View Full Version : Streetwalker Reports

12-31-05, 23:00
Thread Starter.

Ausse Salt
02-27-06, 02:55
Thanks a patchell, mate. If you aint noticed by now ALL WE BLEEDIN HAVE 'ROUND HERE is streetwalkers! Right too many Indian Chiefs 'round here and not too many Indians.
Cor! prize droobs everywhere.

### Salty

03-19-06, 19:06
I was through your fine town Friday evening and I must thank you guys for your help. I found the 7-11 and hung out for a while, went into the bar next door, had a drink, and into the book store. Only had one girl pay any attention to me and I just wasn't interested in her. I stood and talked to a cabbie and a wsw that was a little older with glasses and 'blonde' hair. I drove around a little more and saw another wsw by the bus stop. She was about 5'8"-10" and had short. light brown hair. She was a little bit of a spaz but her **u*sy smelled good and she had wonderful 'c' cups with nice nipples. $4 got me fs in the car. We were going to go back to her place in Ohio but I didn't have time, I regret that. I asked the cabbie about two girls that hung together and he said 'you must mean the lesbians'. I replied yep that's the ones my buddy told me about. He said he knew where they lived but they wouldn't be out 'til later. He also elaborated on how they stand around and scratch their pu**ies all the time' because they're dirty? Nonetheless the girl I'll call "V" did a fine job. Thanks again.

Ausse Salt
03-21-06, 00:54
Hey Mates,

How 'bout postin yer blubs & reports in the General section instead ov here.

Glad to hear Wolfe had 'imself a jolly time with our lovvys.

### Salty

Just Me 69
07-19-06, 08:01
Posted By Ausse Salt

Okey, Meat Man, I hear ya loud & clear. I.

Okey, Meat Man, I hear ya loud & clear. I seen ya say that yer pitchers were NOT ov any street lovvys also.

There is over 600 pages of photagraphes on this site & alotta droobs only post theyre jokes & gypps there & no good pitchers much any. Only them snap-shots ov fat scrubbers that mostly look like Shithouse Sally on a good day.

Me mate Jackson should get a good mate to wade thru them all & collect up all the righty-fine ones ov only bonzer beauts & pretty-bird young nippers and put them in a special section fer hard mates with a good right hand.

### Salty

Wrong again, I never posted the pictures( not pitchers) as you so wrongly mis spelled, countless times.

Ausse Salt
07-20-06, 00:28
Jus' Me,

First ov all, bludger, we dont post much-any on this forum. So if ya got somethin' to say then be a man about things & post in the main forum, not send them sissy private messages that make yer fun at the way I do me talking. Just another predudical Yank who pokes fun at other blokes.

Youre right that Meatman posted some o' them how-ya-say "Pick-tures" (some o' you blokes need the Queen's english lesson), and me & him talked about it. Aint you one o' his mates? An then you come 'round here calling me "fake" and a clown & you wanna poke yer fun at me english & what-not.

And your message say "Wrong again" -- what was it that I was first wrong about?

### Salty

Johnny Rebel1
07-24-06, 21:42
I am visting wheeling next weekend from Baltimore, MD. Might be long term by end of summer. Can you all tell me some good places to go around the area. Massage parlors, escorts, sw, and strip clubs. You can private message me if feel better.



Ausse Salt
07-25-06, 00:16

Makes me surely feel better to tell ya that we don't post much-any in this forum. Didnt you read any ov the previous posts? Post in the general forum, mate.

### Salty

Johnny Rebel1
07-26-06, 20:21
I noticed that. Was still hoping to find something in Wheeling or area.

08-09-11, 13:35
Cruising in downtown Wheeling spotted Amber who was in several of the very visible downtown Wheeling areas. Cute little blonde, dreamed of a BBJCIMWS for. 4. Thought Wheeling was completely dead, but evidently not.

04-15-12, 21:28
If you monger in Wheeling, you might want to check out this.

Link, and possibly see your Doctor.


04-16-12, 17:09
Wish the Officer well I'm curious as to what kinda disease she might be sporting.

If you monger in Wheeling, you might want to check out this.

Link, and possibly see your Doctor.


06-16-12, 14:26
Check the stories on the WTOV and WTRF websites. Seems a SW was.

Pinched working out of a Hotel, downtown. LEO has also noticed an uptick.

In SW action, due to the influx of Marcellus Share workers.

06-20-12, 14:33
Was on my way he from the casino, and decided to make a quick pass through downtown to blow the last of my discretionary income. A quick loop, and I spotted a 20-something WSW giving me "the look." Picked her up, found a safe place to park and after the obligatory LE check, and enjoyed a BBBJCIM. .20 exchanged and everyone left happy. Too bad that I'm not in Wheeling more often.

Member #5689
11-18-12, 15:06
Was on my way he from the casino, and decided to make a quick pass through downtown to blow the last of my discretionary income. A quick loop, and I spotted a 20-something WSW giving me "the look." Picked her up, found a safe place to park and after the obligatory LE check, and enjoyed a BBBJCIM. .20 exchanged and everyone left happy. Too bad that I'm not in Wheeling more often.I will be in the area next week and was wondering if the SW scene is better if so where is the best place to look most likely during the daylight hours?


12-10-12, 12:45
Will be visitng Wheeling and looking for leads on WSW or LSW. Need help with availability, routes and amount of action. Not from the area and time limited so any info is deeply appreciated.

PM me info. Happy hunting and be safe! Thanks!

12-10-12, 17:16
Will be in the area next week and looking for some hunting grounds. Loops and locations are good. Numbers are better! Appreciate tips in PM.


Happy hunting and be safe!

06-26-17, 21:14
Extremely cute brunette white girl, early 20's, just walking down Main at 20th today at 11:30. Got a wave and a big smile; certainly seemed open for business! Sadly, I was running errands and didn't have time to stop before a lunch meeting. Alas. Could she have been a dancer at the club across the street? If she's available again, I'd definitely make the pick up. I did circle back after my appointment, but didn't see her again. If you have any details, feel free to PM me. Thanks!

09-20-18, 00:34
Over night on business. Main Street and 14th was packed with girls. Variety was unbelievable. I hall from an area where SW are all but gone. Even across the bridge on Wheeling Island Virginia st had at least 4 out one brunette was picked up just as fast as she was dropped off.

Avg Joe
02-24-19, 13:52
Was staying overnight in Wheeling for the 1st time on business and decided to take a ride to see what was out. Checked back several pages here to find the locations, drove 10 minutes to get there and from 8-10pm Thursday found nothing.

I did however see a blonde who was walking close to the gas station on Main but she got picked up. Funny thing she got dropped off 5 minutes later screaming at the guy and kicking his car. Didn't need that happening so I just cruised around Main from 7th - 20th and didn't see anyone else.

Later I went past the gas station again and saw a cute girl standing outside watching me so I pulled in and up to one of the pumps to get gas. Just my luck, she put out her cigarette, walked inside the gas station, went behind the counter and asked if she could help me LOL. Very cute and nice girl. So I just paid for gas and left.

Doubt I would have picked up anyone anyway but who knows. I just wanted to cruise and see what downtown Wheeling was like.

Avg Joe.

Ausse Salt
03-02-19, 13:39
Was staying overnight in Wheeling for the 1st time on business and decided to take a ride to see what was out. Checked back several pages here to find the locations, drove 10 minutes to get there and from 8-10pm Thursday found nothing.

I did however see a blonde who was walking close to the gas station on Main but she got picked up. Funny thing she got dropped off 5 minutes later screaming at the guy and kicking his car. Didn't need that happening so I just cruised around Main from 7th - 20th and didn't see anyone else.

Later I went past the gas station again and saw a cute girl standing outside watching me so I pulled in and up to one of the pumps to get gas. Just my luck, she put out her cigarette, walked inside the gas station, went behind the counter and asked if she could help me LOL. Very cute and nice girl. So I just paid for gas and left.

Doubt I would have picked up anyone anyway but who knows. I just wanted to cruise and see what downtown Wheeling was like.

Avg Joe.Blimey! A streetwalker who sells gas, also! .

Who knew? . Reckon it takes ALL kinds.

Good report there, mate.

# Salty.

Prozzy Lover
03-02-19, 17:48
Blimey! A streetwalker who sells gas, also! .

Who knew? . Reckon it takes ALL kinds.

Good report there, mate.

# Salty.Great to hear from you again Salty. Your posts on the Charleston board were prolific. Those were the days.

03-02-19, 17:55
blimey! A streetwalker who sells gas, also! .

Who knew? . Reckon it takes all kinds.

Good report there, mate.

# salty.Saaaaaaalty!

03-02-19, 17:56
Great to hear from you again Salty. Your posts on the Charleston board were prolific. Those were the days.Absolutely.

Ausse Salt
03-05-19, 20:26
Thanks to me mates Prozzy and of course Almighty.

Good to talk with you fellows again!

I live up closer to Pittsburgh now, but still.

Get-about on occasion to Wheeling.

I'm tryin' to see IF we can good a good political.

Fourm going on this site. Though one where.

Lads (and lovvys) of BOTH political persuasions.

Can swap opinions WITHOUT a lot of insults.

And mean-spirited comments to each-other.

And, of course, our good discussions of.

Pretty-birds on the hobby-end of things.

Wheeling still has some action to be found.

# Salty.

04-24-19, 01:58
I drove through Wheeling tonight- and saw a ton of girls out.

Some decent talent.

BBBJCIM from Cindy tonight -.

Its nice when they take your cock and slap their face with it.

04-24-19, 13:01
I drove through Wheeling tonight- and saw a ton of girls out.

Some decent talent.

BBBJCIM from Cindy tonight -.

Its nice when they take your cock and slap their face with it.Ha, yep had one do that a few weeks back myself. I've never hit Wheeling stroll, How bad are the cops there?. Certain times you have to watch for them more than others?

Ausse Salt
04-24-19, 21:47
Good go, lads!

"W-towne" surely used to be one o' the BEST places in the tri-state area.

Sometimes a bonzer choice of lovvys most every night. Unless the Nailers got a hockey match.

The police are pretty good and would let things be as long as the street-lovvys are NOT hassling everyone and 20 cars aint all circlin' the block.

Be safe and polite and you should have no problems.

## Salty.

04-28-19, 22:03
Time for a drive down. Best times anyone?

Ausse Salt
04-29-19, 20:03
Time for a drive down. Best times anyone?Hee Hee! A sunny day would be good. Prolly won't see many lovvys out in the rain! Actually, the best time is prolly when it starts to get dark. Maybe 9:00 on. And make sure that there's NO event happening at the hockey arena there. All that traffic makes it too hard to hobby-about the area.

# Salty.

05-03-19, 16:02
Any recent intel on SW's in Steubenville? I get down there about once a month and I've heard they're around, but I haven't seen any.

05-13-19, 14:58
This is my plan for the next sunny day. Man mother nature needs to quit it with the rain! I need to get out and play LOL.

Hee Hee! A sunny day would be good. Prolly won't see many lovvys out in the rain! Actually, the best time is prolly when it starts to get dark. Maybe 9:00 on. And make sure that there's NO event happening at the hockey arena there. All that traffic makes it too hard to hobby-about the area.

# Salty.

05-13-19, 15:01
They're around, sparsely. And the ones so far this year haven't been worth stopping for, IMHO. If you do swing by watch for the uncle, totally useless they are but will follow you around if you make to many circles.

Any recent intel on SW's in Steubenville? I get down there about once a month and I've heard they're around, but I haven't seen any.

Ausse Salt
05-14-19, 19:34
Surely hope that Scratch and some o' you other mates are finding some good lovvys for your action. Wheeling used to be almost like a first class take-away shoppe of pretty-birds on the stroll. And don'tcha get me started on the famous (or infamous) Green Door joint "above" Me Club.

Great times 'round the area there before the police and towne leaders cleaned it up a bit. Some o' the dancing girls would surely be on the lark for making some extra monnies if it was the week their rent was due. Now though it seems that the towne beautification committee has done everything EXCEPT make the area beautiful. Still got some of the towne talents out plying their trade, Thank Goodness!

# Salty.

05-18-19, 15:05
Was passing through recently and decided to tour the downtown area. On a side street, was waved at by a girl with dyed red haired, partially. Caucasian, tallish not skinny and not seemingly on anything. Bbbjwspit and she was good. Small Bs, she was wearing a pantsuit thing that in effect discouraged Utc. Gave her $40, wanted money upfront but I said no. Said police don't bother her and there are many girls, though at this time of day (12 pm ish) she was the only one I saw. Lots of civvies out on a nice day. Said her name is Red. Be nice to her.

Ausse Salt
05-22-19, 18:26
Glad to see ya found some good action there, VA. But as a friendly mention. Please hobby with extra caution during holiday time of Memorial day and Labour day, as THAT is when the police sting traps can happen. Even 'round Wheeling.

Stay safe, mates!

# Salty.

05-23-19, 10:19
Glad to see ya found some good action there, VA. But as a friendly mention. Please hobby with extra caution during holiday time of Memorial day and Labour day, as THAT is when the police sting traps can happen. Even 'round Wheeling.

Stay safe, mates!

# Salty.Good advice salty.

05-23-19, 10:25
So I made a trip around town the other sunny day, and absolutely nothing. Even went out on the island and wasn't one anywhere. Bummed me out but oh we'll that's the game I guess sometimes. P.S. Was about 4 in the afternoon. S&D.

05-24-19, 14:24
So I made a trip around town the other sunny day, and absolutely nothing. Even went out on the island and wasn't one anywhere. Bummed me out but oh we'll that's the game I guess sometimes. P.S. Was about 4 in the afternoon. S&D.Could be the time you cruised. In my experience, 4 o'clockish time range has never yielded me good results on any stroll down through the years.

Ausse Salt
05-26-19, 00:32
Some of the good long-time lads 'round here such as Bil73, Trav (USTraveler) and even Psyber Zombie prolly remember good discussions in the past of the BEST times to find lovvys out on the stroll. What's really funny is that weather forecasts on the telly may say that come in two days the temperature will be well-below freezing, so you'd surely THEN believe that the lovvys would be out tonight and tomorrow before the cold weather. You punt around on the stroll and see NOTHING. Then when it's freezing a few nights later, there they are out there freezing their arses off.

Or a whole bleedin' week of clear weather and empty streets. Two days later all the lovvys are out in the heavy rain and all pissing 'about like drowned rats. It makes no sense.

Perhaps the best logic would be to 'obby for street lovvys more towards the END of the month, when the rent money is due. But then, who knows? It's all a sad, imperfect science.

# Salty.

05-26-19, 11:39
I agree my timing was likely flawed, I'd like to ask what times work best but as Salty said there is no "right" in this imperfect science. Will just shuffle through as I find time and hope for the best. Until then might need to drive up to an AMP for a little are&are. S&D.

Could be the time you cruised. In my experience, 4 o'clockish time range has never yielded me good results on any stroll down through the years.

Ausse Salt
05-28-19, 18:18
A good try there, S&D. Sorry yer search didn't bear any friut. In me-own journeys 'round the area, evening seems to mostly be the best wager. Wheeling streets can either be good or bad. At least DiCarlo sisters pizza can keep ya company till night time, or a visit over the island to the casino. The Pubs around the 7-11 shoppe might yield a pub girl or two who might do in a pinch.

# Salty.

06-08-19, 07:26
Thanks to my fellow enthusiasts for the wheeling info I pass through a couple times a year but never tried wheeling I used to strictly use Morgantown but struck out there so I dropped in to wheeling and used the info got about 1 min from the 7-11 downtown and seen a SW strutting on the sidewalk she had short shorts on white early 30's thin small titties which I like bullring nose piercing pale skin in my books a 8/10 which is damn good for a SW got a pretty good BBBJCIM with lick clean only negotiated. 20 but I couldn't help myself I added a. 10 for the lick clean didn't miss a stop service. Tip of the hat to all you locals for the I info sharing is caring.

Ausse Salt
06-13-19, 17:20
We surely aim to please, Bill. We all happen to friendly fellows around here. Glad to hear-of mates having good fortunes when hobbying about. Wondering me-self IF the island area has been yielding any new talent. Maybe someone knows?

# Salty.

06-15-19, 22:06
Aw www.....how do I miss these?!

Thanks to my fellow enthusiasts for the wheeling info I pass through a couple times a year but never tried wheeling I used to strictly use Morgantown but struck out there so I dropped in to wheeling and used the info got about 1 min from the 7-11 downtown and seen a SW strutting on the sidewalk she had short shorts on white early 30's thin small titties which I like bullring nose piercing pale skin in my books a 8/10 which is damn good for a SW got a pretty good BBBJCIM with lick clean only negotiated. 20 but I couldn't help myself I added a. 10 for the lick clean didn't miss a stop service. Tip of the hat to all you locals for the I info sharing is caring.

Ausse Salt
06-22-19, 02:32
Mostly hit or miss. You can never tell. Ya just got to try, try again. Evenings are the better option.

# Salty.

08-07-19, 21:26
Stopped wheeling for a quick cruise I breezed through the previous posts and only seemed to pinpoint the Seven Eleven I thought I'd explore a bit more and just wanted to report what I found. Down a couple blocks from the seven Eleven is a.

Little riverside park it was around 7 pm immediately as I turned in I see a girl walking way over at the other side has a tank top on and carrying a big gulp I usually always look for the big gulp as most carry one to drink on hot days walking the stroll so anyways I get halfway to her and she's walking to a guy that pulled over in front of me he waves her in and away they went so I turn around In that little parking lot and see another girl with bleach blonde hair and shorts with a basketball Jersey on she waved at me and looked young and cute but I noticed when she was walking a guy was walking away from her at the same time looked like a manager situation and that's always a no go for me so I passed went back up to seven Eleven seen a older 38 40 ish dirty blonde picked her up got a BBBJCIM for. 20 she had some decent tits on her. Seem to have luck in your city with minimal LEO watching unlike my city you can't circle the block more than twice without picking up a LEO tail. Just thought I'd share my findings. Be careful on the hunt.

09-13-19, 02:49
I'm beginning to love Wheeling got in around midnight as soon as I hit the one way off the offramp downtown I spotted a hot one looked like she was just wearing a tshirt dress shoulder length strawberry blonde looked mid twenties from across the way at a red light good lord your red lights Downtown take forever to change another lucky bastard swoops in and grabs her so I drive along and circle the river area it looked like a festival just happened and they were packed up second pass on the one way seen 2 definite SW one with curly hair thicker with a tank top and Jean's the other short black hair very thick but I still wouldve walking together both made eye contact and one pointed to herself then pointed to the other as if asking which one just at that time old uncle LEO comes creeping around the corner so I act like I'm looking for street signs and pull away I circle once again they're still there but the same creepy uncle is also parked there so I shoot up by the seven Eleven see a thicker blonde looks hot from where I'm at but wouldn't you know another creepy uncle pulls up in a suv so I try to wait him out and he keep circling so as soon as he hits the past the corner I grab her and head towards the opposite block on route to the hospital so busy getting out of the hot zone didn't really check her out up close definitely hotter from across the street but I say she's a 5/10 would've been a 7/10 if not from all the meth pick marks and scratches but for. 20 damage BBBJCIM I'm not picky she actually said you want to fck or head I didn't have a rubber so I didn't want to roll the dice on food house I'm usually a gambling man but those Marks told me the house would win. As soon as we exited the hospital we pass another on duty uncle I said holy hell is it always this bad she said its been hot with uncle for the last couple weeks so lucky me I made it out alive on the way out saw yet another uncle harassing a younger girl in short shorts had his lights lit up next to her Be careful boys.

09-18-19, 02:57
Stopped in again on my usual route was running behind so not a lot of time I did see about 3 out I think anyways grabbed the first one that walked over when I waved only seen a couple uncle LEO's out her name was Michelle street girl got a good BBBJCIM did dt pretty good had decent tits got her number seniors pm if interested.

09-27-19, 04:47
Clear some space up I PM'd you.

01-08-20, 00:49
Anyone have any recommended routes? I am pretty picky and like (legal) younger. I have been seeing a couple girls from Skip but I like variety LOL Feel free to DM me.

Member #6356
02-20-20, 13:15
Anyone have any recommended routes? I am pretty picky and like (legal) younger. I have been seeing a couple girls from Skip but I like variety LOL Feel free to DM me.Also curious.


Ausse Salt
02-26-20, 20:11
Also curious.

TIA.Okay, let me attempt to help the new joeys aroung here. In me-own days 'round Wheeling, most of the action was to be found around the 7-11 convient store on Market street. Some good Pubs are on the block near there, and lovvys should be plying their trade on the roadways there. If ya don't make a specticle of yerself while driving about the scene and mind your ways, you might just have some success.


02-27-20, 10:06
Okay, let me attempt to help the new joeys aroung here. In me-own days 'round Wheeling, most of the action was to be found around the 7-11 convient store on Market street. Some good Pubs are on the block near there, and lovvys should be plying their trade on the roadways there. If ya don't make a specticle of yerself while driving about the scene and mind your ways, you might just have some success.

Salty.Yeah, I have seen what's available near there and it all looks. Scary.

Member #6356
02-28-20, 08:50
Yeah, I have seen what's available near there and it all looks. Scary.And seems very active civilian wise for a casual scoop. Looks like the waterfront by the arena is also an option but haven't seen it myself. And the zombies on STG are a no go. Bring this area back to life!

Thank you for the info Aussie Dundee!

Ausse Salt
03-02-20, 19:29
And seems very active civilian wise for a casual scoop. Looks like the waterfront by the arena is also an option but haven't seen it myself. And the zombies on STG are a no go. Bring this area back to life!

Thank you for the info Aussie Dundee!You fellows will just need to be careful there, Kev. When "Me Club" and the other stripper Pub was open, there were a good number o' lovvys out there surely plying their trade on the roadway past the hockey arena. Sometimes there were more options then a take-away shoppe! But townspeople complain and the police are forced to clean up the area. Try parking by the 7-11 and walking about the area there a bit. Grab a beer in one of the Pubs and see what's around. If you're driving, don't drive around the same block on the stroll five times in a row. Or you'll look suspicious. Take a break, grab a beer or head-over the casino for a bit, and then come back later for a go.

# Salty.

06-29-21, 14:33
Met a girl calling herself Shay over by the 7-11 the other day. Blonde haired and. Not a bad looking butt. After a bit of convo she made her sales pitch. I declined since it was God awful hot outside at the time and didn't think messing around in car would be enjoyable for either of us at the time but did take her umber as a courtesy for maybe a future hookup.

Anyone know anything about her?

05-05-24, 10:07
At the Casino. If i was looking for something quick. Where should I cruse?

09-10-24, 18:53
Visiting 17-19, just wondering where I should try to cruise?