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08-11-19, 10:10

She texted me the hotel addy and when I got there, didn't answer my text or call.

08-11-19, 10:50

Any 411 on her gents? # search yields nada.

08-11-19, 13:51
It happens to the best of us. If she isn't set up in a place ready to do business, I won't see her. I won't help getting a room. Once in a blue moon I'll pick them up if they need a ride to the room, but even that rarely turns out well.

I won't come if they tell me to bring a condom. I bring one or two with me anyway, but I'm not going to catch a case because I agreed in a text to bring a condom. Besides, I've never been one for doing what I'm told. I will stop and pick up a pack of cigs for them, but it comes out of the donation. Apparently there is some nonsense about a cop can't buy a gift of more than 5. 00. Those sneaky worthless fucks will do anything, so I doubt that's true.

So, yep. No money until I'm in the room with the door shut and the bathroom checked. On the other hand, if the service is good, I tip really well.Some solid advice there, you should write a sticky post for newbies.

08-11-19, 15:29

Any 411 on her gents? # search yields nada.Says she ain't the one who answers the door! Some of those pics have a professional appearance.

08-11-19, 17:48
Watch out for this chick. Texted her and asked her if she could do Bbj for 60. She said yes. I asked for the address and then she says "how much you got?" I say 60. No response. I then text a question mark and then she says 60 won't make my mouth wet. I need at least 75. I agree and text her for the address. She texts me an address in Marietta. 5 min before I get there, she texts, "we need to get a room. My friends wife is drunk and acting crazy. " I text, "sure, if you pay. " She texts, "how about half and half. I say sorry no. She texts, "ok no worries but I don't have my I'd, can you put the room under your name and I'll pay?" I text, "um ok. " I pull into the driveway and she texts something along the lines of "don't be a dick and cancel it just to try and get a refund afterwards. I'm just going to sleep until I work tonight. " I say "cancel what? Why would I need to cancel anything?" She texts, "the reservation. Like check out or something because it'll be under your name. " I put two and two together and realized she was trying to get me to pay for the hotel. I text, "ok I'm leaving" and then I drive away. She texts, "ok. " I then text, "I'm going to write about you on a forum for wasting my time. " She texts, "damn I was coming out LOL". I text, "for what?" She texts, "you're going to what? Eye roll emojis". I text, "I'm not getting a hotel". She texts, " I'm not mentally disabled. I heard you!" I then get a call from her and she says, "where are you? I don't see you in the driveway?" I say, "yea, I'm across the street because I was in the process of leaving. " She texts, "we can just do it in your car baby. " Thinking with the little head I think hmm might not be bad idea. I tell her I'll be back in a couple min. I pull up next to her driveway and she hops in my car and I take a look and she's got all these nasty dark spots all over her legs and arms and she also smelled funky. She immediately closes the door and raises her voice and says, " I came in to tell you how much of an asshole you are! Who do you think you are? I said," what are you talking about?! You're the one leading me on a wild goose chase trying to get me to pay for a hotel. " She says, "yea and you agreed but then changed your mind!" I said, "no I didn't! What are you talking about?! I then show her the texts. " She says, " ok just drive to the hotel. I'll pay for it. " I say, "no that's ok, I'm not in the mood anymore. " She then looks at me with a death stare and says, "I'm going to call the cops and tell them you sexually assaulted me after trying to solicit sex from me. " Calling her bluff I say, "yea ok you're not that dumb. Soliciting sex? You're goin to get in trouble too smart one. " She then dials 911 and says, "ok watch me. " She lets in ring about 5 times and I think WTF, this bish is crazy! I then say, "ok ok fine hang up!" And I throw the donation at her. She hangs up and then says, "don't throw that at me! Place it in my hand!" I laugh and then place it in her hand. I say, " thanks for your time. Bye. " At that point I was trying to do anything just to get her out of my car and knew she was drugged up and a loose cannon so didn't want to risk getting into any more trouble or drama. She says, "what do you mean bye?" I say, "we're done here aren't we?" She says, "no I haven't sucked your dick yet. " I'm thinking to myself, WTF has this bish been smoking? Is she joking? The little head starts thinking she really wants to suck my dick right now even after the arguing. I then say, "ok let's find a place. " She then tells me to park behind a strip mall across from her neighborhood and I park. I pull down my pants and she tells me to take off my shirt because she wants to see my body. I take it off and then she says, "you have a really nice body. " She sucks my dick for about 2 min and gets all paranoid saying we need to leave. I say "what? Why?" She says, we're not safe here, this is one of the most dangerous parts of GA. I say, "what ru talking about? This is Marietta and we're not too far from east Cobb. " She says, "well I'm not sucking your dick anymore. " I say, "ok fine" and then start driving around to find another location. I drive for around 10 min with her complaining the entire time saying we should get a hotel and I keep telling her I have to go soon. Finally we settle at a spot in the back of a neighborhood. It takes me about 5 min to convince her to stop being paranoid and then she starts sucking again. I end up popping in her mouth and she spits in my plastic bag. Overall it was a good Bbj but Christ, it wasn't worth all the drama. On the way back, I find out the only reason she wanted to blow me was because she found me attractive. Folks, the pics of her aren't very accurate. They're definitely airbrushed or heavily filtered. There were plenty of red flags with this bish but I let my little head get the best of me and I didn't leave because I didn't want to go through the hassle of finding and setting up an apt with another provider.


08-11-19, 18:32
That could have gotten really nasty really fast. This is the reason for this board. Share information about providers, good or bad.

Watch out for this chick. Texted her and asked her if she could do Bbj for 60. She said yes. I asked for the address and then she says "how much you got?" I say 60. No response. I then text a question mark and then she says 60 won't make my mouth wet. I need at least 75. I agree and text her for the address. She texts me an address in Marietta. 5 min before I get there, she texts, "we need to get a room. My friends wife is drunk and acting crazy. " I text, "sure, if you pay. " She texts, "how about half and half. I say sorry no. She texts, "ok no worries but I don't have my I'd, can you put the room under your name and I'll pay?" I text, "um ok. " I pull into the driveway and she texts something along the lines of "don't be a dick and cancel it just to try and get a refund afterwards. I'm just going to sleep until I work tonight. " I say "cancel what? Why would I need to cancel anything?" She texts, "the reservation. Like check out or something because it'll be under your name. " I put two and two together and realized she was trying to get me to pay for the hotel. I text, "ok I'm leaving" and then I drive away. She texts, "ok. " I then text, "I'm going to write about you on a forum for wasting my time. " She texts, "damn I was coming out LOL". I text, "for what?" She texts, "you're going to what? Eye roll emojis". I text, "I'm not getting a hotel". She texts, " I'm not mentally disabled. I heard you!" I then get a call from her and she says, "where are you? I don't see you in the driveway?" I say, "yea, I'm across the street because I was in the process of leaving. " She texts, "we can just do it in your car baby. " Thinking with the little head I think hmm might not be bad idea. I tell her I'll be back in a couple min. I pull up next to her driveway and she hops in my car and I take a look and she's got all these nasty dark spots all over her legs and arms and she also smelled funky. She immediately closes the door and raises her voice and says, " I came in to tell you how much of an asshole you are! Who do you think you are? I said," what are you talking about?! You're the one leading me on a wild goose chase trying to get me to pay for a hotel. " She says, "yea and you agreed but then changed your mind!" I said, "no I didn't! What are you talking about?! I then show her the texts. " She says, " ok just drive to the hotel. I'll pay for it. " I say, "no that's ok, I'm not in the mood anymore. " She then looks at me with a death stare and says, "I'm going to call the cops and tell them you sexually assaulted me after trying to solicit sex from me. " Calling her bluff I say, "yea ok you're not that dumb. Soliciting sex? You're goin to get in trouble too smart one. " She then dials 911 and says, "ok watch me. " She lets in ring about 5 times and I think WTF, this bish is crazy! I then say, "ok ok fine hang up!" And I throw the donation at her. She hangs up and then says, "don't throw that at me! Place it in my hand!" I laugh and then place it in her hand. I say, " thanks for your time. Bye. " At that point I was trying to do anything just to get her out of my car and knew she was drugged up and a loose cannon so didn't want to risk getting into any more trouble or drama. She says, "what do you mean bye?" I say, "we're done here aren't we?" She says, "no I haven't sucked your dick yet. " I'm thinking to myself, WTF has this bish been smoking? Is she joking? The little head starts thinking she really wants to suck my dick right now even after the arguing. I then say, "ok let's find a place. " She then tells me to park behind a strip mall across from her neighborhood and I park. I pull down my pants and she tells me to take off my shirt because she wants to see my body. I take it off and then she says, "you have a really nice body. " She sucks my dick for about 2 min and gets all paranoid saying we need to leave. I say "what? Why?" She says, we're not safe here, this is one of the most dangerous parts of GA. I say, "what ru talking about? This is Marietta and we're not too far from east Cobb. " She says, "well I'm not sucking your dick anymore. " I say, "ok fine" and then start driving around to find another location. I drive for around 10 min with her complaining the entire time saying we should get a hotel and I keep telling her I have to go soon. Finally we settle at a spot in the back of a neighborhood. It takes me about 5 min to convince her to stop being paranoid and then she starts sucking again. I end up popping in her mouth and she spits in my plastic bag. Overall it was a good Bbj but Christ, it wasn't worth all the drama. On the way back, I find out the only reason she wanted to blow me was because she found me attractive. Folks, the pics of her aren't very accurate. They're definitely airbrushed or heavily filtered. There were plenty of red flags with this bish but I let my little head get the best of me and I didn't leave because I didn't want to go through the hassle of finding and setting up an apt with another provider.


08-11-19, 18:41
Thinking with the little head I think hmm might not be bad idea. The little head starts thinking she really wants to suck my dick right now even after the arguing. I then say, "ok let's find a place. " There were plenty of red flags with this bish but I let my little head get the best of me and I didn't leave because I didn't want to go through the hassle of finding and setting up an apt with another provider.

https://independent.com.atlanta.listcrawler.com/post/35877221/Our little bastards will be the death of us.

08-11-19, 19:40
So I've been taught another valuable lesson by our lovely Leah (popular in the GB forum). Much the same as Becca did to me, but thankfully for less. I'm hoping I'm less likely to do anything like this a third time. I think I've got it now. Learned after getting burned a few times myself there is a smart way to do it. Always stay ahead especially with these girls that constantly are asking. Sure I'll get the room for direct exchange for an appt, not a deduction off the donation but direct exchange one for one. They want a weekly sure when I have control of the room and can come and go as I please throughout the week as many times as I want. Make sure before you ever front money that your wayyyyyy ahead of the game in the trade of it all. Is it a racket, sure, but a smart one. Funny thing is they keep coming back and you don't get burned even if they ghost, which they won't because they know you'll come through on the easy pussy and ass.

08-11-19, 21:56

Any 411 on her gents? # search yields nada.Would put that one down as wait and see myself or at least use a burner and do some scouting first. Never hurts to always have a throw away number and find out a location and see what happens with some survailence first.

08-11-19, 23:52
She all three bfs fetish friendly. Super sweet girl that will drain your balls with a smile. Not a clock watcher and very GFE. Enjoy!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EeecRrhnCZk

08-12-19, 05:24

She texted me the hotel addy and when I got there, didn't answer my text or call.These chicks will have a dude in a flight pattern, then forget or pass out. I wouldn't be surprised if she texts you in a day or two when she's jonesing for a hit.

08-12-19, 05:25
Learned after getting burned a few times myself there is a smart way to do it. Always stay ahead especially with these girls that constantly are asking. Sure I'll get the room for direct exchange for an appt, not a deduction off the donation but direct exchange one for one. They want a weekly sure when I have control of the room and can come and go as I please throughout the week as many times as I want. Make sure before you ever front money that your wayyyyyy ahead of the game in the trade of it all. Is it a racket, sure, but a smart one. Funny thing is they keep coming back and you don't get burned even if they ghost, which they won't because they know you'll come through on the easy pussy and ass.Ima have to try that. I usually just tell them no.

Tom Day
08-12-19, 06:47
Any info on little Bit. South of Atlanta. She sure looks nice.


08-12-19, 08:02
Was wondering if anybody knew anything about Layla Blaze? Was trying to reconnect with her but she hasn't had any new listings since 2018, anyone know if she still is in the business?

08-12-19, 08:08

Looks interdastin' fellers. Co-mo es-tahhh?

Tom Day
08-12-19, 09:22
Does anyone have info on little Bit. A small black girl south of Atlanta?

08-12-19, 10:22

She's like 5'10. BJ only. Doesn't show the goods in pics. Anybody actually fuck this chick? BJ only providers weird me out and I also think they could be transgenders posing.

08-12-19, 12:26
These chicks will have a dude in a flight pattern, then forget or pass out. I wouldn't be surprised if she texts you in a day or two when she's jonesing for a hit.When they need drugs, WG can put the work in but once they have their fix or high a lot of times they shut the office down based upon my experience. If you can find one who gives good service, is cool, & you get friendly becoming a regular has some perks.

Hoes are people & showing a little kindness to them goes a long way.

It took me about 6 girls before I found one I liked & was cool, this was when I lived in Savannah. This is my experience with a late 30's common street hoe who I used for head relief, she was a 4 or 5 on the looks scale. I would never bang her but she was a professional dick sucker & was pretty enthusiastic about catching the load & letting me use her mouth. She would hit me up for $$'s for drugs usually, & her drug of choice was crack / coke. I started with her at $100 half hour for a BBBJ, but after the 2nd one, I told her via text $60 going forward but would see her regularly. The reason I chose $60 was it was the nightly rate for the fleabag hotel she stayed in. She accepted without blinking an eye, & every time she needed a fix or something though, she would text me. I would go over to see her during the week which was usually between 2 to 4 in the afternoon because her rent was due. She stayed in a hotel about 10 minutes from my house, so it was very convenient. On the weekends I would usually text her around 1 am on Saturdays at the strip club & if she was available would uber over to her hotel & get a BBBJ for $60. I even brought a dude I met at the strip club one time, who was from out of town with me one Saturday, he asked me if any of the strippers would do any in the club, or takeout & told him no, but I have a girl who would blow him for $120 who I was going to see. Texted her & we went to the hotel, he paid her the $120, while he was getting his money's worth, I walked down the street & picked up some fast food for us. Came back to the hotel & split the food up & he then jumped in a uber to go back to his hotel. I then received my free blowjob he paid for. The bonus was he picked up my $42 tab at the strip club. I had her in the Rolodex before she was popped for prostitution & drugs.

08-12-19, 12:59
These chicks will have a dude in a flight pattern, then forget or pass out. I wouldn't be surprised if she texts you in a day or two when she's jonesing for a hit.This has happened to me on numerous occasions in the past and when I was mongering way more, I would usually text a couple to see if they're available at around the same time and then would book and confirm with one and if they didn't pick up, I'd just call or text the other one to confirm. Thoughts are that they are taking multiple calls and are a volume provider and have multiple guys coming at once and see the guy who shows up first. Or they get so high on drugs that they forget or stop looking at their phone.

08-12-19, 13:27
Hey just wanted to let you know that she is indeed a she. Service was poor at best. Very very rushed. Quiet but had a harsh personality. QV was. 60 and not worth it in my book. Male clothing in the room. This is just my opinion as yours may vary


She's like 5'10. BJ only. Doesn't show the goods in pics. Anybody actually fuck this chick? BJ only providers weird me out and I also think they could be transgenders posing..

Been Here
08-12-19, 15:19

I had texted her to meet up. She was very kind and sweet. Set up was easy. She then sent me a few pics at my request to prove that she looks like the pictures. In the texts she was so down to earth I was amazed. I got to the location, she greeted me at the door. She's tall with beautiful, long legs too. She hugged me and we talked some and got to business. She gave me one of the best blowjobs I've had. I had to make her stop, cause I wasnt going to last longer than 2 min. It was incredible. I played with her nice boobs, which are pierced BTW. Her pussy was shaved and so was that beautiful firm ass. Pussy and ass had no odor. Her hygiene was absolutely great. I then put a condom on and felt that nice tight pussy. It felt so good. After I was done, we talked some and I kissed her on the cheek and left. She then texted me thanking me for the great time and to be safe driving home. Guys go see her. She's got such a great and positive attitude. No bullshit or games, nothing but a great experience. 60 for qv, no complaints from me. Go ahead and have the time of your life!Assume it was BBBJ but just want yo confirm.

08-12-19, 16:04

Avoid. She runs from the dick. She have all the tricks to make you feel uncomfortable. I had to switch positions multiple times even standing off the bed and she was still playing around. She was pushing herself into my body so far that she almost came off the bed.

She works out of a trailer park in Union City. Nice girl with a pleasant personality but can't suck dick or fuck for shit. Typical stripper body with the tattoos. If she wasn't running so much I would keep seeing her. It was too awkward to enjoy. She blamed her performance of why she couldn't open her legs further or bend over more from of the night before when she was stripping that caused her legs to be sore.

50 qv.

80 half.

Weak CBJ. Wack pussy. Dirty trailer.

See her for the qv if you have a small dick and enjoy weak head from a thick stripper.

08-12-19, 16:20
Enjoyed a visit with this one today. Easy to contact and then talk to. She matches her pictures. Very cute. Gave a perfect BBBJ. Well worth the visit. Will certainly visit again. I left 2 on the table for the HR.


Stay safe,


08-12-19, 16:30
Was wondering if anybody knew anything about Layla Blaze? Was trying to reconnect with her but she hasn't had any new listings since 2018, anyone know if she still is in the business?Tried to find her recently myself, with no luck. She was a good provider in my experience. Must have left the game or moved on.

08-12-19, 16:43
Hey just wanted to let you know that she is indeed a she. Service was poor at best. Very very rushed. Quiet but had a harsh personality. QV was. 60 and not worth it in my book. Male clothing in the room. This is just my opinion as yours may vary.I texted her last night since she's only 10 minutes from my hotel. I tried to get her interested in BBFS because I could really enjoy that petite little body bouncing on my shaft reverse cowgirl, but she wasn't having any of it.

Gut feeling tells me her bf allows her to only do BBBJ so he can be the only one to slide into that tight giner. Can't say I blame him.

08-12-19, 17:37
Is anyone familiar with this guide or used them before? I tried to contact a pretty blonde named Farrah on Erotic Monkey and got text back promoting this site. Farrah said she was out of town but kept pushing me to sign up. Any feedback please?


08-12-19, 21:56
Learned after getting burned a few times myself there is a smart way to do it. Always stay ahead especially with these girls that constantly are asking. Sure I'll get the room for direct exchange for an appt, not a deduction off the donation but direct exchange one for one. They want a weekly sure when I have control of the room and can come and go as I please throughout the week as many times as I want. Make sure before you ever front money that your wayyyyyy ahead of the game in the trade of it all. Is it a racket, sure, but a smart one. Funny thing is they keep coming back and you don't get burned even if they ghost, which they won't because they know you'll come through on the easy pussy and ass.Can't say I disagree with your approach at all. Burned twice now I'm trying to make sure I'm good from here on out. Won't be seeing either of these 2 again.

08-12-19, 22:51
Enjoyed a visit with this one today. Easy to contact and then talk to. She matches her pictures. Very cute. Gave a perfect BBBJ. Well worth the visit. Will certainly visit again. I left 2 on the table for the HR.


Stay safe,

DM.The link is not active. Can you please share the ph no.

08-13-19, 08:14
Learned after getting burned a few times myself there is a smart way to do it. Always stay ahead especially with these girls that constantly are asking. Sure I'll get the room for direct exchange for an appt, not a deduction off the donation but direct exchange one for one. They want a weekly sure when I have control of the room and can come and go as I please throughout the week as many times as I want. Make sure before you ever front money that your way ahead of the game in the trade of it all. Is it a racket, sure, but a smart one. Funny thing is they keep coming back and you don't get burned even if they ghost, which they won't because they know you'll come through on the easy pussy and ass.Yeah I got burned one time and it won't happen again. Girl says I'll see you in exchange for a room. And she has to put the room in her name. So I meet her at the hotel and give her 50 to get the room. She walks off, disappears, no room, no text, she's gone with my 50. To avoid this you have to go to the desk with the girl and pay them the money. Don't give her the key card until she does her part for you.


08-13-19, 08:39
Any info on her? Texted and scheduled but she didn't do any screening maybe because she leaving town tomorrow and want to fix one last customer in.


Messaged her and got reviews from ECCIE. She sent a few pic and I was interested. Set something up for Friday in Buckhead. Go to the hotel, safe location, and got to the door. When she open it wasn't the girl in the pic she sent. Got tricked by the Chinese again Older but still decent looking but for for that price range. Did my deed and quickly left. Still piss I drop that much and got the bait and switch.

08-13-19, 10:41
Tried to find her recently myself, with no luck. She was a good provider in my experience. Must have left the game or moved on.She's on a mandatory vacation. Her mom (Gennie) is still around if you want the mature version of her.

08-13-19, 11:58
Yeah I got burned one time and it won't happen again. Girl says I'll see you in exchange for a room. And she has to put the room in her name. So I meet her at the hotel and give her 50 to get the room. She walks off, disappears, no room, no text, she's gone with my 50. To avoid this you have to go to the desk with the girl and pay them the money. Don't give her the key card until she does her part for you.

GB40.Of course, you hold the cash until it's time to pay, never trust a ho with the opportunity to cash and dash.

08-13-19, 12:32

Messaged her and got reviews from ECCIE. She sent a few pic and I was interested. Set something up for Friday in Buckhead. Go to the hotel, safe location, and got to the door. When she open it wasn't the girl in the pic she sent. Got tricked by the Chinese again Older but still decent looking but for for that price range. Did my deed and quickly left. Still piss I drop that much and got the bait and switch.Thanks for the report and sorry for your loss.

I'm on a hunt for good looking Asian provider too. Seems hard to find nowadays. Found a Thai provider working of an apartment in Chamblee a few years back, her name is Sandy. She was hot and willing to please. Service was amazing. Haven't heard back from her since. Then another one in Buckhead, Chinese with perfect body but business type. Limited menu but I left happy. So hard to find those now but if anyone turns up, I'll report here.

08-13-19, 18:19
She's on a mandatory vacation. Her mom (Gennie) is still around if you want the mature version of her.Do you happen to have the link for her?

08-14-19, 12:18


Well my regular 2 gals were unavailable so I reached out to this one who had been on my radar. After some careful back and forth we agreed to hook up. She asked for 2.5, but I only had 2. She agreed to 2. Her ad states GFE, but this gal has no idea what that means. She swore unrushed service and seemed nice, but it was not to be.

The PICs are not her, it they are they were 10 years ago. She is very tan and the sun is taking it toll on her face. She has a tight body and nice looking, but nothing to back it up. She avoided kissing, even though she said kissing was fine and the "my nips are sensitive BS" kept pushing my hands off her nice B rack.

We undressed and she started with bare head game, which was very robotic and as much a HJ than a BJ. After a few minutes she was like "are you ready? I knew where this was going so I said sure. She asked how I liked it and said to start with her on top. O the plus side her Vag is tight. That made it hard for me to hold out. After a few minutes of her rocking she asked if I wanted on top. After being on top a bit I could feel her rocking to get me to shoot my load so due to her tight Vag I gave in and figured cut my losses and right this one off.

Not worth even half what she was paid and I was on my way. I will give her a 7 in looks, but 2 in service. You have been warned.

08-14-19, 16:35

Anybody take a ride with this chick before? Can't find any reviews on her but she looks enticing.

Peter Johnson
08-14-19, 16:51
Yeah I got burned one time and it won't happen again. Girl says I'll see you in exchange for a room. And she has to put the room in her name. So I meet her at the hotel and give her 50 to get the room. She walks off, disappears, no room, no text, she's gone with my 50. To avoid this you have to go to the desk with the girl and pay them the money. Don't give her the key card until she does her part for you.

GB40.Just get there and book it online and pay with Hotels.com prepaid MC. Then there is no cash involved. Of course some may not go for that, but I have done it before.

Aaron Hamlet
08-14-19, 17:31
Just get there and book it online and pay with Hotels.com prepaid MC. Then there is no cash involved. Of course some may not go for that, but I have done it before.If put room in your name and she does stupid shit or get caught up w / LE bust in room, you going down, too.

Peter Johnson
08-14-19, 18:05
If put room in your name and she does stupid shit or get caught up w / LE bust in room, you going down, too.Exactly. You would still put it in her name. And don't have your name on the Hotels.com/ Expedia acct either. Just make a brand new account, log in through VPN and make up the name / phone, etc for that account.

And that means the girl has to give you her real name. Most of them don't care, but if she doesn't want to do this, you can also just have her create the acct with her own pw and then use hotels.com gift card and let her enter her name last and press "Submit". You wouldn't want to use your credit card like this though, unless it was a prepaid card and you could quickly use the rest of it.

Aaron Hamlet
08-14-19, 18:14
Exactly. You would still put it in her name. And don't have your name on the Hotels.com/ Expedia acct either. Just make a brand new account, log in through VPN and make up the name / phone, etc for that account.

And that means the girl has to give you her real name. Most of them don't care, but if she doesn't want to do this, you can also just have her create the acct with her own pw and then use hotels.com gift card and let her enter her name last and press "Submit". You wouldn't want to use your credit card like this though, unless it was a prepaid card and you could quickly use the rest of it.You're good at this.

08-14-19, 18:49
You're good at this.So hotels take a prepaid card? What about incidentals?

08-14-19, 21:59
Anyone had any experience with Kenya?


08-14-19, 22:04

Anybody take a ride with this chick before? Can't find any reviews on her but she looks enticing.But it looks like she hops around between ATL, Charlotte, and Louisville. Check their threads and see if you come up with anything.

08-14-19, 22:20
Is anyone familiar with this guide or used them before? I tried to contact a pretty blonde named Farrah on Erotic Monkey and got text back promoting this site. Farrah said she was out of town but kept pushing me to sign up. Any feedback please?

http://realadultguide.com/I tried to sign up for that site a while back and could never get past the verification email. It just took me back to the main site.

08-14-19, 22:54
[Commercial Message deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted because it appeared to be a commercial message and/or it contained links to a commercial website. All commercial advertising must be posted at our new site, The USA Adult Classifieds http://usaadultclassifieds.nl Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines and the Forum's FAQ for further information.

08-15-19, 00:24

Anybody take a ride with this chick before? Can't find any reviews on her but she looks enticing.She is on Tagged off and on and goes live. Never knew she had an ad for escorting but doesn't surprise me. Sometimes has an attitude on live but I have not chatted with her at any length.

08-15-19, 05:17





Been in talks with all. Not sure who's the best option.

Thanks gents!

Big Comanche
08-15-19, 05:18
So hotels take a prepaid card? What about incidentals?No incidentals offered at Motel 6.

08-15-19, 08:20





Been in talks with all. Not sure who's the best option.

Thanks gents!FWIW Norcross Raven has ghosted me before.

08-15-19, 08:30


I saw this one yesterday. She was a pretty good time for me. Dropped 1 for 30 minutes and got all 30 minutes. Decent BBJ, nice wet kitty, which she likes pounded hard, so I obliged. Finished in Anal (Because, that's what she wanted). Decent body, has some scars on chest due to past surgeries.

Pic-Is her with some make-up on.

Body-6 breast were saggy, but manageable, Butt was average, but squeezable, which is what she liked.

Attitude-10. Chatted up a bit and laughed about a few things.

Performance-10 YMMV. Multiple positions.

Repeatable-Yes, if I'm down in her area.


08-15-19, 09:26
www.alluringallie.comAre those rates real? Also where is she located?

08-15-19, 09:35
Considering seeing her- how was in-call spot? And she's offering GFE, did you partake?



I saw this one yesterday. She was a pretty good time for me. Dropped 1 for 30 minutes and got all 30 minutes. Decent BBJ, nice wet kitty, which she likes pounded hard, so I obliged. Finished in Anal (Because, that's what she wanted). Decent body, has some scars on chest due to past surgeries.

Pic-Is her with some make-up on.

Body-6 breast were saggy, but manageable, Butt was average, but squeezable, which is what she liked.

Attitude-10. Chatted up a bit and laughed about a few things.

Performance-10 YMMV. Multiple positions.

Repeatable-Yes, if I'm down in her area.


08-15-19, 09:59
Anyone had any experience with Kenya?

https://www.eroticmonkey.ch/kenya-athi-escort-atlanta-93195Just met her the other day for first time. Awesome lady. Nice body and loves to tease before you get down to business. BJ is top 3 of all time for me.


08-15-19, 10:44
Considering seeing her- how was in-call spot? And she's offering GFE, did you partake?I didn't ask about GFE, and usually don't. If they are personable, that's good enough for me. 30 minutes is usually good enough for me too. I think I caught her early enough in the day (9:30 am), and she wasn't worn out yet. So overall a good time.

Incall was at one at a decent motel. It was clean, and she allowed me to clean up before I left


Peter Johnson
08-15-19, 11:03
So hotels take a prepaid card? What about incidentals?That's a good point, but in that case, you need to go with a hotel that doesn't require a card for incidentals or where they are fine with a prepaid card....or the girl can just take care of that part. I travel a lot and probably 4 out of 5 hotels I stay at are ok with using prepaid. And again, if you do have to use a prepaid card, just get online as soon as you leave and use the rest of the prepaid card balance to prepay your next cell phone bill or electricity or whatever.

People Pleasur
08-15-19, 20:25


Well my regular 2 gals were unavailable so I reached out to this one who had been on my radar. After some careful back and forth we agreed to hook up. She asked for 2.5, but I only had 2. She agreed to 2. Her ad states GFE, but this gal has no idea what that means. She swore unrushed service and seemed nice, but it was not to be.

The PICs are not her, it they are they were 10 years ago. She is very tan and the sun is taking it toll on her face. She has a tight body and nice looking, but nothing to back it up. She avoided kissing, even though she said kissing was fine and the "my nips are sensitive BS" kept pushing my hands off her nice B rack.

We undressed and she started with bare head game, which was very robotic and as much a HJ than a BJ. After a few minutes she was like "are you ready? I knew where this was going so I said sure. She asked how I liked it and said to start with her on top. O the plus side her Vag is tight. That made it hard for me to hold out. After a few minutes of her rocking she asked if I wanted on top. After being on top a bit I could feel her rocking to get me to shoot my load so due to her tight Vag I gave in and figured cut my losses and right this one off.

Not worth even half what she was paid and I was on my way. I will give her a 7 in looks, but 2 in service. You have been warned.Sounds close to my experience. It only cost me $120 though. Super sweet but not great service.

08-15-19, 20:50
Anyone had any experience with Kenya?

https://www.eroticmonkey.ch/kenya-athi-escort-atlanta-93195Kenya is very nice and sexy as hell. I have seen her a few times and have never been disappointed.

Sgt Soros
08-15-19, 20:59
Anyone had any experience with Kenya?

https://www.eroticmonkey.ch/kenya-athi-escort-atlanta-93195I will vouch for as well. Kenya has been around for at 15+ years and provides A1 service. Anyone remember Genesis?

08-15-19, 22:07
I will vouch for as well. Kenya has been around for at 15+ years and provides A1 service. Anyone remember Genesis?Anybody have a number for her? And, are those tan lines in her pictures real? I'm a sucker for great tan lines. Any others out there have a great set of lines? Share with me.


08-15-19, 23:28
Anyone had any experience with Kenya?

https://www.eroticmonkey.ch/kenya-athi-escort-atlanta-93195I've seen Kenya a few times. She's terrific, definitely an atf.

She's also on eros.

08-15-19, 23:39
FWIW Norcross Raven has ghosted me before.That's this one?


She looks hot, but a lot of rules.

Too young for me too.

I find the older ones are a better time.

08-16-19, 00:34

Long time Monger and first post. She looks almost too good to be true. If she is real I'm sure would be worth it.


Had a dream with this one, nice personality. CBJ was robotic and K9 was good View (no odor). Not the phattest ass, but she knows how to throw it back. Seems like she enjoys what she does.

In general do you guys steer clear or Marietta area? Cobb PD is always out in full force it seems. I know others have mentioned to stay away from providers near Windy Hill area.

08-16-19, 00:59

This was one of the worse dreams I had. Of course was enticed by the 4 qv. Was pretty easy to contact, says she just does this about 2-4 times a week to supplement income (yeah heard it before). I should of caught the red flags when she start talking about getting her "friend" to leave the room. Well all out of options I wait like a simp for 20 minutes in parking lot at a sleazy motel (Marietta / Delk). Get the room number, she answers in a T-shirt. Ass was nice and plump and had some jiggle to it. Personality was very nice and didn't seem like she was in a rush. CBJ was decent. Went for K9 and that's when the nightmare started, I immediately smell the aroma of Mr. Hankey and she arches her back (It's Doo Doo baby-Dave Chappelle voice).

So without trying to be rude. I say something about being at half mass and needing some more attention, she eagerly obliged me and I go to town on her throat. Let me take the bag off at the end and she caught it. I guess just one of those, you get what you pay for type deals.

Johnny Mapalo
08-16-19, 03:39

I grew harni for Jalani a few days ago. LOL. First saw this chic posting about 2-3 months ago and shot her a text for her location and measurements. She never gave me her measurements, but told me that she was in a motel in Jonesboro. Ehh, I'll pass. I don't fool around in those motels in Jonesboro. About a month later, I saw her change her location to an east side location, so I shot her another text for her location and measurements. Once again, she gave no measurements, but gave a location to a very seedy motel on Candler Road. Ehh, I'll pass again.

I was thinking, this is probably some dust booger, aren't they all, working out of shitty motels. Well, I pretty much dismissed her ass until I saw her posting once more out of a new location last week. I shot her a text for location alone this time and she gave me the location to a house in Ellenwood. That's always good to hear. One thing about this chic though, she takes a good minute to response to text. She kept telling me during the text convo, that her phone was late to receive text or wasn't getting the messages at all. Smh.

Well, get a new phone then, you retard. I didn't see on the day she gave me her location though, because her text were too far and in between. I felt like a flake was brewing. The following week though, I was headed to the laundromat and had some free time on my hands, so I shot her another text. It took her a minute to get back to me, but she gave me the same location again. I got around her side some 3 hours later and noticed the house number that she gave me didn't exist. Hmm.

I'm figuring this broad purposefully gave me the wrong house number. I text, then called her and got no response back. Hmm. I drove around the neighborhood for a minute, then started to head back to the laundromat, which was actually off the same street that she was on. While leaving her hoodrich neighborhood, I noticed 2 young black dudes across the street from some houses, that were sitting up against some cars that were for sale.

I drove by them and starting making my way back. Once I got about 2 miles up the road, this chic text me and asked me to come back stating that her phone was messing up. Oh boy. She claimed that she got my message late. I turned around like the thirsty simp that I am and headed back to her neigborhood. I got there and saw the same 2 black guys, this time trying to flag me down for some strange reasons.

I paid them no mind and drove right by them. I then text her that I arrived and her house number did not exist. She tried to call me, but I heard nothing on her end. She then text me the correct house number. Why? I turned back around and drove up the road to witness those same black dudes trying to flag me down or some shit. The chic text me that she was outside wearing a black shirt and red hair. Oh boy. Red hair?

I'm thinking this is some ridiculous looking ghetto hoodrat, but I thought this would be good for me to see what she looked like and if I didn't like what I saw, I would just keep it moving. LOL. Well, I saw a chic in denim jeans in a driveway and noticed that she was only a couple of houses down from those 2 black dudes that were across the street. I started to put 2 and 2 together and said to myself, they're probably pimping this chic out.

That's why they were trying to flag me down as I drove by them twice. Hmm. I pulled up to the side of the road where this chic was, and started looking at those black dudes movements through my rear view mirror. They were staring right at the chic as she was signaling for me to park in her driveway. I thought about just driving off, but I backed up some while keeping my eyes squarely on those dudes.

I was watching their every move to see what they were going to do. This chic kept telling me to pull into her driveway, but I wasn't really paying her no mind. She then started to walk up towards my car and I pulled my car up some. I didn't want this chic getting too close to my car. I wasn't really sure what was going on there.

After she backed up and continued signalling for me to park in her driveway, I went ahead and did just that while still eyeball those dudes across the street. Her driveway had a kids bicycle in the grass and when I started to park, an older woman came poked her head out of the house next door. It was a duplex townhome. She walked over to the older lady and said something, then started walking back over to my car and telling me to park on her side of the driveway. Ok.

This was 3 pm in the high afternoon, so I could clearly see everything that was going on around me. I parked, then started to get out of my car as she walked by to her house door. I looked over at those dudes across the street as they were still eyeballing me like a mother. I secured my pimp killer, then made the walk of shame over to her house door. I kept my eyes on those dudes as they now seemed to be looking elsewhere as I followed the chic inside.

The chic looked nice by the way as she looked like she had a nice body and nice face. She looked to be about 22-24 years old. As I got in, chic started walking up the stairs and I followed right behind her. We got to the top and she told me that I could look around to make sure that everything was safe. I declined. We started conversing for a minute as she said that she wanted to make sure that I felt safe. Ok.

She said those dudes outside lived a couple house down. Ok, again. She had a nice friendly talkative disposition. I didn't detect any ghetto attitude as of yet. The house was full of kids toys though, as I could tell a few kids lived there, probably hers. I didn't see any signs of any kids though. Good thing.

She told me that she uses a text app and sometimes she doesn't get the text or calls until late or sometimes not all. She said she's missed a lot of dates because of her bad phone service. She also said that she probably needs to get a new phone. Really? You don't think. Smdh. After a few minutes of idle talk, she asked me if I brought a slab.

I said no at first, but then said yes as I didn't want her puling out one of those thick magnum slabs on me. I handed her the slab, then she asked for the donation as well. I pulled out 60 bones and handed to her, which she counted and put away. She then started stripping immediately and completely. Damn, you don't see that too much nowadays. She has a nice body on her though.

Her breastess's were B cups and looked pretty youthful and stood up on their own for the most part. Her stomach was completely flat with no stretch marks or any signs of childbirth, although I know she's pushed out a few units. Her ass, it was a juicy athletic ass. It was thick and meaty with no stretch marks anywhere. I'd say those pics she has up are accurate.

She said that she doesn't show her face in her pics, because her pics have been stole before and not because "I'm ugly or nothing". Her face is about a 7-8. After she got in the buff, I took everything off except my shirt. I don't know, I still was a bit uneasy about those dudes outside, so I didn't want to take everything off. She had her massage table in the living room, but she directed me to her sectional across from said massage table.

I sat down as instructed as she sat down beside me and started opening the wrapper. I asked her to start off with a hand job at first and she said she knows. Right! She pulled the slab out anyways, but started hand jobbing right after. The hanny was nothing to write home about. It was just a constant up and down motion with her tatted right hand only.

She handed me off for a good 3 minutes before putting the slab onto my half immense boner. She then lowered her head into my lap and gots' ta' sucking. The sucking was ok. I felt some medium suction on the suckie as she sucked all-neck on me. She sucked me off for a good 3 minutes before stopping and asking which position I wanted.

I was only sporting a 3/4 ths boner at the time, but just rolled with the punches. I told her that I wanted her in the doggie position and she got horizontal on me and awaited my arrival. I tried to enter her in doggie, but she was too dry for entry and I also got hit with a mild funky odor. Oh boy. How much does a bar of soap cost nowadays? Smdh.

She placed some ghetto lube on her cha cha and I made my re-entry. I finally was able to get in and gots' ta' stroking. She had some medium friction on her walls, but the funky odor was overtaking me. Eekk. She also kept lowering her ass on me and trying not to take these deep strokes. Why? I kept having to re-position her and I finally did.

Gots' ta' stroking her real good as she was making all types of oouuws and ahhs. Finally felt it coming as I blew a medium load into the cover and pulled out immediately because of the funky odor getting too strong. Ridiculous. How can you smell like that in your own crib? I told her that I spilled the beans and she offered me to go to her bathroom and flush the slab down the commode.

I told her that I would take it with me instead and she got me some wipe wipes from out of the bathroom. Thanks a lot, ma'am. I removed the spent shell off my dong, while she started spraying the place with Febreeze. She needed to spray between her legs with that shit too. LOL. I got dressed as she stayed in the nude, checking her phone for missed calls. Typical.

I said my farewells as she did the same and I walked my own ass downstairs and out the door. I got outside and witnessed another young black dude across the street with the 2 other black dudes. They were just talking and minding their business and not looking over at me anymore. Good. I hoped into my car and drove my happy ass out of there, never to return again.

Nice girl and nice body, but the twat was smelling too funky for me to repeat. I smelled my hand and the slab as I drove home and they both were smelling funky. I just threw the slab and wet wipes out the window while I drove. LOL. She's nice peoples though, just needs to wash before the session. I'll give her a "7" in looks and a "5" in service. That's all folks.

08-16-19, 08:30
Are those rates real? Also where is she located?I signed up on her website for the newsletter / contact. I received a couple of automated replies that had zero info and then crickets. The emails seemed to indicate that she's managed by someone.

08-16-19, 12:26
I signed up on her website for the newsletter / contact. I received a couple of automated replies that had zero info and then crickets. The emails seemed to indicate that she's managed by someone.She ghosted on me after I drove from Duluth to see her. Check her website she is managed by Kingslayer.

08-16-19, 12:51
I signed up on her website for the newsletter / contact. I received a couple of automated replies that had zero info and then crickets. The emails seemed to indicate that she's managed by someone.Allie isn't in the area this week although she's thinking about coming next week. She is completely independent and live way up north.

08-16-19, 19:10
Looking for some fun in Cherokee / Cobb area with someone vouchable. Any help greatly appreciated. I'm new here but looks awesome.

08-16-19, 20:00
Allie isn't in the area this week although she's thinking about coming next week. She is completely independent and live way up north.She ghosted on me Monday. Really messed up to book a appointment knowing she was not in town. Sounds like someone to avoid.

08-16-19, 20:53
She ghosted on me Monday. Really messed up to book a appointment knowing she was not in town. Sounds like someone to avoid.Visited her last week, long drive, she wasn't alone, there were a girl and two guys at her place, which made me uncomfortable ,they didn't bother or anything but still ,her rimming is solid ,very submissive ,all three holes ,what I don't understand is hot she can be doing all those bang gangs all bare when my experience glad I used a condom ,blod in the tip of my cock and when went to the Greek condom came stained even got some shit on the base of my rod ,finish cim ,nice lady but long drive and pics are desiving

08-16-19, 21:22
Visited her last week, long drive, she wasn't alone, there were a girl and two guys at her place, which made me uncomfortable ,they didn't bother or anything but still ,her rimming is solid ,very submissive ,all three holes ,what I don't understand is hot she can be doing all those bang gangs all bare when my experience glad I used a condom ,blod in the tip of my cock and when went to the Greek condom came stained even got some shit on the base of my rod ,finish cim ,nice lady but long drive and pics are desivingAny girl that does bfs whether it's six guys at a party or six appts that day its still the same amount of guys. Just cause you don't see them doesn't mean they didn't all blow loads in them LOL. Must be that Georgia Public School Math I don't get LOL. Allie is a blast and WI be back next week I think.

08-16-19, 21:54
She used to post alot but is its.

80 for the the. 60 q. V. And 150 for the hr.

I spent the best 80 bucks p.

Of my life. Great BBBJ didn't clock watch at all. Did full service. She doesn't speak Greek. She is on the older side guys but she doesn't look it. Looks to be early 30's. Amazing body. Great big jiggly booty perfecting for slapping. Allows DATY and if you get on her good side she might do MSOG. Real sweet with great attitude overall a 10 in my book.

Started with a head spinning BBBJ, into reverse cowgirl, doggy and finishing in mish.

Guys I've seen alot of providers and she's by far the best I've seen. I don't post many there are reviews here on her but she is UTR so she doesn't post on alligator or other websites. She could use some clients. Treat her nicely fellas you won't regret it.

Txt her don't call. [Deleted by Admin]

P.S. I had permission to put her number up.

Not from us you didn't.


08-16-19, 22:14
Visited her last week, long drive, she wasn't alone, there were a girl and two guys at her place, which made me uncomfortable ,they didn't bother or anything but still ,her rimming is solid ,very submissive ,all three holes ,what I don't understand is hot she can be doing all those bang gangs all bare when my experience glad I used a condom ,blod in the tip of my cock and when went to the Greek condom came stained even got some shit on the base of my rod ,finish cim ,nice lady but long drive and pics are desivingHey has anyone seen a new escort named Tiffany 483-466-XXXX. Would like to try her out. Will trade info.

Peter Johnson
08-16-19, 22:47
Visited her last week, long drive, she wasn't alone, there were a girl and two guys at her place, which made me uncomfortable ,they didn't bother or anything but still ,her rimming is solid ,very submissive ,all three holes ,what I don't understand is hot she can be doing all those bang gangs all bare when my experience glad I used a condom ,blod in the tip of my cock and when went to the Greek condom came stained even got some shit on the base of my rod ,finish cim ,nice lady but long drive and pics are desivingWhat part of town was she in? Pics look good on the site and she sounds fun, but doesn't sound very reilable.

Peter Johnson
08-16-19, 23:16
What part of town was she in?.Ok answering my own question for everyone else. Apparently, she is in Commerce. I left my info on her website and she texted me back about 30 min later.

That is way out of the way for me, so I won't go see her, but got to love a girl who will do most everything, so you guys have fun if you can connect.

08-16-19, 23:29
I saw these ads. Not sure if these ladies are legit. Anyone?



She's by windy hill. Someone said avoid windy hill.


08-16-19, 23:32
Anyone see any of these ladies?




08-17-19, 00:05
Ok answering my own question for everyone else. Apparently, she is in Commerce. I left my info on her website and she texted me back about 30 min later.

That is way out of the way for me, so I won't go see her, but got to love a girl who will do most everything, so you guys have fun if you can connect.She told me she comes to Sandy springs some times, by the way in my report I just realized that words is hot was supposed to be how, to late to edit now.

Jasper Sharp
08-17-19, 03:12
Sup boys, been a while. All I see is fake ads out there with a light sprinkle of girls that are working, kinda part of the reason I've played it safe, 'the pinch' that took place after BP closed. Anyways anyone got any info on this girl here named Cara, please post or pm me if you don't feel like posting. I would really appreciate it. It's hard enough these days trying to find a working girl, let alone one that's OK looking, so appreciate it. Is she difficult, easy, strict, clockwatcher etc, all I need to know. Thanks.


08-17-19, 03:38

Anybody take a ride with this chick before? Can't find any reviews on her but she looks enticing.TOFTT. Looks like pictures. Has nice jiggly ass. Head was wack, sex was ok. Rushed me. Attitude was kinda shitty. No repeat.

08-17-19, 07:55
TOFTT. Looks like pictures. Has nice jiggly ass. Head was wack, sex was ok. Rushed me. Attitude was kinda shitty. No repeat.I caught up with her too. Mush and reverse cowgirl were good. On the doggy move I detected a scent of swamp ass. Not overpowered by it. The pounding was good. She squirted and I rode that ass til I filled the bag. I've had better for the money. May try again.

Peter Johnson
08-17-19, 19:08

"Hey babies, I am 130 lbs, nice ass tits and lips that will set you free from all your stress and anxiety let me take you to the clouds So call me for an experience you'll never forget 7622255566 or 3145519039 KASH

I texted her, and she answered back:

"Headache relief 60.

Face F*ck100.

Cim or facial is 20 extra.

Record is 80 extra.

Qv 80.

Hhr 120.

Hr 200.


Hhr 200.

Hr 300.

I don't SPEAK explicit over the phone or get into details if you do you will be blocked.

Which makes me a little nervous, because she already went into explicit details with that one text. I need to find a good BBBJCIM girl on this side of town, so I'm tempted.

08-17-19, 22:51
I saw her a few months ago. She's ok. A little rougher looking than pics appear.

I had fun. GFE experience for me, multiples on the hour. She didn't appear to have demons, but that was some paraphernalia in the bathroom that she swore up and down was her friends.

I won't repeat because I'm not so into her look, but service was good.


"Hey babies, I am 130 lbs, nice ass tits and lips that will set you free from all your stress and anxiety let me take you to the clouds So call me for an experience you'll never forget 7622255566 or 3145519039 KASH

I texted her, and she answered back:

"Headache relief 60.

Face F*ck100.

Cim or facial is 20 extra.

Record is 80 extra.

Qv 80.

Hhr 120.

Hr 200.


Hhr 200.

Hr 300.

I don't SPEAK explicit over the phone or get into details if you do you will be blocked.

Which makes me a little nervous, because she already went into explicit details with that one text. I need to find a good BBBJCIM girl on this side of town, so I'm tempted.

08-17-19, 22:57
The first one I am very interested in, but looks like a pimp might be lurking.

The second one is Phoenix Ashley, who has some demons, not GFE, will go BBFS for an upcharge. Has some history of ghosting. She's hot though, a little bit of baby damage, but imo super hot.

I saw these ads. Not sure if these ladies are legit. Anyone?



She's by windy hill. Someone said avoid windy hill.


08-17-19, 23:44
Ok, so I was looking on rubratings and I saw Serenity, she was close at the Windy Hill area and said she offered nuru I'm thinking perfect! We agreed on 7:30, never heard from her on address, she text saying she was in meeting and it'd be later, ok cool no problem. She texted me and asked if 9 would work, ok yes. Text back asking 9:30, sure, getting frustrated and I should have just said forget it but little head was doing the thinking. So I got there at 10, at 10:30 she finally decided to meet me. 2. for half of nuru she did not use the nuru slippery gel stuff, she used a regular massage oil which wasn't very comfortable. So I don't feel it was quite a true nuru experience, she also left her thong on. She said full hour was full view. She offers a lot of different things but I'm not sure I would repeat, I will say she's nearby me and she is a very beautiful lady in my opinion. Her nipples were so nice and she was very friendly and fun. I'm not saying stay away, I'm just saying see what else is out there first. I may repeat but definitely not my first choice but she is fine.


08-18-19, 04:11
Ok, so I was looking on rubratings and I saw Serenity, she was close at the Windy Hill area and said she offered nuru I'm thinking perfect! We agreed on 7:30, never heard from her on address, she text saying she was in meeting and it'd be later, ok cool no problem. She texted me and asked if 9 would work, ok yes. Text back asking 9:30, sure, getting frustrated and I should have just said forget it but little head was doing the thinking. So I got there at 10, at 10:30 she finally decided to meet me. 2. for half of nuru she did not use the nuru slippery gel stuff, she used a regular massage oil which wasn't very comfortable. So I don't feel it was quite a true nuru experience, she also left her thong on. She said full hour was full view. She offers a lot of different things but I'm not sure I would repeat, I will say she's nearby me and she is a very beautiful lady in my opinion. Her nipples were so nice and she was very friendly and fun. I'm not saying stay away, I'm just saying see what else is out there first. I may repeat but definitely not my first choice but she is fine.

https://atlanta.rubratings.com/144712A waste of time and money to me. I guess it's hit and miss on the games and the upsells.

08-18-19, 04:18

"Hey babies, I am 130 lbs, nice ass tits and lips that will set you free from all your stress and anxiety let me take you to the clouds So call me for an experience you'll never forget 7622255566 or 3145519039 KASH

I texted her, and she answered back:

"Headache relief 60.

Face F*ck100.

Cim or facial is 20 extra.

Record is 80 extra.

Qv 80.

Hhr 120.

Hr 200.


Hhr 200.

Hr 300.

I don't SPEAK explicit over the phone or get into details if you do you will be blocked.

Which makes me a little nervous, because she already went into explicit details with that one text. I need to find a good BBBJCIM girl on this side of town, so I'm tempted.Go with your gut!

Anytime they give explicit menu choices I pass. Even with reviews, you never know when those sneaky fkkn LEO bastards will pinch her then use her for stings. Nope, there's a girl that offers all three for a decent price on Memorial, Avondale Estates, but same thing. Her first reply gives explicit details. She's been advertising long enough and I'm pretty sure there have been reviews on here, but I'm not willing to take a chance. Situations change and whammo.

08-18-19, 04:33
She used to post alot but is its.

80 for the the. 60 q. V. And 150 for the hr.

I spent the best 80 bucks p.

Of my life. Great BBBJ didn't clock watch at all. Did full service. She doesn't speak Greek. She is on the older side guys but she doesn't look it. Looks to be early 30's. Amazing body. Great big jiggly booty perfecting for slapping. Allows DATY and if you get on her good side she might do MSOG. Real sweet with great attitude overall a 10 in my book.

Started with a head spinning BBBJ, into reverse cowgirl, doggy and finishing in mish.

Guys I've seen alot of providers and she's by far the best I've seen. I don't post many there are reviews here on her but she is UTR so she doesn't post on alligator or other websites. She could use some clients. Treat her nicely fellas you won't regret it.
I've seen her and I highly recommend her, she is one of the better providers out there as far as service. She does advertise on LC from time to time, that is where I found her. She has been advised against it, but desperate times, call for desperate measures. She is also into video if that's your thing. She'll do BBFS as well, but probably not on the first visit unless the recommendation comes from here. I've told her about advertising USADC, but I don't know if she had done it yet.

08-18-19, 04:41
Are those rates real? Also where is she located?I have yet to get her site to go past her three pictures, none of the links work in IE or Chrome.

08-18-19, 04:57
I visited Stephanie a couple of days ago. She is one of King's GB girls. I had a good one-on-one session with her. She is very submissive and takes direction well. I get the feeling that she doesn't have a whole lot of experience in the biz, or at least she didn't seem familiar with some of the more common terms. She is a super skinny waif, so if you're looking for meat, you won't find it there. But the BBJ is on point, and BBFS is available if that's your thing. Her room was messy and she smokes, so if you're a clean freak or don't like the smell of smoke, you may want to avoid. Anyway, the service was great. She's not a supermodel, but sexy in her own way, but you definitely need to be into the waif type girl if you go to see her.

08-18-19, 07:40

After some texting, we arranged to meet. I get to the place, she goes silent and won't answer. After 30 min of waiting, I finally leave. I get halfway home, she's apologized and really wants to meet, I then somehow agree and head her way. I get there and she goes silent again, I'm pissed now. After 15 min, she finally meets me and it wasnt worth it. Those pictures are old. She's not that attractive in person. Then she's got pudge I'm all the wrong areas. Her hygeine wasnt really up to par. Then she was def under the influence of drugs. The room smelled pretty bad. What turned me off more was she asked for me to get some condoms. Like WTF! Then some dude kept calling her phone and arguing with her. I said damn this and left. Guys, there's alot going on with her. She's crazy and def on drugs. Certainly avoid!

08-18-19, 07:50

Avoid seeing this woman at all costs. She does have a pimp. Its why she edited the pics. I was texting her some, arranged a meeting, she's all responsive until I asked about the person in the pic. She eventually replied and lied saying it was her lesbian best friend. I then asked to see a better pic, she goes silent again. Then she texts me, cursing me like a dog, showing an awful attitude. She got upset cause I wouldn't get her a room. She doesn't have a place, so you must get her a room and also pay for service. NO THANKS! I asked around about her and she will run you around in circles, get you to book the room and won't show up. Total waste of time.

08-18-19, 18:34
Thanks 4 review, was just about to contact her.


After some texting, we arranged to meet. I get to the place, she goes silent and won't answer. After 30 min of waiting, I finally leave. I get halfway home, she's apologized and really wants to meet, I then somehow agree and head her way. I get there and she goes silent again, I'm pissed now. After 15 min, she finally meets me and it wasnt worth it. Those pictures are old. She's not that attractive in person. Then she's got pudge I'm all the wrong areas. Her hygeine wasnt really up to par. Then she was def under the influence of drugs. The room smelled pretty bad. What turned me off more was she asked for me to get some condoms. Like WTF! Then some dude kept calling her phone and arguing with her. I said damn this and left. Guys, there's alot going on with her. She's crazy and def on drugs. Certainly avoid!

08-18-19, 18:37
I visited Stephanie a couple of days ago. She is one of King's GB girls. I had a good one-on-one session with her. She is very submissive and takes direction well. I get the feeling that she doesn't have a whole lot of experience in the biz, or at least she didn't seem familiar with some of the more common terms. She is a super skinny waif, so if you're looking for meat, you won't find it there. But the BBJ is on point, and BBFS is available if that's your thing. Her room was messy and she smokes, so if you're a clean freak or don't like the smell of smoke, you may want to avoid. Anyway, the service was great. She's not a supermodel, but sexy in her own way, but you definitely need to be into the waif type girl if you go to see her.Link please.

08-18-19, 18:38
She was tied up with a want to be pimp last year that somehow was able to track people down by their tag. He then texted the guys and threatened to out them unless they gave him money.


The first one I am very interested in, but looks like a pimp might be lurking.

The second one is Phoenix Ashley, who has some demons, not GFE, will go BBFS for an upcharge. Has some history of ghosting. She's hot though, a little bit of baby damage, but imo super hot.

08-18-19, 18:56

Avoid seeing this woman at all costs. She does have a pimp. Its why she edited the pics. I was texting her some, arranged a meeting, she's all responsive until I asked about the person in the pic. She eventually replied and lied saying it was her lesbian best friend. I then asked to see a better pic, she goes silent again. Then she texts me, cursing me like a dog, showing an awful attitude. She got upset cause I wouldn't get her a room. She doesn't have a place, so you must get her a room and also pay for service. NO THANKS! I asked around about her and she will run you around in circles, get you to book the room and won't show up. Total waste of time.90% of them have pimps, some just do thier jobs and remain ghost as they should. Could be male of female.

08-18-19, 19:00

Ill write review later. Has a handler but the service is top of the line. Very willing to please and probably can deepthroat a horse. Get it before the idiots ruin it or the sweetie pies run the rate to 100 plus.

08-18-19, 19:38
She was tied up with a want to be pimp last year that somehow was able to track people down by their tag. He then texted the guys and threatened to out them unless they gave him money.

Nightmare.Definitely this. Ghosted 2 x massive waste of gas and time, after the last attempt to connect I definitely saw her leaving the incall we were supposed to meet at in a hurry donning dark sunglasses, towards the adjacent strip mall. I text her and was like, really I SEE YOU.

Never had the tag extortion problem, I always park offsite and walk (or Uber) the last few miles from a high traffic shopping area.

I gave 'list site' ladies a good run for about a year. I'd say 85+% of my interactions were good to exceptional-but I'm done with in-call / outcall risks. Follies is a one-stop-shop right by my place.

Yall be safe.

Peter Johnson
08-19-19, 13:09
Saw this one recently:


"Come enjoy a nice relaxing massage. It's a total body massage from head to toe front and back with a very happy ending. Serious inquiries only! Text me pleaseif you're interested. In calls or out calls (AS LONG AS YOU PROVIDE AN UBER OR LYFT TO YOU AND BACK TO MY PLACE). 470-991-0766".

I went for QV for 50. It says "massage" in the ad, but she was fine with BBBJ and CFS. She said CIM is ok, but then she spits. Oral technique was just average though.

She is older, about the 49 why / o that it says in the ad. Sotomach is a train wreck and face is ok for someone that age. She had a fairly nice little butt though. She was a nice lady. Pretty laid back and not the clockwatcher type.

I may or may not repeat, depending on how backed up I am. She's located on Jimmy Carter, near I-85, but not in those sketchy hotels near the highway. Over closer to Buford Hwy.

So YMMV, but I suppose it was worth the 50 on this occasion.

(Btw, is it ok to put phone #s in these reviews, if they are in the ad? I just figure it's good if the ad expires, but I don't want to break any rules)

Jasper Sharp
08-20-19, 17:15
I posted a request asking really if only this provider was legit. No replies, I think I can see why now. I contacted her and her prices are outrageous. She essentially wants the amount it would take to rent a house, I guess she costs more because all her tattoos are fun too look at? Not sure! No thanks! Girl, don't go away mad, just go away.


08-20-19, 17:41
I would like to visit a attractive ebony that has legit mic skills. BBBJCIM. I don't mind if they have a curvy ebony body but I do not want a bbw.

I found several ads for this one but I can not verify her menu or any reviews. I am hoping someone's knows.


08-20-19, 19:25
I would like to visit a attractive ebony that has legit mic skills. BBBJCIM. I don't mind if they have a curvy ebony body but I do not want a bbw.

I found several ads for this one but I can not verify her menu or any reviews. I am hoping someone's knows.

https://www.adultlook.com/p/3022219Check out Tarrion. She posts on adultlook and Tryst as well so yes she also does FS and her BBBJ is top notch! This link has all of her social media and her personal website. Just follow her rules when it comes to initial contact and she will make it worth your while. She's curvy but not a bbw, super sweet personality, and takes care of herself very well.


Johnny Mapalo
08-20-19, 20:33
I would like to visit a attractive ebony that has legit mic skills. BBBJCIM. I don't mind if they have a curvy ebony body but I do not want a bbw.

I found several ads for this one but I can not verify her menu or any reviews. I am hoping someone's knows.

https://www.adultlook.com/p/3022219They do BB suckie and anal work.



Blacc Diamond.


08-21-19, 00:04
Anyone have a short list of chicks in the area?

I had Morning star years ago and that was a treat and affordable.

Tried Ayana Angel but no dice.

08-21-19, 01:37
Hooked up with a GILF in her 40's. Thick and gives a good sensual CBJ. I don't know whether bbj is on the table. Near Campbellton and Fairburn Rd SW. FS is available and I will definitely take her up on it.

Can't go wrong with a good $25 CBJ.

08-21-19, 04:23
Saw this one recently:


"Come enjoy a nice relaxing massage. It's a total body massage from head to toe front and back with a very happy ending. Serious inquiries only! Text me pleaseif you're interested. In calls or out calls (AS LONG AS YOU PROVIDE AN UBER OR LYFT TO YOU AND BACK TO MY PLACE). 470-991-0766".

I went for QV for 50. It says "massage" in the ad, but she was fine with BBBJ and CFS. She said CIM is ok, but then she spits. Oral technique was just average though.

She is older, about the 49 why / o that it says in the ad. Sotomach is a train wreck and face is ok for someone that age. She had a fairly nice little butt though. She was a nice lady. Pretty laid back and not the clockwatcher type.

I may or may not repeat, depending on how backed up I am. She's located on Jimmy Carter, near I-85, but not in those sketchy hotels near the highway. Over closer to Buford Hwy.

So YMMV, but I suppose it was worth the 50 on this occasion.

(Btw, is it ok to put phone #s in these reviews, if they are in the ad? I just figure it's good if the ad expires, but I don't want to break any rules)I fell for the massage schtick and paid 100 for the hour I think. It was an incredible waste of time. And ended in disaster for me, but it was probably a one off. I left the review on here a while back, but the short of it is, the massage was abysmal, BBJ was toothy and CFS started out ok, but when I went to switch from mish to doggy, it was a freakin mess. She was on her period. I was so disgusted I just left. Thank GAWD I had a cover. I can't remember for certain, but I think BBFS was on the table. I won't repeat, but I won't hold the bloody mess against her, she may be ok for some, especially if you like a hairy Bush. I certainly wouldn't recommend anything beyond a qv.

08-21-19, 04:25

Ill write review later. Has a handler but the service is top of the line. Very willing to please and probably can deepthroat a horse. Get it before the idiots ruin it or the sweetie pies run the rate to 100 plus.Is she the white girl with the face pics or the black girl with the pussy pics?

08-21-19, 04:33
Link please.She is UTR. She prefers that only Sr. Members with a good post history get her number.

08-21-19, 09:33
Anyone have a short list of chicks in the area?

I had Morning star years ago and that was a treat and affordable.

Tried Ayana Angel but no dice.I actually had Ayana Angel back before she did porn. Actually had a great time. Tried to get up with her again a couple years ago but never got our schedules to match. Other than her, its a no on the ebony pornstars.

08-21-19, 12:54
Has anyone seen this lady? I was texting with today and she says she is in north bulkhead. I asked about service and she says "you can do anything you want to me, I have no don'ts". Very attractive.


08-21-19, 13:57
I actually had Ayana Angel back before she did porn. Actually had a great time. Tried to get up with her again a couple years ago but never got our schedules to match. Other than her, its a no on the ebony pornstars.Damn you got her when she was ripe! You lucky mofo. LOL.

This is the chick that was in Alpharetta


08-21-19, 16:27
Had the chance to see Bea a few days ago. She is real and very sweet. Texted her to set up meet for a QV which was 100 but I asked for 80 since it was almost an hour away. She agreed for that one meetup but let me tell you that I do not mind paying the 100 since it's a nice discrete hotel (Hampton) and she was shower fresh. Plus she really gets into it and enjoys what she does YMMV obviously. She seemed a little smaller but not in a bad way. Her ass is amazing and her riding is also really good. She was willing to verify to put me at ease too. She looks like the pics but like I said she looks a bit skinnier. I did have to wait about 20 minutes though because I asked her to meet me downstairs but I guess that's on me. Haven't done this too much but I can honestly say she's the best by far in my opinion and I will be seeing her again when the stars line up. Can't get the link to paste but just go to listcrawler and type in bea, she's well reviewed so you'll find her pretty easily. Stay safe guys.

08-21-19, 16:39
Has anyone seen this lady? I was texting with today and she says she is in north bulkhead. I asked about service and she says "you can do anything you want to me, I have no don'ts". Very attractive.

https://www.eroticmonkey.ch/amanda-adams-escort-atlanta-461571Google her number and the various them sites when you click on it says she is in Atlanta. Google photos brought up Canadian Porn Actress Ariel Rebel it kind of looks like her.

Wonder if she is touring. Might be a diamond in the ruff or a con. Depending on you comfort level.

https://www.google.com/search?q=Ariel+Rebel&rlz=1 C1 SQJL_enUS846 US846&oq=Ariel+Rebel&aqs=chrome. 69 i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8.

Her website too. https://arieXXXbel.com/.

Good Luck keeps us posted if you go.

08-21-19, 19:04
Google her number and the various them sites when you click on it says she is in Atlanta. Google photos brought up Canadian Porn Actress Ariel Rebel it kind of looks like her.

Wonder if she is touring. Might be a diamond in the ruff or a con. Depending on you comfort level.

https://www.google.com/search?q=Ariel+Rebel&rlz=1 C1 SQJL_enUS846 US846&oq=Ariel+Rebel&aqs=chrome. 69 i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8.

Her website too. https://arieXXXbel.com/.

Good Luck keeps us posted if you go.She is fake. I tried to get her to be honest and she went dark. Even mentioned that it is ok as long as she looks close to posted picture. No luck. Thanks.

08-21-19, 19:13

Has anybody seen her or can give a review? I seen her poster on BP years ago. Wanting to give her a try. Let me know guys. Thanks!

08-21-19, 20:11
Had the chance to see Bea a few days ago. She is real and very sweet. Texted her to set up meet for a QV which was 100 but I asked for 80 since it was almost an hour away. She agreed for that one meetup but let me tell you that I do not mind paying the 100 since it's a nice discrete hotel (Hampton) and she was shower fresh. Plus she really gets into it and enjoys what she does YMMV obviously. She seemed a little smaller but not in a bad way. Her ass is amazing and her riding is also really good. She was willing to verify to put me at ease too. She looks like the pics but like I said she looks a bit skinnier. I did have to wait about 20 minutes though because I asked her to meet me downstairs but I guess that's on me. Haven't done this too much but I can honestly say she's the best by far in my opinion and I will be seeing her again when the stars line up. Can't get the link to paste but just go to listcrawler and type in bea, she's well reviewed so you'll find her pretty easily. Stay safe guys.Is this her?:


Peter Johnson
08-22-19, 00:43
I fell for the massage schtick and paid 100 for the hour I think. It was an incredible waste of time. And ended in disaster for me, but it was probably a one off. I left the review on here a while back, but the short of it is, the massage was abysmal, BBJ was toothy and CFS started out ok, but when I went to switch from mish to doggy, it was a freakin mess. She was on her period. I was so disgusted I just left. Thank GAWD I had a cover. I can't remember for certain, but I think BBFS was on the table. I won't repeat, but I won't hold the bloody mess against her, she may be ok for some, especially if you like a hairy Bush. I certainly wouldn't recommend anything beyond a qv.You are right that the BJ was a bit toothy. I thought if felt a little weird at the time, and you are correct. Even worse I forgot to mention that I got her in 69 and she has some major roids going on back there. And not normal ones, but just scary. I had to close my eyes and didn't DATY but just kind of rubbed her ass cheeks and vag. And I do like hairy Bush, that was a positive, not a neg, but it was far from super hot.

I just think BBBJTC is often worth 50, even with spitting and the downsides above. Although some other guy said a great CBJ is worth 20 and there's no such thing as a great CBJ to me. Or even a good one. So I can understand why others wouldn't find it worth to QV this one. I don't know if I will repeat or not. I still think it would be worth it if really backed up, but I wouldn't feel great about myself afterwards.

Peter Johnson
08-22-19, 00:45
Had the chance to see Bea a few days ago. She is real and very sweet. Texted her to set up meet for a QV which was 100 but I asked for 80 since it was almost an hour away. She agreed for that one meetup but let me tell you that I do not mind paying the 100 since it's a nice discrete hotel (Hampton) and she was shower fresh. Plus she really gets into it and enjoys what she does YMMV obviously. She seemed a little smaller but not in a bad way. Her ass is amazing and her riding is also really good. She was willing to verify to put me at ease too. She looks like the pics but like I said she looks a bit skinnier. I did have to wait about 20 minutes though because I asked her to meet me downstairs but I guess that's on me. Haven't done this too much but I can honestly say she's the best by far in my opinion and I will be seeing her again when the stars line up. Can't get the link to paste but just go to listcrawler and type in bea, she's well reviewed so you'll find her pretty easily. Stay safe guys.BBBJ or CBJ? She looks nice though (if this, and that other link is accurate, then I'm tempted.


08-22-19, 01:26

Has anybody seen her or can give a review? I seen her poster on BP years ago. Wanting to give her a try. Let me know guys. Thanks!Everybody knows Shelly. She gives the meanest head I've had. Top 5 for sure. She's suck the nut out of you. I never banged though just showed up for covered head then bareback head the second time. She's literally a vacuum.

08-22-19, 04:48
Everybody knows Shelly. She gives the meanest head I've had. Top 5 for sure. She's suck the nut out of you. I never banged though just showed up for covered head then bareback head the second time. She's literally a vacuum.Shelly is an icon. She's got a surprisingly tight pussy too. I've never gotten covered head, always BBJCIM. She usually swallows but has also gone to spit a time or two. I guess it depends on her mood. She's a 100/ hr fun ride if you are into really big short girls. I have such varied tastes I like them in all shapes, sizes colors and styles. Shelly's service has gone down slightly in the past few years, but still worth the ticket in my book. She has never flaked and has always been sweet to me. No anal though. Which sucks because she has a big beautiful ass. I'd love to go in there just once. .

08-22-19, 04:56
You are right that the BJ was a bit toothy. I thought if felt a little weird at the time, and you are correct. Even worse I forgot to mention that I got her in 69 and she has some major roids going on back there. And not normal ones, but just scary. I had to close my eyes and didn't DATY but just kind of rubbed her ass cheeks and vag. And I do like hairy Bush, that was a positive, not a neg, but it was far from super hot.

I just think BBBJTC is often worth 50, even with spitting and the downsides above. Although some other guy said a great CBJ is worth 20 and there's no such thing as a great CBJ to me. Or even a good one. So I can understand why others wouldn't find it worth to QV this one. I don't know if I will repeat or not. I still think it would be worth it if really backed up, but I wouldn't feel great about myself afterwards.Looked like a pink and purple knot of gum.

08-22-19, 05:12
Has anyone seen this lady? I was texting with today and she says she is in north bulkhead. I asked about service and she says "you can do anything you want to me, I have no don'ts". Very attractive.

https://www.eroticmonkey.ch/amanda-adams-escort-atlanta-461571Something doesn't sit right with this one. She's got a new them profile, one review -convenient-. Willing to do anything, young, white, cute. Honey pot? -shrug- The number comes back to the same them profile. I'm not saying she isn't legit, but something just doesn't seem right. Maybe LEO, maybe a scam artist, or just a horny little **** that decided to get paid to do something she enjoys.

I would text her from another number, not ask about any specific services, just a qv or hh. If she responds with specific or even general sexual services, proceed with extreme caution. If she quotes a price for the time, give her a shot. Worst case, you get scammed out of a 100 or 150 bones. Best case, you get a fun ride and a potential go-to ****.

It's always a gamble with the unvetted girls, hell even some of the ones that have been vouched for in some cases. I never go more than a qv I'm always much more comfortable discussing menu options after I have given her at least one nut. But, I am excessively cautious and will rabbit at the slightest hint of something out of the normal. There are other brave souls that like the thrill of the gamble.

08-22-19, 05:33
Had the chance to see Bea a few days ago. She is real and very sweet. Texted her to set up meet for a QV which was 100 but I asked for 80 since it was almost an hour away. She agreed for that one meetup but let me tell you that I do not mind paying the 100 since it's a nice discrete hotel (Hampton) and she was shower fresh. Plus she really gets into it and enjoys what she does YMMV obviously. She seemed a little smaller but not in a bad way. Her ass is amazing and her riding is also really good. She was willing to verify to put me at ease too. She looks like the pics but like I said she looks a bit skinnier. I did have to wait about 20 minutes though because I asked her to meet me downstairs but I guess that's on me. Haven't done this too much but I can honestly say she's the best by far in my opinion and I will be seeing her again when the stars line up. Can't get the link to paste but just go to listcrawler and type in bea, she's well reviewed so you'll find her pretty easily. Stay safe guys.Hi Jmack, when posting a review please send us a link. There are too many providers with the same name it makes it impossible for us. Thanks for the contribution!

08-22-19, 09:07
Hi Jmack, when posting a review please send us a link. There are too many providers with the same name it makes it impossible for us. Thanks for the contribution!Yea sorry guys, I'm doing this from a phone and it's kinda hard to get a link on there. I didn't want to put up her number because I saw that we're not supposed to do that either. But playnatl and Peter got the right link. One guy asked if she offered BBJ or CBJ and it's all covered but She's worth it tho just for her attitude.

08-22-19, 09:50
So met this girl nearby and walk to her hotel. She was tiny. Nice butt but tits that have seen better days. Very enthusiastic and wanted to please. Everything is covered. She sucked really well and shook her ass well while I was in. Used to be a dancer. I have suspicion that she has a IV past. Not sure as she had a mark on her arm. Overall very nice girl. Give her a try but talk her down.


08-22-19, 10:39

Been seeing RiRi regularly for a while now and yes it's a hike. Yet it's a hike that is very much worthwhile. She is very petite, super sweet, and knows how to use what she has. She likes to chat if that helps put things at ease and she likes to work when it's time to please. Her room is very clean and neat, not sketchy and very convenient off 75. She doesn't use drugs and there is no evidence of smoking on her or in her room. Our visits usually involve me exploring her and giving her pleasure first. She is super clean, very sweet and tasty and really enjoys being pleasured. FS is covered but she is tight and willing to explore positions, have fun, and is very responsive. She never watches the clock and feels like I'm her top priority. She is especially easy once you are a regular as she gives you her real number and is much easier to make the connection and plan a trip up. She has always worked very hard to accommodate my schedule even at the last minute.

Note she is very cautious with first timers so be patient with her and you will be rewarded. Damage for hh is $ and hr is $.5.

Take a hike guys and you will not regret it!! Tell her George sent you and enjoy.

08-22-19, 11:14
Anybody been to Lu's Massage in Kennesaw? Is it FS I'm into older mature petite women. Looking for that. Opening for recommendations in the North Georgia area.

08-22-19, 11:53
Is she the white girl with the face pics or the black girl with the pussy pics?White I posted a pic I think.

08-22-19, 12:16
So met this girl nearby and walk to her hotel. She was tiny. Nice butt but tits that have seen better days. Very enthusiastic and wanted to please. Everything is covered. She sucked really well and shook her ass well while I was in. Used to be a dancer. I have suspicion that she has a IV past. Not sure as she had a mark on her arm. Overall very nice girl. Give her a try but talk her down.

https://independent.com.atlanta.listcrawler.com/post/36657006/KennesawHow so tiny under 5 feet?

Peter Johnson
08-22-19, 14:30
Of course USAG is the first place I go for info and discussion of hobbying, but just wondering which of the ad sites let you post and read reviews of the girls that aren't discussed here? After Backpage got taken down, everything seems to have fragmented and not sure where to go now.

I TOFFT today and was not a good experience, but will wait a few days before posting a review. The girl knew it was a shitty, rushed session and said she would make it up to me if I came back soon. Of course we all know that rarely, if ever, happens, but I'll give her one chance before I post the unflattering, but factually accurate details.

Peter Johnson
08-22-19, 15:42
Everybody knows Shelly. She gives the meanest head I've had. Top 5 for sure. She's suck the nut out of you. I never banged though just showed up for covered head then bareback head the second time. She's literally a vacuum.I think I've seen Shelly twice, and spread over probably a 10 year period. My last visit was a couple of years. She will rim too for extra 0. 2, or at least did back then. I didn't bang her either and just BBBJ.

08-22-19, 18:45
How so tiny under 5 feet?Like 5' maybe 5'1.

08-22-19, 21:14
Hello gents,

Any good experiences with these?





08-23-19, 05:38
I'm a little wrapped up in other avenues but she caught my eye, looks like my type if legit. Any yall partake? Or know of anyone similar?


08-23-19, 20:55
Hey has anyone seen a new escort named Tiffany 483-466-XXXX. Would like to try her out. Will trade info.Let me know if you have seen: https://xlamma.me/atlanta-escorts/Escort-TiffanyLogan-25-77390.

08-24-19, 04:19
Has anyone seen her?


08-24-19, 06:58
Something doesn't sit right with this one. She's got a new them profile, one review -convenient-. Willing to do anything, young, white, cute. Honey pot? -shrug- The number comes back to the same them profile. I'm not saying she isn't legit, but something just doesn't seem right. Maybe LEO, maybe a scam artist, or just a horny little **** that decided to get paid to do something she enjoys.

I would text her from another number, not ask about any specific services, just a qv or hh. If she responds with specific or even general sexual services, proceed with extreme caution. If she quotes a price for the time, give her a shot. Worst case, you get scammed out of a 100 or 150 bones. Best case, you get a fun ride and a potential go-to ****.

It's always a gamble with the unvetted girls, hell even some of the ones that have been vouched for in some cases. I never go more than a qv I'm always much more comfortable discussing menu options after I have given her at least one nut. But, I am excessively cautious and will rabbit at the slightest hint of something out of the normal. There are other brave souls that like the thrill of the gamble.That's Ariel Rebel, an internet porn star.

08-24-19, 10:11
Hey, has anyone seen Liv recently? The last time I saw her she was working with Leah. I keep in touch with her and I'm trying to see her next week but I heard rumors and wondered if any of it was true? I know she went to work for sunny then went back to Indy.

08-24-19, 11:20
Let me know if you have seen: https://xlamma.me/atlanta-escorts/Escort-TiffanyLogan-25-77390.I have a current sub another review site - her reviews are good, but old FYI.

People Pleasur
08-24-19, 11:29
Hello gents,

Any good experiences with these?




Thanks.Give them a call and TOFTT.

08-24-19, 16:38
Has anyone seen her?

https://escortbabylon.net/posts_view/36661823/7703832450SbeMish97, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but don't take a chance on the ugly ones. If you like ugly, go with the bona fides.

I would only ever take any chance with a looker. But, I don't take chances anyway. Maybe ask Johnny M. He is a risk taker.

Dick M Good
08-24-19, 17:25
SbeMish97, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but don't take a chance on the ugly ones. If you like ugly, go with the bona fides.

I would only ever take any chance with a looker. But, I don't take chances anyway. Maybe ask Johnny M. He is a risk taker.She looks all right to me definitely not ugly that I can see!

08-24-19, 20:40
SbeMish97, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but don't take a chance on the ugly ones. If you like ugly, go with the bona fides.

I would only ever take any chance with a looker. But, I don't take chances anyway. Maybe ask Johnny M. He is a risk taker.She's not model material but she's far from ugly!

08-24-19, 22:32
I have a current sub another review site - her reviews are good, but old FYI.Can you give me the review site to access the revieww.

08-25-19, 05:16

Been seeing RiRi regularly for a while now and yes it's a hike. Yet it's a hike that is very much worthwhile. She is very petite, super sweet, and knows how to use what she has. She likes to chat if that helps put things at ease and she likes to work when it's time to please. Her room is very clean and neat, not sketchy and very convenient off 75. She doesn't use drugs and there is no evidence of smoking on her or in her room. Our visits usually involve me exploring her and giving her pleasure first. She is super clean, very sweet and tasty and really enjoys being pleasured. FS is covered but she is tight and willing to explore positions, have fun, and is very responsive. She never watches the clock and feels like I'm her top priority. She is especially easy once you are a regular as she gives you her real number and is much easier to make the connection and plan a trip up. She has always worked very hard to accommodate my schedule even at the last minute.

Note she is very cautious with first timers so be patient with her and you will be rewarded. Damage for hh is $ and hr is $.5.

Take a hike guys and you will not regret it!! Tell her George sent you and enjoy.Hey bud, I had actually texted her. She seemed really kind and well mannered. I like to text some and have a small phone conversation, especially before heading that far, I was very interested until she started some shady bs. I tried to make a date, she then started making all types of excuses. Then just completely ignored me. I don't play that shit. Alot of these women are liars and play so many games these days. If you aren't interested, just tell people. To ignore them when thry are trying to come, is just rude as hell. When I see a woman being all fake and shady, I move on. Glad you had a great time, wish I couldve too, but I just don't chase people who act that way. Just isn't my style.

08-25-19, 09:53
Hey bud, I had actually texted her. She seemed really kind and well mannered. I like to text some and have a small phone conversation, especially before heading that far, I was very interested until she started some shady bs. I tried to make a date, she then started making all types of excuses. Then just completely ignored me. I don't play that shit. Alot of these women are liars and play so many games these days. If you aren't interested, just tell people. To ignore them when thry are trying to come, is just rude as hell. When I see a woman being all fake and shady, I move on. Glad you had a great time, wish I couldve too, but I just don't chase people who act that way. Just isn't my style.Same initial experience, got our wires crossed as I made the trip up. She's ULTRA cautious and our dream was nearly called off, alas, patience and a little humor (fell on my sword) led to one of the best experiences I've had in a while.

She explained some personal challenges that spoke to her level of security, very understandable.

I only wish she lived closer to ATL. But you get some nice views of the mountains and if you're traveling to Chattaboogie, it's on the way.

I want to see her move to a more upscale spot, so our next dream will likely be out.

She's worth a visit IMHO.

08-25-19, 10:15
Same initial experience, got our wires crossed as I made the trip up. She's ULTRA cautious and our dream was nearly called off, alas, patience and a little humor (fell on my sword) led to one of the best experiences I've had in a while.

She explained some personal challenges that spoke to her level of security, very understandable.

I only wish she lived closer to ATL. But you get some nice views of the mountains and if you're traveling to Chattaboogie, it's on the way.

I want to see her move to a more upscale spot, so our next dream will likely be out.

She's worth a visit IMHO.I think she might be too, just didn't really appreciate how she acted to be honest. We had a real great conversation. I was impressed with how well mannered, and sweet she appeared to be. Had she just let me come, I'm pretty sure it would've went good. I'm a very honest and upfront person, I'm also very cautious too. Just turns me off when I see a woman acting the way she did, when I didn't do anything to deserve that.

08-25-19, 10:30
I think she might be too, just didn't really appreciate how she acted to be honest. We had a real great conversation. I was impressed with how well mannered, and sweet she appeared to be. Had she just let me come, I'm pretty sure it would've went good. I'm a very honest and upfront person, I'm also very cautious too. Just turns me off when I see a woman acting the way she did, when I didn't do anything to deserve that.Feel ya, I've had a few ice up. But once you show your cards and some humor, it's usually a win.

George, ya did me a solid. Squad, give her a shot.

08-25-19, 10:58
Feel ya, I've had a few ice up. But once you show your cards and some humor, it's usually a win.

George, ya did me a solid. Squad, give her a shot.Idk I tried hooking up with her too but she quotes me different numbers and than I mentioned George and she said ok to the hr donation? I didn't reply back cause there was a gap in reply and I've already moved on. Idk about you guys but that's 2 half drive for me and if she ghosted pheeeeww to far.

08-25-19, 12:45
Idk I tried hooking up with her too but she quotes me different numbers and than I mentioned George and she said ok to the hr donation? I didn't reply back cause there was a gap in reply and I've already moved on. Idk about you guys but that's 2 half drive for me and if she ghosted pheeeeww to far.Its one thing to be far, but don't be all fake and shady on top of that. To be honest, I'm a boob guy, she doesn't have any. However, since she was cool and well mannered, I was willing to give her a shot, despite the distance being a hour and 15 min. She's not a bad looking chick. Just not a fan of being ignored. Its just shitty and not cool.

08-25-19, 12:47
Feel ya, I've had a few ice up. But once you show your cards and some humor, it's usually a win.

George, ya did me a solid. Squad, give her a shot.We appeared to connect really good. Not sure what happened. I'm pretty respectful and actually talk to people like I would want to talked to. Its all good, glad you and George had a good time, I'm just not with the shit she pulled. LOL.

08-25-19, 16:21

Anyone have dreams with this pawg?


08-25-19, 22:36
We appeared to connect really good. Not sure what happened. I'm pretty respectful and actually talk to people like I would want to talked to. Its all good, glad you and George had a good time, I'm just not with the shit she pulled. LOL.I certainly understand your frustration. My first time seeing her was almost a disaster as well. I shared my story about her as I felt my patience and persistence were very much worth it. She is so good I've been going up every week since I started. I hope at some point you guys are able to see her but I also understand the challenges and the frustration.

08-26-19, 05:07
SbeMish97, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but don't take a chance on the ugly ones. If you like ugly, go with the bona fides.

I would only ever take any chance with a looker. But, I don't take chances anyway. Maybe ask Johnny M. He is a risk taker.She's not ugly at all. She's got a nice body, but I'm also partial to redheads and freckles so -shrug-.

08-26-19, 05:12
Hit this one up on the way to work. I went for the 40.00 qv. It was a blow and go, bbj no CIM. It was worth the donation, but I doubt I'd go for anything more than a morning wood release.


08-26-19, 10:04
Any info on her?


Thanks!Saw her recently. Actually looks better in person than pics. Very sweet and very petite. It was easy to set things up and damage was. 6 and worth it. Everything covered but lots of kissing me all over and very enthusiastic cg and mish. Gravity and 4 kids have done a bit of damage but still very nice to look at. Worth my time for sure while not top on my list.

08-26-19, 13:32
Any help is appreciated. Atlanta is to far. Thanks.

Johnny Mapalo
08-26-19, 15:58

I should have never gotten any kitty from Kitty 4 weeks ago. Saw this chic posting for a few months now, but never paid her ad any mind since she didn't have any face pic included. Err. I finally saw a face pic posted like 2 months ago and instantly recognized her. She posted on backpage like 3 years ago and she also works for an escorting agency. I was going to see her back then, but never got around to it.

This time though, I thought I would check her out. Her ad stated "$50 qv" at the time with a totally different phone number than she has up now. I text, then called her to hear what she sounded like over the phone and as soon as she picked the phone up, I heard some kids making noises in the background. Oh boy. I said to myself, this is probably some ghetto Boqueisha with a whole bunch of kids, trying to sell ass.

That totally turned me off so I decided to keep it moving. A week later, I saw her posting again but this time she was doing "$45 qv specials". How low can we go? LOL. I didn't hit her up the time, but the following week I did when she was doing "$40 qv specials". LOL, again. It keeps getting lower and lower. I text her for her location and also asked she does BB suckie or rear end work.

She text back "BBJ". That's nice to hear. Now, her new ad states no "BBJ or $40 specials". Hmm. I guess she feels she's worth more now. Anyways, I told her that I could come through as I googled her address and was shocked that she was only a 5 minute drive from me. Damn, how convenient. If I had known that she was this close in the past, I would have went to see her a loong time ago.

Well, I came through some 20 minutes later and saw a whole bunch of cars parked on the street and in the driveway right next to her house. I was like, what the fuck is this, as I thought that she may have had a party going on in there. I got out of my car to see what was what and noticed a dude sitting in his car right in front of me. Hmm. I got back into my whip and text her letting her know about all the cars in the driveway and in the street.

I then started my car and drove around the neighborhood a bit, just checking things out. I drove back over to her house and noticed that the car with the dude sitting in it was now gone. Hmm. Again. I got a text from her stating to just come to her door. I got out of my whip and started heading to her door, I think, but there were no lights on outside of her house. It was completely dark!

I got to her door and it was opened by someone clearly standing in front of it. I walked up to that someone as was told to come on in. I did just that as she closed the door behind me. I got a good look at her and was like, WTF! This chic looked all kinds of fucked up. She was wearing a purple dress that accuented her out of shapeness and huge gut in the mid-section.

I thought for a minute that she could be pregnant or something. She looked absolutely nothing, body-wise, like her pics on that escorting site. She was a good 5'7 and I'd say about 165-175 lbs, babyfat body. What was even worse though was the condition of the house. Holy fuck!! Holes in the wall, moles on the wall, dirty stained carpeting, dirty stairs, etc.

Her whole house needed to be bulldozed by an Israeli soldier. The place was beyond filthy! Jesus Christ. I should have about-faced and left immediately. I soldiered on anyways as she led me to her equally filthy and dirty bedroom. How some people grow some nasty? There were all sorts of junk littered all over her bed and bedroom that she began to push to the side. The room also reeked heavily of marijuana.

This chic is all sorts of fucked up. I now see why she went down to 40 bones. She should be paying me if you ask me. She had a whole lot of pictures on her wall of her back in her glory days. There were stripper type pictures of her and other strippers. She looks absolutely nothing like none of the pictures on the wall. Smdh. She done fell off big time.

She also has a shit load more tattoos than you see in her pics. Her 2 legs were literally covered in tattoos. Sheesh. Anyways, she sat down on her filthy bed as I stood right over her. She then went into her pocketbook to furnish a slab from out of it. She told me to have a seat and I did just that on that filthy ass bed. Err. She asked for the donation and I handed her the 40 bones in hand.

She looked it over and immediately placed it deep down in her pocketbook. I was about ready to get on with the show and get the falk of there. Her place gave me the creeps. She started opening the wrapper when I asked her about BB suckie. I looked in her face when I said that I was having 2nd thoughts like a mother. This chic looked completely out of it.

Her bottom and top lips were completely rolled back and her eyes were all glossy. This chic is definitely on something waay more heavier than marijuana. She looked like she was on a whole not her planet. Good God almighty. What did you get yourself into this time, Johnny? She told me that she was going to do the BB suckie first and I just dropped trou and left my shirt on.

I laid back on her nasty ass bed as instructed, as she started administering the BB suckie. The BB suckie was weak!! There was no suction at all as I felt absolutely nothing on the suckie. She was just rolling her lips back and forth on the head of my cock. I reached into her shirt while she was sucking, but got no response for her while I was massaging her breasts.

After 3 minutes of terrible suckie and no response, I just told her that I was ready. I wasn't even at half-mast at the time. Smdh. She handed me the slab to put on, as I placed it on my flaccid cock. I told her that I wanted her in doggie and she turned back ways and lifted her dress up to reveal no panties and a completed shaved cooter.

I got behind her in doggie for the mount, but couldn't get in due to my softness and her somewhat dryness or tightness. She was also smelling mildly funky back there. Great!! I decided to improvise and started applying some ghetto lube to the slab. I don't think she cared at all as her face was completely planted in the bed and she pretty much was zoned the fuck out. Smdh.

I kept applying more and more ghetto lube (split to slab) until I was finally able to enter. I gotta' stroking and started getting erect very fast. She have some heavy friction on her walls that caused my boner to grow pretty rapidly. The funky was taking away from the good cooter though. Err. I kept stroking her anyways, for a good 2 and a half minutes, before feeling that oh so familiar pressure building up in my loins.

I asked her if I could unload on her ass and she said "huh" a few times before realizing what I was asking her and then replying, "No". Great. I should have did it anyways without asking first, as I know she wasn't paying attention to anything that was going on around her. I soon released the juice in the boot and pulled out immediately to let her know that I was done with her.

I retreated off the bed and immediately went into my shorts pocket for some tissue to clean up. I wanted nothing from her in that filthy house at all. I cleaned up with my own toilet paper as she got off the bed and pulled her dress back down. I pulled my shorts back on and she led me outside her door less room and straight to the front door. I said my condolences and couldn't get out of there fast enough.

This chic's a pure mess. If you're looking for the chic in the escorting agency pics, you're in for a rude awakening. I don't know who would pay this chic 300 bones per hour. I honestly don't think she's worth anymore than 20 bucks. I felt slighted at giving her 40 bones. Smfh.

She's got some good nookie, but it stinks, just like the rest of her home. Her house needs to be condemned! A definite hell no on a repeat. I'll give her a "4" in looks and an equal "4" in service. Never again!

08-27-19, 04:55

I should have never gotten any kitty from Kitty 4 weeks ago. Saw this chic posting for a few months now, but never paid her ad any mind since she didn't have any face pic included. Err. I finally saw a face pic posted like 2 months ago and instantly recognized her. She posted on backpage like 3 years ago and she also works for an escorting agency. I was going to see her back then, but never got around to it.

This time though, I thought I would check her out. Her ad stated "$50 qv" at the time with a totally different phone number than she has up now. I text, then called her to hear what she sounded like over the phone and as soon as she picked the phone up, I heard some kids making noises in the background. Oh boy. I said to myself, this is probably some ghetto Boqueisha with a whole bunch of kids, trying to sell ass.

This chic's a pure mess. If you're looking for the chic in the escorting agency pics, you're in for a rude awakening. I don't know who would pay this chic 300 bones per hour. I honestly don't think she's worth anymore than 20 bucks. I felt slighted at giving her 40 bones. Smfh.

She's got some good nookie, but it stinks, just like the rest of her home. Her house needs to be condemned! A definite hell no on a repeat. I'll give her a "4" in looks and an equal "4" in service. Never again!The closer we get to rent day, the lower she will go. But I'll take your word for it, Johnny, you haven't let me down yet.

08-27-19, 12:26

Anyone have dreams with this pawg?

https://escortbabylon.net/posts_view/36536676/6788296621I've seen Venus several times (about 5 or 6 times I think). They have all been good with the exception of one. She's pretty cute and has been clean every time I've seen her. I'd say she's lite GFE, she does closed mouth kissing and will do BBBJ if comfortable with you. I typically do $1. 0 for hh.

I'd recommend her, no hassles connecting and a good time.


Peter Johnson
08-27-19, 13:51


I saw Anna a couple of weeks ago at extended stay hotel in Peachtree Corners / Norcross area. She is a bigger girl than looks like in the pics. Really big stomach and face looks her age. But even if not super great to look at, she has a really nice personality that goes a long way. I did 0. 5 QV and she's not a clockwatcher and I was there for longer.

We started with BBBJ and some good skills there. Not amazing, but solid. Then switched to CFS for mish and doggy. She got very wet and she is new to the biz, so almost seems like a regular girl. She said she really doesn't like it so far and may have already bailed, but I would repeat, at least for blow and go QV.

08-27-19, 15:26
I've seen Venus several times (about 5 or 6 times I think). They have all been good with the exception of one. She's pretty cute and has been clean every time I've seen her. I'd say she's lite GFE, she does closed mouth kissing and will do BBBJ if comfortable with you. I typically do $1. 0 for hh.

I'd recommend her, no hassles connecting and a good time.

EW.Not sure when you saw her but I met up with her yesterday. She is actually very pretty in my opinion and what you described was accurate to my experience. Beyond that it was a disaster. Her boyfriend as well as 2 other friends stay with her and she had obviously been delinquent in paying her hotel. All hell broke loose with phone ringing, maid at the door, threats to call cops and all manor of drama with her posse. Until she gets her life together I would avoid. Not worth the danger.

Wish I had better news as she is quite cute and very well put together for a petite gal. But crazy times, drama and danger don't mix well with our hobby.

With sadness. George.

08-27-19, 20:19
Not sure when you saw her but I met up with her yesterday. She is actually very pretty in my opinion and what you described was accurate to my experience. Beyond that it was a disaster. Her boyfriend as well as 2 other friends stay with her and she had obviously been delinquent in paying her hotel. All hell broke loose with phone ringing, maid at the door, threats to call cops and all manor of drama with her posse. Until she gets her life together I would avoid. Not worth the danger.

Wish I had better news as she is quite cute and very well put together for a petite gal. But crazy times, drama and danger don't mix well with our hobby.

With sadness. George.Wow, sorry to hear you went through that. I last saw her about 2 weeks ago. We talked for a minute Sunday but didn't meet up. The one bad visit I had with her was a rush job, seemed like she didn't want to have her friend waiting too long.

I'd give her another shot when the smoke clears. Her and Mia have been my go to providers lately.

Mia is searchable on listcrawler. Early 20's petite AA female.

Sorry couldn't get link to work from my phone.

I may have to meet your friend in Calhoun to see if she's worth adding to the list.


08-27-19, 23:40

Saw this lady, who has been reviewed before. It's a hike out to a seemingly empty hotel near Douglasville. She was pleasant, but not that into it. I didn't feel like we clicked, which was a shame since I booked an hour with her. However, she's petite and willing. For the first round, I explored her petite and tight body, did some DATY then took her mish. Due to the lack of connection, I was unable to get into a second round. But that was not for a lack of her trying. She gave it her all, but it was not to be. In the future I'd be willing to hit her up for a QV, but the distance makes it difficult to justify.

08-27-19, 23:46

So, I've been wanting to see this one for years. I finally took the plunge for a half hour recently. She's gorgeous and submissive. Very sweet and easy to talk to. Older reviews suggested she'd gained weight, but she's definitely thin and fit now. I think she's put some significant work into slimming down and it shows. She seems like she into it too when you get down to business but of course she's probably just a good actress. Not sure about CBJ vs BBBJ because I was dead set on entering her after I went down on her for a while. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit with her and probably could have gone again if I'd booked an hour, but I've learned to try ladies out first before committing to extended stays. After you see her, she'll start texting you out of the blue when she's available, so be warned.

08-27-19, 23:54

Saw this lady, who has been reviewed before. It's a hike out to a seemingly empty hotel near Douglasville. She was pleasant, but not that into it. I didn't feel like we clicked, which was a shame since I booked an hour with her. However, she's petite and willing. For the first round, I explored her petite and tight body, did some DATY then took her mish. Due to the lack of connection, I was unable to get into a second round. But that was not for a lack of her trying. She gave it her all, but it was not to be. In the future I'd be willing to hit her up for a QV, but the distance makes it difficult to justify.For those with an SA account, it looks like this is the same girl. ?


She's pretty, so I wonder if the experience via SA is different than the one through Eros. Might give her a try.

08-28-19, 00:05

Wow. Just fucking WOW. This girl is goddamn rocket. She's a little thicker than her pics, but only in a good way. Like she's aged from 21 to 23 and gained all the womanly thickness you need. Her ass is incredible, her tits a perfect perky handfuls, and her sexy little cubanita smile is sure to make your heart race. There's not a flaw on this girl. Just the perfect mix of beautiful and sexy. Sorry guys. I'm smitten. Booked 30 with her, and almost kicked myself for not booking the hour. I'm going to have to go back before she leaves town again. Got to her incall, and chatted for a few minutes while I checked her out. She asked me to shower up real fast, which I was happy to oblige. When I got back out she was laying on the bed in a black one piece body suit. We kissed a bit and I felt up her amazing soft and smooth body. After bit of that she made a little show of unsnapping her body suit. Holy christ that ass. Anyhow, after a some soft and sensual BBBJ (my favorite) she told me she wanted to ride me. Not yet though. I had to taste her first. I pulled her to the edge of the bed, and she asked me to be gentle. She has a perfect little butterfly between her legs and her clit gets so long and hard when you flick it. She loved it when I kissed her whole pussy and told me so. She's very vocal and will definitely tell you what she likes. Finally, I had to feel her, so I rolled the cover on and took her mish for a bit. She kept saying she wanted to ride me, but I needed to see that ass in doggie. After I'd had my fill of that, she finally got what she wanted. I laid down and she mounted me and proceeded to grind on me. Damn she was sexy. I couldn't hold out much longer and vocally filled the bag. However, she kept going until she finally hit her own O. It was amazing to watch and feel. Afterwards we cleaned up and I got out of there in just under 30. A perfect visit with what I would say is a damn near perfect girl. A warning to many of you though: she asked me several times to be gentle and I'm not a very aggressive person. So she may disappoint some of you who like to really go to town.

I have to say I'd been eyeing her ads for a little while every few months whenever she strolls through town. However, I never found any reviews or mention of her outside of an obscure agency website when I googled her number. So I was skeptical and a little nervous going in. I'm *so* glad I took the plunge on this one. This was definitely a top 3 experience for me, not just in terms of looks, but also her sweet and sexy demeanor. Treat her right guys! I want her to keep coming back!

08-28-19, 00:09
I would say that's not likely. I know that I'm not the only person who said there was a lack of connection. Maybe she takes some extra warming up. Maybe I wasn't her type. I'm not exactly a macho aggressive guy. I asked her lots of questions about her business including whether she ever gets guys who walk through her door and secretly gives a "YES! In her head. She answered that one with a sheepish smile and a yes. So I dunno. Nothing against her though, as she was nice and accommodating of my requests. I guess I just like more a GFE (as defined below) experience.

For those with an SA account, it looks like this is the same girl. ?


She's pretty, so I wonder if the experience via SA is different than the one through Eros. Might give her a try.

08-28-19, 00:13
I would say that's not likely. I know that I'm not the only person who said there was a lack of connection. Maybe she takes some extra warming up. Maybe I wasn't her type. I'm not exactly a macho aggressive guy. I asked her lots of questions about her business including whether she ever gets guys who walk through her door and secretly gives a "YES! In her head. She answered that one with a sheepish smile and a yes. So I dunno. Nothing against her though, as she was nice and accommodating of my requests. I guess I just like more a GFE (as defined below) experience.Got it. Yeah, if she's "non-GFE", particularly no kissing, then I don't really have any interest. I've got enough non-GFE girls I can call up, when needed, and I'm only hunting for GFE, now.

08-28-19, 08:12
Thanks for the review. What part of town and what was the damage?


Wow. Just fucking WOW. This girl is goddamn rocket. She's a little thicker than her pics, but only in a good way. Like she's aged from 21 to 23 and gained all the womanly thickness you need. Her ass is incredible, her tits a perfect perky handfuls, and her sexy little cubanita smile is sure to make your heart race. There's not a flaw on this girl. Just the perfect mix of beautiful and sexy. Sorry guys. I'm smitten. Booked 30 with her, and almost kicked myself for not booking the hour. I'm going to have to go back before she leaves town again. Got to her incall, and chatted for a few minutes while I checked her out. She asked me to shower up real fast, which I was happy to oblige. When I got back out she was laying on the bed in a black one piece body suit. We kissed a bit and I felt up her amazing soft and smooth body. After bit of that she made a little show of unsnapping her body suit. Holy christ that ass. Anyhow, after a some soft and sensual BBBJ (my favorite) she told me she wanted to ride me. Not yet though. I had to taste her first. I pulled her to the edge of the bed, and she asked me to be gentle. She has a perfect little butterfly between her legs and her clit gets so long and hard when you flick it. She loved it when I kissed her whole pussy and told me so. She's very vocal and will definitely tell you what she likes. Finally, I had to feel her, so I rolled the cover on and took her mish for a bit. She kept saying she wanted to ride me, but I needed to see that ass in doggie. After I'd had my fill of that, she finally got what she wanted. I laid down and she mounted me and proceeded to grind on me. Damn she was sexy. I couldn't hold out much longer and vocally filled the bag. However, she kept going until she finally hit her own O. It was amazing to watch and feel. Afterwards we cleaned up and I got out of there in just under 30. A perfect visit with what I would say is a damn near perfect girl. A warning to many of you though: she asked me several times to be gentle and I'm not a very aggressive person. So she may disappoint some of you who like to really go to town.

I have to say I'd been eyeing her ads for a little while every few months whenever she strolls through town. However, I never found any reviews or mention of her outside of an obscure agency website when I googled her number. So I was skeptical and a little nervous going in. I'm *so* glad I took the plunge on this one. This was definitely a top 3 experience for me, not just in terms of looks, but also her sweet and sexy demeanor. Treat her right guys! I want her to keep coming back!

08-28-19, 08:18

Wow. Just fucking WOW. This girl is goddamn rocket. She's a little thicker than her pics, but only in a good way. Like she's aged from 21 to 23 and gained all the womanly thickness you need. Her ass is incredible, her tits a perfect perky handfuls, and her sexy little cubanita smile is sure to make your heart race. There's not a flaw on this girl. Just the perfect mix of beautiful and sexy. Sorry guys. I'm smitten. Booked 30 with her, and almost kicked myself for not booking the hour. I'm going to have to go back before she leaves town again. Got to her incall, and chatted for a few minutes while I checked her out. She asked me to shower up real fast, which I was happy to oblige. When I got back out she was laying on the bed in a black one piece body suit. We kissed a bit and I felt up her amazing soft and smooth body. After bit of that she made a little show of unsnapping her body suit. Holy christ that ass. Anyhow, after a some soft and sensual BBBJ (my favorite) she told me she wanted to ride me. Not yet though. I had to taste her first. I pulled her to the edge of the bed, and she asked me to be gentle. She has a perfect little butterfly between her legs and her clit gets so long and hard when you flick it. She loved it when I kissed her whole pussy and told me so. She's very vocal and will definitely tell you what she likes. Finally, I had to feel her, so I rolled the cover on and took her mish for a bit. She kept saying she wanted to ride me, but I needed to see that ass in doggie. After I'd had my fill of that, she finally got what she wanted. I laid down and she mounted me and proceeded to grind on me. Damn she was sexy. I couldn't hold out much longer and vocally filled the bag. However, she kept going until she finally hit her own O. It was amazing to watch and feel. Afterwards we cleaned up and I got out of there in just under 30. A perfect visit with what I would say is a damn near perfect girl. A warning to many of you though: she asked me several times to be gentle and I'm not a very aggressive person. So she may disappoint some of you who like to really go to town.

I have to say I'd been eyeing her ads for a little while every few months whenever she strolls through town. However, I never found any reviews or mention of her outside of an obscure agency website when I googled her number. So I was skeptical and a little nervous going in. I'm *so* glad I took the plunge on this one. This was definitely a top 3 experience for me, not just in terms of looks, but also her sweet and sexy demeanor. Treat her right guys! I want her to keep coming back!What are her rates?

08-28-19, 08:53
I saw Stephanie a couple of days ago. Same experience as most. Super sweet, very submissive. The room was really bad, cigarette smell etc. Probably won't see her again.

08-28-19, 09:22

So, I've been wanting to see this one for years. I finally took the plunge for a half hour recently. She's gorgeous and submissive. Very sweet and easy to talk to. Older reviews suggested she'd gained weight, but she's definitely thin and fit now. I think she's put some significant work into slimming down and it shows. She seems like she into it too when you get down to business but of course she's probably just a good actress. Not sure about CBJ vs BBBJ because I was dead set on entering her after I went down on her for a while. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit with her and probably could have gone again if I'd booked an hour, but I've learned to try ladies out first before committing to extended stays. After you see her, she'll start texting you out of the blue when she's available, so be warned.Can you share her hhr and hr rates?

08-28-19, 09:33
Make room in your inbox please.

Thanks for the review. What part of town and what was the damage?

08-28-19, 09:48
Not sure if this has been posted or not. I used to visit chicks that stayed in the motel / hotel listed but stop a few years back. These spots have been "hot" for awhile; LE is aware and is watching. Be careful out there.


Sgt Soros
08-28-19, 10:41
Not sure if this has been posted or not. I used to visit chicks that stayed in the motel / hotel listed but stop a few years back. These spots have been "hot" for awhile; LE is aware and is watching. Be careful out there.

https://www.ajc.com/news/crime--law/breaking-atlanta-area-hotels-face-sex-trafficking-lawsuits/B9Wy8bMUOV60eWuqdjlWWN/What a clusterfuck this hobby has become. All we will have left are the streets or car dates. I'll retire before that happens.

08-28-19, 11:11
Not sure if this has been posted or not. I used to visit chicks that stayed in the motel / hotel listed but stop a few years back. These spots have been "hot" for awhile; LE is aware and is watching. Be careful out there.

https://www.ajc.com/news/crime--law/breaking-atlanta-area-hotels-face-sex-trafficking-lawsuits/B9Wy8bMUOV60eWuqdjlWWN/Well I mean it's not as though this is something LE is just now discovering; these places have been known cesspools of low-rent pimps up & hoes down games since time immemorial.

Last time I was at the Red Roof on Windy Hill (maybe 8 years ago), it was with this sleek, model type girl I'd met at Follies. Easily could be a pro model, but as usual she was stripping and being run by a pimp out of the Red Roof. Latina spinner with a beautiful pussy, but after about the first inch the vagina opened up and was kind of loose. Disappointing. When I was leaving she accidentally called my number and launched into the most unintelligible hoodspeak ever (she thought she was calling her pimp), then just hung up when she realized it was me. Never spent another dime on her in or out of the club after that. "Chloe" was her name, I think.

Anyway, shortly after that I just started a policy of no Red Roofs, no Knights Inns, no Motel 6's, or anything like that.


Been Here
08-28-19, 11:24

Wow. Just fucking WOW. This girl is goddamn rocket.What are her rates?

08-28-19, 11:33
Well I mean it's not as though this is something LE is just now discovering; these places have been known cesspools of low-rent pimps up & hoes down games since time immemorial.

Last time I was at the Red Roof on Windy Hill (maybe 8 years ago), it was with this sleek, model type girl I'd met at Follies. Easily could be a pro model, but as usual she was stripping and being run by a pimp out of the Red Roof. Latina spinner with a beautiful pussy, but after about the first inch the vagina opened up and was kind of loose. Disappointing. When I was leaving she accidentally called my number and launched into the most unintelligible hoodspeak ever (she thought she was calling her pimp), then just hung up when she realized it was me. Never spent another dime on her in or out of the club after that. "Chloe" was her name, I think.

Anyway, shortly after that I just started a policy of no Red Roofs, no Knights Inns, no Motel 6's, or anything like that.

O.During my transition to moving to Atlanta, I have been staying in hotels quite a bit, usually 2 X a week. I found that using priceline & the express deals, if you are willing to be flexible on location, Buckhead / Perimeter / Downtown then you could get a room for $80 to $100 a night at a 4 star hotel. With Taxes & valet it would be around $120 a night. If you are part of a rewards program, getting a room upgrade was almost automatic also, my last couple of trips I stayed at the Weston in Buckhead for $82 a night & had a corner jr. Suite. I could never go back to the red roof in or motel 6 to save $40.

08-28-19, 15:13

I saw her today. Gents, def worth the price of admission. Beautiful, friendly, regular girl. No hang ups or drama at all. Well proportioned. Beautiful eyes and smile. Very enjoyable GFE session. Highly recommend.

08-28-19, 17:09

I recently saw this lady, and she is amazing. The set up wasnt hard at all, and she was sweet and has the most adorable voice ever. I'm not a fan of the norcross area, but she put me at ease. I arrived at her hotel, she looks absolutely incredible. She's actually tall. Has a cat there, but no worries. She has Nice long legs, pretty pearly white teeth, nice perky C cup boobs, perfectly shaved cooch. She gave me a out of this world blowjob. I was amazed. I played with that nice clean body, smacked that nice firm ass. I put the condom on and bam I was in. It felt good, the whole time, she took my 10 inch like a pro. After I was done, she hugged me and I kissed her on the cheek and left. I can honestly say she was worth the 1 hour drive. I am beyond pleased and highly recommend her. 80 for the qv.

08-28-19, 18:28
Trying to see someone but don't want them coming to the house. Does anyone know any motels where you can pay by the hr?

08-28-19, 20:03
Sorry about that. Done.

Make room in your inbox please.

08-29-19, 00:07

I recently saw this lady, and she is amazing. The set up wasnt hard at all, and she was sweet and has the most adorable voice ever. I'm not a fan of the norcross area, but she put me at ease. I arrived at her hotel, she looks absolutely incredible. She's actually tall. Has a cat there, but no worries. She has Nice long legs, pretty pearly white teeth, nice perky C cup boobs, perfectly shaved cooch. She gave me a out of this world blowjob. I was amazed. I played with that nice clean body, smacked that nice firm ass. I put the condom on and bam I was in. It felt good, the whole time, she took my 10 inch like a pro. After I was done, she hugged me and I kissed her on the cheek and left. I can honestly say she was worth the 1 hour drive. I am beyond pleased and highly recommend her. 80 for the qv.She looks pretty cute. She give great sensual head? Looking into your eyes as she sucks? She take CIM or swallow for a finish??

Johnny Mapalo
08-29-19, 00:57

I took an Ecstasy pill a week and a half ago. Saw this chic almost 2 weeks back on Virginia Avenue. I first saw her ad one night as I was perusing the Listcrawler personals. This chic was at a midtown location at the time and had some ridiculously low rates for that area. She had quoted rates of 50/75/100 right in her ad.

Those rates looked like a pimped out chic's rates to me, but I still text her to get the full scoop. She responded telling me how she was a nice girl and how she could be something that I would want to see on the regular. Right! She invited me to come see her that nigh for a bit of chit chat, then do a qv session. I passed. I wasn't buying it at all.

2 days later though, I spotted her ad again, but this time with the video below attached. I had a very good feeling that dude who was raw banging her was the same dude who posted those low pimped out rates. Hmm. I text her anyways and she didn't respond until the very next day when I was supposed to go see another chic on the south side. That dreaded south side.

This chic was actually on the south side too, Virginia Avenue, so I thought about banging 2 chics with 1 wood. The other chic that I was going to see wanted to do ca rplay when I was halfway there, so I scratched her off the list. I got to Virginia Avenue and text the chic once I arrived. She never told me which hotel she was staying in but I had a very good feeling I knew which one it was already.

It's a very popular hotel on Virginia Avenue that a lot of Listcrawler broads work out of. Anyways, I didn't receive a response text from her for another 10 minutes with her telling me that she just got out of the shower. That's always nice to hear. She then called me over the phone and asked me if I was the police before relaying over her hotel and room number.

I was already in the parking lot of her hotel, so I just locked my whip and took donation, keys, and slab in the sock only. I got to her room all the way down the hall on the 1st floor and knocked on the door. The door was opened a few moments later by a chic covered in a white towel. She told me to come on in and that I did while saying my greetings.

I walked on in and she immediately walked straight over to her bed, not making sure that the door was closed or locked at all. Bad sign!! Anytime a chic does not make sure that the door is locked and closed all the way, your red flags should go up. That was the same exact thing that undercover cop did when I got into her room. She headed straight for the bed without making sure that the door was closed, locked or secured. Hmm.

I let that one slide and just closed and locked the door behind me. The room was neat and clean with no smoke smells anywhere. She walked into the wide open bathroom and started drying off her skin and putting on some lotion. When she did that, I was like damn, this chic's got a phat ass. You can't see it in the pics, but this chic's got a nice thick ghetto ass.

It was smooth and clean too and almost looked fake and too big to be natural. I could tell that it was natural though, by the way it stood up. She's also more lighter skinned that you see in the pics. Via text, she told me that she was 5'6 145 lbs and that ringed through for the most part. Could be about 150 lbs though, cause that ass alone had to have weighed at least 5 lbs. LOL.

Well, she continued to dry off and lotion up her skin while telling me that she always has to be clean. That's very nice to hear. After she was finished she walked further into the living room butt ass nekkid and started looking for something in her purse. When she did that, I noticed that the window drapes were like half open and anyone outside could see her ass standing there butt ass nekkid.

I looked out the window and could clearly see a dude sitting in a hooptie, that was steering at her as she stood there butt ass nekkid. For some strange reason, I got the feeling that he was probably the same dude in the video below. Smdh. I told her about the drapes being opened and she casually walked to the window and pulled the drapes all the way across. The way she did it, got me to believing that this chic is a stripper.

She didn't seem to mind the voyeurism and she's definitely got the body for it. After pulling the blinds across, she went back to her purse and pulled out a handful of slabs. Damn, at least she's well prepared. She pulled a "Skyn" slab from out of the bunch and handed it to me. She also asked for the donation too. It was 60 bones for 15 minutes.

I placed the bones down on the table in front of her and she just looked at it without counting it. Good sign so far. I then started stripping at her request and sat down at the edge of the bed. This chic's body I'd say is "thick athletic". She has no breasts whatsoever as you can see in the pics, but she more than makes up for it in the rear end department.

Her stomach is flat with no stretch marks or any signs of childbirth. As we're both in the buff, she sat down on the bed next to me and I told her to give me a hanny first. She started hanning me off with that thick ass sticking up in the air across from me. I wanted to smack that thang so bad, but it was a bit too out of reach for me. I let her hand me off for a good 3 minutes before asking her about the suckie.

She just stared at me for a good 20 seconds and I felt like that was the cue for me to apply the slab. I was hoping for some BB suckie, but no dice. Oh well. She did quote me $100 qv for BB via text though. I don't know how truthful she was about BB though. I placed the slab on my half-mast johnson and she lowered her head into my lap and gots' ta' sucking.

The sucking was pretty decent as she went all-neck on me and was sucking to the root. Had it been a BB suckie, I would have definitely popped. I had her suck me off for a good 2 minutes before I told her that I was ready. She asked me which position and with that ass of hers, you already know what I wanted. Diggidy doggy position! She got on all fours on the bed and awaited my arrival.

I got behind her for my mount and she kept telling me to go in slow. Shadup hoar, don't tell me how to use my cock! I tried to get in a few times, but she kept flinching and pushing forward, before I finally made it home a minute later. Once in, I gots' ta' stroking and her nunu started creaming up immediately. What a sight! She was creaming on my dong and moaning softly.

She even started throwing it back to daddy. That a girl. She was also smelling a little funky back there too. Don't really know how since she just got out of the shower. Hmm. The view from the back was wonderful though. What a fat piece of natural ghetto ass. You don't see these types of asses too often. It was thick and smooth and clean with no cellulite or stretch marks anywhere.

I worked this chic over in doggie for a good 4 minutes before feeling the pressure building up in my sack. I asked her if I could unload on that thick ghetto ass of hers and she said, "No". Great! I unloaded in the cover and kept pumping some 2 minutes more, to make sure I got all of it out. I slapped her on her ass and told her that I was done with her before retreating off the bed.

I then asked her if she had anything to clean up with and she invited me to clean up with the toilet paper in the bathroom. Great, again! I cleaned up with the good ole tp and she told me to flush it in the commode, but I decided to take it out with me instead. I came out of the bathroom and started getting dressed while she placed the towel back around her body.

She then started steering at the wall for a good minute while talking to herself a bit. Oh boy. I watched her zoning out while steering at the blank wall as I got dressed. When I was completely dressed, she finally snapped out of it and said that she hopes to see me again tomorrow. Ok, I'm not so sure about that. I started headed towards the door and let myself out with her standing behind me.

I said my condolences and was gone with the wind, not knowing if I will ever return again. Once I got outside the hotel and smelled the spent shell, it was smelling a bit funky too. Oh boy. She must have token one of those soapless baths. Dunno? A few days later though, she text me at 12:30 am telling me that she was on a mini vacation and her phone was off and she wanted to see me that day. Yeah right!

She told me that she had some new tricks that she wanted to show me and if I wanted to lock her in, I would have to send her a cash app deposit. Oh boy. I already knew what time it was with that cash app scam. I informed her that I don't deal with cash app and that was the last I heard from her. LOL. The nerves of that wench. The session was still good though and she had a nice body for the visuals.

I'll give her an "8" in looks and a "6" in service. She just needs to clean up around the edges and she'll be fine. Till the next time, ladies. The password for her and her pimp / boyfriends video is: "fuckme".


08-29-19, 09:15

Not much out in my area to pick from but special needs pushed me to find something quick. Too many porn vids LOL. Found this one available and figured it would be a decent cum dump. Quick text responses.

She didn't want a qv and quoted 135 for half hour. Told her my budget was 100 max. She quickly accepted. Gave me an address for some apartments that are off the beaten track. All was good. Or was it?

Get there and she walks outside to flag me in. I knew she was a big girl already by her pics. Well, turns out she is bigger than the pics. Good size belly going on. She came to my truck and I opened the passenger side to talk to her. Sweet voice and huge tits. I was still willing.

Then she tells me that her mom just came home and we would need to go get a room. I would need to take her and bring her back because she doesn't have a car. Tell her it's out of the question to park my company truck in a motel. She said let's do a car date. Damn I needed a release. So how much are you discounting the session to use my truck? Same price.

Tell her no and maybe come back tomorrow. But mom will be there all week. I will pick you up in my personal vehicle. But can you pay me today? Got to go babe. Nice talking to you.

Should have rubbed one out on the drive.

Anyone know of any providers half worth a flip from Athens to Monroe to Gainsville and north?

08-29-19, 15:16
Thinking about trying this one out. Anyone tried it out yet?


08-29-19, 16:03
Any info on this one I have a date with her tomorrow.


08-30-19, 07:15
Trying to see someone but don't want them coming to the house. Does anyone know any motels where you can pay by the hr?It's been talked about on here before, someone mentioned it in the sugar thread, there's an app called dayuse and it works great for me. You can book a room for a block of time usually from 10 a-4 pm or Noon-6 pm.

08-30-19, 09:11
Looks very good, let us know your experience.

Any info on this one I have a date with her tomorrow.


08-30-19, 09:55
Ebony Spinner. Any word fellas? Much appreciated as always.


08-30-19, 11:13

Not much out in my area to pick from but special needs pushed me to find something quick. Too many porn vids LOL. Found this one available and figured it would be a decent cum dump. Quick text responses.

She didn't want a qv and quoted 135 for half hour. Told her my budget was 100 max. She quickly accepted. Gave me an address for some apartments that are off the beaten track. All was good. Or was it?

Get there and she walks outside to flag me in. I knew she was a big girl already by her pics. Well, turns out she is bigger than the pics. Good size belly going on. She came to my truck and I opened the passenger side to talk to her. Sweet voice and huge tits. I was still willing.

Then she tells me that her mom just came home and we would need to go get a room. I would need to take her and bring her back because she doesn't have a car. Tell her it's out of the question to park my company truck in a motel. She said let's do a car date. Damn I needed a release. So how much are you discounting the session to use my truck? Same price.

Tell her no and maybe come back tomorrow. But mom will be there all week. I will pick you up in my personal vehicle. But can you pay me today? Got to go babe. Nice talking to you.

Should have rubbed one out on the drive.

Anyone know of any providers half worth a flip from Athens to Monroe to Gainsville and north?Why do these women do that? She knew she didn't have a place, but still made you come?? Then expected you to still pay full price? I'm so glad you told her no.

08-30-19, 11:14
She looks pretty cute. She give great sensual head? Looking into your eyes as she sucks? She take CIM or swallow for a finish??She gave good head, but made me use a condom though. She doesn't swallow tho.

08-30-19, 11:34

After some texting I wanted to see what this woman was about. The set up was pretty difficult, and I should've went with my gut feeling, but my stupidity went anyways. When I arrived, she def looks much older than the pics. She's not attractive at all and the room totally smelled. She didn't seem nice and has some scars or small burns on her face that she desperately tried to cover up with makeup. She had a bad odor to her as well. I was baffled, cause by the pics and texts, I wouldve thought better. In person her attitude was horrible too. Very arrogant and condescending as well. Bragged about herself way too much. I just told her I'll pass and left. Then she got pissed. As I left she was on the phone (probably with pimp), I saw some guy glaring me down as I got close to my vehicle. Guys stay far away from that piece of trash woman. Too ugly and has the most arrogant attitude ever!

Johnny Mapalo
08-30-19, 13:19

I should have never channeled Chanel a month and a half ago. First saw this chic's ad 3 years ago on backpage. When I text her she was in a house on the southside and wanted $300 to start. Pfft. Keep dreaming. An obvious dismissal. I kept texting her throughout the years and your rates got lower, but were still too ridiculous for me to take seriously.

She was once in the Red Lion motel on Old National Highway and wanted no less than $150. Pfft, again. Fuck out of here with that overpriced nonsense. She's also been using the same pics for 3 years now. Hmm. Well, I saw her posting again last month, July, and her ad stated that she swallows. I text her asking her if she swallowed for real and how much. She text me back that she did nothing under $100. Err.

Still a bit ridiculous with the rates. I asked where she was and she gave me the address to a nice 4 star Marriott chain hotel in Decatur. About time this broad upgraded. I don't know who she thought she was hustling on the south side. She kept text me a few times that day asking if I was still coming, but I wasn't too sure. I don't like giving any of these broads 100 nothing.

They're not worth $100 and they all know it! I hit her back with "$80", but she wasn't having it. Oh well. The very next day, I decided to text her and agreed to the ridiculous $100 rate (why), since nothing else was popping. She asked when was I coming, but I didn't come until 8:30 pm. I got to her hotel, at least I thought I did, but I was in the wrong hotel instead. LOL. I was in the hotel next door.

I walked out of that hotel and into her actual hotel and made it to the 2nd floor where her room was. I text her when I was all the way down the hall by the exit doors. She called me immediately and that's when I saw a chic with very long hear storming out of a room and walking fast and hard as hell. She was talking all loud as fuck on the phone asking me where was I at.

I wanted to just walk the fuck out of the exit door and pretend like it wasn't me, but she saw me when she turned around. Rats. She yelled over the phone, "That's you" and I just lifted up my right hand like a shy kid asking for his teachers permission to use the bathroom. Err. I wasn't really feeling the loud talking, heavy walking ghetto nonsense that I just witnessed.

I started walking towards her and when I got to her door, there was a tall black dude standing in the entrance. WTF! She immediately told me that he was her brother and she wanted me to see him, so that I could know that everything is safe. What? Why didn't he leave the room before I got there, you dingbat! She said that he was going upstairs to his room and he walked his happy ass out the room and towards the elevator.

I stood there for a minute, still shook up from what I just witnessed. I had every intention of walking right behind her "brother" and heading for the elevator myself. Not looking good so far. She also looked wayy older than her posted pics. Hmm. She ushered me into her room anyways and locked and closed the door behind us. When I looked ahead, I could clearly see some feet dangling off one of the beds.

She led me further into the room and introduced me to one of the largest land whales I've ever seen in my life. WTF! A fat bish was sitting at the edge of the bed watching the tv that was across from her on the table. She told me that "Shamu" was the girl she does double with. Gross! I almost threw up in my mouth upon hearing that. Who's fucking that?

Shamu's pics are also in the pics of this girls ad if you click on the "pictures" tab. That bish is fat and ugly as fuck. Man get the fuck out of here with that nonsense. I definitely should have gotten the hell out of there after seeing all this nonsense. She told me that Shamu will going into the bathroom during our session and that she did and she waddled her fat ass in there. This bish is ridiculous.

This chic infront of me though, looks nothing like her pics. Those pics were taking at least 10 years ago when she was in her 20's. She definitely looks to be in her mid 30's now. Smdh. That's why she's been using the same pics for 3 years now. I should have known. She still looks like she has a nice body though at 5'4 145 lbs or so. Her stomach was flat, but kind of round, with no stretch marks or any signs of childbirth.

She was wearing a black netted shirt with a black bra underneath and a black pair of spandex shorts. She asked me if I had protection to which I stated no, then she went looking for one herself. She found a magnum slab, then asked me for the donation. I didn't really want to, but I eventually handed it over. It was 100 bones for what was supposed to be for 30 minutes. Err.

She took the money, counted it, then hid it off somewhere. I then got comfortable, but left my shirt on. She got semi-comfortable too as she took her spandex bottoms off and pulled her bra and shirt off her breasts. She never took them completely off. When I asked why, she said she doesn't get completely naked for quick visits. Say what?

I reminded her that she quoted me $100 for a hh and she said that a half hour cost much more than $100. You muthfucka! I should have been kept it moving from the time she came storming out of her room when I got there. I gave this heffer the benefit of the doubt and this is the return I get. Smfh. Anyways, she got on the bed with me and asked if I wanted to start with or without the magnum cover.

What do you think, lady? Smdh. She lowered her head into my lap and gotta' BB sucking. The sucking was, I don't know. All of her hair was in my lap and I couldn't see a thick. I just felt the tickling of her hair on my legs and crotch area. She sucked me off for a minute before coming up for air with a whole lot of saliva dripping from her mouth. Damn! She sure knows how to get it wet.

The visuals of the saliva kind of turned me on too, She went back down for another minute, before I had her stop immediately because I felt a special tingling in my sack. Oh boy. I grabbed the magnum slab from off the bed and told her to turn around in doggie. As soon as she did that, I blew a load in mid-air. Fuck!! I caught the jizz in hand and still proceeded to place the magnum slab on my dong.

I was only at half-mast too, when I prematurely erupted. Arrghh. I tried to penetrate her in doggie, but my boner was shrinking faster than the Titanic. Great!! After a minute of going nowhere, I just threw in the towel. Muthfucka! I just paid 100 bones for 2 minutes of BB suckie. WTF! I told her that I blew my load and she turned around and said, "That fast". Whatever.

She handed me a towel that was on of the beds and told me that I could clean up with it. I did just that and threw it back onto the bed. I started getting dressed as her fat as friend came out the bathroom just in time to catch me dressing. Seemed like she was listening in and planned her arrival just in time. Right! I completely dressed myself and my date did the same before walking me towards the door.

I said my condolences, never ever to return to this overpriced heffer again. This chic is delusional and I'm a desperate simp for even given her the time of day. This chic is worth no more than a 60 qv and that's with BB suckie included. I just spotted her ad again yesterday and shot her a text to see if she's learned her lesson. Well, apparently not, as she quoted me $160 for BB suckie with face painting. Pfft, keep dreaming.

When she realized that I wasn't biting on that ridiculous rate, she asked me how much I had. I told her half of that, at $80. She replied, "Send if Venmo". Fuck out of here, you scamming bish. I don't know who she expects to fall for that Venmo / Cash app / Paypal nonsense. I immediately let her know that homie don't play that and I haven't heard from her since. LOL.

Beware, she's probably scamming desperate simps now for a deposit, since no one will pay her ridiculous rates. Beat it kid! A definite no repeat here. The 1st pic is her most recent looking pic, although she still looks a bit older than that in person. She even has some fake pics up now that looks absolutely nothing like her. Smdh. Retard. I'll give her a "6" in looks and a "5" in service. Hell no!

Sgt Soros
08-30-19, 17:27

She led me further into the room and introduced me to one of the largest land whales I've ever seen in my life. WTF! A fat bish was sitting at the edge of the bed watching the tv that was across from her on the table. She told me that "Shamu" was the girl she does double with. Gross! I almost threw up in my mouth upon hearing that. Who's fucking that?

Shamu's pics are also in the pics of this girls ad if you click on the "pictures" tab. That bish is fat and ugly as fuck. Man get the fuck out of here with that nonsense. I definitely should have gotten the hell out of there after seeing all this nonsense. She told me that Shamu will going into the bathroom during our session and that she did and she waddled her fat ass in there. This bish is ridiculous.

Is this the beached whale?

08-30-19, 19:01
Anyone have any experience with this one?


Looks new to the game.


Peter Johnson
08-30-19, 20:11

After some texting I wanted to see what this woman was about. The set up was pretty difficult, and I should've went with my gut feeling, but my stupidity went anyways. When I arrived, she def looks much older than the pics. She's not attractive at all and the room totally smelled. She didn't seem nice and has some scars or small burns on her face that she desperately tried to cover up with makeup. She had a bad odor to her as well. I was baffled, cause by the pics and texts, I wouldve thought better. In person her attitude was horrible too. Very arrogant and condescending as well. Bragged about herself way too much. I just told her I'll pass and left. Then she got pissed. As I left she was on the phone (probably with pimp), I saw some guy glaring me down as I got close to my vehicle. Guys stay far away from that piece of trash woman. Too ugly and has the most arrogant attitude ever!She got glowing reviews on here recently, so I suppose it is YMMV, and now not sure what to do. But your experience definitely doesn't sound encouraging.

08-31-19, 00:11
She got glowing reviews on here recently, so I suppose it is YMMV, and now not sure what to do. But your experience definitely doesn't sound encouraging.We just didn't really click. I'm cool and laid back, not a fan of arrogant ass women. Especially when they arent that hot. She tries talking all proper, trying to sound smarter than what she really is. Her attitude just wasnt for me to be totally honest. Maybe others had a good time, but she def wasn't for me. Then she's overpriced on top of that.

08-31-19, 03:16
Looks very good, let us know your experience.Waited on her she never shows up oh well next LOL.

08-31-19, 10:15
Looking for something close to the heart of downtown today, Peachtree area PM me I'll return the favor.

08-31-19, 10:26
Three storm has brought lots of competition. Fellas don't give these ladies more than 50 for the next 2 weeks. They have no choice but to go low or starve.

Game Cock Too
08-31-19, 11:54
She got glowing reviews on here recently, so I suppose it is YMMV, and now not sure what to do. But your experience definitely doesn't sound encouraging.With me, she didn't have an attitude per se. But she definitely thought highly of herself, which explains why she raised her rates by $20. I THINK what happens most times is that, a good review will be posted about a provider. Then, the abundance of new calls and the race by us to go and see this provider causes a newer, sometimes inflated attitude. My experience was that I walked into a room where the door was cracked open and she was sitting on the bed covered by her robe. Had I seen her fully naked beforehand, I would've bailed. That's just me.

08-31-19, 13:27
She got glowing reviews on here recently, so I suppose it is YMMV, and now not sure what to do. But your experience definitely doesn't sound encouraging.She's older than she says she is in her ad. The photos in the ad are really old. Add 40 to 50 pounds and you've got her current shape. That being said her deep throat BBBJ was pretty damn good.

08-31-19, 19:57
Three storm has brought lots of competition. Fellas don't give these ladies more than 50 for the next 2 weeks. They have no choice but to go low or starve.Florida Ladies come up to Atlanta you mean?

08-31-19, 20:07
With me, she didn't have an attitude per se. But she definitely thought highly of herself, which explains why she raised her rates by $20. I THINK what happens most times is that, a good review will be posted about a provider. Then, the abundance of new calls and the race by us to go and see this provider causes a newer, sometimes inflated attitude. My experience was that I walked into a room where the door was cracked open and she was sitting on the bed covered by her robe. Had I seen her fully naked beforehand, I would've bailed. That's just me.That woman is just ugly as hell. Then she's not even as smart as she tries to seem. Her attitude and arrogance sucks. I just don't know why these ugly, nasty looking women try to charge top dollar, knowing thier looks and service are shit.

08-31-19, 23:49

After some texting I wanted to see what this woman was about. The set up was pretty difficult, and I should've went with my gut feeling, but my stupidity went anyways. When I arrived, she def looks much older than the pics. She's not attractive at all and the room totally smelled. She didn't seem nice and has some scars or small burns on her face that she desperately tried to cover up with makeup. She had a bad odor to her as well. I was baffled, cause by the pics and texts, I wouldve thought better. In person her attitude was horrible too. Very arrogant and condescending as well. Bragged about herself way too much. I just told her I'll pass and left. Then she got pissed. As I left she was on the phone (probably with pimp), I saw some guy glaring me down as I got close to my vehicle. Guys stay far away from that piece of trash woman. Too ugly and has the most arrogant attitude ever!Damn, I'm glad I saw this post. I texted her a few days ago and was planning to see her this week. She said she was in Smyrna.

Now I'll pass. Thanks for your post.

Johnny Mapalo
09-01-19, 02:30

I got bait and switched by Roxie 2 weeks ago. First, I actually typed this report 3 days ago and the moderator deleted it for some strange reason or the other. I guess he wanted these thots for himself. I don't know why. Anyways, I saw this chic, Roxie, posting like 3 months ago and shot her a text for her rates, measurements and location.

She told me that she was 5'1 105 lbs and doing "$75 for 30 minutes" and was located in a hotel in Forest Park. Ehh. Too high of a price for that area. She did say that she did BB suckie though, so she at least had 1 thing going for her. I tried to hook up with her a time back for $50, but when I got to her hotel a police car was circling the place.

I told her about the pigs and she offered to come outside and do car play. Not!! I passed, but she did text me back a few days later telling me that she's got a room. Ok. She also said that she had a friend with her and I could do a 2 girl special for $140. Not! I told her that I only wanted 1 girl for 50 bones and she said I can choose which girl I wanted when I got there. Right!

She did send me a picture of her friend, but I wasn't interested at all. The friend looked like a scrawny chicken rat. Pass! Well, I drove my happy ass down to her shit tel in Morrow some 2 hours later and text her that I arrived. She text me back with the room number as well as asking if I was the pigs. No ma'am, I'm not.

I drove around to the back of the shit tell where her room was located and noticed 2 young black dudes sitting on the stairs just around the corner from her room. Hmm. I text her immediately and asked about the young juveniles sitting on the steps and she said that she didn't know them and to just come straight to her room. Right!

I should have just gotten out of there as this looks like your typical pimp and hoe or young boys and hoe situation. I locked my door, placed a slab in my sock, placed the donation and pimp killer in my pants and made the walk of shame up to her room. I got to her door and knocked gently while looking towards the corner of the building to see if those young dudes were peeping round the corner.

I saw no sights of them, but I did sight this chic opening the door for me and telling me to come on in. I walked on in to a pretty dark and messy ass room. Ehh. She closed and locked the door behind me and then started walking towards the bed by the bathroom. When she did that, I noticed that the bathroom door was closed all the way and I asked who was in there.

She opened it to show me her friend sitting on the closed toilet bowl. Ok. I didn't see her friends face too clearly, just the silhouette of a woman. When she closed that door though and I got a good look at her, I noticed she looked a bit different from her pics. Hmm. She was wearing a white t-shirt and black basketball shorts. The room was cluttered as hell too.

There were clothes, shoes and marijuana / blunt wrappers everywhere. Oh boy. Looked like they were having a party or something. The room was also a bit dark, save for the damp light outside the bathroom. Well, we gots' ta' talking for a few seconds before she sat at the middle of the bed and started stripping out of nowhere. Ok. She was a good 5'5 and I'd say about 110-115 lbs soaking wet.

Her tits were like low C cups and looked pretty average. Her stomach was flat, with no stretch marks or any signs of childbirth and her ass, it was an average ass. I never really got to see her ass clearly, but from what I did get to see, it looked pretty flat and average. She then asked for the bread, to which I laid out in her hand. It was 50 bones for 15 minutes.

She counted it, then, placed it under the pillow. I then started stripping and laid back on her junky ass bed. She kneeled down right next to me and commenced with the BB suckie. That was pretty nice of her. She sucked me off with spit dripping from the side of her mouth. That was pretty nice to see. She gave me some wet BB suckie for a good 3 minutes before I stopped her and told her that I was ready.

She then laid back on the bed and said, "Don't cum in me". Say what? I quickly reached down into my sock for a thin slab and placed it on my raging boner. I told her that I wanted doggie instead, but she said, "You like doggie, I don't like that position-get on top". Oh boy. I mounted her in mish and gots' ta' stroking. Her nookie was naturally lubricated and had some medium friction on its walls.

She had her 2 hands tightly gripping my elbows and was intensely pulling me in deeper. She was pulling me in the whole time and was forcing me to deep dick her. Relax, lady. I don't think you can handle all that cock, you better be careful. I've been known to send plenty of chic's to the hospital. Anyways, I kept deep stroking her as she kept aggressively pulling me in deeper and deeper.

3 minutes into the deep dicking, I started feeling that oh so familiar feeling coming over me. I blew a medium load into the cover and kept pounding a minute more until I got all of it out. I told her that I was done with her and she immediately hopped out of the bed and darted off into the bathroom. Ok. Her friend came out of the bathroom and I was like hold up, your the chic I came to see originally.

Bait and switch like a mother. The girl I came to see was actually in the bathroom chilling while I was banging her bait and switch friend. Smh. No wonder the chic looked much different than I thought. Ridiculous! I didn't say anything though, just got dressed with the slab still on my dong. I wanted to hurry up and get out of that room asap, before anyone came knocking on the door.

I got fully dressed and started heading for the door as the real chic, I originally came to see followed behind me. I opened the door and let myself out, while she wished me good bye. Good evening. I walked back to my car and went into my trunk for some tissue to pull the slab off my dong. I went back into my car with the tissue and when I pulled the slab off my dong and looked at it, it was covered in blood. WTF!!

This bish gave me a fucking Bloody Mary! Oh hell, nah. I smelled my hand and it had a strong scent of iron. Smdh. No wonder the chic hopped off the bed so fast and ran into the bathroom. She was leaking like a fucking pipe. Gross! I threw the slab and tissue out the window and drove to the nearest Quik Trip for further clean up.

When I got into the stall, I pulled my shorts down and cleaned my area with a soapy rag thoroughly. Good thing I wore a slab, else my wee wee would be covered in blood. Really. 1 point deduction for the Bloody Mary special. I actually text this chic a few days ago on another number and she tried to sell me on another 2 girl special for $100. I asked if it was 2 girl BB and she replied, "Yes". Oh boy.

Maybe theyr'e good for 2 girl BB suckie, but I don't know about the BB fuckie part, unless you like ketchup on your hot dog. Eeekk. The 2 of them are in the 3rd pic below, with the girl at the farthest right being the one I got bait and switched with. Err. I'll give her a "5" in looks and an equal "5" in service. That's all folks.

09-01-19, 03:48
So I had a late night rendezvous with missy around midnight to be exact so the setup was easy and she is quick to respond thru text and very polite she stays at the Econo lodge off six flags.

So after I agreed to a quick visit which was 60 bones for 15 minutes all covered I reluctantly went to see her when I arrived there was maybe 5 cars in the parking lot and no knuckleheads hanging outside it kinda looked like a ghost town which I thought was a good sign so I called her to let her know am outside so she came to the main entrance to greet me so I got a good look at her with good lighting and its really her in the pics but her ad states she is 26 but I think she more like 36 but if she is really 26 that's a hard 26 but you can't really trust these working girls so her room is on the second floor all the way to the back near the exit and for a spilt second I was having a (johnny map) moment with the room being way in the back near the exit so what's up with that when I book a room they never give me one in the back am always upfront is it that the girls ask for it? Or do the front counter know what these girls are up to so they push them to the back to hide the activity it just seems kinda odd.

But anyways while we walked I notice she kinda had a gangsta limp going on but it wasnt really to too obvious but I like to pay attention to details when it comes to this hobby and also she was glued to her phone barely saying a word I guess her facebook was popping or something so we got to her room and it was fairly neat with a few towels and a couple of clothing on the floor the room had double beds so I guess she stays with someone but I saw no signs of the other person and above the other bed there was a pic of a guy and I guess his daughter it looks like it could belong to missy but I didn't pry into it so to told me to place the chips on the nightstand which she count and place in the drawer and pulled out a cover and some KY then she slip the cover on me while still holding the phone in her other hand and gives me a meh BJ for maybe a minute then she took her bottoms off and kept her shirt on and asks me which position I wanted her the nerve of these girls giving lack luster BJ's I wasn't all the way hard so I told her to bring those sweater cows out of her shirt so I can play with them and she obliged.

So while sucking on them and trying to rub her clit she told me that she doesn't allow hands down there are you SERIOUS lady and after 5 minutes passed she reminded me I had 10 minutes to go so now am scribbling to get hard which I finally did and enter her in mish and she told me she couldn't really pickup her right leg I guess that's the gangsta limp I saw so she has some decent grip and she gave off light moans and I know am not all that big but can I get some more sound effects but the constant time watching really throw me off my game and I know some might say its a quick visit I shouldn't expect much but making the customer feel like your doing a chore is something else and after another 3 minute warning I lost my grove and I couldn't finish so she get's up still glued to her phone and I went to the bathroom to clean up with wipes she had in there flushed the rubber and out the door with blue balls and 60 bones lighter in the pockets so am not sure if it was the time of night or my expectations where to high but take it as it is maybe someone else may fair better but to the guys in here that can knock it out within 15 minutes or less more power to you with these QV its just not for me because I can't really enjoy myself within that time frame so here's her ad below.


09-01-19, 08:20
I should have never channeled Chanel a month and a half ago.There could be a collected works "Johhny Mapalo's Bedtime Stories. " I love these sordid tales of debauchery and shame.

09-01-19, 08:43
There could be a collected works "Johhny Mapalo's Bedtime Stories. " I love these sordid tales of debauchery and shame.Plan on reading them to your kids?

09-01-19, 10:43
Plan on reading them to your kids?I volunteer at an orphanage in Elijah Cummings' district where street walkers drop off their trick babies. I shall read "Johnny Mapalo's Bedtime Stories" to them so they may know of their origin. It will be my own 1619 Project, maybe the NYT will pick it up.

09-01-19, 11:31
So I had a late night rendezvous with missy around midnight to be exact so the setup was easy and she is quick to respond thru text and very polite she stays at the Econo lodge off six flags.

So after I agreed to a quick visit which was 60 bones for 15 minutes all covered I reluctantly went to see her when I arrived there was maybe 5 cars in the parking lot and no knuckleheads hanging outside it kinda looked like a ghost town which I thought was a good sign so I called her to let her know am outside so she came to the main entrance to greet me so I got a good look at her with good lighting and its really her in the pics but her ad states she is 26 but I think she more like 36 but if she is really 26 that's a hard 26 but you can't really trust these working girls so her room is on the second floor all the way to the back near the exit and for a spilt second I was having a (johnny map) moment with the room being way in the back near the exit so what's up with that when I book a room they never give me one in the back am always upfront is it that the girls ask for it? Or do the front counter know what these girls are up to so they push them to the back to hide the activity it just seems kinda odd.

But anyways while we walked I notice she kinda had a gangsta limp going on but it wasnt really to too obvious but I like to pay attention to details when it comes to this hobby and also she was glued to her phone barely saying a word I guess her facebook was popping or something so we got to her room and it was fairly neat with a few towels and a couple of clothing on the floor the room had double beds so I guess she stays with someone but I saw no signs of the other person and above the other bed there was a pic of a guy and I guess his daughter it looks like it could belong to missy but I didn't pry into it so to told me to place the chips on the nightstand which she count and place in the drawer and pulled out a cover and some KY then she slip the cover on me while still holding the phone in her other hand and gives me a meh BJ for maybe a minute then she took her bottoms off and kept her shirt on and asks me which position I wanted her the nerve of these girls giving lack luster BJ's I wasn't all the way hard so I told her to bring those sweater cows out of her shirt so I can play with them and she obliged.

So while sucking on them and trying to rub her clit she told me that she doesn't allow hands down there are you SERIOUS lady and after 5 minutes passed she reminded me I had 10 minutes to go so now am scribbling to get hard which I finally did and enter her in mish and she told me she couldn't really pickup her right leg I guess that's the gangsta limp I saw so she has some decent grip and she gave off light moans and I know am not all that big but can I get some more sound effects but the constant time watching really throw me off my game and I know some might say its a quick visit I shouldn't expect much but making the customer feel like your doing a chore is something else and after another 3 minute warning I lost my grove and I couldn't finish so she get's up still glued to her phone and I went to the bathroom to clean up with wipes she had in there flushed the rubber and out the door with blue balls and 60 bones lighter in the pockets so am not sure if it was the time of night or my expectations where to high but take it as it is maybe someone else may fair better but to the guys in here that can knock it out within 15 minutes or less more power to you with these QV its just not for me because I can't really enjoy myself within that time frame so here's her ad below.

https://escortbabylon.net/posts_view/36795156/4044681348Don't feel bad. You didn't do anything wrong. Those types are called clockwatchers. It's just bad business on her part. Yeah we pay for 15 min, but to keep mentioning it to a client is not cool. Also is a sign her bf or pimp is going to barge in a beat her ass if she goes past the limit. 3 years ago, me and a woman really hit it off. He then calls her and argues with her then not even a minute later he was at the door running his mouth at me. I told him I don't play that shit and will beat his ass. Even pushed him, daring him to do something. Becareful brother, this hobby is going downhill. These women are some of the worst con artists out there.

09-01-19, 13:10
For those who are interested.


I saw Stephanie a couple of days ago. Same experience as most. Super sweet, very submissive. The room was really bad, cigarette smell etc. Probably won't see her again.

09-01-19, 14:04
[Political Commentary deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted to remove political commentary. Please remember that the purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Please do not post political commentary in the Forum EXCEPT local politics as it directly pertains to the subject of local laws and ordinances regarding commercial sex in the area defined by the thread title. Thanks!

Do it again and I ban you, no warnings. Start up some political bullshit on a pussy thread and I ban you.


09-01-19, 21:26
There could be a collected works "Johhny Mapalo's Bedtime Stories. " I love these sordid tales of debauchery and shame.

Plan on reading them to your kids?LOL, I bet Johny Mapalo could make good money by putting together his memoirs and selling them on the internet.

09-01-19, 21:41
Hey all,

First post and first timer here. Need some help.

Am a virgin and decided to pull trigger. Is this one legit? https://escortalligator.com.atlanta.listcrawler.com/post/36587113/nympho404 822 8420404 822 8420.

Just wanted to know if she's not a cop and clean. She looks like something I'm looking for.


Been Here
09-01-19, 22:19
For those who are interested.

https://escortalligator.com.atlanta.listcrawler.com/post/32127150/Guys before taking the plunge on this one read my review on her. I wish somebody had saved me.

09-01-19, 22:34
Have a room at one of the hotels around dragoncon, feel like a waste of a room if I don't partake in a hobby for the night.

Hope you guys are having a good three day weekend.

Don't expect anything to happen, but if you'd guys do know before the night is over. I'm all ears.

09-01-19, 23:56

Met her this weekend. She can't be more than 5"4 120. What you see is what you get. Her body is on point with a nice ass. No baby damage but that doesn't mean she don't have kids. I did see items belonging to children when I was in the room. She seems to be an introvert and a tomboy and was easier to talk to at the end. It may be better once she gets to know you. YMMV.

Everything was arranged through text with a slight delay because she had to get ready. $50 qv and $80 half. Everything safe and was done with a condom so no bare or bbj. Covered head was weak and uninspired. She lacks suction and rhythm that most dick suckers have. That was the only negative because her ass looks amazing and doggy was great. No funny smell and she know how to take dick. She is quiet so don't expect dirty talk just a few moans here and there.

Cleaned up afterwards and talked a bit and it was easier than when I first got in the room. I made up my mind at that point that I would be seeing her again. She seems nice enough not to cheat you out of money or time. I went for the qv and wasn't rushed or talked to about how much time I had left. She's a nice backup to have if your favorite is not available.


09-02-19, 00:36
Hey all,

First post and first timer here. Need some help.

Am a virgin and decided to pull trigger. Is this one legit? https://escortalligator.com.atlanta.listcrawler.com/post/36587113/nympho404 822 8420404 822 8420.

Just wanted to know if she's not a cop and clean. She looks like something I'm looking for.

Thanks.I understand the temptation, but looking up her number she has posts in Columbus with different numbers and several pics that look to not all be the same person. Could be a scam or bait and switch. Can't say for sure, but those are red flags IMHO.

Peter Johnson
09-02-19, 01:36
Becareful brother, this hobby is going downhill. These women are some of the worst con artists out there.There were always lazy, good for nothing, thieving ****** out there, but also a lot of quasi regular girls who were actually nice to deal with and not so hardened and mercenary. Of course there are still both groups, but just not many of the nice ones as previously. Maybe it's a result of the entire society going downhill.

09-02-19, 02:47
Have a room at one of the hotels around dragoncon, feel like a waste of a room if I don't partake in a hobby for the night.

Hope you guys are having a good three day weekend.

Don't expect anything to happen, but if you'd guys do know before the night is over. I'm all ears.If you have deep pockets then go to Follies and find a dancer you like and bribe her to come back to your hotel for OTC. Many of them will do it for sufficient $$.

09-02-19, 11:42
If you have deep pockets then go to Follies and find a dancer you like and bribe her to come back to your hotel for OTC. Many of them will do it for sufficient $$.Will they do it for the same amount the VIP costs?

09-02-19, 14:31
Anyone seen this one? https://www.eros.com/georgia/atlanta/files/4230577.htm?cat=1.

09-03-19, 02:02
Don't feel bad. You didn't do anything wrong. Those types are called clockwatchers. It's just bad business on her part. Yeah we pay for 15 min, but to keep mentioning it to a client is not cool. Also is a sign her bf or pimp is going to barge in a beat her ass if she goes past the limit. 3 years ago, me and a woman really hit it off. He then calls her and argues with her then not even a minute later he was at the door running his mouth at me. I told him I don't play that shit and will beat his ass. Even pushed him, daring him to do something. Becareful brother, this hobby is going downhill. These women are some of the worst con artists out there.But what Grinds my Gears is that we mongers aren't asking them to perform open heart surgery or something they just have to lay there for 15 or 30 minutes and get 60 80 100 sometimes more shit I wish I got paid that type of money for 15 or 30 mins worth of work but before they got into the trade they where laying up for hours and fucking for free so for the life of me why they got to cheat us on our time.

09-03-19, 04:50
Well I met with strawberry as she calls herself in the 6 flags area Saturday night I didn't had good luck last time in this area but I said hey lets give it another go and switch up the formula to see if I get a different result so after failed attempts trying to contact other girls this one took the bait she is very quick with responses so I setup a 9 pm visit earlier than the last and also went with hhr for 60 bones everything covered so I can have some more time than the last so if I could remember clearly she stays at the Rodeway inn behind the Wendy's I arrived 9 pm sharp and she texted me her room # the parking lot was kinda full but no outside traffic so I went in knocked on her room door it was 9. 05 when I looked at the time and it was answered by her so she is the girl in her ad but looked more tomboyish.

So I enter the room its fairly clean with couple of clothing on the floor the bathtub was half full with water which I take it as a good sign that she cleans herself and a case of Ramen noodles near the tv all different flavors this girl barely spoke any she just asked for the donation and told me to get comfortable ok what about a greeting or something Lady I swear these girls seriously need some customer service training so she counted the chips and asked if I had a rubber come on Lady get your own supplies but I had one so I give it to her and laid on the bed she slipped it on and went to jack hammer on the shaft for like a minute here we go again with the minute BJ's don't they think we can tell them when we are ready Gosh so after she asked how I wanted her and I told her mish so she takes her basketball shorts off and left her top on so I told her to let the girls out so I could play with them which she did and she had some signs of baby wear but I didn't see any baby items in the room.

So while I was in mish she got decent grip but she was dry so I gets to sucking those sweater cows as you can tell by now am a breast man but anyways I started to taste something kinda sweet so I thought to myself could it be soap or body wash naw it can't be because it doesn't taste soapy so I sit up some and squeezed her nipples and behold milk was coming out so I tried the other one and that one produce as well so I asked her what's up and she said she had a baby back in April so am not really a big milk drinker but like the saying goes (waste not want not) so after consuming some Vitamin D its 9. 22 when the shit show starts oh boy another one.

So she stops and say your 30 minutes is up mind you I got in the room at 9. 05 and I was like it can't be so I looked at my phone and its 9. 22 I was going to let it go and cut my loses but I said to myself no your not going to put up with these SHENANIGANS so I said nope still have 13 more minutes so she gives me a sour look so I told her give me some more Head because I started to go soft so she gives me head for like 30 sec and says your minute is up and am like hold up I got 13 more left then she say I told her 1 min no lady I know what I said and I got 13 more so come do your damn job so she breaths all hard huffing and puffing and gets back on the bed so now my boner is gone thanks lady for killing the mood and killing what little time I had left so I just suck those breast dry for the remainder and cleaned up with the wipes she had so while getting dressed we had a little small talk she says she is from FL and she only been in Ga a week or so trying to escape the storm and she will be leaving in a couple of days or so and I said to myself this lying ass broad because if you look at her ad and tap older post tab you can see she has been here and in the 6 flags area since this time last year you just can't trust these lazy lying ass snake ho's so maybe next time I go to 6 flags I should just go for the roller coasters and skip the Ho's her ad is below.


Sgt Soros
09-03-19, 05:53
But what Grinds my Gears is that we mongers aren't asking them to perform open heart surgery or something they just have to lay there for 15 or 30 minutes and get 60 80 100 sometimes more shit I wish I got paid that type of money for 15 or 30 mins worth of work but before they got into the trade they where laying up for hours and fucking for free so for the life of me why they got to cheat us on our time.It ain't easy, imagine having to fuck any old smelly goat with a fist full of $$$ that walks through the door.

I Luv Emall
09-03-19, 10:35
Definite pass- see my prior post and related review here:


Note that some claim she even outs mongers.

Ebony Spinner. Any word fellas? Much appreciated as always.


09-03-19, 15:11
I'm going to be in McDonough the week of the 16th, I'd love to have some female company visit me in my room, do yall have any recommendations that won't break the bank?

09-03-19, 15:57
Hey all,

First post and first timer here. Need some help.

Am a virgin and decided to pull trigger. Is this one legit? https://escortalligator.com.atlanta.listcrawler.com/post/36587113/nympho404 822 8420404 822 8420.

Just wanted to know if she's not a cop and clean. She looks like something I'm looking for.

Thanks.Go for it. She looks good. Report back.

09-03-19, 18:48
In town for a day or two. Can anybody help me out and point me in the direction of a quality time. Ok all races bow, etc. Just looking for a quality provider in area.

09-03-19, 22:45
I know some of you guys have had problems with her and I just want to apologize for recommending her. I have been a huge advocate for her and she is one of my ATF. I went yesterday to see her and when I arrived she actually ghosted me. Since I'm a regular I eventually went to the door and knocked several times. That eventually got her attention and I ultimately succeeded in seeing her. Our visit was typical, but looking back something was off with her. Today I reached out to check in and she sent a really strange and out of character message. In addition all her ads have been removed from stg which I find very odd. When I asked her about the ads she ignored me for quite some time and then she danced around the question. So I am removing my glowing reference and suggesting you avoid her until she gets herself together.

Sorry for the bad news but good things rarely ever last in this hobby.

09-04-19, 09:02
It ain't easy, imagine having to fuck any old smelly goat with a fist full of $$$ that walks through the door.Garbage men have it a lot harder and make way less money picking up your smelly trash and riding behind the truck breathing in that shit.

So if a girl got to deal with a little musty smell every now and again so be it they took that route because it was easy because why work a 9 to 5 and.

You might be on your feet for 8 hrs when you can lay around and service let say 2 guys and make more money tax free than someone making 9,10,11 dollars a hr working all day.

09-04-19, 10:48
Garbage men have it a lot harder and make way less money picking up your smelly trash and riding behind the truck breathing in that shit.

So if a girl got to deal with a little musty smell every now and again so be it they took that route because it was easy because why work a 9 to 5 and.

You might be on your feet for 8 hrs when you can lay around and service let say 2 guys and make more money tax free than someone making 9,10,11 dollars a hr working all day.Chicks should take notes from their foreign counterparts, & include a shower with their service. Everywhere I have mongered at around the world 90% of the time, the chick gets in the shower with you & gives you a scrub with soap. It's a 5 minute thing but removes all odors & sweat.

09-04-19, 13:18
For those who are interested.

https://escortalligator.com.atlanta.listcrawler.com/post/32127150/I will say I have a hard time believing that 3rd picture of the blond w / the black top is her. And I have had Stephanie before.

She was good to go for me, but that was a while ago, after her baby while she was still lactating.

09-04-19, 14:28
Chicks should take notes from their foreign counterparts, & include a shower with their service. Everywhere I have mongered at around the world 90% of the time, the chick gets in the shower with you & gives you a scrub with soap. It's a 5 minute thing but removes all odors & sweat.Most of the "higher end" ladies in town will make this happen if you ask. I haven't seen Ginger in a long while, but she used to keep a small collection of men's soaps stocked in her shower so that you didn't smell any different leaving.

09-04-19, 14:55
Thanks to all the feedback you guys have been proving in the massage section. I tried this out. Did a double. One is very attractive and better looking than you'd find in many of the AMPs. Thin with nice soft manmades. Her service lacked a bit. The other one is heavier and probably more typical for the AMPs at least in the doraville area. Her service was better. She kissed for example. Both mid 30's I'd say. I didn't catch either name as the English was lacking. Apartment over in doraville. 140/160 or 260/300 for both.


09-04-19, 15:18
I know some of you guys have had problems with her and I just want to apologize for recommending her. I have been a huge advocate for her and she is one of my ATF. I went yesterday to see her and when I arrived she actually ghosted me. Since I'm a regular I eventually went to the door and knocked several times. That eventually got her attention and I ultimately succeeded in seeing her. Our visit was typical, but looking back something was off with her. Today I reached out to check in and she sent a really strange and out of character message. In addition all her ads have been removed from stg which I find very odd. When I asked her about the ads she ignored me for quite some time and then she danced around the question. So I am removing my glowing reference and suggesting you avoid her until she gets herself together.

Sorry for the bad news but good things rarely ever last in this hobby.She was strange with me too, I thought it was just me. Not worth the drive or time.

09-04-19, 15:59
Hi guys anyone aware of reliable escort or AMP massage services who is lactating?

Peter Johnson
09-04-19, 17:53
Hey all,

First post and first timer here. Need some help.

Am a virgin and decided to pull trigger. Is this one legit? https://escortalligator.com.atlanta.listcrawler.com/post/36587113/nympho404 822 8420404 822 8420.

Just wanted to know if she's not a cop and clean. She looks like something I'm looking for.

Thanks.If this is your first time, I would be much more picky and find someone with multiple great reviews. You don't want your first time to be really shitty and turn you off to the whole mongering world. And most of these girls do give shitty service. At least half and probably more.

09-04-19, 19:37
Chicks should take notes from their foreign counterparts, & include a shower with their service. Everywhere I have mongered at around the world 90% of the time, the chick gets in the shower with you & gives you a scrub with soap. It's a 5 minute thing but removes all odors & sweat.I have seen hidden cam footage of Asian women in brothels washing their kitty and cleaning the client's dick BEFORE and AFTER. And were considered "lower" level ladies. After the guy fills them up with cum, they use baby whips and also clean themselves after.

09-04-19, 20:21
I have seen hidden cam footage of Asian women in brothels washing their kitty and cleaning the client's dick BEFORE and AFTER. And were considered "lower" level ladies. After the guy fills them up with cum, they use baby whips and also clean themselves after.That's the norm in Asian countries I've been to. Too bad American women are so damn lazy!

09-05-19, 00:38
Hi guys anyone aware of reliable escort or AMP massage services who is lactating?Any references of lactating ladies please share.

09-05-19, 05:21
Any info on this one I have a date with her tomorrow.

https://www.eros.com/georgia/atlanta/files/2072238.htm?cat=6209Did you follow through on your date with her?

09-05-19, 05:28

I recently saw this lady, and she is amazing. The set up wasnt hard at all, and she was sweet and has the most adorable voice ever. I'm not a fan of the norcross area, but she put me at ease. I arrived at her hotel, she looks absolutely incredible. She's actually tall. Has a cat there, but no worries. She has Nice long legs, pretty pearly white teeth, nice perky C cup boobs, perfectly shaved cooch. She gave me a out of this world blowjob. I was amazed. I played with that nice clean body, smacked that nice firm ass. I put the condom on and bam I was in. It felt good, the whole time, she took my 10 inch like a pro. After I was done, she hugged me and I kissed her on the cheek and left. I can honestly say she was worth the 1 hour drive. I am beyond pleased and highly recommend her. 80 for the qv.She's quoting 100 qv on her ad. Ain't a chick on that site worth even 80 qv, 100. Nope, not for me.

09-05-19, 10:55
Chicks should take notes from their foreign counterparts, & include a shower with their service. Everywhere I have mongered at around the world 90% of the time, the chick gets in the shower with you & gives you a scrub with soap. It's a 5 minute thing but removes all odors & sweat.You would think this would be a more common thing. If I was a male gigolo, the thing that would creep me out the most is guessing whether or not a giner is freshly washed and douched or if it's smelly as rotten tuna and got a cloud of flies hovering around, and then I got to deal with that shit.

In 10 years of mongering I've only showered with 2 ladies before the sex and 3 of them after the bang and it was fairly enjoyable all of those times. This should be standard practice before and after the act.

09-05-19, 12:35
Watch out agreed on donation then wants to up sale services nothing but BS looks like she has a couple of handlers staying with her. Different men's clothes around the room, just left quickly before the situation went bad.


09-05-19, 13:06
Hey Guys -.

Anyone have any experience with this one?


09-05-19, 14:18

Anybody ever seen Kelly? All feedback appreciated!!