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12-31-05, 23:00
Thread Starter.

St Vitus
02-07-06, 17:52
I know this is a stretch, but does anyone have any info on ANYTHING in Fallon. I'm going to be stuck there for over a week.

02-08-06, 20:23
Last I heard everything was closed now, but that was 6 months ago. Last place that was open and could have re-opned was east of town about 20 miles. Can't remember the name of the place but it was right on the highway all by it self. You can't miss the place.

02-16-06, 19:14
Judging by the last posts from last year and the lack of posts this year, is Reno completely dead? Visiting from Vegas where things are slow, but action is still to be found.

Black Treechas
02-16-06, 22:55
If your looking for SW types, the casino at the Holiday Inn has plenty. Just walk around the slots and make eye contace. The parking lot of the convience store across the street. Cruise East towards Sparks on 4th, all the way to the 80 overpass. And the alley way that runs between 4th and 6th. And sometimes along the side north/south side streets connecting 4th and 6th on the west side of the Holiday casino.

Safest place to make the actual pick up might be the Holiday parking lot. There is typically either a lot of LE out or none at all.

Also, on 4th on the west side of Virginia, near the motels, across from the Sands.

Have fun.

02-20-06, 01:35
If your looking for SW types, the casino at the Holiday Inn has plenty.
Safest place to make the actual pick up might be the Holiday parking lot. There is typically either a lot of LE out or none at all.

From looking at the maps, there are two different casinos, one called Holiday Hotel and Casino at Center/Mill and then Holiday Inn - Diamonds Casino at 6th/Spokane.

I'll be on foot, so this is a few miles to cover. Which casino? (or both?)


Black Treechas
02-20-06, 04:46
The Casino/hotel is the one on 6th...its off by itself, away from the collection of casinos on Virginia. 6th ave is to the north, 4th ave is to the south. The casino has two entrance/exist door on the west side that do not go through the lobby. Sometimes SW's hang out by these doors. Or playing the penny slots in the casino, just make eye contact.

Sometimes there are more SW's around during the day than at night.

They often stroll on 6th or 4th, to the east for about 3 blocks, there, 4th and 6th come together, 4th continues on by run down motels. They stroll down there also, all the way to the 80 overpass.

There is a strip bar just to the south of Holiday. There is a better one a few blocks to the west, on 4th, across the street called Spice House.

Happy hunting

03-05-06, 23:16
Visit to reno in two weeks any help on where to find nice provider?

03-16-06, 00:37
Come on guys, help me out. I'm coming to town this Saturday and I need to be pointed in right direction.


03-16-06, 21:07
Come on guys, help me out. I'm coming to town this Saturday and I need to be pointed in right direction.


Your best chance in Reno would be at the Sliver Barron bar inside the Silver Legacy late night. Also 4th st west and east of the casinos is usually good for a skank. It's also good for LE stings so watch out on 4th st , it's a jungle. And if you happen to be lucky enough to be caught in one of LE's stings look forward to having your name printed in the local newspaper. Good luck.

Gnome out...

03-17-06, 18:24
Thanks for the wise words I will report back next week.

03-24-06, 01:50
Was in this town this week. Saw nothing but used up, hard road bad gals. Did find a nice gal working as waitress. so all was not bad. Seams as street action was very dead.

03-31-06, 16:00
Well I found myself visiting this fair city for a few days. This is a very interesting city to say the least.

First day I was there I got there in the early evening, promptly got lost and while I was driving around to get myself located I spotted a very pretty girl walking down one of the streets and she was flashing most of her breasts at those of us driving by. What steet don't have a clue and trust me I went back and tried to find it. Ended up picking up a flea bag hotel room on 4th and went to walking, Felt it was a lot easier then driving as traffic was horrable. I think it was center st found an asian girl riding her bike. If she caught you looking she would ride over near you and circle. I saw her do this to several guys. Saw a very hot blond obvious sw east of the casinos a few blocks working one of the notells. Biggest problem with her is she was hanging with 3 black guys. She would litterally run out and tap windows of cars driving by but no one would stop. l cant blame them. Saw some perspective working girls in the casinos and also walking on 4th down by the sands. Tried one girl late on my second night that was right accross from my hotel but she turned me down, claimed she was just homeless and not a SW.

found that most of the girls on the street walk around the sands and go to a notell by the gas station there to get their drugs. Saw a few descent ones but when I saw them I was more into gambling then mongering. Last day just checked out of my room and was heading to the interstate when I saw a descent looking one, who gave a great big grin and wave at me. circled a few time then she got in. said her name was Cathy. not skinny but not chunky. good personality 50 fs and does regulars. about a 7 or 8 in looks.

Like a lot of places there seems to be more out during the day then at night.

good luck and be safe.

oh yeah there is a bsw dressed as a girl but is a guy. heard him talking one night on the way back to the hotel room. very deep voice, saw a monger pull over and it went to talking with a soft raspy voice, like it had a cold or something. The monger must of figured it out and left. right after the vehicle left the dude went back to normal voice.

Black Treechas
04-01-06, 00:19
I always found the traffic in Reno to be very bearable...I guess its all relative, depending on what your used to.

Across the street from the Sands is a good place to find SW's, but about a mile or two east on 4th there are usually a lot more. Due to its proximity to the big Casinos, I think stings are more likely near the Sands. Just my opinion.

Ther are some cheaper motels within a few blocks of the Sands in most directions. On the East side of Virginia are some also. The real flea bags are further east on 4th, a mile or two or three away. The Bonanza has a bad rep for druggies and crime.

Last time I was mongering in Reno, about a year ago, there were three or four black guys out, hanging out on 4th and 6th, east of the Holiday Inn. They were punks, and acted like they were going to take over the turf. Seemed like they were already pimping some of the girls. They were unimpressed with me since I was just looking, and got a little verbal with me. One was a tiny little guy.

I was equally unimpressed with them.

Before that, I never had seen any sign of pimps, in 4 or 5 years worth of mongering there.

There was an asian SW that I went with one time, a small lady, she was terrific at half and half for $.5, she provided the room. This was about a year ago.

06-10-06, 04:58
Last Thursday nite me and my buddy went to Mustang Ranch/The Old Bridge brothel (a few miles east of Reno). After ordering my rum and coke from the bartender, a few of the ladies made their way over to say hello, and make themselves known, where I was sitting at the bar. I didnt really have any intention of having sex with any of the women because of what had been shared on this site about the high prices.

Finally this 40ish gal came over who had kind of a peppy personality, she went by the name of 'Walk Away Renee'. She wasn't that good of looking, but she was kinda of sexy. So we went into her bedroom and to talk about the cost. She said to me 'what do you want to pay' and I said, 'well the last time I was here a few years ago I paid $100.' To my surprise she accepted the offer After giving her my credit card and signing my name 3 times plus a fingerprint, she got down to business..

She stripped down and gave me a blow job w/condom. She tried her best but I never quite got off. But that was OK with me because it was kinda of fun talking to her, she didnt give a rush job.

We talked about the situation at the Old Bridge. It seems that business is real slow there after the original Mustang Ranch closed the guys stopped coming. She's willing to take the lower prices now just to get the business.

We went back over there the next morning and flirted with the girls. We were the only guys in the place. So maybe its a new scene there now. Take care.

Member #3278
07-04-06, 09:27
Just when there started to be a decent selection on cl, another sting takes place friday, and dries it up again. (friday article in reno Gazette Journal). My guess is "they" wan't to keep all the business at the high priced houses.

Black Treechas
05-20-07, 00:31
I looked a bit in April.

There is a friendly asian lady at the Bonanza. You might find her at the Holiday casino) But there were plenty of plainsclothes out around the Bonanza also, so never did connect. But I got directions to vaious places, restaurnant reviews, etc. (Had to change the topic of our conversation in a heartbeat several times when the wrong person came within earshot).

Saw several sw's that were way too thick for me.

Picked up Lori hitchhiking one night, very nice person, had a hard life. But not much on performance, I would not repeat.

One motel east of Bonanza seemed to have a lot in the parking lot during the day...has a funky name...something like Everybody Motel, something like that. There were some younger ones there...I'm sure they were old enough, but their features had not been worn down by drugs, hard living, etc...looked pretty good.

Older Guy
06-07-07, 01:26
Hi guys,

I will be visiting Reno in a couple of weeks. Is there any action in Reno or do I have to drive myself to one of the brothels? Any action in the casinos?

Last time I was in Reno was years & years ago. There was some street action back then, but I'm too old now to want to chance that kind of action now.

What is the going rate in the Reno area? ½&½ at the brothel or in Reno itself?

Any info will be appreciated.

Stay safe,

Black Treechas
06-07-07, 02:35
Brothels are not cheap. You might fine $$ or maybe even $.5 during the day, but at night expect to pay a lot more. I don;t use them.

Holiday Inn casino has a lot of sw's there, the same ones that cruise the street. Just sit by one at the bar or pay penny slots next to one.

Maybe the Sands. I don;t know about the other casinos.

06-08-08, 16:04
Went to Reno in May 7-10. This trip was kind of strenge. I played 3-days, more than 12 hrs per day, and ended up with no win no loose. Son of *****! I stayed at Peppermill. The last play ended at 2am in the morning. I lost $3000 at the table in the casino of Peppermill, the last part of winning from Reno in the previous two days. Disappointed when I walk back to the hotel room. I want to get a little rest before boarding the airplane at 8 am. When I turned around the corner of the front desk to the elevator, there came this young lady in her early 20's asking me: where are you going? I didn't pay attention, told her hotel room upstairs and past her. Suddenly, some words flew over: may I go with you? I was supprised, since you local fellows seemed to say Reno was a clean place on this board, especially in the casinos. I stopped and watched this girl carefully. She is an angle! Beautiful eyes, nice smile, blond hair to her shoulder. The dimension is about 38-26-36. If it were not because I had to catch airplane 5 hrs later and had already worked more than 14 hr at the day, I would certainly acquire this service. I had to exercise my big head rather than the little one and regretfully told her: I am too tired, sorry. On the way to my room, I thought I had to complain to you fellows while I come to this web site again. Well, here we are! If the information from you guys were a little more encouraging, I would start to pay attention two days before! That would be another feeling when I left Reno!

06-26-08, 00:23

My apologies, I am probably as guilty as anyone of being too honest about the lack of pay for play opportunities in Reno. What happened to you was a little like being struck by lightning; and as we all know, lightning can strike anywhere, at any time, without warning and knock you off your feet. Yes, there are working girls in the casinos, but they keep a very low profile, just the softest whisper of opportunity in passing, as you experienced.

You'd think that the casinos might encourage working girls in their establishments, to keep the men around. Unfortunately, the typical gambler nowadays is not the high roller, standing at the end of the crap table, surrounded by blond bimbos and tipping the cocktail waitresses with Franklins. Today, the typical casino gambler is a married, white female in her mid 40's, sitting at the slot machine. This is the clientele that keeps the casino in business, so the working girls have to be a little clever to do business in the casino nowadays.

You can wait for them to surprise you, or you can go try and find one. It's a little like fishing. Find a good spot, make your self comfortable and then wait for them to appear. She might be sitting a one of the slots, probably the penny machines, this way she can play for hours inconspicuously until you approach her. She might be sitting at the bar, or the coffee shop, or hanging around the elevator. She will be a little more attractive than most, dressed a little better, but not too obvious. And her eyes will be constantly in motion, looking. Eye contact is probably the best indicator, someone who is truly there to gamble is pretty much lost to the world, but if you see her scanning the horizon occasionally, she could be the real deal. If she smiles at you, that's about as overt as she can be, the house security is also looking out for her as well. Walk over, say "Hello", introduce yourself and see what happens. If she gives you that "What the fuck do you want? " response, then you can pretty much be sure that you're on the wrong track. But, if she asks you if you are in town for the convention (even if there isn't one that weekend), or if you have a room in the hotel, then you may have struck paydirt.

I'm sure you can take it from there.

Bulls Eye
06-30-08, 12:32
Fellow Monger coming down for vacation w/family for a week. I imagine some time will be made for me to escape so what are the prospects of finding decent AMP or safe area for SW? I notice not frequent responses on the board.

Check out my postings Grand Rapids, MI if you have concerns about sharing intel

07-02-08, 11:41
Bulls Eye,

Spending a week with the family in South Tahoe, hmmm... that's a tough one. No AMP's, no SW's, just wholesome family fun in the pines. Are you staying on the NV side or the CA side?

Best bet would be individual casino girls, but you will have to have some place to take them, assuming you find one.

South Tahoe is also crawling with young, willing women in the summertime, so, if you're up for it, freebies might be an option.

The only sure thing would be the brothels east of Carson City. Head east on Hwy 50, until you get to the top of the hill. You'll see some signs, Moonlight Bunny Ranch, etc. But, it's a bit of a trek, figure an hour each way, plus the time you spend in the brothel.

That's about it.

Bulls Eye
07-03-08, 00:02
I'll be on the CA side; thanks for the info.

Maybe I'll luck up on some free bies

07-13-08, 00:41
There is no doubt casino security is looking for working girls, but it's really easy to find working girls in Silver Legacy casino. u just to check any bar after 11 PM.eye contact is important. you can also find one or two playing penny slots, but i have see more of that in Eldardo. there is a 90% chance of finding one in penny slots if you try Sands. most of working girls in casino do post on craigs list.


My apologies, I am probably as guilty as anyone of being too honest about the lack of pay for play opportunities in Reno. What happened to you was a little like being struck by lightning; and as we all know, lightning can strike anywhere, at any time, without warning and knock you off your feet. Yes, there are working girls in the casinos, but they keep a very low profile, just the softest whisper of opportunity in passing, as you experienced.

You'd think that the casinos might encourage working girls in their establishments, to keep the men around. Unfortunately, the typical gambler nowadays is not the high roller, standing at the end of the crap table, surrounded by blond bimbos and tipping the cocktail waitresses with Franklins. Today, the typical casino gambler is a married, white female in her mid 40's, sitting at the slot machine. This is the clientele that keeps the casino in business, so the working girls have to be a little clever to do business in the casino nowadays.

You can wait for them to surprise you, or you can go try and find one. It's a little like fishing. Find a good spot, make your self comfortable and then wait for them to appear. She might be sitting a one of the slots, probably the penny machines, this way she can play for hours inconspicuously until you approach her. She might be sitting at the bar, or the coffee shop, or hanging around the elevator. She will be a little more attractive than most, dressed a little better, but not too obvious. And her eyes will be constantly in motion, looking. Eye contact is probably the best indicator, someone who is truly there to gamble is pretty much lost to the world, but if you see her scanning the horizon occasionally, she could be the real deal. If she smiles at you, that's about as overt as she can be, the house security is also looking out for her as well. Walk over, say "Hello", introduce yourself and see what happens. If she gives you that "What the fuck do you want? " response, then you can pretty much be sure that you're on the wrong track. But, if she asks you if you are in town for the convention (even if there isn't one that weekend), or if you have a room in the hotel, then you may have struck paydirt.

I'm sure you can take it from there.

07-17-08, 10:59
There is no doubt casino security is looking for working girls, but it's really easy to find working girls in Silver Legacy casino. u just to check any bar after 11 PM.eye contact is important. you can also find one or two playing penny slots, but i have see more of that in Eldardo. there is a 90% chance of finding one in penny slots if you try Sands. most of working girls in casino do post on craigs list.I have been at the Legacy on business & could not partake, sadly, but I have been out to the Old Bridge Ranch & a number of gals do go there on their night off. They have to be subtle but they will freelance at times.

12-21-08, 12:39

Be careful how you use this forum. You never know who might be listening in...


JACKSON, you might want to watch this video, all the way to the end.

01-26-09, 13:03
What is it with the pricing at local brothels. Stopped in at the Old Bridge Ranch last month. She quoted me $1,000 for an hour. Her minimum was $300 for 20 minutes of mutual masturbation...WTF??? For $1000 I could have two days of fun in TJ or a hell of a time in a German FKK or Partytreff.....

02-12-09, 08:50
What is it with the pricing at local brothels. Stopped in at the Old Bridge Ranch last month. She quoted me $1,000 for an hour. Her minimum was $300 for 20 minutes of mutual masturbation...WTF??? For $1000 I could have two days of fun in TJ or a hell of a time in a German FKK or Partytreff.....I have been a brothel monger for a number of years now. The closer they are to Reno or Vegas means they overcharge. They know that most guys are strapped for time & can't make the drive to the smaller brothels.

If you can plan a day, Elko is my fave, Inez's D&D to be specific. $$$ will get you an hour GFE & a hot water table message. All Asian, most in their 20's. There are 3 other joints within walking distance with many different ethnic backgrounds, sizes, ages, etc.

If you can't spare a lot of time, Moundhouse (Carson City) is a little more reasonable. (Avoide Hoff joints)

Snoop Deville
11-05-09, 23:13
Does anyone have any reliable girls while I'm in town. I've been looking on cl but not too much to pick from. I'm in town for a few days & really can't scout too much. You can pm me if you can help....Thanks!

07-12-12, 01:17
There are tons of people here in Reno. Where is everyone?

07-31-12, 00:27
Found her on BP, photos show her wearing a black top and bottom, blonde hair, with a beautiful rear. Looking for any info before I move in, any help would be most appreciated!

09-19-12, 22:52
Good Day;

Could some one point me to where the Reno (and vicinity) 411 is written about?

I have to spend a few days in town for some meetings.

I'm not seeing too much of interest on BP.



09-20-12, 15:43
Good Day;

Could some one point me to where the Reno (and vicinity) 411 is written about?

I have to spend a few days in town for some meetings.

I'm not seeing too much of interest on BP.


CapI've had the same problem. A fair number of providers are listed on with some reviews on MyRedbook which is otherwise mostly CA.

For what's it worth, I had some time recently with:


For me, this was the best FBSM I've ever had. She's cautious in her business practice which I appreciated and gives a really good massage that lasts the whole hour, no rushing to get to the end and get you out early. That said, the payoff was there and was quite nice. When I make it back to Reno, she's going to be my first call. Her website, linked from the BP ad, suggests she may have a wider menu available now. When I saw her she was very specifically just about the massage with no FS available, but I prefer to stay in that end of the pool anyway.

09-22-12, 12:51
I've had the same problem. A fair number of providers are listed on with some reviews on MyRedbook which is otherwise mostly CA.

For what's it worth, I had some time recently with:


For me, this was the best FBSM I've ever had. She's cautious in her business practice which I appreciated and gives a really good massage that lasts the whole hour, no rushing to get to the end and get you out early. That said, the payoff was there and was quite nice. When I make it back to Reno, she's going to be my first call. Her website, linked from the BP ad, suggests she may have a wider menu available now. When I saw her she was very specifically just about the massage with no FS available, but I prefer to stay in that end of the pool anyway.I have session with Lilly for the last 5 years. She used to be FBSM only but she has expanded her menu. She now offers full escort services and is off the hook! $300 hr everything included.

Gnome out.

10-12-12, 22:37

So basically the weather is getting colder in Reno. So good looking SW's are few and far between. Just the cracked out ones will hobble about during the day.

Legacy seems to have way fewer of them in there.

Havn't seen any at GSR.

Gold Dust- nothing.

Honestly, I've seen more by the dumpy motels on 2nd street than I have seen of 4th (at least ones I'd even consier stopping for).

As far as the police go, they do their rounds. They come the girls run away for 20 minutes, and then they are back at it again.

Rule of thumb, avoid picking up SW's during the big events on weekends. The cops are going nuts every big weekend. It's almost like they don't want tourists coming here to have fun.

Honestly; stick to the websites if you must. Havn't heard of anything fishy with those.

My general rule of thumb, is any girl in Silver Legacy, El Durado, Pepper Mill, or Atlantis always wants 2-4 hundo. So in all honestly, shop around. Your better off nailing 5 girls doing quickies than you are blowing it all up in one spot.

'and the locals here suck. They won't tell you anything. I think it's some kind of redneck mentality.

10-21-12, 12:02
Hey fellas ladies I'm going to be around for a few days and am wondering where the action is I like cougars with tight bodies and younger women as well, I'm looking for a nice tantric massage, and some nuru, and who knows what else but if your going to be around and fit the description pm.

Me with a number and well talk, ill be at a casino also so hopefully ill get really really really lucky, thank you

02-10-13, 14:33

So basically the weather is getting colder in Reno. So good looking SW's are few and far between. Just the cracked out ones will hobble about during the day.

Legacy seems to have way fewer of them in there.

Havn't seen any at GSR.

Gold Dust- nothing.

Honestly, I've seen more by the dumpy motels on 2nd street than I have seen of 4th (at least ones I'd even consier stopping for).

As far as the police go, they do their rounds. They come the girls run away for 20 minutes, and then they are back at it again.

Rule of thumb, avoid picking up SW's during the big events on weekends. The cops are going nuts every big weekend. It's almost like they don't want tourists coming here to have fun.

Honestly; stick to the websites if you must. Havn't heard of anything fishy with those.

My general rule of thumb, is any girl in Silver Legacy, El Durado, Pepper Mill, or Atlantis always wants 2-4 hundo. So in all honestly, shop around. Your better off nailing 5 girls doing quickies than you are blowing it all up in one spot.

'and the locals here suck. They won't tell you anything. I think it's some kind of redneck mentality.Always check Reno, still trying to get out that way, Made it to Las Vegas, Wendover, Elko, and one other place can't remember the name, maybe this April, will contact you and thanks for posting once in a while.

07-23-13, 03:38
Well it's finally summer time.

Can't say I've seen very much that has been worth my time or $$ on RB. A few promising ads that turned out to be a hoax or some total bullshit.

If you happen to see the super skinny girl with curly dark hair by sands, run away. Meth head from hell. Yes she looks nice, but omfg. Disaster is all I have to say. Not a good disaster more like a total train wreck that yaps and blabs, doesn't perform always has another favor to ask, blah blah blah blah.

Haven't seen Alana, Brandy, the hot blond chick, or any of the regulars around. I think they hide from down town now.

So far this summer I've seen more SW's on 5th street, and in the "seedy" sections of the city that aren't even close to "down town" area. Kinda strange, but I guess that's just how it rolls this summer.

As always, don't even think about SW's during big event weekends, it's probably a cop sting or they are watching the girls very closely. I think my best words of advice is don't ever give them more than you know they are worth regardless of what they say because in their minds it just entitles them to charge higher prices for no other reason than they can. I've dropped off quite a few girls, or flat out just hung up on a bunch of them.

Honestly. I was kind of shocked, but seriously there are a lot of girls in N lake tahoe just looking for the#ck at the bars / beaches. Usually you don't meet girlsatTahoe, you bring them there, but latley there have been so many single attractive ladies I really havn't had to be searching around in Reno. The best ones are the ones on vacation. No long term headache, just entertainment for the night.

Good luck and don't be afraid to actually share some information. Everyone wants to look, read, get info, but no one here ever seems to do any actual reporting.

03-04-14, 11:09
I am in Reno from the east coast and wondering where, if any, is the action? I have a room so I can have a girl come to me. I have a rental car so I can get around. Just want so advice for some good service. Is it at the casinos? Massage parlor? Strip clubs? Escorts? Or SWers? Any advice would be greatly appreciated and the favor will be returned if you are ever on the east coast from dc to philly.

Black Treechas
05-07-14, 00:11
I used to have digits for a cute blonde lady, medium build, middle age. Born in the US, but of Russian heritage. I have other personal info about her if you need it.

I do not remember her first name, but would if I heard it. Anyways, if you know of her, or think you might, please PM me. I'd like to see her again.

05-14-14, 10:16
Looks like this is not the wonderful resource tool as back home in TN but thought it is worth a shot. Any known or can suggest a decent rub and tug? Or more... Also, would be happy to share some good stuff if youare planning to visit my town.

Lastly, where should I be looking for reviews in Reno, NR, TER, eeic?

Thanks, BigJ.

05-15-14, 01:45
Looks like this is not the wonderful resource tool as back home in TN but thought it is worth a shot. Any known or can suggest a decent rub and tug? Or more... Also, would be happy to share some good stuff if youare planning to visit my town.

Lastly, where should I be looking for reviews in Reno, NR, TER, eeic?

Thanks, BigJ.

I would suggest Toni Marie. She advertises on a couple other web sites. PM me for the details.

Gnome out..

10-15-15, 00:57
So the streets are quiet. You don't see much there, honestly.

Lately I've been finding action in random odd ball places that I would honestly never expect to look. Believe it or not, mid day grocery stores / shopping centers close to Virginia street. Doesn't seem to be any real "spot", just wander and see what turns up. Anyone have any good luck in "new" spots? PM me so the spot doesn't get blown up.

Backpage. 'eh. Nothing special on there recently. Either same shit as last week / month or some bullshit add for some irritating dating website.

MSB doesn't even have all that much interesting going on.

So I can tell winter is setting in. The good side is the prices come down, the bad side. There isn't much of a selection. Or at least nothing appealing. Not when I can go fumble down town and look for either girls on vacation or girls from the local colleges and do it "the right way" which often translates into either a great night or a total bust depending on what the event is.

I would say the most consistent best luck, hands down, go some place else. LOL this town just sucks all the way around right now. No great music events, shitty city night life, and more ho-hum crap that is the same as it was last week / month.

10-16-15, 13:55
Unfortunately Toni Marie has moved to the east coast. Sad face.

Looks like this is not the wonderful resource tool as back home in TN but thought it is worth a shot. Any known or can suggest a decent rub and tug? Or more... Also, would be happy to share some good stuff if youare planning to visit my town.

Lastly, where should I be looking for reviews in Reno, NR, TER, eeic?

Thanks, BigJ.

I would suggest Toni Marie. She advertises on a couple other web sites. PM me for the details.

Gnome out..

10-16-15, 14:49
So the streets are quiet. You don't see much there, honestly.

Lately I've been finding action in random odd ball places that I would honestly never expect to look. Believe it or not, mid day grocery stores / shopping centers close to Virginia street. Doesn't seem to be any real "spot", just wander and see what turns up. Anyone have any good luck in "new" spots? PM me so the spot doesn't get blown up.

Backpage. 'eh. Nothing special on there recently. Either same shit as last week / month or some bullshit add for some irritating dating website.

MSB doesn't even have all that much interesting going on.

So I can tell winter is setting in. The good side is the prices come down, the bad side. There isn't much of a selection. Or at least nothing appealing. Not when I can go fumble down town and look for either girls on vacation or girls from the local colleges and do it "the right way" which often translates into either a great night or a total bust depending on what the event is.

I would say the most consistent best luck, hands down, go some place else. LOL this town just sucks all the way around right now. No great music events, shitty city night life, and more ho-hum crap that is the same as it was last week / month.I wish I had checked this site while I was in Reno. Just got back last night. I did not see much. I saw a LSW outside of ElDorado walking back from the dead porn shop down the road. Chatted with her a bit but that was about it. Not much of a looker. I was sharing a room with a friend that does not know my discreet side so nothing was going to happen. I counted this trip as a loss in more ways than one.

10-17-15, 01:13
Unfortunately Toni Marie has moved to the east coast. Sad face.So when did that happen? Why did she leave? I'm out of the loop and miss the hell out of her. Think she will be back.

10-18-15, 12:45
I was there in July. Her and he family we on there way to the east coast then. She was in Denver then. Even offered to recommend someone else for me. She was sweet.

So when did that happen? Why did she leave? I'm out of the loop and miss the hell out of her. Think she will be back.

10-30-15, 18:06
New career has me traveling between Reno and Sacramento now and I'm finding it difficult to find providers who actually aren't drama queens or constantly upsell or flake when they make an appointment.

Reading reviews and seeing how many ladies are actually retiring is sad.

Seems backpage is a crapshoot and lately it hasn't worked for me so figured I would seek some advice from the forums.

A little help or advice would be great.

Happy travels everyone.

Cronus 1
11-04-15, 01:19
New career has me traveling between Reno and Sacramento now and I'm finding it difficult to find providers who actually aren't drama queens or constantly upsell or flake when they make an appointment.

Reading reviews and seeing how many ladies are actually retiring is sad.

Seems backpage is a crapshoot and lately it hasn't worked for me so figured I would seek some advice from the forums.

A little help or advice would be great.

Happy travels everyone.ScienceGuy1,

I often travel to Reno to see family and have learned to not rely on backpage while in that city. After RB got taken offline, I started to use myscarletbook while in Reno and it has yielded better results. There are a couple "tried and true" provioders who advertise on BP, but as you stated, dealing with most of them can be a crap shoot.

As far as providers reading the forum, I'm not sure as I've never seen any providers comment here. Hell, it seems most mongers don't read or utilize this forum since posts are few and far in between. Maybe that's a result of the lack of available talent in the city?

11-13-15, 00:49
I wouldn't say people don't read the forums, or stuff doesn't go on. I would just say you have to look in some really odd ball places. It take a while in Reno before anyone will trust you, tell you what's up, and even meeting girls on the side is almost like interviewing for a date. It's like 45 minutes of intro bullshit, and who knows from there. If you know people it's certainly easier. My advise would be to start in the obvious places and then wander well off the beaten path. My experience taught me down town sucks and isn't worth the time it takes. Believe it or not I have better luck at grocery stores and cheap ass places than I do wandering around on a hunt. No one wants to get into the specifics because no one wants to blow the spots up. LEO here literally has nothing to do and acts like it's Desert Storm. I don't know if any of you guys saw amnesty international's position, or how people are starting to think about it from a reality perspective over in California (holly shit, I can't believe I mentioned reality and California in the same sentence), but they are seriously looking at just letting it be legal because of all the problems keeping it illegal is causing. I don't like "pimps" just as much as the next guy, but if you were a working girl just who are you going to call? Any way here in Reno they patrol the skies with helicopters and have more cops than regular people on the streets. If I didn't know any better I would think they were hunting terrorists. It's funny because the harder they push the more stuff seems to come around. I wouldn't say anyone is retired, I would just say that they keep to their regulars and don't take on new people or people for a once in a blue moon encounter. It doesn't matter what you want, you will always find a way to get it. This nonsense is like the "war on drugs", and look what a sham that turned out to be. Thanks for the income tax bill ass holes. Honestly tax payers should be exempt from dealing with bullshit like this because we actually pay their salaries. Go figure, they come after us with our own money and claim were the bad guys. Someone is probably wondering "well why don't you just go to a legal brothel? Well the average income in Reno is: 52,728. Given the fact that everything here is much more expensive than it is anywhere else in the country (food, car repairs, clothing, having anything worked on) what on earth makes you think the average person here can go to a brothel and pay 200 for like 15-30 minutes with a half way decent looking girl. Yeah, not happening. Even 100 for a half is total rip off when you think about it. So my solid advise, go troll around cheap ass places and surprise your self. Just don't expect them to be dressed like Vegas Strip girl. They will be dressed just like anyone else, and yes, it's going to take some bullshitting.

11-24-15, 13:18
Good report Spehn. I just got back from a weekend in Reno. I go there a few times a year from Calif. To gamble mostly on sports, since I can't do that in Calif. Casinos. Didn't monger this time, but I always found some action.

Usually along 4th Street. The area around the Sands casino and the blocks around there. Up 4th around that strip joint and the Ramada Inn casino there girls hanging around there. And lastly 4th going to Victoria in Sparks. Around the Rail City casino (one night I saw 5 hookers in front) and even further up there girls walking along there.

Yes many aren't that good looking or may be druggies, but I don't care; just want a blowjob in the car. Prices around $30.

12-02-15, 01:58
So I was driving on 4th passed Sands. I saw a tall thin BSW walking on 4th across the street. I went around the block and she was waiting for me on the corner. I decided this is not the best place to "try something new" that I have never seen before. I stopped in the gas station to buy a few things, and as I am coming out, about 15 feet up from where she was LEO had someone pulled over. Some how I doubt this is a just a coincidence. I passed her on my way up the road going passed Gold Dust. She was walking with a "swagger" and her head phones on. If you ask me, I'd call this obvious bait. I think I may have seen her 1 x earlier this week, but honestly I always see people getting pulled over or flashing lights on 4th by the casino's.

12-03-15, 16:06
Definitely got to look out for the LEO when your dealing with streetwalkers. They will arrest the johns that's for sure. I'm been nabbed a few times myself; once in Oakland, Berkeley, and San Fran.

Some of the streetwalkers are working with the police to get johns. Its because that's their penalty for avoiding jail time when they got caught themselves.

05-11-16, 13:42
I wouldn't say people don't read the forums, or stuff doesn't go on. I would just say you have to look in some really odd ball places. It take a while in Reno before anyone will trust you, tell you what's up, and even meeting girls on the side is almost like interviewing for a date. It's like 45 minutes of intro bullshit, and who knows from there. If you know people it's certainly easier. My advise would be to start in the obvious places and then wander well off the beaten path. My experience taught me down town sucks and isn't worth the time it takes. Believe it or not I have better luck at grocery stores and cheap ass places than I do wandering around on a hunt. No one wants to get into the specifics because no one wants to blow the spots up. LEO here literally has nothing to do and acts like it's Desert Storm. I don't know if any of you guys saw amnesty international's position, or how people are starting to think about it from a reality perspective over in California (holly shit, I can't believe I mentioned reality and California in the same sentence), but they are seriously looking at just letting it be legal because of all the problems keeping it illegal is causing. I don't like "pimps" just as much as the next guy, but if you were a working girl just who are you going to call? Any way here in Reno they patrol the skies with helicopters and have more cops than regular people on the streets. If I didn't know any better I would think they were hunting terrorists. It's funny because the harder they push the more stuff seems to come around. I wouldn't say anyone is retired, I would just say that they keep to their regulars and don't take on new people or people for a once in a blue moon encounter. It doesn't matter what you want, you will always find a way to get it. This nonsense is like the "war on drugs", and look what a sham that turned out to be. Thanks for the income tax bill ass holes. Honestly tax payers should be exempt from dealing with bullshit like this because we actually pay their salaries. Go figure, they come after us with our own money and claim were the bad guys. Someone is probably wondering "well why don't you just go to a legal brothel? Well the average income in Reno is: 52,728. Given the fact that everything here is much more expensive than it is anywhere else in the country (food, car repairs, clothing, having anything worked on) what on earth makes you think the average person here can go to a brothel and pay 200 for like 15-30 minutes with a half way decent looking girl. Yeah, not happening. Even 100 for a half is total rip off when you think about it. So my solid advise, go troll around cheap ass places and surprise your self. Just don't expect them to be dressed like Vegas Strip girl. They will be dressed just like anyone else, and yes, it's going to take some bullshitting.I have traveled many cities in America and you are spot on. Someplace some are afraid to go, but really not that bad. Odd works for me, and not so fancy motels.

10-19-16, 15:28
So I was driving on 4th passed Sands. I saw a tall thin BSW walking on 4th across the street. I went around the block and she was waiting for me on the corner. I decided this is not the best place to "try something new" that I have never seen before. I stopped in the gas station to buy a few things, and as I am coming out, about 15 feet up from where she was LEO had someone pulled over. Some how I doubt this is a just a coincidence. I passed her on my way up the road going passed Gold Dust. She was walking with a "swagger" and her head phones on. If you ask me, I'd call this obvious bait. I think I may have seen her 1 x earlier this week, but honestly I always see people getting pulled over or flashing lights on 4th by the casino's.Why would any respectable guy want to hit 4th street? For the. Thrill? Or? Make sure you get checked after that visit.

10-27-16, 20:23
I see lots of nasty girls posting adds (that I would never touch) on BP, MSB, strip clubs, and even at the brothels. Honestly, what you see is what you get is the attraction, and if they think I'm going to pay 2-300 at a brothel (where the house takes 1/2, and the girl gets 10-99'd on her earnings) they are on more drugs than the girls on 4th street. I've seen some really gross trolls down there, and I've also seen some normal chicks too. It's all up to luck I guess.

Online adds aren't what they used to be and if those girls think they are going to price gouge and get my hard earned, went to work for it $$, and give me a shitty service they are completely wrong. I'll save it for a better day or travel and enjoy it there.

Honestly I don't see anything wrong with what I choose to stick my noodle in, or how I choose to go about it. To this day I've never had an STD (I've been checked many times), but I also don't go for obvious crack heads and drug addicts.

Perhaps if our local / national politicians weren't busy playing control games and figured out that it costs more to fight us about what we want to do than it does to just let us do what we want, I wouldn't be calling you LEO right now. Your wasting my tax dollars. Go bust a real criminal that's breaking into houses or robbing people at gun point. Or even better, go round up all the scumbags that live in incline for price fixing Reno rates for just about anything from auto-care to clothes / food / car prices (yes, you Reno Ford, Chevy, Honda, and especially Subaru), Renown Health, and all the local doctors offices that tell your appointment is 6 months out as a barrier to entry from leaving your current doctor, or the quacks that misdiagnose everything.

You have 11 posts, nothing verifiable that I saw (no numbers, no pictures, no links, etc) your actual posts go back only a few months. You ask for WAY more information than you give, So I'm calling you out can saying LEO. Your welcome to prove me wrong. Who ever local law enforcement "endorses" I'm voting against, just because you "endorsed them". Eat shit and die donut munching legal extortion racket mother fucker!

Why would any respectable guy want to hit 4th street? For the. Thrill? Or? Make sure you get checked after that visit.

LoL 8D
11-01-16, 11:36
I see lots of nasty girls posting adds (that I would never touch) on BP, MSB, strip clubs, and even at the brothels. Honestly, what you see is what you get is the attraction, and if they think I'm going to pay 2-300 at a brothel (where the house takes 1/2, and the girl gets 10-99'd on her earnings) they are on more drugs than the girls on 4th street. I've seen some really gross trolls down there, and I've also seen some normal chicks too. It's all up to luck I guess.

Online adds aren't what they used to be and if those girls think they are going to price gouge and get my hard earned, went to work for it $$, and give me a shitty service they are completely wrong. I'll save it for a better day or travel and enjoy it there.

Honestly I don't see anything wrong with what I choose to stick my noodle in, or how I choose to go about it. To this day I've never had an STD (I've been checked many times), but I also don't go for obvious crack heads and drug addicts.

Perhaps if our local / national politicians weren't busy playing control games and figured out that it costs more to fight us about what we want to do than it does to just let us do what we want, I wouldn't be calling you LEO right now. Your wasting my tax dollars. Go bust a real criminal that's breaking into houses or robbing people at gun point. Or even better, go round up all the scumbags that live in incline for price fixing Reno rates for just about anything from auto-care to clothes / food / car prices (yes, you Reno Ford, Chevy, Honda, and especially Subaru), Renown Health, and all the local doctors offices that tell your appointment is 6 months out as a barrier to entry from leaving your current doctor, or the quacks that misdiagnose everything.

You have 11 posts, nothing verifiable that I saw (no numbers, no pictures, no links, etc) your actual posts go back only a few months. You ask for WAY more information than you give, So I'm calling you out can saying LEO. Your welcome to prove me wrong. Who ever local law enforcement "endorses" I'm voting against, just because you "endorsed them". Eat shit and die donut munching legal extortion racket mother fucker!Police for sure. Hi Spehn. You seem like the only contributing Reno member. I was a contributing member of another section of the boards. Time to pump some life into the Reno boards. I've seen a few providers her. Will start posting Intel.

Love Kgirls
11-01-16, 13:51
Police for sure. Hi Spehn. You seem like the only contributing Reno member. I was a contributing member of another section of the boards. Time to pump some life into the Reno boards. I've seen a few providers her. Will start posting Intel.Hey, Guys. KatieB is not LE. She's Kate Beckincall, a well-known provider in Reno. I've seen her before and had a great time. She's feisty and will never back down from an Internet argument, but she's also a cool chick. She posts on BP and MSB. I cannot speak on her behalf, but she's a higher-end kind of provider who generally charges $300 per hour. So, she probably frowns upon 4th Street streetwalkers. During my travels in past years, I've happened upon a couple girls on 4th Street who ended up being great. I've seen a lot more who were not so great. I'm not into the streetwalker scene, but I often drive down 4th Street on my way to a relative's house. So, I observe most of the girls who are regularly there.

I used to live in Reno for years, but I moved a while ago. I still travel to Reno often, though, and occasionally, I am out there for months. I post regularly on MSB. It's a shame that the Reno board here is as dead as a door nail. Perhaps it will pick up a little. I will start posting some intel here when I am visiting and seeing some girls.

LoL 8D
11-03-16, 13:24
Hey, Guys. KatieB is not LE. She's Kate Beckincall, a well-known provider in Reno. I've seen her before and had a great time. She's feisty and will never back down from an Internet argument, but she's also a cool chick. She posts on BP and MSB. I cannot speak on her behalf, but she's a higher-end kind of provider who generally charges $300 per hour. So, she probably frowns upon 4th Street streetwalkers. During my travels in past years, I've happened upon a couple girls on 4th Street who ended up being great. I've seen a lot more who were not so great. I'm not into the streetwalker scene, but I often drive down 4th Street on my way to a relative's house. So, I observe most of the girls who are regularly there.

I used to live in Reno for years, but I moved a while ago. I still travel to Reno often, though, and occasionally, I am out there for months. I post regularly on MSB. It's a shame that the Reno board here is as dead as a door nail. Perhaps it will pick up a little. I will start posting some intel here when I am visiting and seeing some girls.Thanks for the reference. Thats all fine about her being feisty and not backing down but the problem is she's arguing with herself. These boards have been dead for months and she shows up out of the blue talking trash to. Seemingly no one. Other than how little respect she has for us as a collective apparently. So idk if she's actually trying to get new clients or if she had too much wine and got all up in her feelings. Sorry. Anyway I'll be posting Intel as well. I would reference my previous work on the boards but doing so would probably be a bad idea.

11-04-16, 15:07
Thanks for the reference. Thats all fine about her being feisty and not backing down but the problem is she's arguing with herself. These boards have been dead for months and she shows up out of the blue talking trash to. Seemingly no one. Other than how little respect she has for us as a collective apparently. So idk if she's actually trying to get new clients or if she had too much wine and got all up in her feelings. Sorry. Anyway I'll be posting Intel as well. I would reference my previous work on the boards but doing so would probably be a bad idea.I'm not arguing I asked a question? Sorry you took offense.

LoL 8D
11-10-16, 13:44
I'm not arguing I asked a question? Sorry you took offense.Asking a question to who? That post was a year old. And you posted in 3 different areas all with semi inflammatory remarks like "get yourself checked" etc. I guess I shoulsnt have said arguing. I should have said talking shit for no other reason to talk shit. You should market yourself better because I'd thought about seeing you.

11-20-16, 14:43

Asking a question to who? That post was a year old. And you posted in 3 different areas all with semi inflammatory remarks like "get yourself checked" etc. I guess I shoulsnt have said arguing. I should have said talking shit for no other reason to talk shit. You should market yourself better because I'd thought about seeing you..

She's just butt hurt that one is giving free advise when she either wants to charge 300/ hr or slap handcuffs on you. I'm still not convinced she isn't 5-0 oink link.

How about this, lets focus on the places you shouldn't support (and definitely should not visit for an in-call):

Circus Circus, Silver Legacy, El Durado, Harrah's, Seasons Inn, and Motel 6 on wells ave. Those are often used for police stings.

I've stayed at all of them in the past, but the time has come to take our money else where. They just are not our friends.

Love Kgirls
11-21-16, 15:56


She's just butt hurt that one is giving free advise when she either wants to charge 300/ hr or slap handcuffs on you. I'm still not convinced she isn't 5-0 oink link.

How about this, lets focus on the places you shouldn't support (and definitely should not visit for an in-call):

Circus Circus, Silver Legacy, El Durado, Harrah's, Seasons Inn, and Motel 6 on wells ave. Those are often used for police stings.

I've stayed at all of them in the past, but the time has come to take our money else where. They just are not our friends.1. Katie B does not want to put handcuffs on you (unless that's your fetish). She is most assuredly, absolutely not law enforcement. She is one of the most well-known escorts in Northern Nevada. She's used other names in the past, but she's had the Kate Beckincall name for a while, now. I have seen her, myself, and she did not arrest me. She was very fun and surprisingly sweet. In person, she is remarkably sexy. I intend to see her again, shortly after I return to town.

2. I have been to every one of the hotels you mentioned above on multiple occasions, never with any problem. But, I think it's true that some of those places are a bit concerning. Logistically, you are too exposed seeing girls at Circus Circus (except the tower off the monorail), Silver Legacy and the El Dorado. Security is always monitoring the elevators, and you need to show a key to go up. Of course, a girl can come down and escort you, but Security at those places is not dumb. They keep seeing the same girl escorting guys up to her room, they know exactly what is afoot. So, I am always reluctant to see a girl at those places. If you are enough of a secret agent, you can time your approach and blend in with a group that has a key. But, using that approach, I had to wait like 10 minutes to find a group of people with whom I might conceivably match, and that will only work when there's a lot of foot traffic.

The Seasons Inn is just a cesspool with all kinds of dubious characters about, but I've never had an issue there, other than the creepy vibe of the place. That Motel 6 on Wells is even worse and is actually one of the worst places in town. It's a good place to get stabbed, for sure, but not a good place to see a girl. Also, the cops spend a lot of time there because of all the criminal activity around the place, and I am also aware of stings taking place there. Not a fan.

I have never had an issue at Harrah's, but I know they have done stings there. Of course, if that's the criteria we are going to use, then there is basically nowhere in town that is OK. The cops have done stings at virtually every place in town, at one time or another.

11-22-16, 03:05
I'll just jump to number 2.

Seasons inn: cops rent rooms and put up fake adds and call girls to the room. Management approved and welcomes it.

Motel 6, yes, it's a total shit hole, but I too had been there a million times, now working with management.

Eldorado / circus / legacy are now owned by the same owners. Management approves of sting operations in their rooms.

I can think of a few places that wouldn't allow it, and they did it in the parking lot. So keep that in mind guys / girls.

Harrah's did a sting last year, someone posted it online, and oink and pals in short shorts actually had to switch hotels while wasting our tax dollars. The entire bar I was at died laughing when they put that up in the news. Also security watches everyone as if your doing something bad. I'll put it this way, I won't even buy food there. Not a single dollar to them.

Also, notable mention to Atlantis. Never any action there, but they seem to like to hold john hating meetings there.

Unless someone else has more detailed, better 1st hand insight than I do, I'm not giving them any money and advising against booking rooms at those hotels.

If they want to ruin the vacation feel, then why not let them crash during the next economic down turn, and what better way to start than boycotting them now.

Hopefully trump fixes this crap. B / c Obama started this whole bullshit thing with this stupid court judges, and those bastards in Chicago "I Hate Illinois Nazis" - The Blues Brothers.


Love Kgirls
11-22-16, 15:47
I'll just jump to number 2.

Seasons inn: cops rent rooms and put up fake adds and call girls to the room. Management approved and welcomes it.

Motel 6, yes, it's a total shit hole, but I too had been there a million times, now working with management.

Eldorado / circus / legacy are now owned by the same owners. Management approves of sting operations in their rooms.

I can think of a few places that wouldn't allow it, and they did it in the parking lot. So keep that in mind guys / girls.

Harrah's did a sting last year, someone posted it online, and oink and pals in short shorts actually had to switch hotels while wasting our tax dollars. The entire bar I was at died laughing when they put that up in the news. Also security watches everyone as if your doing something bad. I'll put it this way, I won't even buy food there. Not a single dollar to them.

Also, notable mention to Atlantis. Never any action there, but they seem to like to hold john hating meetings there.

Unless someone else has more detailed, better 1st hand insight than I do, I'm not giving them any money and advising against booking rooms at those hotels.

If they want to ruin the vacation feel, then why not let them crash during the next economic down turn, and what better way to start than boycotting them now.

Hopefully trump fixes this crap. B / c Obama started this whole bullshit thing with this stupid court judges, and those bastards in Chicago "I Hate Illinois Nazis" - The Blues Brothers.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ukFAvYP3UUPerhaps I didn't make my point all that clearly, but law enforcement does stings everywhere. You name any major hotel or motel, and I can assure you that law enforcement conducted a sting there at one time or another, with the full cooperation of management (not that they even need that, but it makes it easier, I suppose). Atlantis? Check. Peppermill? Check. Grand Sierra? Check. Circus Circus, Silver Legacy, El Dorado, Sands, Harrahs, Nugget, Western Village, Motel 6 (multiple locations), Ramada, Best Western Airport Plaza, Vagabond Inn, Whitney Peak, La Quinta (multiple locations), Days Inn (multiple locations), all checks. I know providers and guys who were arrested at every single one of those places over the years. I can understand the philosophical objection behind not patronizing an establishment that happily assists in seeing you arrested, but, unfortunately, that's pretty much every place in town.

To avoid trouble, you need to do your research, always, and never blindly see a girl off BP without verifying that she is a legitimate provider. Search her number. Do a reverse image search. If she uses an unusual name, search that, too. If she has multiple reviews and / or a long history of posting ads, then she is probably legit. Ask around, either here or on other sites like MSB. Don't let your dick control your fate.

As for the new administration, unfortunately, I think you may be sorely disappointed by what is to come. While Trump himself may take a tolerant view of vices, his new Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is just the kind of moral crusader who may well want to take a more active role in federal prosecutions of marijuana crimes and sex trafficking. I would not be surprised at all if he decides to reverse course from the current administration and start shutting down dispensaries who sell medical and legal marijuana. He is no friend of marijuana. Likewise, you can probably expect even more stings, more coordination among federal, state and local law enforcement and more federal pressure to root out sex trafficking.

11-22-16, 15:58
Perhaps I didn't make my point all that clearly, but law enforcement does stings everywhere. You name any major hotel or motel, and I can assure you that law enforcement conducted a sting there at one time or another, with the full cooperation of management (not that they even need that, but it makes it easier, I suppose). Atlantis? Check. Peppermill? Check. Grand Sierra? Check. Circus Circus, Silver Legacy, El Dorado, Sands, Harrahs, Nugget, Western Village, Motel 6 (multiple locations), Ramada, Best Western Airport Plaza, Vagabond Inn, Whitney Peak, La Quinta (multiple locations), Days Inn (multiple locations), all checks. I know providers and guys who were arrested at every single one of those places over the years. I can understand the philosophical objection behind not patronizing an establishment that happily assists in seeing you arrested, but, unfortunately, that's pretty much every place in town.

To avoid trouble, you need to do your research, always, and never blindly see a girl off BP without verifying that she is a legitimate provider. Search her number. Do a reverse image search. If she uses an unusual name, search that, too. If she has multiple reviews and / or a long history of posting ads, then she is probably legit. Ask around, either here or on other sites like MSB. Don't let your dick control your fate.They just did a sting. 4 girls went to jail.

11-22-16, 20:47
I'm a No. Calif. Resident who comes to Reno a few times a year for a little fun an enjoyment. I stayed at the Sands Hotel Casino on Sat. , Sun. And part of Monday. Funny I didn't see any action on 4th St. Sat. And Sun. But Monday morning I took a walk up to Keystone for some business. Dropped into the Gold Dust for slots. Won $10 and walked out. On the way back saw a nice looking blonde streetwalker. Kept walking back to the Sands and got into a conversation with a white gal who was looking for some business. She had big tits and wanted $40. Well I just couldn't pull the trigger. My bus going back was a few hours away, and didn't have that much money. But she seemed nice and friendly enough to do the deed. I didn't see any LE this past weekend along 4th St. The casino had a lot of security guards, but most of them seemed too absent minded, like they didn't know what was going on.

11-29-16, 00:55

This is probably one of the best actual fact based summaries I've seen in a while.

Honestly it seems like the "new laws" in Canada aren't holding up to well, and will probably be thrown out soon enough.

The only good thing to come out of this modern day witch hunt is the raw fact that "abolitionists" who are just Femi-Nazis and bible thumpers are now being called out for basically making up a bunch of bullshit. "trafficking" is when someone is brought from another place, more specifically from another country, and forced to do what they do. Not someone who decided it's an easy way to make a quick buck that doesn't involve slaving away at the office all day so someone else can make the profit. Hat's off to the Aussie's for making a system that works.

If you read the fact based article you will see Hillary sided with the abolitionists and was targeting us. Not that Bush was much better. Let's hope a new face has a new approach.

Trump might not like something (marijuana, gay marriage, etc), but he is smart enough to realize the end (or I should say never ending war) doesn't justify the cost and fighting everyone. People will always do what they want, and prohibition proved it. Just ask Al Capone. The big problem I see is that the people fighting prostitution all stand to make money off fighting it. From "John School", to "rehabilitation programs for victims", special courts, paying the FBI / Police to do sting operations, who is paying for these news articles on all the news stations (that's not free ya know), just where do you think the money for that comes from and who's pocket does it go into?

My view point is, if your going to take my money, either through taxes or by making a deal where we both get something, then it's going to be something I want. I'm not going to continue paying into a restrictive system where I can't do what I want and I'm not going to support anyone who opposes me. The current rules are in clear violation of everyone's 1st, and 4th amendment rights. It's no one else's business what I stick my noodle in or why or what I did to get it there. It's my damn noodle.

On a side note, the local extortion gangs (LEO) wearing short shorts and might as well as dress in full drag have been patrolling the streets hard in the evenings / nights. So I'd avoid any street hunting's for a little while. The cheapest places in town to hang out at are the ones you want to go mongering in.

Although I will admit, between the price and the annoyance I've been hoarding my hard earned dollars for other places because it's just that much better that it's worth holding out for. Why spend even 1-200 on something that isn't smoking hot, or less on something that "will do", when you can go totally nuts with the hottest women you've ever seen in your entire life else where. In other countries, and hell other states here, they are happy when you are nice to them, they appreciate a free meal, they are more than happy to take you to any tourist destination for any activity you want, and they are genuinely fun to be around. Instead of some snotty ***** with an entitlement disorder that either wants more than it's worth or she wants to get you off and out now.

I don't even just mean paying an escort in this section. Believe it or not I "normal date" women too, but honestly, the ends don't justify the means. It's either a gold digger, someone who sucks at life, or someone with an ego the size of the sun and none of those options are worth dealing with. Or she just flat out sucks in bed. I've met plenty of nice normal girls, and honestly, sucks in bed is the worst.

Before someone hauls off and calls me anti-women, I'm going to point out that I'm not actually anti-feminism. I actually think it's great. I think it's about time the double standard is thrown out the window. Both men and women have the same opportunities (education, voting, employment, and so on). So why do I need to hold the door? Why do I need to pick up the tab every time? Why should I pay all the living expense or most of them, and then still have to dream up and pay for every single date, and drive there, etc. Etc. Where are the women that "fly dutch" or pay their 1/2 of the way. How about have their own career and throw in their fair share of the work for common goals? I've heard the same story from many older men. "My money is our money, and her money is her money". Now I'll be the first to admit, in larger metro areas what I seek is very common, but here in Reno. Ahahahah. Yeah right. It's all about what someone can get out of it. Prove me wrong, someone please. But everything in this city is more corrupt than a somali pirate.

So fuck it, until next time, I'll just keep sticking my noodle in feasible options and traveling to places that don't suck.

03-07-17, 01:48
So you guys are lame. Not a single post from anyone?

So I saw a really obvious Reno 911 clown dressed up in red fishnets parading around 4th street pretending to be a street walker. If it was any more obvious she would've been eating donuts too. She was fat anyway.

Any one figure out who we need to vote for, or against to get them to quit wasting our tax dollars?

Love Kgirls
03-07-17, 18:56
So you guys are lame. Not a single post from anyone?

So I saw a really obvious Reno 911 clown dressed up in red fishnets parading around 4th street pretending to be a street walker. If it was any more obvious she would've been eating donuts too. She was fat anyway.

Any one figure out who we need to vote for, or against to get them to quit wasting our tax dollars?I'll bite. You shamed me into posting. Because of geography, I spend a fair amount of time driving the length of 4th Street, all the way from Keystone to Sparks (but not to Sparks now that 4th Street is under construction). There are not many girls out walking these days. I believe most of them have retreated indoors.

By indoors, I mean they have started hanging out more in the smaller casinos located off 4th Street. There are always working girls inside Diamonds, usually 2 or 3 but I've seen as many as 8 or 9 on a weekend. They also hang out in and around the parking lot. Some of them are kind of hard on the eyes, but I've met several cute, young girls also. I've met and had sessions with 6 or 7 girls there in the past month, with several of them being young and attractive.

Similarly, the Gold Dust West usually has at least one working girl in there at any given time. I've met and had sessions with 5 girls there in the last month alone. One of them is a super cute blonde spinner named Nikki.

The Sands is more hit and miss, but I've met a couple working girls there and also picked up a couple civilian ladies there for some free fun.

03-13-17, 19:53
I'll bite. You shamed me into posting. Because of geography, I spend a fair amount of time driving the length of 4th Street, all the way from Keystone to Sparks (but not to Sparks now that 4th Street is under construction). There are not many girls out walking these days. I believe most of them have retreated indoors.

By indoors, I mean they have started hanging out more in the smaller casinos located off 4th Street. There are always working girls inside Diamonds, usually 2 or 3 but I've seen as many as 8 or 9 on a weekend. They also hang out in and around the parking lot. Some of them are kind of hard on the eyes, but I've met several cute, young girls also. I've met and had sessions with 6 or 7 girls there in the past month, with several of them being young and attractive.

Similarly, the Gold Dust West usually has at least one working girl in there at any given time. I've met and had sessions with 5 girls there in the last month alone. One of them is a super cute blonde spinner named Nikki.

The Sands is more hit and miss, but I've met a couple working girls there and also picked up a couple civilian ladies there for some free fun.Good report LoveK girls and good information. The next time I'm in Reno will check out Gold Dust West. I assume Diamonds is the Ramada Inn and hotel. Seen action there in the past. I've seen streetwalkers in Sparks a few times on Victoria. Dated a some of them.

03-21-17, 01:48
So here is an interesting fun fact I learned from someone the other day. Let's say extremely trustworthy source.

So I'm sure everyone has probably noticed the Asian adds that went up on all the popular sites in Reno. No big surprise it's a group of girls from Thailand.

Let's just say these girls wouldn't get 1,000 Thai (US 32 dollars) baht at a soapy massage parlor but because they are in the desert on the other side of the world people are paying 300/ hr.

Well anyone who've ever been to south east Asia has seen a ladyboy. You don't look for them, they squawk at you and often look better than real girls.

So here's the info:

The best looking one in the group that is in Reno is a katoey. For those of you not familiar with the term, it's a transgender ladyboy, or in other words, a boy that grew tits from hormone pills and had it's dick turned into a VJ.

The birdy up in the tree told me that it doesn't tell anyone. So um, yeah. At the very least, if that's your thing, drive to sac for a better selection or go fly and get the best.

03-22-17, 01:09
So here is an interesting fun fact I learned from someone the other day. Let's say extremely trustworthy source.

So I'm sure everyone has probably noticed the Asian adds that went up on all the popular sites in Reno. No big surprise it's a group of girls from Thailand.

Let's just say these girls wouldn't get 1,000 Thai (US 32 dollars) baht at a soapy massage parlor but because they are in the desert on the other side of the world people are paying 300/ hr.

Well anyone who've ever been to south east Asia has seen a ladyboy. You don't look for them, they squawk at you and often look better than real girls.

So here's the info:

The best looking one in the group that is in Reno is a katoey. For those of you not familiar with the term, it's a transgender ladyboy, or in other words, a boy that grew tits from hormone pills and had it's dick turned into a VJ.

The birdy up in the tree told me that it doesn't tell anyone. So um, yeah. At the very least, if that's your thing, drive to sac for a better selection or go fly and get the best.I have to say I have session with 3 of them all beautiful girls and never paid over 200 hr.

Gnome out.

03-26-17, 21:32

You must study the Hot Crazy Matrix. If the link doesn't publish just youtube it.


Pay particular attention to the last part that is below a 5 crazy, and above an 8 hot. And no, it's not a unicorn.

I'm soooo soorrrry! I wish I had known sooner I would've put that warning up.

I have to say I have session with 3 of them all beautiful girls and never paid over 200 hr.

Gnome out.

Love Kgirls
03-27-17, 02:37
So here is an interesting fun fact I learned from someone the other day. Let's say extremely trustworthy source.

So I'm sure everyone has probably noticed the Asian adds that went up on all the popular sites in Reno. No big surprise it's a group of girls from Thailand.

Let's just say these girls wouldn't get 1,000 Thai (US 32 dollars) baht at a soapy massage parlor but because they are in the desert on the other side of the world people are paying 300/ hr.

Well anyone who've ever been to south east Asia has seen a ladyboy. You don't look for them, they squawk at you and often look better than real girls.

So here's the info:

The best looking one in the group that is in Reno is a katoey. For those of you not familiar with the term, it's a transgender ladyboy, or in other words, a boy that grew tits from hormone pills and had it's dick turned into a VJ.

The birdy up in the tree told me that it doesn't tell anyone. So um, yeah. At the very least, if that's your thing, drive to sac for a better selection or go fly and get the best.Rather than making us wonder, how about naming some names and posting some links to ads? I saw Venus a while back, and there's no way in hell that she was ever a biological male. I have not seen Ferrari, but I believe she works out of the same location. I have no idea which girl you would consider the best looking of the group or what group you are even referring to in your post. Please, feel free to share the info.

04-10-17, 14:14
Hello fellows,

I'm in search of some reliable digits in the Reno area. Prefer blond and petite, but any petite will ultimately do. And if no petite, any positive attitude is good.

I can return the favor for Salt Lake City.

PM me.


08-08-17, 10:03
Been following the Reno board for a few months, anticipating my 4 days in your fine city for HAN this week.

Does any one have any suggestions for a FS massage, Outcall to Hotel, SW action, etc?

Surely some mongers are getting some pussy someplace in "The Biggest Little City In The World ".



08-26-17, 13:49
Been following the Reno board for a few months, anticipating my 4 days in your fine city for HAN this week.

Does any one have any suggestions for a FS massage, Outcall to Hotel, SW action, etc?

Surely some mongers are getting some pussy someplace in "The Biggest Little City In The World ".


Jamesj.There are plenty of ladies out.

Here that give great massages.

09-20-17, 05:55
Advice from fellow mongers? AMP action seems non-existent. How about UTR providers? Just looking for massage with HE, maybe some mutual touch, nuru, or B2 B. My understanding is brothels are way out of my $$$ range. Thanks!

11-16-17, 02:07
Crikey. Situation in Reno looks grim! I travel from Australia to LV annually for a trade show. In 2018 the organisers in their wisdom have relocated Trade Show to Reno.

Never short of action in LV obviously but seems Reno will certainly be a challenge. Yep I know plenty early yet but pre-planning never hurt anybody.

Hopefully over next few months we might see some more reports or helpful suggestions.

07-02-18, 16:57
Hey guys.

Curious if anyone may help me with an UTR, ATF or someone reliable for OC to a casino / hotelin a few weeks? Anything is appreciated bc I can't seem to find much info.


Love Kgirls
07-04-18, 19:46
Hey guys.

Curious if anyone may help me with an UTR, ATF or someone reliable for OC to a casino / hotelin a few weeks? Anything is appreciated bc I can't seem to find much info.

Thanks.Kelsey Kane is my ATF in Reno:


10-17-18, 09:28
Hey guys.

Curious if anyone may help me with an UTR, ATF or someone reliable for OC to a casino / hotelin a few weeks? Anything is appreciated bc I can't seem to find much info.

Thanks.Echoing the other poster on Kelsey Kane and Ferrari as well. Ferrari isn't utr but she is one of my ATF a sweetheart and absolute doll. https://adultsearch.com/nevada/reno/female-escorts/1113876.

GFE and Pse $$.

03-11-19, 10:11
I've got a trip coming up to Reno and figured I'd give one of the ranches a shot. Can anyone reply or send me a pm and let me know what to expect. Especially the cost. Also kind what's on the table and not on the table with the girls. Thanks.

03-11-19, 10:12
Also is there any way to get it out there without a rx? Where I live I know there's a few options.

Black Treechas
03-12-19, 01:32
Also is there any way to get it out there without a rx? Where I live I know there's a few options.I talked to my pharmacist about Viagra. I asked. "Can I get it over the counter?" He replied yes, if I took two.

03-12-19, 18:55
I talked to my pharmacist about Viagra. I asked. "Can I get it over the counter?" He replied yes, if I took two.LOL. Sad to admit to, but I had to read that a second time before the light went on.

Be safe and have fun, Magichands2.

07-28-19, 00:16
I am new to town and looking for a place that will wax the boys and not get bent out of shape over an erection or a pop form the handling.

08-05-21, 14:07
I've got a trip coming up to Reno and figured I'd give one of the ranches a shot. Can anyone reply or send me a pm and let me know what to expect. Especially the cost. Also kind what's on the table and not on the table with the girls. Thanks.I know this is a very old post but I'd guess there are some still wondering so.

I've not been in one in a couple of years and never went real often but rest assured it won't have changed too much I'd expect.

Government inspected so you'll be covered for any kind of insertion.

The quality varies a lot based on where you go. Occasionally a place like Bunny Ranch North will have a porn star or something and well-known places like that usually at least have one or two women that are very attractive. The first time I went with a friend and met one of the hottest women I've ever seen in person but that was 15 years ago or so and she was $3 k / hr so I finished my tour, bought a couple of drinks at the bar and left. From what I understand, the house takes 50% and sometimes more, and when you consider that uncle Sam takes his cut since it is over the table (which is really what the po-po rustling casino ladies is about, money and not morality) a gal has to charge quite a bit. That first case was extreme back then but they're really meant for wealthy tourists in many cases. Any porn starlet or 8+ will cost you and a lot of these ladies are completely out of touch with a working man's reality. At the cheaper spots, I've heard $250 is possible. It's a negotiation. They come out and you pick the tour guide you like. How you look to them will play a part too so if you're a decent-looking guy and it isn't busy, you'll have an easier time. Don't go in there with a nice watch on or something as that points to you having upside to negotiate. They're worth a visit to say you were there and to grab a drink at the least. If you expect to come mongering at a bunch of ranches and you're not loaded, you'll leave disappointed. If money is no object you can have a lot of fun anywhere. I struggle to think how these can ever compete with the internet when you have a middleman and uncle sam taking a huge piece.

05-09-22, 17:25
First, my apologies for posting here but there is no off topic thread like Vegas has. I'll be in Reno the first week of June, staying at the Courtyard across from the ballpark. With a crowd of people so mongering is off the table but I'd like to get in some video poker, any recommendations on which casino has the best selection?

06-18-24, 02:03
Going to be in reno in 2 months are there still girls who walk around the slots looking to find a john or does security come down hard on them, and how do I spot them.

06-20-24, 20:07
Going to be in reno in 2 months are there still girls who walk around the slots looking to find a john or does security come down hard on them, and how do I spot them.Reno PD has done a pretty good job of squashing casino girls and SW. Lots of girls on various escort sites, but keep in mind Reno PD runs stings often.