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 Posts: 2971
 Originally Posted by Mosess
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One additional thing I want to point out is your tone of voice and overall demeanor play a big role. The more relaxed you seem, like you've haven't or aren't planning on doing anything illegal the better the interaction goes. I've gotten out of potential DUIs like this (when I was younger I don't drink much anymore) and other times getting pulled over with strippers or hoes in my car. Of course the other party complicates things but just tell them to relax and shut the fuck up especially if they are higher risk.
Good post. Tyreek Hill could've taken that same advice!.
Senior Member
 Posts: 121
 Originally Posted by Mosess
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Genesis and the last photo look pretty good. What are the odds on this quality in the streets?
The girls you're referring to in that photo is Kate. She's definitely been on my radar for a while now. She's a redhead and I'm a huge sucker for a redhead. Unfortunately she doesn't do dates and is always hanging around the same two guys, one of which is in that photo. One day I was able to talk to hear when I caught her shopping at Five Below alone. I approached her to ask her name and if she be willing to do a date for 80. She smiled and said sorry but I don't do dates. From my experience a reaction like that didn't completely shut the door on a future opportunity, it just means I have to have patience and keep trying. I've been in this situation before and trust me, patience will pay off.
Senior Member
 Posts: 1558
 Originally Posted by ViperCum
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I don't normally do the SW circuit, but I usually do it once or twice a year. Like others have said all the action is now moved to Island street. Man, driving down that street is a bit hairy. So many drugged out hoes and goons. Some of them won't move. I worry if I laid into the horn, they would throw something at my car. It really is like a scene out of the Walking Dead. After driving around for 2 hours, I was about to give up heading home. Found a WSW Tammy on Magazine St. Took her to a spot and gave me an incredible BBBJ with spit for 30. She was nice but very ragged with minor demons. All in all look wise a 3 with service an 8.
I still can't over how other street scenes in other cities compare to here. None of them look like they have any demons and wear hooker wear and bikini's. Some are dimes.
Aurora Ave (Seattle) - Hoes hanging out at strip malls. Cops don't seem to care!
Figueroa Street (Los Angeles).
If I lived there, I'd be broke. .
Senior Member
 Posts: 121
Boston SW girls
 Originally Posted by ViperCum
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I don't normally do the SW circuit, but I usually do it once or twice a year. Like others have said all the action is now moved to Island street. Man, driving down that street is a bit hairy. So many drugged out hoes and goons. Some of them won't move. I worry if I laid into the horn, they would throw something at my car. It really is like a scene out of the Walking Dead. After driving around for 2 hours, I was about to give up heading home. Found a WSW Tammy on Magazine St. Took her to a spot and gave me an incredible BBBJ with spit for 30. She was nice but very ragged with minor demons. All in all look wise a 3 with service an 8.
I still can't over how other street scenes in other cities compare to here. None of them look like they have any demons and wear hooker wear and bikini's. Some are dimes.
The thing you guys need to know about the SWers in Seattle and LA, or any city with attractive girls, is that most of the time the sex isn't good. The more attractive they are the bigger their head is. By that I mean, they're usually bossy, aggressive, have all these rules that you can't do this or that, and will most certainly just lay there like a dead fish. Of course not all of them are like that, but most of them are. Me, I look for the submission high type. Why, because those type are more relaxed and less serious. And because they're that way, they're going to be more into the date and will often cum. For me it's more about the overall pleasure rather than looks. If it was all about looks I would do the escort online thing, or go to a strip club and pay for extra service. But I rather pay a whole lot less for a whole lot more in return. Also, Boston does have a lot of attractive girls. I've posted about few of them. Here's to name a few, Khalia (who I posted about on 06-30-24*13:32), Roxy (who I posted about on 06-08-24*18:13), Alisa (who I posted about on 06-28-24*06:0), Heather (who I posted about on 05-23-24*13:34), and Chucky, who I haven't posted about yet. Chucky, is the best looking female out there right now in my opinion. She's 21 with an amazing body and huge sex drive. Another girl who I haven't yet posted about is Danielle. She's all that attractive in the face, but the body and sex is so good. That ***** squirted all over my dick. And then of course there's Heather. Which for most girls, the longer they get to know you the better the dates will be. For example, I've been doing dates with Heather for so long that she's now comfortable enough around me that she actually gets into the dates. The other day we did a date, and I felt her squirting as she was cumming. After I busted my nut in her I started to climb off when all of a sudden she pulled me back inside her with her legs as if to allow my seed to go deeper inside her womb. So again, the longer you build the relationship, the better the sex / date will be.
Regular Member
 Posts: 63
 Originally Posted by HoHunter328
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Some more day time recon. Anyone know the blonde in black (I thought she was Lacey from Norwood at first), or the girl with red shorts, or the girl with the bikini top? I've never seen any of them out at night when I'm actually hunting.
Stay safe, and happy hunting.
Genesis and the last photo look pretty good. What are the odds on this quality in the streets?
Regular Member
 Posts: 63
Great post
 Originally Posted by SWAuditor
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I was out last night and was able to get with Ashley and Abby. Both were good dates and enjoyed BBFSWCIP. I gave 40 to Ashley and 30 to Abby. Prior to picking up Abby I kept having the issue of one particular cop following me. He followed me on and off for about two hours before finally illegally pulling me over. Here's how the story went and here's what you too can do to walk away freely without the po po doing nothing to you. So when I start my search for some action in the NMS area I start off by cruising Allerton and make my way towards the plaza. While driving up and down the streets of Allerton I came across a cop protrolling the area. And of course since at the time I was the only car on that street he starts following me. Tip number one, if a cop starts following you immediately slow down and drive slow. They like to follow you until you mess up and do something wrong like not use a turn signal or something so that they can legally pull you over. So if a cop starts following you make sure you slow down and drive yourself to an open business and follow all traffic laws to a T. When the cop started following me I pulled into the McDonald's parking lot and acted like I was getting something to eat from the drive through. This joker waited across the street at the gas station waiting for me. Once I was on the other side of the building and he couldn't see me anymore he left. After he left I resumed my search and went back to Allerton. And of course the same jerk off cop was there. We pass each other going opposite direction but when he recognized me he made a quick you-turn to follow me again. He followed for about a minute but when he realized I was headed to a open business parking lot he flashed the light at me to pull over. Tip number two, when he approached my vehicle I already had my phone in hand recording and made sure he saw I was recording. I spoke to the guy and said, "good evening buddy what can I do for you. " He says, "are you okay man, I keep seeing you driving up and down the streets, is everything okay?" Rather than argue I simply say, "what's the reason for the stop, have I committed a traffic violation?" He says, "no, I just want to make sure you're okay. " Then I tell him, "that I don't answer any questions and if I haven't committed a crime or traffic violation this is an illegal stop. " Then he says, "no I was just checking to see if you're okay. " I told him again that I don't answer any questions and if I haven't committed a crime I'm going to go about my business. He walked away and I drove off. However the cop no longer follows me because for one of he continued it would be harassment on his part. I curse for another 15 minutes before running into Abby who I took to my spot and pounded my frustration out on that pussy before busting a huge load in her. She was high so she came a lot while I was pounding that pussy away. So the moral of the story is, if a cop follows you go to an OPEN business and park. And if they pull you over, DON'T answer any questions and only give up your I'd if you've committed a crime.
Older post, but since things get buried I wanted to bump since these are good tips. Especially slowing down. The minute they start following you, you're driving like a grandma who obeys every rule of the road. Speed limit, full stop at a stop sign, always using your signals.
One additional thing I want to point out is your tone of voice and overall demeanor play a big role. The more relaxed you seem, like you've haven't or aren't planning on doing anything illegal the better the interaction goes. I've gotten out of potential DUIs like this (when I was younger I don't drink much anymore) and other times getting pulled over with strippers or hoes in my car. Of course the other party complicates things but just tell them to relax and shut the fuck up especially if they are higher risk.
Senior Member
 Posts: 83
 Originally Posted by ViperCum
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I don't normally do the SW circuit, but I usually do it once or twice a year. Like others have said all the action is now moved to Island street. Man, driving down that street is a bit hairy. So many drugged out hoes and goons. Some of them won't move. I worry if I laid into the horn, they would throw something at my car. It really is like a scene out of the Walking Dead. After driving around for 2 hours, I was about to give up heading home. Found a WSW Tammy on Magazine St. Took her to a spot and gave me an incredible BBBJ with spit for 30. She was nice but very ragged with minor demons. All in all look wise a 3 with service an 8.
I still can't over how other street scenes in other cities compare to here. None of them look like they have any demons and wear hooker wear and bikini's. Some are dimes.
Aurora Ave (Seattle) - Hoes hanging out at strip malls. Cops don't seem to care!
Figueroa Street (Los Angeles).
Tje Broads will never be that good around here. They never were! I would settle for one that at least had a shower in the last 24 hrs!! WTF!!
I picked up Heather the other morning, the younger one skinny with the long dirty blonde hair. It's always hit or miss with her performance but the last couple time I picked her up, she just smelled!! She took her pants off the other morning and WOW!! That was the end of that date for me!!
Does anyone know if Springfield has any decent girls out there?? I may take a trip to Seattle one day.
Happy hunting guys, not much warm weather left.
Regular Member
 Posts: 63
Great reports but.
I commend all you guys posting about the SW scene on all these boards, but seriously I wouldn't be able to get it up for most of these broads except a few.
Is there anywhere in the New England area that has SW walkers of the caliber of Seattle or LA? You've all seen the videos and if you haven't just look them up on YouTube.
Some of those girls are so attractive they'd be the best looking SW or even stripper in all the clubs around here.
Or is this area just shit for that type of talent?
Senior Member
 Posts: 211
NMS - Tammy
I don't normally do the SW circuit, but I usually do it once or twice a year. Like others have said all the action is now moved to Island street. Man, driving down that street is a bit hairy. So many drugged out hoes and goons. Some of them won't move. I worry if I laid into the horn, they would throw something at my car. It really is like a scene out of the Walking Dead. After driving around for 2 hours, I was about to give up heading home. Found a WSW Tammy on Magazine St. Took her to a spot and gave me an incredible BBBJ with spit for 30. She was nice but very ragged with minor demons. All in all look wise a 3 with service an 8.
I still can't over how other street scenes in other cities compare to here. None of them look like they have any demons and wear hooker wear and bikini's. Some are dimes.
Aurora Ave (Seattle) - Hoes hanging out at strip malls. Cops don't seem to care!
Figueroa Street (Los Angeles).
Senior Member
 Posts: 267
 Originally Posted by Kinfolk
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Early morning work assignment had me in the area today. The bridge appears to be rehabilitated and open. I saw a WSW, blonde, jean skirt near the Speedway. Lost her on Dot Ave heading towards the bridge when I realized it was opened to traffic again. Maybe with the SW route now back open more SW will be back out. Nothing else notable out. Goons on mopeds darting in through traffic, on / off sidewalks. Someone's going to smash into one of those goons sooner than later.
Be safe out there.
Some of my best pickups or finding women down on their luck who could be "had" has happened on Dot Ave. So hopefully some talent migrates back that way. Last pickup I had by the bridge I think was Paige awhile back.
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 Posts: 2971
 Originally Posted by Kinfolk
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I don't get out much anymore because all I ever see in / at NMS for girls is homelessness, cracked out / junkies standing and bent over motionless. In my opinion the "game" has lost some of its lustre.
Be safe out there.
I just don't have the patience like I used to. I would be out 4-5 hours just to find a decent SW, ANYWHERE in this city. Those days are long long gone. Drugs & women with severe emotional / mental health are all that's out there.
A long overdue trip to SE Asia is in the works!
Senior Member
 Posts: 196
 Originally Posted by MassiveSquirt
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Hopefully it picks up on Dot by the bridge. The girls were always a little cleaner up there compared to NMS. Also LEO is everywhere now making it really difficult for the girls to make money. I think it will push the better of the girls left to the bridge to make money.
I'm sure a lot of you guys already knew this and I was stating the obvious. I don't get out much anymore because all I ever see in / at NMS for girls is homelessness, cracked out / junkies standing and bent over motionless. In my opinion the "game" has lost some of its lustre.
Be safe out there.
Senior Member
 Posts: 83
 Originally Posted by Kinfolk
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Early morning work assignment had me in the area today. The bridge appears to be rehabilitated and open. I saw a WSW, blonde, jean skirt near the Speedway. Lost her on Dot Ave heading towards the bridge when I realized it was opened to traffic again. Maybe with the SW route now back open more SW will be back out. Nothing else notable out. Goons on mopeds darting in through traffic, on / off sidewalks. Someone's going to smash into one of those goons sooner than later.
Be safe out there.
Hopefully it picks up on Dot by the bridge. The girls were always a little cleaner up there compared to NMS. Also LEO is everywhere now making it really difficult for the girls to make money. I think it will push the better of the girls left to the bridge to make money.
Senior Member
 Posts: 196
Dot ave / bridge
Early morning work assignment had me in the area today. The bridge appears to be rehabilitated and open. I saw a WSW, blonde, jean skirt near the Speedway. Lost her on Dot Ave heading towards the bridge when I realized it was opened to traffic again. Maybe with the SW route now back open more SW will be back out. Nothing else notable out. Goons on mopeds darting in through traffic, on / off sidewalks. Someone's going to smash into one of those goons sooner than later.
Be safe out there.
Senior Member
 Posts: 107
 Originally Posted by Mattis1775
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I wouldn't be surprised if the place is going through renovations as opposed to closing.
(McDonalds, Mass / Cass) The City has a deep slush fund to pay for grants and financing for businesses to renovate in shhitty areas, so it would be no surprise if Boston is paying for a big renovation, just to keep McDonalds from abandoning the site. It's a good location for a fully automated facility. No employees. As long as the shelter is across the street, it's a tough neighborhood to lure in new retail businesses.
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