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12-31-05, 23:00
Thread Starter.

01-08-06, 00:33
Went out for a drive tonight, basically window shopping without any intention of buying. Stopped at Safeway on 82nd and coming out, saw a gal walking toward me (The store was crowded and I had to park near the street). We were staring at each other and before she got to me, I got in my car and when she was along side it, I unlocked the right door and she jumped in.

She said she needed a ride and I obliged. Asked her how much time she had and she said about 45 minutes and off we went. I asked her her rates for time and she said someplace between .5 and 1. I responed 1 was to much for me and was ready to drop her off, but she quickly told me she was negotiable. I told her all I had was .45 and she said that worked.

We went off - she was talkative but that was okay - I listened to her history and current problems but she was refreshingly enthusiastic. Enjoyed half/half (bbbj) and DATY along with DFK.

I would rate attitude between 8 and 9
looks about the same - not very large breasts, but they were natural and that is my preference. She told me she has some kids, but I could not have known unless she said.

Overall experience stays up there in the 8 -9 area.

We talked about this site and she let me take a pic to post. She said I could take some nudes on our next visit. I have digits for Senior Members.

She said it is unusual she works after dark and is usually out during the day.

Stay safe

01-08-06, 00:47

Still looking for advice on any personal experiences with skinny little escourts. Let me know who's your favorite. Feel free to PM. Thanks.

Dating Game
01-12-06, 23:32
Tuesday night (1/10) found Gretctchen at about 2:30 along the side of Union Jacks, just off E. Burnside. Very small WSW with a high pitched voice. Said she needed 40 bucks for a motel room or she would have to sleep in the rain.

Arranged to get 1/2-1/2 for that amount.

Skinny thing with small, saggy breasts. Says she's in her mid 30's with a 15 year old kid somewhere.

Very good bbbj and okay at the other 1/2.

Says she's around E. Burnside/Ankeny often but has no phone and no permanent residence right now.

Seemed to be straight and not high on anything so I tipped her five bucks for breakfast or whatever.

Dating Game
01-17-06, 15:18
Found Gloria on the NW circuit about 10:30 Tuesday night.

Fairly short with "meat on her bones". Not a BBW but very curvy. Not saggy anywhere.

Says she's in her late 40's but I would have guessed mid 30's.

Long black hair, pretty face and may have some latino in her genes.

Agreed to .5 for 1/2-1/2. Good untranslated first half and she was very active in several positions for the second 1/2.

Lives in downtown area and says she's in the NW loop on a semi-regular basis.

Bobby M
01-19-06, 12:26
I was in Portland much of the early day on Wednesday and spent way too much time driving the 82nd and NW strolls with a few sightings and no luck.
5:30 am drive found one slightly overweight BSW who gave a long hopeful look on 82nd. Between 8:30 and noon I made 4 round trips on 82nd saw maybe an average of 1 lady who was looking per trip but none were even close to what i was looking for. Several that looked under 25 at first pass were really much older when parked and getting a closer look.

I tried Sandy from 122nd all the way west and saw two. A big BSW and a really tall slim WSW, both of whom I immediately passed on.

During 4 passes on the NW strip in the afternoon I spotted a 30+- WSW standing on the east side of the church, made extended eye contact so I parked close by. She wouldn't approach the car even though I made eye contact again. Finally I got frustrated and pulled out to resume my search and as i looked back I saw that she had finally moved in my direction - too late as i was in traffic. Next time around she was gone. Oh well, she was only average in my book or I would have been really mad at missing out.

One word of warning. On one drive north on 82nd I was in a long line of cars so I had to be careful of driving and looking. Suddenly the whole line stopped so i did as well. Well the guy driving behind me must have been looking out wor working ladies as he wasn't watching traffic and he was coming fast. I had a little space ahead of me so I closed it quickly and the line also moved a little. I watched as the guy behind woke up and jambed on the brakes and slid to a stop immediately behind my bumper. As I pulled forward he just sat there shaken and slowly moved forward never getting close, he wouldn't even pass me in the middle lane. Moral of the story - guys be careful as you drive and look, keep space between you and the cars ahead and behind and really watch for others who aren't as careful or you might have a hard time explaining an accident to the old lady/boss.

01-21-06, 12:12
Boy it has really been dead out there, I'm just waiting for spring.

02-01-06, 16:28
Just heard on the news that Sugar Daddy's got busted for prostitution. I always wondered how long they would get away with it. I think they thought since they don't sell booze they slide under the radar.


02-01-06, 16:57
In regard to the previous post, I was thinking of the "Sugar Shack".

Sugar Daddy's is a jack shack on 136th & Powell.


Zoo TV
02-03-06, 01:20
Here is the officail report



Dating Game
02-08-06, 23:29
Come on people. Where are the reviews?

I cruised NW and East Burnside late Sunday night and found very little.

Finally found "Mary" at 10/E.Burnside. An admitted former Heroin addict who is successfully detoxing from the methadone program.

She just found a new apartment and was trying to earn some $ to furnish it.
I contributed .5 for excellent service.

Small, maybe overly skinny for some, but very good at what she does.

Now it's someone else's turn.

02-10-06, 20:38

An article in the Willamette Week on the Portland underground sex comunity.

This could get big, I sure hope not.

Becareful out there.


Dating Game
02-12-06, 20:29
Don't worry about articles in newspapers or on television. LE can easily access any of that information themselves if they wish, and in recent years, they have not shown much interest.
What street mongers should be worrying about are those idiots who hit on ladies who are obviously not on the market, on school age girls at bus stops, and on disturbing residents in nearby homes when attempting to pick up a SW.
That is what will be reported and have LE on the lookout for you.
I see guys driving around the same loop over and over, doing all of the above. Your license number is easy to copy and forward to LE. You are the ones who should worry.

02-14-06, 01:23
Anybody know what happened to Shawna? She used to work at a few of the modeling places around town.

Bobby M
02-16-06, 14:24
I was on 82nd early yesterday afternoon and since it was sunny but cold I wasn't sure what I would find. between 1 and 3:30 pm I made two loops with no sightings until I was approaching Safeway when I spotted a lady walking north who seemed to be talking with a man she was passing. Not sure if he or she started the conversation. I pulled into the lot and parked facing the street and looked in her direction. I did notice a man sitting in a car looking my/her way so I was a little uncomfortable that it might be a sting. Not sure what he was up to as he was sitting there sort of reading a newspaper.

As she approached I decided she was not my type. She obviously saw me looking her way and she walked over opened the car door and got in so I know she was working. I told her I wasn't interested so she got out and resumed her stroll. I then pulled out of the lot and drove north. A few minutes later I was headed south and never saw her so she must have been picked up by someone.

I later drove the Sandy-Burnside stroll with no sightings and proceeded to the NW stroll . After driving the NW loop twice with no sightings - none I had to go do some business.

For a sunny day, maybe a little cool, I was surprized to not find any real SW traffic.

Dating Game
02-20-06, 04:45
Found a mid-20's ASW in Old Town this past week. Fairly short and slightly heavy set.
But be careful.
As she got in my vehicle she was sneezing and her nose was running badly. She could barely talk. And she acted like she was about to vomit.
All she would say is that she would do anything for $30.
It took me about :15 to realize this lady was "dope sick" and needed a heroin hit in the worst way.
There's no way she could have given any kind of worthwhile service.
I let her out and before I could get to the next corner, she was getting into another car.

Amp Guide
02-25-06, 01:27

I made a few rounds on the regular circuts tonight. Not much out there. Suprising as it was not raining. Not too cold. Saw a few possibilitites but they were too good to be true. Got a little of a heart attack. There was a really nice girl. Too good, looked like a 19 yo with a school bag. Was on 82 north of 84 at the bottom of the hill. I checked her out. Just as I was comminq up. A young guy was talking to her. They both crossed infront of me. , so I turned and went up the hill. Only to look in the mirror and see two LE cars with lights on trap them both in on the sidewalk. I did not stay around to see the results but it was too much of a conquinedince. Be carefull out there. I did see a few very ugly WSW's nothing to write home about.

Come on people. Start posting some usefull info. The more we share the safer we are and the more we care.

AMP Guide

Anon Mouse
03-01-06, 03:35
Found a mid-20's ASW in Old Town this past week.

Where in old town are you cruising?

Amp Guide
03-02-06, 02:55
Hi all. Went on a pass down 82 on the way home. Lots of mongers out. There was a couple of girls. One an average asian looking girl. I let her pass. Another looked young and hot. Someone beat me to her. Will have to watch for her again. She was in dark jeans and a blue hooded coat. Could not see a lot but I can usually smell fresh meat when I see one. Down on sandy west of 82 was a blond. Looked too good to be true but she was definaltely walking. Checked the area. , no nasties around only mongers. She got in did the hand shake. She gave a good BJ did not let me play much. But she was enthaustic. Very goood looking though. Watch for her. White coat. Tall. Nice build very fresh. It was nice to watch a clean face with out any marks or any drug activiy. She was clean and smelled good. Boy there were a lot of mongers out. Must be the weather. People were triping over eachor out there. Lets be carefull

Sorry she would not let me take any shots. Maybe later AMP.

Big John Stud
03-05-06, 16:31
Portland Tribune: Hey Baby Wanna Date (http://www.portlandtribune.com/archview.cgi?id=34191)

This week's Trib story covers NW Portland and the typical decoy sting. Most of us reading here know the drill but for newbies or any suckers likely to get fooled, read up. A few things you can take from the article.

The decoy sting is a big operation. They have spotters, cruisers, backups, and custody cars. They basically stake out an entire area and you'll see cruisers parked down side streets. Recent "missions" on 82nd involve the girls strolling in front of a motel - spotters in a hotel room with clear view of the street.

Think with your big head guys. These entrapment deals are too easy to spot. Avoid any situation where 2 girls appear to be working together. NW is so different from 82nd. In NW you can park and approach girls on foot, keep the conversation strictly casual. You cannot get busted simply for offering a ride. Decoy will not accept.

Did anyone see this hidden in the paper recently? Seems that Mayor Potter and Chief Foxworth have a new plan to raise money by impounding more cars, and writing more traffic tickets. Quote: "raise fees and expand such money-making programs as impounding cars and red-light cameras that police estimate would generate more than $2.9 million in new revenue for the Police Bureau next fiscal year."

Potter Foxworth New Spending Plan (http://www.oregonlive.com/search/index.ssf?/base/news/114049234332570.xml?oregonian?lcps&coll=7)

Pretty clear the main reason for decoy stings is to raise money, by ripping off your car and selling it on eBay. Cops are the Criminals! :(

Member #2912
03-05-06, 20:05
I've been to Portland a few times and know the action around there. How about Tigard and especially around I believe Washington Plaza?
Also are there any good porn theaters near Tigard?

Dating Game
03-08-06, 15:19
Good news/Bad News:
Good news:
Tuesday night 10:30. Picked up a cute, petite blond at 19th and Everett.
About 5'3" with pony tail and cute face. Offered 1/2 & 1/2 for .40. Went to a room I had nearby. Almost before I could get my jacket unbottned she was nude on the bed. Great little body. Firm, round "c" cup breasts. Tiny waist, nice butt, great legs.
Bad News:
She had a half dozen healed or healing abcesses on various parts of her body. She prodeeded to give the worst BBBJ I've ever had and after about a minute asked if I was ready. Asked again and again about every 20 seconds.
Finally put on the cover and tried several different positions. She was totally uncooperative and just layed there with her eyes closed. She was tight though.
It took a while but I finally finished. She was up and headed toward the door in record time.
When I asked for her name, she said "it doesn't matter". She was right.

03-14-06, 16:25
Looking for tips on where in portland I might get some reas. priced 420. I've bought in many places, NYC, DC, LA, ATL and am quite street aware. Senior member form chicago.

03-27-06, 12:32
Why do you guys think that some women are too good to be true? I have been in the biz for a few years and a few cities and I have met a lot of men who have been caught (mostly in tacoma) and its a fact (every single one told me this) that le women are always in there 30's+. Don't be scared of us young hot well dressed and clean women! and on 82nd alot of you guys don't even make eye contact or do the nod so I never really know out here. (I don't go much because prices are too low for me in pdx.) what is wrong with $100 or even $80 for a hot young drug free girl? 1/2 &1/2 not very many willing to pay that price.

Dating Game
03-28-06, 06:38
I was driving through NW Monday night and saw an SW getting busted. One uniformed cop and one guy in street clothes with a dog.
A short while later, a different SW told me that an undercover cop walking a dog has been in the area several times recently trying to get ladies to quote him a price to come to his nearby apartment. If they do, he busts them.
So if you approach a lady on foot, don't be surprised if she's a little leery of you.

Meanwhile, Jennifer, a skinny early 30's with long dishwater blond hair tried to scam me out of some cash. The old, let's go to my crack dealer first so I'll really be in the mood to make you feel good. Of course she asked for the $ first and of course I said no, you earn the money. She did finally give an OK covered BJ for .20. Then I dropped her off at a phone so she could call her dealer.

Dating Game
03-31-06, 19:50
A number of people (9 I think) were busted in a sting this past week in the Hazeldell area.
I believe seven were females between the ages of 18 and 30 who were charged with prostitution. The other two were males charged with promoting prostitution (can you say PIMP).
Cops said they conducted an undercover sting operation to break up what they see as a growing problem in that area.

It seems our monger brothers up north have been keeping very quiet about this action.

Gordita Lover
04-01-06, 03:25
Wow, 9 arrested for selling sex. I feel so much safer now. Much better that then spending that time going after the gangs that keep shooting up Vancouver. How much time and money were spent locking up poor women trying to make a buck with what they got.

Nine arrested in Hazel Dell prostitution sting

Friday, March 31, 2006
By KELLY ADAMS Columbian Staff Writer

Eight women and one man were arrested in prostitution sting in Hazel Dell Thursday evening.

The operation involved officers posing as potential customers, as well as the close surveillance of an area known to be used for prostitution, said Clark County Sheriff's Sgt. Craig Hogman. He declined to identify the exact location but said much of the activity was near Highway 99.

The Sheriff's Office worked with the Vancouver Police Department's Neighborhood Response Team, he said.

Hogman said it has been a while since a prostitution sting has been conducted and couldn't recall the last time. The arrests should open some residents eyes to the fact that such activities are happening in Clark County.

"It happens everywhere," he said. "We've had issues over the years, off and on." Bud Van Cleve, 75, an active member of the Northeast Hazel Dell Neighborhood Association, said it had been about five years since he had seen women working as prostitutes along Highway 99, but the success of the sting didn't surprise him.

"I'm not surprised at anything anymore," he said.

Van Cleve said the Sheriff's Office works closely with residents to deal with crime and he appreciates the sting.

"I like the idea," he said. "I think it's great."

Only one of those arrested, Steven Paul Repp-Brown, 23, of Portland, Ore. is suspected of a felony, second-degree promoting prostitution.

Seven women were arrested on suspicion of prostitution while an eighth was cited for an unrelated misdemeanor warrant. Five of the women were 19 years old, while the others were 29, 30, and 36. Five women were from Vancouver and three were from Portland, Ore. One of the women was arrested on suspicion of both prostitution and possession of cocaine. No one was arrested for attempting to solicit a prostitute.

Hogman said the timing was purposely planned at the beginning of the spring as a deterrent. Hogman predicted it would not be the last of the stings.

"I want to keep people off-guard," he said. "They'll find another place to to do their business."

Gordita Lover
04-01-06, 03:27
Since I'm on, I might as well mention that I saw a tall, light-skinned BSW on Sandy east of 122nd walking near the apartments. I turned around to check her out and then turned around to go back and pick her up and check the price but she was gone. I guess picked up. So few out that way they must get snatched up quick. About 6:30p. I think most live around there in the apartments and just troll close to home.

Amp Guide
04-03-06, 21:13

Just a quick up date. LE has been busy some and the back streets are just as hot as the front ones on 82. However it has not scared off the girls. Lots to be found at least today last Friday. Lets not trip over eachor out there. Seems that a lot of mongers are running around to get a girl. Lets not look too obvious out there. One pass and give it a rest. The golden arches are a nice place to look lately. Any one know of a good massage place around with out going to spokane or bosie.

Cruise safe

04-04-06, 23:09

Stopped by FV the other day and was walking the aisles when a gal sauntered up to me and asked if I wanted to "watch a video" with her. Being an accomodating sort, I decided to give it a whirl. She was about 5'3" early thirties, blonde hair, and a tattoo on her neck. Went to the booth and was treated to an average BBBJ.

Usually I go to the Sugar Shack or Dillinger's for entertainment (which can be very expensive), but read on here that there are sometimes gals to be at the different video establishments.


Diet Coke
04-05-06, 12:07
...and the donation to your video partner was????

Amp Guide
04-08-06, 01:26
Hi all,

I hooked up with a long time provider of mine. we chatted and she said the way to stay safe is to use the chat lines. They are free and you see them at night on the tv. it costs nothing and you can beep someone. she uses them all the time and they work. She is never out on the street and has never had a problem in the last three years. I asked her for the numbers and will get them. I was too excited to see her and forgot to write them down.

Be carefull out there and drive safe.

04-09-06, 01:06
I have been able to do the same at FV on Sandy...Was a few years ago, but memorable....I think some tranny's work it on the Weekends, but not my thing,,


04-09-06, 05:15
The cops conduct stings to scare the sw's and men. Plus it's a easy way for the cops to make themselves look good. In the end it's a waste of tax dollars.

Gordita Lover
04-13-06, 16:17
In the realm of: "I'm shocked to find out there's gambling going on here..."

Police say PDX lingerie shops linked to prostitution

11:10 AM PDT on Thursday, April 13, 2006
By TERESA BELL, kgw.com Staff

This is one of the Portland businesses that police search Wednesday night.
Investigators said they believe 95 percent of the business going on at the two stores was illegal and they served warrants to search for evidence Wednesday.

One of the shops in question is Private Pleasures, located on SW 53rd Avenue and the other, Secret Rendezvou, is on SE Division Street, police said.

Investigators believe people were promoting prostitution at the two stores and officers said they were reviewing evidence before announcing any charges.

Well, duh... Not just these two, but ALL of them. So what? I guess they're getting tired of picking up the same hoes off the street and now have moved on to the lingerie stores. Ugh. Why don't they find some of the stuff the meth heads steal and actually do someone a favor. Try calling the police and telling them your car got broken into it. You're SOL. But go 80mph out near Cascade Locks or between Salem and Eugene and plan on getting a big ticket. Get a hand job in a lingerie studio and go to jail.

Member #2912
04-16-06, 18:45
I'm going to be near Portland in the next few weeks. Can someone please tell me what street the Jefferson and Oregon Theaters are on? Also, noticed Gustavo talking about FVs. What are FVs?

04-16-06, 22:00
I'm going to be near Portland in the next few weeks. Can someone please tell me what street the Jefferson and Oregon Theaters are on? Also, noticed Gustavo talking about FVs. What are FVs?

FV is simply the abbreviation for Fanstasy Video which is a combination adult bookstore/video booths, peep show (girl in a box you can watch masterbate), etc., sex toys, etc. I believe it is on NE Sandy, I forget the cross street now, maybe 56th or something. BTW, how can a city the size of Portland with such good mongering to be had, only have 37 reports for the whole year so far? Get busy guys!

Gordita Lover
04-17-06, 03:05
The Jefferson is on....Jefferson (and SW 12th). Oregon Theater is on Division in the 30s, I think. It's a crap shoot whether there'll be any action there (unless you're looking for a dude).

Black Treechas
05-04-06, 01:02
My last time through, less than a month ago, I got a nice BBBJ in a peep show booth in one of those places, was near downtown on (deleted by author).

Now for the question: On 82nd is a row of those places where one pays $80 for a table dance sort of thing in a private room. And the girl told me they would strip down all the way right at the beginning, and touching might be permitted for tipping. I asked what the most was she had ever been tipped, she said $100.

So, in those places, is FS available for $1.8? Can anyone give me some advice? A bartender at a strip place right downtown told me the typical thing is that they take your $80, and then milk you for tips to take off each individual piece of clothing, and no FS.

05-04-06, 12:13
My last time through, less than a month ago, I got a nice BBBJ in a peep show booth in one of those places, was near downtown on Burnside.

Now for the question: On 82nd is a row of those places where one pays $80 for a table dance sort of thing in a private room. And the girl told me they would strip down all the way right at the beginning, and touching might be permitted for tipping. I asked what the most was she had ever been tipped, she said $100.

So, in those places, is FS available for $1.8? Can anyone give me some advice? A bartender at a strip place right downtown told me the typical thing is that they take your $80, and then milk you for tips to take off each individual piece of clothing, and no FS.

No offense please, but we're trying to not bring too much attention to these places by naming anything here. You might want to send a private message for info.


05-06-06, 13:57
I perused your fair city the other day. There were one or two cute young blondes on 82nd and a couple of bsw. I visited a couple of the adult bookstores and it was quiet. Also a few of the lingerie type places. One on 82nd had a fairly attractive Italian/spanish looking girl. I assume the lingerie joints are pretty much either ripoffs or pretty expensive when compared to other options.
Plenty of sleaze in Portland but ya gotta know the scene it looks like to safely partake. LEO was out on 82nd on some kind of round up of young black guys. I don't know what was going on but it didn't look like it was a good place to be a spectator.
It would appear that there are girls somewhere in that China town area as well near Old town? Looks like it might get a bit ugly there as well.

Dating Game
05-07-06, 18:59
It would appear that there are girls somewhere in that China town area as well near Old town? Looks like it might get a bit ugly there as well.[/QUOTE]

You can find some real deals in the Old Town/China Town area but be aware most of them are in that area because of all the drug dealers you see on the streets in that same area.
Most, but not all, of the ladies you find there are addicted to something and are looking for quick dollars for their next buy.
You will also find some ladies with their pimps in that area. They can be very dangerous because they're looking for wallets, etc. to rip off.

05-07-06, 22:26
You can find some real deals in the Old Town/China Town area but be aware most of them are in that area because of all the drug dealers you see on the streets in that same area.

Thanks for the warning. I was just noticing the area...I rarely partake unless I know what the score is.....Portland's a nice city though.

Dating Game
05-23-06, 09:41
Six more mongers got busted in a police sting Monday night.
It was conducted on NE Sandy.
Pics on TV showed two female undercover cops on the street. Guys stopping and making a deal while the undercover is still on the street, either through the rolled down window or an open door.
I guess stupidity deserves to be punished in this case.

05-23-06, 20:43
Picked up penny on Everett near 23. Penny was hispanic about 35 years old, she gave be a great BBBJ for $40.00. This was on May 7 2006.

Amp Guide
05-27-06, 12:59
Was out Wed. Saw a cute provider who smilled at me. I was working and could not spend time but gave her a number to call me later. Was amaised. She called and was really nice. I picked her up thru and we drove around doing my stops. She was nice and friendls. Good head and really accomodating. Its fun having someone hold your manhood while driving to the next pickups. She has no number yet but when she does get one I told her I would post her on CL as she does not have a computer. She was happy to have the help. You can see her on 82 sometimes. Anywhere around glisan to stark. Shorter and very cute face.

FYI on Seattle. Was there on business and took a cruise around the 99 on the airport area. The area north of the airport on 99 had a few skanky ones walking. However on the south side around 200 to 300 ave there was one blonde and another brunette that was how, nice body and such. There were two more flaunting the walk and got into a car that was near the transit center. I stopped but they were gone before I got turned around. No LE in sight. So check it out if you get a chance.

Be Safe out there, Just remeber that the back streets are patrolled as heavly as the main drag. A couple of girls said the back streeets are worse than the front right now.

Black Treechas
05-28-06, 20:19
Inquiring minds want to know. Is FS available here for $1.8? or are they just rip-offs?

Dating Game
06-06-06, 15:24
Saw was a possible cruiser sting in NW Monday night late.
Black unmarked Sedan parked in the lot at 19th & Everett.
On my first driveby I saw a pickup pulled over by a marked car and the driver in handcuffs.
The unmarked was there also.

When I came back a while later, the unmarked was in the parking lot and another car was pulled over down the street.

I suspect the unmarked was counting how many times a vehicle made the circuit and then calling the marked to give them a cruising ticket.
A second ticket means arrest and losing your vehicle I believe.

After one circuit each visit, I split.

Never saw a single SW in the area.

06-11-06, 15:39
Looking for cheap motel with ladys working near by. Ok to pm

Benchseats Rock
11-10-06, 19:33
The Girls I Have Dated
Date: 2006-09-06, 10:30AM PDT

Mindy - You were my first and you said I was yours(?). It was thrilling probably because it was new. Truth be told, I was in such a rush. I just wanted to do it with somebody. I never would date you today. You are smart, but very needy. I don't know why I still stay in touch with you.

Claire Bear - You were very unattractive, but your sister was cute. And yet I chose to sleep with you. A pattern was starting to develop. Sorry if I caused a problem between the two of you. Hope things turned out OK.

Mrs. Hahn - I don't even know your first name. But I don't feel badly because I don't think you even knew you slept with me after that New Year's Eve party, you were so drunk. Although you did insist I cum inside you. You know something funny, I ran into you a few years ago. I saw you down by the waterfront with your husband. I started chatting with you but you didn't recognize me. You just thought I was a kind stranger. You're screwed up. There are laws out there you know. I regret the sex even if you don't. Guess I've changed a lot since I was 17.

Beth - My first ****. How many guys in the dorm did you do? Don't get me wrong, you were great in bed, but it was a little unnerving every week seeing a different guy coming out of your room. You were smart and sassy - you should have respected yourself more. But thanks for the great BJs.

Judith - You were very unattractive. I slept with you because I thought that's the best I deserved. I see now that I was lacking in self esteem. But still, you smelled wonderful and I think you are a good person. You could lose some weight, but it wouldn't really matter because you would still be ugly. Sorry about pissing in your mouth. I liked it, but I don't think you did.

Kim - My fellow lab intern. You met me one day and came on to me. You asked me over for dinner and we fucked. Can I tell you the truth, it was like a Seinfeld episode - I didn't know your name. Yeah, you told me that afternoon, but I had forgotten. I had to check your time card the next morning in the lab. The sex was uneventful. I think you just wanted to betray some boyfriend. I didn't really care.

Anabelle - You are one weird chick. You are the shyest person I've ever met. Kinda odd seeing that your father is such a well-known bigshot. I don't think you are a bad person, but so socially awkward. You need to read a romance novel or rent a sexy movie or something. You know, it's OK to move while having sex. I got the sense you stayed so still because you didn't want me to notice I was fucking you, for fear that I'd run out of the room. I dunno, maybe I would have. You're academically very smart, now apply those brains to your personal life and stay away from people like me.

Jackie - I could write a book on you, but no one would believe it. You were filled with conflict. You were an anorexic who became fat. You were brilliant, yet flunking out of Grad School. You were a lesbian sleeping with a man. Oh, you so hated men and tortured them in much the same way that I began to realize that I hated women. Was that our bond? Anyway, the dialog was incredible - Art History, Mathematics, speaking French all the time. The sex was incredible too. You taught me everything. Unfortunately I later found out that you were teaching the whole dorm everything. Great sex, but such a bad person. Ug, the number of times I spontaneously showed up at your room, only to find your diaphragm was already in place. Yeah right: "I thought you might come over." Can you tell me how many times I ate your pussy after a guy had creamed in it 2 hours earlier?

Carla - You were so vulnerable. You would do anything to have a man in your life. You needed more self worth. Why would you sleep with me knowing Jackie was in the room next door? Why did you let me finger you under the table knowing she was sitting across from us. Yeah, I was beginning to realize what a dog I was, but you still allowed me to get away with it. All these years later, I looked you up on the interent and found you live with your mother. Time's ticking. You gotta start standing up for yourself. BTW, the sex was terrible!

Kessie - What God sent you to me? I was a rat-assed, foul smelling dog. And you came along and believed in me. You were a virgin. You were the Valedictorian. You were such a skilled debater and writer. Sex with you started a little slow, but boy were you a good learner. I should have married you back then. I blew it. All my fault. As you could see from my history, I had a little problem respecting women. The undergrad psych major in you pointed to my mother. I think the scientific term you used was "psycho *****". I'm so sorry Kessie that you got to see all that family stuff. You were the one. And I let you go. I know you still care about me because you'll always call me on my birthday to wish me well. Last time, I heard you lie to your husband, telling him it was your brother on the phone. Thank you.

Abby - You were Kessie's best friend since you were both 10 years old. Why would you let me seduce you? Yes, I take most of the responsibility, but why would you constantly come over and tell Kessie all the sordid details about how you were cheating on your husband - all the details except the part where you were doing all this cheating with me, Kessie's fiancee. You're as twisted as me. Think about that. In the evenings, after you were gone, Kessie would excitedly retell the story of your naughty adventures that day. But she didn't know the punchline, that the male in the story was her own boyfriend. Shakespeare couldn't have come up with a more ingenious plot twist. BTW, the sex with you was the best ever. The dirty things you would say still make me come today. You are brilliant. Sick, but brilliant.

Kira - You were a receptionist from Queens that I picked up at McSorelys. I was so angry that day. And just wanted to fuck somebody. You should really consider choosing better sex partners.

Paula - I'm just not ready to say anything here. I'll give this one sentence and then move on. You are my s****r and that should never have happened.

Rebecca - You are low-life trailer trash, but with a sparkly edge. If you had been born into privilege, you would have gone to Harvard and become a bigshot CEO. I hope good things happen to you. BTW, I still fantasize about that night we had sex in front of your friends. Wow!

Toni - All summer long you kept making a dumb joke about how the Hampton's rule book says you must wait until after Labor Day. So the day after Labor Day I banged you and never called you again. Kinda wasted my entire summer - except that after I dropped you off each night and you'd give me that ridiculous kiss on the cheek while wagging your finger, "No, no no. Not until after Labor Day", I'd go over and fuck Rebecca's brains out. I'll bet you're now married, living on Park Avenue and your husband hates you. Never want to see you again. "No, no, no. Not until after I'm dead!"

? - For 3 nights in a row, during that week after Labor Day - after everyone else had ended their season and gone back to New York City, I see you hanging around outside that Hampton's bar at closing time, sitting on the fence post. You tried to make it look like you were waiting for your ride, but you fooled nobody. At first I thought you might be a hooker, but then I realized you were too unattractive for anybody to pay. By the third time I saw you there, I recognized the look - I knew you were just a desperate woman wanting to hear something that no one was ever going to be able to tell you. So I offered you a ride, spent about $5 at 7-11 to buy some beers and fucked you doggie style because I didn't want to see your face. You were in need. I was in need. I never even asked your name. After I gave you a ride home, I went over the bridge and drove down Dune Road for maybe a mile. The road was deserted and dark. I pulled over and just sat there. I didn't want to go back to the beach house. I didn't want to go back to New York City. So I just sat there. I think maybe I wanted to cry - I didn't - I haven't cried since 3rd grade when my mother drove away. So no I didn't cry. But I sat there until the sun came up.

Suzie - After that crazy Hampton's summer, I really began to hate myself. So I kept myself in lockdown and spent the next two years taking my work very seriously. No sex at all. Then out of the blue, I met you on a elevator. That must have been fate. Think of how difficult it is to make a connection on a 30 second elevator ride. But somehow it happened. You were a wonderful person. You were beautiful, funny and kind. Your pubic hair was magically soft. I just wasn't ready to start again. Sorry. Wish you well.

Ellen #1 - You were an annoying Jap. You were ugly. Your tits sagged. Sex was atrocious! Hey, I know the saying is "Suck my dick" - but you took it too literally. Don't just put it in your mouth and make a sucking sound. Oh...never mind...go watch a porn movie. Can't believe I waited two years for this? And the 2nd time you came over, you brought your contact lens solution and 2 business suits! What? Who invited you to move in? I should never have fucked Ashley, because it re-opened the flood gates and you washed in.

Ellen #2 - You made me both excited and sad. You were constantly trying to get in with the right crowd. Get it into your head already: You are not attractive, they do not want you in their clique. You mother obviously drank when she was pregnant because you have that classic scrunched fetal alcohol symptom face. But you kept trying, to the point of desperation. My God! You went to an Ivy League College, but you'd suck your doorman if he got you into the right club. All that said, you did provide some wicked sex.. That time in the sand dunes when we fucked and that total stranger came up to watch and you started jerking him off. And that time in front of your sister? What the fuck was that? I probably jerk off to your memories more than anyone else.

Hanna - You were the most boring girl I've ever endured. Who goes shopping for a pen? You want a pen, look between my couch pillows. There are a dozen pens in there. What a painfully dull ***** you are. And the sex was embarrassing. I cum on your face and you pat my back saying, "There, there. That's OK. Accidents happen." News flash, I came on your face to degrade you. And you react like a mother soothing a child with a scraped knee. You're boring and you're an idiot!

Ina - I thought you were an exotic beauty from Turkey. But you were really just a bitchy Staten Island girl hiding in the exotic body of a foreign national. You had the most sexual look, but you had no idea how to use it. It was like a Ferrari was given to a 12 year old without a driver's license. And maybe it was a cultural thing, but do you realize that I can pick out my own shirts? And I know how to choose an item from the menu. You were constantly trying to dictate everything. You suffocated me. I could have tolerated you more if the sex was better, but it wasn't. I'm not surprised you are still single. Go back to Turkey and suffocate your own kind.

Chelsea - I met you at a party, two hours later, you stripped for me. You seemed neurotic to the point of flaky. You called me 2 months later to say you had an ovarian cyst and you wanted to know if I caused it? Yeah, I did - just after I disrupted the Earth's magnetic field. Flake.

Karena - That was gross, you had more facial hair than me. And you were such a whacko. Believing yourself to be an artist. Your art was shit. And your meditation. And the vegetarian thing. You were much older than me. I thought that could be fun. But you got off the bus in the '60s and stayed there. And what's more, the sex was so dull and your apartment smelled like cat piss.

Meagan - You are the poster child of what can go wrong with long term use of prescription drugs. You are destined to forever be medicated. Here are some things you shouldn't do: Don't turn to the table next to us in a restaurant and ask if the fellow is done with his cake. I don't know who was more horrified when you ate it, me or him. And don't take a leak in a subway car. Even the homeless know how to hold it better than you. I can only imagine that was the drugs fucking up your frontal lobe. But I will say something kind about you. You loved it in the ass, "Yes, fuck me in the ass! Fuck me deep and make it hurt!" You were at least good for something.

Chrissie - All right, this is a bizarre one. You are smart. You are pretty. You are successful. But never ever should you sleep with a guy and then tell him the next morning that your last boyfriend died of AIDS. That was a dickish thing to do. I never wanted to go near you again.

Wendy - Picked you up on an Amtrak train. You were dull, but I went along on the ride for a while, mainly because I thought your mother was hot. I was actually hoping for a chance to bang her. She certainly had more personality than you. Hey, some sexual advice. It is not a lollipop. You don't hold it by the stem and lick it. Go ask your mother.

Carol - I had a live-in girlfriend at the time, so I couldn't take you to my place. You had roommates who knew my live-in girlfriend, so we couldn't go to your place. So I took the spare key to my girlfriend's father's apartment because I knew he only used it a few times a month. DAMN! That was so embarrassing - to find his potential son-in-law in HIS bed with a woman who wasn't his daughter. I'm sorry about that. You seemed nice, but after that incident I just had to hide from everyone.

Tessa - You were on the cruise ship because you were afraid to take the plane to Europe. You took me to your cabin, but you were afraid of catching a disease, so we watched each other jerk off. That was hot. Too bad we never met up again. My guess was that you were afraid of too many things in life. But still, I loved that jerk off thing and have done it many times since. A lot of girls get into it. Thanks.

Vivian - I met you at that party and we fucked later that night. And I got the definite sense you were using me to get back at some boyfriend. Don't do that. That kind of behavior is reserved for pricks like me.

Dr. Lara - You are a doctor. And on the first date, you asked me to fuck you in the ass. Didn't you learn anything in Med School about Safe Sex? Other than the ass part, you were dull. You kinda reminded we of someone who went to Band Camp. And what's with the beret. You look like some 1970s graduate of the Lycee Francaise. You are such a dork.

Holly - You were great. Smart. Good looking. Such a part of Grand New York, with your cocktail parties and benefit dinners. Remember that time you introduced me to your friend Anna? I talked to her for hours, exchanging stories. As she was leaving, I told her she should be a writer. She laughed. Later that night you told me her full name - Anna Quindlen. OK, I'm a jerk. I'm not sure why it didn't work out with you. Maybe your family was too rich. People might have called me a gold digger. So I walked away.

Irene - I lied to you. I just wanted to get into your pants and fuck you. And as soon as I did, I dumped you and made you cry. I didn't really care. But I've always wondered though, why did you insist that we fuck in your roommate's bed? Why did you insist I use your roommate's vibrator on you? I think you're a closet lesbian.

Nancy - You are a sexual weirdo. You take me home. I suck on your pussy til you come. Then you ask me to leave. Next date, same thing. So I asked our mutual friend, your ex. He said you did the same thing with him. I mentioned to our other friend in Seattle, same thing. You have some sexual baggage going on there, don't you. But no matter, I didn't really like you. I just wanted to see your pussy so I could talk to my friends about you.

Uma - Skinny as can be, red pussy hair and enormous tits. I still have that vision of you on all fours with me banging you from behind - your tits swaying, the size of bowling balls. I jerk off to you sometimes. Too bad you were a *****.

Rosemary - You are that typical fat girl who over compensates by trying to be too social. And to be 33 and still a virgin. That is fucked up. Thanks for the BJ, but I just couldn't be the one to pop your cherry. I heard that you lost the weight. That was good. Then I heard you died of cancer. That was bad. Sorry.

Olivia - You were Rosemary all over again. Why do fat girls date me and then when I dump them, they lose 50 lbs and try to turn their lives around. I should market myself as a diet plan. But I loved the way you swallowed my cum. You really knew how to play with it.

Sue - You were old, I was drunk. I should have just masturbated that night. But my mother was in the hospital and I didn't want to be alone. I never think about you.

Theresa - You were so sexy hot. We went on a hike and you took your shirt off. And when we passed other hikers, you just smiled and said hello. So hot. Sorry I came inside you. I know that freaked you out.

Ruthie - I think that car accident when you were 22 gave you brain damage. You were a math major in college, but 10 years later you couldn't finish a fucking sentence: "I can. I can finish a - hey, is it rain- I'm sleepy." I dunno, you were like a character from a Simpsons episode, saying off-the-wall things all the time, but not realizing how ridiculous they sounded to the rest of us. "Starsky and Hutch, that's a kind of ice cream isn't it?" And sex with you was like something from a bad tv sitcom. I'm banging your pussy. I'm staring at your beautiful face. I'm about to come, when you look deep into my eyes and say, "You know, tomorrow, I think I'll wear that green dress with the brown belt." Externally you were beautiful. Internally, I think your brain had turned to apple sauce.

Isabelle - Ug. You are not in my masturbation fantasies. You are not in anyone's masturbation fantasies. I thought I'd feel guilty about being your first. I knew when I popped you that I'd never see you again. But in the end, I didn't care. Maybe you should get a tattoo or something. Anything that might give you the sex appeal you so desperately need.

Ilyssa - I'm not sure what to say. I certainly can't get mad at you. It was all my doing. You worked in the cafeteria in my office building. You had a strangely deformed face. Your chin was too long. Your cheekbones weren't symmetrical. And you were overweight. I saw you leaving the building that day. I shouldn't even have been there, but I didn't want to go to the hospital and I didn't want to go to the office. I took you home and we fucked.

You know what I remember most about you? It wasn't your twisted face. It wasn't your sickeningly artificial childish mind set - "So I said to him I said, first of all, like ...whatever!" What I remember about you most was the disturbing image of removing you pants and seeing the inches of curly black pubic hair poking out in all directions from your hole-ridden panties. I'm guessing you didn't have any visitors down there for a while and certainly weren't expecting anyone that day.

Maybe when you were 16, you kept yourself well groomed, thinking you might meet a nice man and have a relationship. But as the years went by and nobody called, you let yourself go. And here you were at 35 years old. Deformed and alone. Ug, you were so grotesque that I should have run away. But that was it wasn't it? You were so grotesque I couldn't stop looking. You were my goal - the most vile looking woman ever splayed out before me in all of your naked glory. Wanting me. Needing me.

God, you remined me of all women. Like how could she fucking do that? I mean what mother would drive off and as her final parting words say to a 10 year old, "You know, it's your fault I'm leaving." I hated you so much that I never wanted to see you again. Why did you have to show up again all those years later? Why? You are my mother and what was I supposed to do? Fuck you *****! FUCK YOU *****!

Member #2912
02-18-07, 18:56
There used to be a couple of live adult theaters in the Portland area where anything and everything could happen. Are they still around?

02-20-07, 00:06
Jefferson Theater in PDX is your best bet fot this type of thing.


02-21-07, 16:17
Hey guys,

Just wondering if there are any good Asian establishments in town. Going to be traveling to OR for business for a couple of days, and wouldn't mind getting some. Any of you know of good asian bars or services? Wouldn't mind picking up a local girl too. Any tips? Much thanks in advance.


02-22-07, 00:31
In the late '70s and early '80s, Portland used to have a few Asian massage places. But those are long gone -- sorry. The closest AMP places are in the Seattle area. And the best ones are in Vancouver, B.C.

02-23-07, 22:45

I found this ad for "Asian Natalie" listed in the Exotic (the glossy monthly advert you can pick up at most of the strip clubs)

Brief summary.

Looks. She isn't as she appears in the ad. She's got a bit more beef on her and the face though not bad has had too many transfats.

Service. Total rip off. $200 for a 5 min CBJ followed by 5 min HJ followed by 10 min of self serve while she did a so-so strip tease.

I should have known. In general PDX is the capital of rip off. After a rather cool negotiation round where the 21 YO declared she'd disappoint herself for FJ for less than $500 (oh my god), I figured I was already in $200 and should at least see where that leads. A you take off yours while I come back in 10 minutes. Followed by lay here in this over grown doggie pad sort of thing thrown on the bed. I'm happy she got a giggle out of the strawberry condom she picked. The CBJ was not all that bad but after just a minute or so. She asked if I came fast. And then another minute the "I'm tired" look. After 4-5 then the question if it's ok and how about manual. This too was ok but she obviously has ADD cause after 4-5 minutes there she asked if I wanted to take over. The truly pathetic part was that I had to ask her to remove the remainder of her clothes so that it was more than me jerking off in a strangers house while she watched.

After. A bit of chit chat. She said the appreciated that I didn't go nuclear after discovery that the $200 service was not going to go very far. She said she was 3rd generation Thai, grew up and such in near by Vancouver, graduated from HS just 3 years ago. Then she wanted to know if she was fat.

I just tried to be polite and get the hell out of there.

So fellow mongers. If you see her ad, do yourself a favor and steer clear of this bait and switch artist.


07-13-08, 22:32
I see no one posts on here any more, but I don't think either of my providers on my recent visit to Portland fits neatly into the categories you guys have on here, so it's just going here.

I was in Portland w/o a car, staying near the airport, so did some on-foot exploration late one night to start. I hadn't done a lot of research to start, but wasn't really planning to monger at all; just kind of happened spontaneously. So the first place I tried was a video place with a "live girl" on Sandy, north of 82nd. That was a waste. There was a black gal there who was well-endowed and friendly, but she was following all the laws and basically it was watching her and getting to know my left hand better - and I stupidly dished out some bux thinking it would be different.

Then I went across the street and south a bit on Sandy to The G Spot. I realized this also could be a waste, but I thought I'd at least meet the girl. Well, after waiting a few minutes by myself in this room, with no one apparently around, I finally heard a voice from another room say she'd be out in a minute. There wasn't another guy there, so I don't know why it took 5 minutes. I was just kind of enjoying the bizzareness of it all - walkin in the open door and sitting in this cozy living-room atmosphere.

Anyway, this tall blonde chick finally works out. Can't recall her name, but began with an S - Sheryl Ann or Stacey Ann or something. Very tall and blonde wig, and a strange nervous giggle that never stopped all session. Not sure if that's an indication of drug use or what.

But I did stay ... because they were offering a "couch dance" for $40 + tip and she seemed genuinely nice, despite the weird giggle. It actually ended up being a good time. She, too, followed the letter of the law, and wouldn't really let me touch the parts I most wanted to touch. I would rather leave the details for PMs, but let's just say she was lenient in some ways and it was sort of like an experience with a girlfriend where she won't let you do what you want, but yet it's very erotic.

I went back some days later and the place was closed. They moved or merged with another G-Spot a mile or less away on 82nd. Went there to look for her again, but missed her shift. Didn't have another chance.

I would recommend if you want something different. PM me if you want more details.

07-13-08, 22:50
2nd part of my Portland trip report

Later the night after I saw the G-Spot chick, I dropped by the 7-11 at Sandy and 82nd. A young, kinda thick but curvy, black gal was outside and when our eyes met, we mutually held them long enough to turn it into a mutual "look." She followed me in and squired me a bit. I told her I'd be interested, but I'd already had "some company" that evening. "Sundae (Sunday?) gave me her number and I said I'd call her later in the week.

I did just that and got her to come to my motel. She's cute, kind of athletic/thick, but with decent bust and great booty. Only about 5' tall. If you like short, young, curvy, black gals, she's your gal. Kinda thick, but hardly BBW.

I had sort of thought she was an SW, since she was hanging outside the 7-11, but she's actually better described as an escort (I guess). Probably falls in the category of girls who might be SWs, but know their way around a computer (or know someone who does). She's on some of the sites (one of them: http://www.escortace.com/usa/oregon/portland/female/4813.html) but not CL. Said she travels around U.S. Generally, you're not going to eye down an escort at a 7-11 and get a #, but whatever.

Anyway, she was at my room and we agreed on 1.4. She knew I wanted a GFE and she obliged with some LFK, hugging and nice attitude. CBJ, CFS, etc. ... I was tired, so had to finish while nursing her C's and FIV. She doesn't do BBBJ.

I'd recommend.

Xtraveler G
01-09-10, 15:52
Having been in Portland, OR for the last couple of months, my buddy takes leave for warmer climates; but not before leaving his thoughts about the scene.

Though his time was limited, he related that he had a great time at the two strip clubs that he visited - that account can be found in the Portland, OR's "Strip Club" thread; and the UTR that he met at the Hilton's Porto Terra Bar

During his stay in Portland, there were several conventions in Portland. During one of these conventions, he had stopped off at the Porto Terra Bar for a night cap. There sitting alone at the bar, a naturally attractive; in his judgement; woman sat by him on the empty stool. After ordering her drink, she asked him if he was there for the Geological convention, to which he replied in the negative. She told him "Thank God"!!! They got to conversing, and he found out that she is an associate professor at UCLA in geology, and single. Through the course of another round, their conversation got interesting and cozy - alcohol does have a way of liberating the restraints that society places on us!!! He said that from her body language; arching her back, leaning in close to him, her hand contact on his forearm and thighs; that this conversation needed to progress in a more intimate direction. Since they both were staying in the Hilton Tower, they took their conversation and final round back to his room - behind closed doors!!! He said that she left around 6 AM, and that he had never been as sore, or dry since his last affair...

All in all, he thought that Portland is definitely a fun city, and entertainment can be found in the unlikeliest of places!!!

08-18-10, 23:44
I'm having a little dilemma.

I have a provider I see in the Pacific NW that I see whenever I have to be in the area seeing clients. That breaks down to about 3-4 times a year. I've seen her for the past 3 years.

I love so much about this chick: almost spinner body, well taken care of, loves anal, she's about my age, really easy going and fun to talk to, but, most importantly, she's not a clock watcher. Every time I see her, I pay for a certain amount of time but we invariable go longer. Sometimes, we have hit a few hours longer and she's never complained. EVER.

The past year, I've spent over $400 each time on dinner and drinks with her before we get down to the deed. We're not eating at Denny's or IHOP but pretty nice joints. This time beforehand has never been taken into account against the time that I've paid her for. I usually buy her gifts (although, some are for me, too, like anal beads and perfume that I love).

Most recently, I saw her and she sent me a follow up email that said she "felt bad" for going longer than the upfront agreed upon time. She didn't necessarily ask for more money but I'm sure that if I paid her for more time, she'd gladly accept it.

So my question is: who's responsibility is it to watch the clock? If she goes over without asking me "do you want to go longer", am I supposed to tip her for more time out of the goodness of my heart? Honestly, I felt like telling her to fuck off as I could find someone else that wouldn't "feel bad" but damnit. I love that pussy!

Any thoughts from my fellow mongers?

08-22-10, 20:40
So my question is: who's responsibility is it to watch the clock?

Quite simply, hers.

Chasin It
09-12-10, 11:13
I'm having a little dilemma.

I have a provider I see in the Pacific NW that I see whenever I have to be in the area seeing clients. That breaks down to about 3-4 times a year. I've seen her for the past 3 years.

I love so much about this chick: almost spinner body, well taken care of, loves anal, she's about my age, really easy going and fun to talk to, but, most importantly, she's not a clock watcher. Every time I see her, I pay for a certain amount of time but we invariable go longer. Sometimes, we have hit a few hours longer and she's never complained. EVER.

The past year, I've spent over $400 each time on dinner and drinks with her before we get down to the deed. We're not eating at Denny's or IHOP but pretty nice joints. This time beforehand has never been taken into account against the time that I've paid her for. I usually buy her gifts (although, some are for me, too, like anal beads and perfume that I love).

Most recently, I saw her and she sent me a follow up email that said she "felt bad" for going longer than the upfront agreed upon time. She didn't necessarily ask for more money but I'm sure that if I paid her for more time, she'd gladly accept it.

So my question is: who's responsibility is it to watch the clock? If she goes over without asking me "do you want to go longer", am I supposed to tip her for more time out of the goodness of my heart? Honestly, I felt like telling her to fuck off as I could find someone else that wouldn't "feel bad" but damnit. I love that pussy!

Any thoughts from my fellow mongers?There are plenty of ladies that charge outright for the "Dinner/Companionship" time.

You admit that some of the gifts are for your pleasure. It is obvious that she doesn't equate the dinner and gifts as sufficient compensation as she just told you so.

Maybe your expectations are beginning to overwhelm her or it is feeling more than a play for pay date for one of you and she is uncomfortable with it.

Funny if a lady looks at the clock she is a clock watcher and if she doesn't she is wrong for not saying something about the date going long.

Just' sayin

Nite Crush
09-14-10, 20:37
Saw her ads on BP:


She looks very yummy. Was wondering whether anyone has been with her.

Thanks in advance

05-21-11, 21:41
I am coming into Portland and staying near the airport for a couple of days. Any and all recommendations or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Amp Guide
06-04-11, 23:58
Hi posting this for a girl who asked me to. She is nice. In shape and does a good job of pleasing. Her number is 503. 890. 1942. Please treat her right. You will have to provide transportation. She is a clean girl.

07-30-11, 21:01
Visiting your city last week and almost tried the lingerie modeling (or whatever) place above Dante's. At least I think that's where it was. On Burnside near downtown, on the 3rd floor above a rocking club, in any case.

There were two girls there. I've done the lingerie modeling thing here before on previous visits, hoping for the best, but of course not getting it. The girls promised me the world if my entry and donation topped $200, but I'm thinking I wouldn't have gotten what they were implying. Thought I read something else somewhere about at least one of these places stepping up their game, but wasn't willing to risk it.

Has anyone tried this place?

02-03-12, 21:00
I believe the place Twisted Bro is referring to is Pussycats. I went there recently and it's a $50 room fee. I was told I would get a modeling show, we'd both get naked, and HE. Works for me. Not sure of the complete menu but based on the price I was quoted for what I got, I imagine FS could be had for the $200 mentioned below. The girl I met was dressed very modestly, but flashed an impressive set of twins, which hooked me instantly. With the new posting guidelines I won't share name or number here, but feel free to PM me.

Visiting your city last week and almost tried the lingerie modeling (or whatever) place above Dante's. At least I think that's where it was. On Burnside near downtown, on the 3rd floor above a rocking club, in any case.

There were two girls there. I've done the lingerie modeling thing here before on previous visits, hoping for the best, but of course not getting it. The girls promised me the world if my entry and donation topped $200, but I'm thinking I wouldn't have gotten what they were implying. Thought I read something else somewhere about at least one of these places stepping up their game, but wasn't willing to risk it.

Has anyone tried this place?

05-10-12, 01:30
Howz'it Portland.

Just relocated here from the 50th state.

Seems like the Back Page girls are the ones.

Who provide the good services. Just wondering how.

The LE is with those

04-11-15, 02:22
Went down 82nd tonight and realized nobody was around, I'm new to the scene in portland and was curious where all the SW's go when it rains, we don't get much rain where I moved from. Thanks much. For now I guess ill just wait till weather gets better.


Space Cop
04-11-15, 16:43
Sorry to break it to you, but the SW's on 82nd go back to their motels, etc when it rains. I know that it seems almost *too* obvious, but they're human beings, just as likely to think "Oh, it's nice outside! I'm going out!" as they are "Damn, it's wet and gross. I'm-a stay in. ".

Went down 82nd tonight and realized nobody was around, I'm new to the scene in portland and was curious where all the SW's go when it rains, we don't get much rain where I moved from. Thanks much. For now I guess ill just wait till weather gets better.


07-30-16, 20:04
I'm new to the scene and was wondering what was up with the place above Dantes? Is it modeling? AAMP? Price? I knocked once around 5 pm and no on answered.

09-04-16, 04:06
Coming through Portland and curious any BBFS info. BBFSCIP would be awesome. Any tips? Info to share?

05-18-19, 16:26
Please read and reply to this thread about LE using this site to bust mongers.

http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?31205-Are-We-Safe&p=4280627#post4280627Christ DJ.

How many times & cities can you post this. A2 addressed it & how that idiot fucked the pooch.

05-24-19, 16:06
There used to be a couple of live adult theaters in the Portland area where anything and everything could happen. Are they still around?The Oregon Theater is what I think your looking for. Lots of fun, especially Friday and Saturday. Have also hear that Taboo can be fun. Never been there myself. Always having too much fun at the Oregon.

05-25-19, 08:58
The Oregon Theater is what I think your looking for. Lots of fun, especially Friday and Saturday. Have also hear that Taboo can be fun. Never been there myself. Always having too much fun at the Oregon.What are some of your recent experiences, only been there a few times, didn't participate though, you ever get any numbers or invites to anything beyond the theatre?

05-30-19, 18:53
What are some of your recent experiences, only been there a few times, didn't participate though, you ever get any numbers or invites to anything beyond the theatre?The last visit was on a "last Saturday of the month", this is a popular date, every month. Attracts lots of couples and usually a single lady or two. On this visit it started with a couple who sat outside of the couples area. She took on guys for BJ's. Then two couples came in and sat in the couples area. It is an area toward the front of the theater, and no single guys are allowed unless invited by a couple. One of the couples just played together while a bunch of guys watched. The other couple were inviting guys in to play with her. About an hour late a couple came in and went to the gang bang table. I managed to get in line and sampled the ladies goodies. Finished me off and I left at 11:00 pm or so. I understand that it was busy well into the morning hours. Fri and Sat are always to best time to go. They frequently have special theme nights and they are also very busy. I shall be back for the 4th of July. I have never tried for numbers.

08-01-19, 09:53
Hello everybody, Hope this is the right place to post, I will be visiting Portland next week, would you please suggest me what fun things to do here? MP, Stripclub, bar. ? I am staying in downtown Portland.

Thanks for your information.

08-01-19, 17:43
Hello everybody, Hope this is the right place to post, I will be visiting Portland next week, would you please suggest me what fun things to do here? MP, Stripclub, bar. ? I am staying in downtown Portland.

Thanks for your information.Strip clubs I'm familiar with marys club oldest strip club in portland and casa diablo is soposed to have some wiled shows on the weekend that's the only strip club I've ever seen a line to get in the door must be good.

08-01-19, 19:09
Hello everybody, Hope this is the right place to post, I will be visiting Portland next week, would you please suggest me what fun things to do here? MP, Stripclub, bar. ? I am staying in downtown Portland.

Thanks for your information.DT, Mary's as suggest, Club Rogue, Kit Kat. That's my experience for downtown. If you have transportation read the strip club thread.

10-01-19, 01:47
DT, Mary's as suggest, Club Rogue, Kit Kat. That's my experience for downtown. If you have transportation read the strip club thread.Thanks for all of the responses, sorry I have been traveling a lot lately so I did not really have time to go on here. Last time I was in Portland I checked out Spyce close to the Voodoo donut area I believe, kinda pricey but I had fun.

I was really surprised by the quality of this club too. Most of the girls were hot, there were about more than 10 of them working even though it was a Wednesday night. Anyways, I will be back again next week, hope I will have time to check out the other clubs that you suggested. And some of the MP in downtown too.

Edgar Alan Ho
10-01-19, 13:19
I'm new to the scene and was wondering what was up with the place above Dantes? Is it modeling? AAMP? Price? I knocked once around 5 pm and no on answered.I went there once about 15 years ago. It was a "lingerie modeling" jack shack type place.

10-04-19, 12:33
Thanks, gave it a try last summer and it is as you said. Kinda spendy to not be allowed to touch. Like you said jack shack. Rather spend the $ on a few dances at a cluc or hit up an AMP.

I went there once about 15 years ago. It was a "lingerie modeling" jack shack type place.

02-16-20, 15:51
The Oregon Theater is what I think your looking for. Lots of fun, especially Friday and Saturday. Have also hear that Taboo can be fun. Never been there myself. Always having too much fun at the Oregon.Are these the places to go to? Does anyone have any suggestions for a F M couple for M m f action?

06-01-21, 15:57
Idk about you all but I tried every way I could think of to get a lady to my place last weekend including wrangling them in the wild without success.

Every single one was a no-show including more than one who contacted me to schedule and either canceled hours after they were supposed to be here or just ghosted me entirely.

I'll never understand how someone can be on their way 15 minutes away and then fall asleep. We must find a cure for this epidemic of narcolepsy.

Hope it was just me and everyone else had a fun and safe or even not-so-safe weekend.

06-01-21, 23:29
Idk about you all but I tried every way I could think of to get a lady to my place last weekend including wrangling them in the wild without success.

Every single one was a no-show including more than one who contacted me to schedule and either canceled hours after they were supposed to be here or just ghosted me entirely.

I'll never understand how someone can be on their way 15 minutes away and then fall asleep. We must find a cure for this epidemic of narcolepsy.

Hope it was just me and everyone else had a fun and safe or even not-so-safe weekend.I laugh when I hear that because I have heard it more often than not from many providers. I think what if a hobbyist said they fell asleep? Could you imagine? Cancellation fees galore. I say write an alert on them. If I have to PAY if I fall asleep? I either want a discount to make up for that or an alert will be posted. I have been fortunate for awhile but I remember when I first started I had the providers tell me that like it was a quote from a famous celebrity LOL. Reiterated over and over.

06-01-21, 23:44
I laugh when I hear that because I have heard it more often than not from many providers. I think what if a hobbyist said they fell asleep? Could you imagine? Cancellation fees galore. I say write an alert on them. If I have to PAY if I fall asleep? I either want a discount to make up for that or an alert will be posted. I have been fortunate for awhile but I remember when I first started I had the providers tell me that like it was a quote from a famous celebrity LOL. Reiterated over and over.LOL I'm not one to write reports that's just life I think the earliest one has ever been was maybe 2 hrs late but 100% failure rate was like wow.

EoCowbooy 1
06-02-21, 01:41
I laugh when I hear that because I have heard it more often than not from many providers. I think what if a hobbyist said they fell asleep? Could you imagine? Cancellation fees galore. I say write an alert on them. If I have to PAY if I fall asleep? I either want a discount to make up for that or an alert will be posted. I have been fortunate for awhile but I remember when I first started I had the providers tell me that like it was a quote from a famous celebrity LOL. Reiterated over and over.Alerts would really help a lot. It doesn't even have to be unkind. "I feel really bad writing this, and I hope we resolve it. But, _ missed our appointment because she fell asleep. ".

Even if they resolve it prior to an alert, make it part of the review. The flaky ones won't risk seeing you after. But, the solid ones will have no issues.

06-03-21, 11:43
Recently while make small talk with a provider she told me a client had recently took her to Taboo on 82nd. She told me that ya they had the booths etc but that they have a mini theater as well. She told me it was kinda like a mini Oregon theater type thing. So can anyone back this up and is there any fun to had there short of using my own right hand. If you don't want to post feel free to PM me. Keep the info flowing.

06-03-21, 19:08
Just got to dodge the trans and gays I have never seen but been told couple go in and share.

Recently while make small talk with a provider she told me a client had recently took her to Taboo on 82nd. She told me that ya they had the booths etc but that they have a mini theater as well. She told me it was kinda like a mini Oregon theater type thing. So can anyone back this up and is there any fun to had there short of using my own right hand. If you don't want to post feel free to PM me. Keep the info flowing.

06-03-21, 23:56
I went there with a Provider and it was what I expected, a bunch of married dudes getting sucked off by He / she's and dudes. We went and fucked in the big booth.

Another time I went there solo and I saw a Provider (MandyPDX) get dumped in Raw by a few dudes, her faggot boyfriend ate the nut out of her. Couldn't get out of there fast enough.

06-04-21, 02:40
I went there with a Provider and it was what I expected, a bunch of married dudes getting sucked off by He / she's and dudes. We went and fucked in the big booth.

Another time I went there solo and I saw a Provider (MandyPDX) get dumped in Raw by a few dudes, her faggot boyfriend ate the nut out of her. Couldn't get out of there fast enough.Thanks to both of you for the heads up and saving me from the bad visuals of what sounds like a huge sausage fest.

07-09-21, 12:33
Just got to dodge the trans and gays I have never seen but been told couple go in and share.Went there once, guy had wife in there. I grabbed her tits, there was a line of dudes. The look on their faces was one of disbelief that they were actually going to touch a vag. She was fat, I left. I did get couple of hot experiences at the GH one time the guy let me in the booth with the girl (she was hot AF I was stunned). Got an amazing BJ COF. We emailed a couple of times but never happened again. One other time at the place on 122nd and the " side " a hot wife came in (ad on CL) just two or three guys invited. I went to the next booth and low a behold a pu**why pushes through the hole! I gloved up, it was so wet I slipped around and busted a nut before I got in!! She was nice looking MILF too! Hey I was young. Out in the west side I got a small BBW in heels (nice looking). Hit it from behind got a smooch and handshake form the hubby and moved on! I miss the old days!

Bobby ShafToe
07-16-21, 02:23
I've been tempted to check this place out since a stripper I've seen works there. I was enticed by a hot girl's social media. Long story short, she wasn't as quite hot in person but still very attractive, and the help yourself experience was overpriced. I really didn't expect any more, tho. I just wanted to try out something different. So I got what I wanted, I guess, to jerk off with a hot girl on my lap.

09-29-21, 19:09
I've been tempted to check this place out since a stripper I've seen works there. I was enticed by a hot girl's social media. Long story short, she wasn't as quite hot in person but still very attractive, and the help yourself experience was overpriced. I really didn't expect any more, tho. I just wanted to try out something different. So I got what I wanted, I guess, to jerk off with a hot girl on my lap.You'll want to stick to a a narrow set of places if you want to fuck.

10-28-21, 09:19

"I'm only interested in dates and potentially some PG activities.

I do not currently provide FSSW. ".

5 bills for 2 hours.

To hang out. And maybe get to cop a feel.

Amp Guide
10-28-21, 18:49
500 for a two hour dinner date. What kind of guy would shell out that coin for a dinner date with no FS. For that in Vegas You can get the hole deal from some incradible college tail and she is one hard body girl. WOW granted this girl is cute. But just for dinner. Must be catering to the old rich retirement home type. If I am paying for a dinner, movie flowers and only hope to get lucky. I would rather just pay her the money and rock MY world with a couple of pops and play with a great body.

Later for now guys and girl.

10-28-21, 20:33
500 for a two hour dinner date. What kind of guy would shell out that coin for a dinner date with no FS. For that in Vegas You can get the hole deal from some incradible college tail and she is one hard body girl. WOW granted this girl is cute. But just for dinner. Must be catering to the old rich retirement home type. If I am paying for a dinner, movie flowers and only hope to get lucky. I would rather just pay her the money and rock MY world with a couple of pops and play with a great body.

Later for now guys and girl.There is no pussy in Portland that is worth $500 an hour or $300 to $400 an hour. I guess these cum receptacles are now basing their rates on their weight and fup rolls.

10-29-21, 14:09
There is no pussy in Portland that is worth $500 an hour or $300 to $400 an hour. I guess these cum receptacles are now basing their rates on their weight and fup rolls.Yup. In Portland it seems you pay per pound.

Drex Diggler2
10-29-21, 16:54
Yup. In Portland it seems you pay per pound.OMG I spit out my coffee at this one LOL.

Amp Guide
10-30-21, 15:38
Stopped by once for a burger. Sat at the rack. The girl dancing has the worst case of crotch rot I have EVER SMELLED OMG. Never seen a SW this bad. This girl had HANGING POWER the smell hung in the air for ever. I moved 15 feet away to eat a pretty good burger. But still the smell must of followed me to the new table. Fuck me. If your trying to make money with that toy box kids come from. Fucking wash it. Take some pride in your self. LOL.

As such. Seems the bigger the girl the more they just do now wash all parts as well. Been a while since I toured the clubs mostly due to the increase in weight of the girls in east county.

Stay safe guys and girls.

10-30-21, 18:59
Back in the day I was at bar and walked past a chick sitting on a bar stool and I thought I smelled tuna. Now I know I did, LOL.

Thanks for the post!

Stopped by once for a burger. Sat at the rack. The girl dancing has the worst case of crotch rot I have EVER SMELLED OMG. Never seen a SW this bad. This girl had HANGING POWER the smell hung in the air for ever. I moved 15 feet away to eat a pretty good burger. But still the smell must of followed me to the new table. Fuck me. If your trying to make money with that toy box kids come from. Fucking wash it. Take some pride in your self. LOL.

As such. Seems the bigger the girl the more they just do now wash all parts as well. Been a while since I toured the clubs mostly due to the increase in weight of the girls in east county.

Stay safe guys and girls.

11-01-21, 12:16

"I'm only interested in dates and potentially some PG activities.

I do not currently provide FSSW. ".

5 bills for 2 hours.

To hang out. And maybe get to cop a feel.Hey, and don't forget your $150 NON REFUNDABLE deposit!! LOL.

11-01-21, 15:11
Whether that's for GPS, whales, etc.

This might be winner so far.

Hey, and don't forget your $150 NON REFUNDABLE deposit!! LOL.

01-10-22, 17:28
Just a general announcement. LE will be out on stings. Keep on the lookout and don't respond to TGTBT ads.

01-10-22, 20:35
Just a general announcement. LE will be out on stings. Keep on the lookout and don't respond to TGTBT ads.Which begs the question, what happened (or is happening) with this? https://www.courthousenews.com/sex-workers-in-oregon-call-for-an-end-to-police-stings-officials-signal-support/.

To quote the article:

PORTLAND, Ore. — Support is growing among city and county commissioners to end funding for police decoy stings targeting adults who try to buy sex, as well as a diversion program that trains those caught in stings in the police theory that all sex work is harmful.It goes on to say the county commissioners were largely in support, citing budgetary concerns and reallocation of limited resources as a strong argument for this.

Guess I could reach out to Elle Strange's organization for an update.

Lets Play 2
01-26-22, 11:20
I got into town Monday morning and needed a cup of coffe. Within an hour of landing I got my coffee and a nice show. I love this town! Wish we had this in Chicago.

So where's the best place to go for coffee and a show tomorrow?

01-28-22, 18:13
I got into town Monday morning and needed a cup of coffe. Within an hour of landing I got my coffee and a nice show. I love this town! Wish we had this in Chicago.

So where's the best place to go for coffee and a show tomorrow?Check the Bikini Barista thread.

Member #6133
01-31-22, 11:29
Help, got no regular anymore, been looking for a good dirty talking BBBJ with cot or cof finish that they will let film, maybe work up to ff, don't really want anything but that, and probably mature, really tired of the younger ones unreliability and drama, this used to be the bread and butter in this town, any possible leads would be greatly appreciated.

02-01-22, 11:31
Help, got no regular anymore, been looking for a good dirty talking BBBJ with cot or cof finish that they will let film, maybe work up to ff, don't really want anything but that, and probably mature, really tired of the younger ones unreliability and drama, this used to be the bread and butter in this town, any possible leads would be greatly appreciated.She is on tna and not camera shy. Good BBBJ. Apt Incall. I think she checks all your boxes.

02-01-22, 16:45
There is no pussy in Portland that is worth $500 an hour or $300 to $400 an hour. I guess these cum receptacles are now basing their rates on their weight and fup rolls.So true. I can't imagine they are getting that every time. My wages haven't gone up, but P4P sure has.

02-01-22, 17:05
Help, got no regular anymore, been looking for a good dirty talking BBBJ with cot or cof finish that they will let film, maybe work up to ff, don't really want anything but that, and probably mature, really tired of the younger ones unreliability and drama, this used to be the bread and butter in this town, any possible leads would be greatly appreciated.She's a class act. Loves you when you walk through the door. Sexy body. I know it's a cliche, but she loves what she does. She'll let you video tape certain things perhaps; I can't be 100% sure on some of that. I THINK she'll let you cof, tits, all that. Not my thing, so I can't be certain of that. There's others I know of, but I don't have personal experience with them. Perhaps Cassie? Fineapple?

Member #6133
02-01-22, 18:22
She's a class act. Loves you when you walk through the door. Sexy body. I know it's a cliche, but she loves what she does. She'll let you video tape certain things perhaps; I can't be 100% sure on some of that. I THINK she'll let you cof, tits, all that. Not my thing, so I can't be certain of that. There's others I know of, but I don't have personal experience with them. Perhaps Cassie? Fineapple?Awesome thanks for the leads, who's the best nasty talker around here?

02-01-22, 19:37
Awesome thanks for the leads, who's the best nasty talker around here?My fav, kimilla Cole, Scarlett L, toonice1974.


Residential ic on the westside, she got mommy tummy.

Scarlett L.

It's been a long time since I saw her, dunno if she gain more weight, she was in good shape before she got locked up.


Pic outdated, messed up teeth, chubby, but still a great fuck.

Bbfsciacip YMMV.

She likes it rough.

Had a great time, made me break a sweat.

Any of you mongers got more to add on this list for dirty talker?

02-02-22, 00:50
My fav, kimilla Cole, Scarlett L, toonice1974.


Residential ic on the westside, she got mommy tummy.

Scarlett L.

It's been a long time since I saw her, dunno if she gain more weight, she was in good shape before she got locked up.


Pic outdated, messed up teeth, chubby, but still a great fuck.

Bbfsciacip YMMV.

She likes it rough.

Had a great time, made me break a sweat.

Any of you mongers got more to add on this list for dirty talker?Scarlett L is the best I've heard. Saw her after she was locked up so I can't compare to prior.

I haven't visited with Kimilla or Toonice1974 yet.

02-02-22, 16:37
Scarlett L is the best I've heard. Saw her after she was locked up so I can't compare to prior.

I haven't visited with Kimilla or Toonice1974 yet.April flower is the dirtiest. She'll whisper in your ear filthy sexy stuff. No pics or vid as far as I know though. Agree about scarlett L though it's always the same practiced lines so it's a little funny.

02-02-22, 22:51
I wish this girl would come back to Portland. Is one of the Casey Tyler crew. Listed as 19, is tall, about 5'9", a couple of tats, spinner, perfectly perky B titties, and one of the dirtiest talkers I've ever been with. Did the daddy talk stuff to perfection. The whole on her knees BJ with the eye contact, beautiful pale blue eyes, did the whole cock slap on her tongue. I can't recall her name, but I would know it if I saw it. She must of went to porn star training camp because she was making my old jaded ass blush. Sound familiar to anyone? I didn't do a review so I don't have her info. Every time I see a Casey ad, I hope it's her.

03-19-22, 16:31
Another Kimilla fan reporting. She's great as a dirty talker and for me, after the second visit things just sort of drifted away if you catch my drift.

My fav, kimilla Cole, Scarlett L, toonice1974.


Residential ic on the westside, she got mommy tummy.

Scarlett L.

It's been a long time since I saw her, dunno if she gain more weight, she was in good shape before she got locked up.


Pic outdated, messed up teeth, chubby, but still a great fuck.

Bbfsciacip YMMV.

03-19-22, 18:14
Another Kimilla fan reporting. She's great as a dirty talker and for me, after the second visit things just sort of drifted away if you catch my drift.I only saw her 4 x, afterwards she been ghosting me. Whatever, I'm done with old pussy and lately I've been wanting to try out some young pussy and ass, next on the list pinameganda. Does anyone know if Greek is upsell. I tried Greek with Kimilla but she taped out, definitely a no with me.

03-20-22, 19:30
She is on tna and not camera shy. Good BBBJ. Apt Incall. I think she checks all your boxes.I'm lost. Who are we talking about?

03-20-22, 23:43
I'm lost. Who are we talking about?Her name is Brooklyn thorn on tna.

04-08-22, 19:54
I'm wondering if anyone has working knowledge of what adult site that is idiot proof to POST ads?

I have been looking at the basic ones we most search through to post our experience here, EC, Mega, TNA.

They all seem to have similar requirements to post Although TNA seems to have a strict policy.

04-09-22, 06:58
Hey folks,

I'm pretty much brand new to the area (just moved here like a month ago) and don't really know my way arounds spots. I'm sure I can find my way around, but I'm more curious about the LE situation. Is this something I should be of any higher concern than any other city? Just quick browsing online, it doesn't seem like there's any shortage of AMPs here. But I've only ever experienced AMPs a couple of times in my old city, and so I'm still somewhat green / newbie sketched about the hobby. From what I've read it seems like mostly things go sideways during escort stings, but that's not really my thing. I just want to get a pulse on if I need to be looking over my shoulder for LE every time I get the urge to consider an AMP.

Hive Chicago
05-22-22, 15:16
Hey folks,

I'm pretty much brand new to the area (just moved here like a month ago) and don't really know my way arounds spots. I'm sure I can find my way around, but I'm more curious about the LE situation. Is this something I should be of any higher concern than any other city? Just quick browsing online, it doesn't seem like there's any shortage of AMPs here. But I've only ever experienced AMPs a couple of times in my old city, and so I'm still somewhat green / newbie sketched about the hobby. From what I've read it seems like mostly things go sideways during escort stings, but that's not really my thing. I just want to get a pulse on if I need to be looking over my shoulder for LE every time I get the urge to consider an AMP.While this is always a risk, consider the general competence of the police, then consider the fact that PPB is severely understaffed in all departments. I think you'd probably have to be more careful in the burbs like Beaverton or Tualitin / Tigard, but I haven't heard of any AMP busts in the last several years (not that I'm keeping track).

08-15-22, 19:13
I recently visited an escort off of PD. Beautiful lady, well reviewed, decent rates. Went for an incall and everything was going good.

Hopped in RCG position, still good. Looked down at the condom and saw that it was darker. Kept looking and saw some blood trickle down on to my shaft. I was in the vinegar strokes so I was preoccupied.

Lady hopped off, wiped off shaft with hand and took the condom to the bathroom. Came out like nothing weird happened. I went in to the bathroom and was showering, saw some blood come off on the washcloth.

Has this happened to anybody? It was not her time of the month and there is no way I am tearing anything.

08-15-22, 22:28
I recently visited an escort off of PD. Beautiful lady, well reviewed, decent rates. Went for an incall and everything was going good.

Hopped in RCG position, still good. Looked down at the condom and saw that it was darker. Kept looking and saw some blood trickle down on to my shaft. I was in the vinegar strokes so I was preoccupied.

Lady hopped off, wiped off shaft with hand and took the condom to the bathroom. Came out like nothing weird happened. I went in to the bathroom and was showering, saw some blood come off on the washcloth.

Has this happened to anybody? It was not her time of the month and there is no way I am tearing anything.I've had that happen. Just keep fucking. Extra lube. No extra risk.

08-15-22, 23:58
I recently visited an escort off of PD. Beautiful lady, well reviewed, decent rates. Went for an incall and everything was going good.

Hopped in RCG position, still good. Looked down at the condom and saw that it was darker. Kept looking and saw some blood trickle down on to my shaft. I was in the vinegar strokes so I was preoccupied.

Lady hopped off, wiped off shaft with hand and took the condom to the bathroom. Came out like nothing weird happened. I went in to the bathroom and was showering, saw some blood come off on the washcloth.

Has this happened to anybody? It was not her time of the month and there is no way I am tearing anything.If she's highly confident that it was not her time of the month, it might be because of fibroids.

08-16-22, 13:14
Has this happened to anybody? It was not her time of the month and there is no way I am tearing anything.I had a bit of a scare several years ago with a BB provider. I had been with her several times before, so knew how she felt, but this time I was definitely bumping into something inside her while in mish position- and I knew I hadn't gained extra inches since our last date!

I got up on my knees while she stayed on her back and I pushed her legs back toward her head so I could enjoy the view below. When blood just started streaming down my frank & beans and all over the bed's white comforter.

She had been wearing a "diva cup" to capture the menstrual flow internally, but I had dislodged it while in mish. Visited the doc the next day, concerned if I should get PEP (post-exposure HIV prevention), but doc told me even if she had full blown AIDS my risk of infection was still like 1 in a thousand, so we didn't bother. I haven't seen her again, though!

08-25-22, 14:50
Don't know if this belongs here but.

Good god. Pricing has gotten stupid. Going from 260 to 400 or more in one jump. Hell it wasn't that great at 260. LOL.

12-28-22, 09:22
I came here to post about pricing. It seems like all of a sudden many women have gone to 300 for a hh and 500 for h.

I was a pretty solid no to 400 and a 100% no to 500. No way I will ever pay 500 for time with any girl no matter how amazing she is advertised.

What I think is interesting is how so many switched to 500 all of a sudden and simultaneously. I'm sure there is some.

Union or sex workers that organize that. It just makes me see I am not there target and I can write those girls who.

Charge that off completely. At 400 I was a solid no fucking way. But there was a small chance that I might in the right circumstances. But at 500 I will.

Not even entertain the idea. Even if there hh is 300 I still say fuck that.

I'm sure there are guys that will still pay it and hopefully there is enough of them to hold that price point.

I will still see ladies at 300 - 320 an hour. But even that, it better be a sure thing that it's going to be good.

I spent 300 once on Carmen Lexus and realized that any of these girls can post some fake photos and show up drugged up with very little effort going into.

Cleanliness or appearance with a bad attitude and expect 300 an hour. That one time made me stop and think.

There are professional ladies who realize getting paid 300 for an hour is a lot and put in 100%. It doesn't even matter what they look like.

If they are trying to create a good experience then I'll happily pay that. I may leave unhappy with something or another but if they tried and I can see that I won't complain.

But all these girls just charging that much and most of them not offering much for menu either. That is crap.

I hope if you read this you will post something about price on * and use your words to say no to it. Sure they will have the same guys and girls come on and say "Another post about prices! Why do people keep posting about prices? But posting about prices in the right way talks sense into girls who actually care about their business and the customers who support the trade here. And guys who are coming in may read the post about prices and say, fuck that, I'm not paying 500!

Most of the girls who come on to defence the prices actually have fair prices and are great providers. I actually see there point that it is up to the ladies to decide. But, the ladies deciding is not the problem. It's this seemingly organized but probably mostly unorganized mindless shift to 500 all of a sudden.

I actually spend a lot of money on my vagina addiction. But I don't care how good it is. If I drop 500 I'm going to walk away with buyers remorse as I consider.

All the things 500 can buy.

Thanks for reading this far. Please do your part and say something or chime in with a voice of reason. The ladies who care are listening and they respond in positive ways.

Don't know if this belongs here but.

Good god. Pricing has gotten stupid. Going from 260 to 400 or more in one jump. Hell it wasn't that great at 260. LOL.

12-28-22, 12:33
I came here to post about pricing. It seems like all of a sudden many women have gone to 300 for a hh and 500 for h.

I was a pretty solid no to 400 and a 100% no to 500. No way I will ever pay 500 for time with any girl no matter how amazing she is advertised.

What I think is interesting is how so many switched to 500 all of a sudden and simultaneously. I'm sure there is some.

Union or sex workers that organize that. It just makes me see I am not there target and I can write those girls who.

Charge that off completely. At 400 I was a solid no fucking way. But there was a small chance that I might in the right circumstances. But at 500 I will.

Not even entertain the idea. Even if there hh is 300 I still say fuck that.

I'm sure there are guys that will still pay it and hopefully there is enough of them to hold that price point.

I will still see ladies at 300 - 320 an hour. But even that, it better be a sure thing that it's going to be good.

I spent 300 once on Carmen Lexus and realized that any of these girls can post some fake photos and show up drugged up with very little effort going into.

Cleanliness or appearance with a bad attitude and expect 300 an hour. That one time made me stop and think.

There are professional ladies who realize getting paid 300 for an hour is a lot and put in 100%. It doesn't even matter what they look like..How was your date with Carmen Lexus? I've heard everything from fun little cum ****, to dead drug lay.

12-28-22, 21:15
I came here to post about pricing. It seems like all of a sudden many women have gone to 300 for a hh and 500 for h.

I was a pretty solid no to 400 and a 100% no to 500. No way I will ever pay 500 for time with any girl no matter how amazing she is advertised.

What I think is interesting is how so many switched to 500 all of a sudden and simultaneously. I'm sure there is some.

Union or sex workers that organize that. It just makes me see I am not there target and I can write those girls who.

Charge that off completely. At 400 I was a solid no fucking way. But there was a small chance that I might in the right circumstances. But at 500 I will.

Not even entertain the idea. Even if there hh is 300 I still say fuck that.

I'm sure there are guys that will still pay it and hopefully there is enough of them to hold that price point.

I will still see ladies at 300 - 320 an hour. But even that, it better be a sure thing that it's going to be good.

I spent 300 once on Carmen Lexus and realized that any of these girls can post some fake photos and show up drugged up with very little effort going into.

Cleanliness or appearance with a bad attitude and expect 300 an hour. That one time made me stop and think.

There are professional ladies who realize getting paid 300 for an hour is a lot and put in 100%. It doesn't even matter what they look like.

If they are trying to create a good experience then I'll happily pay that. I may leave unhappy with something or another but if they tried and I can see that I won't complain.

But all these girls just charging that much and most of them not offering much for menu either. That is crap.

I hope if you read this you will post something about price on * and use your words to say no to it. Sure they will have the same guys and girls come on and say "Another post about prices! Why do people keep posting about prices? But posting about prices in the right way talks sense into girls who actually care about their business and the customers who support the trade here. And guys who are coming in may read the post about prices and say, fuck that, I'm not paying 500!

Most of the girls who come on to defence the prices actually have fair prices and are great providers. I actually see there point that it is up to the ladies to decide. But, the ladies deciding is not the problem. It's this seemingly organized but probably mostly unorganized mindless shift to 500 all of a sudden.

I actually spend a lot of money on my vagina addiction. But I don't care how good it is. If I drop 500 I'm going to walk away with buyers remorse as I consider.

All the things 500 can buy.

Thanks for reading this far. Please do your part and say something or chime in with a voice of reason. The ladies who care are listening and they respond in positive ways.On 11/29 in the Escort section, I quoted a post by a Washington member named LEO the Lion. If you click on the words "view original post" it will take you to his original posting. Scroll down to the fuzzy thumbnail at the bottom of his post, and you will see evidence of providers asking other providers to agree to charge specific rates. I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg. I appreciate my regulars that charge me $300 or less per hour. I will continue to give them my business, but not the higher priced ones like you refer to.

01-02-23, 17:45
On 11/29 in the Escort section, I quoted a post by a Washington member named LEO the Lion. If you click on the words "view original post" it will take you to his original posting. Scroll down to the fuzzy thumbnail at the bottom of his post, and you will see evidence of providers asking other providers to agree to charge specific rates. I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg. I appreciate my regulars that charge me $300 or less per hour. I will continue to give them my business, but not the higher priced ones like you refer to.Or if you could have right clicked on the #number and copy the link to give us a direct link to your 11/29 post:


And from that post you can find:


The link may get truncated at the first # sign unless you edit the link but at least it gets us in the area.

01-02-23, 17:51
Or if you could have right clicked on the #number and copy the link to give us a direct link to your 11/29 post:


And from that post you can find:


The link may get truncated at the first # sign unless you edit the link but at least it gets us in the area.That is interesting, I was asking another member how to do that. Good to learn something new.

03-02-23, 22:47
Fellow mongers,

I am looking forward to visiting visiting pdx next week and have been hard at research. My own city is fairly inhibited, but I have been fortunate to have traveled to places with broader options. Pdx seems a little in flux regarding contemporary possibilities. As I understand it, there are no longer live theaters, but there are sex clubs like sanctuary and privida. I am not clear on what the bookstore situation is all about. You have countless strip clubs and a fair number of AMPs. But tell me, what does your city do well? And what are the best site for finding friends? I am looking to sample the local culture, camping out at an Airbnb near Woodstock. Insights welcome.

03-03-23, 00:10
Fellow mongers,

I am looking forward to visiting visiting pdx next week and have been hard at research. My own city is fairly inhibited, but I have been fortunate to have traveled to places with broader options. Pdx seems a little in flux regarding contemporary possibilities. As I understand it, there are no longer live theaters, but there are sex clubs like sanctuary and privida. I am not clear on what the bookstore situation is all about. You have countless strip clubs and a fair number of AMPs. But tell me, what does your city do well? And what are the best site for finding friends? I am looking to sample the local culture, camping out at an Airbnb near Woodstock. Insights welcome.Check Brents Theater Tails on Twitter for adult shop info / action.

11-03-23, 14:46
Hey why'all plan on vusiting Portland downtown for a couple days Friday and Saturday.

I've stayed. By the moda center but looking for a more hobby exclusive area.

I'm going with my wife.

We both want to go to the best strip club (best being subjective).

If not that an adult theatre or some sex clubs if not both maybe sex clubs?

Maybe a good amo fir couples massage (her pleasure too).

Been checking out get life probably will do Naked karaoke.

Hope to hear from ya soon!

01-10-24, 21:44
So I recently stopped into Portland area and while exploring this bountiful city I came across a conundrum that is probably solved with one word but I am clueless to the answer for now.

If I find an Asian escort working out of a walk-up which houses multiple providers on a fluctuating basis, do I post a review under massage parlor or under escorts?

I'm sure more experienced members will be able to snap this answer right off. Thanks for everyone's intel, I'm working on branching out so that I can share.


01-12-24, 16:47
So I recently stopped into Portland area and while exploring this bountiful city I came across a conundrum that is probably solved with one word but I am clueless to the answer for now.

If I find an Asian escort working out of a walk-up which houses multiple providers on a fluctuating basis, do I post a review under massage parlor or under escorts?

I'm sure more experienced members will be able to snap this answer right off. Thanks for everyone's intel, I'm working on branching out so that I can share.

McC.Where did you find them advertising? I've been trying to figure out the c-orgs in portland. So far, I've only had luck with some massage parlors.

I would say escort section.

02-01-24, 22:57
Hey why'all plan on vusiting Portland downtown for a couple days Friday and Saturday.

I've stayed. By the moda center but looking for a more hobby exclusive area.

I'm going with my wife.

We both want to go to the best strip club (best being subjective).

If not that an adult theatre or some sex clubs if not both maybe sex clubs?

Maybe a good amo fir couples massage (her pleasure too).

Been checking out get life probably will do Naked karaoke.

Hope to hear from ya soon!velvetropepdx.com is an excellent club for couples. There's a broad selection of couples-plus-women-only playspaces as well as two hot tubs and wide-open-anything-goes playspaces if if you find you want to play with someone you meet on the dance floor or in the conversation lounge.

02-06-24, 11:58
I'm getting the cloudflare error.

Albert Mori
02-06-24, 12:42
I'm getting the cloudflare error.Same here.

02-06-24, 15:35
Hey why'all plan on vusiting Portland downtown for a couple days Friday and Saturday.

I've stayed. By the moda center but looking for a more hobby exclusive area.

I'm going with my wife.

We both want to go to the best strip club (best being subjective).

If not that an adult theatre or some sex clubs if not both maybe sex clubs?

Maybe a good amo fir couples massage (her pleasure too).

Been checking out get life probably will do Naked karaoke.

Hope to hear from ya soon!If looking for a sex club, I'd choose Privata. I've been to them all, Velvet rope is full if creepy ass dudes, even in the couples area. Santuary has some wild stuff but a different vide, Privata is the upscale of them all and always a great party.

02-06-24, 16:24
No new posts for today yet.

02-06-24, 16:39
So I recently stopped into Portland area and while exploring this bountiful city I came across a conundrum that is probably solved with one word but I am clueless to the answer for now.

If I find an Asian escort working out of a walk-up which houses multiple providers on a fluctuating basis, do I post a review under massage parlor or under escorts?

I'm sure more experienced members will be able to snap this answer right off. Thanks for everyone's intel, I'm working on branching out so that I can share.

McC.I would suggest "K-girl and other Asian agencies" is also a place to post reports.

03-03-24, 11:39
No new posts for today yet.I am getting a message, that I am blocked from the website, anyone else getting this?

03-04-24, 15:13
I am getting a message, that I am blocked from the website, anyone else getting this?What is the message? Does it happen only when you're logged in?

Could be Cloudflare. Could be your ISP, or geoblocking, etc. Need to know what the error was.

03-04-24, 19:28
What is the message? Does it happen only when you're logged in?

Could be Cloudflare. Could be your ISP, or geoblocking, etc. Need to know what the error was.I am currently in MX I think that is effecting it.

03-05-24, 01:36
I am currently in MX I think that is effecting it.Yes. I think TNA blocked all non US ips after the hack. I just switched my IP to a Mexican one and got the same block.

You can use a vpn if you want to circumvent the geoblock. Or you could try your card with tor to see if you can get through (and also get lucky and get a US exit node).

03-07-24, 03:08

05-17-24, 00:20
I had to start using Chrome on my iPhone because any link I click it just refreshes the page and doesn't actually go to the link I clicked. I can see a brief, big red "deceptive website warning" flash before the page tries to load. Anyone suffering the same?

05-31-24, 10:01
I had to start using Chrome on my iPhone because any link I click it just refreshes the page and doesn't actually go to the link I clicked. I can see a brief, big red "deceptive website warning" flash before the page tries to load. Anyone suffering the same?I recommend you use a different browser like Firefox, DuckDuckGo, and clear your cache (or torch your DuckDuckGo) as soon as you're done perusing. And I hope you're using a different device than your regular civilian iPhone.

05-31-24, 12:19
I had to start using Chrome on my iPhone because any link I click it just refreshes the page and doesn't actually go to the link I clicked. I can see a brief, big red "deceptive website warning" flash before the page tries to load. Anyone suffering the same?Safari see this site as a threat, you can go into the safari settings and turn off fraudulent website warning and this site will load. Of course that is what this sites wants you to do! So they can track you!

I need more tin foil. Now off to truth social for my daily dose of crazy er I means truths.

05-31-24, 17:23
I had to start using Chrome on my iPhone because any link I click it just refreshes the page and doesn't actually go to the link I clicked. I can see a brief, big red "deceptive website warning" flash before the page tries to load. Anyone suffering the same?Work around by turning off fraudulent website warnings in settings or simply go forward again using the blue (.

06-01-24, 02:20
Work around by turning off fraudulent website warnings in settings or simply go forward again using the blue (.Yeah I figured it out disabling fraudulent warnings in Safari settings.

08-03-24, 18:12
The GPS site is down again. Did I miss a "scheduled downtime maintenance" situation?

Seems like a Saturday afternoon going in to the evening would be a shitty time to do that.

08-03-24, 18:20
The GPS site is down again. Did I miss a "scheduled downtime maintenance" situation?

Seems like a Saturday afternoon going in to the evening would be a shitty time to do that.It's back on again.

08-06-24, 23:34
Does anyone have any info on her. She is based in Portland but travels to the East Coast. I believe she doesn't allow reviews and is selective. PSE. I would like to know a little more about her.

08-07-24, 11:33
It's back on again.Can I get a link for this GPS board? I tried searching and its all about non related GPS.

Thank you.

08-08-24, 09:00
Can I get a link for this GPS board? I tried searching and its all about non related GPS.

Thank you.It's just their nickname for tnaboard.

Amp Guide
08-08-24, 11:30
Someone mentioned a Reddit blog or section related to girls in portland. Any one know or have a link. Or am I dreaming.

08-08-24, 16:14
Someone mentioned a Reddit blog or section related to girls in portland. Any one know or have a link. Or am I dreaming.I found this subreddit that appears to be pretty active. Not sure of the posters are excorts or just looking for hookups.


08-08-24, 16:46
It's just their nickname for tnaboard.Ah thanks, I'm on TNA just didn't know it was referred to as GPS haha.

08-09-24, 00:22
I found this subreddit that appears to be pretty active. Not sure of the posters are excorts or just looking for hookups.

https://www.reddit.com/r/OregonBreeding/Pretty sure every "female" is a scammer or a dude in this group.

08-22-24, 16:38
I'm looking for someone 50 or older to help double team a 35 year old MILF in the Portland area.

Got to be clean, and no STD / STIs.

Reply by DM only with stats and any pertinent info.

08-23-24, 12:46
Does anyone have any info on her. She is based in Portland but travels to the East Coast. I believe she doesn't allow reviews and is selective. PSE. I would like to know a little more about her.Share her links.