picture with the under-bra's writing it must be AI because it is gibberish (like my big thumbs typing). Also it appears that the AI generated picture gave the person fetal alcohol syndrome.

08-22-24, 19:05
People don't go see yoco for looks. People see her for her outstanding service. If she offered raw she would be an atf for me but doesn't seem like she ever will so I only saw her once.I really want to see her for the waterworks which as tou said is part of her outstanding service. But unfortunately I guess I just won't have any luck.

08-22-24, 20:06
People don't go see yoco for looks. People see her for her outstanding service. If she offered raw she would be an atf for me but doesn't seem like she ever will so I only saw her once.Whatever floats your boat man. My session with her was awful, but everyone's different. I can't get into a session unless I'm sexually attracted to the girl.

08-22-24, 20:11
Whatever floats your boat man. My session with her was awful, but everyone's different. I can't get into a session unless I'm sexually attracted to the girl.Should probably stick to mw / kt then wla is for service milfs.

08-22-24, 22:06
Kbliss Thursday roster. Dana is back on duty today.

Sumatra Diana Kimberly Ann Ina.Dana back? YESSSS I have a new top 3.

1. Dana.

2. Maya.

3. Lena.

Nice nice I have my rotation of 3 back less goo.

08-22-24, 23:44
Was told a new HYA was on the way to LA maybe a week ago so I asked them to let me know their debut when she was ready. As promised, the bookers let me know Eespa was ready and waiting so I nabbed an early appointment with her. Ngl, I know Cali has seemed a little dry but the recent influx of talent like Minji, Dallas, and Nora has me thinking things must be good for them. That said, Eespa might be the new binge for the foreseeable future.

Pics: Obviously P.S.'d but to a minor degree to make her skin tone glow. The pics of her short blonde hair with the bob is what you should expect.


Looks: HYA for sure and she's mid to late 20's at best. I would say her and Minji are about the same age bracket. She's not exactly a spinner since she's still 5'2 or so but her body is tight. Not an ounce of fat to be found minus the little in there tiny ass. C cups for the sizing up top and an overall bombshell. Very attractive overall and has Father Time on her side.I would totally go spread out that mouth and kitty if she wasn't an upcharge chick LOL. Someone else is going to go spread her out maybe ask thud LOL.

08-23-24, 10:23
Booker M aka Michelle.

New meat by the name of Alice has listed. Seems to be a heavier girl based on specs, 5'5" at 120 lbs. Darmy has dropped out of the la game in less than a week being on the meat market.


08-23-24, 11:20
Being sexually attracted to the girl is definitely a huge factor. But as I've gotten wiser over the years, that's not the end all, be all that it used to be when I was younger. In my early days of mongering, I was always seeking out the hottest girl that I could afford. Then, with experience, I realized that often, the best service came from the girls that aren't the hottest (the whole GPS syndrome thing). I'll still go see the occasional hot girl, knowing that the service won't be amazing, but hey, at the end of the day, I still get to cum inside a hot girl, so it's still a win.

I still have standards, of course, so the girl has to be at least reasonably attractive to me (plain at the worst, but at least somewhat cute). But I've learned that I don't need an immediate sexual attracting to enjoy time in the bedroom with someone. If I hadn't opened up my standards from my younger days, I might not have found two K-girl UTR providers who will rim me, let me face fuck them, allows Greek with A2P, allows photos / videos whenever I want, and all that for $0-$200; one of them is just ok looking, but the other is fairly attractive.

All that is to say, keep an open mind.

Whatever floats your boat man. My session with her was awful, but everyone's different. I can't get into a session unless I'm sexually attracted to the girl.

TD Leafs
08-23-24, 12:51
Booker M aka Michelle.

New meat by the name of Alice has listed. Seems to be a heavier girl based on specs, 5'5" at 120 lbs. Darmy has dropped out of the la game in less than a week being on the meat market.

https://myalbum.com/album/oyZLAAdX2wqS/How come they only have pictures of girls without $$$ details?

They should have more detailed info.

08-23-24, 13:04
Kbliss Friday fun.

Sumatra Diana Kimberly Ann Ina Esther.

08-23-24, 13:40
Booker M aka Michelle.

New meat by the name of Alice has listed. Seems to be a heavier girl based on specs, 5'5" at 120 lbs. Darmy has dropped out of the la game in less than a week being on the meat market.

https://myalbum.com/album/oyZLAAdX2wqS/That's big booty Alice. She just moved back to wla.

08-23-24, 16:17
Being sexually attracted to the girl is definitely a huge factor. But as I've gotten wiser over the years, that's not the end all, be all that it used to be when I was younger. In my early days of mongering, I was always seeking out the hottest girl that I could afford. Then, with experience, I realized that often, the best service came from the girls that aren't the hottest (the whole GPS syndrome thing). I'll still go see the occasional hot girl, knowing that the service won't be amazing, but hey, at the end of the day, I still get to cum inside a hot girl, so it's still a win.

I still have standards, of course, so the girl has to be at least reasonably attractive to me (plain at the worst, but at least somewhat cute). But I've learned that I don't need an immediate sexual attracting to enjoy time in the bedroom with someone. If I hadn't opened up my standards from my younger days, I might not have found two K-girl UTR providers who will rim me, let me face fuck them, allows Greek with A2P, allows photos / videos whenever I want, and all that for $0-$200; one of them is just ok looking, but the other is fairly attractive.

All that is to say, keep an open mind.Oh, I know trust me. It's hard to tell from here, but I've been mongering for a very, very long time (probably way longer than most people here). I agree with you tho. Not saying that she needs to be a dime, but at least reasonably attractive for me to get into it at all. I was like that 10+ years ago when I started mongering; still the same today.

08-23-24, 17:07
I'm in LA for 2 days and want to book some fun with HYA. I hit up CG but they're asking for selfie+photo I'd+work profile+pic of personal mail and address to screen. Is this not too much info to share with an agency?

If it is, are there any better ones to book from who will respond quickly to me. Really appreciate any feedback as I'm traveling from foreign land and want to make my time memorable in LA.

08-23-24, 17:17
The other day I was speaking with a provider and asked them why they were working in an area that pays less. The response was that most other places are not getting much costumer volume and now she is working so hard at the end of the day she has to "spill herself onto the costumer like pizza dough on the counter" she is working so hard.

Math is fun.

420-150 (house) = 270, times 4 visits = 1080/ day where you are stuck for 12 hours waiting.


340-120 (house) = 220, times 8 visits = viola 1760/ day.

Just imagine the instant jump in revenue the upcharge women would get by implementing such an obvious solution that us horndogs would be stacking up at the apartments while the provider would be ...

08-23-24, 18:21
The other day I was speaking with a provider and asked them why they were working in an area that pays less. The response was that most other places are not getting much costumer volume and now she is working so hard at the end of the day she has to "spill herself onto the costumer like pizza dough on the counter" she is working so hard.

Just imagine the instant jump in revenue the upcharge women would get by implementing such an obvious solution that us horndogs would be stacking up at the apartments while the provider would be ...I asked a girl earlier why she's back in San Diego after being on break, isn't she going to tour? She literally lives in LA so why come all the way down here again? She said she really likes San Diego. Later, she said again she really likes San Diego a second time. So I said what do you mean, what is you like? Most girls would tell me weather. But she actually said "The customers".

To show an important contrast, I know a different kgirl very well, she is a very nice person and I hang out with her on her off days. But she is not popular. Most of her customers are new guys who want variety. A few are repeat customers 2 or 3 times. Cool.

Well the first girl who said she liked "the customers" in contrast, has guys who have seen her every other day for weeks. Reaching 10 visits in a month. I have seen her myself a ton but don't think I'm even on her top 3 leaderboard list anymore (I think I used to around my 6th visit though). She has a lot of repeat customers now.

I always treat girls well but don't count on everyone else doing the same - see meme of line of guys, I'm the simp with roses waiting behind the horse. But apparently she is happy and her experience is a lot better than when she worked other cities. It's not everybody but a lot of guys do treat her right and see her yet again, cool. She makes a lot of money now and enjoys most appointments. My visits with her are wild and different every single time, she really enjoys sex. I may be a simp that flatters and romances girls, but I always demand my money's worth and she gives it every time. So she has a lot of regulars compared to new customers.

Most girls can't do that but there have always been special girls who have. I remember on guy posting his top girls and visit #s and his favorite girl got 70 visits from him. All the other girls combined might not have added up to 70! Even though he saw so many girls and posted reviews on them too. People will mention such special girls, other people will gatekeep them, but rarely does a guy admit 70 and he's legit and wouldn't just say that. My record is 17 but that is over 1 whole year. I've reviewed 30 girls so I wouldn't just say that either.

Different girls have a different business plan. This girl is just cheaper and better.

It is pretty ridiculous because while she was here other girls like Jenny who were pretty good had to leave because they didn't capture enough of the SD share. Jenny should be getting a lot of business but now she's in OC. Any girl that can't get fully booked is going to get a lot of one-and-done guys who just want variety. Regulars are never enough by themselves because it just drops off.

08-23-24, 18:26
I'm in LA for 2 days and want to book some fun with HYA. I hit up CG but they're asking for selfie+photo I'd+work profile+pic of personal mail and address to screen. Is this not too much info to share with an agency?

If it is, are there any better ones to book from who will respond quickly to me. Really appreciate any feedback as I'm traveling from foreign land and want to make my time memorable in LA.Unless you are willing to give up lots of personally identifying information (which is indeed a very bad idea), it's going to be tough for you to book a k-girl in Los Angeles on short notice. Your best bet would be, if you had a good friend who was already in LA, and already in the k-girl scene, and he was willing to vouch for you. Short of that, you would have to give up your PII and, even then, some bookers might not accept you if it's obvious that you are coming from outside the USA.

Keep in mind, the bookers' top priorities are avoiding LE trouble and keeping the girls safe. So, unfortunately, that means not everyone who wants an appointment can get through the door.

Other options are independent ladies (who have various screening options) and the infamous streetwalkers on Figueroa, Western, and other spots. I wouldn't recommend those either. K-girls are the best bang for the buck, but it is purposefully difficult to join the k-club.

08-23-24, 18:42
The other day I was speaking with a provider and asked them why they were working in an area that pays less. The response was that most other places are not getting much costumer volume and now she is working so hard at the end of the day she has to "spill herself onto the costumer like pizza dough on the counter" she is working so hard.

Math is fun.

420-150 (house) = 270, times 4 visits = 1080/ day where you are stuck for 12 hours waiting.


340-120 (house) = 220, times 8 visits = viola 1760/ day.

Just imagine the instant jump in revenue the upcharge women would get by implementing such an obvious solution that us horndogs would be stacking up at the apartments while the provider would be ...I've seen so many simps in wla walking in with flowers it's wild it's kinda sad. I lowkey feel bad for those types of dudes.

08-23-24, 18:42
Unless you are willing to give up lots of personally identifying information (which is indeed a very bad idea), it's going to be tough for you to book a k-girl in Los Angeles on short notice. Your best bet would be, if you had a good friend who was already in LA, and already in the k-girl scene, and he was willing to vouch for you. Short of that, you would have to give up your PII and, even then, some bookers might not accept you if it's obvious that you are coming from outside the USA.This is generally true. Knowing a girl is the best way. Or using an affiliate. I did both, so I got approved instantly.

In the first case, I texted a girl I knew when she moved to OC and changed agencies. She said come, so I said should I contact X, the website I saw her ad in? She said no and send me a different booker who also books for her, and I was instantly approved. After all, I was already on her own approved list and she knew and vouched for me.

A girl is not going to vouch for just anyone, don't take any offense if she doesn't. Like Bona has me in her contact and when I text her, she won't reply. Okay that's cool I don't mind. Then when I see her in person, she shows me my text message to her and asks, is this you BTW? She honestly didn't know. It's not her bad, I get it. How is she going to remember every guy. I knew this girl would remember because she meticulously writes down notes on guys she ads. So she knew what she was in for. I blew open her menu cuz she let's me get away with anything for the right tip.

In the second case, I text my SD booker that I'm in OC, would he be willing to help me get in with a girl in OC who is an affiliate (same website). He said sure, and I was instantly approved. I mean I've used the SD booker 11 years and still do. So no problem win win. I managed to film some crazy hardcore porn as a result. And then again with the same jgirl a few days later. Holy fuck. But will keep it secret until I die, I am still jerking off to it months later. I don't think I ever won't it is the hardest shit I've filmed and my ex's used to let me film. Oh well.

08-23-24, 19:05
Unless you are willing to give up lots of personally identifying information (which is indeed a very bad idea), it's going to be tough for you to book a k-girl in Los Angeles on short notice. Your best bet would be, if you had a good friend who was already in LA, and already in the k-girl scene, and he was willing to vouch for you. Short of that, you would have to give up your PII and, even then, some bookers might not accept you if it's obvious that you are coming from outside the USA.

Keep in mind, the bookers' top priorities are avoiding LE trouble and keeping the girls safe. So, unfortunately, that means not everyone who wants an appointment can get through the door.

Other options are independent ladies (who have various screening options) and the infamous streetwalkers on Figueroa, Western, and other spots. I wouldn't recommend those either. K-girls are the best bang for the buck, but it is purposefully difficult to join the k-club.This is a bummer!

What about AMPs? Are those accessible to foreigners?

08-23-24, 19:07
I asked a girl earlier why she's back in San Diego after being on break, isn't she going to tour? She literally lives in LA so why come all the way down here again? She said she really likes San Diego. Later, she said again she really likes San Diego a second time. So I said what do you mean, what is you like? Most girls would tell me weather. But she actually said "The customers".

Yes, there are several viable business strategies for the providers. Most of the women I have known preferred to be busy with the attitude that when at work they want to make money. I reported before that someone I know worked at a palour who saw 17 costumers on her busiest day She is retired but worked up until 46 years old. I think the recently retired Sunny was almost always busy most days and she had so many regulars that during the last weeks in LA the bookers made her do extended hours and still fully booked. I saw her four days in a row that on the last day I was fully fucked out and we just kind of held each other, haha. She would keep on trying to get me to have sex though and I tried honestly I did. So I think most of the hour she was on top with my dick inside her as we kissed and she gyrated.

On the other hand I just spoke to someone serving The Bay. Too many costumers and half of them are overly aggressive and begging to ass fuck. Her style is probably going to be less is more.

08-23-24, 20:09
I'm in LA for 2 days and want to book some fun with HYA. I hit up CG but they're asking for selfie+photo I'd+work profile+pic of personal mail and address to screen. Is this not too much info to share with an agency?

If it is, are there any better ones to book from who will respond quickly to me. Really appreciate any feedback as I'm traveling from foreign land and want to make my time memorable in LA.If you can't bullshit your way into an appointment with orgs in this flooded LA market, don't expect anything spectacular in return. You already fked up this part with your first phone, get a burner.

Also only a few LA kgirl takes Indian customers, if your skintone is darker expect to be asked to leave as soon as you enter.

But there's an exception to every rule. Tip $ to the booker and $ to the girl on your first appointment and you might be able to get an apt with a HYA on the next day. YMMV.

08-23-24, 20:21
I've seen so many simps in wla walking in with flowers it's wild it's kinda sad. I lowkey feel bad for those types of dudes.I wouldn't say that a guy walking in with flowers automatically makes him a simp. Getting flowers for a girl doesn't automatically make you too attentive / foolish / submissive. It might be, depending on the situation, but that's not an automatic simp thing. Especially when you can get a decent bouquet from Costco for $15-$25. For the girls that give me discounts / extras / OTC time, I'll maybe get each one a bouquet once a year or something, just as a "thanks for saving me thousands of dollars this year, and thanks for letting me fuck your ass and pussy, cum on your face and film it" kind of thing.

If you're getting flowers for a working girl you've never seen, I'd say that's simp territory. Getting flowers for a regular girl for a first date? Probably romantic, depending on the girl (I used to date a girl that hated getting flowers, but most girls like getting flowers).

08-23-24, 20:23
This is a bummer!

What about AMPs? Are those accessible to foreigners?Yes. There are many massage parlors in the LA area with Asian ladies working there. You can read all about them elsewhere on this site, or on Rubmaps if you're willing to pay the membership fee. Much lower level of screening, if they screen at all. Many don't. When they ask if you've been there before, just say "yes, about a year ago. " And maybe ask for one of the popular girls you read about. That's usually good enough to communicate what you want, as long as you have the required cash. And, of course, you know, those places aren't as safe. It's rare, but they do get raided every once in a while, whenever the cops have nothing better to do, and they want to pressure the girls to give them a BJ. LOL!

08-23-24, 22:27
The other day I was speaking with a provider and asked them why they were working in an area that pays less. The response was that most other places are not getting much costumer volume and now she is working so hard at the end of the day she has to "spill herself onto the costumer like pizza dough on the counter" she is working so hard.

Math is fun.

420-150 (house) = 270, times 4 visits = 1080/ day where you are stuck for 12 hours waiting.


340-120 (house) = 220, times 8 visits = viola 1760/ day.

Just imagine the instant jump in revenue the upcharge women would get by implementing such an obvious solution that us horndogs would be stacking up at the apartments while the provider would be ...Did a hoe show you her stack or this google image?

08-23-24, 22:38
Are these house fee numbers speculative or real? I thought the extras fee went to the provider in full. Just curious.

The other day I was speaking with a provider and asked them why they were working in an area that pays less. The response was that most other places are not getting much costumer volume and now she is working so hard at the end of the day she has to "spill herself onto the costumer like pizza dough on the counter" she is working so hard.

Math is fun.

420-150 (house) = 270, times 4 visits = 1080/ day where you are stuck for 12 hours waiting.


340-120 (house) = 220, times 8 visits = viola 1760/ day.

Just imagine the instant jump in revenue the upcharge women would get by implementing such an obvious solution that us horndogs would be stacking up at the apartments while the provider would be ...

08-23-24, 23:08
I wouldn't say that a guy walking in with flowers automatically makes him a simp. It's just a meme for laughs. Nothing wrong about treating a girl nice. The meme is just that the guy before and after you could be filthy ogres who fuck them silly while you are romancing them in-between. Except that there is still nothing wrong with that. We all go for our own reason, who cares what the guy before and after you is there for.

I treat girls nice because I enjoy it. It doesn't cause any problems. I have no illusions about the guy before or after me. You do you.

I do make sure I don't talk too much so they don't realize I'm a simp before I cum. I want them to suck my dick like I'm a VIP, fuck me like their tour counts on it. Then after I've had my fun and gotten full service, I will curl up next to them and cuddle and tell them how nice they are. I know who I am, I'm too old to care what others think. But if I simp too early they might think me easy and half ass it on service. Had that happen once pretty hard and had take on this new policy. Service first, simp after.

Again, it's just a joke let's laugh and not take it too seriously. As long as nobody is hurting girls or being rough or dumb it's within reason.

08-23-24, 23:11
Are these house fee numbers speculative or real? I thought the extras fee went to the provider in full. Just curious.I wouldn't think so, I have heard numbers and they don't match that. But his example doesn't depend on them being right. The less people know about these things the better, truly. Tips always go to the girl in full, just give it a few seconds of thought and you'd know that. So you are right Brain but again it's not really our business.

The top three dangers are not LE, I've always said it and it is true. See my post about Albertine for danger #3 - SW is dangerous just by itself. There are stories I can never tell but again, the less we customers talk about money the better. Brain you are legit so if you PM I will sum it up and you will know why it can't be told. But you will also regret knowing. You know me I wouldn't make it up. I'm not telling others so don't bother asking.

Albertine post, I'll save you the trouble and say it's not worth reading but just shows that SW has inherent risks no matter what. Don't bother reading it, you're happier not knowing:

Don't use corgs if you have a choice. They are okay and there is fun to be had, but they cut corners. On the other hand, the more choices we have the better too. So I'm not against them, we need the competition to keep korgs honest, it is just my take.

We got to keep things safe for everyone and not ruin a good thing, whatever you choose.

08-23-24, 23:27
I wouldn't think so, I have heard numbers and they don't match that. But his example doesn't depend on them being right. And the less people know about these things the better, truly. Tips always go to the girl in full, just give it a few seconds of thought and you'd know that. So you are right Brain but again it's not really our business.

The top three dangers are not LE, I've always said it and it is true. See my post about Albertine for danger #3 - SW is dangerous just by itself. There are stories I can never tell but again, the less we customers talk about money the better. Brain you are legit so if you PM I will sum it up and you will know why it can't be told. But you will also regret knowing. You know me I wouldn't make it up. I'm not telling others so don't bother asking.

Albertine post, I'll save you the trouble and say it's not worth reading but just shows that SW has inherent risks no matter what. Don't bother reading it, you're happier not knowing:

Don't use corgs if you have a choice. They are okay and there is fun to be had, but they cut corners on safety especially screening. On the other hand, the more choices we have the better too. So I'm not against them, it is just my take.

We got to keep things safe for everyone and not ruin a good thing, whatever you choose.This is why I stay the fuck away from Corg especially those that operate out of motels. No verification is needed and the PO just gives you the address WTF.

Resilient John
08-23-24, 23:43
Are these house fee numbers speculative or real? I thought the extras fee went to the provider in full. Just curious.He's just using those numbers for illustrative purposes showing how all inclusive gals ultimately makes more money at the end of the day than upcharge girls. Of course the assumption is that all inclusive girls do in fact consistently get more business than upcharge girls on average. It would have been clearer if the house fee was the same in both examples though.

If you really want to know, you can always ask the girl directly, some are open about it and could care less to spill the beans. Obviously a regular would be more open to it than some one you just met. FreeWally alluded to it but some of the things these girls have to put up with is insane and sad.

08-24-24, 02:30
I did a look under the hood in reviewing her pictures and I just want to report that they have been glamorized. The most representative one is where she is kneeling on the black chair and looking at the camera. I did a selfie side-by-side with that picture and it is pretty close to what you'll see.Now that Lena is taken cared off, now I'm hunting for the next D cup service queen. So Christophe, would you say Sumatra is pretty in her age and a coke bottle service queen with true D cup?

Lately a lot of booker said D cup but its just a small C, smh. No need a HYA, just need a good looking D cup MILF that service well. Whats your take on her?

08-24-24, 02:37
I wouldn't think so, I have heard numbers and they don't match that. But his example doesn't depend on them being right. The less people know about these things the better, truly. Tips always go to the girl in full, just give it a few seconds of thought and you'd know that. So you are right Brain but again it's not really our business.

The top three dangers are not LE, I've always said it and it is true. See my post about Albertine for danger #3 - SW is dangerous just by itself. There are stories I can never tell but again, the less we customers talk about money the better. Brain you are legit so if you PM I will sum it up and you will know why it can't be told. But you will also regret knowing. You know me I wouldn't make it up. I'm not telling others so don't bother asking.

Albertine post, I'll save you the trouble and say it's not worth reading but just shows that SW has inherent risks no matter what. Don't bother reading it, you're happier not knowing:

Don't use corgs if you have a choice. They are okay and there is fun to be had, but they cut corners. On the other hand, the more choices we have the better too. So I'm not against them, we need the competition to keep korgs honest, it is just my take.

We got to keep things safe for everyone and not ruin a good thing, whatever you choose.That's interesting to know. I always thought about trying corgs and they have so many ads. After reading what you have posted, it's better just stay with korgs.

08-24-24, 02:37
That's big booty Alice. She just moved back to wla.So just how big is Alice? God damn today I met a client that is from Colombia and her tits was about to jump out her top, while talking to her, she purposly stand super close to me and her big poppy eyes were just like begging me to fuck her, OMG. Is Alice like Latina curve with D cup or like stumpy torta D cup?


08-24-24, 02:39
The other day I was speaking with a provider and asked them why they were working in an area that pays less. The response was that most other places are not getting much costumer volume and now she is working so hard at the end of the day she has to "spill herself onto the costumer like pizza dough on the counter" she is working so hard.

Math is fun.

420-150 (house) = 270, times 4 visits = 1080/ day where you are stuck for 12 hours waiting.


340-120 (house) = 220, times 8 visits = viola 1760/ day.

Just imagine the instant jump in revenue the upcharge women would get by implementing such an obvious solution that us horndogs would be stacking up at the apartments while the provider would be ...Bro, this shit gets me every time ROFL!! GREAT PICTURE!

08-24-24, 02:44
Has anyone seen Sumatra yet? Her states really interest me and especially those D cup titis.

If anyone seen her, please share like I always do, no gate keep gents.


08-24-24, 10:14
Booker M has another new girl listed, goes by Momo.


08-24-24, 11:11
Are these house fee numbers speculative or real? I thought the extras fee went to the provider in full. Just curious.Just made up based on the idea of scaling production and rental location. Many of those Westside places have been used since Obama-time while Mid-city and K-town places are post-covid rentals that have a loftier rental expense.

Bro, this shit gets me every time ROFL!! GREAT PICTURE!Unbelievable as it may be I have no clue about breast sizes. I like them all! From just having nipples, watermelon sized, to deflated squishy floppies. One of my mentors always said the perception of someone's first impression leaves a lasting impression. Who knows if it lasts in this realm though I am more fulfilled during the first visit when I bring a small gift such as a box of Korean pears. It might just be releaving my subconcious. Ami4 U is an example land one of the reasons I think of her with fond memories of our times shared together because while leaving she always bombards me with a gift bag and she starts grabbing more stuff to give me and I like it.

Sexual thought of the day: What do you call putting one finger in the pussy and one in the butt where you notice that you can feel each finger through the thin wall separating them apart?

The Adele - "Hello, from the other side".

Sutra is a petite woman with very little fat and large gummy nipples. I am tall and used to be I used to be IRL tattracted to woman 5'6" or over. In the last couple of years I have come to realize how manly I feel when I tower over a tiny person like her and can lift her with one arm while she eagerly welcomed me with sexual confidence.

Hello from the other side! This type of economic brea in structure should be rewarded to encourage others to follow.

May your dreams become reality filled with bountiful abundance of milky melons.

08-24-24, 11:43
Has anyone seen Sumatra yet? Her states really interest me and especially those D cup titis.

If anyone seen her, please share like I always do, no gate keep gents.

Thanks.It's Christie / Aubrey / Yunhee / Eve. And a bunch of other names. Someone claims she is using the typical stalker excuse for name changing.

08-24-24, 12:10
Kbliss Saturday selection.

Sumatra Diana Kimberly Ann Ina Esther Stella.

Gangnam Diane and Stella.

08-24-24, 12:37
I wouldn't say that a guy walking in with flowers automatically makes him a simp...In 15+ years of mongering, I've done it once. It was Valentine's Day. On my way to the WLA hotspot I noticed a dude selling roses on the street. I bought one single rose. I hid it inside my jacket pocket. And when I arrived at the door, I gave it to her. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and it obviously made her day. There is certainly nothing wrong with that.

We know there are lots of guys who treat working girls like trash, disrespect them, and generally think of them as nothing more than cum dumpsters. The reality is, they are providing a wonderful service at a reasonable cost, and they are absolutely helping some guys get through their lonely miserable lives with a little bit of sexual healing (as Marvin Gaye put it). I think that's worthy of a $5 flower once in blue moon. I wouldn't do it on a regular basis, because it is somewhat simp-ish. But if it's Valentine's Day, and the girl is working hard, and you hate your wife or gf anyway, why not make the k-girl happy? It's a nice gesture.

08-24-24, 12:48
Anyone know when Yoji will be back? Booker said she's on long vacation.

08-24-24, 13:43
So just how big is Alice? God damn today I met a client that is from Colombia and her tits was about to jump out her top, while talking to her, she purposly stand super close to me and her big poppy eyes were just like begging me to fuck her, OMG. Is Alice like Latina curve with D cup or like stumpy torta D cup?Idk man everyone has their tastes but me personally I don't think she's a torta but many on here have told me she's top big for them. Then again most people on here have yellow fever and expect their Asians to be built like kpop stars. Meanwhile I personally think the hottest kpop star is Jessi LOL.

If you like Latinas you'll prob like Alice she isn't as tight as curvy as Lena she's more loose and curvy with a fat jiggly ass. I will be seeing her often now that she's back in wla because there's no kgirl with an ass like that in wla. The only other chick who comes close to Alice in booty is sienna.

08-24-24, 15:47
I like that answer. A nice gesture every once in a while goes a long way. Definitely agreee quite a bargain for what they have to give up and what we get. Lets all be gentlemen.

In 15+ years of mongering, I've done it once. It was Valentine's Day. On my way to the WLA hotspot I noticed a dude selling roses on the street. I bought one single rose. I hid it inside my jacket pocket. And when I arrived at the door, I gave it to her. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and it obviously made her day. There is certainly nothing wrong with that.

We know there are lots of guys who treat working girls like trash, disrespect them, and generally think of them as nothing more than cum dumpsters. The reality is, they are providing a wonderful service at a reasonable cost, and they are absolutely helping some guys get through their lonely miserable lives with a little bit of sexual healing (as Marvin Gaye put it). I think that's worthy of a $5 flower once in blue moon. I wouldn't do it on a regular basis, because it is somewhat simp-ish. But if it's Valentine's Day, and the girl is working hard, and you hate your wife or gf anyway, why not make the k-girl happy? It's a nice gesture.

08-24-24, 18:05
It's Christie / Aubrey / Yunhee / Eve. And a bunch of other names. Someone claims she is using the typical stalker excuse for name changing.I will never visit any rebrand, thanks for your insights!! In this game for so long had me learned that every time a girl rebrand, its not a good sign.

Every girl at least have one stalker no matter what, but they handle it like pro and kept their name to become a legend.

With a state like Sumatra and D cup, if she is decent pretty and good service, I would say she would have kept her 1st name and became a legend a while back already, LOL.

Anyway, thanks a MILLION!!