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12-31-99, 20:00
Thread Starter

05-03-05, 13:57
22 Rules for SW Mongering

1. IS SHE? - It ain't like in the movies - at least, not in Da Burgh! They wear ordinary clothes, and are just walking alone, with no bags, or maybe making a phone call at a pay phone (but if you checked, there's no one on the line). Believe it or not, a girl walking alone and without shopping bags on a hobbyist street is almost always a SW.

2. If you aren't sure, come back in a few minutes. Non-pros who happen to be walking are going somewhere, which isn't up and down the same stretch of road. And on hobbyist streets, the local women tend to avoid looking like they might be in business, unless they are!

3. If she is watching traffic, she's probably a SW.

4. If she makes eye contact with you, she's probably a SW.

5. If she then smiles at you, she is a SW. After all, you're just some dude driving by.

6. If she's with a "boyfriend", who disappears when you come around again, he's pimping her. Be careful! Don't unlock the door until she's ready to get in, with him nowhere to be seen! If you follow these rules, you're in control of the situation.

7. THE PICKUP - Pull over at the next parking lot, or around the next corner and park nearby. If you're sure she saw you - smile back at her, dummy! - then feel free to pull further down the block, so it's not so easily observed by LE. She'll casually turn down your block, walk past - and then suddenly walk up to see if you're letting her in. Keep eye contact, keep smiling - invite her in.

8. Lock the other doors! You're in a crime-filled neighborhood!

9. AVOIDING LE STINGS - Do not EVER EVER EVER discuss anything with a girl who isn't seated in your car, except to offer her a ride. THAT'S ALL YOU'RE DOING! IT'S LEGAL! Just being a nice guy... On every board I've seen, LE always tries to make the bust without the F LE risking her ass by getting in. READ THIS RULE AGAIN! IT'S IMPORTANT!

10. This is the perfect time for LE to pull you over for rolling through a stop sign, just to harass your ass. Drive like a preacher! It's an effective way of intimidating we hobbyists, and they'll use any opportunity if they're watching.

11. Make a turn or two before discussing $$, just in case. Watch your rear view - you can bet she will, too! I've never heard of LE getting in the car, with a follower, but better safe than sorry. A known LE trick - she doesn't get in, but directs you to meet her around the corner. Guess who's waiting there, instead of her? If she doesn't get in right away, move on!

12. AVOIDING SCAMS - If you do a car date, and you let her pick the spot (she'll try to direct you), be aware that she may be setting you up for a robbery. Don't settle for her spot - or at least, force her to come up with a second choice. Her boyfriend can't be in two places at once.

13. If you go back to a hotel, and she picked it, be aware that this could be a setup for cash&dash, or her pimp busting in & robbing you.

14. If you go back to her place - are you mad? The "boyfriend busting in mad, waving a gun" scam probably happens a lot - since the victims won't report the robbery, they get by with it, even though the victims know where the robbers are staying!

15. If you go back to your hotel, um, have fun! (OK, that's not a rule. If you go back to your hotel, be discreet so the mgmt doesn't call LE on you.)

16. If you go back to your house - are you really ok with a potentially-addicted SW knowing where you live?

17. WALLET - Do not leave your wallet within her reach. If you think you know a clever spot to hide it, remember that 100's of others have thought of it, too. While you're distracted, her free hand can be working...

18. MONEY - Do not have more in your pocket than you want to spend. She (and your dick) will talk it out of you. If she's really worth an extra few dollars, you can go get it (out of the trunk, the ATM, your other pocket, whatever). Current street rates are 20 for BJ, 40-50 for FS, and you can tip later if you think it's worth it. Remember, it isn't worth it just because you came. She'll always demand a tip, if she thinks it's coming. Many will claim they "usually charge more" - the word on this board is: they don't. But, hey, some of these girls are hard-working, quality-driven providers, even though they're SW (really - I mean it!), and they deserve a break.

19. HUNTING HOURS: They're out at all times, in most weather. I've heard of them walking as early as 4:30am, and well past midnight. They work the lunch hours for guys on lunch, afternoons for guys on early shifts, mornings for guys who'll be late for work, and all through the evening and night. If it's lightly raining, there will be less, but there will be some. Most of these girls are drug addicts; their addiction doesn't have a "M-F, excluding legal holidays" schedule.

20. CFS!!! Carry a condom. Usually, they don't have one (which I think is so fuc*ing stupid, but then, if they had a clue they wouldn't be SW-ing). You don't want to be tempted to skip the cover because that pussy is so fine.

And the freebie: Every time some SW claims "I'm the best! I'm worth more", it really means, "I'm a lame-ass lying lazy talentless junkie!" The good ones don't have to brag; they'll get your return business.

21. Don't let her use your cellphone. It's a very common request. She'll call her friend, or her own phone, and that will give her access to your # - which might set you up for unexpected & inopportune calls for business or bail money.

22. Be friendly. As has been noted in other threads, these are people with feelings, not just automaton sex dispensers. If you're friendly, chatty, and warm, she'll open up, relax, and probably be more generous with her service, in all the little ways that matter most. Remember, if she's never hooked up with you before, she's worried that you might be either LE, or some psycho SW-stalker.

As always Play Safe

Good Neighbor
05-03-05, 14:17
Amen !!!

PS: Is it Ok to say "Amen" on this board? Don't want to get too religious.

Humpty Dumpty
05-04-05, 20:39
these are good rules. I occasionally break a couple because I have outstanding intuiton. If you have a bad intuition, tell the girl, and act accordingly(order her to leave or comply with your demands) I have noticed intuition is too real and you shout trust it overall.

07-27-05, 06:41
Any newbie Monger should read them , and in fact there's even a Board here for new Mongers where you should re·post this

You generally take the most conservative point of view — which is good — and your Rules that I 'violate' the most are the ones about letting the girl pick the spot or going back to her place . I've only had trouble once so far doing this [ knock on wood ] , and that was very early in my mongering career when I was naíve enough to give the girl the money first , only to have her dis·appear behind the door , never to return

Allow me to comment on # 19 =

19. HUNTING HOURS: They're out at all times, in most weather. I've heard of them walking as early as 4:30am, and well past midnight. They work the lunch hours for guys on lunch, afternoons for guys on early shifts, mornings for guys who'll be late for work, and all through the evening and night. If it's lightly raining, there will be less, but there will be some. Most of these girls are drug addicts; their addiction doesn't have a "M-F, excluding legal holidays" schedule.

All but the most desperate SWs show a marked preference for clear weather [ i.e. you're more likely to find girls out 'n about when it's 30° and clear , than when it's 70° and raining ] . So if it's a wet day out , hit a Strip Club or hook up with a 'regular' you meet in·doors , and don't waste your time and gas cruising the street

Now , here's some 'deep back·ground' material on SWs , taken from the U.S. Dept of Justice's Manual on Street Prostitution =

" The typical street prostitute works six to eight hours
a day, five to six days a week, and has three to five clients a
night.³ Street prostitutes' lives are organized principally around
prostitution itself, and manuvering through the legal system. It is
a cycle of engaging in prostitution, getting arrested, going to
jail, paying fines, and returning to the street. "

The manual goes on to say that the most common service provided is the classic BJ ; and that the average Car Date takes about ten minutes and the average In·door Date takes about twenty·five . The range of prices the manual lists is accurate , so I have good reason to believe that the rest of these facts are , too

12-31-05, 23:00
Thread Starter.

07-18-06, 09:57
I'm not sure why everyone reports this type of experience in the General section when it appears it should be in this section. If I am missing something, someone please let me know.

Saturday, I started out in the short north. It was really hot this day. Anyway, I ran into two girls on 5th east of high. The first girl who said her name was Katrina, about 5'3, 150 pounds, blondish grey hair, about 50 yrs old. Well, she was drunk as hell, she tried to get into my car through the drivers side. As that was happening, a dude runs up and says she has Hepatitus C. Needless to say, he was drunk also. The comment enough was enough to blow that one off. I then found another one, white girl, thin, short black hair, about 30 yrs old. She was decent,,,,,,had she not been drunk as hell. She got in the car, but then just went on about her friend having problems. I just let her out. I thought that would be a sign of a bad day.

I then went up to cleveland ave. around milford. Nice looking thin white girl with red hair, about 25 yrs old walks up to my car, asks for a ride, gets in, while driving down the street, I have to prove I'm not popo. Not only does she want to see it, she gives a little tongue temptation. Anyway, once we get past that, she will give a cbj. I think she said her name was Sherry. On a scale of 1-10 on Sherry, I would say about a 7-8. (1 Jackson)

As far as Katrina, a 2. If anyone has seen Katrina, you may want to get checked out.

11-18-07, 04:26
Recently I've met Belinda on the Hill top not far from the post office. 41 (though she claimed 38, which I've doubted at the time and estimated her to be about 45 at the time), about a buck forty, red hair, hardwood floors with ample tits though a little saggy with a ring in one of the nipples. She has a slight beer belly, but it looks cute instead of bad. Very friendly, FS for 2 Jacksons. I'm not sure if I remember correctly her height but I think she's about 5'5 or so. Unfortunately no digits. She said she usually can be found in the area where I've picked her up and usually is on the south bank of W Broad.

This was copied and pasted from one of my earlier reports in the general section about a month ago.

Let's make a use of this board.

Stay Safe

Sullivant Guy
11-18-07, 09:11
Recently I've met Belinda on the Hill top not far from the post office. 41 (though she claimed 38, which I've doubted at the time and estimated her to be about 45 at the time), about a buck forty, red hair, hardwood floors with ample tits though a little saggy with a ring in one of the nipples. She has a slight beer belly, but it looks cute instead of bad. Very friendly, FS for 2 Jacksons. I'm not sure if I remember correctly her height but I think she's about 5'5 or so. Unfortunately no digits. She said she usually can be found in the area where I've picked her up and usually is on the south bank of W Broad.

This was copied and pasted from one of my earlier reports in the general section about a month ago.

Let's make a use of this board.

Stay SafeI guess to each his own. Belinda is a long time troll out there. She certainly has seen better days. She is also what I would consider very bi polar. Be careful with her. You never know what you will get. About 5 years ago she was a real looker. She is on my pass by list now, but she must attract some as I see the occasional post on her and when she is not on the inside, she is out almost 24/7. I would be sure to cover up for anything with her.

11-24-07, 19:04
Guys -

My report is on a sweet young doll by the name of Robin. She was reported on last year by someone who said she wasn't all that great looking but had a good attitude. I'll ditto the latter, but thought she was very cute myself, in a young schoolgirl way. The way she'd look at ya and bat her eyes. Said she was 40 but I just couldn't believe that. Three kids with only a few very light stretch marks. Dark brunette -- or even possibly black -- hair (don't recall now) pulled back in a tail. Thin but not skinny, and close to 6' tall. Probably 5' 9" or so. Perky tits just the way I like 'em, firm and big enough to enjoy without being too big and droopy. Best part was that she didn't mind me playing with them, or her kitty, which many that I've picked up recently have not allowed.

Picked her up on Broad, but didn't pay attention where. Got a room in a new place I hadn't been to before near town and they only charged $30 for a three hour stay. Not sure this was typical, but I gave the sweet little Indian gal at the desk (when asked if I was alone it was all I could do to keep from suggesting she join us too!!) a "just need a nap before catching a flight" story.


11-27-07, 16:07
Dreamt that I met Belinda on Broad between Oakley and Wheatland. She was out in military fatigues around 1:30p in the afternoon. Said she's 40. Looks about that, but frankly a good 40. Was pretty made up and looking good. Great tits, responsive big nips, got a HJ in a spot she picked that looked safe. No digits.

11-27-07, 16:19
Found Frederika, WSW, between 5th and 6th Ave on Cassady. Picked her up at around 7:00 in the pouring rain. Offered her a ride and she got in. We drove in a big circle, and I kept dropping hints that she wasn't taking. Maybe she thought I was a cop. She had me drop her off about a block from where I picked her up. I had asked if she was out trying to make money, and she said no. Then when I dropped her off she said she might be available in a half hour. I figured that would give her time to establish a set-up, so I said no thanks. She was probably in her mid 40s, said she was 34. reddish brown hair. Not the prettiest face. Body didn't look like it was all that much better, but I didn't get a clear look at it. She didn't seem too tweaked out or weird. I dunno. YMMV.

Chris H
11-27-07, 18:44
Found Frederika, WSW, between 5th and 6th Ave on Cassady. Picked her up at around 7:00 in the pouring rain. Offered her a ride and she got in. We drove in a big circle, and I kept dropping hints that she wasn't taking. Maybe she thought I was a cop. She had me drop her off about a block from where I picked her up. I had asked if she was out trying to make money, and she said no. Then when I dropped her off she said she might be available in a half hour. I figured that would give her time to establish a set-up, so I said no thanks. She was probably in her mid 40s, said she was 34. reddish brown hair. Not the prettiest face. Body didn't look like it was all that much better, but I didn't get a clear look at it. She didn't seem too tweaked out or weird. I dunno. YMMV.

Yeah Frederika, is a long time HOE. She is kinda nasty, so you should sanitize her before doing anything.

Chris H

11-30-07, 00:29
Dreamt I picked up Sheila, probably early 30's brunette, shapely rear. found her on the south side of Sully, I think 2 houses East of Westpark. About 11:00am. She's about a 7 on the SW scale. offered her a ride, and she hopped in. Cop check, then negotiations. I wanted pics and a HJ for $30 (it's my thing). Went to what I can only assume was a crack house, where I paid $10 for the room. Maybe not the best idea. Anyways, got about 10 pictures. Then she started getting antsy. She's about 5'8, 150, brown hair, reasonably pretty face for a SW. Tits are B-size, big areolas on the nipples, little droopy. Has a little tummy. Nothing compared to some of these gals. Nice legs, but a bruise on one. HJ was adequate. Pics actually aren't half bad. No digits. Let myself back out. I'd probably pick her up again because she seems like a straight shooter. I'd probably get a different room, or just do a car date.

Promised her I would keep the pictures to myself, so sorry about that guys. Seniors with digits can probably talk me out of them though, since nobody I ever pick up has a bleeping phone.

Funny story, earlier I was going E on Sully in the Hilltop, passed a thicker WSW, and drove by. After another pass on Broad, I decided that maybe she didn't look all that bad after all. Eye contact on the previous pass, so I pulled past, pulled over, window down, and all I got was a dismissive wave. Either she wasn't a SW (unlikely, as I'm sure 20 minutes passed between passes, and why the hell would a young woman be walking alone in that area in the cold if she wasn't a SW?), or she thought I was LE. But she looked downright offended that I stopped.

Got hollered at by a pretty rough looking curly redhead. S. side of Broad. I want to say near Harris. I hate it when they yell at the car. Makes me drive on.

Sullivant Guy
12-01-07, 07:59
Dreamt that I met Belinda on Broad between Oakley and Wheatland. She was out in military fatigues around 1:30p in the afternoon. Said she's 40. Looks about that, but frankly a good 40. Was pretty made up and looking good. Great tits, responsive big nips, got a HJ in a spot she picked that looked safe. No digits.You don't have to dream. Just share the facts.

12-03-07, 15:58
Doc's mongered in your fine city with the following report:

West of downtown on Sully and Broad always had someone do-able and available whenever I mongered...day or night...the further from downtown I went the fewer that were available...although quality may be better the further out.

East of downtown on Main [and the parallel street below it...cant remember the name] weren't as productive.

As for the guy who said he found a spot NW near C** and near B**...just say the names of the streets. I dont need to solve a riddle, i just want to monger.

Commentary to those who dont want to post facts fearing that LE will learn from these posts: LE knows all the locations long before mongers post about them in here. We circle these neighborhoods for an hour or two looking for SW...LE has fleets of vehicles circling EVERY neighborhood with the sole purpose of finding crime. I'm CERTAIN their resources (and countless informants/ info sources) know about where SW are long before any monger here posts. Follow the crime/drugs, and you'll find the SW...they are a by-product of other crimes and locations police are far too familiar with. My $0.02


12-04-07, 11:21
Met Yvonne on Sullivant at about Glenwood. WSW brown long hair, about 5'8, medium size. Good attitude once she was relaxed. She had a decent personality. CBJ, took her time, real good with the tongue. 20. Oh yea, this was Saturday Afternoon.

12-04-07, 13:12
Doc I agree with you, Just say where the streets are dude! Who has time to figure this out (B & C streets that are NW)? Lets see, we monger in known areas where Uncle LEO knows about & the girls are still there. So who cares if they know about a new area?

Humpty Dumpty
12-07-07, 08:58
Damn right, Dr Know. There is no new info that LE can find here.

And Frederika is fucking gross. I had her a couple times, 6 ot 7 years ago when she looked good. I couldnt imagine how terrible she looks now. Im surprised shes still alive. I wonder when short north ruthie is gonna kick the bucket, shes been on the streets close to 20 years.

12-09-07, 15:34
Damn right, Dr Know. There is no new info that LE can find here.

And Frederika is fucking gross. I had her a couple times, 6 ot 7 years ago when she looked good. I couldnt imagine how terrible she looks now. Im surprised shes still alive. I wonder when short north ruthie is gonna kick the bucket, shes been on the streets close to 20 years.

Thanks for the props guys.

On a happy note: Cruised Sully with much success late last night [mid - 2am]. 2 GREAT encounters with clean WSW who were very acrobatic and flexible in Doc's car.

Where last week Broad St. was working for me...last night it was Sully. I'm sure its just the luck of the draw or the cyclic nature of our hobby.

Senior mongors hit me up and lets share women, war stories and knowledge.

Humpty Dumpty
12-11-07, 00:28
Went out in the rain. Saw a few that werent too great looking. Saw Crissy Schoonover at Princeton and Broad, but she was with some dude. She looked a hell of a lot better since I had last seen here. Got out of the west side and saw Tessa just south of OSU at N High and w 9th by the Mexican drug house. Got FS for 20 at a safe location she suggested; something I hardly ever do but she is trustworthy(for a SW) and the area is relatively safe. She said Krissy Minturn still hasnt been picked up for her felony warrant and is 7 months pregnant.

The A Man
12-11-07, 21:55
Went out in the rain. Saw a few that werent too great looking. Saw Crissy Schoonover at Princeton and Broad, but she was with some dude. She looked a hell of a lot better since I had last seen here. Got out of the west side and saw Tessa just south of OSU at N High and w 9th by the Mexican drug house. Got FS for 20 at a safe location she suggested; something I hardly ever do but she is trustworthy(for a SW) and the area is relatively safe. She said Krissy Minturn still hasnt been picked up for her felony warrant and is 7 months pregnant.

I wonder is this the same Tessa/ Kay that has been posting on Craigslist in the past few weeks? I read she was staying around Greenlawn and High. I took a trip down that way but never could find the place mentioned. Hell I can't even remember what it was called now. The Cozy Inn maybe??

Humpty Dumpty
12-15-07, 03:30
Tessa is only in the campus area.

Sullivant Guy
12-16-07, 09:12
Updating my reports...This happened over the last two weeks.

Met all of these ladies except the last one near the Sunoco on Sully.

Met Kayla again. around 4pm. BSW 19, awesome tight body. Light skinned. Had the same clothes on as last time. She had some BO going on. I warned her about becoming nasty and how guys will pass on by. Of course she is not out to make us happy though. Just feeding that addiction. This girl has a body that will make you forget where you are.

Met Tammy after dark about 8pm. Said she goes by TT. WSW. 32, blonde, had a nice body, soft skin. She got partially undressed and gave me a HJ on the way to the location. Then she got totally undressed, let me play for awhile and then gave me one of the best BBBJCIM that I had encountered in some time. Said she is not out much, but they all say that. She gave me digits, but said she has no minutes. Currently the digits are not working.

Met Flossie around 7pm. I have reported on her in the past under my old name. She had been away for awhile. Gained some weight and her chest is now a solid D cup. Nice and firm. She smelled good. Looked good. Freshly out on the streets. Nails even painted. Had a bit of a belly, but the D cups made it worthwhile. Overall she is cute. Skills are lacking a bit. Lacks enthusiasm. But a fun time if you are nice to her.

Met Sheila on Sully near Avondale around 3:30pm right after Saturdays storm was settling down. She was dressed nice, fresh out on the street. Said recently had a baby. Long red hair, wearing glasses. I had met her before. Good skills and good attitude. Tall, thin, and would be good for a hotel if one wanted to spend the time.

Seems there are plenty of girls out if one wants to look.

Sullivant Guy
12-16-07, 09:14
Thanks for the props guys.

On a happy note: Cruised Sully with much success late last night [mid - 2am]. 2 GREAT encounters with clean WSW who were very acrobatic and flexible in Doc's car.Gee - a little bit more information might fit the purpose of this board.

Also - just because somebody has "Senior" next to their name, does mean they are who you think they are.

Sinful Star1
12-16-07, 17:00
Well guys it's been a little while since my last report. I've been in and out of town on business. I just haven't had the time till now. Glad to be back!

I was out on Tuesday night and I didn't see much at all. I was a couple of skanks on Sullivant near Central. I decided to move on. I went further down Sullivant between the Wendys and The Donatos and found a nice little diamond in the rough. At first I thought she wasn't a walker and then I got the look. I went back to get her and when she first got in I said hell no. She just looked a little to young in the face. I told her I'm not down with the minor thing. She said she was 19 and pulled out an ID. I was in shock. I've never seen a walker have an ID on them. She was telling the truth. Wendy is about 5'5 120lbs with long brown hair and a super nice rack. She said she is a 38C. She has a little bit of a tummy,but now much. This one is about an 8 on the scale. Since I hadn't been out for a while and she looked that good I had to take her to a no tell. She said that sounded good and off we went. She took a shower and came out with all the goods. I got a nice BBBJCIM and some really great doggy style with her finishing on top. All in all I got two pops and had those nice tits all to myself. This one is a kepper.

I asked her why she was down so far and she said she is kinda new to working the area and she heard that you get busted when you work further up Sullivant. She did not have any digits and she said she does not work that much especially when its cold. I asked her if she has seen any other girls down this far ans she said two. One I guess is going by the name Lilly. I don't think it's the same Lilly I saw before. The other is going by the name Jesse. Thats all she really told me. Anyway this girl is great. I tried to find her again a couple days later with no luck.

I take it the west side has dried up? What happened to Jennifer, the cute littlw blonde Michelle B and Jenna? Take care guys and be safe there's a lot of LE out.

Humpty Dumpty
12-17-07, 02:04
Thanks for the reports guys.

Updates- Who cares where Jennifer Wymer is, she is nuts, and very street-worn. Avoid at all costs. She had her probation revoked and is back in jail, she will be out by springtime. Good riddance. I want to see Megan, who is 18 and has a pleasant attitude. A real gem.

Michelle Bennett is in prison for burglary. Her mugshot didnt look so good, hope this changes by the time she gets out.

Jenna Robinson I havent seen in a while, has a warrant out for her.

Has anyone seen Elise from Dublin(age 29), Kayla(chubby cute white girl, 21)?

12-17-07, 02:21
I agree with you on Wymer, after she got out of jail the first time, she put on a lot of weight and I stopped picking her up. She then got arrested and was also charged with resisting arrest, so I guess that was a good call.

Michelle Bennett-I don't know if this is the Michelle I picked up a couple times, where did you see a mugshot?

Jenna Robinson-Her pimp gives her a curfew of midnight, and if she's out past that, he typically beats the fuck out of her. Other than that, though, your best bet is to check the area around the body shop as that's her current beat.

Thanks for the reports guys.

Updates- Who cares where Jennifer Wymer is, she is nuts, and very street-worn. Avoid at all costs. She had her probation revoked and is back in jail, she will be out by springtime. Good riddance. I want to see Megan, who is 18 and has a pleasant attitude. A real gem.

Michelle Bennett is in prison for burglary. Her mugshot didnt look so good, hope this changes by the time she gets out.

Jenna Robinson I havent seen in a while, has a warrant out for her.

Has anyone seen Elise from Dublin(age 29), Kayla(chubby cute white girl, 21)?

12-17-07, 13:08
... just because somebody has "Senior" next to their name, does mean they are who you think they are.This is true. Probably the only way to make sure a group of "seniors" on the board you are conversing with is a monger and not LEO would be to set up "interview dates" with a well known SW who can act as a "verification process."

12-17-07, 18:22
Thanks for the reports guys.

... I want to see Megan, who is 18 and has a pleasant attitude. A real gem.

I had the pleasure, with an emphasis on pleasure, before. I picked Megan up when I was only in the market for a bbbj because I was on a strict time line. Hell, she looked so good, I was almost contemplating calling off from work and taking her to a no-tell.

She gave me her digits, but her phone is always full. Go figure.

12-18-07, 11:18
So I'm heading to Columbus on Wed night and have some time for some fun. I read through the past few months posts and it looks like things are still pretty good here. Many cities including Chicago are on a big decline for quality SW's...blame the internet and the pigs!

So I have a real good idea where to look from all the great posts. Question I have is where is the best place to look for good wsw's? Sully on the hilltop? Also seems like Sully is safer than Broad to avoid stings...is that correct? Also, is the east side (Main, Cleveland, etc) mostly BSW's and more ghetto or not? It's been about 12 years since I was in town and back then I think a lot of hotties worked High St as I recall. Has that all dried up?

If anyone has digits to share I would be in your debt and could provide the same for you if you ever make it to Chicago. HHH and I have known each other for years and he'll vouch for me.

Thanks in advance!!!

12-18-07, 12:14
Question I have is where is the best place to look for good wsw's? Sully on the hilltop? Also seems like Sully is safer than Broad to avoid stings...is that correct? Also, is the east side (Main, Cleveland, etc) mostly BSW's and more ghetto or not? It's been about 12 years since I was in town and back then I think a lot of hotties worked High St as I recall. Has that all dried up?

Thanks in advance!!!WSWs on hilltop or down in the bottoms on Sully or Broad. Avoid the East side unless you are into ghetto BSW. East main is probably worse than Cleveland, but both aren't good for much. High St. is pretty dead. Anybody hot on High St. I would consider to be LE. Broad vs. Sully for avoiding stings? I don't know about that. Probably doesn't matter.

Humpty Dumpty
12-18-07, 13:33
The street scene in the Short North/Campus area is barely there, has been for at least the 7 years Ive been here. A couple good ones, but dont go out of your way to look for them. Cleveland Ave. has good periods and bad periods. I havent been out there in months, Im guessing right now is bad time. Parsons/German Village the same way. Hilltop does have higher quality, but less quantity than the Bottoms. Stick to the West but be careful. Take the SW out of the West Side to do the deeds.

12-20-07, 03:59
The street scene in the Short North/Campus area is barely there, has been for at least the 7 years Ive been here. A couple good ones, but dont go out of your way to look for them. Cleveland Ave. has good periods and bad periods. I havent been out there in months, Im guessing right now is bad time. Parsons/German Village the same way. Hilltop does have higher quality, but less quantity than the Bottoms. Stick to the West but be careful. Take the SW out of the West Side to do the deeds.I've been driving Cleveland Avenue pretty regularly from 5th to Morse in the mornings and early evenings, sometimes mid-day, and I've seen nothing happening.

12-21-07, 11:45
Thanks guys for the feedback. I hooked up with Lollipop on Broad and got a great bbbj for $20 + $10 tip. It took me forever, so I dangeled the tip to keep her interested and focused. Very good bbbj.

Later I picked up a 40 Y/O wsw with curly brown hair. Not the cute young thing I wanted but it was getting late. Went back to my hotel and fucked her for 2 straight hours thanks to some help from uncle "V". She really got into it and came a few times as did I. $80 for 3 bbbj's, and various positions with 3 shots on goal.

I did see 3-4 cute wsw's on sully but the LE presence was very heavy and I kept getting spooked by them being new to CULBS. 1 gal was so damn obvious and even got in a pickup with LE half a block away. She was white with long brown and blonde streaked hair...very cute. Cop followed me so I got the hell out of there. I also saw a cute wsw with long thick dark hair on sully but she was gone once I circled back. Also saw a very cute blonde with pony tail in an all white sweat suit. Looked about 20.

Thanks again guys. The scene here seems much healthier than most cities I travel to. I nailed my meeting and now have a new customer here so hopefully I'll be back. If ever in Chicago let me know and I'll return the favor!

The A Man
12-22-07, 13:31
I was in the area shopping so I did a quick scouting (no cash darn it!) drive down Sully from Georgesville Rd. There was a WSW, dirty blond hair, kinda tall, blue coat, smoking right on the corner of Sully and Georgeville. Guy in a red pickup right behind me stopped and picked her up. If your on the board I'd love to hear about it!

Saw one other WSW at Hague and Sully right on the corner- she was a little thicker, long brunette hair wearing a sweater and shivering/ shaking, wrapping her arms around her. Maybe needing a fix perhaps?

LE had 4 cars cleaning up an accident and then I saw one more sitting in the parking lot of a store further East. I didn't see any other girls East of Hague until I got off on 70.

Chris H
12-24-07, 17:41
Met a WS name Celeste on 5th across the street from the WOODS, its a bar on 5th, in between Cassidy and the James Rd. overbridge. She has short dirty blond hair, about 5'7. She has her on spot on 5th, so we went there and I got a real nice BBBJTCIM for $20. No rush job at all, and I did not see any signs that some dude lives there.

Chris H

The A Man
12-27-07, 21:12
I have been driving Sullivant between 315 and Georgesville the last couple days and its been pretty quiet. I saw 1 WSW and 1 BSW yesterday around 3:00PM. Lots of LE between the Hilltop and Georgesville- there were 4 cars right at the apartments at Georgesville going through trash cans.

Tonight I went through at 7:30PM and there were alot of guys out- like every block there were one, two or more. I saw one potential WSW just West of Sunoco but hard to tell if it was a man or woman because of the heavy winter jacket. I saw another lone figure in the parking lot near Amvets but it was so dark again I couldn't tell if it was a slender guy or BSW.

Again no LE until between the Hilltop and Georgesville as I encountered 2 cars going the opposite direction in that area. My luck seems bad right now as all potentials are on the other side of the street or LE is close by so I can't check things out closer.

Doktor Bach
12-27-07, 22:29
I mongered in Columbus throughout the 90's, and used to meet many nice girls on what were then the established tracks:

High St., from King Ave. to E. Second St.
West Broad, from 315 to Wilson
East Main, from the beginning of the hood to Bexley
Cleveland Ave. and Parsons Ave.
Also used to check out Courtland Ave., from E. 5th to E. 7th.

Now I live in Chitown. From scanning this forum, it looks like most of the tracks I remember are still active, to varying degrees.

I'll be back in town this weekend, and will be checking out the old strolls for some nostalgia. In addition, I'll be checking out Sullivant Ave., which along with the West Side in general, seems to have the most promising activity lately, judging from reports here.

Anywhere else I should check out that I may have overlooked?

12-28-07, 07:08
Some of my phone contacts have dried up so have been cruising more lately. There are still some gems to be found.

An acquaintance of mine met a young lady named Shannon, West Broad near Hague. 19 Year old spinner for sure. About 5'2, 100#, brunette. Very proud of her oral skills with good reason. Nice & tight below but, unfortunately, shaved bald (yuck! ) Gave him digits but he hasn't tried them yet.

12-28-07, 15:42
I mongered in Columbus throughout the 90's, and used to meet many nice girls on what were then the established tracks:

High St., from King Ave. to E. Second St.
West Broad, from 315 to Wilson
East Main, from the beginning of the hood to Bexley
Cleveland Ave. and Parsons Ave.
Also used to check out Courtland Ave., from E. 5th to E. 7th.

Now I live in Chitown. From scanning this forum, it looks like most of the tracks I remember are still active, to varying degrees.

I'll be back in town this weekend, and will be checking out the old strolls for some nostalgia. In addition, I'll be checking out Sullivant Ave., which along with the West Side in general, seems to have the most promising activity lately, judging from reports here.

Anywhere else I should check out that I may have overlooked?"High St., from King Ave. to E. Second St."

This is "the shortnorth" and is the high rent district now. I used to live there when I was in school, but I couldn't even afford to look at renting an apartment or condo there now. I'm sure an occassional wsw gets high enough to stumble down there every once and a while, but don't hold your breath.

"West Broad, from 315 to Wilson"

Still pretty good, but quiet over past couple of days other than the severely worn wsw or bsw...

"East Main, from the beginning of the hood to Bexley"

Still good if your tastes are for bsw. Although I've never seen it, some members say there are wsw's there too. I heard good things about Livingston, but never mongered it.

"Cleveland Ave. and Parsons Ave."

I think you have to hit Cleveland at night to have much luck and Parsons comes up dead during the day as well.

"Also used to check out Courtland Ave., from E. 5th to E. 7th. "

Don't know about this one, but hear about the occassional score on 5th.

Doktor Bach
12-29-07, 03:56
"High St. , from King Ave. To E. Second St. "

This is "the shortnorth" and is the high rent district now. I used to live there when I was in school, but I couldn't even afford to look at renting an apartment or condo there now. I'm sure an occassional WSW gets high enough to stumble down there every once and a while, but don't hold your breath.

"West Broad, from 315 to Wilson"

Still pretty good, but quiet over past couple of days other than the severely worn WSW or BSW.

"East Main, from the beginning of the hood to Bexley"

Still good if your tastes are for BSW. Although I've never seen it, some members say there are WSW's there too. I heard good things about Livingston, but never mongered it.

"Cleveland Ave. And Parsons Ave. "

I think you have to hit Cleveland at night to have much luck and Parsons comes up dead during the day as well.

"Also used to check out Courtland Ave. , from E. 5th to E. 7th. "

Don't know about this one, but hear about the occassional score on 5th. Thanks for your input. I had some of my best encounters on E. Main.-mostly BSW, but a few WSW, too. Good spot was near that convenience store on the south side of the street, close to the Bexley line. Girls would hang out there, and was easy to do three right turns and come around to pick them up. This was ca. 1992-97. I also used to check out Livingston and E. Broad, but neither was very active around that time.

W. Broad was always my favorite though, and I've been pleased to see reports of decent activity there. I'll post a report of my findings when I get back. I'm taking a camera, so hopefully it'll be illustrated.

Sgt Shultz
12-29-07, 04:29
Thanks for your input. I had some of my best encounters on E. Main.-mostly BSW, but a few WSW, too. Good spot was near that convenience store on the south side of the street, close to the Bexley line. Girls would hang out there, and was easy to do three right turns and come around to pick them up. This was ca. 1992-97. I also used to check out Livingston and E. Broad, but neither was very active around that time.

W. Broad was always my favorite though, and I've been pleased to see reports of decent activity there. I'll post a report of my findings when I get back. I'm taking a camera, so hopefully it'll be illustrated.Might want to also try:

(1) E. Main the other side of Bexley area towards Reynoldsburg - there has been activity out there. (wsw) [I've not picked any up from area but have seen mostly wsw during the daytime between 11am-7pm. I've also had intel from someone that worked in an office around this area calling the area 'ho alley'.]

(2*) I've also hit off of Livingston from the Alumn Creek up to Children's Hospital. (bsw)

(3*) Sullivant near westgate, near amvets. (hsw)

* = success in areas in last 2 months.

Chris H
01-01-08, 02:51
I know most of you guys are not into BSW's but if there is anyone out there that is interested in trading some numbers for a few BSW's just PM me. I have a few good ones that give good service for a good price, andit is not obvious if they are on drugs or anthing stupid.

Chris H

Chris H
01-03-08, 12:29
Last night i was able to find a good one on Cleveland and the street next to Rally's after Oakland Park. Her name is Stacey, wsw, blond hair, abou 5'11, and a nice body and nice attitude. I have never seen her out there before, but she says she has been doing the stroll for about 4 months. She did inform me of her normal spot that she strolls and did give me digits that works, and I am willing to trade with fellow mongers, that have some quality to give back. This is a good one guys, so if you are gonna offer me something, it needs to be legit and good and a good price!!! This grl is not trying to rip guys off by overcharging, and she does not rush you while she is doing the duty. If you got something, PM me and we can take it from there.

Chris H

P.S. Sullivant Guy, this girl is better than the one I hooked you up with a few years ago when you was BSG, that you had the basement story that you told me about.

01-03-08, 14:19
Havent been out much lately, took a stroll last night & came upon Kim around Parsons & Gates. Late 30's, wsw, blond hair. Rolling bbbjcim for .30, wouldn't budge off what she wanted & I went ahead & went for it. She gave me #, told her I would call her next week when I get back from New Orleans. Go BUCKS.

Sinful Star1
01-05-08, 02:55
I went out tonight looking and it was pretty pathetic. I guess it's the cold. I didn't see much and then on my way home I saw Lollipop on Sullivant. She's about a 7on the SW scale. She's about 5'6 maybe 5'7 120lbs and has a huge rack. She says their 34D and I believe it. I picked her up and she looked spooked for some reason. We both did the LE thing and she was cool after that.

We stoped at a safe place and went at it. She gives a great BBBJ. She asked me if I wanted FS. I asked her how she was shaved. She said she wasnt so I passed. Then she says she will do the 3rd input. I thought what the hell so I slapped on a Trojan and went to town. She seemed to be into it. I even went in the second input for a little while. She was right she does not shave. I can't take that. Anyway I finished like we started with a great BBBJ. She took every last drop and even let me get between those Dcups with my tool.

I got her digits and they seem to work. I would definatley see her again. I told her she needs to shave that forest a little bit. She gives a great BJ and takes her time and if you get to the 3rd input it's really tight and nice. She said it was ok to share digits. I will glady trade. Sr members and people with legit reports only. Stay safe guys lots of LE out.

Sinful Star1
01-05-08, 20:35
I went out for a bit today around 5pm to 7pm. I didn't see much at all. I drove back down Sullivant in between the Danotos and Wendys and met Tonya. She's about 5'6 maybe 110lbs. She says she's 29,but looks younger. She has dark hair and kinda had it up. She got in and said she just needs a ride down to wedgewood. I'm not an asshole or anything so I said ok thats fine. We started driving and she said are you a LE. I said no I'm not. She then just came right out and said "How would you like that cock sucked". I said that sounds god to me. She did a rolling BBBJCIMS. She has great skills. She said if I wanted FS to meet her around the same spot later. She did not have any digits. Not much out there right now above a 7 on the scale. Be safe guys.

Oh yea I called Lollipops phone and it's not hers. I just wanted to let you guys know before I get any PM's. Sorry about that.

01-08-08, 09:28
An acquaintance of mine found Carmen on Sully east of Hague. 25ish, tall, thin, dark hair, big chest with pierced nipples, clean, landing strip with pierced lips. She said she was from the north side. Said he got all he wanted including a phone number, which he hasn't tried yet.

Good hunting

Mw Jrp
01-10-08, 22:29
Rolled thru the rain for 2 hours just before and after dark. Finally at 6:30p at Westgate & Main spotted a youthful figure. "V" hoped in, passed checks, drove to my room. Had bad feeling since not much fondling along the way. Offered a dinner at Wendy's, and H&H. 40+tip, to "stimulate" her. In the room she showered. Had a gorgeous little puss, very tight, but objected to fingering. The muff was the only good thing about the session. BBBJ was for 90 seconds. She started whinning about me not getting it up, on something, etc. Finally worked it up myself, covered up & drove in. It was nice, but more whinning about when I'd come and I finally finished with a 5-knuckle rub and came on her ass. She did move into me like a lap dancers with me between her cheeks while I came; guess that was ok. More whinning and I gave her a. 20 tip. Real sucker, I am.

Now I picked her up on the west side and the drop is Sully bottoms near 315. But as I near there she says pull into this alley. Then she says. 10 more or she'll call the cops, she has my DNA (the condom), and she knows where I'm staying. I said let's go get a cop, or get the F***Out! She finally gets out, leaves door open, and I peal out with door nicely closing and head back to write this report.

So, Avoid this C**T--Veronika. Black hair, corn-rolls or permed, BIG pointy nose. She had 2 black eyes too. Claimed her cousin thru something and hit her bridge. Probably pulled the shit on me, on the wrong monger and got an elbow in the snoot. This week I had 6 hotties in Dayton. Decided to try my good fortune in Columbus. Should have stayed in Dayton. Oh, well, I'll learn to trust the gut and not listen to the small guy. Be safe. MW

PS: She never had any condom. I tossed it in the basket. What a B/S's C**T.

01-11-08, 11:36
Was out & about yesterday before the rain hit, ran across a 18 wsw, red hair, cute around Sully & Georgesville by the bowling alley. Seemed inexperienced, after some coaching she performed a bbbj very well overall for .20 Has anyone else had any luck in this area? First time for me in this area for finding a lady friend. I was so nervous of having her convince me on her age that I forget what she said her name was & she said no digits at this time.

01-11-08, 11:37
Cruised Sully and Broad two evenings ago during 9:00 p.m. hour. Not much to comment on until I saw two local boys (built like brick sh*t houses) stroll out of a house in the bottoms with about six girls who started walking the streets. It looked like an N.A. meeting was breaking up. I cruised and the two best were picked up immediately by two of those guys who don't give a crap who is watching, slam on their breaks, do U-turns, etc .... i.e. the guys who end up on the evening news video feeds. Regardless, I only wanted a BBBJCIM, so I picked up Pricilla in the bottoms and she did the deed.

01-11-08, 11:42
Oh yeah, unfortunately the game turned out bad, but I was able to have some luck scoring some ladie friends on my own. I only had one responder email me & no one else responded. Once I began asking around discretely it wasn't to difficult to find what I was looking for. Harrahs provided me with some beads & $ (paid for my tixs). Little luck on the craps table.

Humpty Dumpty
01-12-08, 05:08
Had my car fixed, weather was warm earlier this week. Went for a walk in the west side, met Toni(BSG reported on her before) and 18 year old Shelly, who Ive been with before. Talked to both but since I was on foot didnt seal the deal. Shelly was quite loud and conspicuous, so I didnt pursue her. Some old dude picked her up at Sully and Catherine.

Met 31 year old Candy(sp?) at Sullivant and Glenwood. She has a bunch of self-inflicted cuts on her arm. Other than that looked good. $40 for FS.

Tessa is still in the campus area, we did it in a somewhat safe location for 20.

Also I saw a pudgy white dude in a Michael Vick jersey who asked me "you straight" and "you smoke" and "you lookin for hoes?"
I got the impression this guy was a crackhead looking to cash and dash rather than a real pimp or dealer. He was out all damn day staring at traffic in the Sully/Clarendon ave area.

01-12-08, 06:34
Rolled thru the rain for 2 hours just before and after dark. Finally at 6:30p at Westgate & Main spotted a youthful figure. "V" hoped in, passed checks, drove to my room. Had bad feeling since not much fondling along the way. Offered a dinner at Wendy's, and H&H. 40+tip, to "stimulate" her. In the room she showered. Had a gorgeous little puss, very tight, but objected to fingering. The muff was the only good thing about the session. BBBJ was for 90 seconds. She started whinning about me not getting it up, on something, etc. Finally worked it up myself, covered up & drove in. It was nice, but more whinning about when I'd come and I finally finished with a 5-knuckle rub and came on her ass. She did move into me like a lap dancers with me between her cheeks while I came; guess that was ok. More whinning and I gave her a. 20 tip. Real sucker, I am.

Now I picked her up on the west side and the drop is Sully bottoms near 315. But as I near there she says pull into this alley. Then she says. 10 more or she'll call the cops, she has my DNA (the condom), and she knows where I'm staying. I said let's go get a cop, or get the F***Out! She finally gets out, leaves door open, and I peal out with door nicely closing and head back to write this report.

So, Avoid this C**T--Veronika. Black hair, corn-rolls or permed, BIG pointy nose. She had 2 black eyes too. Claimed her cousin thru something and hit her bridge. Probably pulled the shit on me, on the wrong monger and got an elbow in the snoot. This week I had 6 hotties in Dayton. Decided to try my good fortune in Columbus. Should have stayed in Dayton. Oh, well, I'll learn to trust the gut and not listen to the small guy. Be safe. MW

PS: She never had any condom. I tossed it in the basket. What a B/S's C**T.

Worth reading again if you only skimmed it.

I've experienced a SW who threatened to call the cops. This one was Kimberly. Read report #486 in the general section and other comments that followed that report.

If she threatens to call the cops, don't worry too much about it. What are the cops going to do? At best likely really preach to her about her SWing if she's lucky. What you gonna say to the cops? "Oh, that ratty little chick who flipped me off as I drove by?" (Funluvin's quote in one of his reports) Hell, deny it; don't admit anything. Take the 5th if you need to if you know they know about your mongering but that's unlikely to happen. They won't know what to believe anyway even if a known SW calls the cop because she's pissed at a mongerer. It's unlikely they'll look for a mongerer for pissing her off.

I've never picked up Veronica (or anyone going by that name) but I've seen a woman with the description that Mw Jrp gave of Veronica not on the East side but on the West side a few times but never picked this one up following the advice of my guts. Some SWs move around different areas.

My report in report #800 in the general section ended with "Excuse me, I'm gonna go out and look for sex"

It was a very cold morning about 12 degrees (-11 C), and only a couple of SWs on the West Side; but Cleveland Ave was loaded with plenty of BSWs plus a couple of white ones, even though it was cold.

With the freshly fallen powdery snow all over the place really made everything easy to see as the snow reflected the city lights. One of my "Safe Location" was really lit up like a Christmas Tree with all the snow reflecting light, therefore be careful about where you do the deeds in this type of weather. Also, SWs have to heavily bundle up in this freezing cold, so it would be easy for a man faking as a SW (fairly common with blacks, other races not nearly as common) so look for the adam's apple and be careful.

That morning, I picked up a BSW off Cleveland not far south of Hudson. She looked petite and cute even at close distance but when she got in I noticed that she was decent sized and looks like she could bench press a couple of hundred pounds (though still very beautiful anyway). She asked me to take her to some house (so perhaps she can by crack) and I said no. She said that she needed 10 bucks first so she can take it for whatever and again I said no. Despite my "no" insistances, she kept relenting on of what she wanted so I told her to get out of the car. She refused, so I was able to peacefully get her out by putting her through a preaching wringer about is it no wonder why I rarely pick up black SWs since the white ones aren't as bad, and girls like her makes it much harder for the few BSWs out there that are good, and her drug habits and she ought to let it wait until when she's done with her john and so on. After a few minutes, she got out after tiring of hearing my preachings. Unfortunately I never did get her name as I wish to tell you her name. Her small appearance despite her being decent sized was caused by an optical illusion of her wearing a black coat (dark colors makes people appear smaller) against all the white background created by the snow.(and pinkish caused by snow's reflection of the city lights). I gave up after dealing with this unethical BSW and went home.

Stay Safe

Sullivant Guy
01-13-08, 09:28
Rolled thru the rain for 2 hours just before and after dark. Finally at 6:30p at Westgate & Main spotted a youthful figure. "V" hoped in, passed checks, drove to my room. Had bad feeling since not much fondling along the way. Offered a dinner at Wendy's, and H&H. 40+tip, to "stimulate" her. In the room she showered. Had a gorgeous little puss, very tight, but objected to fingering. The muff was the only good thing about the session. BBBJ was for 90 seconds. She started whinning about me not getting it up, on something, etc. Finally worked it up myself, covered up & drove in. It was nice, but more whinning about when I'd come and I finally finished with a 5-knuckle rub and came on her ass. She did move into me like a lap dancers with me between her cheeks while I came; guess that was ok. More whinning and I gave her a. 20 tip. Real sucker, I am.

Now I picked her up on the west side and the drop is Sully bottoms near 315. But as I near there she says pull into this alley. Then she says. 10 more or she'll call the cops, she has my DNA (the condom), and she knows where I'm staying. I said let's go get a cop, or get the F***Out! She finally gets out, leaves door open, and I peal out with door nicely closing and head back to write this report.

So, Avoid this C**T--Veronika. Black hair, corn-rolls or permed, BIG pointy nose. She had 2 black eyes too. Claimed her cousin thru something and hit her bridge. Probably pulled the shit on me, on the wrong monger and got an elbow in the snoot. This week I had 6 hotties in Dayton. Decided to try my good fortune in Columbus. Should have stayed in Dayton. Oh, well, I'll learn to trust the gut and not listen to the small guy. Be safe. MW

PS: She never had any condom. I tossed it in the basket. What a B/S's C**T.Where is westgate and main? So many things wrong here. However the thing that sticks out to me is. She had black eyes. I would never ever pick up a SW that has outward signs of physical abuse. Why put yourself in the situation? Who knows what is going on there. Emotions, anger. All kinds of stuff. These girls are going through enough out there on the streets, and then some one has beat them? Not a situation I want to get into.

01-14-08, 17:06
*** So many things wrong here. However the thing that sticks out to me is. She had black eyes. I would never ever pick up a SW that has outward signs of physical abuse. Why put yourself in the situation?Good point. Rarely does a domestic violence charge have an independent eye witness to the violence supporting it. Usually it's based on the testimony of the victim and evidence of bruising or other physical marks. She would have been smarter to say that she would call the cops, tell them he was her boyfriend and that he smacked her around. That they would believe and they would HAVE TO ARREST HIM BY LAW and charge him with domestic violence or file a full written report with a statement of facts as to why they didn't arrest him.

01-15-08, 16:26
haven't reported in a while as i saw an escort, which i have reported on previously, for the second time instead over the holidays and haven't had the extra $$$.

was out 'n about on friday starting just after 3PM though. don't normally get out this early on a weekday but it was my day off and i had to come into town anyway. no luck on the west side after a couple of hours circling...even after extending the circuit beyond hague to just past westgate after seeing reports by others regarding that area. saw a few on the hilltop end of sully, including one milf in sunglasses on the phone in front of a store, and one real chubby dark-haired milf dog near the apartments at westpark (i think it was...maybe closer to glenwood) in the bottoms, but none were worthy.

went up to cleveland for a tour and returned to find it different as night and day. by then it was around 5 or so and i immediately saw a half dozen decent prospects in the bottoms on sully. one with sexy-lookin' kinky/wavy dirty blonde hair got in a pickup before i could stop and turn the corner, one disappeared by next pass, a couple not so good on second look, and one dark hair mid-to-late 20s with nice big (but firm enough looking - too big for my tastes if they droop to much) un-tethered except for t-shirt tits which she let fly as her coat flapped while she ran across the street behind me, sorta turning to face me and waving). shoulda stopped for her - best one of the day - but her face was not that pretty (with a big crooked nose) and at that point i was feeling there would be something better in store if i was patient.

there wasn't.

was too kind to a fellow mongerer who stopped up a side street as i pulled around a corner once where a young 20+ with short brown hair woulda got in my car instead but she had a pudgy belly and flabs that hung over her slacks and he was there first so i drove on. then quick as that they were all gone.

gave it up just after dusk, even though it probably would have picked up then, because i was tired of driving and figured to try again next afternoon (prefer enough light to see 'em well enough before stopping if i can anyway).

nothing worth reporting on saturday either. stopped for one red haired 19-21 y/o gal near mort's on sully. caught her crossing the intersection at a side street on my second pass and asked if she needed a ride. wasn't going to...there were too many others around she was talking across the street etc to as she walked. and especially since i'm not really into freckle-face redheads. but was getting antsy to get this over with by then. the freckles turned to pock marks as she came over to the car, and could see no titties at all, so was glad when she just looked in and asked to see my pecker. i said "sure if ya get in" and she declined.


01-15-08, 17:38
Went out on West side just after lunch hour today, but there was no action. I did catch an old hag on her porch down in the bottoms on Sully who seemed to be reporting on license plate numbers on her cell phone. She ran out when I came back by and looked at my front plate, then my back, while talking in the phone. I thought about going back and taking her picture for the board on my cell phone, but didn't have the time.

Mw Jrp
01-15-08, 18:20
Where is westgate and main? So many things wrong here. However the thing that sticks out to me is. She had black eyes. I would never ever pick up a SW that has outward signs of physical abuse. Why put yourself in the situation? Who knows what is going on there. Emotions, anger. All kinds of stuff. These girls are going through enough out there on the streets, and then some one has beat them? Not a situation I want to get into.Correction--Westgate & Broad Streets. MW

Chris H
01-16-08, 06:16
Good point. Rarely does a domestic violence charge have an independent eye witness to the violence supporting it. Usually it's based on the testimony of the victim and evidence of bruising or other physical marks. She would have been smarter to say that she would call the cops, tell them he was her boyfriend and that he smacked her around. That they would believe and they would HAVE TO ARREST HIM BY LAW and charge him with domestic violence or file a full written report with a statement of facts as to why they didn't arrest him.

I don't see how any SW could get away with that one, if they are dealing with a smart monger that does not give the girl his real name, and when the police were to arrive, just tell the cops to ask the girl what your name is, and that should squash that accusation.

Chris H

01-16-08, 08:10
My friend met a decent one in the bottoms east of Central. About 5-6, 115, dark hair, 19, clean and very natural down below. 7 on the scale. This was Monday afternoon.

01-16-08, 21:41
I don't see how any SW could get away with that one, if they are dealing with a smart monger that does not give the girl his real name, and when the police were to arrive, just tell the cops to ask the girl what your name is, and that should squash that accusation.

Chris H

Problem is, she doesn't have to claim she's dating you or anything. Just a quick "we met at a bar, then he started hitting me" would be enough to at least get you detained probably (dunno for sure though).

On another note, anyone seen Becky Carroll in the past week or so? I heard she just got outta jail.

01-18-08, 14:41
Met Nicole on Sully during lunch hour for a quick bbbjcim at a discrete location. Prob. only a 5 on the wsw scale, but good technique. She also pointed out a couple of other friends of hers as we were driving a couple of which were fairly hot.

Sullivant Guy
01-21-08, 10:23
To the middle aged white guy driving the H3 on Sullivant yesterday. Are you wanting to get caught? Do you want to draw attention to yourself? If so, keep driving that rig around the West Side and you are sure to be caught or worse. It is bad enough that you drive a vehicle that does not fit in, but then to hot rod it up and down Sullivant in broad daylight and swooping in on SWs like you do, is sure to draw some attention. Consider being more discreet.

01-22-08, 10:26
To the middle aged white guy driving the H3 on Sullivant yesterday. Are you wanting to get caught? Do you want to draw attention to yourself? If so, keep driving that rig around the West Side and you are sure to be caught or worse. It is bad enough that you drive a vehicle that does not fit in, but then to hot rod it up and down Sullivant in broad daylight and swooping in on SWs like you do, is sure to draw some attention. Consider being more discreet.You should try Sully around lunch time. I've never seen so many mercedes, Lexus, BMW, etc. Owners driving loops in back gravel alleys in my life. It's kinda funny actually. I think if someone is going to monger, he should own a beater that is reliable, but would not stand out, to drive on mongering days. The story is simple. "I just love my (fill in the blank), I've owned her for so long, I just can't let go of her. " Don't trade it in when you buy your lexus, just keep it for mongering days and make it something somebody would believe you have an attachment to.

Sullivant Guy
01-27-08, 10:41
Posted this last week on the general section. Guess it should be here.

Been slacking on my reports. The WS had had lots of girls since right around Christmas and before. I have had great success. Each and every time I have gone out

Flossie. Met on Sully Hilltop. Had gained some weight after being inside for awhile. Tits had become larger. She is usually rushed and does a so so job. Cute though. However she is one to watch, as she will try to rip off the unexperienced mongers according to some of the other girls. She has always been straight up with me. Only visited her once in the last month, but have seen her out on hilltop and in bottoms many times since. Only grabbed her that once for a quick one. There are better ones out there.

Jennifer. Met on Sully out by Masseys Pizza. Natural Blonde, nice rack and ass. Had some baby fat. Very pretty face. Clean. Said she is not out much. Had the all American girl next door look. She is into Hispanics, said had kids by two Mexicans. She spoke good Spanish. Was a bit of a different experience. Have not seen her since.

Little Red / Amber / Zoe. She has used all three names with me. She is 19. Big rack, very street smart. Red hair. Has put on some weight since she hit streets. Usually they loose it. See her often in the bottoms on Sully. You take care of her, she will take care of you.

Sheila.. Red hair. Tall and slender. Bottoms on Sully. Was seeing her often, but recently she has not been around. They come and go. She has great skills if you meet her. Late twenty's. Nice attitude if you treat her right.

Candy. All I can say is wow. Only have seen her once. Met her on Sully in the bottoms. Short black hair. Tall. Nice body. All I can say is Deep Throat. If you meet her. Treat her good. You will not regret it. She takes pride in her work.

Amanda. Tall, slender brunette. She is working from a car and phone. Have known her for some time. Always a good time. She is around the bottoms.

Kathy. New. Only on the streets for two weeks when I met her. She really does not fit in and the other girls have been tough on her. She is very pretty and has a nice body. She will either make it or leave the life. Great skills, but I don't think the life is for her.

Darlene. Older girl on the Hilltop. I usually do not like the older ones, but she has a nice body. Ex stripper. Ok skills but a bit toothy.

I have seen lots of other girls out there.(not met) Sully seems to be the place for now. They are out 24/7, warm and cold. Saw Brooklyn about a week ago. She used to be a good one. She just plan stunk. Needed a shower bad. I cut her loose.

Be careful, use common sense and treat the girls like you would want to be treated and you will have a good time. Remember, these girls are out there to fund an addiction. They don't love you or even care about you. Do your thing and move on.

Sullivant Guy
01-27-08, 10:48
Met wsw Kathy again a couple times. She had done 5 days and was right back out. She is a really nice girl and should not be out on the street. Some guys have been harsh to her and she also has had problems with the girls. If you meet her - be decent to her and you won't regret it.

Also met WSW Erika. I have posted on her in the past. Smokin hot body. Says she also strips. Long brown hair with blonde streaks. Met her in the Broad St / Central area. Nice and clean. Dressed nice. Nice attitude. Face is cute, but the firm body is the attraction.

Have also seen wsw Little Red a couple times. Seems to be out alot.

Met a wsw girl named Katrina on Broad st. Was walking with a white dude. Gave me the look. She said she was 37. Had the body of an in shape suburban housewife. Said she was in from rural Ohio and recently divorced. Admitted she had picked up a habit. Gave great service. Had long curly brown hair.

Sully still is where all the action is. A couple places of business keep it going in the Avondale area. Hilltop Sully seems to be full of older skanks. Nothing much to see on Broad on Hill. Bottoms Broad has a few and some stragglers coming over from Sully. The place of business over there seems less popular than the ones on Sully.

01-28-08, 11:05
Hi everyone,

I am a long time mongerer and short time lurker at this board. Thought I would contribute as it seems there is a need for that. I usually prefer going the route of an escort as the streets always seem so hit or miss. It costs a little more, but when you figure in the price of gas these days as well as your time spent doing the loop it really isnt much different. Not to mention the cost of a hotel if you decide the sw is worth it. Most escorts will cut their price in half for a regular that treats them properly. I have several that allow anything for a Franklin and you are in a safe environment. There's also the quality issue. I really enjoy the peace of mind of not having to worry about being rolled up on or rushed to finish. The girls are a definite step up with fewer diseases and addictions. More of a choice for them than a necessity.

That said, I too enjoy looking for the occasional "diamond in the rough". So I was doing the West side loop Friday about 1pm. Not much except for a big girl on Sully and Hague. She was close to 6' with broad shoulders. I know some people have Amazon fantasies, but I prefer not to dance with girls that can beat me in arm wrestling. So as a last ditch effort before calling it a day I cruised the east Main strip and Livingston. Must have been too cold as there was little action. Just about to leave when I spotted Amber. She is a 22 yr old red head with a pretty face. About 5'7" and 150lbs. A little chunky for me, but didn't realize this with all the winter clothes on. She made up for it with her attitude and skills. Got a room and did all three of my favorite dance routines with her. Got pics as well, but havent figured out how to share them yet. Maybe next time. No digits either. She was at Leetsdale and Main.

Sw Hunter
01-28-08, 15:43
It looked like the 104 work house let out, all the staples were out. I saw Donna at Sully and Park, crazy Mary at Sully and Central, 2 hard cores at Princeton and Sully. Lots of selection, no keepers.

01-30-08, 11:10
Met Linda at the gas station at Lakeview and Westerville. This is the second time I've seen her. 6 on the SW scale. medium size brown hair wsw, early 40's. She is usually very nice and does give a good CBJ. Well, I got the typical good CBJ, BUT, I caught her trying to fish into my coat pocket after she was feeling around my jeans pocket. I think she was looking for the wallet. I didn't want the drama so I just kinda brushed her off lightly like I was making a normal movement. She stopped and we finished business. I just pretended like it didn't happen because I didn't know how she would react if I got accusatory. I just gave her the jackson aqnd she left with no problems. Be careful if you see her. Don't leave any valuables within reaching distance if you see her. Outside of that, the CBJ was good, not rushed, just hard to concentrate when something is fishy.

Chris H
01-30-08, 15:59
Met Linda at the gas station at Lakeview and Westerville. This is the second time I've seen her. 6 on the SW scale. medium size brown hair wsw, early 40's. She is usually very nice and does give a good CBJ. Well, I got the typical good CBJ, BUT, I caught her trying to fish into my coat pocket after she was feeling around my jeans pocket. I think she was looking for the wallet. I didn't want the drama so I just kinda brushed her off lightly like I was making a normal movement. She stopped and we finished business. I just pretended like it didn't happen because I didn't know how she would react if I got accusatory. I just gave her the jackson aqnd she left with no problems. Be careful if you see her. Don't leave any valuables within reaching distance if you see her. Outside of that, the CBJ was good, not rushed, just hard to concentrate when something is fishy.

Interesting, I have never had that problem with Linda. Thanks for the warning!!

Chris H

01-30-08, 23:00
Donna - plump WSW, probably a 6, with some nasty teeth and red from a bottle hair. Found her at Sullivant and Westgate Saturday Morning. Nice enough. Gave a spastic so-so BJ. No digits. Probably wouldn't repeat.

Toni - 23 y/o cuteish dirty blond. A little full in the face , but not thick by any means. Saturday AM Near Sully and Avondale. She asked me if I would buy her breakfast. I said sure, so we drove through McDonalds. The best head I have ever had. She had digits for once.

Sherrie - 35 y/o dirty blonde at Yale and Sully Yesterday, early evening. Enthusiastic about her work. Responsive nipples. small Bs. Said she just got out after 45 days in. I would repeat. Talked a little bit much, but I wasn't listening, so that made it easier to tolerate.

Saw a very hot blonde WSW East of Hague on Sully Walking West on the North side of the road. There was a white dude with a bad mustache that looked like a cop watching her from across the street. I passed on by.

01-31-08, 07:56
My buddy got lucky at Broad & Georgesville Tuesday. Offered a ride to Tina, thin build about 5'6" with dark blond hair. Small & firm above, flat tummy, nice dense bush and tight, tight below. Said she was 24. Said this was new and didn't want to give digits but showed him where she lives and said to drive by from time to time. Once in a while you just get lucky.

01-31-08, 11:18
Donna - plump WSW, probably a 6, with some nasty teeth and red from a bottle hair. Found her at Sullivant and Westgate Saturday Morning. Nice enough. Gave a spastic so-so BJ. No digits. Probably wouldn't repeat.

Toni - 23 y/o cuteish dirty blond. A little full in the face , but not thick by any means. Saturday AM Near Sully and Avondale. She asked me if I would buy her breakfast. I said sure, so we drove through McDonalds. The best head I have ever had. She had digits for once.

Sherrie - 35 y/o dirty blonde at Yale and Sully Yesterday, early evening. Enthusiastic about her work. Responsive nipples. small Bs. Said she just got out after 45 days in. I would repeat. Talked a little bit much, but I wasn't listening, so that made it easier to tolerate.

Saw a very hot blonde WSW East of Hague on Sully Walking West on the North side of the road. There was a white dude with a bad mustache that looked like a cop watching her from across the street. I passed on by.
Thanks for the heads up on Hague & Sully, we need to keep watching out for each other. Also I think ive seen that Sherrie out there. Maybe i will give her a try if I see her out there.

Sw Hunter
01-31-08, 16:38
Donna - plump WSW, probably a 6, with some nasty teeth and red from a bottle hair. Found her at Sullivant and Westgate Saturday Morning. Nice enough. Gave a spastic so-so BJ. No digits. Probably wouldn't repeat.

Toni - 23 y/o cuteish dirty blond. A little full in the face , but not thick by any means. Saturday AM Near Sully and Avondale. She asked me if I would buy her breakfast. I said sure, so we drove through McDonalds. The best head I have ever had. She had digits for once.

Sherrie - 35 y/o dirty blonde at Yale and Sully Yesterday, early evening. Enthusiastic about her work. Responsive nipples. small Bs. Said she just got out after 45 days in. I would repeat. Talked a little bit much, but I wasn't listening, so that made it easier to tolerate.

Saw a very hot blonde WSW East of Hague on Sully Walking West on the North side of the road. There was a white dude with a bad mustache that looked like a cop watching her from across the street. I passed on by.6 would be generous for Donna, she once was a great SW, around the world, deepthroat, but the streets have not been good to her!

I saw Karen from Brehl was out today, I didn't have the time but she is worth the time, likes her job and shows it! 5'6' Dark hair blue eyes.

Hope, BSW at Central and Sully was out today too, again no time!

01-31-08, 16:45
Thanks for the heads up on Hague & Sully, we need to keep watching out for each other. Also I think ive seen that Sherrie out there. Maybe i will give her a try if I see her out there.I tried Sherrie last year but hadn't seen her since. It must have been before she went in. She was cute, but worn, and said she had been working the streets for about three years. I checked her out in the archives on this board and found some referrences to a Sherrie in the bottoms on Sully who was reported to be HIV-Positive, but I can't say it's the same girl.

On the topic of "watching out for one another" here, the one and only gripe I have about the board is the time it takes for a report to post. Although it's good intel regarding a possible sting, it's already on the news by the time the report is cleared and posted.

Chris H
01-31-08, 22:23
I picked up Stacey again last night on Cleveland Ave. in front of the Dollar Store. Once again, she gave an excellent BBBJTCIM. Look out for her, cute face, blond hair, abut 5'6, maybe 115lbs. Of course she does not have her phone anymore.

Chris H

02-01-08, 00:03
Howdy, I've been seeing Elise, I think she's the one discussed late last year as I found out she lives in Dublin. Provided great service for .30.
Will be calling Tammie or Tammy this weekend. Looking for some new skin out there, or there is Krista I see the 3 of them everytime I cant find anyone out there and the new ones cant keep their phones goin...

Went out earlier today and found mostly skanks so I ended up leaving the area, found one decent one but someone got there first.

I'm willing to trade digits if you have them, looking for younger wsw's or hispanics.

Happy Shoppin.

Humpty Dumpty
02-01-08, 12:49
Little Red / Amber / Zoe. She has used all three names with me. She is 19. Big rack, very street smart. Red hair. Has put on some weight since she hit streets. Usually they loose it. See her often in the bottoms on Sully. You take care of her, she will take care of you.

This is Megan Wymer. She is awesome. If you have digits, send them please!

Also I think I know Candy. She is 31, very flexible, nice. She is also a cutter, she slashed up one of her arms really bad.

Sw Hunter
02-01-08, 14:27
Rachele - [Telephone Number deleted by Admin]
Brenda - [Telephone Number deleted by Admin]
Terry - [Telephone Number deleted by Admin]
Kitty - [Telephone Number deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove personal telephone numbers in the text. Please do not post personal telephone numbers in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you for this information directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

02-05-08, 00:18
Went out tonight after work expecting to find nothing. Sully going down, nothing but the eye in the sky. Went to broad to head back home after finding nothing, near the firestation(I think) stands a decent looking gal, turn around and park, gives me the look and in she goes.

A small gal she is, a little less than 5 foot. Said she was 22, had a couple of kids but her body doesnt show it. Her name was Josie and she gave digits. Offers many things from bj to overnight for a decent price. wsw's are getting thiner and hopefully she sticks around.

Mw Jrp
02-05-08, 21:33
Missed a good one before dark on Sully. Picked up Priscilla on Sully but let her go. Not able to offer H & H, just a BBBJ. Also, seemed to have an odor, might be the rain. Found BJ after dark walking back street off Sully. Went to my room for H & H .40 + tip. She has the biggest puss lips I've ever seen; my favorite. Just my luck, had trouble staying up, so we finished with hand action while she worked the boys, and came on her belly, dribbling a little on her puss. She gave a half-hearted CBJ, which didn't get the rise, I wanted. Still she is firm, giant lips, big hard nips, nice firm C's, may be pregnant. I have digits to hit that big-lipped-puss next time. Broad was quiet, no action. LE was light this eve. Hope to find Josie tomorrow.

Be safe, MW

Humpty Dumpty
02-06-08, 01:34
From Sully and Clarendon? Yeah her skills arent great. Totally rushed from my personal experience, I pass her by when I see her.

Hoho Creampie
02-06-08, 01:46
I am Hoho Creampie. I like BBFS with creampie. Please, spare me the STD lectures. I have been burned once with chlamydia and thats it. So what.

So where I can I find nice young shaved ladies who will take my seed inside them?

02-06-08, 11:23
I was out & about early this morning & came across a bsw, said her name was Pokey short for Pocahontas. Usual cop test, get comfortable with one another, i didnt agree with her spot to park as it was on a corner & open. No service from her, but got digits. I will try them out later. This was one of the strangest experiences as I dont belive she was LE, since we drove around, but she changed her mind. Anyone ever have her services? Just back channel me, if you want.

Chris H
02-06-08, 13:15
I was out & about early this morning & came across a bsw, said her name was Pokey short for Pocahontas. Usual cop test, get comfortable with one another, i didnt agree with her spot to park as it was on a corner & open. No service from her, but got digits. I will try them out later. This was one of the strangest experiences as I dont belive she was LE, since we drove around, but she changed her mind. Anyone ever have her services? Just back channel me, if you want.

Is she light skin and short and skinny.

Chris H

L Dog
02-06-08, 13:17
Picked up Rachel on Sully near the N&N market. Kinda haggish WSW 40 average build but boy could she suck a mean one. She's willing to let you wallow out the back of her throat the whole time with no complaints. Deepest throat ever, no gag reflex at all. $20 was the ticket.

I used to see a Pochahantas back a few years ago. Light skinned BSW with a bunch of tats all over her body.

Mw Jrp
02-06-08, 13:30
From Sully and Clarendon? Yeah her skills arent great. Totally rushed from my personal experience, I pass her by when I see her.Yep, that's her M.O. and cross streets, but those P lips are magnificent. MW

Mw Jrp
02-06-08, 20:32
Found her at the market on Sully at 3:30pm. A few minutes earlier missed a young 5'2" spanish-looking one up the street and down the alley. I pulled around but she was meeting the monger behind me who caught the fish. So, with Lauren in tow headed to my room for H & H. 40+tip for performance. She massaged all the way, was alittle drunk, but in a festive, unhurried mood. A pleasant contrast to last night with BJ, and Lauren had those full-size P-lips like BJ that drive me nuts. L got down with an A+ BBBJ, slobbering, licking, 1 and 2 hands on the boys and all around, while I fingered her and worked her button. TERRIFIC job and she was getting some jollies too. Covered and hit them LIPS, starting CG and then mish. After a while, I opted for a BBBJTC with a spit, her choice, because her oral skills were exceptional. She stayed with the job until I yanked her off. Couldn't take anymore, you know. Gave her. 15 tip and a shower, and drop off by her house. She asked me to call her next week for a repeat. Rolled Sully after the drop and several WSW's were in the bottoms; 1 looked like Krista or Tamera, and 1 was Wendy.

Be safe. MW

Mw Jrp
02-07-08, 00:18
Rolled Sully top and bottoms at 8:45p after a very satifying date with Lauren earlier, still feeling a little anxious, but intending to not stop unless there was something irresistable. Well in the bottoms was a very young and petite looking one, Chalet. So, I stopped and she asked to jump in. Then we had some awakwardness on the checks (almost cut her lose)but got thru that and headed for my room. She stroked the whole way, and agreed to BBBJCIM for. 30, but said she prefers CFS, except for the river that hasn't dried yet. In my room we started LFK, fingering and stroking. She was enjoying my rubbing her button. Then she started BBBJ and her technique was nice and smooth. For a gal in a hurry, she took her time. I covered and hit the puss. It was enjoyed by us both, but 2nd cups in a day require extra effort, so she went back to BBBJ. She lapped the boys up down and around, not afraid to give great pleasure in that neighorhood. She worked both hands nicely and finally I popped. She pulled off for a second, then continued her catch and swallowing, deciding the taste was ok. She also continued stroking gently for another minute until I was completely drained and finished. Tipped her another. 05, got her digits and will repeat tomorrow if they work. On the drop, several others SP were along Sully bottoms. She's easily an 8+ IMHO, slight acne condition.

BE safe. MW

02-07-08, 13:30
Is she light skin and short and skinny.

Chris H
Shes light skin, real skinny thin, kinda of tall i guess?

Mw Jrp
02-07-08, 20:28
On Sully at 11:30am west of westgate spotted Veronika standing on the south side eyeing all the traffic. Fortunately, I was on my way to a lunch appointment. She is trouble as reported last month. Hope no one from this board got her! Any way, tried a few numbers I have and got T on the first ring. She offered to drive to my room. Showed 30 minutes later in a nice black Biz suit and boots, with skirt. Looked hot, clean and inviting. Since the C section she lost weight and the kid. If you like them skinny she's hot. We got into heavy petting, stroking, DFK, lubes, BBBJ, lapping the boys, covered and hit the muff. Went great, but had to ask her to finish BBBJ and more 5-knuckle help with her employing hands, lips, and fingers to get my nut. Offered her .60 for a job well done. May call her next week for a repeat.

Be safe. MW

Hoho Creampie
02-07-08, 20:44
Shes light skin, real skinny thin, kinda of tall i guess?Yes, Pocohontas is legit. I havent been intimate with her, but I have picked her up before. She is sometimes at the Knights Inn. Light skin, kinda tall.

02-08-08, 00:25
Tried my luck in C'bus on my way from PA to KY. As soon as I got off I70, saw nice blonde WSW on Sully near Central. She had her jacket open despite the cold to attract the mongers. Nice rack! I drove down the bottoms to see what else was out but it was nada. So I drove back up and pulled around the block to come up beside the WSW. She hopped right in and said her name was Lollypop. I made fun of that and she said real name was Wendy. We bartered a bit and settled on .4 for half&half plus a run thru McD for a double cheese. Said her normal price was .3 bj, .4fs, .5 both. She didn't have a room and I didn't have the time to get one so she said she knew a place. If I would have even known. We were on the main drag south of Sully and near the McD, she had me pull over into a loading dock ramp. She was right that we could not be seen down there but I had the feeling that LE would know about her hiding place and also kept wonder how I could pull out unnoticed. So she whipped out the girls and the nips were magnificent. She started in on the bbbj and it was nice. I had to slow her down by telling her I like the boys licked and sucked. She did a great job of that and I decided that I would never be able to do the FS deed with her in the "pit" so I let her know I was about to pop and she took every drop. She whined about a tip but I stood firm since I was out 2 jacks for basically a bj. I have her number, but haven't tried it. Srs. only if interested.
Be Safe,

02-08-08, 10:07
Where did this come from?

I am Hoho Creampie. I like BBFS with creampie. Please, spare me the STD lectures. I have been burned once with chlamydia and thats it. So what.

So where I can I find nice young shaved ladies who will take my seed inside them?

Mw Jrp
02-08-08, 14:12
Tried my luck in C'bus on my way from PA to KY. As soon as I got off I70, saw nice blonde WSW on Sully near Central. She had her jacket open despite the cold to attract the mongers. Nice rack! I drove down the bottoms to see what else was out but it was nada. So I drove back up and pulled around the block to come up beside the WSW. She hopped right in and said her name was Lollypop. I made fun of that and she said real name was Wendy. We bartered a bit and settled on .4 for half&half plus a run thru McD for a double cheese. Said her normal price was .3 bj, .4fs, .5 both. She didn't have a room and I didn't have the time to get one so she said she knew a place. If I would have even known. We were on the main drag south of Sully and near the McD, she had me pull over into a loading dock ramp. She was right that we could not be seen down there but I had the feeling that LE would know about her hiding place and also kept wonder how I could pull out unnoticed. So she whipped out the girls and the nips were magnificent. She started in on the bbbj and it was nice. I had to slow her down by telling her I like the boys licked and sucked. She did a great job of that and I decided that I would never be able to do the FS deed with her in the "pit" so I let her know I was about to pop and she took every drop. She whined about a tip but I stood firm since I was out 2 jacks for basically a bj. I have her number, but haven't tried it. Srs. only if interested.
Be Safe,

CarniI saw Wendy this week on Sully bottoms, did not stop. But those tits are very familiar. She does a very good BBBJTC, CFS, and I tried anal but she said it hurt too much. My last time with her wasn't as satifying as the earlier two, so I've selected other candidates. I used to visit her on Broad bottoms, then to my room for the rates you quoted+ the food, but I see she's over on Sully where most of them are. Her CFS was ok as I recall, but I've found much tighter ones too. Nice report Carnie. I'll be back in Clmbs this week again.

Thanks much. MW

Sw Hunter
02-08-08, 15:34
Lunch break, took the Sullivant tour, bottoms were filled with some new faces, saw Candy at the Marathon, new girl on Sully and Avondale, dirty blonde with nice air horns! Couldn't find one for lunch, to many to choose from.

Hoho Creampie
02-09-08, 00:34
Where did this come from?

I am Hoho Creampie. I like BBFS with creampie. Please, spare me the STD lectures. I have been burned once with chlamydia and thats it. So what.

So where I can I find nice young shaved ladies who will take my seed inside them?Take a look at your own post count, newbie.

Sullivant Guy
02-09-08, 12:24
Tried my luck in C'bus on my way from PA to KY. As soon as I got off I70, saw nice blonde WSW on Sully near Central. She had her jacket open despite the cold to attract the mongers. Nice rack! I drove down the bottoms to see what else was out but it was nada. So I drove back up and pulled around the block to come up beside the WSW. She hopped right in and said her name was Lollypop. I made fun of that and she said real name was Wendy. We bartered a bit and settled on .4 for half&half plus a run thru McD for a double cheese. Said her normal price was .3 bj, .4fs, .5 both. She didn't have a room and I didn't have the time to get one so she said she knew a place. If I would have even known. We were on the main drag south of Sully and near the McD, she had me pull over into a loading dock ramp. She was right that we could not be seen down there but I had the feeling that LE would know about her hiding place and also kept wonder how I could pull out unnoticed. So she whipped out the girls and the nips were magnificent. She started in on the bbbj and it was nice. I had to slow her down by telling her I like the boys licked and sucked. She did a great job of that and I decided that I would never be able to do the FS deed with her in the "pit" so I let her know I was about to pop and she took every drop. She whined about a tip but I stood firm since I was out 2 jacks for basically a bj. I have her number, but haven't tried it. Srs. only if interested.
Be Safe,

CarniLolipop is Wendy. ugh - this creepy tramp has been on the streets for years. Be sure to cover up. She is on Sully now. Out there almost 24 / 7. Seems like a cruel joke that LE leaves her out there and busts the good ones. Did you take close look at that face? Plus she is a pyscho.

Sorry to bust on your report. I simply find this girl repulsive. To each his own though. If that is what gets you off. :)

Sullivant Guy
02-09-08, 12:26
I was out & about early this morning & came across a bsw, said her name was Pokey short for Pocahontas. Usual cop test, get comfortable with one another, i didnt agree with her spot to park as it was on a corner & open. No service from her, but got digits. I will try them out later. This was one of the strangest experiences as I dont belive she was LE, since we drove around, but she changed her mind. Anyone ever have her services? Just back channel me, if you want.Yeah I ran into her one night. As soon as she showed me those dried up prune funbags of hers - I ejected her from the car. Plus she needed a shower. My car stank for an hour after she was in it.

Sullivant Guy
02-09-08, 12:31
This is Megan Wymer. She is awesome. If you have digits, send them please!

Also I think I know Candy. She is 31, very flexible, nice. She is also a cutter, she slashed up one of her arms really bad.Yeah - Candy is a mess. I saw Lil Red (Megan) this past week. Was cleaned up nice. Have seen Sheila a couple times. She is the tall red head on Sully in the bottoms. No digits for lil red. I usually find her right after dark on Sully.

Saw LE busting some girls this past Wed night. Just happened by them. Saw the vehicles they drove. Interesting. I stayed clear though. Many of the good girls are in jail. LE leaves us the nasty skanks.

Also have heard some stories of one particular LE getting his rocks off. Name is consistent, and the stories told with some emotion. Nothing worse than a dirty cop.

Sullivant Guy
02-09-08, 12:34
I am Hoho Creampie. I like BBFS with creampie. Please, spare me the STD lectures. I have been burned once with chlamydia and thats it. So what.

So where I can I find nice young shaved ladies who will take my seed inside them?You need help if you are doing this with SW's. Nobody wants to hear this bizzare crap. You are a dangerous person.

02-10-08, 00:19
Tried my luck in C'bus on my way from PA to KY. As soon as I got off I70, saw nice blonde WSW on Sully near Central. She had her jacket open despite the cold to attract the mongers. Nice rack! I drove down the bottoms to see what else was out but it was nada. So I drove back up and pulled around the block to come up beside the WSW. She hopped right in and said her name was Lollypop. I made fun of that and she said real name was Wendy. We bartered a bit and settled on .4 for half&half plus a run thru McD for a double cheese. Said her normal price was .3 bj, .4fs, .5 both. She didn't have a room and I didn't have the time to get one so she said she knew a place. If I would have even known. We were on the main drag south of Sully and near the McD, she had me pull over into a loading dock ramp. She was right that we could not be seen down there but I had the feeling that LE would know about her hiding place and also kept wonder how I could pull out unnoticed. So she whipped out the girls and the nips were magnificent. She started in on the bbbj and it was nice. I had to slow her down by telling her I like the boys licked and sucked. She did a great job of that and I decided that I would never be able to do the FS deed with her in the "pit" so I let her know I was about to pop and she took every drop. She whined about a tip but I stood firm since I was out 2 jacks for basically a bj. I have her number, but haven't tried it. Srs. only if interested.
Be Safe,

CarniAre you sure thats not a Man? Look at her hands closely.

Rack Pat
02-10-08, 13:17
I know both of these two from years ago. Pokey is ok - harmless, but is never without a pipe or the product, so don't get caught with her stuff in your car. Body is ok except for those saggy milk duds, but snatch is nice and she does anal, too, though I've never gone there.

Wendy is another story. I've heard she can be as sweet as anything, but the smallest thing can set her off. She coukd get loud, belligerent, and nasty, and I've heard that she is now armed with a stilletto and mace. She is not worth your time.

Play U
02-10-08, 14:16
Thanks to Hotrodz for the digits. Got with Elise and some apartment in the bottoms across from Mt Carmel. Usually I dont do that but since I know her fairly well and it was daylight, all was well. 30 for H/H and 10 for the room. Her face looks a little worn but her body is actually looking better. Cant wait to get with her again. I would much rather do the deed around Dublin where it is much less dangerous.I have drilled this myself a few times and she can be a strange one when she is all cracked out.But she can be a good piece also.

Play U
02-10-08, 14:25
Any one got any digits for a young cutie that can be reached today.

My regulars can not be found today.

Sullivant Guy
02-10-08, 16:07
Missed a good one before dark on Sully. Picked up Priscilla on Sully but let her go. Not able to offer H & H, just a BBBJ. Also, seemed to have an odor, might be the rain. Found BJ after dark walking back street off Sully. Went to my room for H & H .40 + tip. She has the biggest puss lips I've ever seen; my favorite. Just my luck, had trouble staying up, so we finished with hand action while she worked the boys, and came on her belly, dribbling a little on her puss. She gave a half-hearted CBJ, which didn't get the rise, I wanted. Still she is firm, giant lips, big hard nips, nice firm C's, may be pregnant. I have digits to hit that big-lipped-puss next time. Broad was quiet, no action. LE was light this eve. Hope to find Josie tomorrow.

Be safe, MWPriscilla does not give bad service, but is only good for a quicky in my book, and as you observed is getting a bit filthy. I have been passing her by.

I pass by BJ all the time. From what I have heard about her from other girls, it is best to cover up tight and be aware of her scandalous ways. She is known to be a rip off artist. Plus she has really gone down in the gutter. That face is a wreck in my opinion.

Sullivant Guy
02-10-08, 16:09
Howdy, I've been seeing Elise, I think she's the one discussed late last year as I found out she lives in Dublin. Provided great service for .30.
Will be calling Tammie or Tammy this weekend. Looking for some new skin out there, or there is Krista I see the 3 of them everytime I cant find anyone out there and the new ones cant keep their phones goin.

Went out earlier today and found mostly skanks so I ended up leaving the area, found one decent one but someone got there first.

I'm willing to trade digits if you have them, looking for younger wsw's or hispanics.

Happy Shoppin.Is Elise back off the streets now? Last time I saw her, she was looking damn rough.

Sinful Star1
02-10-08, 18:54
I was out late last night and gave up. I went back down Sullivant towards Eureka and I found Mandy. She says that is here ral name,but who knows. She's about 5'6 100lbs with small A's mabye B's with long blondish hair. She's 21 and very sweet. She does it all and I mean evertything. She is very tight and her kitty is shaved. We went back to a notell for some fun. She took a shower with me and started giving me a great BBBJ. We went back into the bedroom for some CFS. She got on top for a while and then bent over for some doggie fun and then n her back for some missionary. She finished me off with a BBBJCIMS. We rested for about a half hour and then went at it again. This time I got that ass,covered of course and again she finished me off in her mouth and on her face. She is probably the best I've ever seen.

She did not have any digits. She says she stays on the west side and east side a lot. She works down near Eureka. I guess she is to spooked to work way down Sullivant because of the LE and let me tell you they were out in full force. If you guys get this onen treat her nice and she will take care of you. Hopefully I will be able to find her again. I was tempted to give her my number,but I don't want to risk that. I guess I need a disposable phone. It was a great night.

Be safe Guys

02-11-08, 15:28
Yeah I ran into her one night. As soon as she showed me those dried up prune funbags of hers - I ejected her from the car. Plus she needed a shower. My car stank for an hour after she was in it.
SG, she had that bad cig smell, didnt get to far with her so I dont know about any other bad smells, thanks for the info

Humpty Dumpty
02-11-08, 19:07
Got a threatening call from a certain lady's brother today on my prepaid cell. Anyone else get this? I think she mightve seen what someone else posted and thought it was me. Anyhow I asked Jackson to remove it.

Play U
02-11-08, 22:15
I was out late last night and gave up. I went back down Sullivant towards Eureka and I found Mandy. She says that is here ral name,but who knows. She's about 5'6 100lbs with small A's mabye B's with long blondish hair. She's 21 and very sweet. She does it all and I mean evertything. She is very tight and her kitty is shaved. We went back to a notell for some fun. She took a shower with me and started giving me a great BBBJ. We went back into the bedroom for some CFS. She got on top for a while and then bent over for some doggie fun and then n her back for some missionary. She finished me off with a BBBJCIMS. We rested for about a half hour and then went at it again. This time I got that ass,covered of course and again she finished me off in her mouth and on her face. She is probably the best I've ever seen.

She did not have any digits. She says she stays on the west side and east side a lot. She works down near Eureka. I guess she is to spooked to work way down Sullivant because of the LE and let me tell you they were out in full force. If you guys get this onen treat her nice and she will take care of you. Hopefully I will be able to find her again. I was tempted to give her my number,but I don't want to risk that. I guess I need a disposable phone. It was a great night.

Be safe GuysI also got with this one but we didn't complete all that I wanted. She seemed a little scared, but we ended good and made plans to meet again soon.

Hoho Creampie
02-12-08, 20:47
She is very unpredictable. Great BBJS skills, but is definitely one girl I wouldnt even do CFS with! I haven't been with her in a couple years and dont see that changing! Also she has hideous stretch marks!

Mw Jrp
02-12-08, 22:31
Wednesday afternoon in rain spotted Nicki at Eureka & Sully. Hoped in, pretty wet jacket, passed checks with a dick suck. Agreed to H&H .40 at my room. Rolling to the room she stroked me all the way, but had to give her 1/2 the fare on the way. She gave a pretty good BBBJ, then covered and got CFS until I nutted. She was faily tight there and I had no trouble since I had saved the spunk for 3 days. She hit her pipe in the bath to get in the mood. Her frame is sagging from the habit, but got the job done.

BE safe, MW

Mw Jrp
02-12-08, 22:44
After Nichole, I got thinking about young Megan and went looking for some younger stuff. Around Belvedere and Sully at 6pm spotted Jen. She hoped in. We dated a few months ago. She agreed to H & H. 30+tip. Turned into. 40 +. 04 at McD's. J has lost some weight. Her C's are saggy B's now, but she has nice big puss lips and a very talented cooz. We stroked each other all the way to the room. I got my finger on her clit and she actually was squirmming in the seat.

Having nutted once a couple hours ago, this rolling action was what I needed to get in the mood. She started w/ a BBBJ with smooth action. Then lapped the boys while I worked a 5 knuckle stroke. Then she covered me and I hit her coochie. She started moving with me, panting, breathing, and claimed to O with me. Probably an act but a hell of a nice touch. Fooled me anyway. She can clamp that muff like few others, so, it didn't take me too long to spill cup #2 today. She's got a new set of digits.

Be safe, MW

Rack Pat
02-13-08, 18:17
Sounds like Nikki Fox - she used to be a cheerleader at Marion-Franklin High School. Her body was smokin hot not long ago, but the pipe, a divorce, and county have turned her into a waste of space.

02-14-08, 01:00
Yale and Sully late at night on the coldest night of the year. Said she works nights. Cute thin little thing. loose A cups. Real nice gal. I bought her McDonalds. We found a private spot and she did a decent CBJ with good hand action. Got digits, and I would repeat.

Hoho Creampie
02-14-08, 07:38
That is absurd. Black girls generally give terrible head and insist on rubbers for blowjobs and get mad if you do not get off in 30 seconds. Ive had a couple rare exceptions to that rule, but I wouldnt risk my 20 bucks unless I knew for sure I was getting good service.

Mw Jrp
02-14-08, 13:51
Met het on Glenwood at Sully about 10pm. Missed several others, be picking earlier, but she looked better than some. Had 2 nice ones scared off b/c I resembled a cop(?). Paranoid I guess. Sheila reluctanylty agreed to H&H, my place .40. She sleep most of the way and would not play. Should have cut my loses then. She had too many don't rules and a sloppy puss, so 5 knuckled the finish with her working the boys. Her BBBJ turned to a CBJ and was weak at best. She has an un-thusiastic attitude at best. Will not repeat. Maybe I got her on a bad day. Anyone else have experience with this one?


Chris H
02-14-08, 21:26
That is absurd. Black girls generally give terrible head and insist on rubbers for blowjobs and get mad if you do not get off in 30 seconds. Ive had a couple rare exceptions to that rule, but I wouldnt risk my 20 bucks unless I knew for sure I was getting good service.

Gotta agree 1000%, BSW's are not usually good at any type of BJ.

Chris H

Mw Jrp
02-14-08, 22:37
Spotted K on Sully just west of Clarendon. We've dated before and I think she gets better with age. Still extra skinny, has a really tight one, and always delivers in my book. Agreed to H&H, my place. 50. It took about 20-25 minutes with rush hour traffic and she worked me up the entire way; no complaints like last night with Sheila. Krista started with a BBBJ, then got some oil on the little guy working both hands, while standing over me so I could finger her tight little cooz and admire all her pinkness. This got the desired response and she covered me up and hoped on CG. Then we moved to mish. I road her hard for 6 or 7 minutes (maybe less? )until I filled the wrapper. Even after I finished, she was happy to let me linger in her tightness until I was thoroughly done, staying in her for an extra minute or so. Unlike some that want you off, the second you get off. It was a completely unhurried session. Nice Valentine's gift. She washed the snapper really well afterwards and I dropped her where she wanted. Will repeat next time in the capital city.

Be safe,


02-15-08, 01:14
Guys, Black women are some of the BEST Blow Job artists there are.
However, with SW's, their job is to give the least amount of service for the most amount of money. The Johns job, is to get the most amount of service for the least amount of money. Hopefully, you meet somewhere in the middle.

Read some of my exploits in the Denver section.

If you've only experienced a few BSW BBBJ's, you may have had some lackluster providers.

However, granted, of the two BSW's I've been seeing lately (other than the one I posted on tonite) the 18yo does a pretty good job, although young and slightly inexperienced, she does a good job. The 26YO, doesn't like it, and let me know. However, I rate her overall performance, and corresponding payment accordingly. (and she knows it too). (Which has resulted in better BJ performance on her part)

So, yea, hit and miss. But, in the long run, more hit.

I'll be sampling the BSW BBBJ's that your city has to offer, in a couple months (which is why I'm reading these threads.)

Shadow, coming to a city near you.

02-15-08, 04:10
CBJ is my choice and is the level of risk that I accept.

That is absurd. Black girls generally give terrible head and insist on rubbers for blowjobs and get mad if you do not get off in 30 seconds. Ive had a couple rare exceptions to that rule, but I wouldnt risk my 20 bucks unless I knew for sure I was getting good service.

Sw Hunter
02-15-08, 14:31
Saw Sherry on Broad and Princton, she is just getting over having a child and depending on weither she is on her meds, she can be HOT when she is medicated!

Donna was out on Westgate and Sully today, she needed a ride south, so I gave her a ride, she did the BBBJCIMSW while we drove, I have digits if you need them.

Sw Hunter
02-15-08, 14:45
Has anybody seen some of the old pros? Jenna who lives above MileMakers? Carzy Mary off Broad and Central? Steffanie and Angie by Sally's market? Lisa (BSW)mid way down Brehl? Shelia on Central on the corner across for Med Care? Cheryl in the appts off Harmon by 71?

02-15-08, 14:55
That is absurd. Black girls generally give terrible head and insist on rubbers for blowjobs and get mad if you do not get off in 30 seconds. Ive had a couple rare exceptions to that rule, but I wouldnt risk my 20 bucks unless I knew for sure I was getting good service.Man. You must have been BURRRNT at some point to get that pissed off at a simple report. Who knows, maybe HoHo is a tall, gangly, pale red headed stepchild and he found a BSW who digs tall, gangly, pale, red headed guys. Who is to say? All I know is that if HoHo was lying, I would hope that he would have come up with a better story than "I got an o. K. Cbj from a BSW. "

Lets stay civil guys. We take the reports with a grain of salt and realize that the experience will always be a little different for all of us because we are all a little different. Peace.

Chris H
02-15-08, 22:20
Guys, Black women are some of the BEST Blow Job artists there are.
However, with SW's, their job is to give the least amount of service for the most amount of money. The Johns job, is to get the most amount of service for the least amount of money. Hopefully, you meet somewhere in the middle.

Read some of my exploits in the Denver section.

If you've only experienced a few BSW BBBJ's, you may have had some lackluster providers.

However, granted, of the two BSW's I've been seeing lately (other than the one I posted on tonite) the 18yo does a pretty good job, although young and slightly inexperienced, she does a good job. The 26YO, doesn't like it, and let me know. However, I rate her overall performance, and corresponding payment accordingly. (and she knows it too). (Which has resulted in better BJ performance on her part)

So, yea, hit and miss. But, in the long run, more hit.

I'll be sampling the BSW BBBJ's that your city has to offer, in a couple months (which is why I'm reading these threads.)

Shadow, coming to a city near you.

Yeah you have to let us know what you think of the skills of the C-Bus BSW's in the BBBJ department.

Chris H

Hoho Creampie
02-16-08, 17:12
Man. You must have been BURRRNT at some point to get that pissed off at a simple report. Who knows, maybe HoHo is a tall, gangly, pale red headed stepchild and he found a BSW who digs tall, gangly, pale, red headed guys. Who is to say? All I know is that if HoHo was lying, I would hope that he would have come up with a better story than "I got an o. K. Cbj from a BSW. "

Lets stay civil guys. We take the reports with a grain of salt and realize that the experience will always be a little different for all of us because we are all a little different. Peace.I'm saying getting a CBJ is absurd. From a SW of any race. Which it is. But whatever floats your boat.

Member #1716
02-17-08, 09:37
Was on the west side around 10PM last night, cruised but Sully and Broad from 315 to Georgesville Rd and did not see a thing, not even a skank.

L Dog
02-17-08, 09:43
I dont have any time for a CBJ. If thats all I can get I politely refuse and offer to drop them off at the next corner. They all go for it.

Sullivant Guy
02-17-08, 18:33
Saw Sheila the other day - tall red head on Sully - got the usual great service.

Saw Shelly last night. Sully on the hill - skinny blonde. Cute. Said X dancer. Nice service.

Saw Angel the other night on Sully on the hill - nice body, cute face, nice tits. Said works at Candy Store. All was going good till the service. Would not catch even though promised from the start. Really bad skills. Not recommended at all.

Sullivant Guy
02-17-08, 18:48
Met het on Glenwood at Sully about 10pm. Missed several others, be picking earlier, but she looked better than some. Had 2 nice ones scared off b/c I resembled a cop(?). Paranoid I guess. Sheila reluctanylty agreed to H&H, my place .40. She sleep most of the way and would not play. Should have cut my loses then. She had too many don't rules and a sloppy puss, so 5 knuckled the finish with her working the boys. Her BBBJ turned to a CBJ and was weak at best. She has an un-thusiastic attitude at best. Will not repeat. Maybe I got her on a bad day. Anyone else have experience with this one?

MWTall - "red" hair - yes. Treat her good and talk her up and she will give you a good time.

02-18-08, 01:00
Saw Sheila the other day - tall red head on Sully - got the usual great service.

Saw Shelly last night. Sully on the hill - skinny blonde. Cute. Said X dancer. Nice service.

Saw Angel the other night on Sully on the hill - nice body, cute face, nice tits. Said works at Candy Store. All was going good till the service. Would not catch even though promised from the start. Really bad skills. Not recommended at all.

I'm glad someone is having goodluck. The last two times I've been out west, I saw one real skank on the hilltop. Bottoms had absolutely nothing.

02-18-08, 11:24
Well when it comes to bsw's YMMV, but my experience has been they actually do a pretty good job with bbbj & usually they will catch also. Also they usually will go for the backdoor. However they try & finish as quick as possible.

Sullivant Guy
02-18-08, 11:28
I'm glad someone is having goodluck. The last two times I've been out west, I saw one real skank on the hilltop. Bottoms had absolutely nothing.Yep - lots of skank out and lots of LE. You have to be very careful and know where to look and what to look for. Think out of the box.

Sullivant Guy
02-18-08, 11:30
Ran into a blonde Amber on Sully in the bottoms. Nice tits - bit of belly. Nice ass to grab. Dirty blonde. Country accent. Country type girl. Not really my type, but was not dirty and did not stink. Gave great BBBJ for a bargain. Nice attitude. Recomended.

Sw Hunter
02-18-08, 14:58
I miss read this site, I thought it was about helping out with LEO warnings, SW performances, where to look and digits. I can see by PM's that it is a 1 way street! Thanks Mw Jrp for the team effort!! Off to the other site, alot more information shared over there!

Play U
02-18-08, 18:31
Got out early and saw a few .Not worth the pick up .One was kinda cute with long straight black hair.Must of gotten a ride real quick because she was gone when i came back around.Tried Broad but it's been a little dry.

Chris H
02-18-08, 22:29
Ran into a blonde Amber on Sully in the bottoms. Nice tits - bit of belly. Nice ass to grab. Dirty blonde. Country accent. Country type girl. Not really my type, but was not dirty and did not stink. Gave great BBBJ for a bargain. Nice attitude. Recomended.

I like that key word BARGAIN.....LOL

Chris H

02-19-08, 10:26
I saw a blonde at Sully & Central around 11P while I was slipping & sliding on my way home. She had her jacket open showing a nice rack under her bluish top. She gave me the eye as I passed by. Was that Amber?

It was too bad of a night for me to think about stopping for her.

02-20-08, 16:40
Ran into a blonde Amber on Sully in the bottoms. Nice tits - bit of belly. Nice ass to grab. Dirty blonde. Country accent. Country type girl. Not really my type, but was not dirty and did not stink. Gave great BBBJ for a bargain. Nice attitude. Recomended.I ran into an Amber meeting the same description today at 3:10 on Broad Street by the apartments a block West of Mt. Carmel. I had to circle around a couple times since she was hanging with some locals. I could tell she was working though by the way she watched the traffic. When I circled around the second time. The others made themseves scarce and she walked down the alley to get in my car. When she did, she said her name was Amber and I was hit with a wave of bad breath that was a combination of stale cigarettes and horse manure. Man, she was pretty, but I had to drop her off without closing the deal. I did give her $40 and told her to take care of herself though.

On a separate note. She said she was robbed last night at knife point. Had all of her cash taken and was forced to give a BBBJ to boot. I know it sounds like bs, but I've got a good bs meter and it didn't register. Also, we weren't talking money at the time, so that wasn't the issue. No poimt to the story, just fyi.

Finally, she mentioned getting picked up on a bench warrant and acted surprised that they could do that just because she missed a court date. Not the brightest bulb in the pack and she has pending cases, so be careful.

Play U
02-23-08, 14:50
Hi all,

Yeah Amber is a nice time and aims to please as long as you treat her right. I saw a few nuts out there from net care one at sully and hague, waving and causing a traffic jam at noon, had blond hair and didn't look to bad seemed to have decent tits. Was wearing a black coat and tight jeans. A little to nuts for my taste. The other was on sully up the hill and man she was wacked and flashing the saggy pups for all to see. She also was a blonde which is my favorite by the way. There was a few more girls out which surprised me for daylight hours. Hey good luck to all!

Sullivant Guy
02-24-08, 12:28
I like that key word BARGAIN.....LOL

Chris HYeah. But then I ran into her again the other day. And she had the same clothes on as before. And I suspect no shower since then either. So I peeled around into and alley. Acted all paranoid and told her some one was following us and for her to pop out and I would come back around.

See ya!

Sometimes Bargains are better left on the rack.

Sullivant Guy
02-24-08, 12:36
Met Michelle at Westgate and Sully. Blonde, 5'5, 125, About 19. Firm ass and tits. Seen her before. Said she had been on inside for awhile. Great service. Got naked and jacked me on the way to the spot. Said she is laying low and trying not to get out much.

Kim. Up on the hilltop on Sully. Nice girl- has been around the west side for a time. Said she had been locked up for awhile. Brunette, about 5'4, 120, nice tits and ass. Good service, nice attitude.

Betty. Hillbilly from Waverly. Has that trailer park look. Nice body, but very weird. Got a very good bargain from her. But skills are lacking. She has been walking the Hilltop on Broad around the UDF.

Last night. Met Priscilla. Long hair. Brunette, short, a bit chubby, but nice body overall. Very nice attitude. I was in a mood to relax so I quoted her a nice price with a tip and told her if she gave me BBBJ till CIM for at least 20 minutes she would get the nice fee. Well she out performed. She slowly jacked me on the way, and then give me one of the finest and most complete BJs I have ever had. Highly skilled and talented if you treat her nice. She was on the sully hilltop area.

02-25-08, 13:24
Found Megan found on Sully, told her I had a safe place to go, went to a carwash & got the 'works' during the wash. Megan was able to bbbjcim before the wash was complete. .20 + .05 tip

Cmh Hound
02-25-08, 13:39
Just found this board, it's amazing.

I've been mongering on the west side for years now and didn't know others had the same hobby.

I rarely get the girls names but will now so I can post updates. I appreciate all the info I've gotten off here already.


Sw Hunter
02-25-08, 15:02
I was down on Sully and ran across Michelle, same one Sullivant Guy saw, cute, young, tight and gifted for her age! We went to the Krogers off Central in the main parking lot and did a H & H, she had quite the O before she took care of the boys, she swallowed and cleaned me up, gave me her digits and said call anytime! I will definately hit that again .20 plus .10 tip.

02-27-08, 07:46
Man what is up with all of these girls #'s? I had to go through about 5 #'s till I got ahold of someone last night. 4 of them were no longer in service. Oh well did get ahold of 'Pokey', picked her up where she said to down on Sullivant last night. She was much more comfortable this time and not as nervous as she was the first time I met her. She almost immediately began playing with the boys & startd in with a bbbj. She took her time as we drove around. She finished me off bbbjcim. I suggested a room & she was game. We got a sandwich & then a room. She got naked right away, thin body & doesnt look bad. Pokey laid down on the bed & began with a bbbj again to get me back up. She had my full attention, wrapped it up & entered that kitty. Finished & I gave her a ride back to the area I had picked her up. She seemed real relaxed & in no rush, which was very nice. She wanted me to let her keep the room for the rest of the night & I had to tell her negative ghost rider. Not partying for a room im responsible for.

02-27-08, 08:06
My friend hunted the west side yesterday afternoon for about 3 hours. Not much to report. Saw only a few skanks including Kat with one front tooth missing on Broad east of Hague. No deal!

He also tried several phone numbers but yesterday was not his day.

One Dogg
02-27-08, 11:36
I was down on Sully and ran across Michelle, same one Sullivant Guy saw, cute, young, tight and gifted for her age! We went to the Krogers off Central in the main parking lot and did a H & H, she had quite the O before she took care of the boys, she swallowed and cleaned me up, gave me her digits and said call anytime! I will definately hit that again .20 plus .10 tip.I've been in this area for a long time but I cannot figure out what many are calling Sully. Tried maps.google.com but no help. Can someone tell me what Sully stands for and/or where it is?

02-27-08, 14:23
I've been in this area for a long time but I cannot figure out what many are calling Sully. Tried maps.google.com but no help. Can someone tell me what Sully stands for and/or where it is?

02-27-08, 15:21
Man what is up with all of these girls #'s? I had to go through about 5 #'s till I got ahold of someone last night. 4 of them were no longer in service.

lol you are joking right? All SWs cells are prepaid. So when it comes down to buying minutes for their phone, or buying some crack, the crack wins.

Hoho Creampie
02-27-08, 19:55
Your man Hoho Creampie is back. Despite the inclement weather, I found Hollie. A bit chubby for my tastes, but cute. Early 20s, found her at Broad and Wilson Bridge. We got to the hotel room and got naked. She asked if I had a condom, of course I said no. She finally relented to BBFS. She wasnt too happy about the creampie I gave her, but oh well. Gave her 25 and dropped her off. Would definitely repeat.

Hoho Creampie
02-27-08, 22:01
Jennifer Wymer is reputed to be HIV positive. Dont know if this info is true, but I wouldnt pick her up anymore anyway. The last time I creampied her was over a year ago, and since then Ive tested clean a million times.

02-28-08, 06:32
Your man Hoho Creampie is back. Despite the inclement weather, I found Hollie. A bit chubby for my tastes, but cute. Early 20s, found her at Broad and Wilson Bridge. We got to the hotel room and got naked. She asked if I had a condom, of course I said no. She finally relented to BBFS. She wasnt too happy about the creampie I gave her, but oh well. Gave her 25 and dropped her off. Would definitely repeat.You must be pretty dumb to be doing full service w/out a condom!

Sullivant Guy
02-29-08, 00:00
Jennifer Wymer is reputed to be HIV positive. Dont know if this info is true, but I wouldnt pick her up anymore anyway. The last time I creampied her was over a year ago, and since then Ive tested clean a million times.Her sister is Megan -the one they call Lil Red. That is correct -right?

What does Jennifer look like?

You should never go bareback on fs. Foolish. Do you have a death wish?

02-29-08, 09:47
Can someone suggest the best notell motel to use when you find that special little number that deserves some extra time and attention. Mostly I've seen the ones that are $40/hr and they want your driver's license. Just wondering if there is a cheaper and more anonymous place for the deed. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

02-29-08, 09:48
Her sister is Megan -the one they call Lil Red. That is correct -right?

What does Jennifer look like?

You should never go bareback on fs. Foolish. Do you have a death wish?

Yes, Megan is her sister.

If you look at posting #130 in 2007 in the "General" section, ILuvIt posted a picture of Jennifer.

Pay For It
03-01-08, 13:24
Gents I will be in your fair city next week. Now having grown up there and reading the boards I know a bit.

Out in my area you can get a no questions asked no tel for about $25 for a couple hours. Anything like that in Columbus?

Also I am getting fuzzy on the parts of Columbus. In order of poetential sucess for day time mongering should I look to Sullivant first, broad second?

Also cross streeets to look between would be good. I am getting so rusty on Columbus directions I would hit broad off I 71. Any help would be good. Either here or PM. Also, any info anyone needs on Philly Wilmington Delaware happy to exchange.

03-02-08, 11:32
First off yeah I'm all woman and don't pick up hookers but you could imagine the drives I have had to take looking for them with out of towner's. Central and broad area theres a long haired skinny chick shes a crack addict there no teeth wouldn't suggest just because of illnesses. If your on main and Thurman theres a short blk well what looks like a chick but honestly its not guys. Its all man just dresses as a woman. Those are just a few tips.

Happy hunting

Sinful Star1
03-03-08, 10:49
I was out this weekend and found Lauren off of Sullivant. She was really trashed and it started freaking me out so I dropped her right off. I figure she would be great when she's not all messed up. I'm glad I did drop her off. I went back up Sullivant and found Michelle. I've seen her before a while back. This Michelle is 23 blond and really tiny. I don't think its the same Michelle people have been reporting on as of late. Anyway she's excellent. We went to a notell and went right at it. She got totally naked and started playing with herself. She has nice B cups and she shaved her kitty this time. Last time I seen her she had full blown bush. She went right down and gave me a great BBBJCIM. We headed to the shower after that so she could freshen up. We went right back at it. She got on top and rode me pretty good. She is very very tight. I rolled her over and gave it to her on her back. She will make you slow down if you really start ramming her. I guess it hurts her a little. I slowed down and put her in the doggie position. She has a great little ass. I pulled out and she sucked me right off.

This girl is real sweet and very cute. I had a great time with her and I hope I can see her again. She gave me her digits,but when I called no one answered. I will tey them again tonight. She told me she was in jail for a little while this year. I hope she doesn't get busted again because she is a fun girl. Good luck out there guys and be safe.

Pay For It
03-03-08, 15:59
First off yeah I'm all woman and don't pick up hookers but you could imagine the drives I have had to take looking for them with out of towner's. Central and broad area theres a long haired skinny chick shes a crack addict there no teeth wouldn't suggest just because of illnesses. If your on main and Thurman theres a short blk well what looks like a chick but honestly its not guys. Its all man just dresses as a woman. Those are just a few tips.

Happy hunting

Thanks for the great tips.

03-04-08, 12:41
First off yeah I'm all woman and don't pick up hookers but you could imagine the drives I have had to take looking for them with out of towner's. Central and broad area theres a long haired skinny chick shes a crack addict there no teeth wouldn't suggest just because of illnesses. If your on main and Thurman theres a short blk well what looks like a chick but honestly its not guys. Its all man just dresses as a woman. Those are just a few tips.

Happy hunting
Main & Thurman run the same direction East & West, if you are a taxi driver you should have known those streets do not intersect with each other.

03-04-08, 15:09
Thanks for the great tips.Yeah, had I not read the post, I might have accidentially picked up the "long haired toothless crack addict skinny chick with illnesses".

03-04-08, 16:16
Main & Thurman run the same direction East & West, if you are a taxi driver you should have known those streets do not intersect with each other.

And about 2 miles apart, too.

03-05-08, 11:45
And about 2 miles apart, too.
LOL, good thing I dont have to rely on cab drivers in Columbus. By the way was about early this morn & could not find anything on Sully or Broad

03-05-08, 17:43
I will be in columbus on business in the next few days. Not too familiar with your city. Where is sully ave? I will be north of the city, basically up and down 71. I will need a place to stay as well- where I am coming from we have hotels that have providers living within. Does anyone know of any no-tell motel/hotels like this in columbus.

Humpty Dumpty
03-06-08, 07:28
According to Tessa, the short north/campus area has REALLY dried up. Krissy Minturn got the crap beat out of her by some black guys. Im sure she tried to rip them off, her propensity for this has got her beaten up before. Anyhow she lost the baby she was pregnant with and may never walk again. You play with fire, you get burnt.

03-06-08, 09:58
I will be in columbus on business in the next few days. Not too familiar with your city. Where is sully ave? I will be north of the city, basically up and down 71. I will need a place to stay as well- where I am coming from we have hotels that have providers living within. Does anyone know of any no-tell motel/hotels like this in columbus.
Sully=Sullivant Ave, West Side

Play U
03-07-08, 16:55
Got off early today and made a drive down sully and could not believe it. Their was a few tight little asses out and shacking it hard. I tried to offer up a ride and just about got hit by 2 other cars trying to spare the poor girl from the weather, unreal shit here, one guy gave me a hard look because he couldn't get there soon enough.come on boy's don't wreck my shit so you can get a 20 dollar blow job! Have fun and stay warm.

Hoho Creampie
03-07-08, 22:21
I met Adrianne on South High and Morrill. She looks like an older Megan Wymer. She is 24. At first she was suspicious of me and said she just wanted a ride. Did the cop check and drove to a secure location that we both agreed on. Paid 60 for FS and made me use a condom which really sucked. I cant remember how long ago I paid more than 40 for that. I had saved my nut for 3 days and wouldve loved to have made a mess of her hot shaved pussy. She had a great attitude other than that, dropped her off so she could buy her painkillers, thats her drug of choice. Would repeat, but only if she lets me give her my hot and milky treat.

Play U
03-09-08, 15:10
I was forced to drive real slow down the west side last night and saw a little shorty who realy needed a ride, so I let her in to warm it up. Long dark hair and a killer ass. She was always talking the whole time but being drunk and cold she realy liked the ride and offered up a good time. After I droped her off I saw another cuttie that was very cold also she also was very happy for the ride and showed me some of the nicest big titties I'd seen in a long time, and took her time about things to make sure I knew how happy she was to be out of the cold. Been a while since I have seen 2 good girls in one run needing to be saved from the weather. I hope this snow never melts.

Sinful Star1
03-09-08, 19:34
I was out today around noon and saw a real cutie waling down Sullivant. I stoped and she got right in. Her name is Kim. She has long Brown hair and is about 5'7 110lbs. She's got some nice Bcups on her. She said she just got out a week ago. We went to a mutal place for some fun. She got naked and gave me a BBBKCIM. She took her time and let me fondle her cute body. She says her "Friend" is visiting this month so there was no CFS. She was great worked the boys over and took her time till I basted in her mouth. No digits ofcourse. I hpope to see her again.

Later on today I ran into Little Red. She is so cute and sweet. We went to a mutual place for some half and half. She took her time too and worked the boys. I got her from behind and had her on top of me too. She let me do what ever I wanted to those nice D cups of her. She finished with a BBBJ and she let me blast on those nice tits of hers. She is a real keeper. I can't wait to see her again too. This was a great weekend except for all the snow. Becareful guys lots of LE.

Mw Jrp
03-09-08, 22:47
I found Barb at Avondale. The sun was down but still plenty of light. I thought she was under 30. Barbara is 41yo, wsw, nice thin frame, small B's, 5'4", 120 lbs, round butt, medium long brown hair and cute. Looked 35 up close, and her bod is not crack-skinny yet. Agreed to H&H .40+ tip. She has nice long, large puss lips, no kids and a tight cooz. Her BBBJ is exceptional and she worked the boys perfectly. I covered up and hit the muff, but it wasn't getting me off. So, I asked for more BBBJ, which she did expertly again. But I forgot to say CIM, so as I was nutting she pulled off and finished with a HJ. At least she stayed with that until I finished spasming. Remember to get all the details beforehand. Live and learn, I guess. Still it was worth it and I got her a McD's meal for the tip; under .06.
LE was fairly light this afternoon and evening. After the drop in the same area, I spotted several WSW's.
Be safe. MW

Lance Uppercut
03-09-08, 22:54
Could someone PM me about some notels around town. I haven't picked one up in a while because I don't have anywhere to take 'them. I just don't consider behind random houses and in alleys safe anymore. Couldn't afford any LE/robber trouble. One time, I was getting bbj behind a house on the short east side, and look in one of my side mirrors and some hood was standing to the side behind the car. Told the girl and she got out and knew the dude or something, I just got out of there. She was hot too.

Sullivant Guy
03-10-08, 11:59
I was out doing some errands on Rome Hilliard road Sunday not even thinking about mongering. All of sudden I see this fine looking female walking and she is giving the look! So what the hell. So I pick her up. Said her name is Amy. Short. About 5'2. Had a tummy. Nice looking tits. Hair looked like she just came from a salon. Black with blonde streaks. Long. She was italian looking. Said she needed to make some money. Said she was staying at at Amerihost. She said 3 Jacksons would get me two pops. Ok. But I am leary but willing to play along to see what happens. We get there and she goes up to the room, while I wait outside. Soon two young mexican dudes come out and she motions me in. I don't go in till they drive off in car. I inspect the room and nobody else is there. I secure the door with the lock and bolt. Then she starts milling around and bullshiting. Suddenly she has no condoms like she promised. Wants to go to the front desk to get some. I had already put the money on the table. She scoops it up and begins dashing around the room. So I watched the slight of hand and where the money went. She then took her clothes off. YUCK! She appeared to be very hot. And was with clothes on. But apparently she recently had a baby and did not do well. Her stomach clear down to her box was just loose skin and very gross stretch marks. Looks like baby and continued weight gain and loss. She clearly did not want to do the deed. So I grabbed money from where she hid it and headed for the door. She tried to block me, but I gently but firmly put her aside. She followed me out to my vehicle bitching about how I had come to her room and wanted some cash. Told her sorry. Wrong guy. She had left her purse in my vehicle as a sign of security. So as I was driving off I let it fly out the window.

Clearly she was out to rip a guy off. Not sure how she was going to do it. Maybe she was counting on an inexperienced monger and counting on the dudes coming back sooner. But neither happened for her.

Watch out for this one and do not pick her up. Despite what she looks like. She is very hot. She is rip off artist and once those clothes come off and you see the mid section. You will want to run.

Thankfully I got my jacksons back. No harm. And I even had a good chuckle. I suspect that in the direction she is headed. We will see her on the west side streets soon. From talking to her. I suspect she has already been there in the past.

Sullivant Guy
03-10-08, 12:06
I was out doing some errands on Rome Hilliard road Sunday not even thinking about mongering. All of sudden I see this fine looking female walking and she is giving the look! So what the hell. So I pick her up. Said her name is Amy. Short. About 5'2. Had a tummy. Nice looking tits. Hair looked like she just came from a salon. Black with blonde streaks. Long. She was italian looking. Said she needed to make some money. Said she was staying at at Amerihost. She said 3 Jacksons would get me two pops. Ok. But I am leary but willing to play along to see what happens. We get there and she goes up to the room, while I wait outside. Soon two young mexican dudes come out and she motions me in. I don't go in till they drive off in car. I inspect the room and nobody else is there. I secure the door with the lock and bolt. Then she starts milling around and bullshiting. Suddenly she has no condoms like she promised. Wants to go to the front desk to get some. I had already put the money on the table. She scoops it up and begins dashing around the room. So I watched the slight of hand and where the money went. She then took her clothes off. YUCK! She appeared to be very hot. And was with clothes on. But apparently she recently had a baby and did not do well. Her stomach clear down to her box was just loose skin and very gross stretch marks. Looks like baby and continued weight gain and loss. She clearly did not want to do the deed. So I grabbed money from where she hid it and headed for the door. She tried to block me, but I gently but firmly put her aside. She followed me out to my vehicle bitching about how I had come to her room and wanted some cash. Told her sorry. Wrong guy. She had left her purse in my vehicle as a sign of security. So as I was driving off I let it fly out the window.

Clearly she was out to rip a guy off. Not sure how she was going to do it. Maybe she was counting on an inexperienced monger and counting on the dudes coming back sooner. But neither happened for her.

Watch out for this one and do not pick her up. Despite what she looks like. She is very hot. She is rip off artist and once those clothes come off and you see the mid section. You will want to run.

Thankfully I got my jacksons back. No harm. And I even had a good chuckle. I suspect that in the direction she is headed. We will see her on the west side streets soon. From talking to her. I suspect she has already been there in the past.

Sullivant Guy
03-10-08, 12:10
I am a bit worked up. So off to the bottoms. Met a real nice girl. Just fresh in from Southern Ohio.named Melissa. 24 yrs old- firm body, nice tits. Great attitude and skills. CFS for two andys. Great! Not sure she was happy in CBus and missed home a bit. But nice of her to be visiting! Found her on Sully in the bottoms where most of the action is now.

03-11-08, 06:56

I did a search for Amy Shorts and found nothing with that name (maybe an alias). I did find an Amiee Stokes 5' 3" 32 yo Brn hair/green eyes. Her last arrest was back in '05.

It's good to get info on these rip-offs out there. We have to stay alert and stay safe.

03-11-08, 09:28

I did a search for Amy Shorts and found nothing with that name (maybe an alias). I did find an Amiee Stokes 5' 3" 32 yo Brn hair/green eyes. Her last arrest was back in '05.

It's good to get info on these rip-offs out there. We have to stay alert and stay safe.
I believe Sullivant Guy was just indicating that she was "short", not her last name was short.

Thanks Sullivant Guy for the heads up on her though. As I am almost always west I frequent that area & would not want to get caught up in that.

03-11-08, 23:44
I believe Sullivant Guy was just indicating that she was "short", not her last name was short.

Thanks Sullivant Guy for the heads up on her though. As I am almost always west I frequent that area & would not want to get caught up in that.

Ooops, disregard my post.

Hoho Creampie
03-12-08, 01:39
So I called Holly, the chubby WSW I had written about before. Went to her hotel room, where she showered up good. Told me to use a condom and I said no. I shot my load inside her and it was damn good. 30 bucks. Can't wait to do it again!

Play U
03-12-08, 16:16
The girl you talking about is not named Amy .But she was hanging around sully and helen by massy's for a while.I never did see her naked but she was alway's decent towards me and never seemed druged out.I hope she has not changed ,but desperet people do strange things.

Sullivant Guy
03-13-08, 16:30
Lol. Yeah she was "short".

But the other Aimee could be her. But age seems a bit older than I saw.

And by the way. They are all on drugs. Why else would they be out there doing what they do?

And HO HO. You have a death wish. Seek help.

Today I found Zoe on Sully in the bottoms. Short and then. Had her hair in corn rows. WSW. Awesome tight body and tits. Had seen her about a year ago. She did the naked BBBJCIM. Great skils.

Hoho Creampie
03-13-08, 21:25
The "John School" thing in the Other Paper. I feel indifferent about the article. Maybe you guys have some more to say about it than I do.

Mw Jrp
03-13-08, 21:48
Rolled out around 6pm. Spotted several SW's in the sunshine and warm weather. Missy caught my eye for her slender but busty shape at Broad near Avondale before 7pm. Passed checks and off to my room we went. She worked me into the mood all the way. Agreed to H&H .40+ tip(.10).

Her BBBJ was quite good as she promised. Covered & hit her mish; a nice tight one, had a kid C-section, so the puss was not stretched. I was not getting off, probably because of too much pussy this week, and the trio yesterday. So, I asked Missy to finish me BBBJ. Humming she went, but still short of the mark. So, I asked her to lick below the boys, while I helped 5-knuckle, soon I was ready for her to finish. She delivered an A+ BBBJTCWS and stayed on it mouth and hands until I was completely done. Had to yank her off, when I couldn't take anymore. She really delivered. Dropped her off near Broad and Central.

I remember a report of Missy, the gal from Ky, who's younger (23yo) sister died of over-dose last year, and now mom is gone too. Still she is a sweet provider, who I might repeat with even thought I rarely do. She asked me to call next visit to the Capitol city.

Near dark over on Sully and Avondale there were several. One wsw was especially attractive with shorts, but seemed a little sketchy. I was in no mood to go round 2, but might have scooped her up if I hadn't found Missy; and I'll bet I would have been disappointed. I know I made the right choice.

Well be safe and good hunting. MW

Mw Jrp
03-13-08, 21:55
Rolled out around 6pm. Spotted several SW's in the sunshine and warm weather. Missy caught my eye for her slender but busty shape at Broad near Avondale before 7pm. Passed checks and off to my room we went. She worked me into the mood all the way. Agreed to H&H .40+ tip(.10).

Her BBBJ was quite good as she promised. Covered & hit her mish; a nice tight one, had a kid C-section, so the puss was not stretched. I was not getting off, probably because of too much action this week, and the trio yesterday. So, I asked Missy to finish me BBBJ. Humming she went, but still short of the mark. So, I asked her to lick below the boys, while I helped 5-knuckle, soon I was ready for her to finish. She delivered an A+ BBBJTCWS and stayed on it mouth and hands until I was completely done. Had to yank her off, when I couldn't take anymore. She really delivered. Dropped her off near Broad and Central.

I remember a report of Missy, the gal from Ky, who's younger (23yo) sister died of over-dose last year, and now mom is gone too. Still she is a sweet provider, who I might repeat with even thought I rarely do. She asked me to call next visit to the Capitol city.

Near dark over on Sully and Avondale there were several. One wsw was especially attractive with shorts, but seemed a little sketchy. I was in no mood to go round 2, but might have scooped her up if I hadn't found Missy; and I'll bet I would have been disappointed. I know I made the right choice.

Well be safe and good hunting. MW

03-14-08, 04:56
My friend went for a tour earlier this week. Found a quality blond on the west side and was motoring along when he realized there was a clown in a pickup making all the same turns. Says he followed him to the city line. Had to be Uncle Leo? Or a real asshole.

S. G. , that idiot obviously just wants attention but I believe his style leaves even the most seasoned of us shaking our heads. A real loser in my opinion.

Sinful Star1
03-15-08, 14:13
I found Hanna on Sullivant. She jumper right in and we did the LE thing. She is about 5'4 about 115lbs maybe less. She says she's 30, but she looks younger. She has long strawberry blonde hair and a real cute face. She has cute Bcups and a trimmed kitty. We went to a mutual place for some fun. She started by giving me a BBBJ on the way there. We get there and she gets naked and bends right over. I put on some protection and got her doggy for a little while and the she got on top and rode me. She said for a little extra I could get her 3rd input. I said what they hell and bent her over again. She has a very tight ass and kitty. She finished in her mouth with a BBBJSIM and on her face. She doesn't like to swallow, but she says she has done it. She cleaned me up and herself then I dropped off. She is a keeper. I did get digits and they DO WORK! I was suprised they work, but they do. I will be calling her again later if I can't find Michelle. I will trade digits with senior members and people that are legit.

Be safe guys

Sullivant Guy
03-15-08, 20:58
My friend went for a tour earlier this week. Found a quality blond on the west side and was motoring along when he realized there was a clown in a pickup making all the same turns. Says he followed him to the city line. Had to be Uncle Leo? Or a real asshole.

S. G. , that idiot obviously just wants attention but I believe his style leaves even the most seasoned of us shaking our heads. A real loser in my opinion.I would say a loser. If Uncle was following you - you wouldn't know it, unless it was a marked cruiser. I have had it happen to me. Usually a guy who is upset you beat him to the girl and wanting to scare you or pick her up after you are done.

Pull into a gas station and get out of the car next time. See what the loser does.

Hoho Creampie
03-16-08, 04:26
It was not a good time for mongering. Terrible traffic, rain, and not too many SWs. Saw a SCUD at Sully and Clarendon. A scud is a girl who looks okay from far away, but up close looks gross. Scabs and whatnot all over her face. I split outa there quick. Called Holly but her phone didn't work. Also I noticed the cheap ass hotel on Harrisburg Pike is open again. I was gonna hit the bar next door, but decided to call it a day. Sometime later this week I will do some creampie action with a hot little hoho.

03-17-08, 09:57
I too picked up Hannah in the bottoms on Sully last week. Told me she is 36, but to her credit she does look younger and has a very pretty face. She has a 19 year old daughter and 4 yr old granddaughter, lol. She has the saggy belly to prove it. I thought she did a terrible job at bbbj and was only enthused about getting back to her crack pipe. She offered all entries, but I decided to pass. Don't waste your time on this tweaky geeky number. She also just got out of the Jackson Pike jail after 300 days. She said she prefers girls to guys, but needs the crack money.

Humpty Dumpty
03-17-08, 10:45
It was bad. Saw 2 decent girls. One was about to get into my car when a brown van spooked us by Sully and West Park. Thanks dude. Then a pretty WSW at the Sunoco on Sully was about to get in when she decided to go to her "friends" house instead. A few disgusting WSWs. Apparently no one picked them up in the times I had ran through the loop.

03-17-08, 13:48
I too was out & about this morning on Sully & the SW's were pitiful. I too passed, as they were all nasty looking. I saw one decent one on Broad around richardson, but I was apparently too slow as I had to go around the block & she was gone.

Sullivant Guy
03-17-08, 17:24
So was out today about 2pm. Met "Simone" on Sully and Avondale. What a find! 21 yrs old, dirty blonde, 5'7 and 117lbs. Very pretty. Although face would look better if made up and hair done. Also needs teeth brushed. But hey. She is on the streets. Now to the good stuff. Total firm C cups. Firm ass. Flat tummy. Body was tight and incredible for a WSW. Box was shaved and nice and tight. CFS and BBBJ for a good deal. Nice long legs. Worth the extras if you find her. Great attitude as well. Dropped off at Avondale and Broad.

Humpty Dumpty
03-19-08, 06:15
Picked her up again in the morning of the 18th. FS was 25. Her looks have declined in recent months but still worth it. She is 23. Sully and Clarendon.

Sgt Shultz
03-19-08, 18:53
Was out and about this morning between 05:15 and 06:00 in Sullivant area and only saw 1 wsw east of Central who was too obvious with not only 'the look', but also waving down the little traffic. I did a circle and she had jumped into another car before I could get to her.

Up Cleveland Ave between 5th and 18th saw 3 bsw and 1 wsw farther north on Cleveland near the Westerville Road split.

Pay For It
03-19-08, 22:53
So i made it into town despite the blizzard. Just my luck I was there for the one in 78 too. Anyway, Thursday I had a bit to get away and took the board sully loop.

In my prior visits I had some success on Broad and started there. This was early afternoon. Saw quite a few wsw's and one in particualr that spurned my interest. I drive around the block jsut in time to see her jump intoa fellow mongers ride.

Not sure where the hot spots were on Sullivant (many years since I was on that road and not in my mongering years) I hop on at Georgesville. By the Sunoco station I see two both of which looked fine from a distance. As I miss my first couple turnarounds one caught my eye that was defiantely going no bra. Froma distance she had on decent clothes nice build wsw. I circle figuring if I miss her I have the Sunoco. Get on the side street and she is there.

She hops in and off we go. Close up she wasn't super pretty. Mid 40's and street life aged her a bit. Definately not bad and her hair was fresh looked and smelled nice. Drove her to a motel only asking if she cared we went. I am a bit paranoid of the on the street cop thing so I waited tillw e got there.

I grab the room and we do the negotiation. I said I have a fair bit of time and was looking for a bit of everything. We settles on.25 and she started to undress. Nice rack not bad at all for mid 40's. Nice pale but smooth skin no track mars scars etc.

She drops the pants to reveal an unmanicured bush not my preference but only point against her at this point.

She proceeded to rub up and down licking and teasing and really went to work ont he family jewels. Really solid technique. Then a BBBJ. It had been a while so it didn;t take me but 15 min or so. Much to my suprise she eagerly swallowed it up.

She then asked me to roll over and said sweetie we haven't f&&& yet so how about a massage. 20 minutes or so of a decent massage and then she reached under and started teasing. I rolled over again and she proceeded to go down again. Before I know it she is slurping it down again.

This time she layed down and said lets talk I am not leaving till we F***. Turns out we grew up in same general area and close to same general age. We talked for a long time and then she is like think you are up for it again. She goes down on me again and she jsut had great technique. She was very passionate (especially for a working girl) next thing I know she is on top going at it. It was so intense we are about 10 minutes in when I think oh shit the rain coat is not on.

At this point I am thinking shit I am this far and we finish the deed. Damn that girl was good. She snuck the coat on with the last round of bj.

All and all we were there for darn near 4 hours. As we got dressed I offered her a tip. she said no hun it is good to meet a nice one. I insisted and tossed her a .1 anyway. Woudlve gladly tipped more if she wanted. That really impressed me.

By far one of the best overall sw experinces ever for me. No digits and I dropped her at a dollar store on broad so she could pick up some things.

I am returning soon to try and find her again. A real find. Face 4 to 5, body 6 to 7 attitude and technique 10.

You boys have some good ones there.


03-20-08, 16:13
I ran into another Amber on Sullivant in the bottoms. Seems like Amber is a popular alias these days. Tall, about 5' 9", with fairly short dark red hair and big blue eyes. I broke one of my cardinal rules and went to her place. Met another girl, Tina, on the way in. Amber wanted to conduct buz in the bathroom. It had a light and a lock so I said ok. Half way through she complained that she needed some lube. Went out of the bathroom with only her shirt on and never returned. I waited a little bit and shook my head in disbelief as I drove away. I had also broken a second rule, which is never pay til you're done. See what happens when you don't follow the rules. Oh well, all things considered it could have been much worse. Sometimes we have to go through a lot of oysters to find a pearl.

03-21-08, 06:12
My friend went touring in the afternoon. Several out in the bottoms. Found Haley on Sully. 30ish. Some wrinkles & a stubbley shave job with tattoo where her muff should be. Working digits. He gave her a 6. 5 on the scale.

Sullivant Guy
03-22-08, 11:56
Out and about at 8pm. Met reliable Lil Red - she was showered, had nice makeup on, nice jeans, tight sweater and looked hot. Gave the usual great service. Her body is still smokin hot. Nice ass and those tits are the best!

she was on Sully

Hoho Creampie
03-23-08, 02:49
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because is was an obvious attempts to taunt other Forum Members by bragging about his unsafe sex practices. Multiple Safe Sex Taunts will result in the perpetrator being banned from the forum. Please read the Forum Rules (www.usasexguide.info/forum/announcement-forumrules.php) for more information. Thanks!

Pay For It
03-23-08, 11:07
I ran into another Amber on Sullivant in the bottoms. Seems like Amber is a popular alias these days. Tall, about 5' 9", with fairly short dark red hair and big blue eyes. I broke one of my cardinal rules and went to her place. Met another girl, Tina, on the way in. Amber wanted to conduct buz in the bathroom. It had a light and a lock so I said ok. Half way through she complained that she needed some lube. Went out of the bathroom with only her shirt on and never returned. I waited a little bit and shook my head in disbelief as I drove away. I had also broken a second rule, which is never pay til you're done. See what happens when you don't follow the rules. Oh well, all things considered it could have been much worse. Sometimes we have to go through a lot of oysters to find a pearl.

The biggest rule I always try to follow (after some hard lessons) is make sure you control the envoironment. A few times I went to the girls place when I was early in my mongering days. A couple times it went great. One time a big scary dude came tooling in and well, I jsut packed ass out of there. One time I walked in two girls, both got naked then wala I got to meet big pimp and his friend smith and wesson.

Now I always go to a notel and one of my choosing.

Humpty Dumpty
03-23-08, 23:26
"make sure you control the environment" is a good philosophy. If you go to her hotel room, you wont go a minute before theres a rude knock at the door. I have gone to an SWs place a few times, rarely. you can usually "feel out" whether its safe or not. This has never failed me.

One thing I never, ever do anymore is let her tell me where to park. Thats asking to be ripped off. If I am in the west side, I always get to campus, Grandview, at least the Short North, and then there are places that we can mutually agree on.

03-24-08, 23:10
Hi there, I had the pleasure of meeting both of these gals and they are smokin. Lil red goes by many names and is number one in my book. Kim is ok, a little crazy on the dope and has a very playful personality.
Both have working digits and am willing to trade for some younger gals.

Sullivant Guy
03-25-08, 08:22
Hi there, I had the pleasure of meeting both of these gals and they are smokin. Lil red goes by many names and is number one in my book. Kim is ok, a little crazy on the dope and has a very playful personality.

Both have working digits and am willing to trade for some younger gals.They do not come much younger than Lil Red out there - unless you are looking for jail bait. :)

Was out yesterday. Nothing really caught my eye. Saw plenty of the same ole same ole. Hopefully we will see some new talent soon. Did meet this girl on Broad in the bottoms. Name was "Karma". Her Karma was bad and she smelled. Looked good from a distance. Then yuck. Makeup was caked on and she needed a shower. Teeth were also nasty. Saw Red and Kim and Simone. But I need a change so I passed. Hell little Red was in the same clothes I picked her up in the other day when she was looking and smelling good. She did not look as good yesterday.

03-29-08, 15:45
Angela around 7a on Sully in the bottoms. Great BJ in a secluded spot. Got digits. Brunette, a little thick, not much for company, but a great performer. Would pick her up again, and might.

Michelle - Agreed. Hot, but a little messed up. A little too thin for my taste. Works up and down the rod quickly, but without much form. Probably wouldn't stop again for a BJ. Picked her up during the lunch rush on Sully in the Bottoms. Got digits.

Sheila - slim, long red curlyish hair. real nice smallish titties. Great ass. Good skills. friendly. I would stop for her again in a heartbeat. On the 8a stroll on Sully in the bottoms.

Sullivant Guy
03-30-08, 08:57
Sheila - slim, long red curlyish hair. real nice smallish titties. Great ass. Good skills. friendly. I would stop for her again in a heartbeat. On the 8a stroll on Sully in the bottoms.Sheila is a nice find. I see her often. She gets made up sometimes and looks really good. She is a hot FS as well if you treat her right.

Sinful Star1
03-30-08, 18:13
Has anyone seen Jenna? I kinda miss those fat pussy lips around my dick. She can look real good at times and kinda bad at times. If anyone know whats up with her please share.

On a different note. Does anyone remember Blair from the dispatch? She was excellent. I know she was a little more than exspensive, but she was well worth it. Any info would be nice.

Sullivant Guy
03-30-08, 18:57
Has anyone seen Jenna? I kinda miss those fat pussy lips around my dick. She can look real good at times and kinda bad at times. If anyone know whats up with her please share.Jenna was a really good time back when she first came out. But the life caught up with her damn quick. She just looked like total hell the last couple times I saw her, which has been awhile. When she first came out she was top notch and certainly the looker. I remember one night in the front seat of my car, with her sitting on top of me. With those nice titties of hers bouncing up and down.

03-30-08, 19:02
Has anyone seen Jenna? I kinda miss those fat pussy lips around my dick. She can look real good at times and kinda bad at times. If anyone know whats up with her please share.

On a different note. Does anyone remember Blair from the dispatch? She was excellent. I know she was a little more than exspensive, but she was well worth it. Any info would be nice.http://www.kelliesfriends.com/html/gallery.php?gallery=3

Cmh Hound
03-31-08, 12:53
Me Sheila in the bottoms. Didn't look too bad, a little rough. Got BBBJ and CFS. She was in rare form. Acted like she was really enjoying it. Rode me well and even played with herself some. Well worth it!

04-01-08, 08:08
Yesterday, about 6pm. Saw a WSW from a distance. When I swooped back to get a glimpse, she had already turned the corner. I tried to get myself in position, but she hopped into a pickup.

This girl was about 5'7" ish, brunette (dyed a deep red), and looked like at least an 8-9 on the scale. Skin was clean, clothes were clean. I missed her because I did an extra pass to be sure about my surroundings. Uncle Leo was everywhere yesterday. Maybe if I was more experienced, I wouldn't be so nervous, but at the same time, I guess this way I'll live to monger another day.

04-01-08, 15:10
Has anyone seen Jenna? I kinda miss those fat pussy lips around my dick. She can look real good at times and kinda bad at times. If anyone know whats up with her please share.

On a different note. Does anyone remember Blair from the dispatch? She was excellent. I know she was a little more than exspensive, but she was well worth it. Any info would be nice.
She's in Jail (and I think still has like 3 months to go)

Sw Hunter
04-02-08, 10:10
I saw Jenn when she was just starting the business, fresh and willing to do anything! The streetlife as it has others ruined her!!

04-02-08, 18:26
Yesterday, about 6pm. Saw a WSW from a distance. When I swooped back to get a glimpse, she had already turned the corner. I tried to get myself in position, but she hopped into a pickup.

This girl was about 5'7" ish, brunette (dyed a deep red), and looked like at least an 8-9 on the scale. Skin was clean, clothes were clean. I missed her because I did an extra pass to be sure about my surroundings. Uncle Leo was everywhere yesterday. Maybe if I was more experienced, I wouldn't be so nervous, but at the same time, I guess this way I'll live to monger another day.You're smart. You should keep it that way. The few that get away only make the ones who don't that much better!

04-03-08, 07:34
My friend said he cruised for about 2 hours Wednesday afternoon. Saw mostly skanks. Ended up with Roxanne. Said she was clean for a change. Enjoyed playing with her very hairy bush and then cbj. He's hoping for better next time.

04-03-08, 16:34
Just got back from the Sully Broad loop with no success. Drove from 1pm til 3pm and then gave up. Don't like cruising after schools let out. Nothing but toothless bitty hags straggling about like rejects from the "Gallery of funny walks". Seriously, I have no idea who in their right mind would pick up some of these urchins. In this hobby we all make a few compromises, but I won't let anyone in my ride if they look like they just crawled out of a storm sewer. I think the pickin's are better earlier in the day. Just a thought.

Mw Jrp
04-03-08, 20:57
As reported by others slim pickings today until 6pm on Sully at Eureka, strolling along is Heather. A nice firm package, 9+ IMHO. Got CBJ & CFS at my room. Whole way there in traffic see stroked Mr Happy. I had trouble nutting, spoiled from my Dayton hoes, but finally popped. Of course no phone for follow up. She said she is around that pick up area.

At first she gave her name as Mandi, but later said Heather and we dated before. I think she is correct, but she was paranoid and weird that day. 6-8 mos ago with her, I popped CFS in that tight little cooz after 30 seconds. She is a hot little package. Next time if I can find her, I'm going for mutiple positions. That ass of her's is as fine as they come, and too, is still firm. Today's donation.40+.05tip

Very draining week, time to head home for a rest. Be safe and good hunting. MW

Sullivant Guy
04-04-08, 00:01
Hope all is well in CBus. I am having a great time in Philly. Over doing some work for awhile. Man it is different! I have had two totally nice pieces in the past week. Great attitudes. Smell nice. Great service. And hot for SWs. Makes Columbus seem kind of lame.

04-05-08, 07:51
Hope all is well in CBus. I am having a great time in Philly. Over doing some work for awhile. Man it is different! I have had two totally nice pieces in the past week. Great attitudes. Smell nice. Great service. And hot for SWs. Makes Columbus seem kind of lame.
I know what you mean. Thats why I dont leave anything on the board. I have had nothing worth telling here in columbus in the last 9 months.Be safe.

04-06-08, 09:47
Drove the same west side loop yesterday about 1pm with no luck. Not even the skanky dopers you usually see. Decided to window shop on the east side just to see the sights. Normally this isn't something I recommend. I like bsw's, but there seems to be more danger from LE and the sw on Main St. Lots of rip off artists. However, I ran into Stephanie on Livingston and Fairwood. Very cute and fresh out of the shower. Got cfs and bj for .40 plus a pack of Newports, lol. Very enjoyable young lady. Other than a bit of a pouch she was a 7-8 on the scale.

04-07-08, 13:23
Was down south this weekend by the speedway by white castles & met Kelly wsw, early 20's, brunette. Newbie, clean, .2 + .1 tip for bbbjcim, said shes in a financial bind trying to get away from her man at home. I dont think the street is going to get her far from home. Nice bod, said she has 1 kid, fairly talented, little timid at first, understandable. No digits, sigh!

04-07-08, 19:07
Was down south this weekend by the speedway by white castles & met Kelly wsw, early 20's, brunette. Newbie, clean, .2 + .1 tip for bbbjcim, said shes in a financial bind trying to get away from her man at home. I dont think the street is going to get her far from home. Nice bod, said she has 1 kid, fairly talented, little timid at first, understandable. No digits, sigh!

Trying to think what speedway/white castle you mean when you say south... what road/crossroads?

04-07-08, 23:34
Trying to think what speedway/white castle you mean when you say south... what road/crossroads?There are a white castle and a speedway near each other on S. High almost to 270, but I've never seen a SW down there.

04-08-08, 01:56
I think hes more likely refering just s of greenlawn. I would be careful down there, LOTS of LEO in cars, bikes and the CCP on foot

04-08-08, 09:13
Sorry for the confusion, I am referring to the Greenlawn & High area.

04-08-08, 14:45
There are a white castle and a speedway near each other on S. High almost to 270, but I've never seen a SW down there.

I got lucky at that Speedway last August. About 7 AM I pulled in for gas. There was a skinny blonde sitting on that planter wall. I said Hi as I walked in because she was looking at me smiling. I walked backed out and started pumping the gas while watching her out of the corner of my eye. She was looking at every car that passed by and saying Hi to the guys walking by.

I thought that I'd give it a shot and when she was looking at me again, I nodded towards my car. She walked over and got in the passenger seat as I was closing the gas door.

Asked her if she had a spot and she told me to go out the back way and up the alley into a parking lot. I was looking at White Castle's drive thru and realized that this was my attorney's parking lot. I got out of there and backed in between two buildings across the alley. Guess I should have paid less attention to her chest and more to where I was.

She said that her name was Lora and was 23 (looked 30 at the least).

The SWs are generally between Welch down to Barthman on the eastside of High. Early morning or late at night were the only times that I've noticed them.

04-09-08, 14:19
I've went down the last couple of nights to see if she was back out but no such luck. I told her the next time we would get a room in the area so we could spend more time together. Id like to see her again before the streets eat her up & she doesnt look as fresh. I've seen girls in this area before but didn't think they were working. I actually picked one up around the Taco Bell/Wendys just north of their before, but that was a long time ago.

04-09-08, 18:01
I've went down the last couple of nights to see if she was back out but no such luck. I told her the next time we would get a room in the area so we could spend more time together. Id like to see her again before the streets eat her up & she doesnt look as fresh. I've seen girls in this area before but didn't think they were working. I actually picked one up around the Taco Bell/Wendys just north of their before, but that was a long time ago.

Their are a few notels north of Greenlawn (One on each side of the street) On High St. That is where they are coming from. I usually check the area when I'm hunting on the south end. It's not consistant, but I think that is where they are coming from.

04-11-08, 09:00
Their are a few notels north of Greenlawn (One on each side of the street) On High St. That is where they are coming from. I usually check the area when I'm hunting on the south end. It's not consistant, but I think that is where they are coming from.
Ok thanks, I will keep an eye out up there for her. Tried to get a quikie in this morning but no luck. The streets were empty of girls, must be worried about the rain, hell at least it was warm i thought someone would have been out though

04-13-08, 15:25
Hey guys. I am in Columbus and been doing the Sully/Broad strip for a few years now. A few months ago, I got the crazy idea of video taping my encounters. Most girls are cool with it once they trust you enough to realize there is extra cash in it. Anyway, being the entrepeneur that I tend to be, I decided to see if there was any interest in this footage. Sure enough, I found a website that will pay money for as much footage as I can get, possibly even a standalone website dedicated just to this. Obviously I have found it easier to have a "partner in crime" to help with this. I am looking for a guy or two to go on these safaris with me, and tape and be taped. But don't worry:

I am not a fag. Only straight action

I would never allow faces to be shown

I am willing to share any profits this footage gets us, especially if I have some help paying for rooms, girls, etc. I am free mornings and evenings, never late at night.

Just thought I would put this out there.


Sgt Shultz
04-14-08, 05:02
Was out too long with very little in the way of results. Started about 1pm and until 5pm had no luck. At 5 I was at S. High between Thurman and Southwood, there was a blonde with glasses wsw about 40ish walking bow-legged up and down, but got into vehicle before I could loop around.

About 5:20, headed back up and over Broad St and before a last loop and saw another wsw 20ish walking up Dana to Broad - as I circled around again missed to another car.

By 5:30 was in bottoms of Sully and saw a wsw in red that looked too young for me, so up at Wedgewood saw a hsw that I missed again so called it a night after 3 strikes.

There were a lot of police cars out everywhere I went so better safe than sorry - I gave up for the week.

04-14-08, 08:15
Hey guys. I am in Columbus and been doing the Sully/Broad strip for a few years now. A few months ago, I got the crazy idea of video taping my encounters. Most girls are cool with it once they trust you enough to realize there is extra cash in it. Anyway, being the entrepeneur that I tend to be, I decided to see if there was any interest in this footage. Sure enough, I found a website that will pay money for as much footage as I can get, possibly even a standalone website dedicated just to this. Obviously I have found it easier to have a "partner in crime" to help with this. I am looking for a guy or two to go on these safaris with me, and tape and be taped. But don't worry:

I am not a fag. Only straight action

I would never allow faces to be shown

I am willing to share any profits this footage gets us, especially if I have some help paying for rooms, girls, etc. I am free mornings and evenings, never late at night.

Just thought I would put this out there.


No thanks, Officer.

Pay For It
04-14-08, 10:29
Hope all is well in CBus. I am having a great time in Philly. Over doing some work for awhile. Man it is different! I have had two totally nice pieces in the past week. Great attitudes. Smell nice. Great service. And hot for SWs. Makes Columbus seem kind of lame.

Grass is always greener thing lol. I thought the same thing about Columbus and regularly monger in the Philly area 8)

04-14-08, 11:39
First a guy posts about an orgy & now we have a guy wanting to film other guys or have a guy film him. WTF! Go to a swingers club & get what you want.

04-15-08, 05:47
Hi there, I met up with a gal by the name of Jessica. She's 27, about 5'2, a thin body frame small tits, shaved kitty. She was willing to go to a place of my choice and we ended up doing it all for a good hour.
No digits from this gal, gave her my number to call me this week but good luck with that haha.

04-15-08, 09:06
If anyone still has contact with Danielle Woods aka Sarah, avoid her at all costs!!! Your liver will thank you in the long run ( you figure it out)
Thanks for the heads up to avoid her, but..... Im no medical expert, so what does she have so the rest of us will know. That is what the board is here for. You can back channel me if you want as I am curious.

04-15-08, 10:50
I'm guessing some form of Hepatitis?.

04-15-08, 16:04
I'm guessing some form of Hepatitis?.

Ding Ding Ding! Winner! Dont ask me how I know, but believe me I know it to be %100 acurate

Sullivant Guy
04-15-08, 23:28
Ding Ding Ding! Winner! Dont ask me how I know, but believe me I know it to be %100 acurateSeriously - how do you know? Why should that be a secret?

04-16-08, 09:51
Seriously - how do you know? Why should that be a secret?
I agree bring it forward on what you know, Geesh.

Humpty Dumpty
04-16-08, 17:47
I picked up Jamie at Broad and Eureka. She looks a little worn but oh well. 20 for BBBJCIM which was above average.

Hoho Creampie
04-16-08, 17:58
So I went around the West Side today and did not see any girl worth half a shit. Then I went to that gyro shop to get something to eat and I swear the girl at the drive-thru is a (former?) WSW named Beth who I creampied a couple times. She worked the Short North like 3 years ago. So anyhow, next time I swing by that drive-thru I will have to actually ask for her name. I was just so taken aback I did not know what to say. She must be straightened up because she looks good.

So Im gonna go out again soon. Hopefully there will be some hot young thing in need of my special sauce. Also, I have not seen Danielle Woods in quite some time, but I have creampied her as well. I was last tested for everything a couple weeks ago.

Kongzilla, get in touch! Sounds like an awesome idea!

04-16-08, 23:36
I wasnt keeping it a secret, I just found out recently myself! Im just saying I wont tell you how I know its true, only that I know 110% that it is true...hence the heads up for everyone!

Sullivant Guy
04-17-08, 00:53
I wasnt keeping it a secret, I just found out recently myself! Im just saying I wont tell you how I know its true, only that I know 110% that it is true...hence the heads up for everyone!I guess I don't understand how you know it is true. Did she tell you?

04-17-08, 07:09
I met up with candy yesterday on sully near central. She looked pretty good from driving distance, not saying she was ugly but I picked her up anyway. She gave a very good bj for .3.

About to meet up with Michelle today so we'll see how that goes.

04-17-08, 09:16
Why is it that SWs always age one year with every step they take towards you? That's what happened yesterday at Sully and Dana. I picked up Jackie, a 37 y/o brunette. She looked OK until she smiled at me and her teeth looked like Boston Baked Beans. I was trying to figure out a way to dump her when she provided me with a perfect excuse. She said she suspected me of being a cop. I told her to always trust her instincts and dropped her off. LOL. Unfortunately it was slim pickins again yesterday with heavy LE working the loop. Even saw Bureau of ATF in the alley behind Broad and Princeton. Didn't stick around to see what all the commotion was about.

Humpty Dumpty
04-17-08, 19:53
Was cruising through the campus area and saw her. She looks like Elaine from Seinfeld on crack. Not great looking but still worth it. Ive been with her on a few occasions. She looks better with her clothes on. Great BBJCIM skills though. Digits for whoever wants them, you got numbers to trade, go ahead. Her apartment is safe, she lives with some old dude who is totally harmless.

About going to girls houses, I do it in the Short North/Campus area but still advise caution. Even going to a motel in the West Side is dangerous.