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03-18-00, 09:00
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03-11-20, 07:56
Not exactly a regular to DD but I've been probably 10 times over a year. I was going to stop by the other day in the middle of the afternoon and there were no cars in the parking lot and I kept on driving. After the story in the paper I started to get paranoid. I know there is always risk but wondering whether people think there's any reason to change habits (due to LE, I am not worried about coronavirus).I'd be more worried about Coronavirus than LEO, C virus is affecting all of the AMPs, some of the and why establishments are well off normal business.

Don't disregard C virus it's pretty serious.

03-11-20, 19:38
I'd be more worried about Coronavirus than LEO, C virus is affecting all of the AMPs, some of the and why establishments are well off normal business.

Don't disregard C virus it's pretty serious.LOL. AMP places are the only places without an C virus alert. Because no one goes there anymore. LOL. You get c virus alerts everywhere except from AMPs. So ironic.

03-13-20, 07:15
LOL. AMP places are the only places without an C virus alert. Because no one goes there anymore. LOL. You get c virus alerts everywhere except from AMPs. So ironic.And, South Korea handled the outbreak pretty well, in fact better than the US did. All I was saying is you probably have a better chance at catching corona virus than having the cops walk through the front door.

It's definitely going to spread here in the US simply because people still aren't taking it seriously yet.

As info, see below, one of the best places in NYC

Nyaw is officially closed
Just got word from the MMS, NYAW will be closed, with April 1st being their tentative reopen date depending on how bad Corona gets.

It's probably for the best honestly. I've honestly put this life on hold Until Corona gets situated. Kinda sucks cause I wanted to see Bynes but I get it.

Stay safe guys.

03-13-20, 15:52
Not taking it seriously?

My medical office is swarmed with nonstop calls about this thing. Constant people walking in thinking they got exposed, and basically every facility and school shutting down.

And, South Korea handled the outbreak pretty well, in fact better than the US did. All I was saying is you probably have a better chance at catching corona virus than having the cops walk through the front door.

It's definitely going to spread here in the US simply because people still aren't taking it seriously yet.

As info, see below, one of the best places in NYC

Nyaw is officially closed
Just got word from the MMS, NYAW will be closed, with April 1st being their tentative reopen date depending on how bad Corona gets.

It's probably for the best honestly. I've honestly put this life on hold Until Corona gets situated. Kinda sucks cause I wanted to see Bynes but I get it.

Stay safe guys.

03-14-20, 06:34
Not taking it seriously?

My medical office is swarmed with nonstop calls about this thing. Constant people walking in thinking they got exposed, and basically every facility and school shutting down.Let me rephrase, the US just started taking this seriously the past week, it was downplayed by Trump as the next democratic hoax, local government wasn't saying much either, and we were told there were millions of test kit available, but that was a lie, I have to say I'm very disappointed in government both fed and state, the way the whole thing was mishandled, we sort of ignored everything happening in the state of Washington but when a New Rochelle lawyer infects half the town and another cruise ship is stopped from docking in California everyone started paying attention, the things we put in place the last few days should have been done weeks ago.

03-14-20, 12:45
Let me rephrase, the US just started taking this seriously the past week, it was downplayed by Trump as the next democratic hoax, local government wasn't saying much either, and we were told there were millions of test kit available, but that was a lie, I have to say I'm very disappointed in government both fed and state, the way the whole thing was mishandled, we sort of ignored everything happening in the state of Washington but when a New Rochelle lawyer infects half the town and another cruise ship is stopped from docking in California everyone started paying attention, the things we put in place the last few days should have been done weeks ago.You have a choice of mass hysteria or not enough info. You play those cards and hope for a decent outcome. This "virus" is not as dangerous as 95% of the people are acting. I personally think the way it was played low originally was fine otherwise people would have been fighting each other for wipes sooner. When you look at stats its mortality is much less than Mers and Sars and its lethality to anyone under 65 is pretty much compared to the cold.

IMO it would have been safer and better to quarantine the very suseptible than what's going on now. People keep screaming about test kits, why? So every two days the same people can keep screaming they need another test kit. People need to calm down over all this, it's kind of rediculous. I get trying to stay safe but idiots are literally clearing stores and fighting over toilet paper. Instead of the virus now old people are just going to be keeling over from lack of sanitary supplies and food. There were / are much better ways to be handling this.

The one positive outcome I look for is now hopefully people will wake up to our trade and manufacturing imbalance with China. Store shelves are empty because importing is shut down. Maybe we'll get some factories and manufacturing back here in the states to avoid this same scenerio in the future.

03-15-20, 06:32
You have a choice of mass hysteria or not enough info. You play those cards and hope for a decent outcome. This "virus" is not as dangerous as 95% of the people are acting. I personally think the way it was played low originally was fine otherwise people would have been fighting each other for wipes sooner. When you look at stats its mortality is much less than Mers and Sars and its lethality to anyone under 65 is pretty much compared to the cold.

IMO it would have been safer and better to quarantine the very suseptible than what's going on now. People keep screaming about test kits, why? So every two days the same people can keep screaming they need another test kit. People need to calm down over all this, it's kind of rediculous. I get trying to stay safe but idiots are literally clearing stores and fighting over toilet paper. Instead of the virus now old people are just going to be keeling over from lack of sanitary supplies and food. There were / are much better ways to be handling this.

The one positive outcome I look for is now hopefully people will wake up to our trade and manufacturing imbalance with China. Store shelves are empty because importing is shut down. Maybe we'll get some factories and manufacturing back here in the states to avoid this same scenerio in the future.What makes you think the government is disclosing everything they know about Covid 19 ? Seems by the way it spreads that it's much more contagious than what we are being told. Keep in mind politicians both local and federal are a bunch of lying bastards.

Take a look over in Italy, it's a mess, we'll never know exactly how bad it is in China.

03-15-20, 08:24
Let me rephrase, the US just started taking this seriously the past week, it was downplayed by Trump as the next democratic hoax, local government wasn't saying much either, and we were told there were millions of test kit available, but that was a lie, I have to say I'm very disappointed in government both fed and state, the way the whole thing was mishandled, we sort of ignored everything happening in the state of Washington but when a New Rochelle lawyer infects half the town and another cruise ship is stopped from docking in California everyone started paying attention, the things we put in place the last few days should have been done weeks ago.No. The C-19 is being blown severely out of proportion.

It is not much different than the usual flu. Is spreads exactly the same way. Through droplet contact. And it's death rate numbers are barely any higher. Which is due to the fact that it affects the elderly more than children. Whereas with flu a massive chunk of its infected numbers are children who bounce back. Keeping it's death rate lower.

But in turns of adults to contract either sickness. The death rate is almost identical.

No matter what we do, or what we could have done from the start the end result was always going to be the same. C-19 will be a community spread sickness with yearly patterns like the flu. We may even end up getting yearly C-19 vaccines just like we get the flu shots. And freaking out about it now, or earlier, isn't going to stop it from happening. The only thing it's doing is slowing it down. Giving time for the medical to not get over run by actual cases. And instead get over run with people panicking.

The only reason people are freaking out is because this is a completely new bug. And because of that, they was literally see how it's spreading quickly beyond what humans can control.

Whereas flu is an old bed fellow and we done care enough to track it in such a way. We just prepare for the months we knows it's coming.

03-16-20, 06:40
No. The C-19 is being blown severely out of proportion.

It is not much different than the usual flu. Is spreads exactly the same way. Through droplet contact. And it's death rate numbers are barely any higher. Which is due to the fact that it affects the elderly more than children. Whereas with flu a massive chunk of its infected numbers are children who bounce back. Keeping it's death rate lower.

But in turns of adults to contract either sickness. The death rate is almost identical.

No matter what we do, or what we could have done from the start the end result was always going to be the same. C-19 will be a community spread sickness with yearly patterns like the flu. We may even end up getting yearly C-19 vaccines just like we get the flu shots. And freaking out about it now, or earlier, isn't going to stop it from happening. The only thing it's doing is slowing it down. Giving time for the medical to not get over run by actual cases. And instead get over run with people panicking.

The only reason people are freaking out is because this is a completely new bug. And because of that, they was literally see how it's spreading quickly beyond what humans can control.

Whereas flu is an old bed fellow and we done care enough to track it in such a way. We just prepare for the months we knows it's coming.OK, you just keep thinking that way, Don't let the sand get in your eyes.

03-16-20, 06:58
OK, you just keep thinking that way, Don't let the sand get in your eyes.I work in medical buddy.

Old Chinese Guy
03-16-20, 08:47
No. The C-19 is being blown severely out of proportion.

It is not much different than the usual flu. Is spreads exactly the same way. Through droplet contact. And it's death rate numbers are barely any higher. Which is due to the fact that it affects the elderly more than children. Whereas with flu a massive chunk of its infected numbers are children who bounce back. Keeping it's death rate lower.

But in turns of adults to contract either sickness. The death rate is almost identical.

No matter what we do, or what we could have done from the start the end result was always going to be the same. C-19 will be a community spread sickness with yearly patterns like the flu. We may even end up getting yearly C-19 vaccines just like we get the flu shots. And freaking out about it now, or earlier, isn't going to stop it from happening. The only thing it's doing is slowing it down. Giving time for the medical to not get over run by actual cases. And instead get over run with people panicking.

The only reason people are freaking out is because this is a completely new bug. And because of that, they was literally see how it's spreading quickly beyond what humans can control.

Whereas flu is an old bed fellow and we done care enough to track it in such a way. We just prepare for the months we knows it's coming.I totally agree with everything you said, based on the location and timed occurrence of the epicenters, this bug has been around undetected far longer than we know and more of us have it or have had it already. Flu causes 65,000 deaths world-wide annually and we do not panic about it. Everything about C-19 is overblown and everyone just needs to stay calm, take a few simple precautions like wash hands frequently, stop touch one's face and stop wearing those masks as they do nothing except stop one from touching one's face (viral particles are many magnitude smaller than the pores on those masks). Stop creating a shortage for medical personnel who actually do know how to use them properly and need them more than us common folk for many more reasons than we do. Also everyone should stop panic buying of food and supplies at supermarkets, our population distributions have not changed significantly and our supply chain set-ups are more than adequate to make sure we all get enough of everything, as long as everyone does not run out and stock up on stuff unnecessarily.

03-16-20, 14:58
What makes you think the government is disclosing everything they know about Covid 19 ? Seems by the way it spreads that it's much more contagious than what we are being told. Keep in mind politicians both local and federal are a bunch of lying bastards.

Take a look over in Italy, it's a mess, we'll never know exactly how bad it is in China.Italy is a much different animal than the US. You're talking a much lower quality than f healthcare, raging migrant influx, extremely large population of elderly people and Italy literally just completed a massive trade deal with China so their travel and imports were exploding. We cut off Chinese trade much faster. I'm thinking as the weather gets warmer this will die off like the flu and we will have a vaccine for the next cv19 season.

I'm not putting myself in a panic, I'll shower after shitting if I need to. God damn no toilet paper, people are rediculous.

Mr Mike1952
03-16-20, 16:25
I work in medical buddy.I'm unclear as to whether you are saying that there is no reason to panic (because the risk to any individual is relatively low) or you are saying that the precautions being taken are unwarranted.

If the first, then you are clearly correct. If you take reasonable precautions, then any individual is at low risk.

However, that is not the reason for the precautions. The reason is to slow down the spread so that there is not a huge, fast spike in demand for the services of medical personnel like you and for respirators.

As someone over 65, that seems like a worthwhile disaster to avoid.

But even if you are younger, there must be some older folks you care about.

03-16-20, 18:15
I'm unclear as to whether you are saying that there is no reason to panic (because the risk to any individual is relatively low) or you are saying that the precautions being taken are unwarranted.

If the first, then you are clearly correct. If you take reasonable precautions, then any individual is at low risk.

However, that is not the reason for the precautions. The reason is to slow down the spread so that there is not a huge, fast spike in demand for the services of medical personnel like you and for respirators.

As someone over 65, that seems like a worthwhile disaster to avoid.

But even if you are younger, there must be some older folks you care about.If you actually read what I wrote. It's right there.

" The only thing it's doing is slowing it down. Giving time for the medical to not get over run by actual cases. And instead get over run with people panicking".


Is it severely overhyped and causing panic. Yes.

Do we all need to use standard precautions. Yes.

Does EVERYONE need to be wearing a face mask that's not properly designed for preventing incoming droplet particles. No.

Standard hand washing. Not touching your face. And having people with respiratory sx wear the masks. Is really all you need.

Clogging the Er with a hide line of people back to back, who don't even yet have symptoms and can't be tested yet. That's going to cause faster spread.

Old Chinese Guy
03-17-20, 08:53
If you actually read what I wrote. It's right there.

" The only thing it's doing is slowing it down. Giving time for the medical to not get over run by actual cases. And instead get over run with people panicking".


Is it severely overhyped and causing panic. Yes.

Do we all need to use standard precautions. Yes.

Does EVERYONE need to be wearing a face mask that's not properly designed for preventing incoming droplet particles. No.

Standard hand washing. Not touching your face. And having people with respiratory sx wear the masks. Is really all you need.

Clogging the Er with a hide line of people back to back, who don't even yet have symptoms and can't be tested yet. That's going to cause faster spread.Are we pooping more? No.

Do we need to deplete supermarkets of all toilet paper? No.

Do we need stock up 3 months of food and drinks? No.

Do we just need to stay calm and stick to our regular shopping patterns? Yes.

Craven Morehed
03-17-20, 09:14
Clogging the Er with a hide line of people back to back, who don't even yet have symptoms and can't be tested yet. That's going to cause faster spread.What about those that have it but are not showing symptoms.

What about the perfectly healthy 40 year old that is now in a coma and may never recover.

All I know is I am doing whatever I can to minimize my exposure.

03-17-20, 19:47
What about those that have it but are not showing symptoms.

What about the perfectly healthy 40 year old that is now in a coma and may never recover.

All I know is I am doing whatever I can to minimize my exposure.Flu has killed plenty of heavy people as well.

Being healthy doesn't make you immune to complications. And just as many asymptotic flu cases as well.

C-19 got its roots into the entire world. It is NOT going to go away.

Most of us will be getting it at some point. Weather it's this year, or 5 years from now. We are well past the point of no return from it being a community disease.

Yes you should help prevent the spread of it in current time and follow directions.

But don't do so under the false belief that this is going to come and go.

Isolation will slow it down only for as long as isolations last. But it isn't a permanent or even long term solution.

Eventually it will be slowed down to the general public building up the immunity levels and the bug has less people to quickly pass through.

03-18-20, 09:08
I'm unclear as to whether you are saying that there is no reason to panic There is never any reason to panic, people will panic, that's a given but by it's very definition panic is an unreasonable state. Panic accomplishes nothing and for fucks sake never, ever listen to people who are panicking.

Limit your exposure to people for a couple weeks. Since there is no vaccine this thing has to get out in to the herd, actually it is out into the herd, can't stop it now. If we can slow it down for the next month then less people will die, it's really as simple as that. Flatten the curve and more grandmas get to celebrate the holidays this coming December. Most people who get it aren't going to die. Most likely more people will die from car wrecks than C-19. In Italy more people have died this year from regular flu than there are cases of C-19. In November 2019 there was a study published about Italy's higher than normal rate of influenza. Between 2014 and 2017 they had over 5 million cases of influenza that killed 69,000 people, that's 23,000 deaths a year. That's 4 times the number of people who have died world wide of C-19 and ten times the number of people who have died in Italy and nobody, literally nobody cared. There was no panic, there was no closures, nothing, nobody gave a shit.

Here, read it:


I'm not minimizing C-19, it's a thing and we all need to make some sacrifices, we got to stay home and stop being dicks about hording shit but stop being lemmings, this isn't 12 monkeys we aren't going to be living underground. In a couple weeks if the fucking news stops sensationalizing the "spiraling death count" that is a result of the "pandemic that is spreading like wildfire" then it's over.

03-18-20, 10:14
There is never any reason to panic, people will panic, that's a given but by it's very definition panic is an unreasonable state. Panic accomplishes nothing and for fucks sake never, ever listen to people who are panicking. Limit your exposure to people for a couple weeks. In Italy more people have died this year from regular flu than there are cases of C-19. There was no panic, there was no closures, nothing, nobody gave a shit. We got to stay home and stop being dicks about hording shit but stop being lemmings, this isn't 12 monkeys we aren't going to be living underground. In a couple weeks if the fucking news stops sensationalizing the "spiraling death count" that is a result of the "pandemic that is spreading like wildfire" then it's over.I wish there was a like / reblog feature like Tumbr for this post right here. It should be stickied to the top of every forum / sub-forum on the site.

Just over 8,000 deaths GLOBALLY from COVID-19 since this shit started. The CDC estimates 12,000 and 61,000 FLU deaths per year in THE UNITED STATES ALONE. The World Health Organization estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year. You've been dealing with this shit your whole life, so don't get stupid now.

03-18-20, 11:16
I wish there was a like / reblog feature like Tumbr for this post right here. It should be stickied to the top of every forum / sub-forum on the site.

Just over 8,000 deaths GLOBALLY from COVID-19 since this shit started. The CDC estimates 12,000 and 61,000 FLU deaths per year in THE UNITED STATES ALONE. The World Health Organization estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year. You've been dealing with this shit your whole life, so don't get stupid now.Nor have I played on on TV. I'm also not an economist and haven't played that on TV either but here's my prediction.

There will be twice as many influenza deaths in 2021 because of the increased number of uninsured, underinsured, and homeless people who lost their jobs during this thing.

03-19-20, 07:09
There is never any reason to panic, people will panic, that's a given but by it's very definition panic is an unreasonable state. Panic accomplishes nothing and for fucks sake never, ever listen to people who are panicking.

Limit your exposure to people for a couple weeks. Since there is no vaccine this thing has to get out in to the herd, actually it is out into the herd, can't stop it now. If we can slow it down for the next month then less people will die, it's really as simple as that. Flatten the curve and more grandmas get to celebrate the holidays this coming December. Most people who get it aren't going to die. Most likely more people will die from car wrecks than C-19. In Italy more people have died this year from regular flu than there are cases of C-19. In November 2019 there was a study published about Italy's higher than normal rate of influenza. Between 2014 and 2017 they had over 5 million cases of influenza that killed 69,000 people, that's 23,000 deaths a year. That's 4 times the number of people who have died world wide of C-19 and ten times the number of people who have died in Italy and nobody, literally nobody cared. There was no panic, there was no closures, nothing, nobody gave a shit.

Here, read it:


I'm not minimizing C-19, it's a thing and we all need to make some sacrifices, we got to stay home and stop being dicks about hording shit but stop being lemmings, this isn't 12 monkeys we aren't going to be living underground. In a couple weeks if the fucking news stops sensationalizing the "spiraling death count" that is a result of the "pandemic that is spreading like wildfire" then it's over.As it is not all that common!

At my place of employment, they started the 'work from home' announcement with "Out of an abundance of caution. " I suspect a lawyer wrote that one.

03-19-20, 08:42
Nor have I played on on TV. I'm also not an economist and haven't played that on TV either but here's my prediction.

There will be twice as many influenza deaths in 2021 because of the increased number of uninsured, underinsured, and homeless people who lost their jobs during this thing.I found an article a while ago that backed a lot of the stuff I was already telling coworkers and friends who are freaking out. If we gauge the mortality rate of the flu with this the flu is way deadlier. We are making the death rate of cv19 on definitive cases not estimates like we do with the flu. In short there were 20 mill ESTIMATED cases of flu last year alone with 2000 deaths in the US. There ACTUALLY 20000 fully diagnosed cases of the flu. With 20000 cases and 2000 deaths the mortality rate of the flu is 10%. This is just so people will caaaaallllm down. Not saying don't follow precautions but hysteria will only wreck our economy more.

03-19-20, 11:28
I found an article a while ago that backed a lot of the stuff I was already telling coworkers and friends who are freaking out. If we gauge the mortality rate of the flu with this the flu is way deadlier. We are making the death rate of cv19 on definitive cases not estimates like we do with the flu. In short there were 20 mill ESTIMATED cases of flu last year alone with 2000 deaths in the US. There ACTUALLY 20000 fully diagnosed cases of the flu. With 20000 cases and 2000 deaths the mortality rate of the flu is 10%. This is just so people will caaaaallllm down. Not saying don't follow precautions but hysteria will only wreck our economy more.C-19 so far has a higher mortality rate than seasonal flu but that's only because hardly anybody is getting tested. Once people start getting tested the mortality rate is going to come way the fuck down (it's possible for lots of people to have corona and nobody knows but pretty much everybody notices when somebody dies, they have to do something with the body).

This is a great article from Italy, published in Nov 2019 while C-19 was warming up in Wuhan for it's world tour.


In it they discuss why Italy has so many more cases on average of seasonal influenza than the rest of the EU. Turns out that between 2014nd 2017 Italy had 5,290,000 cases of influenza that resulted in 68,000 deaths.

Let me say that again, 1,322,000 cases a year that resulted in 17,250 deaths a year over a four year period, it was published in the journals and nobody, literally nobody except a few statisticians and medical professionals gave a shit. Ten times the number of dead and nobody cared except, I'm sure, the families of the people who passed.

It's still a thing, you still should stay home because it's kinda fast and can overwhelm the health care system (like in Italy) but again, it's not 12 monkeys.

Old Chinese Guy
03-21-20, 15:21
C-19 so far has a higher mortality rate than seasonal flu but that's only because hardly anybody is getting tested. Once people start getting tested the mortality rate is going to come way the fuck down (it's possible for lots of people to have corona and nobody knows but pretty much everybody notices when somebody dies, they have to do something with the body).

This is a great article from Italy, published in Nov 2019 while C-19 was warming up in Wuhan for it's world tour.


In it they discuss why Italy has so many more cases on average of seasonal influenza than the rest of the EU. Turns out that between 2014nd 2017 Italy had 5,290,000 cases of influenza that resulted in 68,000 deaths.

Let me say that again, 1,322,000 cases a year that resulted in 17,250 deaths a year over a four year period, it was published in the journals and nobody, literally nobody except a few statisticians and medical professionals gave a shit. Ten times the number of dead and nobody cared except, I'm sure, the families of the people who passed.

It's still a thing, you still should stay home because it's kinda fast and can overwhelm the health care system (like in Italy) but again, it's not 12 monkeys.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hks6Nq7g6P4

03-30-20, 23:24
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hks6Nq7g6P4LOL. I'm offering statistics gathered by the WHO and CDC and your response is a video made by the chick who starred in the Doll House.

I mean she's hot don't get me wrong but if that is your idea of what constitutes accurate information no wonder the US has become a nation of idiots.

Here this video has as much to do with Covid 19 as yours does https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJIjoE27F-Q.

10-31-20, 16:06
These girls see an enormous amount of men daily and do other unsavory activities. The state's positivity rate for covid is climbing. By December 1 we could be as bad as March. Careful who you see because asymptomatic shows no signs. And bam you have covid and passed it to your elderly family. Be safe for the next few months. Start watching porn.

10-31-20, 17:22
These girls see an enormous amount of men daily and do other unsavory activities. The state's positivity rate for covid is climbing. By December 1 we could be as bad as March. Careful who you see because asymptomatic shows no signs. And bam you have covid and passed it to your elderly family. Be safe for the next few months. Start watching porn.It's not just elderly.

If you're younger than elderly, you might be fine, or you might not be. The data shows that some blood types or ethnicities have worse outcomes than others, even if not "old". Your outcome may even be based on the quality of your insurance plan or your specific location and hospital availability. We're learning new things every day, but this is far from over.

At this point, the virus is still in charge, but the bottom line is the USA is 4% of world population with 20% of the cases and death, and no federal policy to deal with it.

10-31-20, 17:46
These girls see an enormous amount of men daily and do other unsavory activities. The state's positivity rate for covid is climbing. By December 1 we could be as bad as March. Careful who you see because asymptomatic shows no signs. And bam you have covid and passed it to your elderly family. Be safe for the next few months. Start watching porn.Yes, that's been my thinking as of late. When the initial spike hit CT, I took an extended break from all this for a few months. Now that the second spike is here, I'm seriously considering limiting my activities to this one girl who I've been seeing from SA. She still lives at home and I believe I'm her only sugar daddy. At least this way, I can lower my risk profile.

10-31-20, 18:05
It's not just elderly.

If you're younger than elderly, you might be fine, or you might not be. The data shows that some blood types or ethnicities have worse outcomes than others, even if not "old". Your outcome may even be based on the quality of your insurance plan or your specific location and hospital availability. We're learning new things every day, but this is far from over.

At this point, the virus is still in charge, but the bottom line is the USA is 4% of world population with 20% of the cases and death, and no federal policy to deal with it.Death rates are Extremely Inflated. For example, if I die from a brain aneurysm, but I'm COVID positive, I will be labeled as a Covid death.

If you are in poor health & you get Covid, there's a moderate chance that your immune system will take a big hit leading to your death. Just like the flu!

10-31-20, 20:16
Death rates are Extremely Inflated. For example, if I die from a brain aneurysm, but I'm COVID positive, I will be labeled as a Covid death.

If you are in poor health & you get Covid, there's a moderate chance that your immune system will take a big hit leading to your death. Just like the flu!I heard somewhere, 2 or 3 weeks ago, that over 99.8% recover from covid. I have a certain degree of fear of it. I'm over 50, but not 60 yrs. This world is nuts right now, and I t hink the next 6 months are going to be challenging.

10-31-20, 22:18
Death rates are Extremely Inflated. For example, if I die from a brain aneurysm, but I'm COVID positive, I will be labeled as a Covid death.

If you are in poor health & you get Covid, there's a moderate chance that your immune system will take a big hit leading to your death. Just like the flu!An alternate take on that: https://www.brainerddispatch.com/newsmd/coronavirus/6648304-Weve-all-heard-the-rumor-that-COVID-19-stats-are-inflated-ND-infectious-disease-expert-offers-facts-and-hard-data#. X54 ZZrupjes. Link.

The first part of your post is related to a widely discredited myth going back to a conspiracy theory.

FWIW, some who have recovered have lagging effects.

10-31-20, 23:19
Death rates are Extremely Inflated. For example, if I die from a brain aneurysm, but I'm COVID positive, I will be labeled as a Covid death.

If you are in poor health & you get Covid, there's a moderate chance that your immune system will take a big hit leading to your death. Just like the flu!Stop spreading that garbage. According to excess death reports you can make the argument that the true death rate is quite a bit higher.

"the US suffered some 275,000 more deaths than the five-year average between 1 March and 16 August, compared to 169,000 confirmed COVID-19 deaths during that period. ".


And stop likening it to the flu. The flu kills 30 k a year. The year isn't even over and we have over 200 k, that's with lockdowns and everyone taking precautions.

11-01-20, 08:46
Death rates are Extremely Inflated. For example, if I die from a brain aneurysm, but I'm COVID positive, I will be labeled as a Covid death.

If you are in poor health & you get Covid, there's a moderate chance that your immune system will take a big hit leading to your death. Just like the flu!The CDC web site states only 6% of the "Covid" deaths are actually attributable to the virus by itself. Of course the dem controlled media won't publish that fact. They label car accidents and all kinds of things as Covid to get the grant money.

11-01-20, 09:37
Stop spreading that garbage. According to excess death reports you can make the argument that the true death rate is quite a bit higher.

"the US suffered some 275,000 more deaths than the five-year average between 1 March and 16 August, compared to 169,000 confirmed COVID-19 deaths during that period. ".


And stop likening it to the flu. The flu kills 30 k a year. The year isn't even over and we have over 200 k, that's with lockdowns and everyone taking precautions.I get tired of schooling idiots like you. In 2017,2018, 2019 2. 8 million people died in the US of all causes. That's an average of 7671 people per day, it sounds like a lot but that's the number in a population of 330,000,000 people with a robust health system. As of Friday according to the CDC's own web site 2,347,341 have died of ALL causes in the US. I use all causes because you can't hid shit in all causes. Covid is only a thing if EXTRA people who wouldn't have died this year died due to covid. Saturday was the 305th day of the year. So that means that an average of 7696 people have died per day of all causes in the US for 2020. I look at that number a lot and sometimes it's below 7671 and sometimes it's above 7671 because people don't die in an orderly fashion.

Do the math yourself, because the article you quoted is one guy, taking one data set, from one month, and calling that for the year which is how we got into this fucking mess to begin with (remember the 20,000,000 people will die if we do nothing douchebags from April).

FYI in 2018 the "flu" killed 80,000 and doctors in NYC were treating patients in tents and they had to use refrigeration trailers as temporary morgues (Time wrote an article about it that was published in 2018) so much for unprecedented.

Here's the website for the daily number of dead people, you can do the math yourself.


At this point, the virus is still in charge, but the bottom line is the USA is 4% of world population with 20% of the cases and death, and no federal policy to deal with it.No, the bottom line is people like you who are supporting a narrative to help Biden (BTW I'm a life long progressive and still am) refuse to engage your brain and see what is directly in front of your eyes because it doesn't fit that narrative.

The US only has 20% of the worlds cases if you honestly believe that China with one BILLION more people, who have been exposed to the virus for longer than any population on the planet believe and has a history of not being transparent really has only had 78,000 cases and 4,000 people who died. In fact, if you make a list of the worlds totalitarian nations with state run media it's fucking astonishing how low their infection rates are. Then you turn your eyes to India which says they have 1,100,000 people but 70% of that country is so deep in the third world that nearly all the people are born, live, and die and never have any interaction with the government. I don't think India is lying like China is but I don't think they have any idea exactly how many people there have died or gotten sick. Then the US is third in population, third in deaths, third in cases and you have to ask yourself why Fauci isn't saying that every day.

You can also check that website and look at the number of young people who are actually dying as opposed to being implied on CNN.

Now if you want to know what the real killer of 2020 is going to be, it's going to be starvation from idiots who posted six months of fear porn to get their candidate elected. 400,000,000 people (that's 5% of the entire population of the world, literally the entire world) have been forced into extreme poverty as a direct result of the economic devastation from Covid hysteria induced by fear porn. Of this 400,000,000 how many do you think are going to starve to death, or die from dysentery, or crime, or exposure, or no medical care, or any one of the thousand things that people making less than 60 bucks a month die from? 20 million, 40 million, maybe 50 million?

I moved all this stupidity to the stupid shit shit thread, if you idiots need to keep doing this and COMPLETLY ignoring the fact that you are killing some kid in the third world to "save" people from a virus with a 99.74% recovery rate (CDC again, since MAY) then do it where the short bus people need to post.

Fuck I'm sick of you motherfuckers, I live in the third world, I'm watching the end result of the largest example of privilege's I can remember in my life and STILL you motherfuckers refuse to look at what you are doing. The left used to care about poor people, now it's like "fuck those motherfuckers, they don't vote. ".

11-01-20, 12:37
I get tired of schooling idiots like you. In 2017,2018, 2019 2. 8 million people died in the US of all causes. That's an average of 7671 people per day, it sounds like a lot but that's the number in a population of 330,000,000 people with a robust health system. As of Friday according to the CDC's own web site 2,347,341 have died of ALL causes in the US. I use all causes because you can't hid shit in all causes. Covid is only a thing if EXTRA people who wouldn't have died this year died due to covid. Saturday was the 305th day of the year. So that means that an average of 7696 people have died per day of all causes in the US for 2020. I look at that number a lot and sometimes it's below 7671 and sometimes it's above 7671 because people don't die in an orderly fashion.

Do the math yourself, because the article you quoted is one guy, taking one data set, from one month, and calling that for the year which is how we got into this fucking mess to begin with (remember the 20,000,000 people will die if we do nothing douchebags from April).

FYI in 2018 the "flu" killed 80,000 and doctors in NYC were treating patients in tents and they had to use refrigeration trailers as temporary morgues (Time wrote an article about it that was published in 2018) so much for unprecedented.

Here's the website for the daily number of dead people, you can do the math yourself.

I think you should look at your data a little closer. You say we've had 2.3 million deaths all year so far but the data you take that number from starts on February 1st. Not sure of actual number of deaths in January but taking your average of 7671 deaths per day and 31 days in January it would put the total deaths to nearly 2.6 mil to date. With 2.6 million deaths on the 305th day that means an average of 8475 people dead per day this year, not 7696 as you say. That's 800 more deaths per day than the average from the last 3 years. If you use your non-covid average deaths per day to predict the total number of deaths for 2020 year we'll have a bit over 3 mil. 200 k EXTRA people who wouldn't have died this year which is in line with current coronavirus death toll. I'm not sure where you get your daily death count from but I have a hard time believing shit like that is accurate in real time. I don't see a daily death count on the site you provided. I do see a weekly one. Any weekly death count exceeding 53697 are above average deaths from the pre-covid number you gave. And look at that. From 2/1 all the way through to 9/26 they all exceed that number.

If you click "excess deaths associated with covid-19" in your link you can scroll to the bottom and see a very similar graph to the one in the article I posted, perhaps the CDC graph will carry a little more weight with you. Don't know why you think the one I posted only covers 1 month. It shows it from the beginning of this year up till the end of September.

As far as the flu. Again that happened with no lockdowns in place or any other crap we've been doing the past few months and 80 k is still less than 200+k.

For the "do nothing douchebags", you can see how mortality rates climb as hospitals become overwhelmed. If you followed Italy's stats early on you would've seen where things started tanking and when hospitals became less crowded deaths dropped pretty fast. They had an even stricter lockdown than we ever had. According to covidactnow 2 states have approached 100% capacity and more may be approaching that point. You're already hearing of hospitals having to airlift patients to other nearby hospitals to help with overflow.

11-01-20, 12:52
Here's the website for the daily number of dead people, you can do the math yourself.

https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm.Double post because I missed this bit. Didn't even have to do the calculation for what constitutes above average weekly deaths. The column right next to it shows you the percentage of expected deaths for that week. It's above 100% from 2/22 all through 10/3.

11-01-20, 20:15
Stop spreading that garbage. According to excess death reports you can make the argument that the true death rate is quite a bit higher.

"the US suffered some 275,000 more deaths than the five-year average between 1 March and 16 August, compared to 169,000 confirmed COVID-19 deaths during that period. ".


And stop likening it to the flu. The flu kills 30 k a year. The year isn't even over and we have over 200 k, that's with lockdowns and everyone taking precautions.The flu kills 30 k a year and that's with vaccines and over 100 years of knowledge of influenza. Did you ever check how many millions it killed prior to us knowing as much about it? 200 k seems like a staggering number but if you put it into perspective it's a small portion of the population especially since it's a first year virus. If it was as bad as the flu in its first years we'd be looking at over 2 million deaths.

Mr Mike1952
11-02-20, 11:34
The flu kills 30 k a year and that's with vaccines and over 100 years of knowledge of influenza. Did you ever check how many millions it killed prior to us knowing as much about it? 200 k seems like a staggering number but if you put it into perspective it's a small portion of the population especially since it's a first year virus. If it was as bad as the flu in its first years we'd be looking at over 2 million deaths.To put this in perspective, I try to compare with other leading causes of death.

The virus has already killed nearly twice as many people as die in automobile accidents per year.

It is on track to match the two leading causes of death: heart attacks and cancer.

That is with all of the mitigation measures that have been taken.

I get two things from this.

First, as individuals, each of us need not live in personal fear of dying of this virus at any moment. The odds of an individual catching it and dying are small, as long as we are careful.

Second, we take mitigation measures for each of the other leading causes of death. We spend astounding amounts of money seeking cures for cancers each year.

People have learned to wear seat belts. Cars have air bags.

I do not understand the resistance to taking measures to protect society from a disease that is deadlier than any of these other causes. And which, if allowed to run unchecked, overwhelms hospitals and makes it more difficult to get treatment for any of these other issues.

11-02-20, 16:38
Double post because I missed this bit. Didn't even have to do the calculation for what constitutes above average weekly deaths. The column right next to it shows you the percentage of expected deaths for that week. It's above 100% from 2/22 all through 10/3.Oh my God! This much people died everyday.

Spa Spazz
11-05-20, 12:41
After 3 visits and some hard negotiating. I finally broke this middle aged Chinese woman and Got FS. I knew it was there all along the way she kept giggling to my request for boom boom sucky but only gave me HJ or let me suck on her titties.

Finally broke her last night, she must've been in a good mood but now I've broke the bank safe and vault is officially opened.

Video stills from camera action. She let me do standing up doggy, missionary, cowgirl and on the table doggy. Went well over the half, time wasn't even a factor. She was enjoying herself. All pic is dark, camera footage is a slightly a litter brighter so I am able to see action better. A good, non rush, non haggling lay for. 80, I told her that's all I had. I paid 40 for the half.

Enjoy.OlGary, how did you manage to obtain "asshole" status?

11-05-20, 18:00
OlGary, how did you manage to obtain "asshole" status?I think it is based on his photography skills! Even after some probing in the shadows in Photoshop, I still couldn't make out what was in that room!

11-05-20, 18:37
OlGary, how did you manage to obtain "asshole" status?LOL. Wow. Did not know they had a status like that.

11-07-20, 11:36
OlGary, how did you manage to obtain "asshole" status?He earned it! LOL.

Dear New Haven friends, I encourage you to visit the Massholes thread for more colorful OlGary stories.

05-08-21, 05:33
That's a fair question, but it is simple as this. The escort prices are rising past what I am comfortable spending to see escorts. I seen three last month after not seeing any for about 9 months for the reason of price inflation and because I invested in stocks throughout most of the holiday season. If escorts still charged Backpage prices I would have paid a couple escorts a visit within that 9 months. As far as me reviewing escorts well what would happens if I reviewed all the escorts that I seen? I say that out of the three escorts that I saw last month only one is straight enough to give a review on and the other one looked good but the date went left because I was nervous to see her due to all post's that I read on this forum about the presence of law enforcement in the town she was in plus she rushed, I already reviewed the third one. As soon as I give this particular straight looking escort who I had a straight time with a review I am going to increase her traffic and quite possibly motivate her to increase her hourly rate and once they do that I can't visit her anymore. I have limits to what I I pay escorts, I am not going to let them charge me over 200 an hour. The only time I might pay a little over 200 an hour is for outcalls and I refuse to pay 150 or more for a half hour, when half hours started being over 120 I stopped seeing escorts for a half hour. I have never done a qv before. Most of my reviews I give will likely be negative because most of the escorts in Connecticut are highly over valued. When the prices go down and the quality comes up exceptionally then I will finally have a positive review.The run around and talking in circles continues, you agin mention the escorts you saw this month not one by name but no review all you seem to do is complain about pricing yet no details on who they were what you paid, but yet you still paid them calling you out my mongering friend because the shit is getting g deeper and I don't have my boots on, this site is for reviews and to keep each other safe. At the end of the day she was a solid provider yes a few dollars more the going prices but her pictures were real, she was a smoke show in my opinion she was in a decent location, her room was clean, she was clean and freshly showered, and most importantly no demons or any sign of them, there was no rush at all, and she seems to be lower volume. I will continue to see her and pay her rates its my choice and I hope a few of you other level headed mongers do the same and she stays in the area, as far as you Mr Eggpoacher calling you out let's actually get so. E details on who, what, when, and where you have "seen" because I think your full of shit.

05-08-21, 10:10
The run around and talking in circles continues, you agin mention the escorts you saw this month not one by name but no review all you seem to do is complain about pricing yet no details on who they were what you paid, but yet you still paid them calling you out my mongering friend because the shit is getting g deeper and I don't have my boots on, this site is for reviews and to keep each other safe. At the end of the day she was a solid provider yes a few dollars more the going prices but her pictures were real, she was a smoke show in my opinion she was in a decent location, her room was clean, she was clean and freshly showered, and most importantly no demons or any sign of them, there was no rush at all, and she seems to be lower volume. I will continue to see her and pay her rates its my choice and I hope a few of you other level headed mongers do the same and she stays in the area, as far as you Mr Eggpoacher calling you out let's actually get so. E details on who, what, when, and where you have "seen" because I think your full of shit.Dude, what am I full of shit about? If you go to see an escort you better pay her or be prepared for a possible retaliation so yes I still paid them. What is your point? I never returned to see them. When I paid most of these escorts it was before the service even started. It's not until now that I have taken advice from other guys on this forum that I am starting to request that escorts leave the money out so that we both can see it again, I did that with the last girl I seen. I seen three escorts in April and have a review for one of them, Melody because I was disappointed with her not letting me stay the whole hour and made me leave after 38 minutes when another customer called but tried to play it off like an hour passed. If you were paying attention to her listing you would have seen that she dropped her hourly price to 200 an hour for a very short period of time before bringing her price back up so that is why I went to see her, but I wish that I would have taken a screenshot. She works from a house in the Fair Haven neighborhood that is located in New Haven. According to the guidelines of this website you can't give a real addresses. Am I allowed to post that in this discussion? I have pictures of some escort listings from girls that I have seen over the years but most of the escorts that I have seen do not have local listings up so it would be impossible for me to post their listings. Backpage opened the doors for females to more easily escort for a day and make money then never escort again or to go to a random town and escort and now that backpage and * is down it is impossible to find their past listings. I also seen a lot of girls who used catfish escort listings as well so even if I were to show you a listing in many cases you would not be looking at the actual girl that I paid to visit. I won't lie, the bulk of my escort experiences came from backpage. If that makes me less experienced than you then fine but that doesn't change the fact that attractive escorts were much cheaper. There are escorts that I saw for a night and never seen them post a listing again so it would be impossible for me to review them if they are not still escorting. Since Backpage has been down I visit escorts a whole lot lesser. I might be able to private message you screenshots of past escorts because I don't know if pictures are allowed in this forum discussion. I might even start a sub forum discussion that should allow me to upload pictures of escort listings that I answered who knows, but keep in mind that the face will most likely not be showing in most of them because the escorts do not show their face. I can give you a link to a listing of the first escort that I ever seen but it's not the actual listing she posted when she came to New Haven on October 26 2015 at the Laquinta on Long Wharf because I am probably not going to see her again anyways because she hardly comes here and if she looks anything like what she used to look like she probably charging over my hourly limit. I remember the date that I seen her because a friend of mine fell off West Rock Ridge that night. She goes by the nickname Kelly K and here is a link to a listing that she made in another state two years after I seen her and even though she looked hell a good in the pics she took two years prior to this listing, she looked much better in person. https://escortindex.com/ad/manhattan/857-221-2/1/1402772. Her service had ups and downs but the best thing about her service was how good her naked body looked like in person at the time and I have no idea what what she looks like currently in 2021. Another good thing is that it felt like she let me stay longer than an hour even though there were countless customers calling to schedule appointments while she serviced me. She was transparent with the money and kept it on the dresser through out the whole time she entertained me and only charged me 140 for the whole hour but made more than that from me because I tipped her.

There is one other escort in the area that just happened to come back after five years named Ashley who I seen in the past when she stayed at the hotel suites on long wharf and was sharing the suite with another older more heavy set escort who was light skinned. I can swear that she told me she was from California even though she had either a Florida or South Carolina phone number. I am not sure if the person listing with these pictures is the same Ashley that I seen 5 years ago or someone else being a catfish and using her real pics but the girl in the pictures of this listing is the girl that I actually seen. I think I might even have a screenshot of her original listing from 2016, I think it was in February of that year. I booked her for a half hour at either 100 or 120 dollars and she looked just like she did in the listing that is up now. Most likely even if that is her, if you were to go see her now she likely will not look the same as she did 5 years ago when I seen her plus in her listing it says she weighs 185 pounds. When I seen her she was not 185 pounds and looked just like she does in the pictures that her listing shows. Her performance was straight but I can swear that she was not comfortable with any foot play action and she obsessed over her wig a little bit so she was not the type girl to do a bunch of different positions. Here is her link https://new-haven.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/exotic/wet-and-ready-lets-make-magic/856604029340.

If you want to see the hot blonde that I mentioned earlier who was escorting at the Regal inn back in August 2019 I have no way of proving that except for screenshots of old escort listings that she posted from 2019 on skipthegames or listcrawler that do not clearly show her face, only her body. She had a dirty blonde hair color and little to no tan but her body was like heaven. In my opinion she looked good in her face but I am not the most critical about how a females face looks, asking as her shape is good she is worthy of me seeing her. You might be able to ask anyone who has stayed at the Regal inn for an extended time if they remember her and they might be able to confirm that they remember her and I don't know if they would know her by the name of Taylor but I can swear that on her listing she went by the nickname of Taylor. I am not clear on her name because I barely used her name other than to text her. I have to look through my screenshots again. I think that there is a new blonde hair escort that uses her phone number or one of her old phone numbers and does not look as good but charges more. I don't know if you guys have ever gone to look up an escorts phone number later on down the line and find out that another escort has her number, but that is the case with this escort that I am talking about.

05-11-21, 18:30
Dude, what am I full of shit about? If you go to see an escort you better pay her or be prepared for a possible retaliation so yes I still paid them. What is your point? I never returned to see them. When I paid most of these escorts it was before the service even started. It's not until now that I have taken advice from other guys on this forum that I am starting to request that escorts leave the money out so that we both can see it again, I did that with the last girl I seen. I seen three escorts in April and have a review for one of them, Melody because I was disappointed with her not letting me stay the whole hour and made me leave after 38 minutes when another customer called but tried to play it off like an hour passed. If you were paying attention to her listing you would have seen that she dropped her hourly price to 200 an hour for a very short period of time before bringing her price back up so that is why I went to see her, but I wish that I would have taken a screenshot. She works from a house in the Fair Haven neighborhood that is located in New Haven. According to the guidelines of this website you can't give a real addresses. Am I allowed to post that in this discussion? I have pictures of some escort listings from girls that I have seen over the years but most of the escorts that I have seen do not have local listings up so it would be impossible for me to post their listings. Backpage opened the doors for females to more easily escort for a day and make money then never escort again or to go to a random town and escort and now that backpage and * is down it is impossible to find their past listings. I also seen a lot of girls who used catfish escort listings as well so even if I were to show you a listing in many cases you would not be looking at the actual girl that I paid to visit. I won't lie, the bulk of my escort experiences came from backpage. If that makes me less experienced than you then fine but that doesn't change the fact that attractive escorts were much cheaper. There are escorts that I saw for a night and never seen them post a listing again so it would be impossible for me to review them if they are not still escorting. Since Backpage has been down I visit escorts a whole lot lesser.This is the hot blonde I mentioned in the other listing named Taylor. Look at what this hot blonde escort charged in 2019 compared to what escorts that do not even look half as good are charging now. https://sumosear.ch/images/webpage/young-blonde-with-curves-in-the-right-places-contact2035011482/19243162.

12-10-21, 00:01
Hello fellow mongers,

Been reading posts and following some of your guidance, thank you very much. I think I found a diamond among the lousy, or demonized providers. I was completely surprised in the girls appearance and BBBJ abilities, however she really enjoys the FS aspect. I really think she's a female version of a monger, just gets an income from it. Totally worth the 1.5 and 2.5. Nobbfs unless a 5 time regular. I'm 2 down 3 to go.Bizarre first post.

12-10-21, 00:05
Hello fellow mongers,

Been reading posts and following some of your guidance, thank you very much. I think I found a diamond among the lousy, or demonized providers. I was completely surprised in the girls appearance and BBBJ abilities, however she really enjoys the FS aspect. I really think she's a female version of a monger, just gets an income from it. Totally worth the 1.5 and 2.5. Nobbfs unless a 5 time regular. I'm 2 down 3 to go.I wonder if you'd be willing to re-read some of those posts and note a couple of things: Most of them have a link to the discussed provider. Most have specific information regarding appearance, activities and general location.

Further information would be most appreciated.

12-10-21, 02:43
I wonder if you'd be willing to re-read some of those posts and note a couple of things: Most of them have a link to the discussed provider. Most have specific information regarding appearance, activities and general location.

Further information would be most appreciated.My thoughts exactly. Detailed, glowing recommendation, except for any information how to find her. But, thanks to everyone for the information they have shared! SMH!


01-25-22, 00:30
Where is RV?

What is the name of the place?You have 1 post asking for information already available, I suggest searching in the threads before asking questions like that, just my two cents.

01-25-22, 02:56
Alright fellas, coming down to CT this weekend, got some quick business out there to take care off. I'd like to give DD a try. Haven't been on this board for a good minute and pretty much got turned off when I saw posts of mongers paying inflated price of 160-200 for the Parlor Hoes, like WTF are yalls doing. Whatever happened to holding the line at 140? Pussy doesn't gets beat and gets devalued like a used car the minute it's driven off the lot, so why are we paying more, on top of house fees, it makes no sense. We keep shooting each other on the foot, hurting ourselves, we are paying customers, we have the money, we have power, learn to walk sometimes, stop letting, "The little Guy", take control and make you do dumb shit. It hurts all of us.

I've stated this many times and am convinced, and some of you may agree, there are a lot of Parlor Agent, a. K. a Parlor Rats, that have accounts, blending with the rest of us. Some, probably well known members that you think is a comrade but really a Parlor Agent. And they've been behind the inflation by posting fake reviews and telling you they met so and so and paid an inflated price and have you run into that place and then it becomes the standard. Don't fall for it, try to identify and know who they are. Even if its someone you've traded intel with, he may have established himself to be legitimate but really here to promote Parlor inflation and raise the prices. If a parlor is not bringing in new Talent and keeps a roster of Grannies then there's no reason you should be haggled to pay more. Keep the price standards so we can get more bang for our buck. Usually I always upset the Parlor Agents with these posts so I expect one or 2 when they come running to rebuttal what I say and quick to dismiss it. They always exposed themselves that way.

Anyways, I got carried away and said more then what I wanted to say. I was really trying to get a simple inquiry into DD, the ongoing talents and if the Price for FS is a steady 130 or has it gone up. Either, let me know, I'd like to go gut some hoe at that place if it sounds good. I'll surely come back with a report if I do decide to go. Thank you My Comrades.

02-13-23, 08:58
Took a gamble on Sage because of the mixed reviews and ended up having a wonderful time! One hour session, $400.10% deposit for in-calls. Multiple pops allowed.

Reached out to her new number after noticing new photos on her ad, which indicated she was working again. Despite all of the previous reviews in regards to lack of menu items, I had an excellent time with her. She is the exact woman as advertised in her photos. She's not fat or out of shape, but if she toned her body a bit, she would be a rock hard girl you'd want to be with. Former stripper before she got into escorting. Attractive 32 year old female who claims to be 100% Irish and stands at 5'9".

She now operates out of Air BnBs. Uses one bedroom for 'work,' and the other for herself. The little place she rented was extremely clean and cozy in the heart of a nice little college neighborhood. What impressed me the most was her hygiene was impeccable; easily the cleanest a provider has ever smelled and tasted to me.

I had to be extremely polite to gauge what she allowed and unfortunately she does not allow DATY as others have reported. No DFK, but there was an insane amount of kissing. I alluded in text that I wanted a lot of kissing with my GFE, so she performed as such when I arrived. We were making out throughout the entire session and she definitely has a talent of knowing how to explore the body. She has a great attitude and is very friendly. Her BBJ was above average and very sensual, giving just the right amount of attention to the boys as well. She doesn't swallow, but allows CiM, which she will hold in her mouth for as long as possible before getting up and spitting it out in the bathroom. Played alternative rock the entire session from her bluetooth speaker with no complaints from me; banging someone to foo fighters is a first LOL.

I was so turned on by her GFE that I didn't last long on all three rounds. She knows how to ride well and can be very submissive when it comes to taking a pounding. My experience is that she made love to me and vice versa. She was 15 minutes late to start the session but she is not a clock watcher and I most definitely got my full hours worth out of her. It was the most un-rushed session I've ever experienced in this hobby. If only she allowed DATY, she would be near perfect in my book.

For what she's asking for the hours, I already spend on Olita girls regularly; and that is like playing roulette when it comes to quality.

I am absolutely going to be a regular with Sagemarie for her solid body, fantastic hygiene, sensual GFE, great attitude, multiple pops, and BBJCIM.

https://tryst.link/escort/sage-marieWow, so it's only $400 to not be allowed to do anything fun. We could all just stay at home and get the same thing.

02-13-23, 19:53
Took a gamble on Sage because of the mixed reviews and ended up having a wonderful time! One hour session, $400.10% deposit for in-calls. Multiple pops allowed.

Reached out to her new number after noticing new photos on her ad, which indicated she was working again. Despite all of the previous reviews in regards to lack of menu items, I had an excellent time with her. She is the exact woman as advertised in her photos. She's not fat or out of shape, but if she toned her body a bit, she would be a rock hard girl you'd want to be with. Former stripper before she got into escorting. Attractive 32 year old female who claims to be 100% Irish and stands at 5'9".

She now operates out of Air BnBs. Uses one bedroom for 'work,' and the other for herself. The little place she rented was extremely clean and cozy in the heart of a nice little college neighborhood. What impressed me the most was her hygiene was impeccable; easily the cleanest a provider has ever smelled and tasted to me.

I had to be extremely polite to gauge what she allowed and unfortunately she does not allow DATY as others have reported. No DFK, but there was an insane amount of kissing. I alluded in text that I wanted a lot of kissing with my GFE, so she performed as such when I arrived. We were making out throughout the entire session and she definitely has a talent of knowing how to explore the body. She has a great attitude and is very friendly. Her BBJ was above average and very sensual, giving just the right amount of attention to the boys as well. She doesn't swallow, but allows CiM, which she will hold in her mouth for as long as possible before getting up and spitting it out in the bathroom. Played alternative rock the entire session from her bluetooth speaker with no complaints from me; banging someone to foo fighters is a first LOL.

I was so turned on by her GFE that I didn't last long on all three rounds. She knows how to ride well and can be very submissive when it comes to taking a pounding. My experience is that she made love to me and vice versa. She was 15 minutes late to start the session but she is not a clock watcher and I most definitely got my full hours worth out of her.[/URL]Glad you had fun but she just doesn't sound or look like she's worth 400.

150 would be her limit IMO.

Seems like people are paying BMW prices for a Kia and Hyndai level provider.

Let's get some sanity in these prices.

02-14-23, 10:45
While I agree that 400 in CT is way above the norm. Keep in mind that the vast majority of these 400+ girls on Tryst etc. Offer HHR rates that tend to last 45-50 min.

I've seen Sage a few times and I've never paid 400. She is well worth the price of admission she gave me.

Her body is phenomenal (aside from the arm thingy). Her face is great (exactly what you see in her pictures).

While I'm on the picture topic here's a mantra I live by: If she posts actual photos of herself (face and all), consider her to be a professional.

99% of the STG chicks tend to hide their faces and / or "problematic body parts" (nasty gut, track-marks, cellulite etc etc) in their pictures. Ask yourself what are they hiding.

I'll always choose a pro over the junkie skanks you see on STG. I always shake my head when I read one of you say "no obvious signs of demons. " - who the fuck wants to stick their dick in someone who hit the rock or shoot's up? It's gross and you need to have more self control.

That said. Sage fucks like a machine. The blows like a Hoover and she's not a junkie.

Pony up the extra hundo and fuck a pro and not a sloppy pig or pincushion.


Glad you had fun but she just doesn't sound or look like she's worth 400.

150 would be her limit IMO.

Seems like people are paying BMW prices for a Kia and Hyndai level provider.

Let's get some sanity in these prices.

02-14-23, 16:54
While I agree that 400 in CT is way above the norm. Keep in mind that the vast majority of these 400+ girls on Tryst etc. Offer HHR rates that tend to last 45-50 min.

I've seen Sage a few times and I've never paid 400. She is well worth the price of admission she gave me.

Her body is phenomenal (aside from the arm thingy). Her face is great (exactly what you see in her pictures).

While I'm on the picture topic here's a mantra I live by: If she posts actual photos of herself (face and all), consider her to be a professional.

99% of the STG chicks tend to hide their faces and / or "problematic body parts" (nasty gut, track-marks, cellulite etc etc) in their pictures. Ask yourself what are they hiding.

I'll always choose a pro over the junkie skanks you see on STG. I always shake my head when I read one of you say "no obvious signs of demons. " - who the fuck wants to stick their dick in someone who hit the rock or shoot's up? It's gross and you need to have more self control.

That said. Sage fucks like a machine. The blows like a Hoover and she's not a junkie..$400 is way overpriced. Folks like you are driving up the asking price. She is worth $120 max.

02-14-23, 17:38
While I agree that 400 in CT is way above the norm. Keep in mind that the vast majority of these 400+ girls on Tryst etc. Offer HHR rates that tend to last 45-50 min.

I've seen Sage a few times and I've never paid 400. She is well worth the price of admission she gave me.

Her body is phenomenal (aside from the arm thingy). Her face is great (exactly what you see in her pictures).

While I'm on the picture topic here's a mantra I live by: If she posts actual photos of herself (face and all), consider her to be a professional.

99% of the STG chicks tend to hide their faces and / or "problematic body parts" (nasty gut, track-marks, cellulite etc etc) in their pictures. Ask yourself what are they hiding.

I'll always choose a pro over the junkie skanks you see on STG. I always shake my head when I read one of you say "no obvious signs of demons. " - who the fuck wants to stick their dick in someone who hit the rock or shoot's up? It's gross and you need to have more self control.

That said. Sage fucks like a machine. The blows like a Hoover and she's not a junkie..Are you convinced the gal charging 4+ isn't using candy or is she using a better brand? I'm just a bit curious myself.


02-14-23, 17:55
$400 is way overpriced. Folks like you are driving up the asking price. She is worth $120 max.That's the rate I pay for Olita girls, and they're very hit or miss for the hour when it comes to quality. You pay the up-charge for the professionalism. It would be overpriced if she was rude, ugly, restrictive, clock watcher, smoker, visible user, etc.

02-14-23, 17:56
I never paid 400 dipshit. Helps if you actually read what I wrote. I didn't drive up the price. Biden already did that for all.

Ultimately I'm just a better negotiator than you are.

$400 is way overpriced. Folks like you are driving up the asking price. She is worth $120 max.

02-14-23, 18:06
Again. Read what I wrote. I never paid 400. I guess what I was trying to convey in my message didn't translate.

But to answer your question: yes. The higher end girls are not strung out holes. I don't give a shit what they spend their money on as long as they don't look like crackwhores.

Are you convinced the gal charging 4+ isn't using candy or is she using a better brand? I'm just a bit curious myself.


02-15-23, 00:30
Again. Read what I wrote. I never paid 400. I guess what I was trying to convey in my message didn't translate.

But to answer your question: yes. The higher end girls are not strung out holes. I don't give a shit what they spend their money on as long as they don't look like crackwhores.Glen, thanks for sharing. But I read at all the back and forth, and I still don't know what the final tab was for the good time.

02-15-23, 08:54
Again. Read what I wrote. I never paid 400. I guess what I was trying to convey in my message didn't translate.

But to answer your question: yes. The higher end girls are not strung out holes. I don't give a shit what they spend their money on as long as they don't look like crackwhores.I used to see Sage quite frequently before she stopped posting. I can say from experience I've never once seen her under influence of anything. I've never even smelled bud on her. She's pretty "straight edge" from our conversations, I've spent hours with her. Cool chick, great body. If she gets a room with a good mirror view, it's even better seeing that ass and nice pussy in the mirror while getting sucked off. I've multi-popped with her many of time, and can say that when I meet these other sltus I'm like 1 pop and ok get out let me shower. Sage never been that way. She's super flirty too when she gets to know you. Better than "kneel" "less teeth" "are you wake?" LOL.

But listen at the end of the day not everyone sees the value in what someone is offering, and that's perfectly fine. I personally would choose Sage marie over most any girl I've met outside of the two girls I see regularly one who posts very very rarely, and the other who doesn't post at all who I just help out with a few dollars here and there and definitely nothing close to what she used to get tricking. Got my little latina and my little white chick. Need a low key black girl and asian girl, got to complete the set.

Try Sagemarie if the donation doesn't put you off, you'll probably think it's worth it. If not, don't. Stick to the lower end girls who can get the job done. No wrong answer.

02-15-23, 12:14
The is Fact. Truth speaking The Truth.

I used to see Sage quite frequently before she stopped posting. I can say from experience I've never once seen her under influence of anything. I've never even smelled bud on her. She's pretty "straight edge" from our conversations, I've spent hours with her. Cool chick, great body. If she gets a room with a good mirror view, it's even better seeing that ass and nice pussy in the mirror while getting sucked off. I've multi-popped with her many of time, and can say that when I meet these other sltus I'm like 1 pop and ok get out let me shower. Sage never been that way. She's super flirty too when she gets to know you. Better than "kneel" "less teeth" "are you wake?" LOL.

But listen at the end of the day not everyone sees the value in what someone is offering, and that's perfectly fine. I personally would choose Sage marie over most any girl I've met outside of the two girls I see regularly one who posts very very rarely, and the other who doesn't post at all who I just help out with a few dollars here and there and definitely nothing close to what she used to get tricking. Got my little latina and my little white chick. Need a low key black girl and asian girl, got to complete the set.

Try Sagemarie if the donation doesn't put you off, you'll probably think it's worth it. If not, don't. Stick to the lower end girls who can get the job done. No wrong answer.

04-16-23, 07:20

Ms. Tina is visiting from Flushing. Interested members who haven't seen her in a while, feel free to join us at her favorite tequila bar south of here and say hi, talk over old times. As always drinks are on me.

This is Chad.

06-08-23, 18:02
Uncle LEOs posted up in 3 motorcycles at the laundry mat right now pulling everyone that passes a yellow light they kind of blend in with the laundromat in Lombard and ferry st it's like a blind spot for distracted mongers. Stay safe.

06-08-23, 19:08

Ms. Tina is visiting from Flushing. Interested members who haven't seen her in a while, feel free to join us at her favorite tequila bar south of here and say hi, talk over old times. As always drinks are on me.

This is Chad.In your mommy's basement?

06-08-23, 19:47

Ms. Tina is visiting from Flushing. Interested members who haven't seen her in a while, feel free to join us at her favorite tequila bar south of here and say hi, talk over old times. As always drinks are on me.

This is Chad.Which Tina so mang over the years pics anything.

06-12-23, 09:40
Yea so, this is the Ms Tina that was well known in the greater Hartford area. Her new sex parlor was located not to far from New Haven, was known as Ms Lisa. Hot ass body, great service and fun. I'll try to remove myself from some of the pics and post. In the meantime, next time she's in town, I encourage you to join us at the tequila bar. Good variety of tequila, abundance of ladies to select from. Join us.

This is Chad.

Which Tina so mang over the years pics anything.

10-09-23, 13:58

I mention in the massage forum about extra poundage on PR ladies. Given it's Hispanics Appreciation month, I encourage all members to indulge and have fun with them.

This is Chad.

10-23-23, 08:10

2 major events / announcements on the way.

1, My special Christmas surprise for all members. You guys won't believe it.

2, I'm pleased to announce the upcoming 3rd annual Cool Chad holiday top ten providers event. Stay tuned you don't want to miss this gala.

This years performers: the Chadettes, Chad's dancers, Chad's band, Chad's orchestra, Chad's singers, Chad's ladies, that's the first 15 minutes.

First time ever:

1, Top 5 tightest pussy.

2, Top 5 USASG dumbest post.

3, Special conversations with past and present USASG members.

The ending is over the top. Tickets on sale now.

Powered by the USASG.

You're listening to Chad.

10-31-23, 08:49

I posted about pineapple juice on the HSP forum (Chad's forum), and received good questions and feedback.

For those that have ladies that are resistant to swallow. Or for some members that cause her to have "The Angry Dragon".

I suggest drink Pineapple juice. It makes your cum sweet and more enjoyable for that special lady. Once they taste it for the first time, they want more of it. Now, that means more BBJ, more CIP. Glad to help.

This is Chad.

Member #6435
10-31-23, 12:09

I posted about pineapple juice on the HSP forum (Chad's forum), and received good questions and feedback.

For those that have ladies that are resistant to swallow. Or for some members that cause her to have "The Angry Dragon".

I suggest drink Pineapple juice. It makes your cum sweet and more enjoyable for that special lady. Once they taste it for the first time, they want more of it. Now, that means more BBJ, more CIP. Glad to help.

This is Chad.Is that your preferred flavor?

10-31-23, 17:37

I received good questions and suggestions.

As far as amount of PAJ, it depends on your body weight and body mass. The larger / muscle you are / have the more pineapple juice you will need. In addition, the more you sweat, the more you need, replenish.

I drink one 16 ounce glass daily, sometimes 2, depending how much I fuck, run daily, etc. Never had any complaints. All my ladies / providers enjoy it, they can't wait. Truth be told, PR's are crazy wild. My suggestion is try with PR first. LOL.

No taste buds in pussy. They like the taste so much as they swallow, they can't wait for you to CIP. As a matter of fact, PTM is a guarantee. Comments I received, I can't wait for you to cum in my pussy. Or my favorite, pull out so I can taste your cock. All added benefits.

Angry Dragon, Too be clear, with sweat cum, you will never give her AD, she simply swallows.

She'll thank you and tell a friend.

Glad to help, go enjoy.

Powered by the USASG.

You're listening to Chad.

12-04-23, 06:24
Good to hear from you Craven. Worried about you when you left site for about 9 months. Hmmmmm pregnancy?

Craven 2 request:

1, pick one, two unwrapped toys and drop it off to whoever excepts them. Your the lead on this topic now Craven.

2, after the USASG Cool Chad holiday bash. Put me on your ignore list.

If you don't mind me asking. What color eyes does the kid have? Wink Wink.

Merry Christmas Craven.

04-06-24, 22:42
Hey SouthieBoy, go for the bridge. It is far more promising than getting anything useful from the forum clown with his typical help such as this gem from the Massage thread:

"Came off the train last night. Not many parlors open, closing time for most. Called The main one in New Haven, told her I'll be in soon, requesting line up. Arrived, nothing to my liking so I left.

Heading North, called my faithful Lulu, knowing it's nearing closing time, gave it a try. Dialed, answer, didn't recognize the voice. Told me to cum in.

Turned in driveway, didn't see Lulu's car, open light off. Walked to door, opened slowly, didn't know her, big smile, pretty, tight body, red dress. Ask if I could shower, said table shower for you. Thanks but I'll shower myself. She came in, quick grab, walked me to the room, no massage, bummer, she worked me over. Couple hours later, felt good, on my way home. About 20 minutes into my ride home, she called asking if I'll return, absolutely. ".

I suggest reading his posts for entertainment purposes only. There's plenty of genuinely useful info in the thread, and you're likely to receive when you demonstrate you'll contribute.

04-13-24, 11:26
For the same amount of roses would you choose: A) Dual BBBJ with 2 Latinas or B) Full Service at AMP.

04-14-24, 07:34
For the same amount of roses would you choose: A) Dual BBBJ with 2 Latinas or B) Full Service at AMP.I think the first would be a lot of fun. The second is really easy to find any day of the week.

05-24-24, 15:57
Looking forward to the weekend.

Great news. I have a new Asian joining me for the weekend, can't wait. No kids, nice tight body. She's a secretary. Updates soon.


05-29-24, 15:46
Asian appreciation month.

Yea so, Yvonne, my new fuck buddy that I had over the long weekend recently left. Wow, the chick is hot, sizzling hot. Went to the beach one day and heads turned. Went out to eat, she commanded attention. Got to say, she can fuck. My plans are to take her to my pad down south. I'll take pics and post.

Ranking: 5 hard cocks.

Chad's place.

Looking forward to the weekend.

Great news. I have a new Asian joining me for the weekend, can't wait. No kids, nice tight body. She's a secretary. Updates soon..

05-29-24, 22:46
Asian appreciation month.

Yea so, Yvonne, my new fuck buddy that I had over the long weekend recently left. Wow, the chick is hot, sizzling hot. Went to the beach one day and heads turned. Went out to eat, she commanded attention. Got to say, she can fuck. My plans are to take her to my pad down south. I'll take pics and post.

Ranking: 5 hard cocks.

Chad's place.How about a picture of her?

05-30-24, 06:31
Yea so, I don't have a single private picture of her to share. Other individuals are in the pictures. The beach was public. Won't post.

When I take her South, the area of beach outside my pad is deeded to me. It's private, I'll have her in a string for your pleasure.


How about a picture of her?

05-30-24, 10:58
Yea so, I don't have a single private picture of her to share. Other individuals are in the pictures. The beach was public. Won't post.

When I take her South, the area of beach outside my pad is deeded to me. It's private, I'll have her in a string for your pleasure.

Chad.Can't wait to see however public spaces are public and there is no sense of privately. If its folks in the background too bad for them, if its folks posing in the same pic, block their face / body.

05-31-24, 05:58
Yea so, let's be respectful to everyone regarding posting public pictures. I think we need to be sensitive to all individuals and locations given public pictures or photos.

Think of it this way: imagine if tapes were pulled from your local sex parlor and posted your admittance. Or entering hotels as you visit your favorite Twinkie. Same thing for beaches.

Also, provider recently posted pictures of her customer, can't believe she did it, not cool, poor bastard. If you connect the dots, know where to look, you can find it. This is why, I do BC's, off site and my own pictures, they take the pictures and request filming.

In the meantime, review the picture I sent you. If you like her, she's yours. I promise she'll answer your call. That's one hot fucking ass and body. She's clean, real clean. I guarantee you will enjoy licking her pussy. Your position of choice will be SU69, as her pussy juice drips down her stomach while she sucks your cock. Call her right now, she's waiting.

For your listening pleasure, J5. Enjoy Yourself.


05-31-24, 15:29
Yea so, let's be respectful to everyone regarding posting public pictures. I think we need to be sensitive to all individuals and locations given public pictures or photos.

Think of it this way: imagine if tapes were pulled from your local sex parlor and posted your admittance. Or entering hotels as you visit your favorite Twinkie. Same thing for beaches.

Also, provider recently posted pictures of her customer, can't believe she did it, not cool, poor bastard. If you connect the dots, know where to look, you can find it. This is why, I do BC's, off site and my own pictures, they take the pictures and request filming.

In the meantime, review the picture I sent you. If you like her, she's yours. I promise she'll answer your call. That's one hot fucking ass and body. She's clean, real clean. I guarantee you will enjoy licking her pussy. Your position of choice will be SU69, as her pussy juice drips down her stomach while she sucks your cock. Call her right now, she's waiting.

For your listening pleasure, J5. Enjoy Yourself.

Chad.You didn't send me any pictures.

Leg Man69
05-31-24, 16:20
You didn't send me any pictures.Perhaps if we stop feeding the troll, he'll dry up and blow away.

05-31-24, 18:45
Perhaps if we stop feeding the troll, he'll dry up and blow away.I find the troll quite entertaining. Although, I do agree that he should not be fed. I don't really even know what he is talking about when he posts LOL. But he is fun to follow. Enjoy O.